BACK IN A FERRARI F-40 AFTER 16 YEARS! || Manny Khoshbin

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hi guys welcome back to my channel today we're gonna do something different we're gonna go to marconi museum meet mr marconi and he's gonna show us a special car and i think i'm gonna take the bugatti chiron over there i don't think he's seen a bugatti quite like this let's get the show on the road they're probably the least expensive booty holder whatever you call it their manual batteries not included all right let's go wow that's loud [Music] so do you know much about mr marconi no i've never met him but i know he has a amazing car collection and he does a lot of uh charity events for non-profit so he does a lot of good and we've actually been to his place once what do we think over there four gt was it no it wasn't q1 the p1 yeah now this car is not wrapped so we're not gonna go crazy and we gotta warm up those tires literally this car is a private jet on wheels the power never stops just keeps going and going and puts you in the backseat oh what a feeling are you kidding me oh my god well this is one car nobody can f with you you know like and you don't have to worry about pushing it i kind of want to see this versus the tesla cloud oh yeah oh you know what's going to happen 0360. yeah but then after that oh after that this car is going to eat it for lunch and dinner and supper and do a 45-day diet afterwards [Music] oh man all right i heard you guys have some beautiful rides inside yeah well the other day i came here was busy so i wasn't paying attention to the detail wow look at this line of red ferraris f40 say no more man well i used to have one 2005 and i have a i had a messed up with the car or mess up with the car and put it in two pieces but i do want to get back another f40 didn't you try to buy it again and you really yeah and i tried to buy it again and it was my old rec car the guy says oh the previous owner just had a small little mess hub the rear axle was bent i'm like what i checked the van number is my old car wow yeah he right away hung up on me took the lift thing down but i still you know should have bought another one back then because now you got to pay a million and a half more you know but it was 16 years ago hello there how you doing good man good good thanks for having us over you're welcome wow i've never seen this many red ferraris actually one time i've seen that my buddy david lee uh david david david has quite a few red cards yeah about it but you do all kinds of amazing stuff with this place at charity events right boxing i've been invited a couple of times but i never made it it's not what it is it's what it does yeah what we did is decided to make the cars work for us we always worked for the cars yeah and you know how that goes oh yeah and you've figured out a master way to um to get the cars to work for you we do the same thing only through charity events so we do is we generate money for for different charities around orange county yeah um you know we walk in a very wealthy environment here and you don't realize that right under your feet is some serious problems and that's what we do is try to help solve those problems that's awesome my hat's off to you yeah so it works i gotta figure that angle with my car so the thing is about this it is not all carbon it's got aluminum base frame that they've carbon wrap now that one is 100 carbon with zero dampening between the motor and transmission it's all integral was that one like you do in a formula one car anything else becomes a stress member the problem the problem with that is the whole thing rattles it's just it rattles like a um like an f1 car everything is rigid mounted yeah so it's not this is a little more subtle as far as its vibration characteristics coming back from the motor that thing you bracket and it just it you know like the formulaics and the f1 cars and stuff that i've driven um you rev it up and it makes you cough because of vibration high frequency vibrates your lungs and makes you cough coming through the car it's so radical and that's that's approaching that when you sit in it's just a totally different animal let me uh pull it forward and i'll get the top shot back i'm not touching it i know okay it's a car you drive it you know i'm as old as i am i drive the crap out of them and and have fun and you know my kids can rebuild it better than i ever could okay man ain't gonna need your hand you hold it up right now i realized it was that heavy yeah i got it and they wanted to make it light oh my god you want to trust this little thing here yeah i just we just bridge this up it snapped right here so we bridged it up welded it and created it again yeah it's pretty it's straight up and down but um the twin turbo and like i said 25 to 3 000 it starts to come on yep that's what happened you know it goes zero to hero and a heartbeat um there's three things you need to do which you learned um number one warm up the car just warm up the car um that way it shifts otherwise first and second gear are virtually non-existent you have to you have to skip a gear from first to third yeah um once it gets warmed up it's fine and it lubricates itself the second thing you've got to work on is the brakes you know until they're four five to six hundred degrees they don't work yeah so you got you don't drag them you just you know make sure you get a little aggressive when the first couple of stops with them don't get stupid and um when the turbos come on you have to be holding straight yeah be prepared well even straight the problem is even straight um straight turns crooked reel for real fast when i like i i like to always talk about you know racing for almost 50 years you get all these kids out there with the mustangs and in the bugatti lamborghinis and the gtrs and all the and they go oh well let's push push this button off and without computers these kids don't realize they can't drive oh yeah they end up in the corner real quick my saying is you know what separates men and boys turn one so turn one you figure out where men and boys are because you know you it it you can get into a heap of with this car in a hurry it is a race car and don't let anybody tell you different um you got to make sure you got tire temperature on this thing and because when it does come on it comes on hard and fast every car that you drive in a race car it speaks a language it talks to you and whether it's spanish whether it's italian whatever it is it speaks to you and you have its own dna it has its own dna and it talks to you in a language that you have to interpret you have to listen to what it says it will talk to you and every everything it says you got to interpret how it reacts i wouldn't say that you wear a couple guys though you're probably stronger than i am because i'm just i'm just flat out and impressed my mother this has two gas tanks i don't know yes one split system it runs off both sides they're frost fill but they don't cross fill as fast as you feel so what happens is you got a slow fill put on slow fills so they go both go up because if you if you you know hyperspace it can go hall ass with it it won't cross fill and you'll come out with three quarters of the tank [Music] he's running low on fuel he pulled a manny on you guys you need one of these yeah this car is timeless just looking at it from exterior it's definitely an unique car yeah you know it's it's like i said it's all race car it is just it is what it is and like you were mentioning this is the last car that enzo had his hands in oh yeah and then after that after that it was just it went a different direction you got your lift up yeah it's it's up and down and you know it it settles itself out after it goes out sells itself out it's been 16 years since i've been in an f-40 it will as soon as it gets a little little speed in it it'll level itself out and stop being stupid yeah now it's warmed up yeah at least me at home temperature the gear oil is real sensitive in these cars it costs 2500 bucks for the oil to do the transmission of the motor on this side oh wow that ferrari oil it's just it's crazy how far it's gone you know there are 16 drain plugs on a bay run or everybody 16 drain plugs and it takes them uh three or four full days for a mechanic and the cost of material is only like 1200 bucks the rest is all labor wow yep i remember yeah so this was one of the early cars that broke 200 miles an hour right 1986. well actually the um the 550 barronella would go 1998 miles an hour yeah it was effectively a four-seater wow and that lamborghini a spotter that we have in there was the first 200 mile an hour four seater no no no that's pretty amazing yeah it's still a little clunky yeah as you as you remember yeah and bad acid flashbacks are coming back from your car oh my god i was just shocked the brakes were engraving it's like an old lady [Music] state of driving your ass back in the seat yeah oh god he's an amazing car and i haven't i haven't been in the one like yours but you know the uh gen ones yeah are that way they're just you know they just pull pull pull and pull no it's never ending power this is so cool yeah it's old school yeah obviously nobody uses the air kind of shooting no so you put this on trickle charger i didn't see any tricklers wow brakes are starting to warm up a bit oh man i feel i'm gonna go a card on a steroids that's uh that's a good description dude so you can feel the rear cover now watch put it in third knife takes up that torque you can fill them first here toward the rear loops and yours are not warmed up but they're a little warm so and then so you know he's just dropping a gear you're always dropping a gear you know or bringing up a gear higher than you think you should be at that's a great one yeah it's good to spend a little time with you likewise i'll have you drive the f40 we'll go to lunch i'd love to yeah i'd love to that would be i love it i haven't driven in that that's a unique ford yeah everybody says it's incredible go grab some lunch i'd love to walk the new place and see what you got where your ideas are sure oh my god ride oh my god man that was priceless thank you we got some engine temperatures [Applause] [Music] but they got to be right around before four at 600 degrees yeah before they start working oh my god i got my blood pumping yeah it's a lot of fun and we'll just what we'll do is we'll just park it here and put it away a little bit you know if you don't put them on your tenders well that's the marconi it was quite a treat at the beginning of the long-lasting relationship you want you want to fire it up sure what was he saying he did to this one it's a straight pipe wow this thing imagine 12 cylinders a straight pipe how'd that feel did it take you back to your first you got to watch the gopros okay i'm telling you there's a different feeling you get on this one one of uncertainty because i guess you know my past you know with this one but more than anything is just so soft so solid and you know that car is the boss not you in this case he's a bustle he's a driver did this really uh give you like like throw you back to like when you're first starting out with everything when you're going to america oh yeah this is like going down the memory lane that's why i think i'm gonna add one to my college sounds like a speedboat wow what a difference but it's a little it's a little crackly and they they just start when they're cold obviously it's not yeah it doesn't have the same systems like the new stuff that's having it yeah but man what a treat thank you for watching mr marconi please that's that's my dad yeah just call me john john i'll i'll head you up we'll do lunch and you'll drive the f40 to lunch and i'll show you the new building we're going oh my god i got some flashbacks for you guys that f40 took me back to memory lane and it was such an amazing experience mr marconi is an expert obviously a professional race car driver but i'm gonna have to take him up on that offer take me to the track and teach me what the cars can do all right well with that that will do it for today make sure you subscribe like the video be safe be real see you guys next week so i sold this for 40.7 million uh two years ago so i made about close to 12 million dollars residential investors work longer hours for lower returns compared to commercial real estate investors contrarian academy helps residential investors successfully acquire their first commercial property in six months or less so there's a lot of pockets of opportunity where you can take great real estate that's located in great location and repurpose it [Music] [Applause] while one state for example houston that's heavily invested in oil and gas industry is experiencing a recession you may have another estate like california experiencing the economic boom you don't really have to wait for a global economic recession to jump out and invest your money and buy real estate [Music] apply now by clicking the link 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Channel: Manny Khoshbin
Views: 514,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Manny Khosbin, Manny Khoshbin Car Collection, Manny Khoshbin Garage, Manny Khoshbin Youtube, Manny Khoshbin All Cars, Manny Khoshbin cars, Manny Khoshbin Collection, Manny Khoshbin full car collection, Manny Khoshbin new car, Ferrari F-40, F40, Manny Khoshbin Ferrari, Ferrari F40, Ferrari F40 Sound, Ferrari F40 Driving, BACK IN A FERRARI F-40 AFTER 16 YEARS!
Id: SWPaOUAbzxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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