Taking my Mansory Bugatti to LA's Biggest Car Show!

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hey guys so today's the lucky day I'm gonna bring the buck to sunset GT and I'm looking forward to see many of you over there but wait since we're gonna drive long ways over there I'm gonna kill a lot of bugs and you know this is known as the biggest bug killer so I gotta be my bug cleaner yeah so this car doesn't come with much trunk of space as you can see you can barely put your buck cleaner in there and I'm gonna just lit right over here actually you know what nice and easy all right we're ready to go here we go don't mind these uh warning lights engine light airbag and because I have a flat tire but it's a Bugatti what can you say dude sensors always going off so I hear there's a lot of exciting bloggers there because of being it's a same week as Monterey car show I hear supercar blondies there this rap man me and so I'm excited to see all you guys and my first time going to sunset GT happens to be on the date that it's supposed to be a big one good morning oh boy I run out of gas as you guys know all my cars have low gas and I don't know why but I don't drive often so I'm like let me go put gas because the opposite direction so I don't be late for the sunset GT and what do you know I run out of gas two blocks away from gas station but all good triple-a showed that with some 87 octane which explains why my engine light is on this thing takes 100 octane plus so I blend it with 101 octane hoping is going to get cleared up but no luck so far that's why we need to push it a little bit and see if it works still on what do you think weather 720's and I've driven at once is pretty darn fast is almost as fast as my p1 the best car for the money I have another dilemma with this car the tires and wheels were put on in 2011 when the men's three package have been I have been trying to replace tires but Boogedy won't touch them because it's not their wheels so these are eight year old tires and sooner or later something's got to give I gotta find somebody to replace them for me if you know anyone sent me a comment down below so this course nuts I'll just push my toe on there on the gas pedal and this thing just goes to 110 hundred ten kilometer guys hundred ten kilometer I don't speak we just exit that sunset we're almost there super excited to see you guys but what a bumpy road of great nights one day boy it's gonna be a long drive hey we gotta trade away let's go all right now it's fine so love you ask why don't you have a Lamborghini or a Ferrari a penny I don't know Lamborghinis there is too many of them out there I like more rare exotics and Ferrari same and then if you want the ultra models you know ultra rare models you got to basically you know sell everything you got and buy 24 hours for them to give you one ultra rare so I don't know I'm I'm not a big fan of sucking up to a brand for many many many years to get one rare car we're almost there I'm so excited I can already see a thousand people lined up with their iPhones up this is gonna be fun how are you good all the way around all right here we go guys the show is about to begin [Music] pretty noisy hey don't bite Robert grunts oh okay yeah run the show awesome so I appreciate you coming Oh anytime phenomenal we're gonna go upstairs to a VIP balcony have some coffee breakfast watch some cars from up there hello Oh what's your name homie nice meeting you I'll see you out there huh yeah all right we got the VIP seat in the balcony baby it's amazing I mean look at that view this is the best seat in the house every time I see an f40 I'm gonna tell my son I'm gonna get one oh you know I used to I won back in 2005 and I still miss that car the last raw Ferrari that Enzo Ferrari made before he passed away Coffee croissants amazing and now this go look at some beauties I feel like I'm right like to get on stage are you doing where you guys prom it's paining me Nico okay very cool you guys wanna take a picture yes so many helps inspire me new 2000 miles away I drove through from Ohio to LA to move here for a sales career and eventually invest in real estate like this guy man he's the man that's awesome to hear man that made my day no thank you keep up the grind yeah of course [Music] look at the crowd bowling Shmi Alan sweat this much hunts my early days at gym good and that was 20 years ago whoa let's see what's going on here Mike how much yeah how are you good see you he's the guy that buy my Phoenix [Music] how are you I love the Huayra roadster there were rear lights look like beautiful ladies eyes very nice he flew from San Francisco to meet me today and he's one of my many cautious millionaire Mentors nice meeting you what's up buddy and it sounds hires nah I need some tires we got a pretty big just really cool of you to share them with people thank you well that's what they're for you know they're like inspiration and motivation for people you know that's why I share them you know and of course it's fun to drive from OC to LA but this is an incredible turnout I mean yeah always the week before car week is like a four-week but as everybody's in town right go up north right yeah yeah you hit it up I'm gonna fly just pour the coil on Friday this is crazy all right hope you guys all enjoy their show after 40 thousand pictures I'm ready to go back I saw like five pounds so theater wow this is nuts yeah it's too hard I try to take care all right yeah Danny thanks so much for coming thank you thank you alright take care bye take care bye great success these guys love all right take care guys it was a great day bye all right [Music] ah it's hectic oh this is crazy oh my god Wow back to reality the person's a GT what you think amazing I haven't seen this many people in such a small spot I mean it's not sort of small but you know what I mean it was great meeting a lot of my friends and didn't get to see some of my other friends it was two crazy fans taking pictures but that's why I came out for to meet you guys so it was a pleasure meeting you all oh my god what a day a lot of driving and met a lot of fans and I saw some beautiful cars not to mention but I am ready to go home and jump in my pool it was so hot today it was so nice to meet so many of you and I'm hoping that I'll do this more often it's monterrey Carvey so i'll see you guys at the quail like and subscribe to my channel comment below tell me what you want to see next and god bless you all see you in the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Manny Khoshbin
Views: 5,169,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Manny Khoshbin, Hypercar, Business, Success, Investing, Real Estate, Investor, Millionaire, Wealthy, Car Collector, Orange County, Lifestyle, Vlog, Irvine, California, P1, Buggati, Sunset GT, Car Show, LA
Id: My-vQrdvACA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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