INSIDE The Accommodation Of The BIGGEST Maersk SHIP

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massive structure the accommodation huge aren't we going to cover all the decks inside [Music] [Music] you [Music] why you keep [Music] what's up guys welcome back to another day at sea and in today's video a highly requested video i'm going to give you a full tour of the accommodation of the ship the entertainment system we have the playstation the gym the table tennis things everything so stay tuned and first let's give you overall picture of where exactly is the accommodation right now i'm in the forward station of the ship also the area where we conduct the mooring operations so first let's go to the passageway [Music] implementation of the ship is 180 125 meters from the forward and it's situated right over here and the engine room is in the aft for the 100 and something meters and i have already given you a full tour of that so don't forget to check that video out but in this video we have to give the entertainment part of the ship so let's proceed to the inside of the accommodation [Music] okay one second let's go up first and show you how many uh stations how many decks are there so you have a better idea of what i will show you in the coming minutes so guys behind me you can see the massive structure the accommodation huge aren't you going to cover all the decks inside so you know what all is there inside this metal structure where we stay for five six months at a time [Music] so guys what i'll do is i'll start from the top and then make our way down and in between i'll let you know what all each deck has so uh the future seafarers know in general how's the layout of the accommodation this is the alpha deck the air deck but first we have to go to the edge deck where the elevator is already already there and then monkey island and then i start gradually wait for the left okay hotel deck let's go this is the general layout navigation deck h take f e d c b a upper deck but first we'll go to above this navigation deck which is the monkey island oh hello this is the monkey island of the ship from where most of my time lapses are made i'm i keep these gopros on these railings and then you get to see the beautiful time lapses on the monkey island the top most part of the ship we have the magnetic compass the radar scanners the antenna and the small helipad on which the pilots come on board like you must have seen in lehav etc so if you haven't checked the previous video don't forget to voice the entire life at sea series so you'll understand me better so guys once we are down for the monkey island we have the bridge over here from where most of our operations are conducted as a navigator are given the tour of it as well so don't forget to check that so guys this is the bridge of the ship as you can see this is where we do all our navigation operations from okay now we are out of the navigation deck now this is the hotel deck in here we have some electrical equipments as you see some servers ups inverters etc for backup in case there's a blackout of the ship so this is the source of power so this was the layout of edgetech i showed you electrical room battery room void space stairway you are here let's go down now [Music] so this is golf deck and this is a total void space white space means there is absolutely nothing here i'll give you an example g deck only my my extinguisher have a look here nothing [Music] oh totally dark guys i'm trying to find some light but i cannot find anything here but it is totally dark and just avoid i guess guys you must have got my point it's void space white means nothing oh this is the light oh no this is not the light well moving on from the gold deck let's go to the f deck where there is the captain and chief engineers cabin and also the pilot cabin here we have two cabins this is the captain's office and right now it is closed and the other side we have the chief engineer's office some conference room here where we have our meetings with the port officials when we are alongside and a few other things some ppa movements also in each important room we have this extension alarm panels and telephones so in case this emergency we can contact immediately so this is the ftec chief engineer office day room bedroom captains everything elevator conference room like i showed you and of course there's also one more cabin the pilot cabin so pilot cabin is required when suppose there's a long pilot is like in swiss canal of 8 to 10 hours so the pilot needs to rest so it's the same cabin as i have and yeah let's go to the eating where i stay yeah echo deck and we have [Music] one two three four five six seven eight nine nine compartments here oh wait a minute two more ten eleven so this is how it looks long way and i stay here currently here third officer and it might be a little dirty but yeah that's that's my cabin and rest of the cabins are the same the chief also stays there second mate stays here we have some cadets here and over there is all the engineers no both engineer [Music] third engineer and our best friend second engineer that's the day room second engineer i'll give you a full tour of it you also have cleaning gear rocker where we clean keep all the cleaning stuff and now let's proceed to the delta deck this was the e-deck let's go delta deck so delta deck is also same it is for all the ratings the crew of the ship the aps os y perfectors it's the same corridor [Music] same so i don't want to speak here because they are watch keepers they might be sleeping so you get the overall picture right and from d deck let's proceed now to see deck [Music] so this is the charlie deck and over here is the real real entertainment stuff guys gymnasium slob chest library cinema day room officer day room barbecue again everything going to be covered now so are you guys ready because i have a lot of things to cover let's start with the cinema room there is a cinema room on this ship which has got 3 6 9 12 15 18 19 seats and of course the seat for the captain a home theater system and a hard disk which is big one of course the projector and this is where we watch movies or safety videos etc beautiful place and it's actually like a theater guys total theater field you can see the screen is quite big projector is awesome and yeah uh yeah this is a this is this is the first time i have seen something like this on a ship of course the bishop is big so it has to have a cinema man okay moving on from the cinema room in front we have the cruise day room and the day room has a guitar chess and a v system uh it's a gaming console v and you can see it's uh quite big we can play poker over there on saturdays these guys do carry okay so if you open maybe you'll see some more stuff or that's the v some games this is the joystick controllers oh yeah this is the mic for the karaoke system i am very bad at singing so don't ever ask me to sing extremely bad i'm bad and yeah that table so nice and nice and cozy room i guess now comes the place which is close to the heart the place where there are books the library and let's switch it on and here we are but books as well as movies and you can see the number of books we have this is all english books [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] this is the place where you all were waiting for me to explore and here i am now i'll show you everything let's start with the ice creams they've got magnums so many of them and these magnums are not free you have to pay for it costs around one point for nine dollars or something around 200 rupees and many many chocolates guys maribor oreo [Music] bounty mars snickers then below we have some i don't know what this is like toffees and soap popcorn mouthwash creams nail cutter lighters floss dental floss shampoos raw deodorants forgot the name of this yeah toothpaste toothbrush so a mini fridge not a fridge a mini uh shop just like we had on emma mosque and if i want to buy it i just take this and keep it in my pocket but it's not so simple you have a log book here where you have to write what you take and you've got a price list and this is where your accounts are taken care of by the captain and at the end of the month you will have to pay for it from your salary for now i will keep it back because i am on a diet okay let's move out of these slumps before i take some chocolates i'm on a diet like i told you and on that note let's move on to the gym [Music] in this particular gym we have two treadmills one elliptical one cycle one rowing machine these things are standard on every ship then uh this is the advanced thing from mrms this is a cable uh pulley pulley and all of that i don't know the technical terms but uh i'm going to take the workout thing seriously i'm thinking when i'm go on land i start making fitness videos do let me know in the comment section what you think about that anyway so a barbell bench press one two this can be used as inclined bench press as well and of course dumbbells maximum is 20 kilos and on the plates also it is 20 kg is the maximum which is quite enough because on the ship it is the movement of the ship is always in motion moving so you don't want to lift very heavy and dislocate your shoulders also we have a big tv and a speaker so if you are interested in running to pass your time you can watch something and i've seen few people doing this and also we have a pull-up bar which is my favorite and if you want to do dips this is something which i like the most outside we have a swimming pool and i can use this for doing my parallel dips which is absolutely fantastic by the way while speaking have a look at this beautiful sunset and you can imagine a gym with a view like this it is supremely refreshing and yeah this is where we do our barbecue this is known as the barbecue area and we have some benches over here that's the barbecue equipment [Music] more or less and some ashtray because on this ship we are not allowed to smoke not even the ship every ship and musk are not allowed to smoke inside the accommodation so we have to come outside before we go further if you haven't subscribed to the channel till now do consider subscribing and watch the video till the end because there's a special surprise related something to sports and then we have the officer's day room so it's got a sensor light so automatically once you are in the lights switch on and once you go out they switch off here we have the playstation ps4 and recently we got i think two games which i showed you in one of the videos when we received it fifa 22 nba 2k 22 nba red dead redemption tekken fifa 19 battlefield fall out the 16 need for speed guys i was a gamer i used to play a lot of games so this is this is like fascinating stuff the child inside me comes out whenever i see this i think it must be the same case if you were a gamer or if you are a gamer and now let's proceed to the bravo deck so guys we are here bravo deck we have the galley here duty mess dining saloon pool tank that was outside dry provision vegetable bond etc so okay let's go inside i have already given you the galley tour so if you don't watch that video don't forget to watch that first we'll check out the duty mess in fact i've given you a tour of all of this but just for your reference this is the duty mess and this is the cake which i have finished a lot of it yeah i have to control myself guys this is one weakness i have anyway so that is the there and here we have the galley hey guys hello you guys are cooking here and uh cheap what we have for uh dinner today [Music] all right guys so inside we have i'll give you a quick turn again quickly so that you are on the same page as i am because i've given a detailed view of all of this anyway we received some new stores now you can see it's all stocked up this is our stock and yeah inside here we have our vegetables that's the vegetable room full of vegetables now when i made the video last time it was empty because we were again ending our voice this time it's also ending but uh we received in between and outside okay go outside we have our live boats hello norman hello all good oh good oh good and yes so on the bravo deck both sides we have our live boats just in case we have an emergency and uh i'll give you a tour of this inside soon in the video so let's go inside and i'll show you the alpha deck [Music] so guys this is alpha deck here we have hospital ships laundry fire control stages ship's office and this is a special room i'll show you changing locker etc so let's proceed this is the changing room for officers and this is for the crew and here we have the hospital but i'll give you a tour inside it once i make a dedicated video just in case what happens in an emergency of someone injuring themselves etc then we have our ship's laundry here so it's quite a good laundry system we have got two three washing machines one two three that is for civil clothes these two are for the boiler suits workloads and this is a dryer one is for off duty one is for working clothes and actually we don't need a dryer because we have a drying room here if we open it you can see the amount of boiler suits right now drying up so this is how we this is where we wash our clothes and this here is for the steward use only for washing the linen and drying them up so linen takes a lot of water at space so that is why dedicated for that and let's go out now from here [Music] then this is the fire locker [Music] here we have our fireman's outfit some spare extinguishers container firefighting equipments fix co2 smoke detectors etc and of course ebd and let me know in the comment section if you want a detailed tour of all the fire fighting appliances we have on board and moving on this is our ship's office so you must have seen me working here a lot this is the computers we use for monitoring the cargo not monitoring cargo but stability of the ship and uh seeing if all the cargo being loaded is in accordance with the plans and stability etcetera is happening here that's the chief house's computer and yeah here we have some more smoke cargo hold lights lighting other stuff so that's the general picture of the ship's office the conference room b you see sensor lighting this is what i was talking about guys the table tennis room we modified it because the conference room was up top as you saw in the captain's deck and here we just play our table tennis or rather called ping pong and i i think that this is very important to learn on the ship and the future seafarers learn this because things can get very competitive in this particular room okay guys this was the a deck so i also have to give you a tour of the upper deck the u deck it was a let's go down so this is the upper deck and here we have many things which i think i'll show you in the next coming video the entire tool of the vessel because otherwise it'll be a mix up anyway important thing is we take the engineer engine rooms passageway entrance now all right guys this is too hot better i go out and take some fresh air and then proceed to the stadium so we'll take that now i was telling you the accommodation is far behind and the engine room is somewhere there we are now inside the steering gear i was a pro basketball player during my academy time even the school times and this brings back all the good memories i had in school basketball courts oh guys so this was ah more or less whatever we have in the accommodation for entertainment for work for cooking etc so if in any case you like this video don't forget to give it a big thumbs up subscribe to channel share the video i'll see you back from another day at sea and if you haven't checked out the previous video i recommend you check it out because this series has been a really big blockbuster thank you all for your support
Channel: Karanvir Singh Nayyar
Views: 2,243,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Life at sea, Maersk ship, Accommodation of ship, Inside the ship, Accommodation ship tour, Accommodation ship, Merchant navy, Merchant navy ship accommodation, Chief makoi, Jeff hk, Orange shots, Ship tour, Ship life, Seaman vlog, Seafarer’s life, Gym of ship, Ships entertainment system
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 02 2022
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