I'm PREGNANT with ULTIMA TWINS In Minecraft!

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this is the last time those wolves steal from me I can't believe this they just snuck into my house and grabbed everything while I wasn't there all right biscuit you stay right here all right you'll be perfectly fine you're my getaway Horse let's see they must be no I said it's mine and I want it I saw you have it and I wanted it what are you two up to would you keep it down we're supposed to be guarding this cave as soon as giv up the phone there we go you're SK that's a enough I know there's more bones around the cave what was that oh no oh no that's I thought I heard something both of you fan out they could be a human player here trying to steal our stuff what was that was that sck s s all right let's see my diamond just bones are you kidding me that's all they have they're broke what is all the noise I got to get out here uh nothing I got the stick totally not chasing a stick we just we think a human player might be be here but we haven't found anything I got to someone's here huh how about I there you what the I'm glowing get get the human no you don't those drops stay away stay away stay away stay away stay away just light this on fire my one weakness fire you morons just go around it she's heading towards the sacred bone get her what is this oh there's no way to escape um uh all right um she found the forbidden B not a step closer wait wa wa wa wait let's not be if you come closer I will burn this bone you wouldn't dare I I I would or maybe maybe I'll do worse I'll bite it listen I'm yeah right that bone kills anyone who touches it that's what you would say you guys are selfish and steal things for yourself well now I'm going to steal this bone from you I first her I bet it what she dead huh what what now she's fat did I eat too much is this what happens when you eat the bone what the that's what I look like when I eat too much bone uh wait what do you mean I can't believe this huh pregnant with ultim what what the what is that what who who who whomever the why is all this letters together wait wait wait whoever the Ultima twins's mom picks is the dad gets to be Ultima what wa W you guys can read I'm already the ultimate this is so I get to be the dad yeah wait if ultimate and she's the ultimate wait what does that that wait no it says I can pick the dad and that's what it says well yeah or maybe she'd want a smart dad someone to uh yeah maybe you guys argue take is that huh what the where am I like wait why did I get changed differently this can't be happening uh oh there's two puppies where where am I there you are think you need to stay still so I can protect you oh you actually wait you actually care about me now well you do have the ultimate twins so I wait so I get to pick the next Ultima seems to be that's what I saw I don't know if that's technically you get pick me I can't read uh well if you want to uh help me then prove it uh bring me something nice got it do that be back I can probably get my diamonds back this way well let's see what they bring me maybe they'll bring me lots of gifts wait I have all these Powers what is see I got how oh that's cool and then I have Hunter Vision I guess I should help okay all right let's see what happens at least I'm safe here for right now H okay maybe this one be so bad after all I got one I got one you you got one what there oh a bunny um it's escaping uh don't worry I got it uh okay get out here get out of here your rabbit's too small that's why I brought you an entire cow um yeah that's uh interesting I guess it's perfect because you can get steak from it warmth thanks oh and you got me a steak nice okay I got you something I know humans like privacy so uh I got you a door wow that's I I don't need a door here thanks what is she going to use this for oh sorry bye where are we going put me down um what wait you're saying you don't want him all right you're lost no no don't chase him no no no okay bye great come herey okay so these are all nice and everything but really I what what what's that above my head sheep sheep why are you thinking about she why am I thinking like this why does it show what I'm thinking I'm not thinking this I'm get it get it no you're a wolf your hunger bar is going to go down faster but I'm not a wolf I'm a player who became a wolf I think I just uh those babies are definitely wolves though oh all right we got to get our food and fast so over there are sheeps see and they're from no and Kim now no and Kim let me tell you about them so they stole from me so I don't feel bad stealing from them but I need these sheep okay they keep all their food in one pin wait wait wait wait M up it took your door what would a where was player walk with a door they don't even use doors I know then another one dragged me in the woods and tried to eat me oh I had it with them the next one that tries to steal from us is going to be old p over for here feed mama wolf to help the twis grow oh okay uh so I want those sheep so I can have them yes you should have said so earlier going to be get in there I'll take this one here you go get away my thank you and get back here the hum are attacking wa careful sorry HT we just want to steal your sheep thank you it's your fault for keeping them all at one place very nice for them W oh really you to R okay wolves can you please get them wa oh thank you new ultim what are you doing with all these sheep okay they've got swords though sorry no this is for before when you stole from me wait huh uh but but wait no you par with Wolves maybe yeah and we're taking all your sheep out here human oh wow all right boys the Sheep are on hey I'm not hungry anymore thanks huh what oh well more for me then do that me anymore oh uh oh um is that a ball ball ball wait huh ball ball ball wait why do you need a ball yeah I suppos to have a ball there's got to be a ball here ball fine you know what you you guys going to listen to me listen sorry sorry okay I forgot I could do that okay all right listen we need to go get a ball all right I think the ball is over this way no he has nothing he and Kim are broke too what did you guys do to this place all right we need to rip this place apart even more search what no yes no we don't go into people's houses and mess them up up my goodness what ultim Tim I figured out what I you looking for here you go what is this a doll yeah that's what you're asking for right she said ball not doll you idiot yeah it's a ball yeah we need a ball like to play fetch cuz that's apparently what I want I don't need this penguin penguin all right all right I I have enough of this all right I'm going to use my real Ultima Powers because I'm the real Ultima okay what uh what right it's got over here somewhere what wait over there I can see your seat there it is in that ugly pink house if I see what you see you are the Ultima saying that the whole time you guys better catch up doll what he's he's not the ultimate yet I mean you still have to pick one of us as Dad wait minut wait a minute come here come here talk to you guys this is Casey and Casey's actually really nice to me she hasn't stolen from me today but you know what she's she's been really nice and so okay here's the thing if you can go inside and steal from KC without ruining her house tearing up her furniture or just hurting her or scaring her if you can do that then that'll prove you are actually Daddy material easy werewolves question question uh with destroying the door count as destroying her house yes I don't want any problems you understand you have to what about the windows no she's scared of werewolf players so here do me a favor make sure you sneak in stealthily Ste come on boys we fing for this okay when we hunt we're quiet we're stealth do this don't scare her come on boys we're being sneaky don't break the window you can't do that forgot okay yeah I'm fine I'm going through the door all right be careful hey okay hang on don't bother sweet can can we take this uh no you can't oh okay the ball's upstairs we got to get up there I'll go f go look upstairs okay okay yeah there she is we'll beat her up she don't beat her up no stay down there stay stay stay okay okay hey Casey oh hi AO why do you look like that oh uh I don't ask you why you look like that uh you look beautiful all the time oh I mean I'm sorry it's just you have ears now and um I mean I've always had ears just you I guess you've never noticed them and uh okay Casey I'll admit look so we thought babies came from watermelon seeds remember but it actually turns out babies actually come from doggy trees which is why we don't eat them I know right Revelation right well I accidentally ate one and now I have twin ultimate baby oh my gosh wait you're a mommy I know I'm excited but that's amazing I need this okay can I have this please yeah yeah take everything a can I just hold the babies please please please of course of course okay um now the next piece of information you need to know is that maybe some wolves broke into your house what you she sees us I have the ball it's it's fine okay okay all right also this is pretty coolall I told them not to touch anything but they no run all right Casey well thanks for the baby shower gift I really appreciate it we're going to get out of here now by I didn't do it yes I have the ball okay all right everyone come on sit sit everyone need to sit sit sit sit so how did we do sorry sorry yeah s okay all right so you guys did as good of a job as you could have y of course you could have just left the house and not blown it up yeah what why are you looking at me I didn't blow it up I didn't blow it up either all right fine you know what let's play I'm going to throw the ball far away here we go go get it wow they really just want to go get it huh all right that'll give me some time to kind of get out of here there she is oh there you are hey no Kim how are you hey uh I know we had a bit of a mix up a bit earlier but we just wanted to talk to you for a sec sure talk yeah how about we just go talk down there go over where where we going USF no what are you doing got her where are you taking me hey let me perfect job no we got her right where we want her what what are you guys doing hey I'll ask the questions here now why did you join the werewolf side huh it's a long you e on my sheep I can't see you guys and more importantly why are you so fat did you just call me fat I'm not fat I am pranon it and so I'm a little fat but that's okay because I love the way I am but yeah I am petting it uh but where'd you get the watermelon seeds oh oh oh fun fact I found it's actually doggy treats that's why yep what not waterm we were lied to we were lied to wait a second you're just going to give a couple of babies to those animals no I'm going to be the mom obviously yeah but they can't be trusted with babies I mean they'll probably eat them they're not hamsters no oh wait quiet that's the baby brain talking don't you worry aie Kim is going to take care of those wolves and then noi and I will raise them won't we noi that's what you think get him boys stay away oh no hey get me out of here stay away you come on can I can do this thanks Kim she's getting away got to get out of here you stay here for a second okay you got the ball of course I got the ball B all right hey I want to let you guys what you doing the ball is in the house go get it prcess that's what you guys get for kidnapping me come on werewolves this way let's go where' the ball go I have the ball all right nobody's come after us which is perfect why wouldn't they think to look into my house they're kind of dumb all right guys I think we're safe from hiding we can come out oh my gosh what did you do all this house ain't that b you guys messed up my house are you kidding me and you bit my floor and everything on the right side we found the ball don't worry I found a way to look outside well that's nice we kind of have to see the moon as werewolves you know exactly all right let's see boys I think we should open this up more we should clean up a little bit break break break no don't break it oh my gosh don't break it jeez Yeah clean up a little bit don't you guys know clean what's that what what what's what clean up we don't do that here what what's H wait line up line up line up over here line up line up line up uh all right all right what is on you guys are you are you stinky what how what no this is normal for wolves right oh my gosh what we normally smell like werewolf okay all right well I'm glad you enjoy that but we I am about to have two twin baby werewolves all right we want to teach some good manners and politeness especially if one of you is going to be the dad you have to learn how to do that now uh sit everybody sit I'm going to have a talk with you actually go downstairs and sit I would want to sit up here let let me have a quick conversation with you couch couch couch couch don't tear up the couch please cou you more Angry she sound pretty obset yeah don't don't worry just give me a moment to pull things around and I will show you exactly what we are going to do right now because you all need to be good okay so werewolves allow me to introduce you to a new con sit down in the right spot please jez let me introduce you to a concept a concept so crazy that you might just die not really you won't die don't worry die this is soap and this is a bath that makes no no no don't panic what are we doing with that it makes soapy water and and we get a sponge and we're going to make sure you're all clean with some soap okay no all right who wants to go first not me no I'm not me get no no you're not going to get me no that's it if you want take a bath F I'll bring the bath to you here we go wa what what does that mean what does that mean where are you oh no no no no no she's in a flying bathtub where did they go where did they go don't run into people's houses don't run into people's houses [Music] no guys we should run into people's houses oh no they're blowing up the house no I just fixed my house Casey no it's okay it's they're just they're just leave me alone got the soap got the soap we got the soap destroy it destroy it come on help me destroy it run run bathtub now no no bath no bath it m said it a you guys broke her papa too eat lasers werewolves guys run run run werewolves are a menace time for us to be the good parents no get these stick and werewolves out of our F server what it for all wait the babies are close oh no tell them oh guys we got to go to the top of Wolf Mountain little B don't die if you're not there before the Wolves already what oh no how do we get over there guys we need to get to the top of the mountain so we can take those babies for ourselves oh you're right what is this can we take this yeah yeah someone's going to drive come on guys this way I don't know where you going don't worry I can drive come on come on come wa for meit for me drive drive drive drive drive drive drive got go get the other one go okay sorry a why does he get his own is anybody to drive these for no come on come on let's follow them we got to get to the top of the mountain F take the roope boat okay I'm in the water I don't want all right boys we got to hurry come come on they oh no get it quick get in one of these what do we do uh all right I'll take the oh guys the weather's being weird uh shopping cart why is the weather being weird oh no we need to get up there quickly I think we need two people in this one come on we're going to beat your werewolves get out of ky's way a stop Mo the lawn they're not worth it come on gold my my cracker exploded it was a recall for the manufacturer because I had a quantin for Home Depot oh no all right don't worry I got you this one's slow oh my gosh faster you can't run forever we got to get to the top why is it out of the way there's a black hole over there oh no huh wait why does it look like a ball ball no wolves no no no it's a black hole Yeah to the dark ball o I want I want to see the black ball Ian it does look ball like I don't know you do are so annoy wait go keep going up the mountain oh yeah yeah yeah guys stuff is happen oh no no no come on come on come on all right go faster I get in the tractor don't take the tractor the tractor is the slowest thing I think we're close how high is this mouth over here I think they went over here I think it's time I think it's time the ultim wi wait what wait wait oh no it's time huh wait is happening a at them a look at the get off the vehicle get off the vehicle I'm I'm just I'm mowing the laun everything around the babies piering Oh problem solved itself all right IED the baby we finally CAU up with you babies put those away those are dangerous for the babies oh yeah yeah yeah yeah sure sure sure sure yeah it's true okay wait wait wait if I get rid of them can I be the dad yes you may bye-bye humans wait huh wow I didn't even get a turn
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 5,996,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: Dh5VQs0G37o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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