Playing Minecraft as a PROTECTIVE Winter Direwolf!

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[Music] who yeah I [Music] H I don't know I wish I had a kitty ow huh W huh my wish came true your wish has come true the magical new Asal Genie cat collection has appeared on after grab yourself a cute t-shirt or an adorable pendant necklace or even take Genie cat herself home today be sure to check it out thanks what a beautiful day to look over my kingdom I mean it's not my kingdom but still I can act like it is seriously you want me to believe that there's diamonds up here what of course there are you really don't get out much do you you're hermit what are you talking about I I just don't want to hang out with you just come on guys I'm sure there's really some resources around here we just got to find them somewhere and huh oh boy it's getting cold what what should we do should we split up or something yeah yeah you go first all right I just hope coming out here was worth it I'm sure it will be what why do you have a lot of treasure are you keeping at home I'm not telling you what I have in oh whatever going to get some snow all really interesting when they AR you that means he does doesn't he oh yeah he does so we're going to get the resources and shove it in his face you realize I'm right here right I'm pretty sure they're supposed to be over here wait wait I'm not sure about this W huh yeah seriously you're going to start an avalanche yeah you got to do it like this why not huh there we go boy Pierce that's it I'm out of here they need to stop you guys got to stop why what do you think's going to happen huh guys be careful what the what was that huh oh they're all buried oh I need to help that red guy he seemed really nice the other one seemed pretty grumpy let's see what's oh this one's frozen popsicle stick oh thank goodness been saved wait wait why is the wolf here hey what are you doing all right let's see which one is is he in this one another human pople nice wolf nice wolf get out of here shoot shoot all right let's see uh See if I this one is this him uh o oh air get out here no no no I didn't want to catch air this one must be him right let's see oh no he's super Frozen how did this even happen oh um oo if I can clear this out maybe I can push him or something let's see I can get him back up to my cave and get him warm that way he'll be fine right right got you back human let's see campfire should be able to help melt him hopefully it doesn't take too long H all right let's see I should get some more wood maybe more campfires would help let's see over here okay guys it must be right up here huh yeah I told you there was stuff up here all the ores and resources there we go there wait what was that I thought I heard something up here yeah I it was me I said I are we there yet no it wasn't you pierce whatever it was up here somewhere come on yeah cave hopefully they won't find them they're going to find them so much golden or in here but gold wait more importantly gold and diamonds treas you mean what take a look yeah yeah you don't sound very happy to see me oh well we we came to save you uh yeah do we're saving you from the coldhearted wolf well yeah we're saving you from the coldhearted wolf obviously well you did such a great job saving me well you know rescue missions aren't really my forte but uh I think we did a good job right you're alive is that the point are you idiots you would never do anything whatever I'm free I'm getting out of here wait let's go yeah run run run run run run run run run I was trying to protect him not eat him I better protect him from those other guys they seem really selfish right they will never see me coming I like to stock my prey guys that winter wolf is a threat that should be taken out it does seem pretty dangerous but if we're going to hunt it we're going to do it my way right I'm the wolf guy I get to decide oh come on just poke it with a scare we're going to need a lot of iron all right then it may take a while to get it allby fine fine then sure all right I'm going to get the stuff from my house but you guys bring your stuff here all right okay come on boys what's going on yeah you know why don't we plant some stuff on my house come on in up to H I don't like what they're up to at all okay well that could have gone a lot better well you know if we killed him or that wolf thingy had been helpful we'd have the key already right maybe that's why they're trying to kill him we still don't know where his base is let's see here here it could be in the Ravine back at the mountain or even in the forest we just don't know I don't know where it is we all don't know Pierce that's what I just said well I don't know either okay well he's busy right so let's look up and look for his base I guess so yeah it's a good plan I'm going go this way but maybe splitting up isn't the best idea guys wait I'm going this way wa a come on guys what am I supposed to do if that wolf shows up again this [Music] I think you need to chill out a little bit oh I don't think so why do I only have those two Knuckleheads to choose for help maybe should go find them oh poor human I guess I'll find them first let's see what I 100 oh there they went all right I better do this job myself oh Aaron did you put your super secret base door inside of a cuty little eagloo [Applause] [Music] what happened what what was that all about you looking for something [Music] wait you're a wolf and a girl that can talk what no no no of course not I I rented this Igloo from the uh locals yeah sure what if I summon them over wait no no no no you can't do that you totally you can do that can't you I totally can oh okay the bear no there we go I am the winterwolf and this is my land I'll make sure that people are protected especially people who seem very nice all right come on still over there uh don't worry he'll make it over soon enough hey don't have to give me a cold shoulder shot anyway all right I know I've seen a secret base before where like you take you just like jump into the lava and then it's just right below there's only one way to test this I guess and one and two and a three it burs oh huh I guess he's not that smart Okay it didn't work the first time but maybe I just maybe I hit the wrong one what oh wait wolf you're here to cook me aren't you maybe if you're delicious you kind of do that yourself though uh I'm running run little human going be no I love my pray run they only got one shot at this take her on do it attack a snow golem they're so nice and friendly I guess I'll leave oh it worked I knew you were so scary uh thanks for sparing me nope not actually easier than I thought where is it can't see me still H maybe if I approach him calmly he might was up before I do you want to to hurt the wolf that you're looking for not that I know but just want to ask oh uh I I I don't want to hurt it I just I don't want it to hurt anyone else you know but my name's Aaron uh who who are you oh I am the wolf in the mountain that's all you need to know though oh okay let me just put this down so I'm not freezing my butt off but why are you out here in the middle of the winter uh because I'm a wolf you know plus I'm with nature and stuff oh yeah makes sense so you know I thought I saw the ice wolf turn into a cute girl while I was frozen so um I I wouldn't happen to be looking for you would I H human you say I'm not really a human myself even though I look like one but I want to tell you something uh yeah look those friends of yours are bad news yeah I know they're morons I already knew that wait wait you don't understand they're trying to what the heck is that what the f just throw the Sheep at it oh he's already dead that you the word it's a Yeti we have lost our bargaining chip what did you guys bring up here some bargaining chip can you guys shut up and help me they weak get the yeti is that good oh yeah you guys better be afraid losers that's a real Abominable Snowman a snowman it's a ye something on it Z don't just sit there you must taking you guys a bit of fight my Z are you Al are you all right hey stay back you far I am yes watch out careful come here I can try to P this hey what' you do sword jerk you stab the yeti what you know what that doesn't matter aarin we're finding your base and taking it for ourselves yeah you guys are not going to take anything your big scary Yeti is not even doing anything he was just angry because this got LOD in his butt what what first of all give me that back secondly he's still scary look at him hey hey go and attack them hey Mr snowman go and attack them uh I wouldn't recomend that uh anyone else well I'm just going to go yeah yeah I got a thing happening thanks for your help back there what I just pulled the sword out of his butt not that much you know I really wouldn't have noticed that sword so it kind of saved my butt well we're both hurt how about I hle some food real Qui quick be right back let me see um huh what am i m what you doing well yeah making a steak to thank you wait really thank me a steak Yeah for helping me huh put that there here wow no one's ever been really nice to me before a table a pocket table three tables yeah I keep a couple tables on me at all times uh and some plates here you go what oh my gosh what manners and a a steak oh that's awesome I didn't realize you can cook it in something that's not a campfire that was the shortest date I've ever had so uh to go I think those idiots are probably in my house by now oh okay do you need any help I mean instead of leaving you can kind of stay here and make this your base right or I could also you know come help and stuff you want to help I mean sure yeah you can come yeah but I got I got to hurry you know they're probably taking all my stuff by now all right I'm with you let's go H seems a little too quiet better not be in wait huh maybe what do you huh wait what the noise what the heck are you guys doing some what huh you're following us do we know where your base is Aaron oh really is that why you're following me right now uh they're on to us get them you wait guys actually you know face is at the bottom of this well right here that was easy guys I don't see anything down here done it got dark is it so dark oh I get it it was where is it let's go let's go let's go I'm sorry I'm sorry all right I I didn't mean to hurt anyone I'll tell you where it is my secret base you know the one you've been looking for uhhuh it's right in that lava right there I do it come here you you're so dumb it all right two down I guess Z I have idea I'll show you where a good Bas is in this oh oh you killed him all right uh let's see where is your B here and then all right make one of these little bad boys we'll get across the lake in no time huh wait I can just run across oh okay sure yeah let's go all right let's go all right all right yeah yeah yeah right over here and um H what we go down you're breaking that it maybe a little cold sorry about that uh okay I'll give it a shot I'm also man of ice I'm a winter wolf oh here we go home oh and it'll freeze over that's amazing this this the base you're talking about oh no no no no no no this ain't it come see W this is incredible oh thanks you know I build it all myself you did such an amazing job it's a huge Lodge under oh my gosh can I go inside yeah that's why we're here wow it's a whole winter Lodge oh I love these this is the best cabet I've ever seen just wait I'll give you a quick tour follow me please do oh my gosh and over here this is my bedroom what why are there holes in the floor oh don't don't don't worry about that um okay interesting I mean I do like a good book wait what what what's that noise huh huh wait it's just my alarm system wait an alarm system why does it make that noise I don't like it it's fine it's fine we just have to go check the monitors all right a vault just open this stay back here we go huh wa yeah wait is that a view of wait that's my living room it's your living room weit didn't the doors wow I'm so glad that I fell in that hole in the ice huh you wouldn't have thought of it if I hadn't face planted into it first well I me I know about that a Fain in the hole don't worry about it you know those things I was telling you not to worry about um yeah yeah so they're actually super deadly traps what really I'm in control of it I promise um okay I'll listen to you I can't believe we actually pulled this off yeah we found your special little base Aaron once and consider giving up Aaron wait hey won't you let me finish my monologues once and for all this ends here watch this let's see now where's all this good stuff huh I don't know so what are you going to do now wa what happened huh there's lava at the bottom this place is booby trapped uhoh he you almost got him guys find someone safe we got to move let's get moving all right they should be going upstairs right now so uh let me just switch to the next camera okay guys get over here this way now we have to find out where all the booby traps are going to be any ideas see good luck with that everyone scatter all right next camera whoa what's up with this room well if there are any more traps at least I can reset my spawn points wa oh what was that that oh don't know I get it wow yeah that's why I told you to stand there did those come out of here you want to hit the butt let me see okay at least I'm going to be okay oh come on okay clearly I can't touch the floor so what if I do something like this couch not going to get me floor spikes and okay all right got to switch k [Music] camera guys you find anything no I don't like this place I like this place we got to get out of here I don't want to go back down the stairs let's just take the expressway I down the balcony they just jumped off the balcony so what do you say we made him in a living room let's do it hello hey about time well all right well now that you know we're here we we we found your secret face and we're here to defeat you yeah any what is that good thing I bought my armor very good job I'm not scared of you there you go time to make you ice cold stay away from the big hole oh where you going I got an idea huh hey try to catch me okay run over here I love this now stay over here uhhuh up appear you locked yourself off in a in a dead dead end room coma a this is too easy oh no what will I do I don't know what will you do oh play with me wait I don't think see how this works I'm going to get you come here you nice job yeah just be careful on your way out yeah I can tell I still like the ice though who all right there you are I have had enough of this I can take you both on myself oh really so let's give it a shot are you ready to do this somehow I di that but yeah I'm ready all right Show Me What You're Made Of wait huh where's the other one other blue one what do you mean he he he wasn't with you no no what the so you all fell right into my trap which is to say it's Aaron's trap cuz I found your remote and once I figure out all the secrets of this base I will use it to rule the server no I I don't think that's going to work Ian what of course it is listen you have been ahead of us this whole time and you little wolf girl thingy you're all barking no bite once I expand this space and learn all of its Secrets I will turn everything into mine the server will be mine the treasure will be mine the snow I can probably get rid of that and you will be mine you know I don't think that's going to work oh why is that you think you can escape this lava you you you escaped the love um the built it Ian there's there's more traps on this right what I don't think you know how that remote works [Laughter] wait uhoh um oh looks like you're too slow I had a second remote is so cold do the honors mercy of course go for it oh brutal nice there we go you know it was actually kind of fun to team up with you that was awesome y I'm glad we got to work together but um we should probably get out of here yeah maybe could use some better traps like a guard dog a protective dog I don't know like a wolf something like that I mean those are pretty good but you know I wouldn't mind having someone like you around cool can you put these bars down and we can get started on making this place better oh yeah that's a decoy we should go this way oh
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 4,206,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: em49lkNUvRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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