Have You Fallen For The Placebo Effect? - AskReddit

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bubbles and cleaning products are almost without exception 100 marketing what is just a placebo effect that most people don't realize beats headphones have weights inside them to make them heavier and give the illusion of quality and sturdiness someone once said something on the lines of you can possibly understate dr dre's gangsta credentials when he's selling 10 headphones for a 100 how long it takes a coinstar to process and count coins and return a receipt it finishes quickly so quickly that folks are skeptical of the accuracy so a fake delay with fake counting noises was built in giving folks more confidence in the results the exaggerated sounds of some vacuum cleaners microwaves and cars to make them sound powerful the loading screens on some apps that make it seem like they are doing something complex the original febreze was unscented but nobody believed it worked so they added scent to it they originally marketed it as a way to get rid of odors problem is smelly people don't realize they smell people get used to their own odors so instead they changed it into more of a habit where you spray a room when you're done and it isn't clean unless it smells like febreze feeling was born when cake mixes first came out you only had to add water to them but too many housewives felt like that was cheating and wouldn't buy cake mixes so the cake mix companies added another step the eggs it worked apparently the cracking and adding of the eggs to the batter was enough to make it feel more homemade and cake mixes became extremely popular as a former lifeguard i can assure you that whatever cleanup you see lifeguards doing after someone vomits in the pool is almost certainly just show there isn't really anything you can do you just let the filter and chlorine take care of it and pretend to clean to please the suburban moms detoxifying nonsense juices your body's liver and kidneys are enough to detoxify your blood you don't need avocado smoothie with cow's urine inside it there are things you can do to support your liver and kidney function but 99 of detoxifying things aren't it eat lots of greens stop eating crap drink more water and lose weight to lose actual toxins stored in your fat cells that's how you detoxify most importantly don't stick toxic stuff in your body in the first place do commissioned creative stuff if i deliver same or next day people don't think i spend enough time on it if i wait three days to driver people are happy because they assume i worked on their project non-stop even though i was done a day or two prior when i was a waitress 100 years ago my customers asked me all the time to turn the heat up or down because they were too hot or cold i'd be like oh yeah definitely let me go take care of that for you then i would go stand in the back drink some water and then head back to the table and tell them i'd adjusted the temperature it worked every single time that free shipping is a better deal it generally means they've added the cost into the product instead but you feel like you've gotten a better deal i used to sell furniture at a no gimmicks kind of place where they were open about all cost including delivery i would do the math for people show them how we were still saving them tons of money even with delivery but some people would still walk out and go pay literally hundreds of dollars more for free delivery from ashley's loading spinners on web pages i once had a user complained to me a web app was too slow and it was pretty fast so i tested him by making the animation spinner spin much faster he went to my boss to praise me how much faster the web app was spin.js is what i was using astronomer here police and hospital workers may swear otherwise and always argue when i say this but despite numerous studies no significant correlation has been found between more crazy behavior in the full moon people just tend to notice when there's a full moon and it's a particularly busy night is all after all you're not going to note the phase of the moon when it's a new moon and thus literally no moon in the sky to note wine prices they've done studies that show people think wine tastes better if it costs more but when they do a blind taste test very few people even people who are wine drinkers can't distinguish between pretty cheap and expensive wine homeopathy my mom is a homeopath and i don't subscribe to it at all please save your judgments i'm not here to discuss that but i've seen her help many people with minor to moderate afflictions while the medicine definitely doesn't work the patients believe it does in this along with the fact that sitting down for an hour with someone who listens to all of your problems and ailments in detail and takes much more interest in their life than a normal gp would leads to them having belief that they'll get better my belief is that the psychological help they receive often helps with problems especially ones that are exacerbated by stress also i'll note that any homeopath who isn't a bad person does not try to treat mental illness or life-threatening conditions that require real medical care and will tell the patient this milky or opaque white moisturizing body wash it's the same as the clear ones it's not more moisturizing it just has white pigments in it but because it's not clear people associate it with lotion and think it's better for the skin i'm not saying moisturizing body wash doesn't work but you shouldn't assume something is more moisturizing just because it's white a friend of mine who works at a big cosmetics company said the only difference in the formula of their normal and cream cleansers is white pigment instead of the color check for gentle cleansing agents and ingredients like panthenol or oils i install commercial audio and video systems on bigger more involved jobs like stadiums and arenas we have av consultants who don't work for my company but are a big link in the chain as far as designing and setting up the finished system i don't know how many times i've been up in a 80 boom lift and they want the azimuth or down angle of a speaker adjusted by some ridiculously small amount so you get back up there bang a couple wrenches on the speaker and don't actually move anything how's that oh yeah that sounds better works every goddamn time for men shaving their beard makes it grow thicker this is not the case shaving only makes all hair grow at the same giving the illusion that more or new hair is growing when in reality it is not bubbles and cleaning products early formulations of soap way back when used to naturally form suds newer formulations can clean better but don't naturally produce suds as the bubbling was an incidental side effect that doesn't actually have any bearing on cleaning when these newer soaps were first introduced people complained they didn't work because they didn't make loads of bubbles so the manufacturer started adding a chemical solely to generate bubbles that didn't actually help with the cleaning at all and all the complaints stopped to this day the association of bubbles equals clean is strong enough that they still do it basically all cleaning products including toothpaste foam up when used and almost without exception the foam is 100 marketing i sold christmas trees as a kid in junior and senior high school learned a trick for super fussy customers who had me hold up multiple trees to show them after the 10th or so tree i'd yelled to my co-worker hey mike if they don't want this one put it aside for me nicest tree i've seen this year worked like a charm when i trained tech support our agents would always get pushback from customers when we asked them to power cycle their phone which nine times out of ten would fix their issue so i had them tell the customer to read them some numbers off the back of the battery when they were still removable that we absolutely did not need then we told them we refreshed a few systems and they put their battery back in and it's all fixed alternatively when batteries couldn't be removed we'd tell them that if the phone was powered on while we did the update it could ruin their sim card so they'd make sure to power off their phone i'd do nothing they'd turn it back on and it worked great but if i had told them to power cycle their phones no way there was an audio test where they played audio files for audio feels through high price high fidelity audio cables versus coat hanger metal the audio feels couldn't tell the difference between the two types of wires so i'm sure this has happened to other people but this question just reminded me of my principle during meetings and such he uses the school auditorium and most of the time i senior now at the school have to run the sound and lights he's extremely annoying about it and always asks for his mic to be turned up when in reality he's already extremely loud and will bust the speakers i just pretend to turn it up and ask him if it's good and he speaks and says that's perfect thank you i swear he thinks i'm doing an amazing job and would bring me a coke or something for dealing with the meetings half of the day when i repair smartphones or computers and if something takes me 10 minutes or less i usually stall because customers don't want to pay the agree amount and want to haggle because i did it too fast so i let them wait 25 to 30 minutes and they will pay happily how much clothing makes it look like you know what you're doing i was working on vineyards and there were three people on our team of 26 who studied viticulture i'm just a dude with an interest in plants i had been working as a construction worker before this job and wore my hive as orange shirts to work all the people visiting assumed i was the one who knew all the answers to all the questions as much as i hate fashion dressing up just a touch more than everyone else at work can make people think you are more competent than you are brand name foods that are the same as store brand foods in different packaging there are very very few brands i actually buy on purpose instead of off-brand stuff usually it's cheese or ice cream but other than that it's all the same where i work we have our own brand of milk and an off brand of milk we sell far more of the off brand why maybe because it's cheaper or maybe because it comes in the exact same shaped jugs as our brand is cheaper is shipped at the same time and has nearly the exact same expiration dates it's a dollar less our brand ends up getting marked down to like 99 cents when it gets close to going out of date and that's really the only time we sell them being successful in your town will make you think you are really successful compared to the everybody in the world a chief of a caveman quality life village is way happier than a poor person in a big city even though the poor person has way more stuff knowledge and an easier longer life that's not what makes somebody feel successful it's actually more about control over your own day and being wealthier than those immediately around you somebody would rather live in the elite part of a smaller poorer town than live in the kind of crowdy part of an expensive city this is because we are addicted to comparing ourselves to those around us free will the accumulating evidence of neurology and how consciousness and decision-making arises from the brain indicates we that is you who are reading right now are not actually in control the way we think we are decisions are made within clusters of firing neurons and then we become aware of it however the illusion of free will of having absolute control over the minutiae of our lives is extremely important psychological studies show that if you suggest to people that they are not as free to choose as they believe those people are more likely to make unethical decisions as far as social or psychological placebos i believe it may be more important than even opera and spiritual beliefs like theism or karma i don't know how common this practice is but some cars play fake motor sounds to make the driving experience better since motors are a lot more quiet nowadays for example the volkswagen fake motor sound and i read somewhere that the spotify randomization at some point was to random and users would complain that songs or artists were played in sequence by coincidence so the algorithm was changed to be slightly less random and stray away from recently played artists and songs all of religion it's all bs all 5 000 plus gods of it but it gives some people a sense of community and hope so they think it's real i could make up a religion today indoctrinated into my daughter and her brain chemistry would 100 fire up and make her feel better when she prayed at night to whatever bs i told her to religion can be the single most powerful placebo you can have faith in your particular deity and that's fine but it's objectively true that the same result would be achieved with made-up gods which explains why we can have hundreds of religions and most people firmly believing theirs is the only true one marketing schemes to make you buy and spend more pricing a product higher to make you think it's better many expensive products aren't much if any different than the cheaper ones putting a higher price on a product than offering a discount on it to make you think you are getting a deal in reality you are paying the base price they wanted to sell it at buy two for x dollars one is still half of x but people think they need to purchase two to get a deal so many more strategies retailers use to get you to part with your dollar doctor here that week of placebo pills and women's monthly birth control packs are exactly that when the pill first came on the market it was thought that women would be fearful if the pill stopped their periods altogether rather than instructing women take an active pill every day which would theoretically block menstruation pill manufacturers added one week of hormone-free placebo pills to each monthly pill pack this is not a secret the placebo pills are always a different color than the active pills this is true across manufacturers you may ask why women aren't just told to skip their birth control pill every fourth week in theory that would be equivalent to a placebo pill week however that dosing strategy would require women to resume taking their pill on time or risk pregnancy better to have the woman take one pill every day so it becomes habit packaging i enjoy whiskey yes there's some that people feel are better due to marketing and packaging mcallen even though there are better alternatives that aren't as expensive and taste just as good that's why in whiskey tasting panels they usually don't allow the taster to see the bottle or know the name because they can heavily influence the outcome of the experience even when someone is trying to be unbiased it's just ingrained in all of us wearing cloth masks in public that are not n95 respirators the bandana or any cloth material is a coveted mask it is so porous that i can read a newspaper through it thanks for listening to radio tts hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to feel instantly better click the right box for the society lies to your playlist let us know in the comments what you think about these placebos
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 91,266
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Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts placebo, placebo effect, reddit placebo, reddit placebo effect, placebo, placeboing, placebo effect real life examples
Id: l60SHo3H6Nk
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Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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