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What is up Fam? Today I'm going to be doing something really really different. We're going to create a video, a haunted video... We're going to a very haunted house. It's called the Frank Lloyd Neil Schweitzer? Schweitzer. Schweitzer. I'm going to tell you some more of the history like you know a little bit. later. My friend Urban Ghosts Urban Exploration is here. His name is Joe. That's the name of this channel. I'll leave a link in the description. Also check out my friend James aka the fam (fan). I have Patty from the G Team here. She's got her ghost hunting equipment, now my friend Joe and Rob... they came here during the day. Place is super creepy enough during the day. And they had a shot that I was watching where a door was opening up all by itself. I encourage you guys to go watch that video. I hope you guys are ready for a very different 3 A.M Challenge. Here goes... [OmarGoshTV Intro] [Commentary by many people, and shamelessly edited by a few] We just went through a major walk through a forest with snakes and coyotes and- Hi, Dylan. Dylan's my new girlfriend. She's really scared right now. (laughing) There's Patty from the G Team. Hello there. All right. Now can we do our little intro real quick- you guys what the [CENSORED] was that? What the [CENSORED] is that? Oh? That's the- it is a farm next door over there somewhere. Are you sure? Well, let's hope so. (Cow moo) Oh, that is not friendly sounding. James you got a BULL COMING RIGHT TOWARD YOU! Oh. That's creepy So the house is right behind us guys. This is where our raw footage is going to start- this video might be a little longer than usual. You might see me moving around my camera a lot James is crazy. He's going right towards these bulls... And you guys are coming too, I guess. I've got a whole crew behind us- in a second we're going to go in the house explore and we're going to go, like, our separate ways- oh, [CENSORED] Oh, yeah, they are cows! James: Wanna go cow tipping? Cow tipping? Cow tipping? No thanks Well, look at all their eyes. Let me make the- that's creepy man. Look at that. Yeah. There's a lot of them. (Cow moo) (Laughing) Holy Cow. Literally, oh [CENSORED] What about this house over here guys? [CENSORED] Check it out. All right guys you guys ready to go see the cows now? Joe? What? Can you tell us about this house a little bit? For those of us that haven't seen here? All kinds of noises you can hear people talking. At nighttime this place is INSANE. I could only imagine... And look, the door's open guys! You know what that means- come on in! Omar: Now, that door was closed and that door started opening on its own. I encourage you guys to go watch that video. You'll get to see this place during the day. It'll be a little bit brighter. They say this place is, like, massive, right? Pretty big and there's a lot of- there's a lot of hidden rooms in here. So, we probably should stick together guys because really, we don't know who's inside. (Commentary helper: Or WHAT'S inside...) Well, I have a feeling if somebody's inside there, they're probably up to no good. Let's start with a- let's start out together, and then maybe we'll kind of get a vibe- good vibe And then we'll split up if we do get some good vibes. Yeah, hey you guys, mind if I get the whole intro real quick for Rob's dad? (Cow moo) Um, yeah... Go for good, and I'll have- I'm not doing any cuts in my video, so yeah. Actually I'm going to go ahead and go inside all right? Cool? So by- hey a shout out- if you're recording shout out to Rob's dad, he had a heart attack not long ago, and we're all thinking about him praying for- for healing. Thank you, man. Yeah, no problem. We're gonna be inside waiting for you, support to them, guys. (Guy that he was just talking about is Rob's Dad) Just a couple days ago. And this why Rob isn't here with us. He's a part of Urban Ghosts Urban Exploration oh this is creepy don't go in there alone, bro. But yeah a big shout out to his father he had a heart attack. He's still alive thankfully- let me turn a light on here... so we're praying that he heals up. So- Woah! It sounds like those, like cows are so close- like they're going to come charge towards us. Alright guys stay with me. Oh, it smells funny. Anybody in here? We came to take pictures! Yo, this is a cool looking house- with always- is closed-open feeling stay with us- [inaudible]. Whoa. Sombody's been stayin in here man. Think we have some squatters? Yep. Yep, that does not [inaudible]. Girl: Lemme see. Oh no you're right. Oh. Is anybody back here? [Retarded laughing(?)] I see you guys, so... HE SAT ON THE BLOOD BED! John: WAIT, THATS THE BLOODY BED I JUST JUMPED ON? Yes sir! Ooh, crap, that bed really has blood on it? Ooh, god, all stained up Wow, is that freaky man? I mean, I don't know that could be like Subway sandwich juice- Patty: That door- the door just moved. Omar: Where? Patty: Over there. I think it was my butt that hit it. Big butt? Yeah Dang, are you feeling hot? Girl: It's really hot.. Yeah? I hope we don't run into anybody. Girl: If we do, he's pantsless- this is a really nice house. Look at that. Let me know if you guys like these videos that we're doing today with no cuts in 'em. We'll do it some more (Remember, you're everybody's eyes and ears, so comment or tweet if anything is seen!) What James just said yeah? you know maybe it will make you appreciate to like when we do edit videos because this video like might be kind of long and I want you to know, like, when we do these videos with like, um, you know, cuts and edits and stuff, like, we're usually filming for several hours, like, I'm probably only going to be able to film for maybe an hour or so because I really highly doubt that you guys would sit through a five hour video. What happened? Unknown: Something just screamed outside. Omar: No! Huh? There's actually a scream, just now. Weird, man. Unknown: [inaudible] Unknown: [inaudible] Unknown: Hey, let's close the door. Hey, let's keep the cows out guys. Close that door. Unknown: Uh. Unknown: Uh.. Unknown: Uh... Omar: HOO! Like, a bug or something... Unknown: [inaudible] There's, uh, two doors here. All right, well, if they would make- Another- I say this a lot in my videos But you know, I really do mean it, and I do appreciate when you guys You know share, like, screenshots and even, like, on comments. It's like, you know, "Hey, Omar, I've seen this shot and so-and-so And I heard something during that time." Like, I encourage you- if you see or hear anything let me know in the comments- remember no cuts. So you might hear some cussing here and there. Maybe I can filter out the cussing. No cussing. Nope. No cursing- cussing. No Look at the iron! It looks like a a gun rack display. You know what? They said this was was where, like, the door that leads the outside over here- and this is where, like, the servants would come in. Laundry...What the [CENSORED] was that? That's probably James. Well, man I don't know what that was. Being right behind you- well, you'll know that. It's James because he is doing the same thing As I am: no cuts. Well- what kind of bug is that? (Gimmie kiss) WOAH-WHA? Yeah, there he is. We got some food! Anybody want some grits? Maybe there's something in here... This is James, dude. It's got to be James. He's the only one that's not with us. QUIT MESSING AROUND BRO! We know you're there. I know that's you. Yo, look at this cool-looking fireplace- Unknown voice: [inaudible] Is this, like, a little hidden room? Quick, Dylan, go. Nonono! Right there! Come on! Get in there. [inaudible]. I's just kidding, bro, I'll do it. If I could fit I would! I cold fit but there's no way. I'm hollering you guys are scared I Thought you were savages careful with the bats There could be bats going in Opening it's not you have white pants on, why wear those to an abandoned house? I don't know they were cute appreciate your efforts thIs where you have to do your evp session right here? So what kind of EVp? Did you get here right here? Where is Dead right here? And I actually shine a light of that remote on the court and then after that a voices It's in the safe there is convenient in the safe Is there a safe there is it safe in here? And then we found jewelry in the safe right after that yes, I do remember that you guys video Did you guys keep that like you didn't really pick on do you think it's still in here? I don't know we got to check it out. I don't think so I am sure somebody took it by now, but man, I'd say well that was creepy. Just finding it was it like valuable jewelry I Don't know it could have been costume jewelry I'm not sure huh, but it was I mean it was something in there for sure There's a cross and there was a pendant. Well that was very noble of you, and I figured yeah, not exactly bad Karma language now I'm sorry kind of I totally would not dig it because never know there could be like a Spirit or ghost or some attached to it some demonic? Well, you know what some of these weird houses like this, especially if elderly people live here They didn't believe then banks, so it's quite possible that we can run into a stash of money sometimes in the kitchen you know Oh There's a pool out here Ah This is nice. It's like an indoor outdoor type pool Probably some piranhas in there. Do not go in the pool. Yeah, but I'll super actually no. It's see-through. It's like really clear What the hell is that? Well, what is that? Some just took off I don't know what it was. I thought that was them trying to open the door. Oh, it's a big old toad He was really scared can we do me James Jimmy Coos oh? There's a really neat-looking bar. There's no worry What's in here? Donnell saw like no toad poop whoa Don't be scared not Gonna hurt you This is a neat place though like a outdoor shower. Thank Reduct I would go oh Where'd you go fight? Don't be scared. Oh Look at this dude This is like a arno like a sauna a Sauna. I was 20. Oh what a help with that oh It's a raccoon, bro Hey, bro. That's a big freaking toad right let's get out of here. I thought you've seen some most Oh gosh, so scary. Oh, there's like double showers Like I mention you Know anything going on? I know I edited a little bit of like the intro and some of the cool cinematics you've seen but yeah I want to know if you want me to make some cool videos like this in the future and it's also proof that You know we're we're exploring, and there's no edits And if you see like a ghost or some creepy like it's you know It's real because you know sometimes it takes times to like see apparitions and things like that I mean like I mentioned you know this is it's probably going to be a short video for what I'm used to filming But it's going to be long to you, but it's all good either way. It's something different that I'm offering and Wow, this place is really cool any time The sun is really cool I Bet you, it's like really warm Who's jumping in this is called the jumping challenge last ones in last one is RI meg fill it if you fall brother I got to tell you it. I'm not giving you mouth-to-mouth. I will call 9-1-1. What if there's a dead body It was good where? Dude, you guys should totally check out the sauna go in there. It is so awesome You need a light or something yeah, we got this you want to go check it out. Yeah. Yeah, go check out the sauna There's no frog cutters. There's not really it was a water fountain behind. Oh, that is kind of cool What I'm ready, I was waiting for that one. This is that app. It's pretty cool the whole thing itself right there What's your grabby hey? Yeah? Wow, it's pretty cool. It's Sauna And this one really interested right over there and also yeah muscle right there nurse. Did you set me and I good jumper goes up? I'm going to say here, too Oh look this is a dry Sauna. That's what this is There any spirits here whisper into my camera. Let's spend all of our cameras say something oh That you know what it would really suck to be locked in here It's already hot Whoo look at jane you think you saw them out there. Thank you so cool Maybe so cool out there Density peas in here, okay, you know what before you do your DB peas though You should shine your light down there underneath your seat. There's something really cool Yeah, check it out Just get down oh Hell, no close that damn frog Bothers you that ears Through that you see the size of that dancing yeah, we're just ruined by DcTP Session this year butter and for me teeth. Yeah, brother. I mean, I think was huge it scared me and James Who stabbed you she took you heroin she walked behind me cheer and scream with it. Let me go station I thought you're going to say I'm going to take something else. Well. I was going to offer you that roll of toilet paper Huh, how did that happen what oh? James has got a nail stuck in his wow right. That's why you have to wear better shoes me true Hoggle Explore a little bit together yeah, did we miss any part of the house? I think we did This is a one-story. Yeah, we um Joe said that there's a lot of hidden compartment like hidden rooms and stuff So Frank lloyd. What's his name, Franklin Lloyd? Like I guess he had an understudy named Neil That built this house, and he's responsible for a lot of the architecture and ePcot There's really Disney okay, we we didn't get to explore some of these rooms in here, and we're Gosh got really creepy in here looking for like some hidden rooms Do you got this thing this is my Emf K2 meter? was weird who Was it you I? love skylights Skylights are cool. They're my favorite There's some in here too, but well. I thing that kind of sucks about skylights is sometimes. They do leak water That's why looks like there's some water damage in here. Oh You're any file, isn't it? No files. Yo, this is awesome Day but you this house is so cool. I want to get a shower. It's humongous Whoa wonder what happened? All right there lot of noisy. Sorry is why I like kind of having my own space and splitting it up This was real popular almost like you know high-end houses like an intercom system Like I could be in the living room. I could be like hey man. How you doing George? Are you going poopy? Well hurry up the pizza man is out front and he needs to needs his money spider Is a lot move think he's pretty happy or exact Yo, this is awesome I'm scared this is kind of like A Giant waste of space if You ask me something because a little tiny Bathtub and I mean fills up to me. I'd throw a giant Jacuzzi in here and invite all my friends over for a partay Sitting here. Oh Got a nice dingy cuticle over there. What's an Earwax? Gail is so hot here my gosh Man this person must have had a ton of clothes who designed this house. Yo? So pills or something Oh, I got excited for saying. I thought that was the thief Mmm. I'm over here. Hey I found the safe. Give me kiss already honey. You can't place and get the hell away though I don't want to kiss out of you, bro. That was probably touching so many turns Yeah, oh, okay Hey, I don't see a jewelry in here Well, I recorded the whole time with no cup so Definitely didn't take it what oh? Good it was just too safe. Though. This is it It's cool looking oh it's a combination safe a cassette tape Holder or whatever oh Yeah Ha ha wait for me. Oh This is awesome to put all your peers of my keys and yeezys in here Ready for omar. Yeah, alright. Go ahead Might find some dirty Tampon is under there too. Let's have you try. Hey, Billy Grab you the bed ready? one two three Oh, just a bunch of pee stains little Tiny Fingers no No, no, no step on it. Let them live aha Don't step on. Oh not either. He's a living creatures Hey, let's take him home with a pen no You know what I feel like if we keep killing bugs We're going to be reincarnated one day. It's a bug so people are stuff on Helmets and stuff and didn't you just send me to the boat game how to get bugs? No, that was those four rats rats are different Rats are different It's super hot let me know if you guys see anything underneath this bed Man, I'm trying to see It won't your job. Oh, there's a lot of stuff under there serious. Oh Here lift. It up. Done lift up the whole are actually just one of those yeah one of those box burns What's under there look at that? It's like a freezing thing That is I think so yeah, it's exactly Is there any money in there any money? See them. I feel like I just inhaled like ten bedbugs. Are you rolling ball? Should we like check out the other side? Yeah this enough size deck out back. See what we have a fuzz where we do check out Keep an eye out for it in an attic. Yes, keep it out for hair There's got to be an attic somewhere. There's tons of doors everywhere It's another skylight Whoa look life on me You know you got the pieces of joint help. This is the key the house You should try it What's the story on this place being abandoned? You know last I heard it was Abandoned because the former owner died and then it was sold to some real estate company And then apparently they went belly-up, and now it's at baking, but he bought it. Just as a tax write-off, so Celeste I know So somebody bought it adds of tax write-off tax write-off so they don't have any plans on fixing it up or anything Hey, yeah, crazy Wonder how long it's been like I think it's been like this for several years like five six years or so. What is that? Oh is that your she's burning sage yeah burn sage and a haunted place like this breather stop somebody was smoking some ganja The time he worked what well I mean my camera. Just turned off really turned off like and it's got plenty of batteries James, do you need some sage? Nothing. I did not smell good No, no, no judgment. I think it smells great Demons would say that I'm a witch she's remember Walk right into that game walk into that there you go a Little slowly Wow, well, I can go how to clean off 50 years It's really really hot in here like I'm sweating And I really don't sweat that much because Jill made got sweat like driven on its face value so am I crazy I Am still trying to find some of these hidden rooms, ooh We're already in 27 minutes What's this this is like another room look another two bedrooms over here what? This place is huge. Oh This is a mirror wow it came like off the wall oh To me this almost feels kind of like a live stream. Which is really nice and If you like live streams make your way through my other channel. I do a lot of live streams there I absolutely love live streams I mean for several reasons for one like it kind of puts you in like the driver's seat with me well passenger sheet anything but you're right there hanging out with me and It kind of I don't know it feels like you're feels like you're there and plus I'll have to edit the video That's one of my favorite things about Live streams, but here's the problem. This is why our live stream all the time? It's because I don't always have connection like a data connection like right now. Oh yeah I have like two bars of 4G And you honestly you need it to be like all the way 4g. Lte to do a successful livestream like like no lagging This treatment it's a nice large bathroom. I'm thinking that yeah, this is a bedroom over here and they shared this bathroom those are some fancy twists, but like somebody Opened up bag of doritos. They're maybe like 10 bags of doritos It was like exploded Look, we have a friend That was good. That was good that Was good. Give me a pound screw you bro. That dogs kidding me. I'm a good sport. I like it scared I like it here, duh Voters don't like but yeah that was fun. That was fun All right, let me scare the roach you scared the roach here is I just heard that it said me Okay, unfortunately you had to see a small cut in this video because it only records up to 30 minutes and then it stops But it like I thought was recording and this is crazy Liquid Joke's on you found this I promise you won't see any more best page, but you found this drawer here, and I had pictures in it Daddy's doing some evps where no you can leave it on yes, even all because Yeah, I am soaking wet guys I know it's so hot So Joe was saying he's seeing this gentleman in an obituary Died he died. Yeah, I'm not sure his name Well that scared me. Oh my gosh. That's why I was knocking on the window Thank you. What do you think about my pain? What did you ask you earlier, and it responded are we in danger? Yes, you know they heard it. Did you record it? Yes, okay? That's going to be on Patty's video And I was requesting a favorite it was just a three questions another spare moment know about in Wow, and a very very well We also found some bullets. This is 438 that was in here 3814 and there's a ton of other pictures and now oh That looks just like a dog I used to have named Brittany oh Wow, good thing going to yes, so I kid So it's so hot here I'm not a sweating type But a ceiling fan would be really nice right now if you guys come up here your videos Gonna get paid restraint do well age-restricted Okay, well, we'll try not to I guess James found something. Well, I found it. Oh you found it. Oh, oh Oh, we just found some okay, I got it Dylan, just found some 1980s porn magazines It's like you're making you know look at it. Okay. Yes, oh Yeah, we're we're not going to show that on video There's not a onesie No, G-man you can tell it's like a tease type chicks with that big hair Whoo oh that's in the mirror. Sorry Alright. I need to get some fresh air. Okay? Yeah, let's go check it out. Full. Let's check it out whoo I bet you bet House dude me too. I am sweating like crazy. I really want to know what's on the other side it is No, I think that breeze would fit all they are like you think okay? But there's like a little door over there, and there's even on the alarm thingy on it. I mean, it's probably to go outside What do you think you should you should give it a good kick. I don't want them coming after me Right there that door. No, don't do that What is that I? Found it. It's a ghost meter somebody left a year once again some other ghost hunters Here here. Good luck do that now your fingerprints are all over it Hey, look Daddy. I oh That means there were some ghost hunters Okay, dowsers you ruined like like mess around thing. I was trying to mess with you you Know I'm not going to lie like whatever you're burning smells like armpit. Yeah like it. I mean unless it's My arm pier right my date it. Is that I mean mostly What's in here? Oh? Oh, wow that's fancy very cool, huh? It's dead. Oh, no looks like a nest if there's probably some birds in here to flip in this cabinet Isis was probably really cool. How that one side? Oh, this this house is amazing I mean like look at all the windows Like there had to be a lot of natural lighting like during the day. Oh at one time this place Oh, yeah Isn't it sound like a lot of property poll takers this 12 acres? Yeah? nice Anybody wants the pepper and onion relish Sign me up You know I didn't get to see what was in this room over here. Oh It's a little toilet room tons of toilets in here a lot better. What is this right here? I think it's where you put a cell machine Abhyasa bit of sewing machine yet, huh? I don't know what this is for the tolerate with What I think there's a gun right was it was I who is that? Where that was in you bro, no? Messing with us. I swear we were in that room over there though james. I know I heard something great over me It was like a golf club. Were you recording yeah? I heard some bring it those you guys are see James are doing the same thing. I don't know why I like I don't know if your camera's very similar to mine, but it only allows you to record 30 minutes And then it stops I tried mine. That's why it stopped when I got burned up yet. So keep an eye on 30 minutes I'm going to try to make this like an hour long I'm going to walk outside all while feels so much better out here You want to go like a golf club? Very interesting house This is like a carport here Really hope there's no animals in here. Oh This is Kinda me. Hey, Lu ooh barbed wire smells bad smoke In there yeah as a raccoon nest be really careful mom. Just hissed at me right now Yeah, but I'll be really careful for Syria. I just had some hissing right now No, it's your right Caird me all right let's go off target our friend Must be another door Yeah, oh gosh. Thank you. Hey guys Bro, are you like Magic? Yeah? Mr.. James copperfield over here They were blocking the door Well here comes again. Oh Yeah I have a Pretty good outer. He's passed it down to my kids to my life. Yeah. Oh, that was me. Oh really now It's getting uh it's like some kind of weed. It's called kiss weed Is it already? Oh, I know what that means - that's a billion. Yeah that selling room or gun Rec room. Oh, what not? I've been doing something a little bit different when I do collaborations with my friends and Something that we kind of started and let me know if you think it's cool I think it's a great way to cross-promote each other's videos that way we all have different videos But whenever we do like an exploration video instead of us sticking together the whole entire time We're like splitting up. Oh Why you seen it? Yeah splitting up. Oh We did that at the queen mary me and James and we've been doing it like ever since and it's been working out pretty good Oh, there's tons of flies out here That's the only bad thing about being outside does feel better than the inside still hot you want it, but they're spicy in there no One's Evp your does not sound like that in sound like it sounded like a coyote or some not even I heard like a woman stream a Woman looking right over there look at that. What is that where? right there That's not a cow where right there where my flashlight is when I - like right here Yeah Many closest marvy, what is that thing? See that wasn't me oh I see. What is that thing move into the field? Maybe it's a predator getting ready to attack the cows. Let's look at it, or is it a bug what is that? Something moving through the field look at it. You see it change Those are just cows. They're all cows There's like a ton of causal Links Linda Dear Cows make some weird noises. Oop sorry about the blur there, okay. It's going away. All right there you go Remember can't edit so You're still burning the sage no, I'd put it out. Yeah the whole Session out back before we go. Oh gosh, so many flies I Think James is signing out over here. Yeah, are you signing out? You should go up to that back deck. Maybe one before we go which back deck is great Beyond the pool yeah. Oh yeah unite the school It's like a sitting area that's pretty neat I know man. Oh. Oh use really quick like you learn one, but There's been baking for a long time. Oh It smells that stage stuff it really It's not a full house I scare me This room just gives me the creeps man. I don't know what what is this? That's nice Looks like a little crawlspace Sean oh Gosh smell so it smells bad trying to think if I Seen everything I mean I went in that room What okay? I'm not sure if I open this heard his daughter Sari closet. Oh it seems like a Soap empty space down there, maybe that's a little compartment Look at the look tool Well that looks kinda old hold the phone. No. I just have fun like that. I was a kid Are you doing a grid light session? Well Patti is doing all-out paranormal investigation She left her Emf meter. I was the only thing she left So I lent her mind He like Blender her why this fault? today See what that noise wasn't my attic you guys are hearing noises in your attic? That's amazing let the meter up there um by the way. Where is James. He's a back deck over there Right across before what I just don't want them falling in the pool. Oh, yeah, then here go check on James in scooching for James James James Were you that? Oh? He's back over here Not really curious. If there's any stuff here in this tackle box, ooh or cucaracha oh Really? If you want to see what this place looks like during the day like I mentioned my friend Joe and Rob they came here during the day and I the very like beginning of that video is super creepy. They're like they're the only ones here too and the door behind them just starts like they're doing their intro to their video and the Door just starts opening all by itself like made the hairs on my back stand up or neck I don't know. How you say that neck back my name my back I'm scared because I don't know what's that What's that? Are you bothered creeped on me for me? That it creep it down like swamp thing. How'd you get out there? Oh, sweet. She probably warned you but why uh Our spiders. Yeah, okay. I think you I think you got him bro. Did you? Ding The mat you know this reminds me of like it looks like a one-story addams family house like with all the the vines growing on the windows and stuff and Overgrown Shrubs You know what I'm actually Kind of happy that it doesn't seem like a haunted house like nothing crazy's happening to me which I'm actually happy You know what though we always say that and we'll go back and watch some footage I said that my do tell ha ha just like I know Rob and Joe did not know that that door was opening up behind a I did have some happen to me though Like the door. I don't know if like I opened the door and it started closing It was like in the closet in the master bedroom, and it started closing behind me and I got it on video I'm not sure if I think I do have that on video I might to look but yeah, there's been times where we go somewhere That is like haunted and we're like this place ain't on it And we're you know we're like not that scared and it ends up like being a really creepy video Because we see something later on You know I'll give you an example like a I think the main stringer house the very first time I went It was I mean we had a couple creepy things happen the second time was way creepier Though like the bed was moving and stuff But when we go back and watch that footage the very first footage like I seen like images And it was it was creepy, so I'm excited too. I guess I have a lot of footage to look at Not going to edit anything So yeah, let me know if you want to see more videos like this I know I mentioned that more than once already, but I think yeah It'll be pretty awesome for me because I don't have to edit as much Should I add music yeah? I'd like a little bit of creepy music like some cool Oh, yeah, just no cuts. No edits. No color correct. Maybe one cut or a jump scare a jump scares went up scare Sorry, it's too late you probably happened. Actually I got jump scared by Joe. Oh, that's right. Yeah And that's what my camera stopped working well not working, but it was around that 30 minute mark my stop working Just died it was weird, and I turned it back on in a school battery, but we have about 10 more minutes before the next cut I'm about 19 minutes or so on this clip and Like I mentioned it's only going to allow me 30 minutes You know I'm going to start making my way like towards the entrance because we did have like a little bit of a walk That's one thing that we didn't do we didn't really record a whole lot. Oh make sure this pool is so awesome on point Are those windows or those are screens? Yeah? I don't know. I think if I think it's windows I think this is all waterproofing here. No. No those look it's broken those were screens. Oh yeah, you can see the screens It's like broken. It's all broken Or ripped up sorry oh Do this pulls awesome Tail up pineapples those aren't pineapples that kind of look like a little bit terms of Palmetto bugs Gimmick in Kolkata laughter, oh What'd you just throw in there? others admiring this sunbathing chair some actually pretty nice condition Considering its age. Oh Here's another door. Oh What's this out here? You know we are straight up in the wild like the wild has taken over this place Giant Palm Tree Yeah Yeah, I bet you alligators live in there man. Well Hey, we're going to start walking back to our car you? Don't have to I mean We're just going to check on our car. You're parked by like a real busy road. I'm just Hoping they don't tell our cars away We should eat you in the car. Oh yeah, she would love the tunnel There's another one of those intercom dings oh Look at that Here hey click. You should you should like check this out. See how it operates put your hand right there yeah, uh That's not a spider fighter, Bob. It's it's an ornament just Give it. Give it a pilot that is that is a oh it went back in it's a kissimmee spiders Oh yeah, oh, yeah, lots of spiders. It's just it's just a spider It smells bad oh summer party Oh check out that range. It's actually really nice. Oh I'll take them with you James Gonna take my Bridge now. This is the real challenge Yeah here's the thing Before we started like filming. I didn't show you the walk-by On our on our way here cuz I had no idea how long the walk was going to be I know this property's like really Big Joe said is 12 acres So I'm going to show you a little bit of that walk before we make our way I Have about at about 7 minutes or so So I just want to want to go ahead and today to you know make sure to subscribe to my friend patty jill from Urban ghosts Urban exploration my friend James from the Fam But yeah, we're going to go ahead and go for a walk, and then I'll give you the official Goodbye kiss. What's it say? well Your time there bro. Yeah it was You know for such a like magnificent house you would think it would have like a legit garage It was just like a car for it's a little carport. Well, that's a three car big cardboard carport not sure if the house was haunted but Now it was it's haunted. I mean Maybe we'll come back here. You know let us know in the comments if you want us to come back Yes It's very quiet. If you have less people. It seems like there's a lot more crazy stuff. You hear and notice well It's because it's it's quiet. I mean, that's why sometimes when we've gone places alone You know it's it's really really quiet. Yeah, and we hear more and see more And who knows spirits can sometimes get a little agitated too like when there's more than one person or a ton of noise That could be either like a good thing I Thought I think somebody with a flashlight is the entrance right over there Opera I really hope there's no cops I Don't know if that's where we're parked. Oh, I think it's Yeah, we are kind of back here. You know like we're not supposed to be back here But you know when it comes to urban exploration and whenever you're visiting places It's really important not to harm any property and that's the worst thing ever like when I see Places that are you know they're old historic gems and people destroy them that's not cool so if you're going to do any urban exploration You know treat like the property like if it's your own Let's check out these trees man. This is pretty awesome and pretty scary all at the same time Paul do you think that oak tree is one? Had to been one of the stickiest walking down a heavy paper window Yeah, this walk kind of kind of sucked a little bit especially at nighttime Joe's daughter was really scared Actually didn't eyes so it's always building Those the other girl's name Caitlin. She wasn't that scared though All right see those cars moving. That's where we're parked. It's like right off of a busy highway Are they following us? Yeah, okay? See them right there? Can't vid by Skeeters Computer they have you see me moving a lot. It's not because I'm choosing to move that much well. Maybe I am but yeah, there's tons of spider webs, we're walking into and tons of bugs attacking us because of our lights and Because they just love us girl those frogs This is why I have chains going first Woah, I'm gay literally all over me Dude, there's like a car park. Okay, nevermind alright see we're parked right over there, so we definitely made it and Doesn't look like our cars were towed away or any cops waiting for us over there I'm going to go ahead and start letting you guys go I do appreciate you Staying if you stayed this long for this video. You are a real og Gosh, we scared the crap outta me, dude. You did it on purpose No Anyways like I mentioned if you see anything crazy in this video heard any sounds let me know in the comments Make sure to follow me on Twitter and Instagram Sometimes I do snapchat not very often, but I also have another channel too if you're not aware It's called deal more gosh, and I try to post daily there more about my life, and I do live streams like I mentioned earlier Anyways Gotta go give me kiss peace. I love you
Channel: OmarGoshTV
Views: 3,640,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0bfl093VICo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 35sec (3635 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2017
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