So Haunted They Never Entered This Room

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but we are warned don't ever go through that door so we haven't opened it yet you haven't gone in there we don't know what's behind it oh my God what is up fam welcome to another beautiful day here at the Safe Haven Ranch hope you're having an awesome day so if you missed my last video I kind of explained why I messed up and it was uh it was a terrible mistake on my behalf I should have did a little bit more research but I ended up getting this plastic pool for my baby ducks and I left them in it a little longer than I wanted to I did come back and check on them but it was about 20 or so minutes and one of them ended up dying I don't know if it was just if it was cold or if it drowned I don't think it drowned because it was just a little bit of water in there it was enough water for them to still stand up but maybe he didn't know he was able to stand up well I felt really terrible about it we ended up going from Seven baby ducks to six and today I did a thing I was at Tractor Supply because I think one of my cows pet cows may have pink eye she has some sort of irritation going on in her in her eyes so I went and got some medicine for her and as I was there nice saw some baby ducks and I thought to myself well hey let's replace the baby duck that passed away because I I feel terrible but not only am I replacing the baby duck but I'm replacing it with two baby ducks in its honor okay so it's something that I guess happened with the chickens too I think I ordered 24 chickens ended up with 27 one passed away so I got two extra so this is kind of repeating that story now here's the thing I'm gonna kind of prank Tiffany because she has no idea I did this right now she is back there with the animals right now and I just got off the phone with her she has no idea in fact she was like why are you gonna go with the birds because I just took care of the birds I just gave them water and whatever and I've made up some stupid excuse so I told her to meet me back here whenever she's done back there we don't have a whole lot of time these guys are so stinking cute I mean all baby ducks are cute okay at first I was just wanting to get one but I was like no way I mean yeah these guys are probably siblings I mean these guys are already bonded now these guys are slightly smaller than my babies because my babies are probably like a week and a half old these guys are probably just a couple days old and these are going to be like those large white ducks so let's get them in there oh guys I got you a friend you guys are a lot bigger wait plus I have two geese these are your new brothers and sisters you guys be nice oh my God they're so much bigger they're kind of freaking out I don't know all right they're actually being pretty nice to them no but they just instantly accepted them now if these ducks were grown ducks they'd be pecking at each other so this is the only reason why I put them together even being baby chickens they'll kind of accept each other now that is one of my goslings right there AKA abuse man they kind of run stuff I like the big brother and sister but you can see they're kind of smelling them a little bit but they blend right in guys are so cute I gotta get Tiffany back here first of all you guys are so messy I gotta get this cage clean let me show you the difference between ducks and chickens this is ducks because they love playing in their water and then this is chickens I got 26 chickens in here look how much cleaner they are I mean they're still dirty don't get it twisted they're sleeping right now probably in the next couple days I am gonna transfer our chickens outside with the regular Safe Haven you know family the bigger animals I think it's gonna be great but I have I have an actual Chicken Coop a huge chicken coop for them they got pretty much all their feathers it's fairly warm now I mean at night time it's just barely dropping into the 60s if anything maybe 69 degrees I mean it's still still nice uh but they got their feathers they're gonna be staying warm hi my little baby V how you doing you're so cute do you have a good day today so during the day I put V out here on the porch anyway he's giving me kisses and he has a great time I only let him out of his little home if I'm around and it's usually when I'm in here like messing around with the chickens it looks like Tiffany is still out there hey babe come here there's something wrong with the duck all right she's gonna be kind of mad I told her that there was something wrong with the Ducks not the case we want wormies oh yeah that tastes good hi babe oh that's my thumb it doesn't bite my fingers birds in general they don't have the best eyesight I mean not all birds but they don't have the best ice-side chickens or ducks at night time you guys are missing out Hey sister Mary Clarence here oh my gosh these guys are such chickens oh my gosh dude look there's something wrong with the Ducks you got a body double I got two replay you can't replace it I didn't replace it I got them I got them baby like baby brothers and baby sisters maybe but look they get along like perfectly but they're all huddled together so you're gonna have to go out there and finish the animals because I just hauled butt in here and Mona chased me out and Mo and mood at me she moved at you aren't they cute oh my goodness it's gonna be them little white ducks or the big white guys I was just on the phone with Chris and she's like please call me back and tell me what happened with the Ducks oh my gosh look they just got traveling because you put you put some Outsiders in there no no they're they're friendly with each other they're just scared well they get along they're not picking at each other Bruce is getting ran over so our ducks were that size about a week ago just to give you an idea God you like scared me I was like well I was literally just in there like what could happen to the Ducks it's the only way I could get you in here but no I'm not trying to replace them I think they like them so far do you know if they're a boy or girl I don't I got my ducks this stuff it's an organic duck crumbles instead of giving them chicken starter and I got them this new feeder too see if they like it I look guys you probably love the water you just love putting their feet in it you guys like your new feeder yeah yeah you like your new home baby gosh there's so little with the other ducks and just to give you an idea how big Ducks grow in such a short time I mean these guys were they were little like them just a week ago they've doubled in size in one week but I think I think these guys are gonna be fine they can't hurt each other seems like they've already accepted the little guys into their duck clam and it's so cute they are loving this little like water nipple thingy too so you have these things down here put a little food in there and they start going crazy you guys need to go back to bed go back ahead someone likes their food is that food good oh oh wow look at that Ducks get a little shy they really do I'm gonna probably stay out here and check up on them throughout the night too just to make sure they are officially accepted I mean it seems like they're doing pretty well I mean they're baby ducks are harmless it's usually when they start getting into adulthood they become a little bit Territorial and stuff and they can kind of Peck at each other and stuff like that especially if you're not a part of their flock chickens are kind of like that too but babies they're fine right now they're just looking at hey they're baby ducks like us they're just a little smaller oh I think they're all hanging out chilling eating it's like they instantaneously accepted them I think the the white ducks are more of the mean ones than anything they're not mean they're just then they see food on the other Ducks we're just pecking at them that's what they're called they're called pecking Ducks so yeah those two right there my picking ducks and then I got my Cayuga Ducks which are my darker colored ducks and then that's the one over there the Applewood and then I have my two goslings they're called actually I forgot the name of the type of geese they are but they're cute they're gonna be uh they're gonna be big and like a silver color what are they doing it's so freaking cute okay I'm gonna come back and check on them in a couple minutes I'm gonna go check out the other animals dad Gracie did have to put some pieces of wood here they started digging another hole around the concrete fun time I don't know what my animals are okay wait who's this Mona oh let me check your eyes out okay you're okay why is being all weird be nice hi baby you having a good day Dixie what are you doing in here how in the world did you get inside here I had you on the other side hi guys how you guys doing how you guys doing I miss you girl what the heck is going on oh wow hi me piggy hey baby girl okay I'm looking for this okay this is who I'm looking for let me check out your eye baby girl come here come here let me see your eye come here oh okay I need a treat huh let me see your eyes her eyes are fine hey no hey get out of here this piggy was trying to get into their dewormer right now you want some dewormer so the reason why these guys yeah she does have a little bit of irritation on her eye they get pink eye is from flies flies will mess with their eyes and sometimes hatch eggs and we do have a little bit of a fly problem went and got the best there is veterinarian recommended it's called veterin which is good for pink eye and just eye irritants and things like that oh freaking flower into my nose it's from the lights what are you doing in here you're not allowed to be in here hey are you looking for the food there's a lot of food in here but I usually have that door closed hi deck hi greasy how you guys doing today huh okay wait I gotta shoot for you oh they already know look at them they're already sitting you guys gonna sit you gonna sit for me you gonna sit you guys gonna sit okay oh okay Gracie sit sit good girl good girl you guys are so good I mean sometimes you're good yummy yummy yummy hey Lamar want one of these I don't think he does okay I usually close that door before I come in here because I ain't trying to get trampled by a thousand pound cow even though my cow's not out there right now thank you there's something out there oh gosh what's out there deck what's out there dick maybe he's barking at me what is it Daddy oh we are right by my my fence line maybe he's barking at a rabbit or something I hope it's a rabbit hey Lamar you want some of this buddy here you got a little bit um so it is happening next week these guys are getting sheared they're getting groomed it was cool I got really lucky now the way I found like a groomer for my llamas which I mean it just I don't know it just they don't exist I mean they do but it's kind of like a word of mouth thing so I contacted a local alpaca llama you know like a rescue they gave me somebody's number and I went on their website looked at their pictures and they do an amazing job so I am going to get that on video I don't know how these guys are gonna act I'm actually kind of scared about Lamar because I mean he's friendly but it's a little jumpy at times you know see like when I try to pet him see how he's a little weird hi buddy come here hey I mean but generally he's friendly but he's not like Macy Macy's just so cute she just gets in your face and so cuddly this guy just wants food hey Mr llama come on [Laughter] oh for you yeah I mean oh yeah oh Miss Piggy Miss Piggy got into the wait how'd you get in here Miss Piggy no you're not allowed to be oh my God she is such a terror too just got into the dog food oh Miss Piggy I didn't close this gate all the way okay I'm gonna pick you up Miss Piggy oh my God you're so heavy she weighs like 50 pounds oh my God oh I love you so much you're so stinking cute you're gonna get a haircut Macy you're gonna get a haircut see how friendly she is we bottle raised her for several months and I mean she's just so friendly she's getting big she's like in her teenage years now hopefully she's still sweet after she gets a haircut she's gonna look like a little alpaca because that's what she looks like she's a llama Paka oh no she's a llama she'll be big one day although I have seen llamas that are a lot bigger these guys are you know they're still big but yeah I've seen llamas like like this tall before all right I did spray some of that stuff in Lily's eye it's like seems like her like her left eye is a little irritated yeah I'm not 100 sure it is pink eye but that stuff that I gave her is good for any type of like eye irritations including pink eye all right you guys be good okay be vigilant stay focused but you know make sure you get some rest too later hey look Mom it's a boy down it's a really big spider too what are you doing man get a little tickle you can get a little tickle oh I'm gonna tickle him with a piece of grass hey me too just don't jump on me man just don't jump on me I just want to pay you nice little spider nice little spoiler you want to be my pet you want to be my pet yeah okay so want to check up on the baby ducks Tiffany was in here a little earlier oh wow look they're getting along just good it's just a little Messier now because we got more Ducks now hi guys you're so cute oh look at the baby pecking Ducks they're cuddling with the geese that is awesome these guys are getting way too big for the area and a little too destructive wow oh wait there's one out bro I swear I just saw a chicken out there's no chicken this is like a damn Phantom chicken what doppelganger chickens no way Sister Mary Clarence is my uh real shy chicken that thing blows okay it really blows it feels nice even right here the doorway it's gonna be a hot day today so yeah we need that what are you screaming about what screaming about huh let me give me a kiss give me give me a kiss I ain't doing baby I am planning on going somewhere a little later that I got invited to a place that not many paranormal investigators have been able to explore now if you didn't know maybe just stumbled across my channel because of like the farm videos I do document like you know scary occurrences mainly like historical I'm not a paranormal vascara I've like really hated that title you could just say that I like to document things that are abnormal things that are paranormal and tell the stories behind them you know it's always fascinating me but I don't like to I don't like to consider myself like an expert in the Paranormal field because I'm far from that yeah I know a lot I've learned a lot I've caught a lot over the years but anyways something that I'm going to be doing later and I may take you along a friend of mine his name is Jeremy Hales has a channel called what the hills and he lives I don't know not too far away maybe an hour or two away on the west side of Florida and he goes back and forth he does these like storage unit auction videos they're really fun and oh look at these guys but he bought a Schoolhouse an old school house and supposedly this old school house is super haunted and we're gonna get to check it out together hey guys good morning someone told me that this space for my animals isn't big enough this is about two acres of free space not two acres from where my house is or my property two acres just for the animals that is a lot of land okay so whoever said that I've seen so many places where there's animals and they're just in this little small enclosed area especially horses okay like okay give me an example all right my horse Neighbor Next Door and I mean mind you my my neighbors they let him out every once in a while but they keep him over there and that's about that's a really good size for a horse all right our area is a lot bigger than that and that's probably like in half maybe a half an acre playing for the horse but he still has an additional you know eight to nine acres to roam sometimes during the day I think he's out right now hi Mona how you doing baby hi Lily let's see your eye baby girl let me see oh yeah her eye is a little teary see that so I need to spray some more stuff in her eyes she could have pink eye and it is very contagious um oh she's got it in both eyes wait do you got it okay Mona does not have it and it's from the flies look at all these flies they have on their heads and I do spray stuff on them but it only lasts so long they don't let me spray this stuff very often on them so all right hi Dixie how you doing baby she's getting a haircut I'm excited she needs one she needs one like really bad look at that hey guys miss Peggy still trying to get the dog food from last night yeah hi baby okay what are you doing look at this piggy in the water tub okay this is what it should look like when I'm separating the animals I got Lamar Tommy you know that way he can't mount my girls right now because they're too young and then I got the cows together it's really hard to catch a little Arena I've mentioned that in previous videos I have to kind of bribe them with food and that always works but yeah let's get some spray put on Lily again I sprayed some of this last night doesn't have any alcohol or anything or antibiotics which is great oh it was a ghost I don't know what it was for irritated eyes to help relieve burning stinging itchy watery eyes and removal of foreign materials directions for use wipe away okay spray set nozzle to stream setting e she's not gonna like me very much Lily oh I'm so sorry gosh it's so hard to get her she feels so bad for her actually thinks I'm like scolding her really not Mona you look so beautiful today yes you do I love your colors Mona's a Jersey cow if you're wondering they're naturally just kind of bony like that I'm not like starving my animals I promise you that you can see the difference like look at Lily she is a herefordshire mixed with something else and even Rina my zebu I mean she's a little a little like skinnier but it's just the type of cows they are all right I need to get your eye okay I mean I kind of got it oh it's just to get three sprays in each eye I think I think I came close a couple times I missed all right it's pretty windy out today which is good because it is pretty sunny I have the animals closed in the little you know garages so that they wouldn't come out here when I was trying to separate the animals let's go get them I mean they are eating all right Gracie guys always find the shade hey babies you're so freaking cute oh my goodness you're getting so big you're getting so big okay that's not candy I scared them I didn't mean to scare you guys you know it's not even hot in here I scared you I'm so sorry I'm so sorry you are so adorable oh my gosh you just want to eat your face I mean she's so cute she's so cute dude still have a ton of hay hey ego Miss Piggy Miss Piggy did she Escape she oh I'm gonna kick her butt Miss Piggy is eating the dog food where'd she go oh okay I know she has it where the heck did Miss Piggy go oh There She Goes you little Vandal you are so slick why are you ah and that's how they escape I know she smells it she's gonna go right to the dog food you gonna get effed up by Gracie she don't like when you have her dog food no no no dog food for Miss Piggy Miss Piggy's too Miss Piggy you're too big you are too big get out of here go eat some food other food farm food not dog food no this is why I've been separating Miss Piggy from the dogs because she likes to eat their food and the dogs don't really eat a ton like they'll pick out their food a little bit and then come back to a little bit later like they're still hungry right now Dak now if I have them separated a little bit and Miss Piggy's still in the same Paddock they'll growl at Miss Piggy and they won't let her get their food here okay eat your food come here Dad come on all right she's searching I can't believe she was hiding like that completely click baited so Miss Piggy click baited me I'm gonna click bait Miss Piggy here Miss Piggy you want the dog food so look I got some dog food for you Piggy come on oh yeah look I got me stuff I feel kind of bad I'll give her a couple morsels all right here Miss Piggy Miss Piggy there you go right there dropped a couple nuggets for you there you go I didn't completely clickbait you like you click baited me look you left one left there's one left Miss Piggy oh gone got something to think see it into the microphone God it's piggy okay someone else wants to be interviewed come here Mona let me know how you feel today TMZ is watching so Miss Piggy how do you feel about our governor Ron DeSantis do you love him do you hate them come on okay she has no comment look at Miss Piggy rolling around in the dirt she's just loving it all right this is all you guys get right here not taking any chances anymore they literally have a foot of water I mean you know duck feet or it's a it's even smaller than a jacuzzi and I'm probably gonna take it out so I don't trust leaving water around Ducks I mean you know baby ducks they'll be fine unless they get their feathers and they start producing the natural oils but yeah I mean they can get out so I think I think they're okay and the little ducks I got last night are doing so good just look at I put some little worms in there for them they're loving them oh my goodness so adorable so probably in the next day or so I'm gonna put the chickens outside in the bigger coops I think they're ready and then I'm gonna transfer the Ducks into here which is crazy because this is their future underground pool when they become adults I mean you know just a temporary underground pool I'm gonna put this underground I'm gonna have a filtration system for them and it's gonna be great they'll be able to go in and out as they please yeah I think it's time I think these guys are getting bored they're starting to jump out of the the enclosure AKA pool sometimes I'll find I mean look hey a little chicken poopies all over my chicken house yeah we can't have that I mean I think they'll enjoy being outside too I have to get the dogs kind of introduced to them too so they can start protecting them but I'm not gonna physically have the dogs around them not just yet I'll wait till the dogs get a little bit more mature but as of now I have a little enclosure I have two enclosures around I have the chicken coop which is enclosed they can't dig holes to get to them also I have a goat enclosure around that and that's where I'm going to keep the dogs if the dogs just so happen to make it through the other side they can't get inside of the coop because it's going to be locked up and they can't of course dig underneath because I have like chicken wire underneath so they'll be protected yes I think it's going to be great and it's about to be 90 degrees Fahrenheit in the next couple days so I think the chickens will probably enjoy that ducks not so much they don't have their feathers yet all right hey so this is my friend Jeremy and he owns this newly acquired Schoolhouse I thought it was a church at first from Schoolhouse it's a Schoolhouse you actually are in the first edition right now the main part of the schoolhouse was built in 1928 we're going through that portion right now so as we come through here this is a connecting area and now this is the threshold the old doors used to be right here this whole building built 1928 five more years it's gonna be 100 years so it's definitely historic very historic this is the first edition there have been two additions on this building and two huge classrooms on either side of the hall which I can show you that in a little bit but you might want to see the urinal first right yeah I gotta use the bathroom okay we traveled the Long Way There is a guest sign-in book on the urinal so I expect to see your name oh sweet okay ladies restroom all right going right there right now sorry to check this place out so it's haunted huh there's stories I heard something about a woman in a red dress all right so there's a woman in a red dress there's also supposed to be a little boy with a red ball who bounces the ball bounces the ball up and down the hallway I got AC running right now when it feels good you like that so I should keep it on or turn it off I don't know I'd keep it on it's hot outside keep it on I mean it's going to get dark soon do you ever open windows up so we haven't opened any Windows yet this is the original Auditorium there's a second addition to the building so this is 10 000 square feet it's huge so this is the second edition you can actually see the original brickwork from the school right here so that's the original brickwork and then this was added on later so there's supposed to be a woman in a red dress they're supposed to be a kid with a bouncing red ball doors open and close all on their own to the point of the former staff who sold this to us they told us they've actually been locked in to different rooms apparently items turn on all by themselves such as fans so how do you feel about owning a haunted location pretty good so they were trying to give it away to you pretty much they literally they literally were trying to give it away this is where we live stream right now There She Goes scared me [Laughter] this original stage the the students used to to come and perform here and now it's a live stream for what the hell's we just so you guys live stream here yeah that's awesome this is where we live stream this this piano is apparently the original piano some of the students have come back and told us stories so it's original piano we got original lockers up here when I purchased it they told us hey it's haunted it's haunted it's haunted it's haunted and I just kept laughing about it I was like and I just kept pushing it off then I flew my employees down from Ohio to actually work for about three weeks and they were like hey you told them it's haunted right and I'm like uh and I didn't ask any more questions and then we were at event with them last night I'm like all right give me all the stories so they've heard things they've seen things and I guess the list just keeps going on and on you guys are going to see what you can see right yeah we're gonna stay pretty much all night and see if we could really find out if it's haunted or not I mean we may spend the whole night and not catch a single peep or maybe we'll see the woman in the red dress maybe we won't maybe we'll see her little red ball is there any red balls around here blue not red but there's a blue ball you set yourself up I did I did that's good that was good Jeremy so it has a second floor too no but I'm gonna show you how big it actually is okay I wonder if this Auditorium had like a bigger ceiling under it does okay maybe they did see the ceiling right here ah okay this is this is the original ceiling and if you peek through there you can see the original ceiling okay gotcha so we're ripping all the ceilings out and we're trying to restore it back to its original original state have you already started doing some Renovations have we yeah let me show you all right wait how long have you owned this less than a month and you've already started doing a lot three weeks three weeks I've owned it dude you have no idea they literally abandoned everything they left everything and we took it as is like right here we haven't we haven't done anything yet this is their Library oh wow so you can see careful careful careful why that's a haunted floor so I was gonna fall in or something you you might we've not been in here is that a red ball oh it is a red ball what the heck maybe that's the red ball I'm not joking I've never ever seen that in this room before wow and I've seen this and I've been filming it I mean I have film of all of this the whole renovation process on our Channel and I've not seen that yet no kidding so this is a room we haven't gotten to yet okay this next room if you come in here you're gonna see we've actually gotten to here and not only are we ripping the ceilings out ah we're literally ripping the ceilings out we're going all the way back up to the rafters all of this will be going up soon but we've got termite damage here in the floor we're going to leave the original chalkboards and oh I love that this had two walls so later on in the history a wall was put right here you can see that line there you can actually see it cut into the chalkboard and there was a wall put in right here we ripped these entire walls out and filmed the whole process before after and then there's this drop-in ceiling we ripped all that out then there was a tile ceiling we ripped all of that out as well hey George how you doing no you're on iPhone I love y'all's place this is so cool that's Maryland wait uh maybe the the mosquitoes no oh yeah that thing freaked me out when I first walked in this is Maryland security we do have security cameras everywhere but um she looks creepy from outside we actually we put her here too as an extra level of security we haven't had any break-ins yet let me demonstrate I mean they're in Otter Creek it's really small town and everybody kind of looks after everybody I mean yeah but check it out look that really freaked me out what's her name again that's Marilyn rabies after that they've already started like tearing stuff down because they say that that kind of like brings up things doesn't it like when you do construction on 100 locations and then you go in and start doing construction it kind of makes things more active so you're saying that it might be more active I mean that's what they say scared now we we've stirred some stuff here I'll show you some other rooms maybe maybe calm down you ain't staying the night you ain't staying the night they're staying the night so this whole room we still have to do if you want to see what okay what what does a room look like where they abandon everything look this is not a joke okay they literally left everything dude have you found like some really cool stuff I mean we found ghosts we were metal detecting we found silver we found gold wait what kind of gold gold ring no way wedding ring what can't tell you if it had to do anything to do with the lady in red in the red dress we don't know but we did find female wedding band They abandoned everything every room in this Schoolhouse looked like this I mean there's a lot of stuff in here we've been working three weeks solid moving everything out taking walls down ceilings down this is just wow if you guys need first aid kit tonight right there right in there okay right there there's first got some old Legos dude this is cool it's like we stepped back in time wait so this place was probably abandoned what in the 90s or 80s this was this was currently just abandoned within the the last year so the original portion was built in 1928 and then there was addition what we're in right now then there was a second edition which we was in the back then it was abandoned in 72 and 73 so it was a school and then it became an Annex for the school in 72 and 73 so there was literally nobody over here then the county gifted the property to Levy County Arc and the arc stands for Association of and I don't mean this in any negative way but it's what it's called citizens okay now they've moved past that as mentally handicapped individuals and so they had all of those individuals here and it was a school for those individuals and they've moved out of the building completely and it's been it's been a band literally you're looking I mean this is this is how we bought it as is everything the way that it is every room filled and this is what we've been working on and they've been out within the past year so question what are you going to do with all this stuff bro we've had dumpsters in here the county actually gave us a dumpster to fill and so we've filled one huge huge dumpster so far but a lot of this stuff kind of what we want to do is we just want to have a dollar sale for the community invite the community to come over and just there's just so much take a dollar anything for a dollar doesn't matter it doesn't matter if it's this chair doesn't matter if it's you know it doesn't matter if it's this mirror that's worth 500 just a lot and then we were going to donate all that money back to the Lark they sold us the property they they left the property they sold us the property and so we wanted to use it to actually donate it all back to them dude what here that's that's awesome let me know when that sale is so I can let y'all know and we can all come here and I already see something that I would buy for a dollar but I'm gonna wait because maybe somebody else wants it right over there Dumb and Dumber bro I love this movie probably my favorite movie from the 1990s and it's on V8 bro my girl if she sees all these VHS tapes don't let her see them man oh man oh my God dude your uh security guard scared me she gets you yeah that's why she's there you know what I mean I don't know if it's just me like me like I just feel I feel some heaviness in that room oh no and it's not a claustrophobic feeling of just being in there just I don't know it feels heavy in there maybe you felt it too I gotta take you to another room you know why why there's a Chalk Outline on the old oak floor like a person person no joke look wait have people really died here come here there's an ax wait what we ripped up the carpeting that was under the carpet this is what was under the carpeting I'm not sure about this hole this looks like an iPhone right maybe it was a can I don't know Pro that's creepy so once we got to that point we were we were ripping out the ceiling and we got to that point and we were like yo it's so cool so that's why you're ripping out the ceiling so so you could maintain the original we're gonna go back to the original everything yeah original everything now you know why they lower the ceilings right for for AC and for heat that's all for utilities and keeping the cost down we don't care we want to actually highlight the beauty of the facility yeah like look you got those beautiful windows up there and they go all the way up yeah that's nice I got to tell you something this wasn't actually under the carpet oh you click Vader this is this is one of my employees and he had knacks okay and we were throwing it we were ax throwing you see right here this was a wall that we took out and we were actually throwing it so oh you were accident on the wall yeah so that's my employing Christian and then we put on here Christian could not be saved okay so you know he died in the process he's still alive though he's still alive all right that's why he's got his outline there all right hey I like that I mean that's a cool story still I can imagine y'all just like chucking Chuck taxes that's what we were doing we're taking the walls down this room was filled just like the one we were just in every room in here so where did all the stuff from in here go in that room dumpster oh you put it in a dumpster dumpster wow yeah I guess there wasn't anything great we've either given it away or we've put it in a dumpster okay so if it was garbage that reminds me of my childhood this right here yeah would you take your backpack and just hang it up yeah you put like your coat in there and well we were talking about should I take the Cubbies out and I was like no that's too historic the Cubbies have to stay yeah but you can't even have some old names on them there's names on the old lockers up on the stage as well in the auditorium but um George started to take the names off I'm like what are you doing actually you should keep taking the names off and I have an awesome idea for you you should have people sponsor a cubby and you put their names in on the cubby yeah it's not a bad idea and that can go towards the renovating of the building that's a good idea yeah how many cubbies you have in here not enough or it depends on how much we charge how much would you charge per cubby I mean you could charge like 10 15 20 a month not enough Cubbies yeah yeah we need I'm gonna have to build new careers we'll build some new Cubbies I would definitely donate if I knew it was going towards this beautiful building this building was there was a lot of Happiness here probably a lot of sadness too but just knowing about the the mentally handicapped people that were in here too that kind of breaks my heart because I have a niece that's that way this building had a lot of good the whole aspect of that is the Lark has actually uh they invited us to their client's prom last night and George and I had never gone to prom before I wasn't allowed as a teenager and nobody asked her as a teenager so we went to our first prom ever last night with the clients of the Ark who used to come here for school did you wear a tux unfortunately I wore this but you know that's I was looking for a tux t-shirt we couldn't find one that's awesome it was was it fun oh it was a blast it was incredible let me show you what's in here but you got to be extremely careful okay this floor look at this you could actually warp into oh is that what you were saying it's haunted that's what I was telling you it's a haunted I just almost did the exact same thing you have to find the truss or the floorboard so what happened you gotta be really careful no that's not termites there's a there's a HVAC in here and it leaked and it rotted this entire floor holy cow oh my god look dude be careful you literally can fall right through the entire floor I don't want you to fall so be careful this is why this this room is going to be our last room so this was the library here's some of the old wall of fame right here all right I'm gonna try to walk without check this out I just pulled this off Wall of Fame oh my God careful careful oh shoot all right hold on like I'm serious you gotta I'm going back careful I'm too heavy for this floor in the library I think this was like Activity Center as well so like here's a ton of Play-Doh lots of Play-Doh over here I used to eat that stuff you would eat Play-Doh yeah when I was a kid I'd make like fake hot dogs out of it dude there's it's like all nighter you're doing all night right oh yeah okay so if you need a snack sure look at this there's a there's an old leather chair in here I mean there's just all kinds of stuff in here but we haven't gotten in here yeah yeah I see what you're saying you gotta walk on the joist yeah you gotta walk on that floor joist and then this wall will come out as well but we got to replace the whole floor here and who knows what we're gonna find under the floor which this is another wall to come out I think there's electric there's lights over here it's safer over here these are all from the from the walls that were taken out these are all the two by fours that we're trying to save those look brand new I mean they were sealed up in the walls so yeah so when we take the walls out of here there's two by fours that we'll save in there too I don't know this must have been like a programming room or something like that Darian says hello have a blessed day pencil sharpeners clean sinks oh this is this is actual chores is there another way to get in that room yeah you can sneak around all these two by fours okay all right I am not trying to walk on that dangerous floor yeah be careful be really careful man look at this look at all the jewelry these look like a bunch of Potato Sticks hey you got some bunches TVs jewelry like we haven't been in here yet oh there's one of those uh I know what this is it's an exercise machine where you go like Maxi climber yeah [Music] no how's it yeah that's how you do it am I doing it right yeah just like that you're half doing it right yeah so this this room will be one of the last rooms we've been throwing two by fours in here you know there's stuff that will save like probably the Shelf but uh other than that everything's coming down I have to say for like what he paid for this it's in pretty good condition I mean it's all the bones like yeah the the roof is immaculate this is Old Brick and cinder block and almost 100 years old the old brick on the original building almost 100 years old Immaculate you see this giant oak tree out here oh wow dude that thing's got to be like 200 years old oh maybe a hundred well you're based I don't know how Florida trees are I used to do a lot of Arbor work with trees up north in Ohio a trunk that big would be well well over 500 years old I don't know the Florida conditions might make them you know with the humidity might make it grow a little bit better yeah but in Ohio that would be over a 500 year old trunk a tree it's big and how many kids do you think climb that potentially fell out of it but eventually you know I've fallen out of trees before well look so was that maybe like an old baseball diamond yep that's the old school baseball diamond cool it sure is is that the house that you were saying is on the property no you want to see the house that's not it no that's not it what is that that's not is that on your property that is um yes but I'll show you the house right now okay is that like a storage house that's the storage it used to be a thrift store to everything that was sold there that was a thrift store it would benefit the ark yeah yep nice oh man we're trapped in here we are I'm gonna go away I came which was this way it's like Pick Up Sticks I wonder how old these two by fours are but you know they look perfectly preserved because they were inside I mean just you know look at these guys I don't you have like probably a thousand dollars into just some Lumber yep just right here that's great and you have more that you're going to be knocking down yeah we're still knocking more out you want to go to the house now or you want to go see more room yeah well you know what I definitely want to save some of the places I have not seen yet for a little bit later when the you know all the lights turned down and it's night time but yeah let's go get a peek at the house all right let's peek at it any hauntings in the house they have babe did they say anything about anything happening in the house oh okay so Sharon the assistant director had a Chucky doll she loved Chucky and the Chucky doll would move move places in the house and they used this house I forgot about that but you're right so and we have the Chucky doll now right somewhere in this okay the Chucky doll is somewhere in here I don't know where but you don't know where it's at no clue oh it's going to be a dollar oh that might be something I might be buying hey Chucky doll the Chucky doll was over here so they put this house on here and this is for this was their office okay so this is a huge single wide and this was all the offices by the way there are outdoor lights they don't work like it's going to be pitch black out here tonight oh wow now that I'm looking at that tree even like closer now like huge yeah that tree is old bro huge that is a nice tree silent h i want to hang like a rope and a tire on it okay so I was just hanging in that tree yesterday so we had some arborists come out and we were climbing up in it and hanging in it and Spider-Man in it what oh yeah yeah dang pretty incredible it's very much alive which is awesome I feel like you'll find some Graves out here for some reason because I don't know that looks like a looks like a church bro maybe it was a church originally like before the school it was a hundred percent school was it oh never a church but the pastor was the principal so how that worked I don't know back in the day we do know because students the local community keep coming and telling us stories like all day they're coming and they're telling us oh you bought it you got to know this you got to know this you got to know this that's awesome Pastor swaggerty was his name and we know he was the pastor and he was the principal we're locked out the ghost did it on purpose they look like grapes these right here they had sheds right there there was like five or six sheds on the property they they left us that one and they took these ones oh that's a nice shed back there that one's filled with stuff too so does any of your property go behind the woods well I do have 71 Acres back in those woods oh that's right so so this is this is almost four acres right and I have 71 Acres back there in those woods but there is a little sliver of land in between but it does go back in the woods about 10 15 feet and then there's somebody else's land and then we've got 71 Acres behind it so cool which is one of the reasons why were you thrilled to get it it's literally around the corner so remember this was this was originally put in here's office space dude this looks creepy in here so the electric is creepy because it because it was an office all of the light switches are right here so these are the light switches so you see where the kitchen is the kitchen's right there that's not a ghost that's me that's the kitchen your kitchen light switch is right here what right here that's it because there's an office so they brought this home in and and it's an office so what we're doing right now is we're looking to actually hire an employee and when we hire employees we offer free housing as well we give a salary a competitive salary and we give housing and so we're looking for an employee to actually live in this house security and sell for us resell and film for us on YouTube and the whole deal so we're trying to we're trying to get a deal before we go back up north trying to hire somebody to live here hey if y'all know anybody you're watching right now free place to live get paid and have a haunted location like that you can hang out at any time I mean you got to do some work too of course so huge kitchen like huge kitchen this place was a mess you saw the one room up front and I've told you hey everything was like that right this place was literally a mess there were walls in here partitions it's very clean so the very first thing the day one that we we owned it I had to go to Orlando pick up my two employees and we came in here and we're like you need a place to stay and sleep and so we made a bedroom first this was the executive director's office okay it's big wow this is where Chucky doll was so this was the original office for the executive director we turned it into a bedroom for my employees and then her aunt flew in from California we flew in because we were having a huge event and so we used this bedroom which this was all partitions and cubicles for the staff so we turned this into a bedroom for our aunt this is so cool so this furniture we buy storage units and obviously we buy storage units and we film what we find all the furniture is from storage units oh really I love that desk this was actually originally here oh okay this is this is an old like a sewing machine sewing machine yep ah now I gotta remember how to open it I bet you that's heavy it's very heavy oh look at that wait it even has a sewing machine in there the old singer cool yep it's the old singer hey babe check this out and then that would swing up like that no kidding yeah 100 like 50s or 60s over now that's awesome that's in great condition so this was actually here so this is one of the things that we kept that was actually here all the other Furniture we brought in from storage units that we bought here in Florida I love it man y'all did so much in so little time would you have like 10 people here with you it's me George Christian patients we don't know how many ghosts so there could have been ten but um the ghosts were hoping we at least we had four non-stop so there was a window in between the offices but we had her aunt sleeping here but her aunt couldn't get any sleep and then the Chucky doll she kept hearing noises all night what she told us she told us there were giant rats in the ceiling she's Arabic she's like the dead internets rats I could not sleep we did we put a painting over this because um there was a window in the offices so we put a painting over that because the employees were there they slept just fine her aunt is the one that said just noises noises noises noises there's something in the ceiling trying to get her wow we're gonna have to pay some time to this room later can we come in here later I got night time you have complete and total access to everything you know man just don't fornicate on my property [Laughter] yeah I'm pretty sure that was like you guys going to come in here later yeah man all right I'm gonna turn the AC on oh it has air conditioning oh man this is incredible over here well you can add that later you got running water and stuff so we got there is no shower because it was offices we used to have these leather chairs on our dock on our pond because we didn't care wait yeah those are outside yeah these were outside they look like they're in great condition we found them in storage units and we put them on our dock on our pond then we'd just go out on our leather recliners out on the pond and then we brought them over here so there is a bathroom over here but there is no shower yet because remember this was an office right so we had to have everybody go use showers over there this place is in great condition I have to say the whole property everything and then there's another bathroom back there and another storage room but we are warned don't ever go through that door so we haven't opened it yet you haven't gone in there we don't know what's behind it we were warning wait are you legit not been back there you want to be the first one to open the door and go we'll follow you we'll do it later not today well I mean later today tonight when it starts when I go on the door I don't want to go in the door Walmart should we do it now you're on your own I'm going back over to the schoolhouse there's showers over there in case I poop my pants all right I can show I'll show you the bathroom I'll show you the bathroom really quick but we are warned don't ever ever ever ever go through this door and why is that though they didn't tell us but there is a bathroom in here and I can tell you the lights work so there's a bathroom the lights work the plumbing does not okay and this is like this thing oh it was nice like Knotty Pine it's uh it looks like it's out of a bad scary Deliverance movie and I just figured I saw the condition of this room that I should not go back into the other room so maybe it's a kind of like a danger thing don't know I haven't been brave enough you're the man all right I'm just a boy we're gonna we're gonna oh my gosh that is so funny it's like this nice big pole in this little flag so we're gonna make a flag what the hails oh nice and then we keep saying we're going to create a baseball team here we're going to be the otter freaks so we're gonna get a flag that says our freaks yo so we're just over here just sitting chilling just talking and we just heard some noises it's on the roof it sounded like something coming from the ceiling or why is it George that just went to go check on that and not us like yeah we're just sitting here I heard it yeah I heard it there's the access panel if you want to get in the roof that's right there we were told not to go up there all right nah that's one thing I don't I don't do addicts um I want to know who came up with the word either it's either this is so true I say either tomato tomato No definitely tomato definitely tomato I don't think I've ever said tomato do you think that's right if you heard something he was afraid I heard that too sat on the freaking chair on the couch is that what it was um it was like a tap this is gonna be a fun night and talking to somebody and he came out and he was like who are you talking to and she goes she goes Mike and he was like uh she goes my friend Mike he's right here and then she he was like come on we're going inside and then her grandma who was the executive director went to her computer to log in and you know how it has ID and password guess what the name was on the computer Mike not here her office is right that was her that's her office right there no kidding right there and I would probably say that Mike's gone now or we don't know you're gonna find out tonight oh we definitely gotta do the Spirit Box hey Mike is it you making all that noise in here you don't have to be scared tonight we'll be here to document your haunting you could play with Tiffany's hair okay fam it is officially midnight it's dark out and we've been here already I don't know maybe like an hour or so we did leave to get some eat and we came back that way we could officially be into the night and uh so far we've caught quite a bit of activity uh we saw this hey where'd that ball go what was that oh my God it was like yeah okay so uh we were here doing a Spirit box somewhere like in this hallway and it said something about Satan and then do not be afraid and then I hear like what sounded like a snake hissing and Slytherin this ball came rolling out of here and it was that red ball that is not in here anymore actually it was in this hallway so that whole tale about that red ball is real I just wanted to give you kind of behind the scenes because we are doing a video here into the night and so far we've caught a little bit of activity I mean nothing crazy you know no demon possessions or anything like that although the Spirit Box a little bit ago did say something about Satan didn't say that like be careful or something like that because I was asking for something to happen I'm like hey close the door you know do whatever do something and shortly after that ball came rolling but we think that the ball was probably in like a ceiling and it's a lot of noises there's a lot of noises that's for sure but you're saying the ball could have been from like uneven ground or yeah I don't know and for all we know there could be so there was a smelly yeah it smelled like something dead in here yeah which is weird because like earlier today I didn't smell that at all while we were in there yeah same but anyways this place is cool I haven't seen that woman in the red dress oh I did get something about a lady in white on the Spirit Box and we were using this different Spirit box that has never been used before pretty cool place I have to say I definitely want to come back here but yeah stay tuned for that video it's going to be great we're gonna spend probably a couple more hours here and through the night I don't know if we're gonna spend the night here like stay over like have a sleepover but I don't know I'm thinking I may try to come here alone I don't Tiffany thinks I'm crazy but no I highly suggested I'm up for the challenge without me we'll see but anyways gotta go for now before we leave thank you
Channel: The Omar Gosh Vlogs
Views: 503,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: omargoshtv, the omar gosh vlogs, the Omar gosh family, FARM videos, safe haven ranch, country living, farm animals, farm animal videos, funny farm videos, hilarious animal videos, why you shouldn't buy baby chicks, don't buy chickens from feed store, tractor supply, rural king, egg shortage, baby chickens, baby chicks, baby ducks, baby geese, educational chicken videos, farm vlog, farm vlogs, farming videos, relaxing videos, llama videos, cow videos, dog videos, funny
Id: KMrjakeLTmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 7sec (3607 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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