I Was Alone With An Unfriendly Ghost / OmarGoshTV

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Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] here we you know there's several spirits because it is a commercial building so there's they come and go as they want but we do have a resident spirits up here there is a gentleman in this back hallway that must be table experience and he's probably the more grumpy see the one that doesn't like other men he's one of them and over here by the AC area there's another gentleman we call the big guy just because he ruled on he was an egg he's the one that tags the guys in article tours so if you have a military background or a law enforcement background if you're taller than him if we like picks on you at that point well look what Jody's wearing this is his space this is his space for sure this is where most people get touched on our tours it's gonna be in this room itself well usually we let people walk through the room get a feel for it reason we put this here is usually we don't tell me with a backyard but you're filming so we'll let you go back there you feel comfortable doing it abso most people don't go in here we don't not to go back here let me get you to see what you feel oh my god dude I just felt a cold draft go right through my body right now just insane like well you're like right now I'm just blacked out that hallway completely right there yes what so that is just another room that goes to the AC which we can't go in because of the day I'm just stunned right now I thought there was just somebody working right there cuz it looked like somebody dude you're kidding me this is just the storage room this is just a storage when there's nobody else up here there is nowhere I just seen what looked like a guy is standing right there I was like oh my bad there's nobody in here do you feel the difference in this hallway though yeah right off the bat but she won't even go in here back here we've done research in up here like I said for you know several years now we've got the downtown for for 16 years this is one of the areas that we've learned over the years that the ghost that stands in this hallway does not want us back here and he's made that very well-known by throwing things out of this hallway at us slamming this door shut turning on and off lights and he's made people feel very very uncomfortable and so out of respect it's kinda like a roommate thing you go hey we know we have to work with you every night we won't let people back here but I did talk to before you guys that you are coming to say hello to them that's the only reason why I'm being honest with you man you said you felt a coldness over there I have to entrance when you walked in here I felt like something followed you along and I was paying a paying attention to this but I also was paying attention to that I was like holy cow like there's somebody I felt like I've seen somebody in there and then you just brought something over here there's more than one more than one there's spirits all in this building would you do a spirit box session yeah absolutely and people will see a shadow from the left to the right walking back and forth in this hallway and when we open this door sometimes they will actually see a figure of a person standing here but I see a shadowy crazy all again yeah so that's okay it's not uncommon to see it in this area and this is the building and the location was just a good crowd did you hear something I don't know like what that was a growl or a groan but it came from behind me but obviously there's an exit right there and I hate they're third floors there's nobody on our Epis it's a fire escape I will say this we mean no disrespect to the spirit center year we just want to hear your story and we're gonna be out come on you hear that that sounds like there's somebody walking in there maybe it's the air I don't know now there should be nobody back there because it is like it's an AC access area and it is in between walls yeah so there's no way it's people here today we are the only people up here grab a spear gloucestershire you know what I kind of felt like there was something like she's what is that it almost sounded like somebody laughing in there right now there's a lot of disembodied voices that we hear up here I felt like something was trapped in here until you let it out with this door and it went right by energy changes absolutely little these doors yeah that's right so you been yeah like I'm not I'm not even kidding I felt rushing and go right that's like my right side now what's in here that's just storage we don't even have access with it they only put storage in there from water to Mnet's like this costumes and stuff as it was rose Gillibrand's at all oh [ __ ] your name rollo secret Union what's the secret [Music] [Applause] [Music] can you tell us why you're in the building [Music] unfortunately there's something about fortune about what our fortune fortune as their fortune in here somewhere [Music] and you said my friend's name and you went to him just a second ago can you tell me why you identify with him so quickly [Applause] [Music] can you tell us your name please that says returned it said returned I don't think it's trying to hurt you bro no I don't think it's trying to hurt me either but I just fun because I get ready to ask a question back about that setting back can you tell me where you're standing at right now so we can focus all our energy on you [Music] there's so much there's so much I don't know if you want to run you run the neckroll app yeah no I feel like I'm comfortable but but not scared no I don't feel scared at all like I think that just started me because I mean we're just getting started here already something came to you I've seen something in there we're hearing all these voices he said my name is in her name and then something just like it wasn't an aggressive touch it was just like it's sad it's hand on my shoulder like that yeah just let you know that they're there and that is the almond touch our one tour guide he's a military reservist and he doesn't get spooked very easily he said somebody put his hand exactly I was told just like you said he dropped the phone screen because it startled him and he says I don't know what it is right now I feel like doing the workout do you like a cardio workout but I'm not gonna do it I'm gonna remain calm I'm gonna walk out of here yeah yeah that was one of our tour guides another one a mail again another tour guide said he got grabbed on the face and he said that freaked him out quite a bit it was you know it's shocking because he didn't expect it yeah there's like somebody's holding his face really her it happens to me a lot but I wasn't expecting it that quick like that with me almost as soon as we walked in here we started to experience a yes pretty much you're you're right on with all the XPW in this area I got an idea then how about you spend five minutes alone in there and I'll spend five minutes alone and we see a wall know like with the door closed yeah okay is that okay with you I mean that's taking it I mean I told him already that we were coming up here as long as we're respectful form that because we wrote with him every night that should be okay I mean like I said he's not gonna harm anybody okay but he just makes you sure that you know that he's there yeah and retina no me neither but it's a very very powerful spirit for sure absolutely he's probably the most dominant one in this room yeah and there's that one area where it is out so yeah so you want to try it and one of them to our fam so I'm gonna go ahead and go in with my camera this is my infrared Sony camera I'm gonna go in complete darkness the only bit of light that I'll be able to see is from my LCD screen so that'll give me a little bit of a light got my EMF meter I know it's here I haven't taught us a whole lot purposely because we're gonna find out what exactly is here from what I was hearing from teen spirits on the other side they can see in colored which is great I'm gonna take this pinwheel by the way okay these are trigger objects that some of the spirits use and it has this moved in here before all right so I'm gonna bring this with me actually can I bring both of them that's a little answer the better way to do it is to see who come steal right we have several different spirits here so I hope you identify which donors coming thanks all right so yeah we're gonna ask what the gender of the ghost is that haunts that hallway which I hear there's several so let's go ahead please don't hurt me I'm not here to harm you but I'm here to disrespect you just here to hear your story that's all I believe this is the blue one if there is a spirit in here or one that wants to communicate with us what gender are you identify your gender by moving on one of those pinwheels use all your energy sounds like a forest so Jody thought he was getting touched or something back here and something did call on I'm gonna use my spirit box it's a little bit different than Jody's it's an app anybody can use this out I have a link down below in the description if you want to use this app there's a night club we're in a night club we're at the top on the third floor so you might hear some music here and there what's your name we hear that you don't like men why is that were you murdered dead I'm sorry if you were to leave I can leave if you are hello talking is there anything you wanna say to me to make my meter go off I don't touch one of these paralegals please I think whatever was in here somewhere my pockets whoa okay you know we are the thief ghost around yeah yeah what's your name Earl well hi Earl okay I'm gonna let Jody come in here now okay goodbye remember you cannot follow me home okay I mean no disrespect thank you for communicating with us Joe something just touched my pockets so I came to a realization there's a ghost in here one of them was a thief and his name was Earl [Music] by her bro did you really go lie oh my god you aren't gonna believe this bro look right there Lake there Lake there oh there she is lit up like the predator and then look right there bro what the heck and nuts I've never seen this use it in action before I get to peek picking up some heat yeah was this like right by Hurley right in front of her right here [Music] for the guys I got your net farm you it's okay can you describe the kids yes there's a little boy in here he's about five years old and we were talking about different things we're trying to trigger him to come out talk about cookies and we started listening with different types of cookies and he likes peanut butter cookies huh and I don't want to make Aryan cookies with me and I said I'm sorry I don't have the peanut butter cookie and we were doing flashlight session with them I said go ahead and turn it off we got to get going now the tour's ending when we gotta get these people out safely and he wouldn't turn off the flashlight so when I went to go grab the flashlight I felt like anger and the next thing I know when I turned the light on my second guy goes hey does that hurt what are you talking about she goes the scratch on your face nothing scratch take a picture of it before I touch it and she takes a picture of it and sure enough there was a big scratch on my face like she has slashed me and I said to the kid out loud I said listen we're gonna be friends but listen you can't touch me like that I don't have peanut butter cookies no temper tantrum so I walk myself down to the 7-eleven around the corner bought some peanut butter cookies and did an offering up here although since then I mean it's been done a little bit better but he knows not to throw a temper tantrum but yeah he was so angry that didn't have any peanut butter cookies and we got him all hyped up over it then he scratched me approximately so yeah there is that one and then we have another spirit up here by the name of an earring no airs about 15 years old so we like to call a young man and this door over here this closet if you take a look at this closet it's really hard to open you'll hear it drag it has a very distinctive noise and all it is is a closet with nothing in it and this has open by itself a psychic came on our tours and she says hey Ching there's a young gentleman in that closet I just spoke to and I said yeah and he has a message for you he says not his clothes does that mean anything to you and I said no not at the moment so we continued the tour later on in the tour I said yes it does I know who is in the closet his name was Aaron he's 15 years old he actually showed himself to one of my tour guides and he was standing in the doorway and they were taking pictures and all night long they didn't get any activity when they finally took pictures in this room nothing came up but when he went back in to turn off the equipment and the fans and the lights and everything there was a young guy standing young gentleman standing there with his hand by side chin up in the air to have his picture taken and the way he described it to me was ting it was a hair saw like the alfalfa style hair dry suit pinstripe suit but it was too big on him because the sleeves were down to his knuckles we always say that now we know that they can hear us on our stories so he was telling us psychic that's not my clothes we believe it was his brothers or somebody's that you know when he got buried he was put in those that outfit and that's why it was too big because we always said his suit is too big on him so we always tell Aaron you know you still look marvelous in that outfit regardless if it's yours or not but he made sure that I knew that that's why it looks so big on and look to you know long and his hands and everything because it's not many talents me a little bit ago and you're saying Aaron so now I'm just wondering if you know maybe I felt it wrong no Alan insists up here to Alan was one of our tour guides that's the gentleman that got touched the one same thing that you got did done the hand on the shoulder right here by the AC and he's the one who dropped the phone down and screamed because he was not expecting to be touchable and that was Alan so they liked to taunt and play with I left the pinwheels like up there oh yeah door just kind of just took away from you there well okay so glad the pinwheels yeah they're right on the door the second door awesome soon yep okay so we're getting ready to move on ting is you know kind of thinking the spirits and here's the thing is the spirits are kind of excited that we're here because of the whole coronavirus thing not much activity has been happening like you can see they have these trigger objects and they play with some of the spirits and that this is one of the cool things that thing will show me it's a built in 24 at whoa and that's for an EMF meter and sometimes children will jump into the bunny and make it whoa make it go off okay so funny story ting and I were just just here chatting while Jody was in there and this raggedy hands off I wish I would have recorded it but she's my witness right yeah okay she witnessed it this Raggedy Ann doll moved like that just like that and we were like woah don't me to pick you up I'm gonna pick up this right hand oh no yeah writing it was I didn't get to catch that moving it was the blue yeah damn that's cool is the Red Lake turn to decide but the blue one actually went around that's awesome there's no really yeah oh wait wait did you just close that door dude oh there's definitely a ghost in here hi boo emergency exit dude is that just shut on you like that cuz I didn't it to me too I thought you shut the door and all I think it just my aunt I think it's weighted or something that's why there's nobody walking back there it's a walk way i legit heard footsteps back there yeah it was more there's more like a shuffling like a yeah yeah every night is a different feeling what's the feeling you get right now right now it's a little bit calm they feel excited I think the kids are hiding around they're curious what we're doing but they're definitely glad to see human interaction right now so I mean it's pretty cool but they're definitely running around us right now Heidi just speaking out being silly I also promised them an easter egg country so we were not able to do that this year before lower so I have some egg toys for them when we go to the next location we're gonna play with them over there cool yeah but I could feel the excitement in the room that's the thing too is I don't really get a bad don't give your own i was scared in there plus with the stories I've heard of men not being liked by whatever spirit is behind that door yeah I don't know if that's true no one's been hurt right like okay so if you ever come visit here definitely ask for ting okay American Ghost Adventures that was really cool seeing the Raggedy Ann doll move yeah I really wish I caught that on video can one of you kids move the pinwheels doesn't matter which one I loved how you moved the Raggedy Ann doll can you move the pinwheel though have they ever moved on this you have if you guys move it maybe he'll bring you a new toy or some peanut butter cookies I move it no time for you here oh now it's okay if you don't move it though I still love you and I'm very thankful for being here why won't they it's not a lot lighter because of all the tours you bring her here babies how dark this hallway is what boy what you hear the nightclub when you look down this hallway what's the first impression you guys get running I don't know why I feel like a somebody's spirit run boy runs through here and he got some to that first doorway oh wow but down this hallway see where that red light is at the end how it triggered there's usually a large mass that stands there in the blocks that hold or really will see things go back and forth through here when we're walking through that big room just like you guys did but they'll just see a darker mass down there do you think that dark mass has anything to do with that boy that runs maybe it's running from it some people say they were seen together huh yeah so there's been a different energy sweeter but this gentleman is really tall we're talking probably over 6 foot tall because he blocks that whole area out and it's a definitely a darker darker than dark that makes any sense I know that's when people go how how can you tell the difference it's blacker than black it's blacker than the darkness in the room yeah it's a mass for sure oh and we're going this way okay please don't hurt me black mass I am your friend I like your little ghost um awesome boo oh there's a couple of boo boo boo can I ask you a question why was that light blinking so that's a motion sensor for the security system was it sensing us could be okay but I mean we're by it now and it's blinking but it was blinking when we were far away yeah one of these eggs have candy and one of them does not so this is how the games I'll play with the kids and says through these flashlights to the spirits in the route this is what we call their safe haven if somebody's chasing them they can come in this room because I walk this room and this is our research room okay and everything in here like I said it is for them for the most part and so you'll see more toys again in here just like the other room so they can come in here nobody can come in here and bother them and so if you guys talk to them tell them to turn on the flashlight that has the candy in it and they can have it I'll leave the candy behind oh you do it but one of them hasn't won it is not so we'll see which flashlight they turn on so ting is gonna try to get them to lower the music downstairs and right try to well we can go ahead and communicate now my name is Omar and Jodie we're here to communicate with you guys we're not here to harm you or or scare you we hear that there's ghosts that bond up to children here and like teen said she promised you guys an Easter egg hunt she wasn't able to do it because of the whole corona fires and we apologize for that however she did bring an easter egg that is full of candy the one on the left and there's three flashlights here you can communicate with us using any of one of those flashlights in fact if you know which Easter Egg has candy go ahead and turn that flashlight on all right no activity just yet but ting did say that sometimes the spirits and it's crazy because she asked me she was like what do you feel at the end of this hallway I'm like I feel running and she said that some of the children do run back and forth and if they happen to do that so this is laymen's department store and on upstairs was his hotel area because the building next door was a brothel and I've everybody that comes to Orlando was sustainable so they could say a hotel up here because this has a brothel feel to it yeah so the one next door is a brothel but those spirits that are in that building come through the walls over here to visit us also because they know that we come up here nightly so we've had ladies of the nights that come through here this is one of the rooms that I would say is kind of a little bit more spooky well I said we had the large mass down this hallway that's the reason why we started doing investigations up here is because the managers and the servers did not want to come up here let's see if that's the one with the candy in it that would be kind of cool so right now the thing was talking to me okay I didn't know that yeah I for some reason thought it was the one on the left no no candy so that's cool that they rolled up glass so I just witnessed this flashlight move right in front of me as she was talking to me can you turn that flashlight on for me that was when you were talking about miss Katie miss gate yep and the kids and stuff like that in this room you guys can come out it's okay I told you we never bring anybody here that harms you there's here to see you she was telling me about a girl called apple pie girl miss leverage for dads Kelsey bring an apple pie after to enjoy after the tour one day there was little finger prints in her happy pie and she's asking everybody else did you touch my apple pie and nobody admitted to and we had a flashlight out still and the flashlight turned on it was a little ghost girl that usually hides back in the closet and your safety was like if they behave just like regular kids if it's new people they kind of hide and you know they if they want to be pranksters they run by you they touch things and knock things over so they behave just like human kids that's why they get bring the gifts and stuff now why are their children's ghosts here like we're children well then building next door to us was called the Strand Hotel it was a brothel and a lot of kids disappeared out of there so we believe those kids until that building come over here because they know that we invest quite often and we enter tours over here so they walk through the walls and come to this is quite often I wonder and this is just speculation on my part if some of those kids made it over here the ones that were able to escape and had this was like a safe haven for them call the research room and both our doors are locked and like it somebody's chasing them or whatever like you know the sage and stuff like that this is the safe haven in here we have old-time pictures for them so they can remember back in the days you'll see the old train station you'll see Lake Eola and stuff like that all these pictures are here to remind them it's here to entertain on some nights we actually the radio on in here so that they have music to listen to when we're not here for a long period of time like in the month of December usually that's a slower month for us and we take vacation and we don't do is make tour so we'll leave the radio running up here for them so everything up here is basically for them the rent inton comic books and the Vincent n dog that's for Aaron the young man that was telling about Europe we learned about him he gave us a lot of personal information that is one of his favorite books he like sory and that's one of his favorite characters so we brought those along for him so there's different things in here but you know kids like I think we even have a unicorn toy in here somewhere that one of our kids like yo what is that there's some noises going on over here you did hear it yeah some clicking noises now ting was telling me that that shirt mannequin that fell twice and it fell on someone's head one of the tour guides that you know they they're supposed to sell this merch and I guess they didn't mention that newest design and like during the end of their investigation it fell on their head they're like okay oh this one too by the way there are cameras all over and this camera happened to catch some shadow activity in this room and this room stays locked at all times so the possibility of something or somebody being in here or somebody being in here that's not living of course is very very low because it's locked of course so whatever was in here shadows had in some spirits I'm gonna try to get some of that footage and share with you if not and you come visit here that the hairy Buffalo maybe ask them and maybe they'll share with you we have both albums Oh photo albums okay I'm not gonna show that because I want you to come here and see their photo albums but I want to look at it though maybe I shared a little just a little oh what's this oh wow look at that what do you see I see a dress aluminum yeah that's in the brothel oh that's across the street that's right next door of their clothes okay but yeah this is from one of our guests they took the picture and sent to us and they caught right there next ed hey take a look so there was no time for them to edit there's no time for them to you know Photoshop Photoshop it or anything like that they showed it right there and then to us my fam so I am completely alone I came back to this room right here Jodi had just spent a little bit of time in here work I ran out of time to show you that he's over there what up Jodi that was something did you catch anything while you were in here parcel yeah dude I got so much in there was unreal did you yeah I got a lot of k2 meter I got someone that's been dating oh you got the little pinwheel moving yeah I do I heard a lot of voices especially around the Raggedy Ann dolls wow I hope I can catch up - I have not caught that pinwheel Oh [Music] wait was that really moving you'll the pink one I think I just caught it moving move that again I mean you no harm you can move the pinwheels again use all your energy just like you did so I didn't even ask for that pillar to move in it I mean maybe it was already moving or I just didn't notice is there any spirits here that want to communicate with us make something happen move the pinwheel again maybe touch the Raggedy Ann doll who took out my shirt right now was it a child or a man do you want me to go back in this room are you mad because I open this door oh alright some of these old buildings like doors will move on their own depending on the week and this will yeah I think it's weighted I'm not either and shake it are you gonna move this pinwheel again for me go ahead move one of them Jody said he caught the blue one moving in that room over there I didn't catch that at all walk the door and we'll show you around I'll show you the club with you check this out guys that says warning ghost could occur at any time and does say here please respect the spirits that live here I like that a lot the one thing that ting was telling me that she has on video is that this door right here and this was very recent you could see that it's locked with this locked and closed there they have one of those ring cameras out there they only activates if it feels movement at all and of course it triggered it and they looked and this door was open for about 24 hours and she went back on the footage and she captured this door opening after it had been locked meaning that whatever spirit opened it went here and unlocked it like so and I didn't even move that they thought that maybe it was somebody that came over the balcony right here and this is the second floor I would have been very difficult to do I'm not saying it's not possible has anybody ever like come up here from the balcony like from down there no okay this is beautiful that malp even there it is the brothel that's why I say it's whoa wait a minute really over there okay so right over there was the brothel that we were talking about pretty cool and she said that the hanging man story from Disney came from this building over here you know it's crazy as when I walked from downstairs it has a whole old-school Western scene brothel feel to it I'm going to show you this I could go ahead go down there might be some music playing but who cares I'll toast music onto the background we just got in there's a really cool security guards outside coming to take a peek what a treat no ting was telling me she knows a lot of the history she said that there's a white mist that shows there's a hanging man that can be seen like she was telling us I guess there's a there's a ceiling of a church that burned down in New Orleans and we're gonna see that right now oh that's the ceiling from the church just it's part of it yes how did they even bring that it had to brought it in pieces huh look it says it right here New Orleans oh I didn't even see that this is something Dracula itself would have had it is Castle Casa that is such a cool mirror that look really nice on my wall I got like these really huge ceilings in my house right you know it's creepy too is like somebody look like they've ran their fingers like just three marks there yeah yeah what is that that's a mailbox thing I want a fancy mailbox like this Joe do you seen this yeah so cool how long ago the day to do that like the stand-up comedy here okay - we're out here taking some pictures big shot at my boy hunting today aka children bringing us out here to this epic location they say that this is usually blocked off and there's no that's how busy it is out here in downtown Orlando we're gonna go ahead and let you go please let me know here in the comments if you caught anything that maybe I missed I might maybe catch some things to hear while I'm editing also if you want to download the spirit box that I use link will be at the top of my description and if you want to get to know me a little bit better as a person please follow my vlog channel zt1 margov logs I do a lot more videos there some behind the scenes stuff too gotta go for now for the [Music] [Music]
Channel: OmarGoshTV
Views: 919,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: omargoshtv, haunted videos, haunted, scary videos, scariest videos, paranormal investigation, alone in the dark, in the dark challenge, haunted challenge, haunted orlando, haunted harry buffalo, haunted church street, haunted places, haunted near me, haunted places in orlando, terrifying videos, the most scariest, scary places, ghost, ghosts, downtown orlando
Id: X5w_KgG2pPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 13sec (2413 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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