Haunted House Workers, What's The Worst Thing You've Seen?

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haunted-house workers over debt what's the worst thing you've witnessed we had a haunted trail and a harried through a haunted forest at the place I worked when I was a teen one part of the forest was really dense and had trees packed in close and at that part of the ride the park owners decked the trees out in all shades of NIMH glow-in-the-dark streamers and placed black lights to make it really trippy usually as the hayride started into that section clowns would start flitting between the trees inching closer and closer to the ride until the kids and plenty of the adults lost it one day the clown's decided to bring along coolers with beer and have a little party they ended up getting so drunk that about half of them laid down in the trail to stop the hay truck and the other half tried to hijack the thing hollering about raising their pay another time we trail to a guides deviated from the script a bit with a gag about an escaped convict and a couple people called 9-1-1 when I was a little kid I was walking through a haunted house that was set up in a couple rooms in a school or something and I turned a corner and saw some middle-aged woman screaming and violently stomping out some guy who was dressed up as a scarecrow I think his job was to lay on the ground and just kind of lurch forward at people as they walked by and he scared the lady so badly that she just started curb stomping the crap out of him she eventually stopped after he started screaming and he just kind of got up and limped out of the room my mom worked at a haunted house when I was younger somewhere between six and ten she was a skeleton and jumped out and hugged me as we were going through and I punched her in the face my dad laughed for days favorites giant boyfriend using his tiny date as a human shield being picked up by the waistband large black girl running like heck screaming my weave my weave gay couple screaming I'm gay and defense we are equal opportunity haunters we scare all creeds and sexualities I was in a smallish room with a steel grate separating me from the folks walking through it was my job to make sparks on said great with a car battery safe I know I guess I really timed it right because I once made the mayor of my town shield himself with a small child we've had to pisses in my house alone so far this season opened last weekend another haunt at work scared someone into defecating when one particular big burly dude figured out I was not in facts and mannequin and I could in facts get out of my cage and come for him he ran so fast he went through one of our temporary walls like something out of a cartoon worst for him funniest for his friends and me my family used to run a haunted house through my high school years when me and my friends could help out we went all out we had built a couple of coffins we had a small airplane that had been sitting in a junkyard delivered to our backyard that we haunted and let people walk through we had rooms designed to disorient people with bright strobe lights and checkerboard walls and a lot of other generally scary crap in one of the strobe rooms we dressed a guy up in a checkerboard suit hat and makeup and he wouldn't be able to see him plainly standing in the middle of the room he scared the pee out of a few people after they were done with that room they had to walk through me standing in a coffin pretending to be a mannequin I took it very seriously and the best one was after a young boy peed his pants in the strobe room his mom and young sister was standing in front of me talking to my dad about it basically shooting the crap the daughter whispered mom that darling the coffin moved in the mom came right up to me poked me watched me and said no honey it's not real well I was and still am real and all three of em peed their pants 100% ratio on that tour I worked at a theme park haunted security last year and moved around the park a lot I saw some really funny infuriating things possibly the worst and most infuriating there was a dollhouse maze this was what most of the underaged girls worked because it was easier to make them look like china dolls I'm watching the line and a large rowdy group comes through shouting and banging on trash cans they were obviously drunk and I had to ask them repeatedly to calm down when they got to the front I called for someone to watch the line so I could follow them through the maze if they continued their jerkish behavior all the way through until one of the rooms this room was lined with mannequins and a few actors who were very good at staying still one of the men in the group decides to start grabbing the mannequins and then he figured out that not all of the dolls are mannequins he goes after one of the obviously living monsters and flat-out grabs her chest full on honka-honka action this girl was 16 she flipped a crap and kicked in the nuts we had to shut down the maze to flush everyone except her assailant out and then get the actual police involved I was shocked that someone thought this was actual acceptable behavior the man was arrested his group was thrown out without refunds obviously and the girl's mother apparently pursued legal action against him nor the park because she herself worked there as well in our hillbilly maze I never worked at a haunted house but I saw the guy get his legs cut off with a chainsaw I found out it was a guy who lost his legs in a war with fake ones but blood was everywhere it looked so real I volunteered for a local haunted house one year and made a girl pee herself literally all I did was stand right on the other side of the door and put on the evilest grin I could conjure up I was dressed as some kind of crazy blood-soaked mailman or something they didn't give me any lines or directions they basically just told me to be scary so some poor girl walked in held in the arms of her boyfriend and upon seeing me she screamed so freaking loudly and just wet her pants right there her boyfriend just kept pushing her through my room and into the next it was an interesting experience I was working at a haunted house at an amusement park near my hometown and I was cast as victim so one night this couple passes me and the one of the actors comes running at me so I start to scream bloody murder the look on the boyfriend's face was all that a terror he picked his girlfriend up and swung me over his shoulder and ran us out of the area and almost past the front gate security had to block his way then reason with him to put us down I have two stories context I'm a small girl pretending to be a dead little girl in a little girl's bedroom and there is a bed smack in the middle of the room but people have to walk around in a youth fashion in training they said don't get our pet one I'm alone in my room frozen in the corner when some big gangster looking six foot guys come into the room I remain frozen in the corner and this guy yells back to his friends you know there's a math F Riker in bed in the room before I even movie has jumped as high as physically possible into the air to jump on this bed the bed was a piece of wood with a sheet on it he bounced off the wood right and his friends begin laughing hysterically and so do I all I hear is man you're so dumb even the monster is laughing her butt off at you - I'm in the same corner of the room frozen when a person pushing another person in a wheelchair walks in I stay frozen and assess the situation the person and the wheelchair looks mentally able and I start to think man it was suck if I came to a haunted house and nobody scared me because I was in a wheelchair so I waited for them to pass me and slowly crawled across the floor towards the person in the wheelchair jump up and yell the person in the wheelchair looks at me sarcastically like really but the person pushing the person and the wheelchair took off at top speed and before I could yell out they ran through the curtain at the end of the hall well past that curtain the hall changed directions but that person obviously had no way of knowing that so they slammed the person her Sanderson her sinner sinner Sanderson I ran to go help but before I could get there they were gone during my record weekend I made 13 women cry the best is when you know the women could take you in a fight any day but for some reason they are cowering in the corner yayyyy haunted houses one time - really drunk guys went in and started harassing one of our actresses in a cage the owner a cop and a 6 feet 5 inches guy with a spiked club went and to get them out when I was 17 I was working in one as a scarecrow many people didn't know I was real because I only scared 1 out of every 10 people also I saw a bachelorette party coming they all had matching green tuba tops I jumped out and screamed at the 3rd line out of a torso she jumped and screamed so bad that her breasts popped out of her shirt she fell down against a wall and sat there for a moment not realizing her breasts were out one of them said um Sara looked down she quickly looked down blushed and fixed her shirt and that ladies and gentlemen was the first pair of boobs I'd seen in my life my friend's job was to be live bait that was the term the organizer for the Boy Scouts in my area had I was the chainsaw murderer to take the bait basically what my friend did was join people's groups at the door and act really scared introducing himself as Brian he would do things like ask people's names about their kids and say how creeped out he was Brian would say that this place wasn't like other haunted house setups he'd been to that it gave him a weird feeling he'd gained their trust and act like a normal human being walking into the room he'd signal me spin around and say that he wasn't feeling scared at all anymore he'd act perfectly fine still walking backwards he'd stop right in front of my closet where I'd rather chainsaw and stick it under his left arm it had looked like I had just impaled him on my chainsaw he'd scream and yell run and just scream normally people would be scared absolutely crapless and run out of the room once there was a group with just a girl and a boy walking with Brian this one girl was not simply scared by this she was mortified she faints and drops straight on the floor the boyfriend freaks out in ditches ER he drops the tough guy look bulbs and doesn't look back sue Brian and I are standing there looking at the girl I turn off my chainsaw look him square in the face and say well crap I end up carrying this ditzy glittered up girl the way back to the very front of the house I put her in the chair and waiting for her to come around when she regains consciousness she flips again because I was at bastard that killed Brian naturally I had Brian sitting next to her and he reassured her that he was okay and not in fact dead then we explained to her that her so up and ditched her with a murderer in the we waited for almost a half hour for her to get a hold of her boyfriend and to chew him out over the phone for leaving her she refused to have him pick her up and she chose to wait for her parents by going through the haunted house with Brian KITT found a dead bird on the ground while waiting outside as a prank he went inside and inserted into a sensory box which is a black box where people put their hands in and feel brains or something even though it's actually spaghetti etc so everyone after him got a feel of brains and real dead bird without even knowing it but having worked in a local house for a few years I've seen some hilarious things among them a super tough guy who's giving his girlfriend crap for being creeped out I pop out behind him in full costume as Jason which elicits a high-pitched shriek from him he's backing up further until my buddy in full freddy regalia sneaks into his blind spot dude runs slams into a wall and knocks himself stupid girl laughed was hard not to hide our shoulders from bouncing up and down from laughter I was dressed as a vampire and standing in a coffin when people would come around the corner I will jump out and scare them a woman came through and I jumped out the woman lets out this piercing scream and jumps backwards she hit the wall so hard she dented it pretty badly she kept screaming and wouldn't stop she was hyperventilating crying on and on I was afraid to approach her and make it worse I had to completely drop character until one of the guests to go get a nun costumed worker to assist her someone comes gets her calmed down she even talks to me and finally laughs about it she leaves and I'm so relieved she was okay but it really shook me up thirty minutes later she comes back I don't jump out of the coffin I just walk out and say what are you doing here she gets this embarrassed look on her face and says I had fun looking back on it the funniest part where the looks on the faces of the people behind her in the line the second time to them this vampire just walks out of a coffin and gets all bossy with some random woman former universals Halloween Horror Nights led here people get flicked up I saw someone OD right in front of me I've had others just freak out and fight thus characters some drop into a corner sobbing and have to be carried out depressants hallucinogens etc cocktails for these dehydrated people and introduce them into Enver on mance meant to disorient and frighten you it's like the fourth of July for users not personally witnessed but here's my story about six years ago I worked at a haunt in North Carolina in one part of the trail there were body bags that contained mannequins except one that had a co-worker inside he freaked out a lot of people but one group came through drunk and high got really freaked out and beat him pretty badly he got sent to the hospital they got sent to jail I was a walk around character at Six Flags one year at night I dressed as a scarecrow for the record I was terrifying and walked around the park freaking people out one night not 20 minutes into my shift I found a few high school kids to run up behind as I got closer and they started to scream I got doused with ice water keep in mind it was late October in Louisville so it was around 40 degrees I expected to find some B but kid when I turned around it was a teacher that was chaperoning a field trip I asked her why she did it she said you were about to scare those kids number freakin crap we had security escort her to the front of the park and her group was asked to leave I got to spend the rest of my night drinking hot chocolate in the dressing room with Tweety Bird well this happened to me as a visitor to a haunted house not a worker we had made it all the way to the final room we knew it was the last room because it let out right by the line we stood in to enter the house it was all black and white checkered walls with strobe lights and a guy also in black and white with a chainsaw chasing people out I was the first to enter sufficiently terrified from the rest of the house at this point chainsaw dude must have noticed my apprehension upon entering the room because he went right I screamed and sprinted for the exit or which of course was painted like the rest of the room at full force I hit what I was hoping was the door it wasn't I did a full speed faceplant into a very solid wall put my front teeth through my lip howled in pain and started crying all my friends had exited out of the actual exit so it was just me and chainsaw dude I thought that was it for me as he got closer he saw that I was hurt not just screaming in terror so now chainsaw dude puts his chainsaw down and carries me out of the house past all the other people in line waiting to enter to the medical staff I can only imagine what everyone in line thought as one of the monsters was carrying this screaming crime bloody kid out of the place I like to think it put them all a little more on edge as they approached the entrance not the worst but certainly funny I worked a home today right with my sister one year and it was my job to get in line right with everyone else and get pulled off the wagon and murdered by my sister at the vampire station one iteration there was this teenage girl who was terrified i sat next to her and pointed out how fake everything looked and how she didn't have anything to worry about when we got to my sister's station and she ripped me off the wagon and threw me to the ground I started screaming I teased real oh my god I teased real the look of absolute unbridled abject horror in her eyes as the wagon rolled off into the darkness was one I'll never forget also I am a horrible person I played a zombie in a strobe light hallway along with someone else he was in a straitjacket and would violently hit the chair against the wall while he was sitting down on it and I would just stare at people as they walked by because I have been told that I had a really creepy smile with zombie makeup on one of the groups that walked through was around five elderly folk after my hallway partner did his jump scare an old guy from that group started laughing then he saw me laughed even more but started coughing violently he leaned against the wall grabbing his chest while he slowly fell towards the ground my hallway partner and I just stood there in shock frozen not knowing what to do I wasn't sure if I should call none one one or what his friends weren't helping him but a couple of seconds later he gets up points and laughs at us old people are awesome I didn't work at a haunted house but I was planning on going to one of those scary forest walks with my family I put it off for a night and when I got up the next day I put on the news and found out someone brought a shotgun to the trail I was going to take my family to something like three people were wounded I worked at a haunted house where a pregnant lady went through the more interactive and scary part of the house rather than the easygoing side and she runs in two to six feet five guys wielding real chain saws - the chain yay she went into labor every year my OER Lodge Boy Scout Honor Society thing holds a haunted walk for Cub Scouts and anyone else who wants to go this walk takes place in a very overgrown field aka very tall grass and ends in an old barn two years ago our theme with zombies one of the last skit sections was set up as a police the barricade flashing lights and all so the group turns the corner after being scared and see the flashing lights and become hopeful that the scaring is over unluckily for them that is where I come in a six feet six inches tall guy I am walking towards the group hunched over to the point where to them it looks like I am maybe five feet tall as soon as I hear the kids start to ask their parents what that thing is I jump up to full height and sprint at them with a death wail coming out of my mouth the group splits down the middle as I run through and suddenly I have to dodge a kid thrust at me by his father who is yelling taken with tears of fright in his eyes I work as a zombie for a zombie survival experience in an abandoned mall the experience is in two halves the first half being the scripted movie experience in the second half being the skirmish where the survivors are let out into the mall to find supplies and pure components one of the areas in the basement of the mall is a large open space safe for support pillars and an escalator going to the upper floor it is completely pitch black in there the survivors all half tack torches but still don't provide too much light for the skirmish part of the experience one of the zombies gets to be the boss zombie and dress up as the clown whilst a normal zombies are slow shamblers the clown house with evil laughter and is allowed to sprint at the survivors this particular day I was the clown I followed a group of five or so survivors into the pitch-black basement without them knowing I was there we know the place pretty well so can vaguely work our way around the place even in the dark the large basement room only has one exit so as soon as they'd ventured there I followed essentially trapping them in they were your typical middle-aged male bravado kind of guys so I decided they were the perfect targets to frick with as soon as I'd gotten them into the basement room from behind a pillar I squeezed my clown nose which squeaks quite loudly and quite hilariously to me at least all the torches are pointed on this pillar so I figure I might as well reveal myself I slowly lurch round the pillar into their firing line they are armed with airsoft guns I do my disgusting zombie clown laugh and break into a sprint towards them they don't stick around to shoot me they turn and run as fast as they can unfortunately for one of them 10 feet behind him was one of the large support pillars which he greets full speed with his face and gets knocked clean out for 10 or so seconds I saw him hit the pillar but didn't realize he knocked himself out until my coworkers later told me about a guy with a bleeding nose and concussion stumbling out of the basement asking to be taken back to the safe room I don't even feel bad if anything it means I'm doing my job properly my parents met for the first time in a haunted house my father was working there for the summer and his job was to stand beneath the stairs and shake some of the loose steps back and forth while making scary noises etc well one night my mother and some of her friends went through said haunted house they eventually made it to the stairs where my father worked he shook one of the steps and my mother stumbled breaking the heel off her high-heeled boots she put up a stink and got my father fired so four years after that they told the story my father claiming some crazy B got him fired and my mother claiming some douche almost killed her in a haunted house it wasn't until they were dating about four years later that they figured it out sounds like a movie plot that's awesome when I was in second grade my daycare put on a haunted house for the parents I was in my own room dressed as a ghost and was supposed to say boo when guests started walking and I began to cry because I was scared of them the strobe light and the loud music one of the daycare staff had to sit with me while I cried and said boo to the people walking by that's adorable I didn't work at the haunted house but I went to it around the same time this happened some girl working there was supposed to be on a bath tub with a rope around her neck loosely but he slipped and ended up hanging herself luckily another one of the employees noticed while walking through and got her done before she died I worked security at one for a while there was an area where you went through amazing the walls were a mix of jail style bars and mirrors the room was filled with fog and super bright strobe lights here's the kicker one of the walls could be moved to close the maze and send the person into a circle with no way out the employees were allowed to send people into the loop which only added like three minutes to the time well the room itself was referred to as the seizure room at least every other day someone had a seizure in there one night a kid gets sent into the circle and because of the dense fog and frequent moving of staff gave you a killer headache to be in there too long no one notice he didn't come out about thirty minutes later a patron starts yelling and we see him other patrons had seen him but assumed it was a prop he had a seizure and hit his head when he fell lots of blood he was okay when the ambulance took him out just a really bad head laceration many rules were made about the maze after that girl in a minute best straight shat herself goddamn probably who answer to this very day I went to a haunted house with my family when I was about ten my little sister 8 at the time kept insisting that he wanted to go off alone she wasn't allowed to but at some point she snuck off well the haunted house closed and my family are all sitting outside the entrants waiting for her to come out the majority of it is a maze with a guy with the chainsaw chasing you around that actor came out and talked to us and we told him my little sister's name so he goes around the may screaming Brittany I'm going to find you you better get out of this maze so like ten minutes and then she finally comes running out sobbing with a bright red face that was so freaked up to do to an eight-year-old I've worked several seasons at a haunted house and I've seen some drunks throw up pass out etc but the weird thing that has happened several times is that sometimes when I jump out and scare a female customer her reaction will be to kiss me the first time I just thought okay that was weird interesting girl but then it happened several more times I think it's just some kind of weird defense mechanism I mean I think they must know that they're not in actual danger but by kissing they're quickly negotiating the social situation into a non scary situation that they're in control of it's happened to several of the guys that have worked here but it's never happened to Lance sorry bro maybe this year let's see one guy had a panic attack in my area and had to leave on a stretcher we had one girl pee herself that year right after my scene this time several actors got punched in door kicks some people went through specifically to get a punch in on an actor several drugs several weaves lost we had a wall of weaves out front to be honest though I think my co-workers were worse than the customers we had one guy who was smashed every day at work and didn't get fired until the last week of October because the management was so freaked that year one of the relief workers never bothered to do his job so we had a few actors get dehydrated and or nearly pee themselves from lack of bathroom breaks I work in a haunted house around this time of year and it's surprisingly laid-back there is a few rooms that have set costumes and set people but about 50 percent of the rooms it's just grab a costume and be scary the final room is a clown room and that's the room me and most of my friends would take and scare people the most common thing to happen is for people to just freeze they just stop in the middle of the tour and scream the only way to get them to move is to come out of character and tell them they have to go my favorite spot is after the clown room you make a hard right and go down a long dark hallway to leave right outside of the room there is a little nook that you can sit if you were to go left out of the clown room instead of a right down that hallway the funniest thing I've ever seen had to be the time I was sitting in that nook with a chainsaw and saw the first person came around the corner they didn't see me so when I revved the chainsaw she took off running and only got about two steps before promptly falling on her face now this is where it gets good with it being a dark Hall away the rest of the tour also took off running from hearing the chainsaw and one after another they fell on top of the first girl the pile up at the end was somewhere between 8-10 people I had to put the chainsaw down and go help but I hardly could I was laughing so hard I volunteered at a haunted house as a zombie with a friend our area was a graveyard and we were supposed to jump out of our graves cut carpet over a wooden stage and shake the chain-link fence that was a partial barrier between our guests and us as they passed us we jumped the fence and chased them out of the room enter young couple in their toddler I hopped the fence pig squealing and the child turns around and assumedly messes himself as he gets in the fetal position and balls I was just like oh sorry the parents laughed I worked at the haunted house at the Playboy Mansion for a few years it's a pretty dang big haunted house they take down the tennis courts and build it on top of it the guests there are all wasted and usually missing pieces of their costumes usually tops high five I was working in the drop portrait hallway where there's like six paintings on the walls and four of em pop down and there's a costumed actor behind them that jumps out and scares people anyway this group of girls walk through and we go to scare them they screamed and ran forward down the hallway which was pretty dark and unfortunately for them had a sharp right turn at the end so these drunk girls go screaming and running full-speed into the plywood wall and bounced off onto the ground we can all see them from our hiding places and were laughing our butts off until we noticed this one girl didn't get up she was on her back and moving just not standing up after a minute I opened my picture frame stuck my head out and asked if she was okay when I did that I noticed what the problem was she was wearing a super tight miniskirt and gigantic high heels and because of those and booze she couldn't stand up on her own she was like some kind of seductive drunk turtle helplessly flailing around on the floor which for some reason was hilarious to me I shut my picture frame and laughed harder don't worry her friends came back there was also this secret door that I could use to sneak up behind people I was dressed from head to toe in zombie makeup and I shambled up behind these three stunning South American girls when I got really close behind them I did the zombie moan thing and they spun around and started full-on shrieking with their hands on their faces and everything but they didn't stop shrieking or start moving they just stood there shrieking at me through like three full breaths of shrieking pausing to brief then shrieking some more I couldn't handle it I was trying to be professional but I started laughing and went back to my spot I did the same thing to another group of girls later that night there was some screaming then I heard one say I'm peeing I'm peeing awesome the thing about the Halloween party at the Playboy Mansion is that you get free drinks with the price of admission so everyone is smashed everyone it makes it funnier for the people working there because drunk people are super entertaining especially when they start getting naked and swimming in the grotto I was in a room full of bizarre dressed up mannequins and had on heavy prosthetics one of my scares I used was to stand super still and everyone always thought I was a mannequin - I heard a couple enter my section and held perfectly still they were probably in their late 30s they decided to sneak right behind my counter and he started fingering her right at my feet I wanted to scare them so badly and decided to wait till they were done to really freak them out a few more visitors passed through and I didn't move to scare them at all the guy finishes and stands up he then rabbit punches me still thinking I'm a mannequin as hard as he can I yell the Frick man he falls back into an operating table in shock she starts screaming pulls up her pants and jets out of the room and he finally manages to back out of the room repeating I'm so sorry I'm so sorry not a worker but I was with someone in a haunted house and the girls in front of us were walking pass apart where the people would punch through the wall but she was like they can't hit me blah blah blah blah and stood next to it the people behind the wall didn't know she was there and she got sucker-punched hilarious my string quartet worked a gig at a local haunted house the place was in our local mall and the scariest thing was probably the vision loss from the several dozen strobe lights because the abandoned Dillard's give nothing to the atmosphere anyways I followed a group of girls I recognized and hated from school and started screeching on my violin and the scariest way possible mind you I had nothing remotely scary on unless an ankle-length skirt gives you the willies and some zombie makeup I ran up and started playing over someone's shoulder and the girl ran out of our section and then screamed I'll play the viola before leaving my friend the violist had to take a break from laughing so hard a few years ago the haunted storm stadium featured a walk throughout with an evil Alice in Wonderland theme one of the rooms had many doors and only one could open a young teen was on the floor in that room and he was clearly in shock my brother and I went through twice and he hadn't left the alleys in this room didn't break Carrick and asked us if we knew the way out and did not reassure him or offer to help him I didn't witness the incident but I got to see the aftermath we had a silent hell room with like a dozen zombie nurses in it two of which were actual people instead of dummies looking into it you could not tell which was a dummy and which was a real person these girls were that good at staying perfectly still a patron came into the room a typical frat boy bro type guy and he just dongs back and hits one of the nurses full-on in the face too bad that nurse was one of the two girls in the room she's out cold for at least 20 minutes with blood pouring out of her face the whole time from her crushed nose and missing teeth we had to have her rushed to a hospital the other girl in the room thankfully got a decent look at the bastard who did it and we shut the whole thing down while we sent the cops in looking for him they caught him and dragged his butt out in cuffs I don't know the details after that but I do know charges were filed against him and the girl made a full recovery after a nose job and some teeth implants you have been spotted by the money pigeon comment gimme gimme and he will bless you with good fortune like and subscribing magnificent person [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 59,624
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Keywords: haunted, haunted house, haunted houses walkthrough, haunted mansion, haunted house worker stories, haunted house workers, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: 71FA--RIw5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 50sec (2030 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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