Hasanabi, QTCinderella & WillNeff Do A Reverse Queer-Eye | Fear&MISBHV

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[Music] thank you [Music] the amount of [ __ ] that wait what the [ __ ] oh that's just welcome back welcome back welcome back we have so much it's unfunny how much we have to talk about feeders watch this because we usually start with snacks and you think they [Music] there are so many topics there are so many topics I actually think no I think we should talk about how great of an opportunity this is to hit a different community and demographic and pump our patreon numbers what Kai is being a bad bad girl yeah I know if if she keeps barking like this I'm probably gonna bring her upstairs oh yeah yeah that's enough that's enough Uncle Austin says that's enough okay I'm gonna I'm gonna bring her upstairs I'm gonna crater because she's like she's definitely going crazy all right we're gonna pause the podcast you won't even notice the cut put in the worst cut ever we should definitely cut this part right well yeah because it's very important that the sun's here he's driving on the [ __ ] view for this thing what are you saying yeah Rachel can I get one more look at myself wait could you do the other camera all right no don't do don't indulge this don't do this how do I look do I look alright hi just not going on the podcast right now no it's not we're in the patreon seamless cut you are back back and boy do we have stuff to talk about what okay all right okay restart that before before we get into anything we have to address the elephant in the room this is this is going to be uh there are a lot of elephants in there this is gonna be don't call me an elephant it's gonna be a Taylor Swift heavy episode so that's where we're starting we we haven't talked in a month and you're like Buckle the [ __ ] up okay last yeah I mean I Benedict Arnold's here if you want we can start addict Arnold's oh I'm not going to England wild take for me being like precog seeing the future telling you how it would play out it would have been better if you were there no no yes it would have been as it would have been am I do I have a spot in the Box by the way for the Taylor no what you're cut nobody I have tweeted Taylor Swift lyrics so many times you were pandering yeah that's what you do as a stand we need to make a decision what and I think the bigger elephant in the room is how I dodged how we dodge a bullet by not going that's insane this is this is an another episode of the same podcast that you're referencing you don't even get Tommy in it she oh to London is that what we're talking about wait what do you think I was just so distracted by the fact that I don't have a spot Taylor Swift has a song called London boy and he got distracted wait people photoshopped me in the thing okay so let's talk about London yeah let's talk about it first of all I am so disappointed that both of you abandoned oh interesting both of you abandoned the podcast we've all worked so hard on and you left to start a nice stranded yeah in a five-star hotel in the middle of Central London yeah which was devastating it was absolutely devastating it was devastating Hassan had like three rooms dude tears of the Kingdom had two meanings during that trip it was the game he played the entire time time and it was the synopsis of your trip yes okay what happened so you know what well have your moment what happened is what you have a moment I've never been more jet lagged in my entire life and it bricked everything because because unfortunately uh we had booked talent and everything else but sometimes when you're jet-like so hard and you find out about blind curtains uh you know so you think it was the jet lag and not he blames till five in the morning okay that might have played a role that might have played a role he blamed blackout curtains like it was your fault you believe me it was your fault I I shoot you I showed him well he books the guest first of all and he was the guest zerker zerka who is uh oh yeah uh Simon yeah he's a side man he was nominated so it was on books the guest right and we're supposed to and we don't know what time the guess is to show up sure and so we're just Mauricio and I are waking up in the morning just waiting for Hassan to respond he never he doesn't wake up till like 12 30. and we blow the opportunity to get the guest because he woke up too late and the guest was no longer available okay can we flash back now okay hmm a week before the trip you guys announced to me yep that you're going to England yes and that you're going to sit down with the sidemen yeah do you remember what my response was I don't remember you're not gonna get the sidemen okay now here's the deal well we did have them well I'm gonna I'm gonna argue differ something differently did you okay I'm gonna argue something differently well you know the other thing is though I was wrong you guys had a great time at the fight didn't go to fight we did not go oh so strange that was a matter of that was a matter of personal preference though oh okay okay we just didn't I didn't want to go I want to play Zelda look here here's the deal here's the deal let me tell you um dude you know what he's right though you can only play Zelda in London yeah the Sun Hassan and I if you would have been there well that's the difference you you're oh [ __ ] if you would have been there [ __ ] if you would have been there you would have known you've been friends with us on for 10 years you're like this is not Hassan he's not awake I'm gonna go wake him up you want to woke him up and we would have filmed that podcast oh speak on a king you would have woken him up okay you weren't there no way damn up we're not doing that get his ass in the comment section you know what this is this is when your significant other cheats on you and then blames you oh you are emotionally unavailable I mean you literally you physically now were unavailable this is [ __ ] horse [ __ ] in the comments I need people to come to my aunt no I called X Y and Z this is like why this was a bad trip I know and it played out well in real [ __ ] time well I was there it would have been it would have been awesome we'll abandon us in a foreign country yeah to fight for ourselves and I've made a decision oh on how I'm gonna remedy this okay are we gonna go somewhere because I'm not going to Brazil oh wait wait I'm planning the entire thing I'm not going fear and Carnival we're going to Brazil Brazil sounds dangerous what are we even that's true okay but where in Brazil and who are we getting on the podcast going to Rio are we getting Ronaldo on the book Lula the Silva yes the ways Ronaldo the current leader of Brazil the current leader of Brazil is Ronaldo he's a communist I don't know where's Ronaldo from where Brazil is are you thinking of Ronaldinho that's [ __ ] Ronaldo and Ronaldinho are both well unless you're talking about Cristiano Ronaldo but Ronaldo there is a Brazilian there is a Brazilian no I was thinking about the Brazilian one there are plenty of Brazilian ronaldos Ronaldinho's is also I was thinking of those ones you were not thinking about it you were thinking of Cristiano Ronaldo cancel him here's what I want to do I wanna go to Carnival good I want to take dance classes when is it fun yeah I'm in Brazil God I don't know okay we can figure that out but I I want to take dance classes in Brazil all of us all of us wait why don't we take them in America and then go to Brazil so then they already think we can dance uh your plan happened it happened in February well so February of next year we're going to Brazil That's not it's not happening I bet money why is it not happening because I would just look it up see this is the problem okay here's my decision let's go to Idaho let's go to Japan at the end of at the end of next month for the vcts I'm not going wait yes I'm not going cutie we got to get you on a plane I'm gonna Cutie Kitty here's my offer uh-huh we stay we run the podcast we'll be fine how much was your ticket to Taylor Swift my individual tickets yes I'm going three times how much was one of them the most expensive what's 50 000 divided by 20. how much was half of one Jesus Christ the thousand dollars twenty five hundred dollars was my most expensive ticket 2500 what if we paid for all three of your Taylor Swift tickets out of the fear and fund and you have to come to Japan I'm so rich I don't care okay [ __ ] all right yeah well I don't know why you thought that was going to be an angle a job because I I'm just trying Cutie I'll give you 104 000 my boyfriend bought them for me you have 150 000 yes the [ __ ] I do you're poor oh that's right I'm very broke whoa yo you you got so serious and so real for a moment no it's true he's four look at his shirt okay so first elephant in the room first option in the room wait hold on stop the film or keep the film running what the hell is wrong with my shirt cutie oh nothing it just looks like my napkin from Chili's oh my God oh my God God okay you we'll just let that ride you guys go I've got so many compliments on this I just wanted to be mean I didn't mean it okay yeah [ __ ] you're very good at that being mean yeah yeah I was bullied my entire life so I just like project no okay I I got done with the first outfit in the room okay we got done with this look London was a huge success it was it was very great it was the most fun thing you did uh leaving uh yeah I trapped myself in my hotel room and played tears of the Kingdom for like eight hours and it was [ __ ] fun I spent the entire trip getting drunk in the hotel bar dude I there is a clip of you and like Marsh said something like yeah Will called it this is a disaster and you're like no you know what will should be with us yes it's his job to suffer it's 100 I stand by that I stand by that and any of you seems to say no will was right no it's just logical people it's your content that's he he is a part of the people making the content my that would have been content 100 would have been content which is fine okay it's fine I did see the clip where you were lying about being on the Beatles roof and I was dying I thought wasn't that a great [ __ ] that was a great bit I I convinced him he was telling his family too okay listen he was calling his family we already we already covered all this we already covered these babies you're making them sound like What's Eating Gilbert great we already we already covered this base I know I'm sorry listen listen we're moving on from this to the to the next elephant in the room which is the real elephant in the room there's a big elephant it's a big one yep stop looking at me people that I know personally have basically led to the demise of the Taylor Swift fandom uh no they have and the funniest in the funniest ways possible and you have to now become a matty Healy Stan no listen okay are you defending Taylor's actions for dating that man what oh wait am I on the wrong side of it no no you're on the right side no no go on keep keep no no no you know what Taylor is an independent woman she can do whatever she wants oh so it's okay that you can like uh date like over the worst man in in the history of yeah yeah I can't believe what said about ice spice yeah that's so [ __ ] up slurs here's here's did you say some of those slurs can you repeat some of those slurs with an accent or without the accent do you think she's ready the swifties have turned they're they're racist now listen swifties this is PSA to All swifties I'm gonna break the fourth wall right now and say we love caring about Blondie right we love it we love diving in figuring out all about our life we love being parasocial and claiming that we're not we do it is time time to stop she is 32 33 years old now she can date whoever the [ __ ] she wants you guys are crazy psychology people there are people like she deserves better she deserves to whoever the [ __ ] she wants she's a okay defend now hold on no no no that makes sense that makes sense what does that say about Taylor Swift though well probably it's funny because like I've been saying this the whole way this is so dumb it's like oh really oh nothing it says nothing about her some of the jokes that he has made I will I would say arguably you have made you have whoa I've never made those jokes I listen to that episode of the Adam Freeman podcast I stopped did you forget yeah yeah I know I broke I made a joke it broke me it broke me to my very it shook me to my very core because there are people I talked about I did a deep dive the other day on my stream and there were people getting really mad at me but the thing is if you genuinely look at each item that they're calling him out for they're there is usually context or an apology for each one even though I spicely he apologizes how do you justify it listen as a I am just fine as a red person myself about the ginger persuasion oh he made fun of a Gaelic name what was the name can you please pull it up Google what Gaelic name and that he said it sounded like a garden Implement did it I'm sorry I'm sorry as a British man he has contributed to centuries of Europe I'm not okay oh here it is girl with an Irish her Irish name please play it derbs Billy Ray brains I damn he's making too much sense play the clip yeah they can't even show the video because it's so disturbing listen this brings me to a bigger point I will make fun of any name ever all names are treated equal yeah yeah make fun of the names that uh out of Austin's old name okay I don't know what you're talking I don't know what you're talking about okay or or wait make fun of the uh make fun of wait make fun of ice spice and I spice's name uh ice spice what is she a frozen Spice Girl that was actually kind of Adam Freeman that is that what they said yeah I haven't watched it says she was a spider that was not funny at all cutie what the [ __ ] no I've never watched it wait was he on come Town she's had Stavros on multiple I've had I've hung up I've hung out with him I've sat in this room yes um no I think I think like I don't know I think sometimes things are in poor taste I believe I hear me out actually I'm curious as a bunch of I did a lot of preparation for this yeah me too what do you think about that Maniac sucking on the fingers of things that's weird it's really [ __ ] weird but does that mean he's just adorable and should like I don't know no I don't know you know what will let's put your life under a [ __ ] microscope why are you defending mattah Healy you're not getting in the Box are not with mad healing well I'm with cutie I just think I'm getting in that 50s in general we're being a little weird he would sell his own mother out yeah for this Taylor Swift I don't know why you want I really would bad I love concerts so it's not even because of Taylor Swift you just want to go to any concert huh you just want to go to any concert I [ __ ] love free food in boxes I have to pay for the food well that's free to me I'm I love eating the notch I love when food is free in places where like you could definitely Maddie Healy sieg heiled at a concert okay this is making fun of Kanye is that a good joke no is there context yes that's a yeah everything has contacts so finger sucking has contacts he's just cringe that's just so cringe and gross but also like Bon Jovi used to make out with women you know what I'm saying like true it's just like okay so wrong so other people did worse things so it's okay is that what you're saying wow forever uh celebrities or artists musical artists have taken advantage of their platforms in deplorable ways mind you yes uh but they've done it Justin Bieber used to bring girls up and sing baby baby oh baby to them yeah and and Usher used to come up and do that too for um wait but that's not the same as sucking I know but I'm saying I think sucking on the finger is gross I think he's gross for that I think he's a gross guy but is he deplorable and she deserves better no you're cringe leave her alone let her do whatever she [ __ ] wants there's also like apparently there was a type of porn that he's into yes apparently that was a joke too okay but that's another thing oh you're you're brushing aside a lot of problematic aspects Taylor Swift the thing is is there are gonna be people in the comments that are like her favorite excuse me racism or whatever there will be people that say that but I think my biggest problem is I see it happen too much on the internet where people are dissected and there's no Humanity given and I think people deserve some Humanity where it's like yeah what about Humanity to the victims oh God I'm such a bad person you are so bad I'm such a bad you're not a really good liberal you know that because oh yeah you spent no time in that space because like because like it this is literally I'm just repeating things that people say to me when I've never even like I I've never even like defended Maggie I was like I don't know anything about him he just said I'm hot and also I want to have him on the podcast so I don't give a [ __ ] no one knows he's ambiguous cutie we've rushed past all the kind of he shouldn't have licked anyone's finger would you [ __ ] Matt Healy listen that's neither here nor there no what we do have to maybe actually it's time for Cutie Cinderella to make a [ __ ] decision what oh my God are we canceling Taylor Swift or not no the question is are you really a Taylor Swift why are you I'm just saying I'm just saying I want to point them out to you Aaron Rodgers first appearance in MetLife Stadium where all the New York Jets games are playing his first appearance Taylor Swift concert but he's only he's a big fan he loves her he's not a Jets fan he's a money fan that's why he's playing for the Jets you yeah he he's probably taking less money played for the Jets I don't damn Double L for Aaron Rodgers he just wanted a new city and you don't think Aaron Rodgers doesn't love you he doesn't know you until I said he doesn't love your friends you have Kirk Cousins as a QB you're a thin [ __ ] okay hold on hold on will you know I bet we get a better season play tape songs too many too many to count uh the only one I know is um please run that back what's your favorite Taylor Swift song bro that's like that's like what you say when that's all what Austin says three different albums and then he talks about specifics on folklore so he is he is a Swifty for sure so are you gonna finally own the [ __ ] up and endorse America's team the first team with a Muslim head coach I don't know why the first team to endorse Colin Kaepernick's actions publicly America's team or are you gonna stay in New England with your racism that's true jets are jets are like a ranking file macaroni and cheese seedy backroom hand jobs jets are the working class theme for sure here's the deal so I could also say that honestly who isn't a fan of Taylor Swift's music if you did that same interview with any football team I you know any football so if anything the job are using using Taylor to promote their own social media I'm gonna say this out loud it's true cutie Cinderella no longer a Swifty endorsing her insane Behavior every football team loves Taylor Swift there's not a football team out there a real Swifty would want what's best for Taylor Swift and that is exactly get away from that guy thank you true true he is deplorable the thing is it's like okay regardless swifties if he's that bad they won't stay together anyway cutie so get over it it's fine I've heard enough what we're moving on oh no no I wanna I wanna stay on this because this is a lot of fun I feel like you're in the hot seat it's not it's it's whatever there will be people that'll say all sorts of stuff I think he has done really gross stupid [ __ ] me too I don't think like I think it's weird of you as a human to be like she deserves better I thought we loved Taylor and we support the team that she supports we love her and which is this she doesn't support the Jets yeah she's an Eagles fan but she doesn't know she's a Jets fan yeah okay then I'm an eagle they're both green exciting she got confused because they're both green yeah why do you think that because she's stupid well in the fifth song of every album it's a very emotional song yes I was just about to say that actually references flight and being in the air in multiple films Eagles Fly too though but Eagles also fly that's part of it and that's all the slogan Fly Eagles Fly you're that's why she got confused wait what it's a would you ever fly on an eagle no no I wouldn't what would you fly on uh j-e-t-sg a Dreamliner I actually have um every color is ever mentioned by the way yep um right now why do you have that ready to go what the [ __ ] wait every color I cannot brush past that statement that came out of your [ __ ] mouth what you have a Google doc of every color but it is um it is every color Taylor Swift has ever mentioned and green isn't one of the top ones oh you know what oh she's oh my gosh red blue and white the Patriots colors are highly mentioned hold on I will say gold all three of those colors have been mentioned more than than gold is a Vikings color kind of so but the fifth song is the most emotional song that's the one that matters the most she doesn't mention green cutie this is insane what do I need to study this to get in the Box yeah is there gonna be a quiz yeah yeah you need to be like multiple level levels more mentally ill to be able to get into the Taylor Swift box I think I got it what it takes you do not got what it is I'm getting in that box think about the tweet that we could tweet when you and I are in that box what would the Tweet be oh my God I'm in the Box oh my God cutie gave me a ticket what doesn't she say welcome to New York in one of her songs yeah she loves New York wait oh wait I'm sorry I think not for the record if you're a Galer Galer believe gaylers believe that New York haunts her because of Carly Kloss because she has a song called Cornelius Street that talks about how New York screams your name no New York concert because the Jets haven't won that's why it's like haunting to think about to think about the defeat and the suffering that she feels one of her most famous covers ever Kelly Clarkson did a cover of her Jet's original color kelly green [Laughter] you've outed yourself as a fake Swifty and also projects that's what's going on so far I guess so Aaron Rodgers okay because I should hate Maddie Healy I don't care about that Rogers is an anti-maxxer let's break down let's break down this uh one fan that went to a Taylor Swift concert oh no piece by piece people are crazy guys leave her alone you freaks go to my profile you guys are being crazy for the Tweet where I say we are never gonna get health care oh yeah yeah I think they deleted their tweet uh they privated their account [ __ ] someone must have someone must have kitty I just feel a little attacked that you've made these Powerpoints and then when Hassan and I prepare our own well-documented Taylor Swift information you throw it out I'm sorry I acknowledge you and I hear you thank you but I don't agree with you thank you Austin Austin doesn't even know what's been going on for the last 10 minutes I'm zoning out after this well this next uh elephant in the room regards Austin oh God it look it's it doesn't have to be about me but no it does go on but feel free it does I hate that you're so normal about the Taylor Swift I know I know well like you said pretty much everything I've said so far about the Saga and I you you forced my hand to become I didn't even like Joe Joe was cringe like people are like people are like Taylor deserves better did you see Joe he was white bread of a human like we weren't upset about that like he was so lame who is good enough for Taylor Swift if I were to date Taylor Swift That's not would you approve of it were you going to say cuties John Mayer was a good enough [Music] John Mayer was hot enough for Taylor Swift but he was an [ __ ] okay what about Justin Bieber no he's an [ __ ] and he's not okay okay so the question I guess the question I have for you is Shawn Mendes Harry Styles was good enough the question I have for you is this that's the dream what does that what does it say about Taylor Swift that she keeps finding herself with men like this she's like every other human out there that has the same time he's got daddy issues that happens who doesn't is that allowed him do you have any daddy issues do you have Daddy is just Taylor are we allowed to say Taylor Swift because if you don't think because daddy issues please go watch Miss Americana and the dad control s oh my God this is like uh talking about politics because of the Dixie Chicks The Dixie Chicks lost their career because of it you mean the chicks Michael Jordan they go by the oh my God Republicans buy sneakers too since the last podcast I did see that documentary the whole thing yes I watched the whole thing really tell me about her eating disorder um she would look at photos of herself and be like she would see herself and she would like notice like just a little bit of like whatever and she would she developed uh she like wouldn't eat after she would see pictures of herself like in the in the in the tabloids and how is she hiding from the tablet uh she just would hide in what what would she hide in Austin was so close to being in that box dude Austin was stuck I honestly no I remember she was in the Escalade talking about this and she was awesome she was on her phone and she's like she she looked at something and it seems like you didn't panic I know she felt herself she felt herself slipping back to that old person and then she stopped herself she said no we're not that person anymore we're not doing that anymore okay crazy you don't remember she used to be in like containers and they would take her out of her apartment and put her in cars okay Seattle seems weird okay otherwise she just gets surrounded by yeah I don't remember that part okay sorry we're putting an end to the Taylor Swift chapter now we're talking about the next elephant in the room and this is a big [ __ ] elephant last night I went to go get some ice cream oh my God wait let me let me start it by telling you this part of the story I'm telling you this is the best wait no no I know we need context though because it was uh trust trust trust okay just just let me tell you from my perspective okay there I am in a family ice cream store seven o'clock at night families all around me that's fun all of a sudden my phone starts stinging Hey sir can I help you one second I gotta check my phone I get a text message from a song [ __ ] Austin show is at my house he's trying to break in my head this is why I said wait hold on this is why I said let me explain it first let me explain it first okay so before we get to this point oh no before we'll get to this point okay it's okay I'm sorry that I'm gonna I've ended the broadcast I've ended my I've ended my stream I I'm about to kick back and relax I get a phone call from Carl Jacobs in North Carolina who tells me Austin is about to be at your house and I thought how odd like why are you telling me this Carl Jacobs and then I get a phone call from Austin immediately after that so I was like Carl I gotta go I'll pick this up right now and I hear noises outside okay like Keys rattling you know what I mean it's like it's like a horror story and I'm like what the [ __ ] is going on and Austin goes I'm outside of your house you need to let me in right now and I thought this is crazy what the [ __ ] is going on to which Austin responded stop looking at kitty stop looking at me to which Austin responded I need to come inside I need to get the clothes yes then immediately I panicked and before Austin walked in the house looked for backup okay so I texted the group chat but you need to explain because they don't know because they maybe not be subscribed to the paywall of the episode about the clothes what we bought they don't even know I'll explain okay a few weeks ago Austin basically challenged us to style him like his favorite Style influence or who almost never wears a shirt yeah it's basically he was just a hot dude so we very easily found his clothes and it was going to be a bit that we were going to dress Austin now it's a very expensive bit the two thousand dollars two thousand dollars and and multiple weeks of preparation and we are very excited when the clothes got here I got text messages from Hassan going Austin's trying to break in he's trying to forcibly take the clothes he won't listen to me he calls me at the ice cream store and he goes well I'm gonna put you on speakerphone and also's like well well well like halfway between a smack addict and a zombie who's like I need the clothes I need the clothes yeah and I'm like honestly the whole bit is that you try to close all the paper I was like we got a new bit we got a new bit I break in I steal the clothes I go to The Abbey I have a great time and we're like Austin known he's like I need the club I did I needed the cutie I had no outfit for the Abbey last night I had no outfit I went naked I went kept telling him no and he would not hear it I I thought I I thought it'd be cool to wear the clothes out to The Abbey because I need an outfit number one number two I don't know like if I even if I messed him up they'd love it anyway right no the entire point is for you to wear this clown ass outfit for the first time on you think it's cloud I don't remember it no you picked it you think it's a clown ass outfit well we're about to find out if it is a clown ass outfit or not but the point was that you were going to for the first time ever see it on your camera I I some but the Green Jacket the stolen jacket is what I wore to The Abbey because that's the only thing I had in my suitcase was the stolen jacket sure me and a family ice cream stone or store and Austin's voice blasting through my speakers going well I need to get some dick I'm going to The Abbey I'm practically naked I need these clothes we got a new angle I'm gonna seal the clothes I never saw it in the background I never said help will help I never said I need to go get a ticket The Abbey I would never say that I trust him there are things there are two things I would never say in this world I'm going to get dick in the Abbey or the F slurp none of those things are important that's how you know he was saying both of them why did you do that to the dog wait he's his slime monster I did but theoretically I did say it when Marsh was in the room and I I couldn't remember if I called her yeah you didn't know if you called the Doggett or Marsh no what Marshall did I call the theoretically yes sir theoretically oh oh you were calling gay people babsler it's ridiculous oh my God oh my God I would never do that I would never say that word in general if you were to leak our text messages right now none of it would show anything of the sort speaking of which you had a bad experience at the Abbey I did yes I did today was my first bad experience at the Abbey what happened well I go to The Abbey and I'm you know I I I'm thinking oh you know I'm gonna meet some nice beautiful men at the Abbey and it's gonna be a great time and he's the gay Donald Trump you know some nice beautiful fantastic clean boys good boys I go to The Abbey this is the most desperate thing anyone has ever okay first of all I go to The Abbey by myself in the middle of the Sunday afternoon it is it is Labor Day weekend it's Labor Day weekend nobody was here everybody in the middle of a Sunday afternoon by himself yes I went last night and I went again today did you just sleep there do they have it no they don't I went I stayed at the beginning it's Labor Day weekend thank you it's a very gay week I went inside the gay weekend at the bar and I was thinking oh my God I'm having a great time there's there's so many wonderful men here and there were there's tons of men I was enjoying the sights and you know the only guy that came up this hit on me was this guy comes up to me and he says you're so sexy and I'm like oh who's this and I turned I'm like oh God so sexy and I'm like well thank you sir you're you look a little old enough to be my father but you know it's uh you know great and then uh he proceeds to tell me his age he says he's 54 years old sure um which is fine no problem and then he proceeds to tell me that his dick he starts to talk about his penis sure and he tells me that is Dick what did he say what did I say about his dick he's magnificent no it wasn't magnificent no I typed it in Haas cord what type I did I did hold on I did I typed in horse cord it's he said he said oh his dick was beyond belief is what he told me he told me about his dick it was beyond belief middle of the day in the middle of the day and then he proceeds to tell me he's not 54 he's 74. and I couldn't get him to go away next thing you know I'm I'm on the Dance Floor you know you're kissing him no no but it was a bad experience he was very weird and I was on copy not because he was 74 but it's just like get away from me you know what I mean it sounds like it was because he was 74. no it had nothing to do with his age so you guys are so concerned with me and Taylor Swift why are you concerned that Austin is the biggest Hassan Stan in the world that he's like in his fan Discord every day imagine if I was in like Taylor Swift's fan Discord and then I go to lunch with her and I'm like hey I was just hanging out with your fans last night you know what cutie House Court is a safe space no it's not is because you're a straight white woman that's why they don't accept you there I've muted it a hundred times just because I I I I don't I should just leave it I have mute in your Court a thousand times I'm still still you know what you can't mute social justice okay we have to we have to fight it yeah Austin Austin is in the hospital for social justice right I'm in the hospital they pay him attention no look they give him the most attention I've been getting a lot of attention lately and it's starting to get a little annoying people notice me on the streets and I'm not enjoying Trump these I just can't many people are coming up to me on the streets too much attention but they're saying Austin we love you no they're usually Hasan hobby heads that like want to meet who would have thought look I I think we just happened to share a lot of fans yep yeah no they're usually my fans first I'm on as many things with Hassan as you and I've never ever had someone approach me and be like I love your stuff with Hassan uh no they don't say that outwardly I just I asked them what they immediately because he wants to know if they're like only fans of his or they know him through my shoes I always go like you know somebody will approach me with like blue hair and piercings [Music] you are gay Donald Trump I do blue hair piercings very disrespectful it's okay I say what are you one of those queer types and I'll be like are you a son I'd be head and before I even finish yes you know what I mean um and uh but I mean look they're wonderful people they're they're the backbone of this country they're this they're the backbone of this country and you are right though he should be banned for my days yes he should be it's weird it's weird it's a safe space forget I think I think his life would genuinely be worse if he didn't have right survived without House Court for a week don't you do that don't you do that I I I think everybody would there's so many queer people in there I'm gonna lose stupid ass Discord whoa I was trying to be in it I was trying to be supportive but I can't stop making things all right okay it's time I leave it it's time what go put on the [ __ ] outfit that's really cute that you said that we already tested to see if Austin looks good in this life he found his light he literally he literally had a light meter and he was going around scamming for where his abs look fast no that is not even okay where's the shirt I need the shirt Judy in it's in the box next to you [ __ ] I was gonna take him I already I already hit it and he had to ruin ruin sure every no nobody's gonna talk about it everyone what's wrong he's gonna talk about it nobody's gonna talk about Eric don't touch it take your [ __ ] shirt off have your moment I have to have that you take your shirt off right now you can get a ticket Taylor Swift my face isn't the best part stop buttoning them back up I need this right after I can't I'm not gonna sit here with my shirt off a lot of people you know what I mean so we got you a whole outfit you didn't stay for what we got you cutie be very careful with that box cutter baby there you go dog gets excited around box cutters his favorite holiday don't cut towards you what's my favorite holiday oh God oh my God that was actually a good ass 911 joke respect hey yeah oh wow she's excusing Maddie Healy that's the one joke he didn't make he should have though what the [ __ ] this box is stupid yeah you know what I'll open it men [ __ ] you okay make sure that there's no receipt in there though yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna make sure there's receipt I'm gonna show everyone okay please okay I I don't know I'm not changing my pants on stream yes you are you just have to do it off camera just do it in there no because there's a mirror out there oh but you guys haven't seen my undies oh no one's going to care I got it [ __ ] men always trying to open the jar okay first of all like you can step aside from the camera for the pants but you take the shirt off on camera all right but you can't that means you can't show that camera there's no other place to this is the outfit we got yeah this is what he wanted we got two shirts yeah wait wait which one are we doing you get the white no we're doing this one yeah we're doing it wait there's more there's pants and stuff in there is this yeah this is the shirt yeah that's the shirt yeah but what's this shirt that we also got it's just another will you buy me another shirt okay all right I'm putting it on for the first time okay okay take it off take that [ __ ] off you [ __ ] Jesus take your [ __ ] top off right now okay I don't know how to close this oh I got it let's see those goddamn nipples come on is whoring me out take that small [ __ ] shirt up no it's supposed to be scary we got you the same size as the boy you like no it's it's supposed to be skin tight it's it's Will's right it is like a wetsuit for that oh god oh I hate it I hate him yeah he's such a [ __ ] if we were not on camera I'd call you the episode right now this is not something take the tag off I hope nobody makes me take the tag off before you put it on flexing is trapped so hard he's like uh when I breathe I'm sorry I can't get him over my nose I can't go put the pads don't put the pants on dude who looks so gay it looks great good shirt yeah it looks really [ __ ] good wait okay I'm just gonna no no no no no we don't trust you're the least trustworthy person in the world so you can go here no you can come here oh my God because he's gonna have it on them cutie don't look at my butt I'm not going to how did we get here I don't know I don't know what okay turn the camera to him right now while he's struggling it's pretty funny he's like wait we should have had him put this one on first you can put it over it no no put it over that's the final boss I forgot about this guy wait is that is okay oh Joe's ass you got a nice ass dude I'm sweating no it's not no it's hot that's his privacy you got a booty he like wants it on camera it feels like he wants it on camera are the pants too big wow no he's got a button him he just didn't button them oh there's another button all right tuck it in okay tuck it in what waist size are you you are so scary I know oh my God yeah he's he's so skinny you were today years old when you finally Jesus Christ served okay okay put the put the boots on now oh we can okay put the boots on yes put the boots on you skinny [ __ ] he's going right back to the yeah where are these boots from yeah I got this is the end of my wait no Take that shirt off and put this one no no put that on top of it no I think I want the sheer yeah I want the sheer wait wait wait wait wait hold on wait is sheer wait which one goes first you can put the sheer on it on this as well but let's for the sake of uh the camera ticks that's for the sake of this uh this this segment a little [ __ ] today yeah put take it off again there you go what what how do you take your how do you take your shirt off Marsh oh this episode's gonna do numbers I know okay the amount of the amount of tic tac paint cams that are going to come out of this is yeah Auntie [ __ ] might die yeah can you yeah I'll take the tag off I feel very uncomfortable right now I'm not flexing yeah so how can you Flex multiple muscles at once okay so what do you mean you absolutely can we've done it Hassan yes it's wonderful Hassan suck at it tuck it in we've done it this is so good there's no way I'm going anywhere with this one wait what is this what do you mean models on Instagram would wear it first of all you're you're doing the podcast like this no no yes 100 wait like I want the other shirt no no this is you're doing it with this no this is why don't you wear it to the Abbey this is it's fun look well yeah but can I can I no one will believe you're a top by the way but I like this shirt better this outfit is a thousand times better than what you order the streamer Awards really yes if you showed up looking like this at the streamer Awards oh my God you look like a disco pirate by the way we low-key proof that like we should only dress wait wait can I can I prove a point uh-huh Marsh take a photo of his outfit on your phone and tweet it and I just want to see within 10 minutes I bet it's Bedlam on my yes on your alt whatever that means that'd be like a nice pose no put it on the CRM podcast I think yeah so we can get some [ __ ] SEO going baby get some good life well it's like a cool like man pose yeah oh my God why what is that face you're doing dude we've just become Howard Stern for days yeah yeah why don't we get you up on the sybian let's get let's get Austin up on the sybian his face look at the face he's making sure show the bricks show the rigs show the rigs don't don't cover up let's get him up on the sybian oh please keep it together sweetie stop coughing I feel good that we have started to puddle pedal smut like this more [ __ ] Harlot yeah you like that don't you I see I [ __ ] like that don't you proved all disproved I hope for all of you at home is that he doesn't know how to [ __ ] dress himself and we know how to dress him better he left you can't tweet this right now because it they'll expose it for the podcast no no no you look like an action figure in that one you tweeted tomorrow I don't know I think I'm just trying to prove a point no but they want to see the outfit for the first time yeah that's true he's right it's better to it's better to save it can I should I change the other shirt yeah no no no keep it on keep this one on you [ __ ] sit the [ __ ] back down sir don't step on there he likes that I can't believe I'm wearing you know what you know what is funny though I guarantee you shirt is insane both these outfits are now Staples and yeah okay this one is a little that one has to have a moment he said a little too much eye with his nips right now this is a little too much I'm so proud of you I'm actually I know you're you're like afraid of saying the f word yeah right but like this outfit is literally just you know what this outfit is saying the F word because we wheat from Modern Family dad gay yes oh no to like Vogue hot like Abby you know what fast yeah you know what I actually love the way I look yes you do wow this is the best this is like reverse queer eye yeah true we've done it straight eye for the homo guy yeah it was it it was honestly it was out of like self-preservation here like it was embarrassing to walk around with you so much I've been wearing those a little bit after I left London he's being too harsh on you he's being a mean girl can I be honest can I be honest we knew that you felt like a gay on the outside looking in thank you and you needed two big brothers thank you to throw you in the game thank you you guys who are your straight but homosexual Big Brothers you know what you might ultimately kicked off straight guy for the queer eye or whatever you you weren't as toughness I'm the Johnny I was in charge of hair and I'd yes my job we just want you to be comfortable in your skin I love that look I mean I I will definitely get attention now oh my God wait wait can I see we make him big so he can stare at himself dude that is that's the thumbnail why don't you sit next to this you look so gay right now it's awesome I like homophobic like you just flew in from Paris fashion what we did we done good I look like a gay German oh yeah yeah Einstein yeah yeah you look great I'm going to go to Abby to get some Schwans wait is that is that penis schwansis yeah yeah oh wow well thank you guys so much we're just here so I did not so now this is going to be a segment though uh-huh we're doing a make out our [ __ ] yeah we're doing a makeover we have to make out we're doing a makeover for each of us you guys don't need one though you and I kissed one time yeah it was awful it was oh you're a terrible Creator campus so this was so funny she's an awesome as soon as we kiss a [ __ ] camp and then I said I said Austin's a terrible kisser and he goes all pissed even though it doesn't count it's like it was like uh and he got all pissed and then he pivoted and he was like you're a horrible kid yeah it's true Cutie's the worst kisser I thought it was funny because he got all he got all mad when I said he was a bad kisser she used like like she was spinning look at her lips tighter than [ __ ] yeah she she was using like a crazy amount of tongue it was awful kissing a lizard kill yourself you are never getting in that box wait oh look okay now oh I forgot about the Taylor Swift thing for a second oh my God damn yes you never get in that box holy [ __ ] yes I was we're full Howard Stern I was crudely talking about her vagina oh my God you should make that a clip and just see wow people you're never getting that you're never getting enough he's a wonderful kisser you're a bad kisser uh well you know what [ __ ] you [ __ ] you and you're shitty this might be the best episode we've ever done oh thank you thank you all we need to do is be a month apart from each other wait so would should I wear this one or this one this one he keeps trying to change out this year I like this one but like this is like a this is like a moment yeah not just in anywhere we're on a podcast right now I know this is a moment but and I'm not gonna change right now but later tonight if you're going no if you're going to brunch for the other one okay having your date this is very gay I'm very excited we need to continue with other things enough about me let's talk about everybody I like this segment if we just keep dressing Austin every week that would be a lot of fun oh it's going out of his portion of the podcast yeah oh by the way all right well never mind I can't tell you now why oh what the [ __ ] why are you like that I I can't tell you now oh no it's already happened what um remember that me Hassan takes me to London okay and he tells me Austin I want to go to afternoon tea I think I know where this is going yeah it's real fun cutie I made the reservation I put my credit card down okay the bill was 500 pounds and he left me with the bill that's a that's a heavy bill it was a 500 pound bill right I paid it and I immediately stole it out of the podcast fund from Hassan that's fair wait but there's another story is it there no there's another person there was only room for one person to get a Wellington correct yes so Hassan went by himself yes no I went with I went with Ray yeah because uh but you didn't go I didn't go no so you were left with the bill and you didn't get any of the Wellington no so if I was there uh who would I have taken to get to Wellington if you were not me yes you you've already had it I would have wanted to experience it with you one more time you were you died for the Wellington so you left poor gay yep freezing Austin alone or gay broke doesn't have 150 000 to his name right poor gay broke Austin yeah oh we do crashing each other just ruining it and you just podcast it's the only thing I do anymore yeah this is true listen listen uh let me let me give you my let me give you my perspective on the beef wellington okay I think it was good but I don't think it was as a decadent of it was a decadent experience but it wasn't as uh incredible as you presented it I will say that and here is why the pastry was top-notch the out the utter the outer crust which is yeah oftentimes I think overlooked in a beef wellington like they don't really focus on that too much the meat quality was excellent as well the foie gras in the middle was perfect it was the crust the the the overpowering Aromas of the crust that they had between the beef and the the pastry but can we talk about something what you were at T you booked the wrong thing you wanted a Wellington yeah he was doing what did I talk about with the Wellington I'm sure they went sir there is simply no way we can provide you a Wellington and they went to the kitchen and they debated it they crunched the numbers and produced a well yeah no the the the uh complicated how did you [ __ ] the entire meal at the Ritz is like they went to tea we went to we went to high tea thinking that we were going to the restaurant and the restaurant is separate but still under the same [ __ ] is we told him several times that the Wellington was not an afternoon tea and he insisted that he was going to go to Wellington you know where the Wellington was oh you both have problems you know where the Wellington was in my belly because I was right it doesn't matter it doesn't matter that high tea does not have beef wellington well money just buys you everything I was going to get the Beef Wellington and I [ __ ] got the beat Wellington who's worse well both of you are bad but who's worse I would never pull you want to be a worse off which building burnt down the worst yeah I mean look I definitely he's more high maintenance he's proven himself that's not that I would love to change the name of this podcast from fear and to were terrible yeah cutie you wouldn't believe this he couldn't check into his hotel early so he spit in the face of the hotel he's just lying now the fact that you have to lie to make up like a story that's worse than you implies how bad you are and you are at his like legs like the spider told him rear naked rear naked choke it was insane poor employee yeah yeah she died I killed her but he's so wealthy he got off yeah that's amazing yeah on that note this is probably our best episode of all time yes and if you want more of these great Vibes you're gonna have to go behind the paywall folks that's right because behind the paywall we will reveal our true feelings about Taylor Swift and Maddie wait can I shout out a thing first yes yes guys I forgot I was doing Wednesday Master Baker starts live on twitch.tv wait thanks for the [ __ ] invite I invited you you didn't reply wait no [ __ ] yes I told you the dates and you didn't reply [ __ ] wow you're gonna get red to fill that's because Austin Austin was like I want to be a contestant and then I said okay next season and then actually here's some Carl Jacobs both said he wanted to be contestants thank Carl the dates nothing sent you the date's nothing God read the DMS I'm trying I have to find them yeah good luck they don't exist cutie they do poor little gay Austin I actually don't know what your sass is gone poor little gay Austin okay alone at the Abbey judge I'd love to be next Sunday before the podcast Absolutely I'll be there okay I'll wear this okay okay the rest of us is behind the paywall a master Baker next week featuring me on just one day it's him just you just one day for the record and also just you no one else ignore all the contestants I'm gonna have to check my brunch schedule but I think you're not going to brunch stay dangerous thanks for joining us as always see you behind the paywall at patreon.com fear and
Channel: Fear&
Views: 403,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hasan, hasanabi, hasan piker, myth, tsm, podcast, chessboxing, ludwig, ludwig ahgren, gaming, daily dose of hasanabi, hasanthehun, willneff, will neff, qtcinderella, anthonypadilla, ethanklein, ethan klein, h3h3, logan paul, impaulsive, Mike Majlak, big mike, atrioc, deepfake, pokimane, maya higa, valkyrae, rae, 100t, 100t valkyrae, austinshow, austinontwitter, austin show, love or host, xqc, streamer awards, moistcritikal, penguinz0, moistcr1tikal, moistcritical, adin ross, adinross, ksi, sidemen
Id: mVR7mcBLcX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 49sec (3649 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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