Has Anyone Had A NSFW Celebrity Experience, Story? (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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has anyone had a celebrity NSFW encounter what's your story I was shooting behind-the-scenes photos of a d-list celebrity boxing tournament in college after a long day of witnessing the power of ergo than 15 minutes of fame the optimum giving the advil for my back Coolio calling Miyagi and seeing her say Canseco put on fake tattoo sleeves I was ready for drink I had been talking to an absolutely beautiful ring girl and she wanted to join me for a beer after the fights ended we went upstairs to the bar and she went to get us a table I went over to the bar and while waiting for the drinks ducking ron jeremy himself came up next to me he said he had seen me talking to the girl all night and offered wingman for me luckily my confidence was already sky-high for already getting the girl to come drink with me so I politely declined and went to join her waiting at a table nearby he told me to stick my thumb in her butt later for him edit I failed all of you that's night road it we made out for a bit but she had a flight to catch and I had to drive home talked for a bit over texting but she was never back in my area here is a pic of me and the GAO I don't think I still have the rest of the images Billie Joe Armstrong Green Day told Trek all their drummer to suck my D instead he gave me some orange soda I'm straight it worked out I had a friend who met Jason Segel at a bar in LA she said he was fairly drunk and all over the place with their conversation at point he just point-blank said to her so are we gonna have a 6 she said no he responded ok and then just walked away back to his table this is actually from a director I worked with in the 80s he was hired as a backstage racer for a Broadway show that had Patti LuPone in it and it was his first show I don't remember what the show was but there was a scene where she runs off stage he was instructed to stand right offstage and hold his hands out at a very specific position which is common in quick-change situations where an actor might have to hand off a literally throw a costume piece to make their change what actually happened is his hands were in the perfect position to get two handfuls of boob if she ran off stage she pulled her breasts off so that he would grab them apparently she likes pranking new crew members back in the 90s when jean-claude van damme II was yet a relative was at a Vegas hotel and went down to use the sauna he was in there shooting Liat with a business partner and in walks Van Damme II he says if you are who I think you are who are magic amps favorite action star and Van Damme II confirmed and told him to tell me hello from him everyone was nude edit I realize it may be normal to be nude in a sauna but this is the best story I can offer sort him Alan's mistress sprinting out of his trailer after his wife showed up at the set of one of those Santa Claus movies he was filming a guy walked by me at the airport as I sat waiting to board and kid you not farted mere inches from my face I looked up it was Bon Jovi not really NSFW but I was at a hotel in South Africa looking for the bathroom when I got lost and ran into Laurence Fishburne in a hallway I pretended like I didn't know who he was and asked if he knew where the bathroom was like I probably would have asked anyone anyway he was a very nice guy and walked me to the bathroom where he said the men's room is on the left the women's room is on the right the choice is yours I almost died I once nailed Eartha Kitt in an airplane bathroom I rode in a hotel elevator with Red Sox pitcher Derek Lowe at like 2:00 in the morning while he was making out with two women at the same time did a gig with the band less than Jack many years ago as a sound guy they arrived at the venue bigger-than-life promising the whole local crew we'd have a great time and at the end of the night beer and blow jobs for all can't beat that right show ends trucks loaded singer is still hanging around and I walk up to him he gives me a big hug and says something like didn't I tell you it would be a good time didn't I promise in fact it had it was a good night but I turned to my new best friend and said it was but I don't drink and my tea still in my pants this place is pretty empty and I'm here hugging you Chris the singer isn't a particularly large guy I am there was a moment of absolute fear in his eyes as I hugged him tighter until he realized I was just kidding we ended our embrace they got into their bus and away they went fast forward almost a year less than Jake is playing the Warped Tour and I'm in the crowd during their set Chris and I make eye contact and he remembers me how do I know he proceeds to yell into his Mick hey somebody suck that guy's B and then point at me while pretending to blow his microphone I'm still a fan I went to a pool party in LA around 2002 and there was a guy named Michael double there I don't think anyone had heard of him at the time I remember meeting him only because my friend made fun of him when he introduced himself by calling him Michael googly-moogly which was a reference to a line in a Snickers commercial for the rest of the night he was known as goodly moogly later that night I walked into the bathroom and the guest house and he was taking her it I think it was about a year or two later that he became a big deal I was next to the table of Leo DiCaprio at catch in NY saw him get with an eighteen-year-old IMG model then proceeded to take her home saw them leave together like it was nothing the girl had the biggest smile on her face - I worked my way through college as a waiter in a gummit room in Las Vegas I became acquainted with Florence Henderson our IP and she would ask to sit in my station one evening she had a guest Joan Rivers me and Assange had a favorite wine piece Porter that she always ordered just so happened that on our wine list that wine was labeled as number 69 that's how she ordered it I'll have a bottle of 69 on this night I approached the table introduced myself to mrs. rivers and made the usual small talk and I asked so mrs. Henderson would you like a little 69 tonight oMG Joan Rivers went completely insane she started screaming and yelling and demanding security to have me fired and arrested and the whole time Florence Henderson is trying to calm her down and explain long story short the maitre d put me in another area and not long after I graduated and left that job and I never forgot that story this happened in 1985 when I was around 13 my cousin surprised me and took me to Leonardo DiCaprio's house my cousin's newlywed husband was very good friends with him this was around 15 years ago - when Leo was in his absolute prime and unbeknownst to him I was completely and utterly obsessed I'll never forget sitting on his white leather couch just waiting for him to walk into the room we were all in and out he came with a trail of smoke behind him high as a kite with a fat joint in between his fingers and I mean he was high AF I didn't even recognize him due to his scruffy beard and long matted hair not really NSFW but pretty funny that I was expecting him to look like Jack from the Titanic but he could have passed as the dude not sure if Alexis Texas classifies a celebrity she did take off her thong and stuff it in my face during one of her strip shows my sister ran into Matthew McConaughey in a bye years ago they hit it off and they went back to her place she got overwhelmed by nerves and said she had to go run out to her car to get something she sat in her car freaking out for god knows how long until he eventually gave up and left must have baffled the poor guy I was at a Jim Jefferies stand-up show in Dallas sure enough he pounds over 10 bits doing his routine after the show he's hanging at the bar belligerently drunk my friend and I had over to say what's up before we could say anything Jim grabs my friend forcefully bends in over and pretends to duck him in the ass in front of everyone their best night of my friend's life me and my dad met Rick Astley I shook his hand said big fan dad didn't shake his hand sorry my hands are sticky Rick smiles and says my hands are usually sticky too then Murli 2013 a female friend and i went to an after-party that donald glover childish gambino was the genius after one of his concerts in sydney after his DJ set we were smoking outside when Donald exits the venue through a side door we looked over at him and he immediately approaches us and introduces himself right from the get-go my friend starts flirting with him hard he asks us if we had any weed we did and he invited us back to his hotel to smoke with him we ended up on the balcony of his hotel suite along with a couple of other guys smoking a blunt my friend is all over him I've never seen her try so hard to get with a guy I could tell from pretty early on that he wasn't into it at all he was staring off into the distance and ignoring her or responding with one-word answers after about half an hour he stands up and says I'm going to bed my friend asks him if she should come to which he looks her dead in the eye and says I honestly don't give a duck what you do and walks off we left soon after that about a year later I read an interview with him where he said that he tried to kill himself on that Australian tour in hindsight the way he was acting definitely seemed like someone who was depressed I was in a very massive men's room at a venue taking a piss I was about 15 urinals deep and bathroom was completely empty as far as I could tell besides me in walks Jack Black he walks right up to the urinal next to me nothing weird happened but I always found it bizarre that he did in space himself out better that's a man code violation one of my favorite movies growing up was Crocodile Dundee much later in life I am hanging out with a girl at a hotel bar in San Diego and Paul Hogan was there we put down a few drinks then I figured I would go say what's up and tell him how I loved Crocodile Dundee and see if I could get an autograph by nokia break no camera I was drunk remember the interaction pretty clearly I went over to chat and he was not that cool which was fine but then started asking about the girl I was with and if she would like an autograph that lead to him propositioning me for what I thought would be a threesome I was entertaining this idea as the thought of tag-teaming this girl who I was not officially dating with Mick Dundee would be pretty cool so she came over and everything was really cool I was planning on pulling out my Wang once we went to the room and being like who called Antony this is Adi fast-forward 10 minutes and he said why don't we go up to my room that we didn't include me I got to sit at the bar while the chick got raw dog by Mick Dundee and he never gave me that autograph or came back down plus on the way home she was wearing a skirt and released a bunch of his nut on the back seat of the cab I am not sure which hole that came out of but assuming the back one still loved Crocodile Dundee edit I am getting a ton of messages saying why did I stay go home with her we were friends with benefits and work together at a bar and were out as friends he shared a cab home and saw her the next evening and had some laughs went to the u2 concert in LA a couple years back and saw Pierce Brosnan walking through the parking lot of the forum as I walked by I said bond James Bond he gave me the most revolting look and said ducking wanker totally made my day friend of ours is a hotel hospitality manager she was alone in a room with Russell Brand he very politely offered to have a 6 with her she said her husband was waiting downstairs for her brand said he could come up - friend was pissing next to Shaq at a club in Miami of course he can't keep his eyes on the road and tried to sneak a peek at Shaq's junk Shaq turns to him smiles and says crazy white big Mia regular D I'm a Mexican guy that works at Home Depot Rob Schneider used to come in a lot as a key Elliott told me to go duck myself not really NSFW but I know a dude who danced with Renee Zellweger at a wedding and dropped her while doing so wasn't real safe for her I guess and Edie tried to pull me into a bathroom after we did some blow together at a party in Hollywood Hills I pulled away but he took my best friend who's a total for he never told me what exactly happened edit it appears all of read it as a NSFW and Edie story I live in Las Vegas and often see celebrities here one time on summer vacation while in high school in the mid nineties when I was 16 and just got my driver's license I was at the Forum Shops at Caesar's Palace with a friend and there was a crowd outside the Versace store so we went over to see what was going on Mike Tyson and his entourage the shopping inside and they locked the doors for him after a while they all disappeared into the back of the store and we realized from having had a part-time job at the mall they were headed to employee parking behind the store we ran down the corridor next to the store and headed outside where his crew were loading a Persian rugs and shopping bags into a Range Rover while Iron Mike was putting on a helmet and jumping onto a sport bike my buddy and I stopped waving at him and right as he makes eye contact my friend switches from a wave to flipping him off Mike ripped off the helmet and started shouting obscenities at his well we ran back into the more letting ourselves I saw myself naked once or twice not exactly a celebrity at the moment but this drunk guy said I had potential I was working on a behind-the-scenes featurette for a movie starring Keanu Reeves and renée Zellweger I had to why the lavender renas shirt and clip it to her bra and I totally accidentally grabbed her boob she looked me right in the eye and said geez buy me a drink okay my mom grew up with Rob Lowe as her neighbor she dated him in middle school and they were apparently found making out in a closet at school one time she says that he was one of those kisses that uses enough tongue to lick your vocal cords David Spade is exactly the [ __ ] you'd expect him to be he opened for Bobcat Goldthwait and my roommates best friend was bobcats brother I got to go backstage after the show and we were sitting in a circle with Bob's brother and there was another group of people just standing off to the side Bob came out of the shower and sat down next to me and started talking genuinely a good guy spent 20 minutes talking with him one of the people standing off to the side was a girl on I felt bad so I suggested that they pull up a chair and join us to help her I got up and pulled a chair over for her I turned around and spade took my seat flipped me the bird and told me to duck off the day he got tased by his bodyguard was a glorious one I shook bruce campbell hand two minutes earlier I had beated my meat and did not wash my hands sorry Bruce love you me and my now wife was at her Irish bar in Mick I went to the toilet and when walked back a guy was stood in the way watching baseball drinking whiskey I said excuse me and he said sorry but looked down to hide his face went back to the mrs and she asked what was up I said I've just seen Mitchell Keaton I'm a huge Batman fan she was telling me to go over and say something but the bar was packed and how he reacted to me I knew he wanted to chill and watch the baseball she was badgering me for a few minutes all while pointing and me shaking my head and saying no as I looked over I saw he was looking at us but he turned away quick my wife was facing him and still on at me saying I'm an idiot for not doing anything she stopped talking abruptly and said his walking over I looked towards the bar and saw him get closer he stepped in between me and my partner facing me I turned to him he put his whiskey on the bar went at me and walked out the bar I think he realized what she was saying and I wasn't going to do it so he came over to show his appreciation I've been approved by the Batman not a NSFW material that hits our excellent celeb encounter I once motioned for Brittany snow to sign her Maxim Hot 100 photo she pushed her hair in front in her face and gave me the cold shoulder that was definitely the most awkward weight for a plain rest room I've ever experienced he just stood there facing the wall like some ducking Blair Witch victim my mom rest her soul was an absolute party animal up till the day she died massive lover of rock music and would go to a ton of concerts get backstage and we have a load of memorabilia all around the house anyway one band she always disliked was kiss and she never tell me why not until you're older eventually I got old enough for her to tell me why she disliked kiss apparently she made it backstage and as they were going onstage gene Simmons came up to her in full makeup asked her name and after she replied he stated I'll be seeing you after the show Susan he then unraveled his massive tongue and flipped it a few times as he grabbed her ass she said out of all the times in her life of being hit on by creepy men that was the most unsettling she does however say that had he not been in full costume it would have been a lot less creepy I miss her crazy stories every day - reality TV stars have seen my d1 was on survivor the other was on Biggest Loser the one on Biggest Loser sucked it the other one watched me piss in a cup for a drug test I ran into Danny McBride at the San Diego Comic Con this year I was riding the elevator alone in my hotel and it stops on the floor of the big celebrity party going on that night the door opens and standing right there is Danny McBride Jodie Hill and a few of their friends I freaked out I immediately yelled oh my god it's Kenny ducking powers I saw plenty of celebrities that weekend but he is the only one I saw that I fangirl doubt on he was wasted his friends were too I asked him for a picture even though it was a struggle to get the words out he grabbed my phone and took a half dozen selfies of all of us in the elevator all I could muster over and over Kenny ducking powers he handed me back my phone put his hands on my shoulders looked me in the eye and made some joke about me trying to take a nice vacation and not even knowing committin was going to be on that weekend I put my hands on his waist so we were positioned like a couple of slow dancing 8th graders and said one final time it's Kenny ducking powers it took me a good hour to get over the adrenaline rush and I now love him more than ever edit picture at it I went to Miley Cyrus 18th birthday was hanging out with a few friends for a car show in LA and apparently this chick that was with us who I hadn't met until that night was dating Miley's brother turns out they were going to mine his place for a party and asked us to drop them off we dropped them off and as we were driving away we decided uh KITT how many times are we gonna have a chance like this he turned around and hit up the chick to see if she could get us in she said sure and we ended up partying there for a couple hours hadn't seen Miley all night and next thing I know I'm in the kitchen and I look over and she's by the sink taking a hit off a pipe at that time she was still this perfect Christian Disney star so it was weird seeing her smoking weed just a few feet from me apparently some guys nobody knew ended up sneaking into the party and grabbing a couple purses to include Miley's and ran off once that happened they kicked everyone out and we went home I found out later that her phone was in the person had a video of her smoking salvia which got released to the public and was the first of many things that changed everyone's image of her sides note on the ride home we ended up totaling the car cause our driver fell asleep at the wheel it was a great night NASCAR driver Matt Kenseth once quietly flipped me off when I was at the track before a race if that counts the rapper Danny Brown got his D sucked by some random fan in the front row wraps his first verse the whole time everyone is in shock stops receiving all for the second verse picks her out of the crowd after the song and directs her to the greenroom Las Vegas I'm eating lunch with my mother when I spotted Wayne Brady also eating lunch with his mother I waited until he finished eating before asking for a photograph iPhones were still fairly new and my sweet mother had never really used one so as Wayne Brady and I were posing for the picture my mother kept pressed the home button to take it I quickly pulled the camera back up and posed again she pressed the home button again once more I opened the camera up and this time Wayne Brady nicely explained that you have to press the button on the screen for the picture you guessed it my mother pressed the home button again so I thought I'd be funny and chimed in with his Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a [ __ ] no one laughed it was Mother's Day my mom didn't know the reference got the picture at least Wayne Brady was a very nice I saw Kim Kardashian sex tape met Gary Busey at an airport in Tulsa okay through a strange course of conversation in which he insulted nearly everyone he ended with a joke Gary did you ever hear about the poor family me no Gary they were so poor they had to jerk off the dog to feed the cat he then chuckled to himself grabbed the next taxi and left us speechless he formatting not me but my friend banged mark Whalberg at can in the late 90s they were at one of the parties they drank they flirted they went to his hotel room they bugged pretty standard stuff for Marky Mark around that time I reckon my friend was super hot with perfect tent it's a mess so I wasn't surprised she pulled a movie star [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music]
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Id: x8NstTxY56c
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Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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