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to play i don't care how many degrees you have in player if you like a phd prayer until you pray you don't know prayer it has been designed that you can never know prayer but by praying that's the only way as a believer you remain very flimsy until you give yourself to prayer prayer develops your capacity and ability in prayer you have overcome many things what you overcome in prayer cannot overcome you in real life you don't know prayer by reading books you know prayer by actually praying abel domino ministries international presents power city international global corporate prayers theme the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous a valid match join doctors abel and rachel daminer in attending of intensive prayer and fasting for the assignment of world evangelism date second april is the friday to sunday 11 april 2021 time easter friday and every other day 11 a.m to 1 p.m sundays 8 a.m first service and 11 a.m second service venue power city international number ninety eight running road uyo akwa bomb state nigeria if there is a man to pray there is a guide [Music] domino [Music] the interpretation of tongues the interpretation of tongues the book of first corinthians chapter 12 verse one concerning spiritual gifts brethren i will not have you ignorant the word gifts there is italicized so it's supposed to be brethren concerning spirituals or we better put it like this brethren concerning the spiritual things because it deals with things of the spirit in another light referring to the gifts of the spirit and referring also to ministry gifts john chapter 12 verse number 28 father glorified thy name then came there a voice from heaven saying i have both glorified it and will glorify it again next verse the people therefore that stood by and heard it said that it turned out others said an angel speak to him can you see the different interpretations it turned out an angel speak to him please pay attention do you know that in both joseph's case and his brothers in both cases if you observe very carefully the brothers didn't know the interpretation of the dream and same thing in daniel's case nebuchadnezzar didn't know the interpretation of the dream and it was wise not to have sent for them to go and buy cows you know it was wise not to have sent for them pharaoh to go and buy cows nebuchadnezzar was wise not to say to them well go and get me value and balance it was wise because they knew that there was more to what they saw than physical they knew that there was an invisible meaning to what they saw and that's why with all the astrologers and magicians talking nebuchadnezzar was not convinced he wasn't persuaded that what they said was exactly what he saw so they will always respond confused just like these people say you know it turned out the other one say an angel spoke the reason is because they are not the people that have the language therefore they will need an interpreter to interpret the language remember that interpretation never comes from the audience interpretation of tongues never comes from the audience look at how it sounds that john chapter 12. one says he thunder the others said an angel spoke to him i mean see the various application of something everybody heard at the same time if they had just said jesus what happened it will have saved them from all of those speculations now in acts chapter 2 verse 4 and they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance verse 5 and they were dwelling at jerusalem jews devout men out of every nation under heaven so it shows you that they were all jews all of them were jews that came from diaspora to celebrate pentecost look at paul paul also had to celebrate because pentecost was a feast acts chapter 20 verse 16. for paul are determined to sail by ephesus because he will not spend the time in asia for he has said if it were possible for him to be at jerusalem the day of pentecost so jewish people used to all go to jerusalem for the feast of pentecost so pentecost is a feast of the jews it's a feast that jewish people celebrate and it was a yearly event look at first corinthians 16 verse 8 but i will tarry at ephesus until pentecost so it's a feast that jews will come to jerusalem for remember gentiles don't go for pentacles pentecost was a feast of the jews so in jerusalem that day of pentecost it was a jewish gathering look at verse 6 of acts chapter 2 because i want us to explain that acts chapter 2. now when this was noise abroad the multitude came together and they were confounded because that every man had them speak in his own language that is what the audience said now the question is they heard them speak in their own language what was their language they were jewish people okay jews that would be strange because in verse four it says they spoke in other tongues etheros now so how could jews speak with other tongues and jews were saying we heard them speak in our language okay remember when tongues are spoken the audience don't understand except it is interpreted all right now look at verse eight of acts chapter two and how here we every man in our own tongue wearing we were born talking about native tongue so by the time they arrived what were they hearing they were hearing their native language in acts to the folks there that were in solomon's porch were they jews were they jews yes so when they were speaking in other tongues where they're speaking in jewish language when they were speaking in other tongues in verse 4 where they're speaking jewish language you know but when the multitude came what were they listening to look at verse 11. crits and arabians we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of god now the challenge with this text is that many people form their doctrine from this text they formed their doctrine from what unbelievers said because this is the testimony of unbelievers this is what they observed that they were commenting about how will they know what was going on and you know the way people teach tongues is as though the unbelievers have interpretation of tongues that's the way people teach tongues and that's why there's a lot of confusion they make it look like it's unbelievers they will tell you that okay if your tongue is genuine why is it that an unbeliever is not understanding us if the unbelievers have interpretation of tongues an unbeliever cannot understand tongues except it is interpreted okay now look at verse 12 and 13 of acts chapter 2 and they were all amazed and were in doubt saying one to another what meaning this next verse other smoking said these men are full of new wine have you seen that they had different responses some say we heard in our language some said these are drunk some say these people are mad somewhere mocking they have different responses like the people in john chapter 12 who heard the voice some say it turned out some say an angel spoke now when peter got up who did peter address in verse 14 acts chapter 2 verse 14 look at it but peter standing up with the eleven lifted up his voice and said unto them you men of judea and only that dwell at jerusalem beat this known unto you and hacking to my words ye men of judea and all those that dwell where at jerusalem you men of where judea which means which language jews which means borders in judea and jerusalem had a common language because if peter addressed them if peter stood up and addressed them which language did he use because all of them exactly that's why there was no interpreter it was not a united nations assembly it was a jewish feast it was a jewish congregation because that is where the lacuna used to be that book of acts it says we hear them in our native language so that means they had a common language did they speak with tongues in verse four yes did the audience hear and understand tongues no what did the audience what were they responding to okay now a part of them responded to tongues by saying what is this okay a part responded to what they said in their language okay by the time peter got or peter began to speak in their language and peter explained what they had just done and what did peter call it prophecy peter said what you saw today is prophecy this is that which was spoken by the prophet joel i will pour out my spirit upon all flesh your sons and daughters shall what prophesy this is that so peter's explanation was that what you just experienced now was the fulfillment of joel's prophecy that we shall prophesy so that means what was happening there was prophecy what was happening on the day of pentecost was prophecy it was not just tongues alone it was prophecy because if it was just tongues alone the people wouldn't have heard them and peter confirmed that this is that which are spoken by the prophet joel i will pour out my spirit upon all flesh your sons and daughters shall prophesy now we are these folks speaking the wonderful works of god no that is what the audience assumed that is what the unbelievers described it just like the different opinions they say we have them speak the wonderful works of god is their assumption part of their confusion the audience and you don't build a doctrine on their response look at acts 10 46 let's examine something else for they heard them speak with tongues and magnified god and magnify god that's what they said that's what the audience said note that they had them speak with tongues magnifying god they didn't hear them speak with tongues magnifying god they said they had them speak with tongues and magnified god so if peter is here and he says they spoke with tongues that means what peter understood was what the interpretation the magnifying god there was when they gave it a meaning so which means the conclusion of that conversation was magnifying god the conclusion peter got that conclusion and said they magnified god that's the conclusion that's not the details that's just like the headline okay obviously just like in the case of peter it was the same information that brother luke gave he said they heard them every time luke was there he will say we heard but when luke got the information from somebody else he will say they heard okay now in acts chapter 19 verse 6 please pay attention and when paul had laid his hands upon them the holy ghost came on them and they speak with tongues and prophesied this was straight forward they spoke in tongues and prophecy this was a clearer understanding and we would find it that prophesying there is interpretation of tongues so you can see that we can't rely on acts chapter 2. we will only rely on what peter and paul said now look at first corinthians chapter 14 verse number two for he that speaketh in tongue speaketh not unto men the unknown they are brother paul never called tongues unknown not even for once it was added by translators for he that speaketh in a tongue speaking not unto men but unto god for no man understand it he didn't say no man understanded him it's not about him it is no man understand it the him is not in the original how be it in the spirit he speaketh mysteries he that speaks in tongues all right now he that speaks in tongues speaks not unto men but unto god for no man understands how be it in the spirit he speaks mysteries the word mysteries is common in the new covenant is the word mustarian means something that is hidden hidden to wear heeding to men's understanding it is hidden to men's understanding understanding is intellect that is understanding of how people speak it is hidden from the vocabulary that they understand it is hidden from the language that they know that's why it's called mystery understanding of how they communicate he says this is hidden now anywhere you find the word mystery on it simply means it is not disclosed it is not disclosed that you will need an explanation for mystery mystery means it will require explanation someone will have to explain it mosterion someone will have to explain it so he that speaks in tongues is a private conversation no man understanded him he says he speaks unto god but observed in the spirit he speaks unto god but observed in the spirit you know when i come across people who try to argue and make a big story out of okay these tongues are you people are speaking today is gibberish you people are speaking gibberish some people even have the audacity to come on my facebook page and be complaining why am i speaking in tongues he says gibberish you people are speaking i say okay so what do you want us to speak he said on the day of pentecost the people heard them speak really no the people didn't hear them speak he that speaks in tongues speaks not to men but unto god now observe how be it he is speaking in the spirit that means it's not any human language japanese is not in the spirit ibibio is not in the spirit and tongues are in the spirit which means tongues don't belong to any human language or any human uh nativity how be it in the spirit so tongues are in the spirit and in the spirit is only understood by god except it is interpreted if tongues was japanese or korean or if tongues was acquired bomb ibibio or house or yoruba or ebo you don't need the gift of interpretation you just look for a linguist just keep a linguist in the church who every time they speak in tongues you don't be interpreting the reason for supernatural interpretation is because tongues are not human language they are not human language he is speaking mysteries that is he speaking a language that will need to be explained it has to be explained so that means there's a conversation in the spirit between the speaker and god and the understanding is for the third party the speaker and god don't need understanding the speaker and god already have understanding it you can't speak what you don't understand god doesn't need interpretation so the person that needs understanding is the third party this man and god are speaking what they understand there is a fellowship and intimacy going on between the man speaking and god how be it or however the third party around in order for him not to be rendered a barbarian will require the mystery on to be explained which is what we call the interpretation of tongues are we getting clear yeah because it's so important i want us to explode this tongue team all over the world it's the day of the holy ghost it's the day of jesus it's the day of the manifestation of god's grace hallelujah all right now he says no man understands no man understands what tongues that's why the hymn is not in the original if it is no man understands him it will be that it is he that is not understood but no man understand will mean no man understands the tongues no man understands how be it in the spirit he speaks mysteries that means after we agreed with all we have done after we have said house ayurva ebo no man understands this tongue stands out that means the tongue is not hausa it's not yoruba because men understand house ibibio yoruba men understand japanese men understand english tongues are not english no man understands amen is not in any nation that's why it says in the spirit if it is someone's language in korea or in china like i said just get a linguist to explain but this is in the spirit so the reason why a man's mind does not understand it is because it is spoken in the spirit it is spoken in the spirit the word in the spirit is key if your bible was mad i will circle that word in the spirit means what is communicated is only clear where in the spirit but when you come to how we talk it becomes a mystery just the same way when i use french to speak to an ibibio man who does not understand french like if i speak french and my friend does not speak french and i speak french to him the french i'm speaking is a mystery to him because he doesn't understand what i'm saying accept someone or i interpret it to him so that's the same thing it becomes a mystery meaning it requires explanation now it is not clear when i speak french to an ibible man who does not understand french it's not clear to him he doesn't know what i'm saying but he's hearing me say something he's hearing the sound of my words they're clear in his ears but his heart cannot interpret what his ears is hearing so language is in the heart it's not in the ears his heart cannot interpret except there is somebody who understands ibibio and french who stands between us to explain so he says no man understands in the spirit that means tongues is known to two parties only who are they the speaker and god the speaker and god and the speaker speaks it in the spirit so when it comes out it will come out to the mind of man which is the third party as he doesn't understand not that he's not hearing like i said he's hearing but he doesn't have the understanding what you are saying should not mingle together but what you are saying is mingling for example zobada zobada zobada are you saying zou but it's not zou because it's zobada it's mingled it's mingled therefore somebody has to disentangle it and explain like many many take a opposing one one one have meaning but together is a mystery so daniel now by the gift of interpretation which is a gift of the spirit brought the meaning of those words out to redeem the king so when we speak in tongues that's what happens to the person who is listening it's just like mixing words together that doesn't make sense now they don't make sense to your vocabulary that's why they don't make sense to the vocabulary of the mind of the person listening how the mind communicates he says no man understands understands the tongues now look at that first corinthians 14 16 else when thou shalt bless with the spirit how shall he that occupied the room of the unlearned say amen at thy giving of times seeing him he understanded not what thou say yes that is if you listen very well to where the response should be in the tongues is not to the prayer but to the giving of thanks the third party is supposed to respond not to the prayer but to the giving of thanks to the conclusion of the discussion he is supposed to say amen but because he doesn't understand he cannot say a man to thy giving of tongues now am i supposed to pray in tongues and pray out what i said in interpretation no what am i supposed to interpret the conclusion i'm supposed to interpret the conclusion it's not like some people expect that when you speak in tongues you say la taba see god is just saying that i will do a new thing la buddha like i said before i will do a better thing no no no you're supposed to speak and then at the end of speaking you now give them the conclusion which is a headline a headline or a summary of what was said so that the person hearing by hearing that summary has an understanding of what was going on is the conclusion that's why he said you pray in tongues then you give tongues and that what the man that is hearing is supposed to hear to say amen is not the prayer but the giving of tongues which is a summary of what the prayer was or what the conversation was he's still talking about prayer all right now if you read 1st corinthians 14 very well you realize that you the one who speaks with tongues does not need interpretation the speaker doesn't need interpretation please that's very fundamental the man speaking in tongues doesn't need interpretation because what you are saying is your language is your language if i walk to dr gabriel and i know dr gabriel understands how sir and i said dr gabriel yaya yo i don't need somebody to tell me what you are saying to dr gabriel is how is today why because when i said yaya yo it was intentional i know exactly what i'm saying so me that is speaking i don't need interpretation but if dr gabriel does not understand how sir and i say yeah yeah yeah he will just be looking at me he will need interpretation so interpretation is not for the speaker of tongues interpretation is for the audience because the man speaking is speaking his language the man speaking is speaking his language so the speaker does not require interpretation that's the first challenge to cross you need to cross that challenge to be able to enjoy the oppression of the spirit hallelujah that's the first challenge because what you are saying is your language and you don't need interpretation for your language otherwise then it's not your language okay how did you speak it [Laughter] so renew your mind from thinking you need to interpret your tongues to yourself renew your mind from that because that's not what was taught in the scriptures again we said a language is mastered with use i will get there in a few minutes now first corinthians chapter 14 if you observe any time brother paul mentions interpret all through the book of first corinthians 14 he is making reference to the third party where he mentions the mind of man in first corinthians 14 15 again is able to communicate with another person so when i'm interpreting tongues for my mind is not for me when i engage my mind in the oppression of utterance it is not for my benefit it is for the third party that's where my mind gets involved that's where understanding comes i already have a communication with god so interpretation of tongues does not serve me because i am the speaker interpretation of tongues serves the third part so your mind plays a role in communicating to the third party that's where your mind comes in let's read through it in acts chapter 2 notice that when they spoke out in their own languages particularly let me use peter when peter spoke in acts chapter 2 verse 16 17 and 18 he explained to the audience is for the audience he didn't say 120 brethren what we were speaking was no he turned to the audience and said ye men of judea and jerusalem these are not drunk as you suppose so peter explaining what was going on was not for the benefit of the 120 it was for the benefit of the audience the same thing in acts chapter 10 in the house of cornelius in acts chapter 10 the magnifying god was for the audience it was not for the people speaking again in first corinthians 14 verse 3 but he that prophesied speaketh unto men to edification and exaltation and comfort verse 4 observe he that speaketh in tongues a defiled himself but he that prophesied at the fire the church all right so when i speak in tongues is enough i don't need interpretation because as i'm speaking i understand what i'm saying so i'm edified but if you that is listening to me must be edified i must interpret for your benefit it's like i stand before all of you and i say yes okay now if you're not household you didn't know what i said so i have put you in the class of the unlimited yes so you're not zuwa then in order for you to be edified by what i said because me i'm already edified so now i have to interpret yes azure what i said is jesus is coming now you understand now you're edified so interpretation is for the audience not for the speaker because the language is already the speaker's language now look at chapter 14 verse 5 of first corinthians i would that you all speak with tongues but rather that you prophesied for greater is he that prophesied than he that speaketh with tongues except he interpret why that the church the audience the church may receive what a defying the church the church may receive a define now look at verse 13 to 17 and pay attention to the person that will benefit from the interpretation wherefore let him that speaketh in tongue pray that he may interpret for if i pray in tongue my spirit prayed but my understanding is unfruitful because i don't need understanding my mind doesn't need it because i already know what i'm speaking what is it then i will pray with the spirit and i will pray with the understanding also i will sing with the spirit and i will sing with the understanding also else when thou shalt bless you the spirit how shall he that occupied the room of the unlearned say amen are thy giving of tongues seeing he understandeth not what thou say yes for thou verily given thanks well but the order is not edified so again who benefit from interpretation of tongues the audience the other person look at verse 22 to 25 wherefore tongues are for a sign not to them that believe but to them that believe not but prophesying not for them that believe not but for them which believe if therefore the whole church be come together into one place and all speak with tongues and there come in those that are unlearned or unbelievers will they not say that you are mad but if all prophesied and there come in one that believeth not or unlearned he is convinced of all he is judged of all and those are the secrets of his heart made manifest and so falling down on his face he will worship god and report that god is in you of a truth so the interpretation of the tongue serves who the audience your mind comes to play because you want to communicate to the audience and what do you want to communicate the conclusion of the conversation between you and god is it getting clear now if i have a conversation with god what i bring to the audience is not the details of my conversation is my conclusion or the gist of the discussion the gist the headline of the discussion look at verse 27 of that same scripture first corinthians 14 27 if any man speak in tongues let it be by two or at the most by three and that by course and let one interpret 28 but if there be no interpreter let him keep silence in the church and let him speak to himself and to god if there's no interpretation of the tongue let him keep silence where in the church so he doesn't disturb them since they are not benefiting but even in keeping silent he is free to still keep speaking between him and god because the beneficiary is himself so why inconvenience people with what will not benefit them so what brother paul is discussing in chapter 14 of first corinthians is orderliness in the oppression of the gifts for the edification of the church now again remember you are still in the service in church all right in charge in the church means do not speak to anybody speak to yourself and to god where are you still speaking to yourself unto god in the congregation in the congregation so people tell you that when you're in church don't speak in tongues except you interpret it's not true but the paul says you can speak but just make sure it is between you and god you're not disturbing somebody is it clear now i'm going to get into something in a few minutes so the silence is relative silence means that i can be in charge and i am talking to myself and to god but i'm not communicating with anybody so the keeping silent is relative keep silent but speak to yourself and to god so engaging your mind is for others realize that you do not need to interpret the tongues you speak to yourself the fact is that you are speaking a language that you already know you already know this language that's why you are talking to god in it so the first thing is to saturn in your mind that you do not need interpretation of tongues you don't need it when paul says my mind is unfruitful unfruitful dear is in the church my mind is unfruitful in the church because there's no interpretation he's not saying my mind is unfruitful you know what do i do about it he's just saying that within the context of church service when i'm speaking in tongues except i interpret my mind at that point is unfruitful because speaking in tongues bypasses the mind speaking in tongues bypasses the mind so again paul begins to differentiate between the spirit and the soul speaking in tongues bypasses the man because is beyond the realm of human knowledge is beyond the realm of human intellect it's in the realm of revelation it's in the realm of revelation it's a higher end is a higher rate now look at first corinthians 14 18. i thank my god i speak with tongues more than ye all verse 19. yet in the church i'd rather speak five words with my understanding that by my voice i might teach others also that by my voice i might teach others also than ten thousand words in tongues where does he use interpretation in church when he is alone from verse 18 and 19 what is his mode of communication tongues when he comes amongst others that they will receive edification what does he do he interprets so the first level where i need to renew my mind is that tongue is not unknown to me tongues are not unknown to me that is why brother paul teaches that when you are speaking at the same time you should be interpreting tongues are not unknown to me if you're paying attention you know it the problem is most times you're distracted because you're not expecting to know it but now that you are expecting to be able to explain what you just spoke you're conscious so by the time you start speaking you know exactly what you're saying so when you stop you interpret it and that is why many churches have problems with tongues because nobody has come down to explain it like this to them so they are afraid of tongues no that thing is not correct how can i be speaking what nobody understands no we understand what we are speaking if you're in doubt come and see that we will speak it and give you edification and bring ministry to you from tongues to understanding jacques thank you lord i say thank you lord i say thank you lord you know what you are saying you can't say what you don't know now you know what you're saying that's why i said in the spirit he is talking normally because he is born of the spirit so the spirit is his hometown so in his hometown anger mozart he is talking normally and conversing normally but adventure there's a visitor around he now interprets the summary for the visitor to benefit marrow de que guest marrodega guest these are the days of the supernatural these are the days of the outpouring of glory and grace like never before men and women will carry this ornament of grace and everywhere they walk into saith god they will spread the aroma of disgrace and that aroma will take man out of shame it will take men out of frustration it will take me out of disgrace that aroma will take men out of sin it will take men out of captivity yeah there are carriers of that aroma the aroma of my great save of god and they are going to walk on the face of the head like gods on the earth manifesting and demonstrating my glory like never before my shoulder thank you lord thank you lord praise you father praise you father praise your father praise your father hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and that depression you're watching me right now you're hearing me right now that depression ends today that black cloud that has followed you for a while now is broken off your life right now in the name of jesus i just descend that right now just descended that somebody has been moving with a cloud a cloud of depression and a cloud of sorrow and you've been so afraid for your life thinking at any moment you could die no no say of god no no no no no you carry my mandate you are pregnant with my mandate to preach my word you won't die like that you have an assignment therefore quit you like a man and fight the good fight of faith lay hold on to eternal life my shot of lord obara by bro member of the zocalo thank you father praise your father praise you father praise you father praise you father praise your father you know as you start praying before you utter out any syllable in tongues you already know what you are seeing before you utter the first syllable in tongues you already know what you are saying talk in tongues again for one second just be normal hallelujah amen the word mysteries means is not known to some people it has to be explained it is now from what you know in your spirit you now bring it to your understand you carry it when you want to edify people you convey what you know in your spirit you drop it in your mind so your mind can pass it on through your mouth so people are edified so people are edified you know sometimes you just walk and this this discernment just comes alive you look at somebody and you can tell the person almost everything that's happening to him at that material time you just have the knowing you have a knowing because that is what the holy ghost on your inside enables you to accomplish so you can bring redemption salvation and deliverance to people and many people that is what will make them to pay attention that is what will make them to calm down and listen because now they know that this person talking to me is not ordinary yeah the church is going to rise up with all the supernatural equipment remember the gifts of the spirit are given to every man to profit without it is for profiting the kingdom now we're going to see whole cities taking over we're going to see whole villages whole communities taking over we're going to run over cities and communities by the power of the spirit shuttle adamaya hallelujah i said hallelujah i said hallelujah so that link point that link point between what you know in the spirit and bringing it to your mind is what we call interpretation that link point is what we call the interpretation of tongues you actually know what you're about to see so don't think that you will speak in tongues then say i'm surprised that the spirit told me this no it's not going to come to you like a surprise it's not going to come to you like a surprise it's what you already know when you wanted to speak in tongues you know what exactly you about to say it is your language you are not learning from tongues you are the ones speaking it you are not interpreting it to yourself it is your language he says to say amen at die giving of thanks you are the one giving the tongues so you don't need interpretation because the tongues are your language you're not the one who needs the interpretation please don't miss that the interpretation is needed by your audience the mystery is between the speaker and god and the body of christ the speaker and god and the body of christ is where the mystery exists but the moment the speaker interprets to the body of christ is no more a mystery somebody getting blessed can i hear powerful amen and don't try to feel bad when you pray in tongues for one hour and you did not talk about your money need your job need don't try now to come in the flesh and pray for morning need and when you prayed in the spirit you prayed for all those things because they were all in your heart the only thing now is with knowledge you consciously now pray but as you are praying in tongues every concern of your heart and mind is carried on in that prayer and when you finish you don't need english again because you have prayed it at the highest level intelligent praying it takes care of all everything around that's why when you pray in the spirit you keep your mind quiet because your mind is not to lecture your spirit your mind is not elected your spirit so first of all agree with god that tongue is your native language look at first corinthians 12 28 and god has set some in the church first opposed to secondary prophets thirdly teachers after that miracles then gifts of healings helps government diversities of tongues observed that the word helps and government were not repeated in verse 30. have all the gifts of healing do all speak with tongues do all interpret the word helps is used just once anytime you see a word used just once in the greek that means you restrict the usage to that text that text so the word helps use just once is the word anti-lamb pieces anti-like anti-malaria anti-land l-e-n-p-i-s-i-s anti-land pieces it means to meet the needs of others and then there is another word there is the word kubernetes kubernetes k-u b-e-r-m-e-s-i-s it means to guide others so let me put it in the greek for you the way that verse 28 reads in the greek when he finished gift of healing it now says listen carefully helping administrating kinds of tongues helping administrating kinds of tongues and then you apply the tks rule administrating which is helping or helping which is administrating kind of tongues the what kind of tongues does it mean you know king james did injustice there is the word genus in the greek it is used for family tribe nation or kindred it's not diversity it actually means one language that is unique to a tribe one language that is unique to a tribe that's when paul got to us that he said do all interpret so interpretation of tongue is to meet needs and guide with tongues interpretation is to meet needs and guide how do i meet needs and guide with tongues by interpreting when i interpret tongues i meet needs for edification and i bring guidance because in interpreting things there are instructions i will get there in a few minutes just stay with me now so interpretation of tongues is what he meant there by kubernetes and antelope pieces it's the same thing so interpretation of tongues means i am going to take tongues that are spoken tongues on its own cannot be for the benefit of someone else that is why you have to interpret it the benefit of someone else is when it is interpreted and that is why every time brother paul talked about tongues he talked about interpretation always look at first corinthians 12 10 to another the working of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another diverse kinds of tongues that is a unique language that belongs to a tribe a family or a clan diverse kinds of tongues observed to another the interpretation of tongues everywhere he talked about tongues the next thing brother paul will put his interpretation of tongues if i were to teach you today in a class i will put tongues and interpretation together to another tongues and interpretation if i was to do it today because when it comes to the gifts of the spirit to bless others they have to be together interpretation of tongues is the administrator and the guide of tongues to meet the needs of others so when i speak in tongues interpretation will guide the tongue to meet somebody's need because interpretation now will bring the person's understanding to bear so interpretation administers guides and helps to meet the need of others that's what interpretation of tongue does that's what the interpretation of tongues does that's why first corinthians chapter 14 shows you how do i administer tongues to meet the need of others interpretation of tongues what it does is to meet the needs of others through a discussion a conversation i have with god to meet the needs of others through a discussion a conversation i have with god at a particular time some time ago a lady came to my meeting we tried to get baptized with the holy ghost to speak in tongues she couldn't speak in tongues we did everything taught her show that she couldn't speak after three four days i was a bit concerned so i took extra time to pray before meeting with her i took extra time to pray and as i began to pray in tongues i was in a trance and i saw her speaking in tongues widely so as she arrived for ministration i told her today is your day because i already saw it today is your day i just spoke to her so confidently and made sure she had no doubt of fear i told her i have seen you already today is your day then i explained to her the scripture as soon as i finished i said lift up your hands say thank you jesus brah she went she spoke in tongues all over that place but you see i saw it in the spirit as i prayed in tongues and when i came to her i gave her the conclusion that helped her to receive it help her to receive the baptism i don't know if you understand so what tongues does when we interpret them it brings help it brings direction so the things i discuss with god if it's a prayer will now come out to me and then i will speak and warn someone based on that conversation it's like i was praying for somebody my toe lady bring that conglomerate or jakaya as i'm praying i'm just seeing you i'm just seeing you i'm just seeing you and i intensify prayer and then i just suddenly finish praying and i walk to you the moment i come to you because of what i have discussed with god i will give you the conclusion i may give you a warning i may give you an instruction or i may give you comfort do you understand yeah that's the way he works he's one spirit he's one spirit now so out of our conversation i will warn someone or i can give an instruction from that conversation so when paul says i thank my god i speak with tongues more than ye all where does he speak with tongues more publicly or privately privately but he says when i am in the local church and i am addressing the local church i speak with my understanding understanding of what tongues he is not talking of preaching i speak in understanding so in your mind resolve it you do not speak any interpretation to yourself interpretation is not for you your mind gets involved because of others tongues is your own communication with god so take that off your mind when your mind is looking for interpretation tell a man to stop that it does not need it at all tongues is to god there's no way paul says you need interpretation the interpretation is for others in the local church but notice as you are speaking in tongues you know what you are saying not you will know after you have said it you know before you said it and while you are saying it the one after you have said it is interpretation as you're talking in tongues you know exactly what you're saying so in tongues there is speaking with god and there is a response in tongues there is speaking with god and there is a response when we speak in tongues we speak to god and there's a response sometimes while you're speaking you just have you knowing you just have knowing or you have an understanding you know or you have direction or suddenly you remember something something that would be very useful to you now you know or suddenly you see an image of something in your mind that helps you to know exactly what to do concerning the situation all of those you could paint pictures or you could hear a voice or you could just have a knowing an impression an impression in your heart no believer is permitted to be clueless every believer should walk in the knowledge of the spirit and the spirit knows all things he such at all things here are the deep things of god shakola we compare spiritual with spiritual we speak the words which the holy ghost teaches that is where we reign that is what we rule we have the advantage because we have an inside information and when we pray in tongues we take care of everything take care of everything including things we are not thinking of in the spirit you take care of everything shakola praise god somebody bless stan on your feet that's what we've got for today thank you father praise you father heavenly father we pray for everybody that is connected to this service online on television on radio wherever people are gathered hearing the sound of my voice revelation knowledge glows and clarity comes by the word in the name of jesus barriers are terminated our minds are liberated and by revelation knowledge your people are built up edified in the name of jesus and i declare needs are met supernaturally sick bodies be healed be healed right now in the name of jesus and we declare that father your word that has gone forth heals delivers and sets free thank you father your people are so edified and we see your people released to go forth operating in the supernatural manifesting and demonstrating the things of the spirit bringing edification bringing comfort bringing exhortation in the name of jesus thank you for the blessing in jesus precious name and every believer sees it powerful amen are we excited can we celebrate with a shout glory amen oh um hey hello hello hey hey hey hey is hey a brother [Music] hey [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] um oh um [Music] um [Music] [Music] europe [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] um [Music] is [Music] [Music] it [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] is hey [Music] oh a is hey [Music] every imagination of darkness concerning them is frustrated little voice and pray right now [Music] a is foreign hey hey hey a [Music] yes [Music] i um yes a international worldwide every one of them guru will promise a father we pray for strength in their inner man for more exploit strength in their enema that they be invigorated with strength in their inside little voice and pray for more exploitation [Music] foreign oh hey hey hey hey hey hey hey [Music] hey [Music] worldwide that every affliction or disease condition that is called terminal we're declaring right that they'll be flushed out of god's people every sickness every disease or infirmity leave your voice and declare they'll be flossed out and dominated in the mighty [Music] [Music] [Music] i foreign hey [Music] hey hey hey [Music] and voice is heard in this blue marble planet that the voice and the heart may be receptive to the message that the hearts of men will be open and be receptive to the message little voice and pray the name of jesus foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] um is [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] thank you lord jesus effectual fear and prayer of a righteous man a very much it makes tremendous power available dynamic in its workings and so as we leave this place we are leaving this place with tremendous power that has been made available and that power is dynamic that power is distributing to everyone that is here today and to every power citizen and to entire universe in the name of jesus i say in the name of jesus weave those hands unto jesus and let's thank him for the answers let's thank him for his faithfulness he said when we call he answers mandecke labels are shutter we have confidence that what things so ever we ask we receive thank you father we celebrate your faithfulness thank you for the grace thank you for our papa doctor abel damina oh john we feel happy that we are so blessed to have a father like him oh shake shack thank you for our mama we are so blessed to have a mother like her oh shake my nail thank you for making us available magenta we give you glory we thank you father we bless your name this day in jesus mighty name let the believer shout the believing amen shout a better amen somebody shall glory somebody shall glory somebody shall glory amen hallelujah praise the lord monday gabor until you pray you don't know prayer it has been designed that you can never know prayer but by praying that's the only way as a believer you remain very flimsy until you give yourself to prayer prayer develops your capacity and ability in prayer you have overcome many things what you overcome in prayer cannot overcome you in real life you don't know prayer by reading books you know prayer by actually pray abel domino ministries international presents power city international global corporate prayers theme the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous a valid march of intensive prayer and fasting for the assignment of world evangelism date second april is the friday to sunday 11 april 2021 time is the friday and every other day 11 a.m to 1 p.m sundays 8 a.m first series and 11 a.m second service venue power city international number 98 juaniba road uyo akwa bomb state nigeria if there is a man to pray there is [Music] be there [Music] this is kingdom life network
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 2,640
Rating: 4.7837839 out of 5
Id: AovoN-PspdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 43sec (7603 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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