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MADAM SPROUT my goodness!

The "Time-Travelling Daniel Radcliffe" segment had me rolling. Graham Norton is the best!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/fanslashfic 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2016 🗫︎ replies
Daniel yes what's phonology probably address my hair yeah yeah this is what my head looks like now which I'm seeing on the screen for the first I don't look I'm filming Frankenstein at the moment and I'm playing Igor and this is what Eagles hair looks like but that's not your hair is it no it's extensions oh yeah man look at Mary she's all over like a rash grooming you like a monkey she was I mooned little brother play around back there can we change the subject please I had this extraordinary career and you know I mentioned the Oscars in the introduction and things but Harry Potter weirds me but that did want to change your life in a way yeah well yes a lot of very small people kind of say hello to me and and that was nice different lot of people yes but also to where that they'd only know you for that one thing like you've never existed before no I never had and except what one monkey once said to me he said were you were you really a cat and I heard myself say just pull yourself together statics and things don't you I don't love them no but don't you like you choose jobs to avoid them after Voldemort I did I have much of that as prosthetics on Voldemort actually to be on something volume on not so much they a lot of painting and boy yo yeah very little I tease I that's your last round you guys shave the beard all right yeah there was another moment when you got him new the Voldemort look was working when you were on set I knew you met yeah I passed by the script supervisor has a little boy he was on set I mean his son maybe her her son I think it for five years old anyway I passed by this little child I just looked at this boy he is burst into tears you can't talk about your career without mentioning Harry Potter because you were so rare that I said people you know they're funny because they actually get really scared if I was walking down Hampstead street at something atually just screamed a load of what you know really really scared you go and then their young children who are scared of me yeah between then Loretta something's quite useful I take my what I've got a wand at home so when the when Billy brings my son he brings kids who I don't really like I just like water being take your goods you know take the wand out and they still do you know a Halloween presumably trick-or-treating people just run away from your house screaming it's amazing at one time we don't have to dress up blended bless I ought to just it's like it's like trying to chop down on like yeah it's very soft doesn't it thank you it's real dead human beings hair is it yours no it's it's it's from I assume a dead person or person that donated their hair somebody donated their hair someone who's had the hair cut off yes it was found on the floor did you see Mamma Mia use regular Mamma Mia did you see that was a dreadful film I got shot nine times but it was one time so and I just didn't see the person coming or I would avoid it yes most of them in the legs I hit my hand and hit in the face so like the fragment portion of it is in my tongue so it kind of changed when I speak a little bit like is it still in your tongue can you see yeah it's great for oral sex let me just make a note of that I'm a better man now babies another good longer can you see it yeah let's have a feel 50 I've washed my hands make sure ol section did you get up in my mouth hey I better not have a look come on look see if you boys know I mean that's good enough said I'm gonna take the audition we I could feel it people want a picture of that and you know you think I'm never gonna meet Daniel Radcliffe don't worry because I have you seen this you you like the Internet have you seen this thing on reddit I've been made aware of this I think this year is this time traveling in a Daniel Radcliffe time traveler yeah what it is people post old photograph that's like everyman you in happen you really do so people boast old photographs and then you have to scan them very carefully to see if you can manage to spot who in the photograph looks like Daniel Radcliffe so can you spot Daniel diffractive time traveler in this picture yeah the next one the next one's easier because there are three people can you see which of the three people this is Daniel Radcliffe time traveler do pictures of me take me when I was younger like that's very very very close down it's gonna record ever went on who do you think you are at some point surely this photograph will come up now you didn't I'm guessing you don't sugarcoat things you get stars talking to me Michael I do sometimes I do sometimes I remember when I was young I and I met Laurence Olivier well that was i I used to collect autographs at the stage door and he came out and I remember so distinctly that I started to cream in my knickers wherever we thought that story was going I honestly don't think I've ever been more uncomfortable I fell on my face I forgot to thank the director so I was just like what does it all mean nothing so to you but on the show
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 10,379,764
Rating: 4.9615908 out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton Funniest Moments, Miriam Maygolyes, Norton, Voldemort, Harry Potter, Helena Bonham Carter, The Graham Norton Show, Kate Winslet, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Julie Walters, Graham, Graham Norton Show, Graham Norton, Maggie Smith, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Harry Potter play, 50 Cent, Harry Hill, Matthew Perry, Daniel Radcliffe, Gemma Arterton, Official, Show, Mary Berry, Jack Whitehall, Ralph Fiennes, Dominic Cooper
Id: hStZXh9sY5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2016
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