Alan Rickman Behind the Scenes of Harry Potter

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Too bad that he is dead.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
Dan remember to announce it keep your head up  rupert don't smile and emma don't put your head   out forward action he knows how to get past  fluffy and with dumbledore gone good afternoon one more time the lines came  out but they all jumbled   let them swim in the deepest ocean  or glide high above the clouds he's awake remarkable feat don't you think to  enter hogwarts castle on one's own completely   undetected yeah it's quite remarkable yes any  theory as to how you might have managed it   many many each as unlikely as the next i do  not think a single professor in this castle   would help sirius black to enter at severus now  i'm quite convinced the castle is safe and i'm   willing to allow the students to return to their  houses for tomorrow for now let them sleep in   our dreams we enter completely our own world you  know it's completely our own world and we like to   we like to swim in the deepest waters and fly  they had put a fart machine into my sleeping bag   this whole echo and michael gavin had actually  been pressing it during the take i found out daniel daniel very good very  good all right save the red as he attempts to fulfill the dark lord's wishes i will survive your absence for another minute or  two besides to convey a message a message from professor dumbledore he asked  that i give you his best and he hopes   you enjoy your holiday you see he's traveling  and he won't return until term resumes   i want your help don't you see that i  have to do this i have to avada kedabra thank you all right this is a cabinet in waiting it's sort of giddy  in a way because you're not very far from power   ultimately you know and and  you're on the right side now and   you're with the man who's going  to lead you into that power an action oh severus i was beginning to worry you had  lost your way come we've saved you a seat   you know our hosts of course several us   narcissa in particular has been most  hospitable my lord is always welcome here my lord will always be welcome here one two three as inspiring as i find your bloodlust bellatrix  i must be the one to kill harry potter   but i face an unfortunate complication if i  am to kill him i must do it with another's one you have performed extraordinary magic with  this wand my lord in the last few hours alone   no no i am extraordinary but the one it resists me there is no wand more powerful  ollivander himself just said it there is no one more powerful  ollivander himself has said tonight when the boy comes it will not fail you  i'm sure of it where does its true loyalty lie with you i want you to listen to what alan is saying and  i want you to be very afraid about what he said for myself and a few select members of staff  this news comes as little surprise we have for   some time now considered mr potter's return to  hogwarts as not merely possible but inevitable it seems that despite your  exhaustive defensive strategies   you still have a bit of a  security problem head master i'm afraid it's rather extensive how  dare you stand where he stood tell them tell oh howard coward you didn't even state a fight okay that's good so very good and cut very good   boys and girls of hogwarts it's time  to say goodbye to two of your finest   defense against the dark arts teachers uh that  is alan and david duly's last day on harry potter you
Channel: pstudios
Views: 1,382,199
Rating: 4.9692984 out of 5
Id: j0seO3yo504
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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