Harry Potter - All Movies Reviewed and Ranked (part 2)

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hey i saw a new harry potter movie harry's getting old he's like older than my dad they should call him harold potter harry potter five is not bad now this is a weird one for me because while i think this movie overall is kind of boring it does have some elements that i actually like a lot but this is where the movies stop having such drastic changes in tone the last two kind of set the bar for the dark mystery that we are going to be dealing with for the rest of the series as such these last few movies are where a lot of people lose interest as for me i see this as the most normal harry potter movie there are some neat things but overall this entry in the series does not have a very large impact on the story and i feel like i've said that about a few of these movies now and i think that's because this series kind of feels a little too drawn out tiny changes happen here and there but outside of like the fourth movie there aren't very many large plot developments but that's something i'm going to talk about more in the next movie for now let me start by talking about what happens in this movie at the beginning of this movie we are introduced to a lot of new characters this is kind of the movie that just starts throwing new people at us and i don't really know if i like it all that much we meet luna and tonks and this guy and bellatrix is introduced and we also have moody because remember we don't actually know the real moody so i'm counting him as a new character and for some of these characters it's a little too late for us to be interested in who they are but anyway the first act of this film is what makes me realize the limitations of this series because i'm always more interested in this series when we're shown things outside of hogwarts just this little scene of harry and arthur walking around london is proof that we miss out on a lot of fun opportunities by being set in the same place for six books this is a world of wizards and magic and we only see the smallest part of it anyway in this movie harry is being framed kind of the ministry wants to get him expelled and cover up any evidence of voldemort's return and if you ask me this is kind of an interesting plot it's a story about misinformation and government corruption and rebellion and it's surprisingly mature for this story but it doesn't really make for the most exciting movie because the plot of this film is basically hey let's convince everybody that harry isn't lying while at the same time harry's being haunted by freaky visions of voldemort real quick i always thought this little bit here was funny at the end of the movie when voldemort's like cheesing it up for the camera i just thought that's weird he goes like like i said i actually kind of like the plot in this story even if conceptually it's kind of boring up until this point harry's been like super popular and well received by his peers but in this movie he's kind of more of an outcast this is where the world starts to push back on him a little bit and as i said with the other movies i like when harry is forced to act on his own most of this movie revolves around him taking matters into his own hands to teach his friends how to fight voldemort with him yes that is correct in this movie harry becomes the leader of antifa if the last movie was a shown in tournament arc then this is the training arc harry becoming the secret defense against the dark arts teacher is actually a really cool plot development and i think this is the best harry is in these movies i especially like this monologue he has to his trainees it's probably one of my favorite moments for him facing this stuff in real life is not like school in school if you make a mistake you can just try again tomorrow but when you're a second away from being murdered or watching a friend die right before your eyes you don't know what that's like this story also has messages of rebellion that are kind of satisfying to watch as voldemort starts exercising his will on the world it's nice to see the characters we like pushing back against the establishment and the establishment in question is personified perfectly with umbridge i think delores umbridge is one of the most effective villains we have in the series not only is she utterly detestable she's also kind of invincible not because she has horcruxes or some ultimate unbeatable spell but because she has political power they can't do anything about her because she's in charge and she's a grown-up and they're a bunch of kids a great way to make a compelling villain is to first make us hate them that can be easy sometimes but the second thing is to make them seemingly invincible if you solidify their position in the world it'll make us invested in watching the heroes look for a way to defeat someone who's seemingly unbeatable i also like some of the subtle moments in this movie like for instance this argument with umbrage and mcgonagall as mcgonagall goes in and starts arguing with her she has the high ground on umbrage but as umbrage pushes back she takes a step up higher than mcgonagall mcgonagall tries to take a step up on the stairs herself attempting to gain the upper hand in the argument but as umbrage refuses to give in she ultimately gains the upper hand pushing her will on the rest of the school and yeah at face value this is just an argument with two characters but this small stage direction shows us the power umbrage has and shows us that she quite literally will not step down when confronted and while we're on the subject of new characters that i actually like i think the inclusion of luna is great for this story as i said before the fact that we only meet gryffindor's in most of this story is pretty lame and i'm glad we finally have been introduced to a character that serves the purpose of just showing us different perspectives however unfortunately this story does kind of neglect a lot of characters that we might want to see more of this usually happens in a story that introduces more characters ron and hermione are basically not really in this story that much they stand around and they say things every once in a while but they don't really get to do anything they feel like party members in an rpg before you've done their loyalty quest line they take a surprisingly passive role here i also think the series really struggled with showing us harry and sirius relationship which makes sirius's death kind of hollow and as a whole i think jk's just kind of bad at making us mourn characters but if you ask me another underutilized character in this series is neville in this movie there's a lot of build up for neville and his history with bellatrix i'd say neville is probably more of a compelling character in this movie than ron or hermione and it seems like this movie's kind of building up to something with neville especially since bellatrix is basically neville's voldemort and although he does save the day at the end of the series he never confronts bellatrix instead her final battle is against ron's mom as far as the canon is concerned neville's actually an incredibly important character but it kind of seems like jk forgot about that there are a lot of characters that we can easily cut from this story to trim the fat i think tonks is really useless this guy whose name i can never remember is also useless and he only exists in this movie to have a token black guy line i am the token black guy i'm just supposed to smile stay out of the conversation and say things like dumbledore's style but if you ask me the most useless and unnecessary character in all of harry potter is cho chang cho kind of exists to give harry someone to have a crush on and in these movies she is dropped so abruptly that you will simply forget she ever existed harry doesn't really talk about her that much when she's introduced in the fourth movie he talks to her like one time and then she doesn't exist for the rest of the movie because he's got other stuff to do then in this one they try to push the romance a little further but there's like nothing to work with they kiss and then she gets manipulated by umbridge and then harry doesn't talk to her ever again she shows up in the last movie for a second i'm like oh yeah i forgot i forgot you existed she honestly might as well just not be in the story it's also worth noting that the name cho chang is the most ridiculous asian name you can give a character i asked some of my friends just to double check and yeah her name is basically just asian gibberish you see jk really really likes words like a lot and you can see that in her writing where are in my not so humble opinion our most inexhaustible source of magic so many characters names are either puns or play on words it's very apparent that joanne rowling was born to play with words i used to collect names of plants that sounded witchy and then i found this culpepper's complete herbal and it was the answer to my every prayer flax weed toad flax fleawood just goutwat grommel so it kind of bothers me that a woman who is so interested in linguistics and clever playful nomenclature kind of just threw away all intelligence when it came to the matter of naming one of the only non-white characters in the story oh and let's not forget that the only other asian character jk invented is the snake that neville decapitates cho can easily be removed from the story to have more interactions with harry and jenny jenny is apparently harry's [ __ ] soulmate or whatever but it's also a pretty flat relationship we don't really start developing it until the sixth movie it's almost impossible to feel anything for these two characters being together and these are just small things that if done properly can do a good job of getting us more into the story if done badly it leaves us with large gaps and dissatisfaction however there is a character that i do like in this movie despite his lack of screen time and that is dumbledore and this is where i have to bring up something that you guys wanted me to talk about in the last video see unfortunately the first actor for dumbledore died so they had to get a new guy to play him and they are basically two completely different people dumbledore number one is a kindly old grandfather who imparts his wisdom on the children but doesn't really do jack [ __ ] in the story and dumbledore number two is a [ __ ] badass tenth level wizard but he's like mean and aggressive don't you all have studying to do and it seems like sometimes he doesn't even really like the students that much only four of you can fully appreciate what are you doing here miss granger oh um sorry i'll just go now there's a divide that comes with the fact that fans of the series think dumbledore in the books is a little more like the first dumbledore he didn't raise his voice and he wasn't really rude to people but i still think he was a little off personally book dumbledore is still sarcastic and silly like he's kind of a weirdo he likes fuzzy socks and candy and it seems like the reason he doesn't get mad to raise his voice is because he's so next level that he's just beyond that not because he's old he doesn't even really feel like an old guy my point is he feels like a weird otherworldly wizard he doesn't really feel human sometimes and i think that's kind of cool for this character in my opinion neither of these dumbledores fit my interpretation of dumbledore from the books so i'm not gonna count the book this is a new version of the character so i kinda prefer the second one cause he's well more of a character yeah he's kinda rude but the one weird thing about the film adaptation as a whole is that it kind of makes everybody rude i've hinted at this before but it's just kind of the vibe i get from these movies everybody always snaps at each other and everybody just kind of seems pissed off all the time harry you told me you'd figured the egg out weeks ago the task is two days from now really i have no idea i suppose victor's already figured it out i wouldn't know we didn't actually talk about the tournament i am very uncomfortable with the energy that we've created in the studio today i don't know maybe my dum-dum poopoo american brain listens to british people and all i can think is that they're mean and sassy i guess maybe i can't understand accents sometimes not grass mugwort i'm sorry i don't speak that language i don't know maybe i just can't understand british people i do have a very hard time watching love island sometimes what are you people ever saying i think i just like that this dumbledore is more of a character he's more of his own guy the previous dumbledore was kind of just a background character a lot of the time he really blended in with the other teachers but this one has a very commanding presence he also bounces off the other actors a lot better i think he just suits the movies better i'm not saying he's a perfect representation of the character i just think he fits in this context and also i might be a little bit biased because i'm totally sold on this dumbledore after the amazing final battle that he has in this movie i talked about it briefly in the last video but this is by far the best fight in the entire series it's kind of annoying how good it is because you're never going to get a fight this good ever again because this series isn't really about fights and the fights that do happen are usually pretty quick and simple but this one is a full showcase of what wizards are capable of at the highest level voldemort's magic is all [ __ ] evil and destructive and dumbledore's spells are more defensive and peaceful because he's not trying to kill voldemort he's trying to stall for time so the minister can arrive i also really love the sound design of this fight there's no music and no dialogue just really creative sound effects anyway i'd probably say this movie is like the middle of the road for me this is like your standard harry potter movie it has some cute charming stuff but it doesn't really have anything that will surprise or excite anybody outside of the final battle it's fine at keeping us invested and the plot isn't crazy complex like the weaker movies are but i don't know it's just kind of a normal movie so i'm gonna give this one a perfectly normal score of six out of ten seven out of ten i don't know somewhere in between there next movie [Music] harry potter six is really boring this is the harry potter movie that i think i've watched the least and this is the movie that makes me realize that this series is officially too long being the entry that takes place right before the grand finale this movie exists solely to set up the plot of the final story and this is where my annoyance with jk's writing style comes to a head the horcrux plot comes out of nowhere and it's only loosely connected to the rest of the series you can tell that jk came up with the scar being a part of voldemort's soul pretty early on i think she always planned for voldemort to kill harry and then for harry to come back to life but i think maybe later on she decided okay well maybe he like splits off other parts of his soul into like random objects and we can make it like a treasure hunt and let's establish this at the last second there's just a lot of [ __ ] around in this series and if you notice that's always been the main stuff i've complained about these stories are okay when you look at them individually but when you start connecting things the flaws are then revealed there aren't any gigantic unforgivable plot holes but things don't always line up perfectly sometimes dumbledore seems to know more than he should which may sound strange but let me explain this is the movie where he first learns about horcruxes he doesn't know why voldemort's invincible until harry figures it out he learns at the exact same time as harry and then they immediately go and look for a horcrux together and then dumbledore dies immediately after but then in the last movie we have a flashback to dumbledore explaining to snape that harry is a horcrux this is at some undisclosed point before the sixth movie so i don't really understand how he knows that you didn't know what horcruxes were yet so how do you know like i said jk rowling came up with the idea of harry scar being a part of voldemort really early on and she probably planned this motivation for dumbledore and snape way earlier in the story but then later she made it so that oh yeah dumbledore didn't actually really know what horcruxes were i'm just saying it's very obvious when you can tell that she didn't plan ahead of time as well as she says she did and like i said before this is the point where you start to realize that this series was just too long you can cut large chunks out of the entire story and just streamline it and if you ask me seven books is not necessary with very little effort you could easily combine the plots of books five and six and the series would probably be better for it just like put them together into one book harry potter and the order of the blood prince because ask anybody what their least favorite potter movie is and chances are they're going to tell you it's one of these this is the point where almost everybody really starts to feel the length of this series this is also where some of the characters are really starting to crack in my opinion ron and hermione are yet again characters with almost nothing to do the unfortunate side effect of making harry more independent is that his best friends are left out of all of the major plot developments in this one as the story goes on they kind of just stop going with him for major missions and it's kind of disappointing but for me one of the biggest disappointments in the entire series is with malfoy and how weak he is as a character because this plot focuses more on malfoy and his trouble with the job voldemort gives him cause voldemort tells him hey you gotta go kill dumbledore for me and malfoy doesn't really wanna do that as a character he matters quite a bit in this one but he hasn't mattered in a really long time in movies three through five he gets maybe a couple of lines and it's usually just comic relief actually now that i think about it i don't know if he has a single line in the fifth movie i expect this to sell an azkaban with your name on it this is disappointing because in the first two movies malfoy is kind of a bad boy he's kind of a little stinker and i really like that but all of his charisma instantly vanishes after the second movie he goes from being a satisfying shit-eating gary oak rival to a [ __ ] butt monkey every single malfoy scene from the third movie onward just ends with him getting embarrassed he doesn't even have confidence when talking to harry in later movies compare this kid to this kid i don't give a damn what your father thinks malfoy what are you gonna [ __ ] cry why you such a [ __ ] what happened malfoy's role as an imposing reoccurring antagonist has kind of been taken over by his dad lucius shows up more often and he does more [ __ ] in these movies and a lot of people in the fandom complain about how malfoy didn't get the redemption arc he deserves but i don't think he's even significant enough to deserve a redemption arc and this is the number one problem with jk's writing missed potential i dare say that she made a universe that is too big for one person there's a reason people compare her to george lucas there are a lot of similarities instead of developing characters she tends to kick them out of the story and just make new ones the characters that do stick around don't really grow or get any satisfying character development any interesting plot lines are cut short or given unsatisfying resolutions and then new ones are made up in every story that seem like an excuse for jk to prove that she can write a multi-layered story that lines up perfectly her skill lies in coming up with creative ideas the problems she comes up with for our heroes to solve do not need to be complicated one of the best scenes in this movie is when harry and dumbledore encounter the hiding place of one of the horcruxes and it can only be retrieved by drinking a potion that tortures you the more you drink it this is such a creative idea and not only is it interesting for the story it also serves as a good bonding moment for two characters she is best at coming up with small powerful ideas not twisting webs of plot i've referenced it many times before but this series really does feel like live action british shonen anime sometimes and i know it's becoming a meme that i call everything anime but it's for real this time i mean compare the tropes and you'll see it too the main character is an orphan because his parents died protecting him from a great evil this evil is also secretly stored inside our hero's body but he doesn't know that yet he meets two friends that butt heads and a mentor that is super strong and has some weird quirks also the bad guy wants to be immortal and he likes snakes there are a lot more examples too but those are just the obvious ones and that isn't to say i don't like shonen anime you guys know i love it but mostly because the best shonen embrace their flaws this story is being written by someone who likes to act like she doesn't have any flaws and as such there's a lot of missed potential in the series also to go back to the movie itself real quick i think this one is strangely silly the tone is constantly at odds with itself this is officially a really dark and upsetting time for our characters but the movie keeps hopping back and forth between goofiness and depressing [ __ ] which is something i complained about a lot in the second fantastic beasts movie tonal dissonance is something that i really don't like it's a pretty big pet peeve of mine this is a movie where snape kills dumbledore and it's also a movie where someone vomits on his shoes and then the audience laughs these movies are best when you can balance the tone you can have silly wizard quirkiness as long as it doesn't overpower an overall dark narrative this movie is basically silliness silliness more silliness sad draco they ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine silliness silliness and then a dark and sinister finale also the plot is again starting to wander into convoluted stupid jk rowling plot territory if i lay out the basic storyline you'll see what i mean dumbledore needs to learn secrets about voldemort from slughorn voldemort's old teacher so he cockblocks harry and drags him to slughorn's house so slughorn will become obsessed with harry and in turn agree to work as the new potions master then dumbledore hopes that harry will be such a good student that slughorn will trust harry with the darkest secrets of voldemort's hidden technique but the problem is harry is not a good student this is even referenced in this very movie when mcgonagall mentions that harry is a [ __ ] student harry is especially not great at potions but by chance he happens to grab the one potions textbook that belonged to snape when he was a student i mean it it's purely by chance if he never grabbed this book then the whole plot wouldn't have even happened dumbledore's whole plan to defeat voldemort hinges on a shitty student doing well on his homework the last movie had a pretty okay plot because it wasn't trying to be complicated now we are back to the stupid [ __ ] also this is a small complaint but these later movies tend to be kind of ugly looking there are some shots in this one that are so desaturated that they look like the flashback scenes from the other movies any shred of the colorful whimsy is gone and yes i get that the story is miserable at this point but that doesn't mean that the movie has to be brown and blue this is kind of a problem with all of the movies directed by david yates so i'm gonna blame him and his team depending on the scene this visual style may work sometimes but for the most part it kind of just looks lame the best compliment i can give this movie is that it does have cute moments he's traveling and he won't return until term resumes traveling where like the jokes are funny and if i wasn't so distracted by the looming evil danger i would say this has the best cutesy moments in the series this is the last time we get to see these lovable characters being cute teenagers and maybe that works for some people but for me i think i'm too much of a miserable bastard to get any enjoyment out of it and i will say that the last 20 minutes or so of this movie are actually quite good to the point where it kind of feels like a different movie like for some reason now the shots are really good it's also just really emotional like this whole last chunk of the movie is just really solid but it does bother me how abrupt the change in tone is i don't know i just never have been very fond of this movie and it's really hard for me to find reasons to revisit it but i do remember back when i read the ending of the book and harry says that they aren't returning to hogwarts i was pretty excited because back then i could tell that the final entry was going to be different and exciting but anyway i don't want to talk about this one anymore so 5 out of 10 let's get to the finale harry potter 7 is a movie that i actually like now this is my actual controversial opinion i strangely really like this movie everybody shits on it and i can already hear you guys saying that i'm a contrarian or whatever but this movie has a lot of stuff that i think is pretty cool but i will admit that while i really like this one i don't think it's amazing i always try to make the distinction between something that i think is really good and something that i just personally like i can totally see why for some people this movie is boring and pointless for me i love that the series pulls back and finally focuses on the miserable side of this war yes that's right war the world has been at war for years now and this is the first time that it feels like it in these movies most of this movie is just our main character's camping arguing and being miserable which is exactly what i love it mixes fantasy adventure with human drama in a way that works rather well in my opinion but first let me mention the things that do bother me firstly like i said previously these movies are just so ugly at this point sometimes it looks really good and sometimes it doesn't some shots are just too dark the action scenes have such bad shaky kim that i can't even focus and also why does dobby look worse than he did in 2002 but wait yo is my man wearing tims secondly i don't like that some of these characters don't really get a satisfying send-off for instance take peter pettigrew a character that has betrayed harry's parents and caused all the problems in the entire story this is the last time we see him in these movies that's it he's gone he's out of the story forever in the book he actually gets a pretty interesting death i usually don't complain about changes between the movies and the books but some of these changes do bother me a little bit for instance i really feel like a movie lupin is underused in all of these movies for the book he actually shows up as sirius's house to convince harry and the gang to let him join them and it's a great moment for him it would have served as a great final moment for the character before his death and it would have been good at establishing his relationship with tonks in a simple but effective way this is actually the first time they mentioned that lupine and tonks are actually together this is kind of the unfortunate side effect of the movie adaptations we don't have enough time to flesh out every relationship but here's a spoiler the books don't really do a better job of this but i don't have time to complain about the books and the movies or else i'd be here all day i just think this movie does a really bad job of bringing in plot elements that we technically were already supposed to know about like who the [ __ ] is grindelwald well we don't know because he wasn't important until now hell when the fourth book came out jk said in an interview that he was dead oops oh now you're telling me that harry's invisibility cloak is actually one of the most powerful lost artifacts known to all of wizard kind ron didn't seem to act like it was that big a deal what's godric's hollow and why does harry care about it that much where did harry get this mirror that he was supposed to have in the last movie this movie throws a lot of new stuff at you and if you didn't read the book beforehand you'd probably struggle with the finer details see jk was apparently in close conversation with the writers of these movies and the directors so they made sure to include things that would be important later which should be easy if she knows what's going to be important later i should say that i think it's perfectly fine for authors to forget things and to not have everything laid out perfectly but the reason i give jk and specific a lot of [ __ ] about it is because she's such a dick when she's confronted about it again i talked about this in my crimes of grindelwald video but she just has a tendency to retcon things that she never included in the original text and then she pretends like she had the whole story figured out in the 90s like stop lying if you stop lying people might make fun of you less one last thing pertaining to the story that i think is absolutely [ __ ] nutty is that these characters decide to have a wedding during a time of war right after our heroes smuggle harry away and are being chased by voldemort himself they decide to host a wedding at the borough which the death eaters have already attacked a few months ago golly i wonder where the elusive order of the phoenix is going to meet next oh hey mr voldemort they have a very public wedding that they aren't trying to hide at all why the [ __ ] is harry walking around he's the most wanted man in the country anyway let's talk about what i actually like in the movie now despite my complaining i do love the opening chase scene in this movie i love that daniel radcliffe becomes a literal short king army and has to act as all the other characters there's another moment like this in the next movie too i just like when actors have to pretend to be each other however somebody should have told helena that she needs to copy emma watson's secret eyebrow technique we also get to see hagrid actually do something in this scene which i feel has been long overdue though it is kind of funny how after this guy kills hedwig he kind of just gives up on chasing them he's like yeah take that i got your bird [ __ ] i think that i just enjoy this movie because it's so vastly different than the others this one is about small tender moments that are broken up by bursts of action i love how this movie starts with an extra moment of hermione wiping her parents memories so that she can go on a suicide mission this opening montage has an error finality that i really appreciate and the movie isn't all doom and gloom either like i said before the good movies in this series balance the dark elements with a little bit of levity the middle of this movie lets our characters break into the ministry disguised as adults they get to see that the world is truly going to [ __ ] and then it's balanced with a little bit of comic relief and they get to have some more revenge on umbridge and their escape is still tense and exciting from there on our party is sent on a misery quest and most of the rest of the movie is devoted to them just interacting with each other and i like this since this is the core of the series it's always been about harry ron and hermione a whole movie about them struggling with the hellish state of the world and struggling with the confusing adventure they're on and struggling with spending months with each other with little food constant news of their friends and family suffering and all while wearing an evil magic artifact that actually literally puts them in a shitty mood it's a scenario that is unique for these characters and i just enjoy it a lot i like that you can tell the toll this adventure is taking on harry just by looking at him like this is him at the beginning of this movie and this is him at the end my man is struggling and this is the one story where ron being a pissy [ __ ] actually makes sense he's been mutilated he's wearing the ring of sauron which makes him even more grumpy and he's the only one with family that are actually suffering under the rule of the wizard nazis i also really like that this movie emphasizes harry and hermione's relationship it's very rare to see a series that nails a relationship like this without relying on romance and above all else i think this is where we can finally see that these three actors have grown together and are truly comfortable performing with each other i don't know i really don't have any complex strong arguments for why i like this movie i just find it cozy and i'm probably biased because i used to consider the last book my favorite and i think this is a decent adaptation of it there's a lot in that story and i appreciate that they split this into two movies in order to focus on the characters devoting a whole movie to exploring our hero's mental state before the final battle is actually a really cool idea and this idea to split the final book into two movies was used in other series and i think they never really got the point anyway i like this movie a lot it's cozy as hell and yeah i get why people think it's boring but i think it's a creative departure from the previous stories and i think it does a great job of setting the stage for the final film so 7 out of 10 sounds like a good score let's watch the last one now harry potter 8 is a pretty satisfying conclusion sorry to say it folks but this is probably the one that i have the least to say about it's the simplest movie it's the shortest movie and i can explain what happens in like two minutes but as usual i'll start with the things that don't really work for me firstly this is the entry in the series that makes us realize that jk rowling really does suck at writing death into her story on one hand i do like that characters are dying in mass i think it's pretty realistic and it makes the battle feel more real on the other hand it feels like she's doing it for shock value especially since all the deaths in the series have been for shock value the people who die in harry potter are not very well developed so our only reaction to them dying is oh she passed away oh um all right also while i'm fine with the plot in this movie some of the plot elements are a little shaky for me i think the concept of the elder wands allegiance should have been illustrated to us in the last movie especially since the entire final battle hinges on us knowing how it works this leads to everybody watching the end of the movie and being like oh wait he's dead wait what happened harry only beats voldemort because of some weird loophole which isn't really very satisfying it doesn't feel like harry really earned his victory because you see malfoy disarmed dumbledore two movies ago making him the master of the elder wand this part makes sense to me but then harry wrestles malfoy's wand out of his hands in the previous movie but technically that counts as him disarming the master of the elder wand even though he didn't disarm him of the elder wand so it feels very convenient speaking of convenient it's absolutely insane that ron can open the chamber of secrets himself he should not be able to replicate harry's parcel tongue just because harry talks in his sleep ron wasn't even there when harry opened the door he got separated this is a small thing but it like just distracts me with how stupid it is i also think it's really weird that ron has never seen the symbol of the deathly hallows before especially since he knows the story he could have saved the party a lot of time if he just like told them about it pretty important info bro would have been nice if you let them know if you try to nitpick the story there are a lot of weird things like this like how they rescue luna from malfoy manor and then here she's just sent back to hogwarts how did that work did she just show up at the gate and say sorry guys i was being tortured by death eaters anyway what time is lunch oh i see that malfoy has apparated into hogwarts i thought people weren't allowed to do that why don't all the bad guys just apparate inside and kill all the good guys oh hey malfoy it looks like your life is in danger maybe you should apparate away i don't know maybe he forgot he could do it oh so apparently the elder wand was buried with dumbledore except in the sixth movie they didn't bury it with dumbledore they just kind of left it on his desk oh but anyway all that stuff is still kind of small and it doesn't really ruin the story this is kind of a hard movie to complain about it's mostly because this is just a big action scene and while i do complain about that in other movies i think it works really well here because it's the finale of a giant series this kind of serves the same purpose as something like avengers end game like yeah that movie is a shitload of problems too but it's kind of pointless to complain about them because it doesn't really feel as much like a movie as it does like a big event this movie values spectacle and action over most other things it's about payoff ron and hermione finally get together neville saves the day snape's backstory and intentions are finally revealed mcgonagall gets to kick ass bellatrix gets obliterated it's all just events that have been built up and finally paid off after a very long series i think it's genius to place the final battle in hogwarts having a majority of the deathly hallows narrative take place outside of hogwarts and then returning to have a massive battle is exactly what i wanted from this story it gets us invested in this last confrontation i think this story is just really good at giving us payoff without it being too fanservicy i also like that for once harry is actually doing [ __ ] magic if we count the amount of spells he casts in this series it is surprisingly low he casts way less spells than hermione he's usually doing the extracurricular fantasy protagonist stuff like flying around and using swords and telling other people how to do magic and using a lantern to fight spiders and using chairs to fight snakes but now we get to see him actually fight back which is long overdue and while i think the death of the side characters could be handled better i think harry's death is actually handled very well this really is his final test as the main character of this story we've been told and shown how brave he is but accepting death to save his friends is the final thing he has to do it's the real climax of the film not the final showdown itself and it's a small thing but i do love that the series begins and ends with hagrid carrying harry there's just a lot of really good satisfying moments in this last movie everybody just kind of already accepts that this movie's pretty good if you compare each detail to the book there's some things that are better and some things that are worse for instance i like that harry reveals himself to snape in the movie but i don't like that harry doesn't use the elder wand to repair his own wand before destroying it that's what he does in the book i think it just makes more sense for harry but these are all differences that don't really change the overall tone or intent of the story so i don't really mind and that's kind of the takeaway that i have for like the whole series as an adaptation this series does a really good job of condensing and in some areas expanding the source material and i think nailing the ending is very important if the ending of harry potter sucked i do not think it would have the same cultural significance that it has today we've seen what it looks like when an insanely popular fantasy series [ __ ] up the ending it ain't pretty so anyway this movie is the simplest there's not much to say and i hope that is not a surprise to any of you guys so eight out of ten we're done yay so now that we're done we have to rank them which i really don't want to do because like i said over and over again these movies are mostly the same but i put the word ranked in the title so i gotta do it this one's gonna be quick bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam finally the harry potter movies have been ranked society can now continue though for being honest i'd probably say goblet of fire and deathly hell as part one are like tied for me but whatever now normally i go through each placement and explain it but i don't feel like i need to this time because i did write that into the script but it was just kind of like oh i like this one you don't really like this one and it's hard to talk about these movies without repeating myself you've probably noticed how much i've repeated myself in these last two videos and i've definitely noticed and it annoys the hell out of me but it's unavoidable because this series is just very solid a lot of the problems that the series has are in every movie but a lot of the great things that it does are also in every movie i think this series works so well because it truly is timeless if you show this series to a friend who hasn't seen them they're probably going to like it i mean i've done that and they did like it in all 8 movies there isn't a single one that i would call a bad movie some are definitely weaker than others but i don't think any of them suck and i think that's pretty impressive is there any other series that you can think of where there are eight movies in a row that either range from okay to pretty good and as i've made these two videos i've realized that i'm not really interested in proving which movies are good or bad i'm more interested in just presenting a little retrospective because i think each one of these movies has an equal chance of being someone's favorite harry potter movie so i want you guys to tell me which one is your favorite and i only tell you guys to comment down below when i actually give a [ __ ] and intend to read your opinion so i mean it this time whether you agree or disagree with me let me know i think it's cool when people pick a weird one as their favorite but anyway that's all i got to say i hope you enjoyed the video happy kwanzaa happy new year bye bye [Music] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: The Cosmonaut Variety Hour
Views: 2,890,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harry Potter, Review, Commentary
Id: hkHeUCqm7hw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 50sec (2450 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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