Harry & Meghan: A Royal Romance | Full Movie | Lifetime

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[♪♪♪] [sighs] It's important, my darling boys, to reflect on the world at large at a time like this. That's why I brought you to Africa, the birthplace of mankind. A place where we can feel a greater rhythm-- You're not going to start quoting<i> The Lion King</i> again, are you? There is so much of your mother in you both. She'd be very proud of you. Why did you make us walk behind the coffin? You had a duty-- we all did-- to show honor to your mother, to the country, to set an example. I don't want to set an example! Harry! Harry, come back! [♪♪♪] Good afternoon. What are we having today? Your Highness, these are for the Queen's meeting with the Privy Council. Oh. Such a shame. They look delicious. Perhaps if you're feeling peckish, we could arrange for something to be brought up? A hot dog. [chuckles] A hot dog? Yes, please. With mustard, and... onions, and relish. Right away. Anything else? No, thank you. We wouldn't want to be gluttons, now, would we? [♪♪♪] Mm... Couldn't we have just asked for the pastries? I suppose, but where's the fun in that? But isn't it naughty? It's okay to be naughty sometimes. Just as long as you don't get caught. [chuckles] I wish you didn't have to go. It's only for a little while. And you know I'm always with you, no matter where you are. [Charles calling] Harry! It's not safe! [snarling] [roars] [Charles]: Harry... Back away. [chambering bullet] Harry... [shot blasts] [roaring] "Goodbye, dear. I'll have dinner waiting for you when you get back from work." "Thanks, honey. You're my hero!" <i> [television playing] ...India, and Laos.</i> <i> [advertisement jingle begins]</i> <i> The gloves are coming off.</i> <i> [♪♪♪]</i> <i> Women are fighting greasy pots and pans</i> <i> all over America--</i> <i> with Ivory Clear.</i> It's not right for kids to grow up thinking these things, that just Mom does everything. They should say "people," not "women." You wash just as many dishes. Don't I know it? Dad, I'm serious. They're making it seem like women belong in a kitchen. You're right. You should be angry. The question is, what are you going to do about it? I don't know, stop watching TV? Don't go crazy on me. TV pays the bills around here. Do you remember when you came home that day, all upset because you didn't want to fill the ethnicity form at school? I didn't want to choose between you and Mom. And what did I tell you? You told me to draw my own box. Exactly. Now, honey, I know you want to make a huge difference in the world, not just for yourself, but for other people. So get to it. Tell them how you really feel. But they're not going to listen to me. I'm just a kid. I wouldn't be so sure. You're never too young to be a badass. If you think you're going silence me with a cheap threat, you are going to get the surprise of your life. And even if you somehow manage to shut me up, there are a thousand other women who will take my place, so I'm going to ask you this once. Do we settle here, or will I see you in court? [laughing] Cut! Great, Meghan, that was just great. Hey, let's go again. Yeah. Um, how about, this time, maybe try striking a pose? You know, do a little head tilt. Be kind of coquettish? Yes, exactly. [laughs] Yeah, I don't think that Rachel would be doing that in this moment. I mean, she's kind of an empowered woman and she just won the scene with her brains, and the strength of her conviction. Also, I wanted to talk to you about the next scene. Rachel's in a towel. It's the middle of the day. She just came from court. I don't see why she would go home and take a shower. It just feels gratuitous. How about a bathrobe? How about... a suit? It's the name of the show. [chuckles] I'll talk to the producers. Thanks, dude. I appreciate you hearing me out. [♪♪♪] [nightclub music blasting] [champagne cork pops] [camera shutters snap] [William]: "Someday, my Prince Harry will come"? Oh, for God's sake. Yeah. And I'm afraid Pa is not amused. It was a private club. I can't even let off steam like any normal person? I'm not sure any of this is normal, least of all you. But look, as far as I'm concerned, you carry on. Keep making me smell like a rose. You do smell like a rose, you ponce. Aren't you bored of being perfect yet? It's not me that's perfect. It's Kate. I just shove her out there and she makes me look good. She's the best thing that ever happened to you. You'll find someone. You're just looking in all the wrong places. Come on, let's get you presentable. We've got to go see Pa and the powers-that-be. It was a private club. I mean... I'd hoped after the Nazi uniform, and stripping down and showing off the family jewels in Las Vegas, we were past all this. Well, what am I supposed to do, never have fun? [Charles]: All three of our press offices had to pull strings to get this taken down before the redtops ran with it. Thank you for that, Robert. Of course, Your Highness. Thank God, your grandmother didn't see. It would have killed her. I'm a grown man. I should be able to live my life outside of this royal bubble. If he goes on like this, there won't be a royal bubble, or a bloody throne for either of us to sit on. Thanks for the support there, Will. You knew what Mum would say. "It's okay to be naughty..." "...As long as you don't get caught." In that case, I guess Pa is not the only parent I've disappointed today. Why not give Cressie a call? I thought you two were talking about getting back together. She's not the one. But if you settle down, the press will, too. They'll find someone else to focus on. And marriage isn't so bad. Is it, Will? Is it, Will? Of course not, my love. I'm just saying Peter Pan can't stay in Neverland forever. Someday, he's got to grow up. So, would you rather be 42, divorced, no kids, 42, divorced, with kids, or 42, never married, no kids? Divorced with kids, no question. Divorced with kids, but why can't I just be happily married with kids? Because that's not an option in this game. Or life. Personally, I have no interest in bringing children into this horrible world, so I vote for single, no kids. Or if I have kids, I'll adopt. So are you and your fancy chef going to tie the knot and make babies? [scoffs] Oh, no. I'm so sorry. Wasn't meant to be. But, hey, I'm single again. And not getting any younger. It's fine. Having a man doesn't define me. I just want to fulfill my potential. Whatever it is. [quietly] Nice job. Darling... I swear to God, every damn dress looks better than the last. Aw... Oh, this is the one. Ralph will be thrilled. I'll have it waiting for you before the event in London. Thanks, Violet. Oh, I can't wait. I just really need to get out of town. Do you have plans while you're there? Yeah, I'm going to see Serena at Wimbledon. I have an extra ticket. If you're interested. What about your plus one? No plus one, just me. Really? Yeah. Interesting. Why? I think you might get on well with a friend of mine. Too soon for a blind date? A little. Of course, I understand-- But then again, as I was just painfully reminded, I'm not getting any younger. [chuckles] Well, neither is this one, but he's handsome, rich, well connected, and unlike his older brother, he still has his hair. I don't care about any of that. Just tell me one thing, is he nice? [reporters talking excitedly] Hi. [Violet]: I have a lovely friend I'd really like you to meet. [Harry]: How's it going? She's an actress. She does loads of charity work. Is she hot? [scoffs] Put it this way, Ginger Boy, if you weren't a prince, you'd never have a shot. [chuckles] [♪♪♪] Thank you. [sighs] [clears throat nervously] Looks like someone got out of the wrong side of bed this morning. It was this afternoon. Reynolds, have you ever had a blind date work out? No, sir. Well, then. Well, Violet von Westenholtz is known for her impeccable taste. This girl is an American actress. Never as attractive in person. [chuckles] So shall I just do the usual? Give us a minute so she can tell her friends she met a prince, then... yeah, come in with my usual out. Very good, sir. Hi, there. Hi. I'm Meghan. Hello. Yeah. I'm-I'm Harry. Uh, you look-- Thank you. I'm going to actually need you to hold off on the compliments until you have apologized for being 40 minutes late. Was I? Uh, sorry, I didn't realize. Uh, really? Can I just... show you how this works? Um, you see here? This short hand, that one is the hours, and the long one is the minutes. Hmm, I've always wondered about that. Have you? An English boarding school education, it's highly overrated. I do apologize. Oh, no, that's okay. I mean, I feel like I can let it go, considering you've agreed to meet me in such a, uh... a lively setting. [chuckles] I'm sorry about that, too. It's just best if we're not seen together publicly, for your sake. Of course. I know, I mean, it would really hurt my street cred to be seen with a guy who can't tell time. I mean, I'm kind of a well-known actress after all. Uh, what is it you do? I'm, uh... kind of the Prince of England. Right. Violet did mention that. Yeah, how's that going for you? Yeah, you know, it's ups and downs. Mm, wow. Appreciate that level of detail. [Reynolds]: Sir! I'm terribly sorry to interrupt, but there's an emergency. Uh...um... [in mock surprise] Really? What kind of emergency? London... Bridge is, um-- Falling down? Well, it's... it's... rather an ugly bridge. Very good, sir. Sorry about that. I-I told him to come in-- I know exactly what you told him. I practically invented that move. Yeah, I've been on a lot of blind dates, pretty much all of them bad. Well... let's see if we can break that streak. [glasses clink] [♪♪♪] Okay, okay, my turn. Mm-hmm... Uh, movie you put on to cheer yourself up, one, two, three-- -<i> Love, Actually</i> . -<i> The Lion King</i> . -Ooh! -Oh, okay. I actually love<i> Love, Actuall</i> [imitating Scar]: "I'm surrounded by idiots." Not a bad English accent. Thank you. Do you like being an actress? Well, you know, ups and downs. Ooh, appreciate that level of detail. [laughs] Mm, okay, what is your favorite song that you would never admit to anyone that you like? One, two, three-- -"Sail Away" by Enya. -"Good Vibrations" Marky Mark. Ooh, that really is embarrassing. What? I mean, even Marky Mark is embarrassed by that. But "Sail Away"? I know, it's really cheesy, but I'd get stuck in the back of my mum's car, singing at the top of her lungs, going, ♪ Sail away! Oh, God, it's awful... [laughing] Did you always want to be in show business? Um, no. I actually wanted to be-- thank you-- the first biracial female President of the United States of America. But then I ended up a briefcase girl on <i> Deal or No D</i> .<i> l</i> Mm-hmm. [winces] Ooh. You know, it paid the rent, and it kept me alive long enough to get a great job that lets me do really great things that I want to do. Violet said you'd been in Rwanda. Uh, yeah. Yeah, the Clean Water Project. [sighs] Those girls, they walk miles every day to get water that just makes them sick. So the new wells help them get back to school, and... build better lives for themselves. That's amazing. Just the simplest act can completely change someone's life. Bloody hell. [chuckles] You're the real deal, aren't you? I don't know, aren't you? I mean... I didn't exactly have a choice to be in front of the cameras, or to do charity work. Well, being in front of the cameras helps me do charity work. Maybe you're the one who's in show business. [chuckles] I like it that you're not afraid of me. Then you tell me something real. Uh... being in the army. I enjoyed the action. The, uh, rough and tumble suited me, but, uh, being the Prince of England kind of didn't suit the job. It made my guys a target. So, anyway, I started up this kind of Olympics for badly-wounded warriors. The Invictus Games. Mm-hmm. I might have Googled it. Wow, did you see when Morgan Freeman did that poem? "Beyond this place of wrath and tears "looms but the horror of the shade. "If the menace of the years "finds and shall find me unafraid, "it matters not how strait the gate, "how charged with punishments the scroll. "I am the master of my fate... I am the captain of my soul." [♪♪♪] Ooh, good morning. [chuckles] Yeah. You know, I really should get going. How long are you in town? What are you doing tonight? I'm going back to Toronto. Well, fly out again and hang out this weekend. It doesn't work that way. I mean, I work all of July, and, uh, I can't keep leaving town. I have joint custody. Oh, you have kids. -Dogs. -Okay. With my ex. Boyfriend. My ex-boyfriend. But you should know, I do also have an ex-husband. Uh, okay. Well, uh, I'll ask my social secretary, and see if we can find time to meet up again. Okay. Bye. Bye. Best blind date ever. Uh, Mom... Mom! It was one date. With the damn Prince of England. [laughing] Excuse my language. Wait till I tell the ladies at yoga. <i> No!</i> No, Mom, you cannot tell anybody anything. And besides, it's not like it's going anywhere. It's been three days, and he hasn't even called. I mean, I just... I told you because you're always saying I should have more fun, <i> and... it was fun.</i> Did you give the milk away for free? Mom! [chuckles] What? Did you mention the ex-husband thing? [call waiting beeping] Oh, can you hold on a second? You know what, Mom, I think this might be work. <i> I'm going to call you back.</i> -Okay. -<i> Love you.</i> I love you, Flower. Hello? <i> Meghan?</i> It's Harry. Harry? <i> Uh...</i> Harry, uh, Mountbatten-Windsor? [laughs] No, I know, <i> Harry, I'm joking.</i> Right, yeah, no, good. Uh... how are you? <i> What are you doing?</i> I'm, um... reading a script. What are you doing? Uh... yeah, just the usual royal stuff. Anyway, you said you had to shoot all July, but I was wondering <i> if you're busy mid-August?</i> Well, let me consult my social secretary. I'm free. Good. I want to take you someplace special <i> for our next date.</i> [helicopter whirring] [♪♪♪] Hey. [♪♪♪] Welcome to Botswana! He Botswana-ed her. Is that what you call it? It's his move, but it's the first time he's ever taken a girl there so quickly. Apparently, she's an actress. And he says he doesn't like publicity. And... she's American. Oh, no. They're so... loud. [screaming] [laughing] [squeals] [♪♪♪] [laughing] [squeals] [laughing] [♪♪♪] This is a lot better than the jungle cruise at Disneyland. We went when I was eight. I rode Splash Mountain, like, 14 times. Bloody loved that place. Sorry, you... went to Disneyland? Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Were there, like, 5,000 secret police there? Yeah, it was Mum's idea. She wanted us to have these, uh, normal kid experiences. It's one of my most happy memories with her. My dad brought William and I here right after she died. I guess he just wanted to take us away from everything. I look out at all this, and, uh, tell myself to forget about her. Because missing your mother doesn't change the fact that she's never coming back, you know? Yeah... What is it? It's, um... It was just... It was the first time we came here, and I was walking alone, and I saw this... I saw this lion. It was just a few feet away from me, and it turned around and stared at me, and... It was right after the funeral, you know? I guess I thought... I don't know. You thought it was her. That's insane, right? No. I don't think so. I think it's beautiful. Well, you're from California, of course you do. [chuckles] Come on, seriously. It's like, um... Well, it's like she was watching over you, letting you know everything would be all right. [♪♪♪] Um... people always ask me, "What are you?" And I say, "I'm an actor. "I'm a blogger. "I'm a decent cook, "a firm believer in the effectiveness of a hand-written note." But what they mean is, "What are you? Black or white?" It's like they just can't wrap their heads around anything in between, and I couldn't either, as a kid. You know, especially after the divorce, I had to be two different people-- How old were you? Six. Getting shuttled between two worlds. You know, my parents really tried to help. I remember one Christmas, my dad put together two sets of dolls, one black, and one white, to make a little blended family. Yeah. I mean, I'm proud of it now that I can't just be put into a box, but at the time, it was... it was really, really hard. Anyway, I'm sorry if I'm getting too serious for you. No, no, no. You want to talk serious? Uh, try being a ginger in England. A ginger? A redhead. Ah... Yeah, uh, okay. Why are the<i> Harry Potter</i> films so unrealistic? Why? Because the ginger kid has two friends. What did the ginger make for dinner? What? Reservations for one. Aw... Okay, last one. What do gingers look forward to later in life? I don't know, what? Gray hair. Obviously. [laughs] I'm sorry, I feel like I really shouldn't laugh at that. No, no, it... it's kind of funny. Except people used to say I couldn't really be my father's son because of this. This is from the Spencer's line, which, by the way, is older than the Windsor's. So technically, my dad married up. [chuckles] So was there, um, a lot of tension between families? Uh, let's just say I know how you felt being shuttled back and forth between divorced parents who lived two very different lives. And of course, being shot by the paps in the back seat of my mum's car, crying, was also wonderful. I mean, having your parents' divorce in the tabloids. I cannot imagine how hard it must have been for you guys. I promised myself I would never have kids unless I knew the relationship would go the distance. Yeah. For the record, I've always had a thing for redheads. Is that so? Yeah. Are you joining me? [♪♪♪] [lion roaring] That sounded really close. Oh, don't worry, they're not. The sound travels for miles. [lion roaring, loudly] Okay... It sounds hungry. Lions don't roar because they're hungry. They roar because they're calling to each other. He's calling to his mate. Are you sure? Wait for it. [loud roaring] See? They found each other. [♪♪♪] She's absolutely bloody amazing. [sighs] She's very appealing. Kate and I binge-watched<i> Suits</i> over the weekend. I love that phrase. "Binge-watch." Tell us about her, Harry. Yes. Is she just like Rachel? Ambitious, shrewd, full of moxie? Will you please stop? I'm just having a bit of a giggle. Yeah, she's everything. She's-she's talented, she's brilliant, she's funny. And? And... what? She's American, she's divorced, her mum is black. She makes Wallis Simpson look like Dame Judi Dench. Oh, come now. The family's evolved since those days. Has it? What about the world? Think of what we went through because I was a commoner. Are you ready for this? [♪♪♪] What did you do, did you bathe in a swamp? Um... Kind of. All right, who was it? Because you don't mess your hair up for just anyone. Okay, you can't say a word. Oh, my day just got so much better. Look, seriously, not a soul, Neal. Hand to God. [whispering] I was in Botswana with Prince Harry. [snorts] Michael Jackson's son? [splutters] What? No! Prince of England Harry. Oh-- Oh! What? -Yeah. -What's he like? [sighing] That's the thing. Oh, he's amazing. I mean, he's so sweet, and fun, and funny. Sexy? Hells, yeah. He's got the whole manly-man meets sensitive thing, and he's so... gentle. And then so kind. Shoot. What? -You really like him. -No. No, no, no, honey. You do not want to end up royal roadkill. You've seen<i> The Crown</i> ? What they put people through? Yeah. No, I know. I mean, you're right. You're completely right. This cannot be anything more than a fling. I'm just going to keep it together. And besides, strong women do not let their lives revolve around a man, right? I certainly do not. Right. Glass ceilings, not glass slippers. Head, get on straight. [cell phone ringing] <i> Hello?</i> Hi. I know it's late there. I just wanted to, um... I just wanted to say I had a great time with you this weekend, but the thing is-- <i> I'm in London and you're in Toronto?</i> Yeah. <i> Long distance never works?</i> Exactly. <i> Yeah, well, we'll always have Botswana.</i> And it was a wonderful few days. Just... so wonderful. I'll never forget it for the rest of my life, but I think we should just let it be what it was, and no more. [knock on trailer door] Sorry, I think they're calling me to set. Just a sec. I had to bring these myself. Do you have any idea how much they charge for delivery? [♪♪♪] [door opens] Wait! Wait, wait, wait! Oh, my God. Oh, my God. We were going to surprise you. I can't believe they let you do this to them. Well, we've spent a lot of time together the last few days. You should feel honored. They don't just take to anyone. They look so cute. I'm sorry I'm late. It was such a long day. It's fine. No. I wanted to be here. It's your last night. About that... I got you something. Harry... It's like yours. Exactly. Every time I see you on Instagram, or you see me on<i> Tattler</i> , it will feel like we're together, like a secret message. I love it. Aw... Thank you. Well, I have a gift for you. You have been cooped up in this house for five days straight. The crew is having a Halloween party at Soho. We're going. I don't know if that's such a good idea. Right now, it's like we're having a secret affair, and... Mm-hmm. If the press finds out, they'll do whatever they can to break us up. Yeah. [soft knock on door] I'm way ahead of you. Come in! Wait for it. Cinderella... You shall... go to the ball. [♪♪♪] Yeah, your friend has quite the sense of humor. Don't worry. I'll kiss you later, and turn you back into a prince. Oh, please do. It would be an honor to snog the first female president. Eight more days, baby! [laughing and humming along] You are a good dancer. Oh, yeah. For a frog, you know. [♪♪♪] Vodka Red Bull, please. Yo, yo, Prince Harry! How you doin'? Hey, hey, take a selfie with us. Sorry, guys, I can't do it. What, you're too good for us, or-- No, no, no, it's not like that. It's, uh... Let me buy you a drink. I remember when you were in the army, and the papers made it look like you were flying all those Apaches. You know what I heard? They put you in the co-pilot's seat because you couldn't handle it, and you just sat there in the cockpit making noises the whole time. [cackling] [imitating machine guns] What's going on over here? I thought Canadians were supposed to be super friendly. See, that's the problem with the whole royal family, you think you're entitled to everything. Well, guess what? Your grandma can kiss my ass. Now, that's enough of that. Meghan... I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you. Why should that even matter? [camera app clicks] I think it's time for us to go. Yeah, I think you're right. [Harry's cell phone rings] [Meghan's cell phone chimes] It's the Palace. It's my publicist. Hello? Hello? <i> The Gossip Colum</i> <i>The Daily Star</i> . I see. I see. Thanks for calling. Get ready for the crazy. [groans in exasperation] [shutters snapping] Meghan! Meghan! Is it true about you and Prince Harry? Is it true? On<i> The Tig</i> , Ms. Markle advocates women's rights, laments Brexit, is critical of the American president. Whatever even is<i> The Tig</i> ? It's just a lifestyle blog. Tignanello's her favorite wine. Italian plonk? Your Highness, would you consider asking her to shut down the blog? It's rather... Not a chance in hell. That blog's part of her identity. Perhaps she could keep it to, uh, fashion tips, and make-up. The reason she puts that stuff on there is to draw girls into bigger, deeper conversations. It's a community of inspiration. Oh, bloody hell, you'll be doing yoga next. I need you with me on this, Will. He can't be. We all have to live by the same rules. If she's your girl, she can't have opinions. At least not in public. In private, you have a lot of opinions, darling. Yes, yes, she certainly does. Well, thank you, gentlemen. Harry, come on. You know neutrality's part of the deal. [Robert Gravesend]: It's part of the magic. Never emboldened, never embroiled in the mess of politics, or a passing fad. To stay above the fray. Ever stable, always consistent. It is our duty, my boy. Like it or not, this is our fate as part of Great Britain's constitution. Another political branch of government may throw around their opinions and passions, and endorse Italian wine willy-nilly. But not us. We cannot. The monarchy must remain dignified. Dignified. Yes, indeed. Why not say what you really mean? It's not just that she's opinionated, divorced, and an actress. It's that she's African-American. Oh, Harry. Her heritage is a matter of historical consequence, yes, of course, it is. But do I care personally? Only insofar as it affects your happiness. And she makes me happy, so to hell with tradition! I have to ask, is rocking the boat part of the appeal here, my boy? You do love pissing off The Firm. You'd know why I feel the way I do if you met her. I think Kate and I should meet her, and sooner, rather than later. They're only a few months in. How do we know it's going to last? No. We should meet her. Include her a bit. This life isn't for everyone. If she can't handle it, it's better for both of them to figure it out now. Are you nervous? I think anyone would be. Hello there. Pleasure. Please, don't ever curtsey to us again. We're so happy to have you here. Oh, thank you so much. It's so nice to meet you both. Hi. Well, hello there. I'm George. Hi, George. I'm Meghan. You're pretty. Thank you. Ooh, easy there, kid, eh? She's taken. [laughing] [chuckling] Harry's wonderful with the children. He really is. That's our Harry. He's always been a big kid. [chuckling] Annabella, was it? Please, call me Bella. Bella. That's a lovely name. "Beautiful" in Italian. In any language. Bella helped me so much when I first got here. She grew up in this world. You want her on your side, believe me. Good to know. [children yawning] Someone's ready for a nap. [chuckles fondly] Let's take them up. Bye. I just want to say I have never seen Harry so happy. And what makes Harry happy makes all of us happy. We'll support both of you however we can. Right, Will? Of course. Thank you. Thank you so much. Say bye. This must be so exciting for you. I imagine with all the heightened attention, you'll start getting better roles. Well, I'm actually contracted to a show right now, so I won't be auditioning for anything at the moment. <i>Suits</i> , right? You know it? Not exactly Shakespeare, but it's fun. Harry and I have watched it a few times. Really? Hmm. Harry hadn't watched it until we met. Is that what he told you? Then you should be flattered. The good news is he knew exactly what he was getting. Violet gave him the whole rundown, almost like a mail-order bride. Except you've already been married once, haven't you? Yes. I saw online that you did the Jewish chair dance at your wedding. Did you convert to your husband's religion, or was that just for show? Okay-- Relax, darling. I'm just trying to prepare you. The spotlight around Harry has always been intense. People are going to say all these things and more. Cressida couldn't handle it and neither could Chelsea. You need to be ready. Thank you for the warning. Of course. I'm just looking out for you. Now... let's talk about your hair. It's so beautiful. How on earth did you get it so straight? If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go use the ladies' room. Excuse me. -Hey. -Hey. Everything okay? Mm-hmm. Your brother and Kate seem great. I'm glad you think so. So then why are you out here in the cold? Did Bella say something to you? She just made it very clear that I don't belong here, under the guise of looking out for me. She's a troll. I'm going to talk to her-- No, no, Harry. She's not wrong. I'm American. I'm from California, I'm divorced, and, uh... and I'm half-black. I don't care about any of that. This can never be my world. It's just how things are. Let's fight how things are. If anyone can, it's you and me. You have never seen how ugly people can get about this. Okay. Then tell me. Okay. So there was, uh, this one Christmas that I'm home from college, and I take my mom to the Hollywood Bowl, and we have this amazing time, you know, just laughing, and it's great, and then as we're leaving, my mom's not reversing out of the parking space fast enough, and this white guy just... he calls her a nigger. It was such a violation, you know? Because in that little moment of hatred, he took away our entire night of happiness. And I look over at my mother... my mom... she's just gripping the steering wheel, and her eyes are filled with tears, and all I can say to her is, "It's okay, Mommy." And then we just drive home in silence, because there's nothing that you can do. I'm so sorry. You know, you think that things are changing, and then you just have to turn on the news, and see what's happening in the world, or you just have a conversation with someone at tea, and you see that they are not changing fast enough. They're not. [paparazzi clamoring] Doria, what do you think of your daughter dating Prince Harry? I don't know anything about that. You're Meghan Markle's mom, aren't you? Please, get out of my way! What does the Queen think of your dreads? What is that supposed to mean? Do you think she'll let her grandson marry a black girl? Get the hell out of here, or I'll call the police! No, we're good. You gave us exactly what we needed. [holding in sobs] [gasping in distress] Mom! Mom, calm down. Just... just calm down and tell me what happened. [clamoring of paparazzi outside] [door lock rattling] Mom! Mom, I'm going to, um... I have to call... I have to call you back. [door knocker banging] There are people outside my house! Please send somebody. Go away! They're trying to break into my house. Please send somebody right away! Meghan's mum doesn't even live in Compton. And comparing the crime rate in her neighborhood to Kensington Palace? It's ridiculous! They're just trying to sell papers. No, no, this... this is something else. I want to make a statement. Sir, we cannot dignify this with a response. You know that. Someone tried to break into her house. All right, give me a few hours. I'll come up with some options. I know what I want to say. Start typing. "Prince Harry is aware "that there is a significant curiosity "about his private life. "He has never been comfortable with this, "but has tried to develop a thick skin with the level of media interest that comes with it..." [typing] "This past week has seen a line crossed. His..." [groans] "...girlfriend, "Meghan Markle, "has been subject to a wave of abuse and harassment. "Some of this has been very public. "The smear on the front page of a national newspaper, "the racial undertones of comment pieces, "the outright sexism and racism of social media trolls, and..." [groans] Do I really have to keep reading this? No. You just have to give me your blessing to release it. Release it? Absolutely not. It's emotional. It-it's reactionary. It's not what we do. You mean it's not what you do. If you won't put it out as an official Palace statement, then I'll tweet it myself. Is that a threat? Yes. I'll give you 20 minutes to decide. Do you think he's bluffing? No, I don't. Come on, think about it. You know why he's so angry about this. If you stand in the way of protecting her from the press, he's never going to forgive you. I wasn't aware that he had forgiven me. [sighing] Fine! What do you think about this? Honestly? I think it might be the most romantic thing I've ever read. Daddy, don't engage the press at all, <i> and whatever you do,</i> <i> just please do not mention me and Harry.</i> I don't like how they've got you on the run from this, Meggie. It's not who you are. <i> I know.</i> <i> Hiding isn't you.</i> Yeah. Can you just tell Tommy and Sam <i> not to accept the money?</i> <i> Okay, I'll try.</i> Thanks, Dad. -I love you.<i> -I love you, too.</i> [sighing] Daddy thinks dating Harry is going to change me. Your daddy is proud of who you are. He's proud of who you've always been. Our baby girl got Ivory dish soap to change their slogan. Yeah. Your dad knows how strong you are. To the core. [TV announcer]:<i> Good morning, everybody.</i> <i> It is time for Pop News,</i> <i> and we begin with Kensington Palace</i> <i> issuing an unprecedented statement</i> <i> asking the press and "Internet trolls"--</i> <i> I say that in quotes--</i> <i> to respect Prince Harry</i> <i> and his American girlfriend Meghan Markle's privacy,</i> <i> coming to her defense,</i> <i> and acknowledging their relationship</i> <i> is in process.</i> <i> The letter explains, quote,</i> <i> "Prince Harry is worried about Ms. Markle's safety,</i> <i> "and is deeply disappointed</i> <i> "that he has not been able to protect her.</i> <i> "This is not a game.</i> <i> It is her life, and his."</i> <i> Prince Harry says the media has, quote, "crossed the--"</i> [paparazzi clamoring] Harry, over here, over here. What are you doing here? [cameras clicking, paparazzi clamoring] Prince Charming, come here. [rings doorbell] Hi. Mrs. Raglan, I'm-- Oh, I know who you are. Come in, come in. I'm so sorry. I hoped to meet you under better circumstances, but, look, I can't even begin to apologize for everything you've been through-- Don't waste time feeling sorry for me. You're going to need all of your strength right now. What do you mean? She's inside her room. You might want to bring one of those bodyguards with you. Hi. Hi. Everything okay? Well, um, hashtag "megharry" is currently trending on Twitter, so that's exciting. Pretty clever mash-up of our names there. Are you all right? Do you care? Of course, I care. Yeah, 'cause I didn't think my opinion mattered much. What's wrong? Well, I, uh, I spent the entire day asking-- no, no, begging-- my nearest and not-so-dearest friends and family to turn the press away, to refuse cold, hard cash, and deny that Meggie is dating Harry because your family would not consider that dignified. And then they come out with the news themselves? Well, actually, it wasn't-- So my family... my family are just what, voiceless pawns in this little game we're playing? My-my half-siblings, who have never quite gotten over the feeling that my dad abandoned them, are now able to crow very publicly that Daddy's little princess is just an ambitious, spoiled brat. When everything that I have done was to abide by the needs of your family. A family who have always gotten everything they've wanted, who have never known a day without servants, or cake, or whatever they bloody well fancy at the flick of a bejeweled wrist! I should have talked to you first. Yeah, you think? Why don't we talk about this? Look at this statement. Did you write it yourself? Mm-hmm. Okay, so then, "Prince Harry's worried "about Ms. Markle's safety, "and is deeply disappointed that he has not been able to protect her." That's all true. Protect me? What's the problem with that? The problem is that I am not some damsel in distress who needs to be rescued by her Prince Charming. Oh, you know I didn't mean it like that. I have spent years dealing with trolls and-and death threats, all by myself. You know, just a part of being in the public eye. I've had more gun and knife emojis tweeted at me, and I've fought my battles. I made peace with it, because I am a grown-ass woman living in a real, modern world, and not some fragile wench up in an ivory tower! -My tower ain't ivory, dude! -I know. No, and I'm not going to be put in one! Do you hear me? Yeah, it's hard not to. I'm sorry, but I really thought I was doing the right thing. You know, let's just be honest. We have been living in a bubble. Just a lovely, private, secret bubble that isn't real. I mean, you're a prince. [laughing] Oh, God, I am not a princess. My dad, he had so many tax liens filed against him by the U.S. government, he has had to move to Mexico. I mean, my brother was just arrested for holding a gun to his girlfriend's head, and my sister is currently threatening to write a book about what a pushy bitch I am. Yeah. This isn't a fairy tale. This is a soap opera. Now, hang on a minute, you want to talk about soap operas? Have you read anything about my family? [sighs] The point is you are still looking for your happily ever after, and that's fair. But I already believed in that. I walked down the aisle once, and it didn't work. It just doesn't work. Fairy tales don't exist. So, what are you saying? I'm saying I think you should find someone who wants you to take care of them for the rest of their life. That's not me. I've worked too hard to be my own woman. Yeah. I was happy before I met you, and I'll be happy again. Is this what you really want? [♪♪♪] [whispers] Harry... What? Please. Please. [♪♪♪] [paparazzi clamoring] Harry, Harry, come here. What happened in there, Prince Harry, huh? Prince Harry, what were you talking about in there? [♪♪♪] [sobbing] [knock on bedroom door] I'd like to talk to you. Mom, I'm sorry, I just need to be alone. Girl, get your ass out here right now. I want you to see something. What is it? Diana's funeral. Mom, this is not the time. Just sit. They made that poor little boy walk behind his mother's casket. They took pictures in the worst moment in his life. Look at him. Look at that poor little boy just holding it all in. It's awful. I know the story, Mom. But have you thought about it from his perspective? That boy lost his mother to the paparazzi. They chased her into the tunnel that night. Yeah-- And after the crash, when she lay there dying, what did they do? They took pictures. And now those same people are attacking you, and you expect him not to try and protect you? That boy has kept a stiff upper lip his entire life, and the first time he tries to fight back-- I break up with him. Exactly. How can you blame him, protecting the woman he loves? [gasps] The woman he loves. Aw, honey, that boy loves you. I know that as sure as I know anything. The question is, what are you going to do about it? It's going to voicemail. I'm gonna go get him. Damn right you are, and I'm gonna drive you. Wait, what about the paparazzi? We'll run 'em over if we have to. Come on. [♪♪♪] Where to, sir? Anywhere but here. And Miss Markle? Then let's get you home. ♪ One day you turn and then it's gone ♪ ♪ How are you still holding on? ♪ ♪ How are you still holding on? ♪ Excuse me, excuse me. I need to stop that plane from taking off. Please? [♪♪♪] Security, we have a situation. [♪♪♪] ♪ ...Waiting for a change to come ♪ And I'm dating the Prince of Iran. We should all grab dinner sometime. I swear to you, Prince Harry is my boyfriend. Please, I just need to see him. No. Can you please at least just radio the-- It is right there! ♪ ...passes you by... <i> Your Highness, we are cleared for take-off,</i> <i> but airport security is saying</i> <i> there's a woman here demanding to talk to you.</i> <i> She said to tell you London Bridge is falling down.</i> [♪♪♪] ♪ You always try to see yourself... ♪ You know this woman? She looks familiar. Thank God. Isn't this a little dramatic? Told you I was living in a soap opera. I'm sorry. I freaked out a little-- It's okay, you don't have to apologize. I want us to be equal partners in this. And I want that, too. There is also this horrible, secret part of me that also wants my Prince Charming to sweep me off my feet. I'm sorry. I'm sending mixed messages. I know it's got to be totally confusing for someone who is an actual, real-life prince who happens to occasionally be charming, now and again. Now and again? Occasionally. Mm-hmm. All I know for sure is how I feel about you. I love you. Exactly. ♪ As your heart gets bigger ♪ And you try to figure out ♪ What's it all about... Shall I change our flight plan then? I don't know. Where are we going? Who cares? [trumpet fanfare] [wedding march plays] [applause] [♪♪♪] The James Bond look suits you so much better than morning greys. How many more bloody costume changes will be required this weekend? Is it too much to ask for you to at least smile? It is my sister's wedding. Meghan took a red-eye from Toronto so she could be my date for this wedding. Suddenly, she was benched. It's "no ring, no bring," that's all. The press practically trampled the bride at Skippy's wedding last month to get shots of you and Meghan. It would have totally eclipsed Pippa. The only reason I'm here is because it's your sister. I just wish I could be bloody normal for once. [chuckles] Oh, boo-bloody-hoo. Now, will you please dance with me? [♪♪♪] Oh, Harry. How are you, you beautiful boy. Lady Victoria, Lady Sarah. What a shame you couldn't bring your new girlfriend. We were very much looking forward to meeting her. [quietly] Ignore her, she's drunk. Are you really wearing that? What? You need to take it off. Don't be ridiculous. Do you know what that is? Of course she does. It's a Blackamoor. It's a symbol of our imperialist domination in Africa, something we should be bloody well apologizing for, not flaunting it. Well, well, Harry, you really did study history of art at Eton. Well, at least you're not as stupid as they say. You're the one who's being stupid now. Take it off. It's my favorite brooch, and it's beautiful. And it is unacceptable. No, what's unacceptable is you dating this woman. This whole thing is a disgrace to Queen and country. Have you heard of Mendel's Law? Of course, he should enjoy some slap and tickle with a tar brush in private if he wants to-- but to do so in public-- I can't believe that you-- [muttering] No, stop, it's not worth it-- How could you do that to your poor grandmother-- That's quite enough. Oh, dear. You've had too much to drink. You're making an arse of yourselves, and embarrassing our whole family. It's time for you both to leave. Charles, I am so... so, so sorry. I didn't mean to cause offense. She has nothing to apologize for. This family will be lucky to survive the decade, let alone the century. I'm sorry about that, my boy. It's not your fault. It's this whole damn institution that's wrong. The truth is, the only way this family gets out of the century is if you lot start listening. I agree. My mother started listening to me, eventually, and I intend to start listening to you now. Harry... go get the woman you love. Bring her here. I want to meet her. We both do. And if anyone has a problem with that, they can talk to the first in line. [♪♪♪] No, the church service was earlier. He's at the black tie celebration now. You know, I know that it's not his fault that I can't go, but I kind of feel like I'm not-- <i> [Doria]: Stop.</i> <i> I don't want to hear any whining.</i> <i> Feeling sorry for yourself</i> <i> isn't going to do anyone any good.</i> You're right. No more whining. [incoming call beeps] Oh, Mom, it's Harry. I'm going to call you back. I love you. <i> Love you, too, Flower.</i> You better be having a miserable time. <i> I certainly was...</i> but it just got better. What are you doing here? Throw on a dress, gorgeous, we're going to a party. [♪♪♪] You ready for this? Yeah. Showtime. [♪♪♪] Dad, this is Meghan. Meghan. What a pleasure. It's an honor to meet you, Your Highness. You look wonderful. Thank you. This is my wife, Camilla. We're so glad you're here. Thank you, Your Highness. Harry... don't just stand there, get this fine lady a gin and tonic. Right. [quietly] Make it strong. Shall I get the usual, a dirty martini? Harry! I love a dirty martini. [laughing] Well, whatever you're doing to put the ruddy glow back in my boy's cheeks, keep it up. [whispering] I've never seen him so happy. It must have been so hard being a struggling actress in L.A. [laughs] Oh, man. Um, well, I'll tell you, when I first started auditioning, I was so broke. I couldn't even afford to fix my car, so when my locks broke, and then the clicker stopped working, I literally had to climb into the front seat of my car via the trunk every day for five months. [laughter] I mean, my neighbors thought I was absolutely insane. So you and Harry are getting quite serious, then? We're having fun. I mean, I don't want to overthink it. California girls don't have to worry about the pressure of having kids like other people aged 35. 36, right? Bella... Stop. I'm just being real. Her biological clock is at 11:59. Come on, Meghan, I need another drink. Oh, I'm sorry about that. Bella's my friend, but she can be a bit of a back-and-front. What does that mean? You can look it up later. [chuckles] Us commoners have to stick together. Oh, another round, please. Coming up, Your Highness. You know, all her talk about biological clocks, it makes me feel like I'm nothing but a baby machine. I know Will doesn't see me that way, but let's face it, my most important contribution to this country is my reproductive ability. It's bizarre. One dirty martini, one virgin Collins. -Thank you. -Thank you. You're not drinking? [quietly] Like I said, baby machine. -Oh, my gosh! -Shh! My ladies in waiting don't even know. The Firm insists on rolling these things out in just the right way. Here's to number three. To number three. Harry will be so thrilled. I-I think sometimes of everything that's been done to you two, how they told you who you could marry. You should have been able to be together from the start. But then you wouldn't exist, and the world would be a far less wonderful place. ["Crazy" by Patsy Cline starts playing on dance floor] Excuse me. He's a lovely boy. [♪♪♪] Excuse me. May I have this dance? But of course. Excuse me. ♪ I'm crazy for feelin' so lonely ♪ ♪ I'm crazy ♪ Crazy for feeling so blue [♪♪♪] ♪ I knew ♪ You'd love me as long as you wanted... ♪ This is so nice having you here. It's such a beautiful night. ♪ And then someday ♪ You'd leave me for somebody new... ♪ [♪♪♪] ♪ Worry ♪ Why do I let myself worry... Morning, gorgeous. Morning, handsomeness. You okay? Mm-hmm. You are so beautiful. Do you want to have children? Uh... definitely. Someday. No rush. You see... that's not the case for me. I mean, if I want to have kids, I need to start right now. I mean, my biological clock-- especially if we wanted to have more than one, and then where would we live? Do we live in Toronto? Do we live in London? Well, I mean, not Toronto, obviously. Obviously? Yeah, we'll live here at KP, right next to Will and Kate. Hmm? Mm-mm. [sighs] I love Will and Kate, but you know we're not going to be like them, right? What do you mean? I mean, their lives fit together so easily, and our picture is not going to look like that. I mean, our lives are always going to be messy. So what? I like messy. I'm good at it. Women in your world are expected to give up their careers and their identity for the honor and duty of being royal. I want children and a career. I never wanted to be a lady who lunches. I always wanted to be a woman who works. Being a mother is work. It's hard work. Yes, it is. I mean, and your mom was amazing. She gave so much to be present for you and Wills, and that took the place of a career for her, when she was young. I'm not. I'm about to be 36. I need to start my family now, and for me to be the kind of mother that I need to be, I just have to know that motherhood is not going to be holding me back from my full potential. [rinsing dishes] Yeah, no, I hear you. Um, we'll figure it out. At a certain point, we're going to have to stop saying, "We'll figure it out," and actually figure it out. Okay. Well, I've got to go to this thing, so... Wait, what was the thing? Just a royal thing. Yes, we need to have this conversation, but, uh... not now. Okay? Not right now. [sighs] So? What do you think it was? I pushed him too hard. I feel like a jerk. No. No, far from it. You're a grown woman who loves her boyfriend and you want a family. Did he say where he was going? No. Darling, do you know where Harry went? William... can you tell me? I think he just needs some time alone, what with the anniversary coming up. The... Of Diana's death. August 31st. [jug clattering] Damn it. The boys never got to say a proper goodbye. She called them from Paris, and-- We were rough-housing in the garden. We gave her some crappy, "Hi, Mom, gotta go," stuff on the phone. The last thing we ever said to her, we were annoyed. We couldn't be bothered. I don't think Harry's ever forgiven himself. What can I do? Keep him distracted, I'd say. The only thing that seemed to work for him is... getting away from it all. [♪♪♪] We are thrilled to have you back so soon, Your Highness. It was Meghan's idea. I wanted to see the work you're doing here at Sentebale. It's so incredibly important. Thank you, but we couldn't do it without the support of Prince Harry. He's been a Godsend, just like his mom. I had the honor of meeting her when she came for the land mine removal project in Angola. I have never seen a greater act of bravery than the day Diana walked across an active minefield to bring attention to the problem, and to think we would lose her just a few months later. I'm so sorry. Would you like to meet some of the children? Oh... I would love to. [♪♪♪] [kids giggling] The best tool against HIV is education. There's a lot of misinformation about how the virus is transmitted. So we hold week-long camps where we train the children to become "expert patients." They take what they learned into their community, and keep themselves and their families safe. Prince Harry, there's someone who would like to meet you. This is Reboho. Hi there. Reboho's very strong. She cares for her two younger brothers. She's the lady of the house. Where are her parents? She lost them both to the epidemic when she was 12. I'm so sorry. Harry... do you mind if we go back to the camp for a while? Yeah. Yeah, sure. You will not be forgotten. Thank you. -Thank you so much. -Thank you. Do you want to talk about it? Talk about what? The little girl at Sentebale. What is there to say? She's just... lost so much, so young. And I'm doing what I can to make that situation better. Talking about it doesn't help anything. It's... It's not going to bring her parents back. But it's okay to feel sad about it. Especially at this time of year. What is this? You don't need to be strong with me. I know that your family is supposed to represent the strength and dignity of an entire nation, but that is a lot to carry for a 12-year-old boy who's just lost-- Okay, I don't want to talk about this. The 20th anniversary is coming up. Mm-hmm, yeah. So... So what? So talk to me. Tell me about her. I would love to know more about your mother-- You want to know about the real Diana? -Yes. -Just like everyone else? Not like everyone else. Yeah, well, she wasn't a saint, I'll tell you that! No matter what that lady at Sentebale wants to think! She told me what the name means, "Sentebale." "Forget me not." The charity that you started to honor your mother, her bravery, her indomitable spirit-- Walking through those minefields was a bloody PR stunt, for God's sake! She laughed about it later, said she was probably the safest person in Angola that day! Everyone wants her to be this bloody angel, and she played that up for the cameras, but... but in real life, she was complicated, and sad! And she could be difficult. And funny. She had a wicked sense of humor, and-- And then she was gone. Wow. You really have been on a TV soap for seven years. You know what, I'm not going to let you pull me into a fight. I know what this is. Yeah? Yeah, you want me to get all emotional about it? You want me to bare my soul? Well, guess what? You're an actress, not my damn therapist! I know all about those! Harry... Harry. Harry! Harry! [lion snarling] -Harry-- -Shh! [snarls] [roaring] [♪♪♪] [sobbing quietly] [♪♪♪] Hi. Hi. Have you slept? I've just been lying here, thinking. I don't need my life to be this perfect royal picture. I just need you. Will you marry me? Yes. [♪♪♪] [Robert]: The official engagement announcement won't be for a few more weeks, which gives us a little time to ramp up and sort PR. Mm-hmm. In the meantime, I need to know everything. Everything? Everything. All the skeletons in your closet. If I don't know about them, I can't help. There's not much to tell, really. Let's start with your sister. She recently sold a tell-all book proposal, called,<i> My Sister:</i> <i> The Pushy Princess</i> . In all fairness, I can be pushy. And your half-brother in Oregon, a domestic incident with a handgun. The charges were dropped, if it helps. It doesn't. Your father, hiding out in Mexico, that's wonderful. Okay. I could do with less sarcasm. I'm not being sarcastic. I wish the rest of your family would follow his lead and keep a low profile. Now, what about your ex-husband? We're on good terms. Although... he just sold a TV show about a guy whose ex-wife marries... into the royal family. [clears throat] Anything else? Drunken flings? Experimentation at uni? No, no... no. That's good, then. Very well. We've timed the engagement announcement to coincide with the favorable article and cover of<i> Vanity Fair</i> . I happen to have the proofs right here. Really? May I see? I think they're quite flattering. They've air-brushed out my freckles. Hmm, that's common. I'm not okay with that. It needs to be the real me, or not at all. Our relationship with this publication is extremely important. I'm not going to dictate terms. Well, then I will. This is just very important to me. I'll speak to them. Thank you. Like I said, pushy. Hmm, indeed. I think your sister's book is going to do rather well. [chuckles] You're moving to Canada? That's where Meghan's job is. What about all your charity work? Well, there are people in need wherever you go. Toronto, L.A. Well, Canada's one thing, Mother's on the currency there, but you'd move to California for this woman? It's not for her. It's... it's for me. [♪♪♪] Hmm. [scoffs] Tell them I'll see them in court. Cut! That was awesome, Meghan, but we need to make a lighting adjustment. Stand by for a hot second, 'kay? Actually... I was wondering if I could get a change on that line. I feel like I say that in every episode. Oh. Well, I can talk to the writer, see what we can come up with. Great. Thank you. Hey. -Hey! -This is my niece, Helen. Hello, Helen. Hi. What a pleasure to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. Oh, my goodness, I've heard wonderful things about you from your uncle, who just brags about you all the time. Will you sign this for me? Of course I will. There you go. Is it true you're going to be a princess? [chuckles] It's okay. [quietly] Mm-hmm. But you can't tell anybody, okay? Can I tell my mom? Oh, yes. Absolutely. Always tell your mom everything. -Thank you. -Thank you. Oh, my God, she is so cute. I know, right? But isn't she a little bit young to be watching<i> Suits</i> ? Honey, she doesn't watch<i> Suits</i> . That's not why she's a fan. For a little girl like her, someone like you marrying into the royal family, that's huge. Oh, okay, all right. Come on now-- I'm serious. This is going to change the way people see the world. Okay! We're good to go on lighting, and I got that new line for you. Oh, great, thanks. This time, try, "Tell him I'm taking him to court." Harry? [door opens] Oh! [chuckling] Wow. How was your day? I quit my job. Oh, no. How are we going to afford this place? Harry, I'm not kidding. This is for real. I told the producers today that this is my last season. You're serious. Why? Because I want to move to London with you. I want to live in the palace, and do the whole thing, the whole royal picture. No way. You're not going to give up your career for me! No, but I'm not doing this for you. Listen... I met this little girl today, and she made me realize that the best way for me to make a difference in this world is by marrying you, being by your side. So it's a really good thing that I can tolerate your terribly bad company. For your information... you are in love with me. Very much. Deeply. You sure about taking on the circus? I am. You'll have to become a British citizen. And learn how to drive on the wrong side of the road. There's one more thing you'll need to do. What's that? Meet my granny. I don't know how I'm going to memorize all this minutiae. Don't worry about the citizenship test. I can give you a few tips on how to cheat, and not get caught. Seriously? I mean, yeah. How do you think I got through Eton? Harry! I'm kidding. I certainly hope so. Ah, but speaking of cheating, which of these royal wives was executed for adultery by Henry VIII? You won't need to have affairs. I'll keep you busy. [chuckling] What you do need to worry about today, a little bit, is the Royal Marriages Act of 1772. Right, in which it is stated that in order to get married, we need the permission of the Queen. The Queen of England, Great Britain, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Commonwealth. Your gran. She'll have to write some sort of official Palace permission slip, and without it, fifth in line to the throne cannot marry. So this isn't just about how you love me? This is also about the Queen being ready to make history. And if she doesn't like me, then this cozy little tea with Granny is a deal-breaker. Potentially. Or it's a history-maker. You'll be fine. I bet that's what King Edward said to Wallis Simpson. And Margaret, when she wanted to marry the divorced equerry, and your pa, when he wanted to marry Camilla. Listen, my grandmother isn't the same person she was back then, and this isn't the same country. I hope you're right. [♪♪♪] How much do you know about corgis? Hmm, nothing. Why? She loves to talk about her corgis. Now you tell me. [♪♪♪] I'm told you're an actress. Yes, ma'am, I am. She's really talented, Gran. Are you involved with that program,<i> The Crown</i> ? No, ma'am. Oh, good. Then I won't have to throw you in the Tower. That's a joke. I'm not sure why they had to make it while one is still alive, though. [corgi barks] Oh! Hello! Monty, down! No, it's okay, I love dogs. I have two rescues myself. That's really something. They don't take to just anyone, you know. So, Gran, we need to talk about the Royal Marriages Act. You need my permission to get married. Yes. So... do we? I believe the real question is do you want it? Yeah, of course, we do. Yes, but does Meghan want it? I'm asking her, dear. Uh, I'm not sure I understand, ma'am. As everyone in the family can tell you, for every privilege this life affords, there is an equal sacrifice. My grandson and I were born into it. We didn't have any choice in the matter. But you do. Now, once you go down this road, your life will never be your own. Do you think you're really ready? I don't know. I know that if I do this, the entire world will scrutinize everything about me, every choice I've made, good and bad, my family, my heritage, and I know that especially because of that, I will always have the responsibility of standing for something bigger than myself, and that's terrifying. But I also know that I love your grandson. So with all due respect, ma'am, I really don't think I do have a choice. [♪♪♪] I'd like to show you something. This is what I wanted to show you. How beautiful. I've always loved this portrait of our ancestor, Queen Charlotte, because the painter, Ramsay, didn't try to hide her African heritage. Oh, yes. You're of mixed race, Harry. So am I. Many of her portraits tried to hide that fact, but this one is most authentic. Much like you. Thank you. So... we have your blessing? Of course you do. Welcome to the family, my dear. I can't believe the corgis liked you. For 33 years, all they've done is bark at me. All I wanted to do was just wrap my arms around her and give her a big American bear hug, and I just kept thinking, "Does the Queen of England hug?" [laughs] How long until we eat? Hmm... Let's see... The chicken's just about ready. And, uh... Harry? Right here. I didn't really do this the proper way the first time. Will you marry me? [gasps] The center diamond is from Botswana. [whispering] It's so beautiful. And these two stones were my mother's, from a brooch she always wore on her left lapel, over her heart. She wouldn't just have approved of you, she would have loved you. And if you let me, I promise I'll spend the rest of my life-- Can I please just say "yes" now? Yes. Yes! [laughing] [Queen Elizabeth]: Good afternoon. My first order of business is to announce that my grandson, His Royal Highness, Prince Henry of Wales, will be marrying a divorced, African-American lady. Everybody on board? Lovely. [♪♪♪] I only hope that I'm alive long enough to meet some more beautiful little great-grandchildren, and give them all some jolly big hugs. [♪♪♪] [crowds cheering] You ready for this? Yup. Showtime. [cheers] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ I forgot what it's like to be touching the sky these days. ♪ ♪ It's weighing me down, feeling stuck to the ground ♪ ♪ when you go away. ♪ ♪ But when you're next to me, when you're next to me, ♪ ♪ when you're next to me, it's like zero gravity. ♪ [cheering] ♪ And I'm falling through the atmosphere, ♪ ♪ because every time you are here, it's like zero gravity. ♪ ♪ It's like zero gravity. ♪ ♪ It's like zero gravity. ♪ ♪ you are next to me, when you're next to me, ♪ ♪ when you're next to me, it's like zero gravity. ♪ ♪ It's like zero gravity. ♪ [soft piano playing]
Channel: Lifetime
Views: 126,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lifetime, lifetime shows, mylifetime, lifetime movie, lifetime movies, Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, meghan and harry, harry and meghan, prince harry, royal family movie, the royal family, royal family, prince harry and meghan markle, harry and meghan movie, prince harry meghan markle movie, full lifetime movie, full movies online, full movies online free, stream lifetime movies, stream movies for free, full movies lifetime, harry and meghan lifetime movie, Lifetime, movie
Id: oeTSY2agmzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 0sec (6000 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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