Toni Braxton: Unbreak My Heart | Full Movie | Lifetime

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[music playing] (SINGING) Did you know about us back then? Do you know I dumped your husband, girlfriend? ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen, Toni Braxton! (SINGING) Do you know I made him leave? Do you know he begged to stay here with me. He wasn't man enough for me. So many reasons why our love is through, yeah. What makes you think he'll be good to you, no. It makes no sense 'cause he will never change. Girl, you need to recognize the-- What are you thinking? Did you know about us back then? Do you know I dumped your husband, girlfriend? [distorted sound] TONI: Someone once told me pain is information. It's our body's way of telling us pay attention. Something isn't working here. I didn't listen. (SINGING) This is my song, praisin' my savior all the day long. This is my story. This is my song, praising my savior all the day, all the day, all the day-- Tamar, you're flat. No, I'm not. You are. She's always flat. EVELYN: Girl, don't try me today. Now again from the top. They're here. Oh. I'm-- I'm-- I'm sorry. We-- we were just doing a little rehearsal. Oh, no, no. No need to apologize. I'm LA Reid, and this small part of Babyface. How you doing? I'm Reverend Braxton. LA: Nice to meet you, sir. This is my wife, Evelyn. It's a pleasure to meet you both. And these are our daughters-- Toni, Traci, Towanda, Tamar, and Trina. Nice to meet you. How you doing? Well, listen, Mrs. Braxton, I'll get right to it. We just started our own label, LaFace Records, and we are currently scouting some new talent. And we heard a lot of good things. I'm sorry, excuse me, great things about your girls. Oh, thank you so much. We really are only interested in our girls singing clean music. I mean, no-- no bumping and grinding stuff. Oh-- [laughing] no, no, no. No, you have nothing to worry about, Mrs. Braxton. I can assure you. Why don't we just get started, shall we? OK. All right. And, listen, just pretend we're not even here, OK. Pretend you're at home in your living room, couches. Play. (SINGING) This is my story. This is my song, praising my savior all the day long. This is my story. This is my song, praising my savior all the day, all the day, all the day long. Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, oh, lest we forget-- I like her tone. Yeah, it's nice. TONI: (SINGING) That trespass against us. For God is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. BABYFACE: Girls, great job. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. And thank you, Mrs. Braxton. They're beautiful and talented. Oh, you know the girls have been practicing for years for a chance like this. You know-- and it shows, Mrs. Braxton. Very impressive. Yeah. Thank you. Y'all have a safe trip back tomorrow. All right. Thank you so much. Take care. Thanks, Face. Bye bye. (SINGING) They're gonna sign us. You girls were great. Just great. I'm so proud of you. (SINGING) They're gonna sign us. [singing] How'd it go? Good. I was great. She was flat. No, Tamar was flat. TAMAR: No, I wasn't. I don't want to hear all that noise today. We were about to leave you, Michael. You ready? Yes, ma'am. Toni, after you finish Sunday's program, come straight to bible study. Don't be late. OK? OK. (SINGING) He answers my prayers. He answers my prayers. His love has no end. [music playing] [phone ringing] Hello. LA: Toni. Yes, this is Toni. Toni, how you doing? It's LA Reid from LaFace Records. Mikey, stop playing on the phone. Toni, this is really me. This is really LA Reid. How you doing? I'm sorry, sir. I thought you were my brother. No, that's OK. That's quite all right. Listen, Toni. I'll jump right into it. Babyface and I were really impressed with the audition the other night, and we would like to offer you a recording contract with LaFace Records. How's that sound? Thank you, sir. Oh my God, my sisters and I are going to be so excited. Toni, umm-- TONI: Yes, sir? Sorry, so sorry. Listen, the only thing is we only want to sign you, not to Braxton Sisters. Wait, what? LA: Yeah, look, listen, it's nothing against the other girls, you know. We think you're all so very talented. It's just that we already have a female singing group. I can't do that to my sisters. Yeah. Yeah, no-- no, I understand. I understand. I mean, I'm-- you know, I'm-- I'm sure Michael Jackson felt bad when he left the Jackson 5, too. Listen, Toni, you said this was a dream come true, right? What tell me something. In that dream, when you saw yourself singing on that stage, did you see yourself singing in a group or by yourself? Be honest. I'll just need to discuss it with my family first. LA: Take whatever time you need to make whatever decisions you need to make. So, listen, I look forward to hearing from you soon, Toni. [sighing heavily] TONI: That was the beginning of my guilt. What should have been one of the happiest moments of my life became the hardest decision I've ever had to make. Lord, I put all my hope in you. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. But also we-- Come on in, Toni, and sit with your sisters. Reading Romans 5, verse 3 and 4. But we also glory-- You're late. Sorry. Because we know that sufferings produce perseverance and perseverance character and character hope. Now what do we all think that means? Traci? The Bible is telling us that, like, our trials can work for us, not against us, but only we can determine the course, OK. Toni? What do you think it means? It's saying God wouldn't give us a burden heavier than we can carry. And hope does not put us to shame. [music playing] The devil is raging. LaFace Records only wants to sign you? But we're a group. They said that they just signed another girl group and can't take on another one. So they just went and picked you. So this means we're not going to be famous. Braxton, do you see what's happening? Evil has come crashing into our house. Evelyn, calm down. Calm down? The enemy is trying to break up our family. I don't have to take it. OK. I'll call him right now and tell them that it's all of us or none of us. No. EVELYN: Traci, you give your sister the phone. Mommy, this is the chance of a lifetime. Toni has to take it. Traci's right. Toni needs to take the deal. And remember, Evelyn, you were in the exact same situation once. Yeah, your mama was in a singing group when she was young, and she was offered a solo deal. And I said no. I know. And how many more shots you got after? [music playing] Do you promise that you will come back and help your sisters? Yes, I promise. She's never coming back. Tamar. Let her go, Evelyn. Let her go. I'll talk to her. [music playing] Thank you. Thank you. DJ: What's up, Atlanta? We live in a studio one of my favorite artists, the lovely, Ms. Janet Jackson. Yeah, we gonna be playing some of her tunes from her latest album "Janet," and the first 10 callers to get backstage passes for a concert this weekend. Yeah, that's right, backstage with Janet. First 10 callers, holla! What's up? What's up? PEBBLES: Toni? Hi, I'm Pebbles, LA's wife and CEO of Pebbitone. Oh, yeah, Pebbles. I'm such a fan. It's so nice to meet you. Come on in. Dang. LA will be down in a minute. In the meantime, I wanted to give you the address to your place. Oh, no, that's cool. I got a reservation at a hotel down the street. Oh, well, cancel it. LA set you up an apartment already. Oh. Oh, I can't afford this. Yes, you can. It comes out your artist budget. Artist budget? It's in your contract. Oh, no one's ever talked to me about that. LA: Toni Braxton. Welcome to Atlanta. How was your drive down from Maryland? It was good. Listened to the radio. This is a beautiful house y'all have here. Oh, well, thank you. Thank you. Listen, my beautiful lovely wife Pebbles will have your stuff sent off to the apartment for you so that you and I can get to the studio. How's that sound? Hey, baby. Hey, sweetie. How you doing? I'll see you later. Bye. Wow, this is amazing. Mmm hmm. So many hit records. Yeah, well, maybe we get you on that wall next. You think? No, you better think. OK, you're here because Babyface and I believe in you, and you need to believe, too. OK? Mmm hmm. OK. LA, I have a question. Mmm hmm? What's up? What exactly is an artist budget? OK. Well, it's pretty standard actually. It's part of your record deal. OK, it's everything. It's your rent, money you spend, clothes you buy. It's unrecoupable, well, at least some of it is, but, hey, look, we don't have to talk business right now, OK. Mmm hmm. Just want to finish showing you around. Hmm? OK. OK, come on. [music playing] I like that. Hey. There she is. Hi. Welcome. This is amazing. How are you, Tone? I'm fine. Thank you. How are you? Good. Toni, this is my writing partner, Darryl Simmonds. It's nice to finally meet you. Nice to meet you, too. What were you guys working on? It sounds great. We're not sure yet, but maybe something for you. How was the drive? Long. But I had the radio to keep me company. What kind of music do you like to listen to? Well, I don't really know the name of too many albums. We weren't allowed to listen to secular music. But when I had the chance, I would sneak in to the R&B station, so I like EnVogue, LL Cool J, Fresh Prince. Oh, yeah? TONI: Mmm hmm. I love Prince. What's your favorite album? "Parents Just Don't Understand." She meant the Fresh, not the purple Prince. Oh, come on, Face. [laughter] OK. But Anita's my favorite. Anita Baker. TONI: Yeah. When I first heard her, I was like finally, someone who's singing voice is deep as mine. Yeah, we were actually working on a couple of tracks for her. Really? Yeah. Producing a new soundtrack for the new movie Eddie Murphy movie "Boomerang." Mmm. You know, we're looking for a singer to demo it for Anita. So you're interested? Oh, you want me to do it? This. We think you've got the right sound. Anita Baker is going to hear me sing? [music playing] (SINGING) Should I even listen? Should I even try? Will I just be hearing the same old lie? Baby. See it doesn't-- Hold it a second. Toni, this song is about love, loss, so you got to bring that. I got to hear all of that in your voice. How? What do you know about love? Toni, we're selling pain here. OK? That's it. Pain. OK, let's try it again. All right, let's take it from the chorus. [music playing] TONI: (SINGING) You say things not the way they seem, but still you can't come straight with me. How can you think that you're in love when you don't know the meaning of-- Love should've brought you-- Wait, wait. So you've never seen "Star Wars?" I told you, my family's very religious. We weren't allowed to watch the movie. [phone ringing] OK, well, we got to fix that. Hello. LA: Face, what you doing. Just hanging out with Toni. Say hello. Hey. So Anita called. She liked the demo, but she can't do the "Boomerang" soundtrack. Why? LA: I don't know. Scheduling or something like that. Anyway, listen, I asked her who she thought should sing it, and she said get the girl on the demo. Really? OK, well, I like the idea, but the movie's coming out soon. So if we're going to do this, we need to get Toni ready. [music playing] Let's do it. [music playing] Hey, baby. Hi. How's it going? She's a little country, but she's cute. I can work with that. OK. I mean, I know you got it. You know I do. All right, babe. OK, goodbye, swee-- Girl, don't look so scared. This is the fun part. Let me see you smile. There you go. So what are we doing today? Cut it short, real short. It's OK, honey. Here we go. OK-- OK. Yeah, there we go. Looks so good. Looks great. Thank you. It's bad, huh? I just started breaking out outta nowhere. Oh, it's stress, honey. Here, try this. It's no joke. Clears up your skin like that. Really? You're not trying to have kids soon, right? I'm not even dating. Just focusing on my career. Why? Well, you don't want to be on that if you're trying to get pregnant. Raise your hemline. Shorter than this. You're performing for MTV, not Sunday service. Much shorter. Meet Chanel, your new best friend. Hey, Chanel. (SINGING) I swear that things was good with us-- It's good. OK. We need to go to the next one. Oh, look at you, Toni. I am liking the new cut. Oh, thank you. Yeah, Marie is trying something different-- I love it. So what do you want your stage persona to be? I was thinking sexy diva. [clearing throat] What? What's wrong with that. I can be sexy. Not really seeing that. We see more like the girl next door type. LA: Right. More like the sister girl. Go to the next one. (SINGING) It's just another sad love song racking-- Oh, what's that playing? Oh, no. Not that one. I was feeling that. What's it called? BABYFACE: It's called "Another Sad Love Song." TONI: Can I do that one next for the album, Kenny? What? You keep saying you want me to sell pain. What's more painful than another sad love song? She may have a point there, Face. About the lips, more pout, more sex. Less pout, little less pout. Have you ever considered getting a boob job? All the time. Can I take that out of my artist budget? Yes. [playing piano] [singing softly] Kenny, I was thinking about the lyrics and the chorus, right. What if we-- The lyrics are fine. Trust. OK. "Love Should Have Brought You Home" is in the top 10. Let me see. Congratulations. Most artists take years to hit the charts. Mmm hmm. Which means that by the time we come out with your debut album, I think you got a pretty good chance of going gold, Toni Braxton. Gold? I'm going platinum, double platinum. Oh, OK. Really? OK. Y'all said I better believe, right? OK, I tell you what. You go double platinum, I'll buy you a car. Any car you want. How about that? What about a BMW? Wait, no, a Porsche. Oh, this it-- OK. OK, deal. You sure you want a Porsche? Way you drive? [laughing] [music playing] TONI: I'm sorry, mommy. I thought I was going to be able to come up this weekend, but we have to rehearse for this Arsenio show. EVELYN: Oh, your sisters are going to be very disappointed. I know. I'll make it up to them. EVELYN: How's the album going? Oh, just about getting started. What we have so far sounds really great. Listen, your sisters are writing songs, some good ones, too. Sang one in church the other day, had everybody up on their feet. Mommy, it's church. Everybody's on their feet. Oh. Toni, maybe you can have LA and Kenny hear some of their music. I'll see what I can do. Kiss them for me. I love you. I love you, too, baby. Bye bye. [applause] BABYFACE: Tone, hey, relax. You're gonna be fine. Just be yourself. All right. Breathe. [inhaling deeply] ANNOUNCER: Tonight on "Arsenio," Babyface Edmonds and featuring Toni Braxton. Oh, it's about to start. Turn up-- turn-- turn-- turn it up. Turn up the volume. [applause] Are you OK? I gotta pee. ANNOUNCER: Please give it up for Babyface featuring Toni Braxton. [applause] (SINGING) Your love's so exciting. Boy, I can't deny it. Oh, there she is. Her dress is a little short, ain't it. No, I like it. TONI: (SINGING) Ooh, it's such a thrill. I pray that we never will part. (SINGING) Oh, give me just a minute and I'll jump right on in it. We can make love under the stars. TONI: (SINGING) Boy, if that's your pleasure, I'll be yours forever. (SINGING) Girl, I'll never leave you. (SINGING) I'll be there to please you. (SINGING) We won't have to worry at all. And I will give you my heart, and I will always be true to you. And I will love you forever if I could just make love-- Thank you. DJ: What's up, Atlanta? All right, we here live in the studio with the singing sensation, the lovely Ms. Toni Braxton. What's going on, Toni. What's up, Atlanta? DJ: Right now, is it just me or did you come out of nowhere and zoom straight to the top? I mean, your debut album's selling huge with hits like "Another Sad Love Song," "Breathe Again"-- now that was my jam. Every Black woman I know wants your hair cut, girl. Critics is already comparing you to the great Anita Baker. I'm saying, how's that feel? Like a dream. DJ: Oh. Oh, no doubt. Yo, y'all can't see this, but she blushing up in the studio right now. It's beautiful. Oh my-- I have never been more happy to lose a bet before in my life. Toni Braxton, you have gone platinum four times over. Congratulations. Thank you. Now who wants to ride to my new whip? [humming] [clicking] (SINGING) Seven whole nights and I'm just about through. I can't take it, won't take it, can't take it no more. And cut. That was great. Toni, you can take five. OK. Oh, seeing my girls like this all together. Oh, just like I always hoped it would be. Well, you have Toni to thank for that, Mrs. Braxton. I mean, she insisted to include all of her sisters in the video. You know, I was thinking, it might be-- Oh, excuse me one second, Mrs. Braxton, OK Just one second. I'll be right back. - Sure. Sure. OK. [clapping] Toni, you're doing great. Oh, thank you. Beautiful. Yeah. Listen, you see that guy standing over there. LA: Yeah. TONI: He's thinking about trying to manage me. Oh. I want you to meet him. OK. You like his vibe? DIRECTOR: All right, we need you back. Yeah. OK. Toni. I'll talk to you soon. Go get 'em. You're a superstar. EVELYN: So you know I was thinking each of the girls should have a solo. (SINGING) Seven whole days-- OK. And Mr. Reid, you know, my girls writing, too. LA: Yes, ma'am. You tell 'em. A million dollars? Mmm hmm. It's only the beginning. [music playing] [chatter] Y'all I think we need to sing a little hymnal. EVELYN: It's beautiful, baby. TONI: I'm so glad you love it, mom. So why didn't daddy come again? He's witnessing the saints this weekend. He'll be here next time, Toni. Come on. Worry about you. Worry about you. (SINGING) This is the note. TAMAR: Why you worried about my note? Get your note. (SINGING) Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus, oh for grace, oh for grace, oh for grace. To trust him more. [laughing] EVELYN: Oh my babies. Ooh, I need to see this on me. Take it. I didn't buy most of this stuff anyway. Designers just send it to me. What? Wait, so all this stuff was free? I guess what I wear means something now. Ms. Toni, flowers have arrived. From who? Wesley Snipes. Get out! What? What? Please sit this on the kitchen counter for me please. Thank you. Are you dating Wesley Snipes? Never even met him. TAMAR: I'll go out with him. What's different about you? I can't quite place it. [music playing] Your boobies. TRINA: I want me some new boobies, too. [squealing] They bring you out here and tell you how much they love you, then all they try to do is change you. You let them cut on your body. That's a sin before God. I like 'em. Thank you. You know, it's actually a good thing that you left. Yeah, I know it doesn't seem like it, but mommy's loosened up. Really. [phone ringing] You-- Hello. Oh, hey, LA. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks for letting me know. Bye. Everything OK, T? I've just been nominated for three Grammys. [screaming] (SINGING) It's just another sad-- ANNOUNCER: And the Grammy for Best New Artist goes to Toni Braxton! PRESENTER: Best female R&B vocal performance, Toni Braxton! TONI: At that moment, it felt like a dream. I'm thinking is this real? Kenny G? Kenny G has one of the best selling albums in history. He's gone platinum 12 times over, yes. Open up for him on tour, you get that fan base. Look, I feel you on the exposure, but I think it's being risky with her core fans. Scott, the label loves the idea. Exactly. So it's pretty much a done deal. Start with the Kenny G tour then follow with your own world tour. Can I say something? Of course, Toni. What's on your mind? Well, if we really want to go with younger, I was thinking that I need to go with sexier. Exactly. LA: No, Toni. No, no. You don't sell sex, OK. You-- you sell pain. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. What about the Diane Warren demo, hmm? "Un-break My Heart?" LA: Yes. I don't think it's sexy. I think you need to listen to it again, Tone. I don't know, Ken. LA: You know, Toni, can you just-- can you just trust us on this one? Please. Have we ever steered you wrong/ All right, I'll listen to it again. But I ain't really feeling like that. [music playing] [inaudible] [chatter] [music playing] [vocalizing] (SINGING) Don't leave me in all this pain-- PRODUCER: OK, Toni, thanks. That's good. OK. Thank you. [music playing] Keri. Hey. I like what you added there. Oh. But it's a little too busy for the intro. Just keep it simple. Huh, OK. Like this? Yeah, that's better. But when you play E minor 7, play the second version. OK. Do you mind? No, go ahead, Ms. Braxton. So we're here. [playing keyboards] There you go. Good. That's better. Yeah. OK. See if you start off simple, then we'll have somewhere to go in the end. Hey, Toni. I just wanted to thank you for bringing my band on tour. Oh, it's my pleasure. I'm a huge Mint Condition fan. But have a great show. Don't you just love being in Paris? Mmm hmm. [applause] [music playing] [wild applause] [vocalizing] (SINGING) Don't leave all this pain. Don't leave me out in the rain. Come back and bring back the smile. Come and take these tears away. I need your arms to hold me now. Nights are so unkind. Bring back those nights when I held you beside me. Un-break my heart. Say you love me again. Undo this hurt that you caused when you walked out the door and out of my life. Un-cry these tears I cried so many, many nights. Un-break my-- un-break my heart. Oh, baby, come back and say you love me. Un-break my heart, sweet darling. Without you, I just can't go on. Say that you love me. Say that you love me. Tell me you love me. Un-break my-- Can't go on. Say that you love me. Say that you love me. Tell me you love me. Un-break my-- say that you love me-- Thank you. (SINGING) Say that you love me. Tell me you love me. Un-break my-- say that you love me. Say that you love me. Hey. Oh, hey. Listen, I don't really know how to say this, but, uh, none of my guys have been paid for a minute. Seriously? . Yeah Oh, I'm sorry. Why don't I go figure out what's going on? Whoa. Whoa, you-- you OK? Yeah, just a little exhausted. That's all. You need to sit down? - Oh, no. - Take some deep breaths. No, trust me. I'm fine. It's OK. OK. I'll go talk to the tour manager and figure out what's going on, all right. Cool. OK. I appreciate it. No problem. [phone ringing] Scott, what's going on? SCOTT: I checked into it. You should think about canceling the tour. No, I can't flake on my fans like that. SCOTT: Then we need to make some cuts-- travel, hotels, sets, your sisters. Oh, my sisters stay. Mint Condition, too. I'll pay them out of pocket. Toni, you don't have sponsors. You're already paying for the tour out of pocket. You're shows are selling out, but you're losing money. Scott, the show has to be huge. Look, Arista to give you some tour support, but it's not enough to cover the expenses of a show this size. They're saying if you want them to give you more money, you're going to have to take out a loan. Fine. Borrow the money to finish the tour. All right. TONI: I'll just have to pay them back. I'm expecting a big royalty check coming soon. We'll be fine. $1,992? Where's the rest of my money? That's all that's left of your royalty check. What? SCOTT: Arista recouped all their expenses plus interest. You signed a wack deal, Toni. I'm calling LA and Kenny. It's not them. This comes from way higher up than them. This tour's put you almost $4 million in debt. Your only play here to sue LaFace Records and declare bankruptcy. Oh my God. Ms. Braxton? Can I have an autograph? Yeah, what's your name? Arlina. Arlina. Nice to meet you. ARLINA: Nice meeting you. TONI: Here you go. ARLINA: Thank you. Of course. Sorry, Ms. Braxton, this card is declined as well. TONI: I am so sorry. I have another one-- Toni, let me treat you for a change. No, no, no, really. This one works just fine. T, seriously you take us out all the time. Thank you. Come on, let's go. [music playing] Where are Ms. Braxton's Grammys? Come on. Really? Follow me. Should have hid 'em. [chatter] Ooh, it smells like bleach. They touched everything including my underwear. You know, these people really think that I'm out here just spending my money shopping like I'm some spoiled little pop singer living this crazy lavish lifestyle. You know these rags didn't even bother interviewing me to figure out what really happened? You've just got to make your voice heard, baby. I sold 20 million records. I was on a world tour performing for packed houses every night. Shouldn't I assume that money's coming in? So you admit that you were spending money that you didn't even have? I was spending money on the tour. I had to pay for costumes, roadies, lights, the bus, everyone's salaries. Most artists at that level have sponsors but not me. Ms. Braxton, is it true that you own Gucci silverware? Objection. Relevance? He's just trying to make the witness look irresponsible. Overruled. Ms. Braxton, please answer the question. I'm sorry. I don't understand what this has to do with anything. Yes or no. Could you just answer the question please? Yes. I treated myself every once in a while. But they only cost 2,000. - Thank you. No further questions, your honor. Witness is excused. We got a little money saved. Almost 20,000. You need money, we can help you, Toni. Thanks, mommy, but I'll figure it out on my own. You keep your money. What's most important right now is for me to clear my name. [knocking] I'll get it. Who is it now? TAMAR: Keri! What a nice surprise. Oh, these are beautiful. I heard what was going down, and thought you could use a hand. Oh, you said it. Follow me. [chuckling] So what's going on with you and Keri? Nothing. [interposing voices] Toni's got a boyfriend. No, I don't. You know that song? (SINGING) Toni's got a boyfriend. Come on, y'all. I said I don't. TONI: I don't even like him like that. My relationship with Keri begin to blossom during my first tour. We both slowly realized our connection was more than just friendship. Open your eyes. Happy birthday. Oh my goodness, Keri. This is beautiful. Thank you. You're welcome. [phone ringing] Oh. Sorry. I have to get this, it might be my lawyer about the case. Hello. I'll find it before we leave. [music playing] Tom, we have to get the judge to declare the contract null and void. Look, I know you're trying to change the way the entire record industry does business, but I'm focused on winning this case as it stands. I just want to make sure that Toni and other artists like her get the compensation they deserve. It's important not just for me. Mr. Edmonds, you're also an artist. Correct. If you were offered the recording contract that Ms. Braxton was offered, would you have taken it? No, no, I wouldn't have. Congratulations, Toni. Thank you. The label is paying what they owe plus the re-negotiated amount on your new contract. With that money, you can buy back all your belongings-- Grammys, Soul Train Awards, American Music Awards, all of it. There's just one condition. You can't discuss the suit. No one can know that you've received $22 million. Are you serious? No, we have to talk about this. I need to clear my name. Not for 10 years. Look, Toni, you won. We know it. They know it. And you're back in the game. That's all that matters. Right now, the most important thing is to get to work. A hit record is the best way to clear your name. Kenny, I never got a chance to tell you, but I really appreciate what you did for me in court. Hey, I just told the truth, you know. So what do you think about the tracks? Oh, yeah. I love that last one. That beat was hot. Come on. The melody was just whatever, and I don't like how long it takes for the hook to kick in. I don't know. Look, let's just go with the first one. I don't like the first one. I want to do an uptempo song. Can we find another? To-- Toni! Toni! You're pregnant. Yeah. You sure? I peed on, like 10 sticks. I'm sure. Thought it was a mistake. Let me see. Look, I know it's soon and everything, but you don't seem to into it. You don't want to have my baby? No. No, that's not it at all. There's this acne medicine that I've been taking. Apparently, it causes birth defects. They made me sign this letter promising that I wouldn't take it if I was trying to get pregnant. I don't know what do do. Whatever you decide, I'll support you. No matter what. I love you. [chatter] Doctor will be right with you. [music playing] I can't. [sniffling] Sorry, but we're going to have to cancel. Oh. TV: Happy New Year to Paris and happy New Year to Europe. We'll have a healthy beautiful baby when the time is right. [music playing] (SINGING) If you don't know, now here's your chance. See I've already had your man. Do you wonder just where he's been, yeah. Now be worry over him, yeah. Now it's time you know the truth. I think he's just the man for you. What are thinking? Do you know about us back then-- Welcome back, Toni Braxton. (SINGING) Girlfriend, I been thinking 'bout him, but you married him. Do you know I made him leave? Do you know he begged to stay with me. He wasn't man enough for me. So many reasons why our love is through. Yeah. What makes you think he'll be good to you? It makes no sense 'cause he will never change. Girl, you need to recognize the game. What are you thinking? Do you know 'bout-- [phone ringing] Hello. What? Come out! Come out! Come out you lying no good son of a-- open-- No, I ain't coming out here! Well, you have to come out there some time. You-- you liar! You liar! Toni, thank God you're here. It's bad, T. What's going on? What's happening? Mommy, found out daddy is cheating on us. Daddy bolted himself in the bedroom. And we can't get 'em to stop. Mom. Mommy. Mom. Mom. Humiliating me. Humiliating me, that man, the reverend. He took a vow before God. And for nine years, he been running around with that whore! Nine years! Come out here! I'm a cut it off! I'm a cut it off. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh-- take it off. Here take it. Take it please. Get it off. Get it off. Take this off. Get it off. Get it off. DADDY: Toni. Why, Daddy? Toni, you know it was never my intention for things to turn out this way. Don't you? Oh, baby. Come on. I'll go. TONI: I knew my dad wish he could take it all back, and I knew he loved my mom. But from that moment, my family would be changed forever. [music playing] Yep, this is next level superstardom. Streisand, Celine Dion, Elton John. I can't think of one single Black artist that's had a residency in Vegas like this. I mean, I know it's a big deal and all, but honestly after my last two albums, I can't wait to just get off the road and be in one place and spend time with my boys. I hear you. Let's go. TONI: (SINGING) Again. If I never feel your tender kiss again, if I never hear I love you now and then, will I never make love to you once again. Please understand, if love ends, then I promise-- [heartbeating] [alarm ringing] Five shows a week is harder than I thought. You regret giving the nanny mornings off yet? Mmm mmm. Well, this morning, yeah, but, no, I took this gig so I could take the boys to school every day. Sometimes I feel like I'm not as connected for them as I used to be. Toni, the boys don't feel that way at all. They are loving every moment of this. Thanks, babe. I gotta go wake 'em up, get dressed-- [knocking] Diezel, wake up. Denim. Diezel, why are you not brushing your teeth? Oh, come on. Let's go brush our teeth. Look, you got your new sweater all wet. Come on, Diezel. Eat your breakfast. Put it down. I don't think he likes it. You not hungry, Diezel? Please look at mommy. OK, boys, come on. We're gonna be late. Let's go. Come on. Come on. All right, Diezel, we're late. Come on, let's go. Let's get you all set. [knocking] Bye. Mommy loves you, OK. Have fun. Have a good day. Ms. Braxton, do you have a minute? Sure. Please. Oh, I'm fine. Thank you. Ms. Braxton, I need to speak to you regarding Diezel. He can no longer attend our school. I'm sorry. Did something happen? Actually my concern is that he doesn't interact with his classmates. He doesn't engage with the teacher or respond to requests. He prefers to be alone and struggles with making eye contact. Diezel's just shy. He's always been a little quiet. I think it's more than that. Your child may have special needs, and we cannot support his needs at our school. Have you seen this? Diezel shows many of the symptoms. Diezel doesn't have a behavior problem. He's fine. Autism doesn't always mean behavior problems. Every child is different. In Diezel's case, the symptoms are mild. He's young, and with early detection, it could make all the difference. My husband and I have already seen two pediatricians about this who agree that Diezel's a little delayed, but he'll catch up. Ms. Braxton, I think you really need to get him tested. [music playing] (SINGING) My heart wants to receive you. Just let me know that you are sincere. Can you stop. Take it down. I'm sorry. It's just today I found out my baby boy is autistic. I just-- can I have a moment? FAN: Hey, yo, we love you, Toni! [applause] I love you, too. We can take it from the top, but I want to dedicate this to my son Diezel. You mean the world to me. [applause] [music playing] Right, so you hold it up at eye level, but you make sure he looks you right in the eye before you give it to him. Oh, good job, Diezel. Good job. You know, that's the first time he's looked at me in a long time. Yeah, Angela's a godsend. He's making so much progress. Well, we have to get going. I need to take him to his next lesson. Honey, why do you have to do everything? Where's Keri? You know, he helps, but I'm the mother. And the breadwinner. And his employer. Look, I'm just saying, Keri is so talented. He could be contributing a lot more. You've been keeping an eye on him? I mean, he's not out-- Seriously, mama. All men cheat. All men cheat. Except Obama. [laughing] DENIM: We're home. Hello. That's her. There you are. How was your day? Good. Yeah? Oh. Got some good stuff. What's that-- [labored breathing] Ker-- Toni! EVELYN: Oh, Toni! Toni. Toni. Help me. Help me. My wife can't breathe. Come on, Toni. Stay with me. Stay with me, T. What's her name? Toni. She might be going into cardiac arrest. Get the defibrillator ready. Hold on, T. You're going to be OK. Breathe, Toni, breathe. KERI: She gonna be OK? Is she gonna be OK? My chest. Whoa. T, you had a heart attack. You gotta stay in bed. We got you in to see the specialist we found. He supposed to be the best of the best. Listen, if I don't get on stage, there's hundreds of people who won't get paid. So I think it's best I start pushing myself. [crowd cheering] [music playing] (SINGING) I can't take it, won't take it, can't take it no more. I had about enough of you. I'd rather be on my own, yes. On-- DOCTOR: You're one strong woman, Toni. I can't believe you've been performing night after night with your condition. Braxton blood, we're built tough. Have you ever heard of lupus? Maybe. It's an autoimmune disorder that in your case is affecting your organs. Other forms of the disease attack the body in different ways. The form you have attacks your heart, which is why you've been having chest pain, shortness of breath, and other heart attack symptoms. Now you've said that you've always had trouble breathing? Yes, but I can't think of anyone in my direct family who has this. DOCTOR: May be that you've had the disease for a long time, but working so hard is what's made your body weaker. And frankly from your test results, you're lucky to be alive. OK, so how do we fix it? Unfortunately there's no cure. But there are things you can do to help control the disease. First thing you need to do is rest. OK, I guess I could take a couple of days off. I'm not talking days. I'm talking months, years, maybe even the rest of your career. You can't go on tour and do big shows like this anymore. I need you to take a rest, Toni. No, no, no, you don't understand. Everyone depends on me, my family, my fans. I just renewed my contract with Vegas. They're expecting me for another year, and then we have the kids and these bills. T, slow down. I can't. I can't slow down. You don't have a choice. I need you to start chemotherapy immediately. [chatter] I don't want anyone to know that I'm sick, OK. No one can know I have lupus. Promise me. I promise. I promise. [crowd cheering] [music playing] [vocalizing] [distortion] Somebody help. Wake up. Trina, go get somebody. TONI: I dealt with my anxiety by staying in survival mode. I just worked and worked and worked until one day my body stop working. You're being sued. What? By who? All the vendors of the Flamingo. Why? After you canceled the Vegas show, the insurance company refused to cover the expenses. Now, the hotel vendors are coming after you for missed revenue. Well, how much are they suing me for? Millions. You two need to figure something out, work out some deals with some people, something. Oh, hey, bud. Mom, when you gonna make the cupcakes for tomorrow? Marta was supposed to make them for you before she went home. Go see if you can catch her, remind her. Ker. Can you-- where are you going? To the studio. Don't forget you got to take Diezel to his therapy tomorrow. Right. Seriously? No, no. I'm on it. Well, how are your studio sessions coming? You finish that track for Kenny Lattimore? Not yet but I'm a work on it tonight. You've been working on it for three months. And I'd be finished if it wasn't for all the stuff I got to do for you. What's that supposed to mean. It means that I'm so busy doing everything for you I don't have time to work on my own stuff. I got to go. Oh, so it's my fault? What do you want from me, Toni? Hmm? I've worked for you for the last 10 years. What gig can I possibly get that's gonna make enough money to solve all of our financial problems right now? You know we have to declare bankruptcy again, right? I thought we worked this all out with the banks? Yeah, well, the Vegas vendors reneged. We got to pay. Damn. We'll figure it out, OK. No, stop saying we. It's me who has to figure it out. The vendors aren't coming for you. My name is the one that's up there. They're coming for me, and you can't help. [music playing] T. T. T? Ker? Baby, you should be in bed. I could say the same about you. Sometimes I feel so alone. What do you want to do? I can't do this anymore. This is not what I wanted. Me either. Marriage can be challenging, but when you're also faced with an illness that can be deadly, there's an even bigger struggle. There was always a lot of love between us, but sometimes love just isn't enough. (SINGING) They're saying that from the looks of it that you and I probably won't make it. I know that somewhere the love is still there. They can say what they want to. That's why I'm feeling for a pulse 'cause I can feel us breathing, feel my heart beat, seems a little weakened, but I know that we can come back to life. I'm feeling for a pulse, sir, 'cause I can feel us breathing, feel my heart beat, seems a little weakened, but I know that we can come back to life. [footsteps] Mommy? Towanda? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. T, why are you out of the bed? It's fine. I'm fine. You should be resting. Can I get you something? OK. Come sit down. [music playing] [chatter] The Grammys are upstairs. I feel like my heart is going to explode. Come here. [sobbing] Right, hold on. They said they can reschedule, but you'd have to perform the same night you arrive. I can't. I need at least a day in between to rest. Toni, why don't you just tell the world that you have lupus, and then people will understand. I won't work again, mommy. TOWANDA: That's not true. You'll always work, Toni. Just forget it. TOWANDA: Let me call you back. [music playing] Let's let Toni get some rest. TONI: I finally had enough. I was so tired. I was hiding the truth for years. Today I decided to face that truth. Hi. My name is Toni Braxton, and I am a lupus survivor. [applause] That was the first time I admitted it publicly. I was afraid that if people knew I had it, they wouldn't hire me. Lupus didn't stop me from living my life, but I did allow it to stop me from living my truth. But no more. No more hiding. I want to take back control of my life. I don't want to be a victim. I am an overcomer. Thank you. [applause] Ugh, why you got us in them ugly dresses? I look cute. Listen, the dresses, the hair, all of it, y'all look perfect. OK. So perfect you brought it back twice. [clearing throat] What? So we want to do a reality show. We who? TAMAR: Me, Trina, Towanda, Traci Ann. Oh, hell no. I ain't doing no reality show. Why not? See, told you. No, hear them out, Toni. My life is a reality show. Yeah, your life, T, not ours. OK, just listen to this. We gonna call it "The Braxton Family Values," and it's gonna be And she, being about her business, even found a network who's gonna put-- - You? - Business? No. Yes, my business. I'm the one that made the phone call. No, no, no. We found the network. I made the phone call-- you know what-- We are a family. Look, it's not-- no, that's not even a point. Lies. OK, so the point is they ain't gonna do it if you ain't in it. You're the name, T. All you got to do is just say you'll be attached. Yeah, we'll be the focus. I mean, everybody always helping you. Why can't you help nobody else? EVELYN: That's enough. TAMAR: For real, it's always gotta be about To-- I said that's enough, Tamar. Mommy, I can't. With the lupus and everything, how am I just gonna expose myself like that? There are days I can't even get out of bed. How am I going to have cameras around me 24/7? I understand. But your sisters need your help. Mommy, when does it end? I've got them the record deal. I put them in videos, brought them on tour, took them to Vegas, put them in meetings. I've done everything in my power to help. Yeah. Yes, you have. I'm sorry, Toni. For what? For being hard on you all these years. I see that I've put a big burden on your shoulder making you feel responsible for your sisters. But I guess I was just terrified of losing my family. But I hope that you know that I have always been proud of you and not just the artist but the woman, Toni Braxton. I love you. Come here. I mean, this is stupid. (SINGING) This is my story. [laughing] That ain't funny. (SINGING) This is my song. That ain't funny. Oh, I guess there's some singing going on. (SINGING) This is my song, praising my savior all the day, all the day, all the day long. [clapping] REPORTER: So what made you want to do a reality TV show? TONI: For my family although they're all stars in their own right. I need to stop. Y'all need to stop attacking me. Y'all sere just saying last week that Toni get all the attention-- No! No one said that. To get your life. You know what, you gonna make me slap the piss out of you. Now I got to ask, can we expect any new music any time soon? Are there plans to release an album? Toni Braxton stunned the music world when she announced in an interview she's retiring from the music biz. You know, I just haven't felt connected to making music anymore. I guess you could say I fell out of love with it. REPORTER: Your fans are going to be very disappointed to hear that. TONI: No, I love my fans. They're everything to me, but music just hasn't felt right in a long time. Are you telling the world that you're retiring? Yeah, I guess I am. Thanks. T, the phone has been ringing off the hook. Prince, Anita Baker, girl, Madonna, Barbra Streisand. What are you talking about? Here. Don't quit singing, Toni. The world needs you. Love, Anita. Don't quit, Madonna. We've all been where you are. Sing away, Prince. Yes, Prince. Your fans are calling the radio and the entertainment shows begging you not to quit. Your interview created quite a commotion. Awww. It's really sweet. Awww? That's it? I'm done, Umba. [doorbell ringing] You mind seeing who that is for me? Hey. Hey. Ken. BABYFACE: How you doing? Oh my goodness, hi. It's been too long. Come in. Come sit. Thank you. So how you feeling. Today's a good day. Come on. It's me, Tone. OK, some days are better than others. The flare ups are unpredictable, so you never know. So what is this I hear about you quitting music? I'm tired, Ken. Nothing else left to give. Remember when you first came to LaFace? I was so country. Didn't know a thing, just wanted to sing. Yep. And success, record sales, branding, none of that stuff meant anything to you then. You need to get back to that place, Tone. What if no one cares? As long as you have that voice, there will always be fans who want to hear you sing. And I'm one of them. Oh, that's so good. Come here. [music playing] Wait, how about-- [playing piano] here. No. I don't like. I think that we should just keep it right here in A right there, so let's just keep it at that. Kenny, OK. I love you, but I'm not just here to do whatever you tell me to do anymore. So either we're going to really collaborate, or I don't know. All right. Go ahead. Show me what you got. OK. So as I was saying, you could try here-- [playing piano]---- then maybe going into the E flat back into your A minor. - With A minor. - Yep. - OK. Mmm hmm. Yeah. Right. Yeah, I like that. I like that. Yeah, yeah. But add to your part. Go ahead at the same time. (SINGING) Here we go. Damn, here we go again-- FAN: I love you, Babyface. (SINGING) Loving you has caused me so much pain, but you don't see it. You'll never see it. (SINGING) So why apologize? I was just doing what I had to do, baby, an eye for an eye. God knows I never meant to hurt you. I never meant to break your heart, your heart, baby. God knows I never meant to turn you on, turn you out. Never meant to take it that far, that far, baby, baby. God knows I never meant to hurt you-- Hurt you-- Hurt you-- Hurt you-- Hurt you-- Hurt you. [applause] Toni Braxton! And Babyface. It's truly a blessing to have all of your dreams come true, but as I've learned the hard way, even the most blessed life is not without pain. There's mom. Hi, mom. [cheering] She looks amazing. EVELYN: Oh, yes. Yeah, she's here. She looks amazing. Toni and Babyface. She is amazing. REPORTER: Nominated for a Grammy. This is the first time in years you two have collaborated. Tell me, what was different this time around? Well, why don't we let Toni answer that? Well, this-- PRESENTER: And a Grammy for Best R&B Album of the Year goes to Kenny "Babyface" Edmonds and Toni Braxton. TONI: For so long, I tried to hide my pain, tried to ignore it, tried to push it away, but pain is a great teacher. My pain has made me wiser, and more than anything, it's made be the woman that I am today. (SINGING) Un-break my heart. Say you'll love me again. Undo this hurt you caused when you walked out the door and out of my life. Un-cry these tears I cried so many, many nights. Un-break un-break my heart, baby. Come back and say you love me. Un-break my heart, sweet darling. Without you I just can't go on. Baby, baby, yeah, can't go on, no. Un-break my heart. [music playing]
Channel: Lifetime
Views: 606,986
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Keywords: lifetime, lifetime shows, mylifetime, Toni Braxton: Unbreak My Heart | Full Movie | Lifetime, toni braxton songs, toni braxton he wasnt man enough, toni braxton unbreak my heart, toni braxton long as i live, toni braxton breathe again, toni braxton just be a man about it, toni braxton i love me some him, toni braxton youre makin me high, toni braxton how many ways, toni braxton another sad love song, toni braxton you mean the world to me, toni braxton please, Toni Braxton
Id: 3CuQIQ3Uy7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 30sec (5250 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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