Harold Hoffman - The Bride: Lesson 3 | MIDWEEK

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good evening first church good evening first church is anybody excited to be in the house of the lord this night has anybody come ready and expecting for god to speak to us i'm so excited to be in your house oh god thank you jesus thank you for the opportunity and the privilege of god to serve you this night thank you o lord thank you jesus hallelujah come on while you're say thank you jesus here we go says the foreign of glory the kingdom this is amazing for me [Music] in this place who brings our chaos is this is just for me jesus he is [Music] is is is oh is anybody in this room that's been set free i wonder if you can lift your voice and i would be set free [Music] oh jesus i sing for all that you've done for me hallelujah [Music] you're the reason why i sing [Music] you're the reason why we sing you are worthy the bible says if there be any sick among you let them come down and let the elders pray for them that they may be healed it also says pray one for another and tell each other your faults so that you can be healed there's so much healing i feel in this room right now lord jesus you receive the healing oh god that you've placed before us lord through your word through the washing of the regeneration of your word o god hallelujah thank you jesus jesus there's room [Music] there's room at the cross [Music] [Applause] they're still wrong for [Music] jesus is gone have you come to the end of yourself do you think from the web [Music] is the precious [Music] [Applause] [Music] is jesus christ i thank you for the blood jesus thank you for your pleasure so leave behind [Music] is [Music] [Music] precious [Applause] [Music] is now i wonder if you could just begin to thank god for his precious blood that he shed for you and for me oh god you didn't have to do it but you did you didn't have to give what you gave [Music] [Music] [Music] for his [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] is hallelujah is let's just take some time [Music] you're beautiful in all your ways [Music] [Music] forgiveness was bought with the precious god [Music] nothing but the blood [Music] one more time say one can't [Music] wash [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh if it wasn't for the blood where would we be tonight if it wasn't for his sacrifice where would you be i want you to really think about it right now oh i'd be lost oh god i'd be lost we'd all be a ship without a sink toss to improve [Music] [Music] [Music] of jesus oh the blood of jesus sing it out see all the blood come on we're talking about the one thing that can deal with you and my sin the one thing that dealt with our sin is dealing with our sin is that precious blood of jesus [Music] [Music] honey [Music] [Music] anybody need the lord tonight oh bless me now [Music] i come [Music] to [Music] we need your blood god we need your presence we need your spiritual lord [Music] where would i be without your words where would i be without the cross [Music] i'd be lost [Music] where would i be without you where would i be without you sometimes i sit back and think about the goodness of god how he's been faithful [Music] the promise still stands great it's your faithfulness your faithfulness [Music] this is my confidence your promise still stands great is your faithfulness [Music] faithfulness i'm still in your hands cause this is my confidence that you've never failed me brother ed pacheco he's never failed and i never will forget that he never failed yet [Music] i'm gonna do something i've never done i know i have a recording coming up i know a lot of people know and i know there's no way that you know this song because i've never sang it anywhere but i'm recording a song that is called i still remember and the idea of the song is if you go back in the old testament there's so many times where god had to remind the people who he was and what he did for them he would tell him to do something and then he would say this is the lord your god the god that brought you out of egypt and i just i would read that so many so many times over and over and over and over again through the old testament and for the simple fact that god felt like he had to qualify himself to people like us he had to keep reminding the people what he did for them so i wrote a song that says i still remember i won't forget i'll never forget what you did for me and it goes like this just for me you paid it all on california you paid it all just for me and i won't forget i still remember i still remember can you lift your hands in this place father we thank you thank you for your goodness thank you for your mercy thank you for your power lord that you've displayed to us again and again and again and again thank you for the mercies o lord that we get every single morning by the renewing of the day with the rising of the sun you give us brand new mercies something that literally did not exist the day before and i'm just grateful and god i'm grateful i will never forget what you've done for me i will never forget what you did at calvary but i'll never ever forget my life will shine a thank you on everything that you've done i just want to be grateful for god hallelujah you want to help me sing that part just one more time maybe we can sing it that night too because you painted all right [Music] you paid it on [Music] just [Music] hallelujah can you clap your hands in this place and be grateful in the house lord hallelujah we thank you jesus you are great and greatly to be praised and your greatness is unsearchable god [Music] hallelujah [Music] we remember hallelujah oh god you know as this time of colby's stuff is going on everybody's all afraid on tv i had to stop watching them and there's good stuff going on we can't forget what god's got going on i've got to celebrate my 30th anniversary during colby i've got more preaching opportunities than i've ever had during coving me and john gibbs baptized a young man in water in jesus name during coffee then just a couple weeks ago i had my jubilee birthday when i come back i was all backslid god brought me back it's been 11 years since i've been back that happened during coleman and the only reason i'm saying that because i know there's some people out there you got some family members they're all messed up right now you got some kids that ain't doing the right thing right now don't give up on them man you keep praying you remember it's the goodness of god that leads to repentance tell them about the good stuff that's going on in church tell them about the baptism tell him about the blood remember what he's done let's just thank him again oh we thank you god we praise your wonderful name there's none like you oh god we exalt you in this house all cognition man is such a good presence of god here it's almost a shame to stop but we gotta move forward cause man i'm excited to hear what pastor is about to bring i'm excited for these services we've been having on wednesday god has just been touching my heart during these things man so if we can have the ushers come we will return our tithes and offering man this music department do a good job of watching thank god for them [Music] lord we thank you all right let's return our tithe our lord jesus we thank you for all that you've done and all that you're doing oh god i'm asking you god to bless this offering i'm asking you god to use it to touch heart soul's mind and use it to mend marriages oh god we'll bless you we'll praise you for everything you do god in jesus name come on show yourself friendly when you go back [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hair hallelujah dralen is it this it's next friday right next friday is the seventh trailing we're to have a great honor of being able to host draelyn's recording and uh there's just a couple of those tickets left so go get a ticket that'll help very very expensive to do something like this but uh it'll go in a lot of places and it'll be a great uh it'll be a great witness and uh and uh it's just fun and it's nice to have someone of your own that's doing something like this and so uh we're honored to be able to support draylen and his ministry and uh jesus name jesus name well for some time i have reminded you of these verses isaiah 46 says i am god and there is none else god none likened to me declaring the end from the beginning i don't know how many times i've said it to you but i'm going to say it to you again that if you want to understand the end you have to be a student of the beginning you have to be and to back that up it says in corinthians 10 if you read corinthians 10 it begins talking about moses and how he led the people out of egypt and and through the red sea said we were baptized unto moses in the cloud and in the sea and this is that's the whole context of the thing it's talking about israel getting out of egypt but in verse 11 it says everything that happened to them wasn't just for them it was written for our admonition so when you admonish somebody that's that's a very strong word and another verse that that mirrors that concept is uh romans 15 and 4 that said the things written before time or the things written in the old testament it it says we're written for our learning our learning and i i found this verse years ago and it was just one of them aha moments to me and study and it was when stephen was preaching chapter 7 and in verse 38 of acts chapter 7 stephen refers to israel in the old testament as the church not israel but the church in the wilderness and so there's just many many many places where what happened back then was supposed to teach us something i found another one in study this week this is hebrews chapter 9. now just look at the word hebrew or hebrews what it what is what is the book of hebrews we we're not exactly sure who wrote it a lot of people think paul wrote it but we don't know who wrote the book of hebrews but the book of hebrews is written to jews that's what a hebrew was of course and it is the last attempt to convince jewish christians that what they have in jesus christ is superior to what they had under the law of moses and that's why on multiple i think it's 14 but on multiple occasions in the book of hebrews it keeps using the word better we had a sacrifice back then we got a better sacrifice now we had an order back then we got a better odor now on and on things like that and so um it says in hebrews 9 and verse 9 which was a figure for the time then present in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices that could not make him that did the service perfect as pertaining to the conscience this is what it says in the amplified watch this seeing that that first or outer portion of the tabernacle was a parable and then it says a visible symbol or type or picture of the present age that what you know you had the tabernacle of moses you had the outer court yeah the holy place holy of holies goes into all that detail in in hebrews 9. but it it's very clear here uh especially in the amplified that that outer portion was was a picture of of us right now and uh this this this this ark of the covenant this was was you know most famous piece of furniture in the history of the world um i uh i i get a kick out of uh following barnyard finds and uh um i uh i saw a thing recently of a man that discovered a um a carol shelby mustang in a barn and uh big deal just all dusty and all didn't look like much to the untrained eye but it was worth a pal of money and uh um if you could find the ark of the covenant you could pretty much name your price boy because uh i don't know who would pay more for it the jews or or or the the the muslims so that they could break it up and get rid of it but that ark of the covenant it was a box and it had a lid on it called the mercy seat it had a crown around it a border that was on on that lid and then welded into that lid were two angels and they looked down i always thought that was important they didn't look at one another they're looking down at the mercy seat and um again and again especially in the old testament he said i am the god that dwelleth between the cherubims and that's where you know it's not a word in the bible shekinah is not in the bible that's a word that was created by rabbis years ago but basically what it's talking about is that a visible manifestation of the presence of god that when that priest would sprinkle that last splash of blood on that mercy seat god it was it was it was like negative and positive pull god would incandesce he would visibly manifest his presence as light in that place and so um this this is what it says in in leviticus 16 and 2 and the lord said unto moses speak unto air and thy brother that he may come not at all times into the holy place within the veil before the mercy seat which is upon the ark that he die not for i will appear in the cloud upon the mercy sea so this was their emmanuel if you remember matthew chapter one you call his name immanuel which means god with us this this was old testament emmanuel that he literally manifested his presence and they knew he was with them and i i if you're if you've studied the bible for any length of time you know there were three things in the ark what were they anybody remember aaron's rod manna and the tablets second says tablets and uh i uh um i found this verse today it said numbers chapter 17 and verse eight it came to pass that on tomorrow moses went into the tabernacle of witness and behold the rod of aaron for the house of levi was budded brought forth buds bloomed blossoms and yielded almonds overnight uh uh i i to some of you you know this but uh when when when jacob uh you know as esau said uh you know when daddy dies i'm gonna kill you and uh we're not just gonna dig one hole in the cemetery we might as well dig two and so uh you won't be coming back in the hearse and uh mom got worried so she bought him a bus ticket out of town and and and uh he he's not some kid i proved to you in one bible class that he had to be at least 76 years old at least so he's not some little boy and and um he that's where he has that dream you know those angels going up and down and he wakes up and it says the name of that place was luz l-u-z he renamed it and uh um said this is the house of god and the gate of heaven and um but but that word luz if you study it luz means an almond branch cut off and so i i knew there was some significance to it but so i did my homework on that most wood has three component parts you have the hard core which is usually referred to as the pith p-i-t-h and then outside of the core is something called cambium or what you would some people would refer to as sapwood and then then there's the bark the interesting thing about almond wood is it doesn't have any sapwood it doesn't have any cambium so it's just basically hard pithy core and bark so when almond wood dries out it's considered the driest wood in the world so it's not by chance that aaron's rod was there's an almond branch and this is a stick that has been in their family for years but uh but they were trying to determine where you know who who's gonna serve in the temple and uh and uh they they took that rod of aaron and stuck it in there along with the rods of all the other the other uh tribes the leaders of the tribes and when they went the next morning it said it butted it said it brought forth buds which i guess are the little ones it's got blooms and flowers on it and it's got almonds on it overnight so that's a big deal that the driest wood in the world could just have all that life on it and um but i found this first so i i knew i i always knew there were three things in there but then i found this verse it's in deuteronomy 31 and verse 26 take this book of the law and put it in the side of the ark of the covenant of the lord your god that it may be there for a witness here's what the message says take this book of revelation and place it not in the chest but alongside the chest of the covenant of god which is of course the ark of the covenant and keep it there as a witness so this is what we would call a torah you know first five books and i i've never been to a celebration of a torah when a jewish congregation builds a church when they build a synagogue they bring it's called the dance of the book and when they bring their torah in to the congregation the rabbis have it and they're dancing with it and the people dance behind it it's a big deal and these torahs if you've ever seen them they're rolled up scrolls very very very expensive you can easily spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a real torah and uh um it's you know so you've got the ark and you've got the pot of manna and you've got the second set of tablets and you've got the rod of aaron but then it said alongside of the ark i want you to put this this one calls it the book of the law i really like this take this book of revelation um because because it's interesting that that that that it is called the book of revelation because it is the law of god revealed by moses and and so in second kings chapter 22 you have the story of this young boy eight years old his name is josiah who becomes the king of israel and we we it doesn't tell us how old he was but he was obviously a very young man and he he had a great desire to renovate the the the uh the church house and um uh it says this this is neat here's second kings 22 and verse 8 and hilkiah the high priest said unto shafam the scribe i have found the book of the law in the house of the lord and he'll gave it to schafen and he read it so it's pretty obvious that this scroll this book of the law or what the message calls the book of revelation it had been lost they still had the ark but they lost the book that went beside of it so its contents were forgotten and and its warnings they weren't heeded so here's second kings is the next chapter here's second kings 23 2-3 and the king this is josiah he went up into the house of the lord and all the men of judah and all the inhabitants of jerusalem with him and the priest and the prophets and all the people small and great and he read in their ears all the words of the book of the covenant which was found in the house of the lord and the king stood by a pillar and made a covenant before the lord to walk after the lord and to keep his commandments and his testimonies and his statutes with all their heart and all their soul to perform the words of this covenant that were written in this book and all the people stood to the covenant so um i guess i'm taking a little bit of license with the word here but i i think the principle is accurate i i i really think it's very possible that this book of the law in the old testament is a prophetic picture of the real book of revelation and just as in josiah's day i personally think the book of revelation has been lost to us and it's been locked away and there are just a few special guys that can interpret it and i i think we need to rediscover it i i think we've lost it in the house of the lord and we don't i don't preach from it very often i sure don't teach from it very often but uh uh i i it's pretty obvious that just as in those days keeping the commands of that book of revelation would safeguard you from very severe judgment so um it's very apparent when you study the ministry of jesus there were three people that he kept very close to him peter james and john and like moses uh john moses is credited with five books of the bible john wrote five books of the bible you have john and then you have first john second john third john and revelation and uh and just as the bible begins with the writings of moses it is really possible that they end chronologically with the writings of john because if history is is is accurate john outlived all of the other ten plus paul who was martyred so meaning it's very possible all five of his books were written after the others were gone and if that's the case then it would mean that the first five books of the bible were written by moses and the last five books of the bible were written by john and the early church was persecuted by the roman emperors and none of them were more despicable than a guy named domitian he burned christians alive if you want to if you've got a strong stomach you you you still very easy to get a hold of you need to buy a book called fox's book of martyrs and it will make it'll soberly impact you that's all i can say these people were thrown to lions they were wrapped in fresh animal skins and thrown to dogs that had been starved and those dogs just ripped them to pieces they were dipped in tar while they were alive placed on poles set on fire to basically light up the parties and the wild goings-ons that happened there they were crucified and they were boiled in oil and that's what doesn't say in the bible but history says john was boiled and unfortunately he wouldn't boil so if you can't boil him they banished him to what i would call the alcatraz of his day a place called patmos 60 miles south of ephesus and um patmos was about 10 miles long and six miles wide yeah it still exists of course it doesn't have any trees on it it's very rocky it's very barren and just like then today it's filled with snakes scorpions and lizards and these prisoners were forced to do hard labor in the mines where they cut blocks of marble and it's very obvious john's an old man now this is hard work for a young man it's who i can't imagine how hard it is for an old man like that he is cut off from all encouragement he he he has no support that we know of on that island and yet in the middle of this loneliness and in the middle of this suffering he receives this amazing insight and it's a powerful lesson uh to anyone that may be listening to me either in this room or by way of the internet that there i may be talking to somebody right now that's enduring their own personal patents and you feel like you're alone but maybe just maybe like john he is isolating you for a season in order to reveal his glory through you history says they tried to kill him again they weren't successful and as near as i can tell he became an embarrassment to the to the officers in charge and they released him i know that happened because in revelation 1 and 9 he said i john and then he said was on the isle of patmos i used to be there but i'm not now and and and this this i've heard people say revelations but it's not revelations it's revelation and and uh it's the apocalypse greek word is apocalypsus which means the unveiling and and when you put all of this together basically god is saying i want you to read and study this book and if you will i'll draw aside the veil and i'll open up the curtain and i'll reveal myself to you this is the only book in the bible that specifically says i'll give you a special blessing if you'll read it hear it and do what's written here and and this is one and three of revelation blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the words of this prophecy and keep those things which are written therein for the time is at hand this is this is a book obviously that was written to people who were suffering horrible persecution if you read the book of thessalonians especially second thessalonians it's it's a technical word episode gego the catching away these people were convinced they had missed the coming of the lord and paul was writing to them and said i know you're having hard times but you didn't miss his coming and and this is a book that was written to people that were suffering horrible persecution it was written by a man who was suffering persecution but that suffering obviously made it possible for him to receive this revelation and it's written to christians yet to come who will experience great distress above it all this is a book of hope and um because from the beginning of the book from the beginning of revelation this this is what it says but if you'll overcome seven different times it said if you'll overcome and i think that's that's really the whole message of this book that if his people will become victorious overcomers even in difficult times uh trust me this is not a difficult time you know is it is it a bother to wear a mask yes it is but it's a real bother to be under a respirator in a hospital for weeks that's real bother you know uh 911 change things i i haven't been on a plane for several months but every plane i've ever been on since then you know you go through security precautions that you never went through before that you i used to always enjoy sitting in the front seat and i could look up through the window and watch the pilot land it always amazed me how they don't just land like this they land like this if you've ever looked through the windshield of an airplane it's pretty scary to be honest with it and uh that's changed this thing that we're going now quite possibly is going to change some things that they they they may never go back to the way they were i don't know but please don't say that this is a difficult time it's uh it's uncomfortable but this is not persecution and and and and and this is what it says not only in the beginning of revelation here's the end of the book he that overcometh shall inherit all things i'll be his god you'll be my son so the challenge is obvious i don't care what we're dealing with it now let's get over it let's overcome it let's not let it defeat us and i i guess you could really call revelation a song of victory before the battle even begins and and and and i i got to be honest with you this is a book that's been fussed about and wrangled about for years there are a group of people they're technically known as a preterist they believe everything in this book is historical they believe everything in this book is about the roman empire and all the bulls and all the seals all that was judgment on the roman empire and the church is still alive and the roman empire is gone and see there where they believe it's all historical there's another group of people believe it's all in the future there's another group of people who believe it's just all pictures and it really doesn't have any real historical or practical application i personally am convinced there are keys to understanding this book i'm not going to ever promote myself as a guy that got it all figured out but i do believe that there are keys that i have and and that many of you have and if you don't i want to encourage you to get them because to me it's like coming to this great mansion and every room in this mansion is filled with great treasure the only problem is every room's locked and you're going to need a key to get into every one of them you can have the stuff once you get in there but you got to have the key to get in the room and and and i i think this book is like that so at the risk of frightening you i will remind you that you're going to have to have a working knowledge of the other 65 books in the bible you need to understand what the tabernacle of moses was do you do you know what that was you i i have taught you for years i sure hope at least you've got a a basic understanding of the feast of jehovah that's in leviticus 23. you uh you have to be a student of genesis i can't impress this upon you i believe genesis is a box of seeds they are undeveloped themes and and they are vines and threads that wind their way through the entire bible but they are given to us as seeds in genesis and they are developed as you read the word there there are 404 verses in the book of revelation but out of these 404 278 of them refer to something in the old testament there are 348 350 direct quotes from the old testament so it's going to be difficult to understand revelation without some kind of working knowledge of the old testament and there are books that are very prominent exodus is a prominent book ezekiel daniel jeremiah zechariah isaiah these these seven books it's a they're quoted again and again and again and so if you have a good understanding listen to me if you have a good understanding of genesis and revelation you have a really easy time with the other 64. books of the bible but the opposite is true if you don't have a good working understanding of the first book and the last some of them books in between are going to be hard to understand and i am convinced satan hates the word in any form but he really hates genesis and he really hates revelation and and and and one shows his beginning and just takes all the just reveals his aims and how much of a liar he is and the other shows his end and and and he he through it all it's trying to teach us that we have the ability to overcome him through the name of jesus and so i think that's why satan attacks genesis and the story of creation so much uh revelation is is just wow both of these books are by far the most attacked books in the bible but what we would call the learned scholars of today and and not just old testament scriptures but many of the teachings in revelation come from the four gospels the book of acts and the epistles for instance here's matthew 24 and verse 3. he said upon the mount of olives the disciples came unto him privately saying tell us when shall these things be and what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world and he's talked about wars pestilence earthquakes persecution tribulation his second coming all of this stuff is described in great detail in the last book so what a miracle 40 different writers writing over a period of 1500 years wrote 65 books and then john writing under the same inspiration of that author wrote the 66th book and used 350 quotes and types from the others and uh with no contradictions and the book unfolds as a harmonious whole and i really don't have time to develop this i wish we had time tonight but but you can study it on your own i'll just give you the seed truth of it the bible on many many occasions especially in proverbs talks about knowledge wisdom and understanding what is knowledge knowledge 44 times i found it in the book of proverbs knowledge is the accumulation of information it's the accumulation of facts it says in proverbs 24 and verse 5 a man of knowledge increases strength and um but i will tell you this there are a lot of educated derelicts sleeping under bridges just because people accumulate a lot of information in their lifetime it's not the end when i was a kid they used to have this uh this detective thing called dragnet and he said hello this is sergeant joe friday and he would always every time just the facts man just the facts well let me tell you something just the facts aren't enough if all you do is accumulate information and facts that's knowledge that's not wisdom wisdom is used 53 times in the book of proverbs it's when you apply that knowledge that you've accumulated wisdom eliminates stumbling in our lives and it's it's really about the way we live and and and to take knowledge that you have acquired and apply it to situations and challenges and opportunities that that that's wisdom but there is a third quality known as understanding 67 times in the book of proverbs the word understanding and this is not about the accumulation of information it's not about how how uh what's a word i'm looking for you know a guy can pretty much do anything just because you're handy what's uh what's red green say just because the women find you handsome don't mean they can't find your hand team and uh understanding is about discernment the bible talks about to try the spirits and and and you to be able to interpret this stuff correctly the bible said in proverbs 16 and 22 that understanding is a wellspring of life and this is the difference between knowing and quoting the bible and being able to understand what them scriptures are talking about i i i can't say they were a close friend but i knew her many years ago i'm not going to mention her name somewhere between the north pole and the south pole i knew a girl years ago who was national quiz champion not once but on multiple occasions and you just couldn't stump her she was absolutely brilliant when it comes to bible cuisine but when she graduated from high school and wasn't qualified or she was too old to be involved in bible quizzing uh she ended up getting pregnant and became an alcoholic and uh i don't know what happened to her after that she had a head full of the bible but it never got in her heart and and and and job said watch job said there is a spirit in man and the inspiration of the almighty gives them understanding here's the amplified it says there is a spirit of intelligence in man and the breath of the almighty gives understanding have you ever met an educated fool i have brilliant brilliant but don't have enough sense to floss their teeth you know just just crazy they know a lot of facts but they can't apply them can't keep a job don't know how to get along with people much less seeing the hidden meaning in things because knowledge is is the ability to see i guess i'll call it sight and wisdom is the ability to use that light to to to shine on your foresight but but but but knowledge is insight and and and what knowledge is a function of the body it's your brain wisdom is a function of the soul but understanding is a function of the spirit and that's why it's so powerful it's like luke 1 and verse 3 where he said i had perfect understanding from the beginning that's a powerful statement this is how you gain not just information but insight into that information i for instance i i'll give you a couple examples of this tonight i i have always wanted i was always one of these interrogative guys i i used to drive my pastor crazy because i always asked why why and and it just i i got i've got in a lot of trouble over the years asking why because a lot of times if you ask why you're branded as somebody with a bad spirit and i wasn't i just wanted to understand why are we doing this you've heard this story most of you have some of you haven't and so for those of you that haven't i'll tell it once again girl gets married going to cook a ham husband says are you going to cut the ham in half she goes no i wasn't but if you want me to cut it in half i'll cut why why do you want me to cut it out because my mother always cut the ham in half went to her mother-in-law and said mother why did you cut the ham in half she said because my mother always cut the ham in it so trying to be a good wife she goes to her husband's grandma says granny why did you cut the ham in half and she just laughed and said honey because i never had a pot big enough to hold a whole ham and and and and it's it's just purpose of our practice you know we've got to hand this thing off and and i i've been on the phone for hours since since i was here sunday i mean hours and i'm not saying it was a drudgery it was they were there was a lot of wonderful things that have already happened between now and sunday and i thank god for it but but but uh on on several occasions in the last three days i i've been trying to deal with pastors who are getting into a season when it's time to hang up their spurs and i've had calls from young men who want to do something for god and get frustrated because the old man won't let go of the steering wheel and uh and and trying to uh how do i say this my dad i thank you for sunday i i just i i i took all of your cards home and set my dad down and tried i i i just would after well give it to renee because i couldn't read it i just and he was worse and multiple times he just got up and ran and got the box of kleenex and pulled a bunch of them out of there magnificent cards i i it was i wish you could have been in my mom and dad's living room sunday evening when i read all those cards to him and precious it's precious a couple weeks ago my dad was saying you know i wish i could have done more for god and he's not able to come to church faithful like he always did and it's bothering him he can't see very well and he can't hear real good his memories starting to it's frail and he said he's just crying and he said i wish i could have done more for god and i said well i think you're underestimating what you did do daddy and he said oh i don't know here i said well do you know you got you just gave calvary tabernacle a brand new pastor do you know that and he said what i said do you know the bible school in indianapolis you just got him a brand new president and he said what are you talking about my dad mom went to a small town in illinois called clinton it was just we i i never want to talk negatively about my pastor my pastor and i hope i've conveyed this to you over the years i had a righteous pastor him and his wife they they were they were wonderful people they really were godly righteous people but my pastor he didn't pastor him they were just people that came to the church that i went to that were just reprobates i mean it reprobates and and i'd i'd you know i just came back from bible school and i had all the answers and and i just said brother porter you can't put up with these foolish and he said oh don't say that brother harold they have a soul and i said brother porter you can't save satan you can't redeem the devil these people are devils and and don't tell me people can't kill a preacher i saw them kill my pastor i i saw him do it and and he died of a broken heart it was a horror story but but my pastor was was was getting older and and i'm told my dad i said if you die today i'm not preaching your funeral you just taken for granted your preacher boy is going to preach your funeral and i'm telling you i'm not preaching your funeral and he said why i said because i will always believe you were supposed to do something else and he said well what do you think i ought to do i said get out of here now and he said well where am i going to go i said i know a group of people i had a boy a friend in bible school named david kudrin and he ended up pastoring a little church in illinois and i was traveling he invited me there to speak it was nice group of people and it wasn't a lot of them but there was a good group of people and it and and all of a sudden david went back to texas and and these people asked me to come there and speak and i did and and and just try to encourage them they needed a pastor i wasn't interested in pastoring there but i was just trying to encourage that group of people and so i told my dad i said i know a group of people that don't have a pastor if i could set it up would you go there and at least preach and he said okay so i called a man named bill carson in in illinois and i said brother carson do you still need a pastor yes sir we do i said would would you consider just allowing my father to come there and speak he's a good man and he's a good leader he's good with money i think he could help you and he said absolutely send him out here i told my dad that we went that sunday or he went i didn't go i was somewhere else he preached one time and if i remember my story right brother carson who was kind of the bell sheep of that church he said i make a motion that we suspend robert's rules of order and have a vote right now and someone seconded it they did it they voted it daddy got all the votes boom it was like tennis game set match done he was pastor boom one day he called me said you're never going to believe this i said you're the pastor huh i said yep i said well we got to go get rid of that house he said well let's go so we went back to where we lived and they said you're never going to sell that house daddy being daddy made his own sign got some paint out in the garage got an old license plate turned it around backwards said for sale by owner drove it in the front yard before he could get in the house the neighbor mr sims walked across the road and said i'd like to buy your house harry and he said well i don't even know how much i'm gonna sell for he said i don't care i know you'll be fair i know it'll be a good deal it's a good house i'd like to buy your house for my sister so my dad said you know how much should we sell it for i said well how about 25 000. he said that sounds fair to me we went to richard sims he said 25 sounds good to me i have the money for you tomorrow bam house sold we got up a brighter truck loaded him up and in one week he became pastor we sold the house and he was in illinois boom and they're they're they're the carson's were dominant family there in that church but they had a brother named john he had a wife and and and and they uh they daddy mommy loved on them and just just just encouraged them they started being faithful to church came back around the older god renewed them and all of a sudden she said i'm i'm gonna have a baby and had this little toe-headed boy they called him joshua and just a special little kid man i could tell you great stories but i don't have time but that kid married the granddaughter of sister sternerman and he became our national youth president and was the over over the largest gathering of young people in the history of the united pentecostal church that last youth congress it was in excess of forty thousand i i know i'm not gonna it was more than that but it's an amazing meeting and so brother mooney it was time for him to retire sister mooney was very very sick and she you know she died just a couple weeks ago brother mooney retired and the my friend brother mitchell became the superintendent of indiana and according to the bylaws of the church when the man was when the pastor resigned superintendent becomes the pastor so my friend dan mitchell became the pastor of calvary tabernacle for a couple weeks and he took the board and they he said that's what i want you to do i want you to go fast for at least a week come back together they fasted for 10 days all eight of them went away fasted for 10 days came back and to a man they had a silent they put it in a box every one of them came back said we want josh carson to be our pastor and that that little boy that my mom and dad loved on back then is now the pastor of calvary tabernacle in indianapolis and the president of the bible school and i told my dad i said they wouldn't have had a pastor if you and mother hadn't gone to illinois i wouldn't have and he said oh i didn't know that you just you never know you know and so i i i i guess i'm going a long way home to tell you this story because you know vince lombardi who was the coach of the green bay packers for many years he had a saying it's my way or the highway and that's how men use the pastor i'm the boss you're the applesauce if i say it you do it or else and you don't ask why so here comes harold along asking why and i got in bunches of trouble i got in trouble two days ago for asking why and i i'm still gonna keep asking it because it's a really nice question why are we doing this why do we dress modest why do we have this stance on hair why do we have the stance on gender distinction why do we believe in divine healing why do we believe in corporate worship why are we doing this to too many people we're just cutting the ham in half because somebody else did it that's not a good enough reason i want to know why are we doing this why is there a reason or is it just tradition now all tradition isn't bad there's no place in the bible that says brush your teeth every day i highly recommend it no place in the bible said wear deodorant i highly recommend it you know it's a tradition all traditions aren't of the devil there are some things we do they're good but i i'm not going to tell you they're going to get you into heaven and so you you you need understanding why are we doing this you just can't come to church and go you know and then go out and live like the devil you know that's no understanding you know just replicating just being whatever it is you're surrounded by you can't do that way and so for instance ah one of the great controversies in the word is father son holy spirit i i i the problem comes when these things are not approached through the aspect of knowledge and insight um you gotta have revelation to be able to see that i i tell all people all the time i'm a trinitarian you are yeah i believe in three but three what i don't believe there's three separate persons but i believe that one god can do these three things he can do much more than that but but i believe that god created the world i believe that same god took on flesh and redeemed us with his blood i believe that same god lives in us christ in you the hope of glory i i i see that that's as plain to me as can be that that he was our creator he took on flesh became our redeemer now that same god lives in us and gives us power to be an overcomer and look at the word okay oh man there's i'll never finish this in six weeks i'm just telling you right now but let's take the word weak okay the word w-e-e-k it's used many times in the bible the the hebrew word is shabu-ah it means seven but it doesn't always mean seven days it just means seven and there's lots of weeks in the bible and and uh let me let me give you a principle here's ii peter 3 and 8 but beloved be not ignorant of this one thing that one day is with the lord as a thousand years and a thousand years is one day it said seven times in the bible said don't be ignorant and this is a big deal here this is not a suggestion it's a command i want you to understand something about my day that to me a thousand years can be as a day and a day can be it's a thousand years it's a quote from psalms 90 and verse 4. this is what it says for a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it's past i i can show you in the bible there's something called the day of pentecost there's something called the day of atonement the bible talks about the day of salvation a day of judgment there's a day of his return consider this if you will just just consider this okay to some i'm a heretic when i talk about it but just consider it all right in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth i personally find it hard to believe that god created something incomplete and imperfect so now watch verse 2 and the earth was without form and void and darkness upon the face of the deep something i think something dramatic happened between one and two between one and one and one in between the first verse in the bible and i think it's highly possible something spoiled it and here's why this is isaiah 45 and verse 18. for thus saith the lord that created the heavens god himself that formed the earth and made it he hath established it he created it not in vain he formed it to be inhabited i am the lord and there's none else listen to the amplified for thus says the lord who created the heavens god himself who formed the earth and made it who established it and did not create it to be a worthless waste but it says in verse 2 there was waste and there was darkness absolutely not and i'll tell you why this is first john 1 and 5. this then is the message which we have heard of him and declare unto you that god is light and in him is no darkness at all when god makes something there's no darkness in it so i think it's more than possible that this is when satan was cast down this is what it says in jeremiah 4 i beheld the earth and lo it was without form and void and the heavens and they had no light i beheld the mountains and lo they trembled and hills moved lightly i beheld and there was no man and all the birds of the heavens were fled i beheld and lo the fruitful place was a wilderness cities were broken down thus saith the lord the whole land shall be desolate there i found something very interesting in the hebrew language and again just consider it okay this is not a point of salvation just something to think about in john in genesis 1 and 2 it said and the earth was the earth was without form and void that's a hebrew word which the best way i could translate it into english is hate h-a-y-t if i phonetically spelled it i found something fascinating this week that i never saw the same word that is translated was in genesis 1 and 2 is the very same word in genesis 2 and 7 it says and man became a living soul it is possible to say that just as man became a living soul the earth became without form and void and there was darkness i'm saying to you that it is very possible that the creation story that we read in genesis 2 through 31 is not necessarily a creation story but it's a re-creation story and it's a possible explanation for the old argument about where did dinosaurs come from it is very possible that man is relatively young but this earth is very old and and it's possible that the first creation was destroyed by the falling of lucifer look look think of this just again i'm talking about knowledge revelation insight look at the first 2000 years from adam to abraham when god was a father to many nations and he as a father made all these covenants with men then look at the second 2000 years which begins with abraham offering a son and it ends with the offering of another son and just as abraham offered his son and hebrew said from whence he received him in a figure in other words that first son was saved by a substitutionary sacrifice then that last sun saved our lives by becoming our substitution on the cross now look at the third season of 2000 years it begins with the outpouring of the spirit and it ends with a harvest that said the glory of the latter house shall be greater than that of the former do you see what i'm trying to show you that the first two thousand years he was a father and the second he was a substitutionary son and the third was about the ministry of his spirit because the bible said there are three witnesses in the earth water blood spirit god in that early 2000 study 2000 the first two thousand years you study it starts with the waters coming out of eden and you've got the the flood waters then study the next 2 000 years and just find out how important blood and sacrifice was and then study the next 2000 years and see how important the baptism of the spirit was that it's there water blood spirit okay watch hebrews 6 and 1. get get the knowledge here therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of christ let us go on to perfection not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward god watch and of the doctrine of baptisms plural not singular and the laying on of hands resurrection of the dead eternal judgment it's not saying forget those things it's saying have those things established in your life and now go on to something else you shouldn't have to lay faith's foundation again shouldn't have to teach you about laying on of hands again so there's this those things should be established those questions should be settled now let's go on to something deeper but one of the things that says here is we should understand the doctrine of baptisms i look at the earth the earth in the word is going to have three global baptisms the first baptism was the flood of noah a flood of water that covered the earth the second baptism is the day of pentecost now god is on thy present but i taught you there is the omni presence of god and there's the manifest presence of god it's not the same but on the day of pentecost it wasn't just his presence it was the manifestation of his presence around the world okay so the second global baptism is spirit but when you read the book of peter and prophecy it said this world is going to be renovated by fire so you've got three baptisms you've got water you've got spirit you've got fire i'll show you why that's powerful here's matthew 20. i think it's matthew 20 and 20. talk about 2020 blindness here's 20 20 blindness this is not perfect vision is a blindness the mother of zebedee you know this this this james and john mom comes to jesus and this is what it says in verse 20 worshiping him hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah how are you oh by the way worshiping him desiring of him a certain thing i see people do that all the time hallelujah hallelujah hello oh by the way i got my list here somewhere before i leave could you take care of these nine things you know she says when you get into power would you make sure john sits on the right and james sits on the left so can you imagine how the other other other apostles felt are you kidding me doc you sent mom to the boss really and she's not batting her eye dude she's she's she's she's she's tron she's she's bartering for her boys i want one of my boy in your right hand i want one of your ones now your other healings you can stand anywhere you want but my boys are going to be right and left so what does jesus ask her he said are they able to be baptized with the baptism that i am baptized with you know what she said oh of course well let me explain to you what it says in the book of corinthians it says for other foundation can no man lay then that is laid which is christ jesus now if any man build upon this foundation gold silver precious stones would hay stubble every man's work shall be made manifest for the day shall declare it because it shall be revealed by fire and the fire shall try every man's works of what sort it is if any man's works abide which he hath built thereupon he shall receive a reward if any man's work shall be burned he shall suffer loss but he himself shall be saved yet so is by fire did you get the knowledge did you get the revelation you just aren't always going to come to church and your goosebump machine is going to be working great and you're going to [Music] there's a baptism of water there's a baptism of spirit and there's a baptism of fire are we able to be baptized with the baptism that he is baptized with i was going to preach it sunday but god will give me something else everything that can be shaken will be shaken in order that that which cannot be shaken may remain listen to me very carefully if there's anything that can be shaken in your life it's gonna shake right now this is this this is going to sift it out right here in other words if you can get bitter you're going to get bitter now if you're going to get carnal you're going to get carnal now if you're going to get a bad attitude you're going to get it now because everything that possibly can shake is going to shake so you got to make sure it's tightened down really hard right now and you've got to make sure you're on the rock that's not going to shake and rattle and roll all right remember elvis number 37 said to number three you're the cutest jail bird i ever did see come on and do the jailhouse rock with me let's rock listen folks the real jailhouse rock was in acts 16 when peter and that or paul and silas began to sing whole place shook i love this everybody's doors were opened not just pawn silence every crook every con every thief every every door got open guess what nobody left why because if you've ever been around an earthquake i've been in three earthquakes in my life now it never happened in the building i was in but it happened in several buildings around me let me tell you what what's the first thing that goes in an earthquake the roof roof comes down walls come in guess what earthquake everything's shaking except nothing falls in this is what i think is going on i think them crooks and cons had enough sense to see i think i'll take my chances with the preachers because i ought to be dead right now and this whole house is still standing and so it teaches us something there are two kinds of people in prison there you've got bound people who don't know the lord and you have bound people who do know the lord when the bound people who do know the lord get free then the bound people who don't know god get free it's not their job to get loose we're the people that claim to know them we gotta get free turn that recording off i'm going to tell you something
Channel: First Church Sterling Heights
Views: 651
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: KKeAP088w1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 39sec (5859 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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