Harold Hoffman - Tarry Ye Until | Church ONLINE

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bringing her things [Music] Oh [Music] cuz gray smear of my story [Music] there is a new name written down in glory and it's mine it's mine we all have a story to tell see here a first church we have a core value that simply states that prayer is our anchor and according to Robertson chapter 18 there is power in the spoken words there is life and death in the power of the tongue so if you are breathing you still can cast life or you can cast death and this is a moment where we take and we pray over different needs in our church families there'll be some needs behind me and I want you to know that you have the ability to believe that God is fighting on your behalf to answer those prayers to answer those issues of life that you deal with and so I believe that right now as a church family why don't we pray over those that are in need that you know of personally I know right now we have chain born that is in the hospital it's been two weeks but I watch me climb in the name pray for doctors the chief is here with us and his medical staffs are working on chair right now that God will continue to use him and give him wisdom there are knees behind me let's pray right now but Emily said God is going to work now Lord for you [Music] tori is not done [Music] right now I'm a sketchy we are right now Jesus lad begun in Jesus name why are you clapping thank you right now for working Jesus name hallelujah thank you lord Thank You Lauren why don't you make your way back to your seat so you can be seated just for a few minutes but on behalf of First Church I would like to thank every guest that is in the building for being here so first Church why don't we give it up and thank everybody just and for our online audience we are so grateful that you have joined us this morning and it has been an incredible time of worship and we're thankful that you are all worshiping with us online and we're just thankful for the tools that we have that we are able to do that this morning and I'll tell you it's been a few weeks since we've seen each other and I'm sure everyone here in this room and those of you right now that are joining us online hasn't it been great that we are still able to meet and hear from this incredible team our senior pastor Harold Hoffman just been great but there's nothing like seeing y'all in person so it's just been a great great morning but this week is the fifth week of life group so let me hear you say life groups life groups are typically a place where we would meet outside of these four walls where we would grow spiritually and relationally together we're not able to do that now so we are doing those online so if you have not joined a life group you're still able to do that we have a few that are open so you can just get onto our website first Church Sterling Heights calm and you can still join a life group so please I promise you they have been a lot of fun online it's been a ton of fun so I've enjoyed it so please go ahead and join a life group today and also if you're here as a guest and maybe you're wondering if first church is for you or what this is all about and maybe you're online watching us and you're trying to figure out have been following these guys for the last few weeks and and I'd like to know a little bit more or maybe you've been here for 20 years and you're saying hey I feel God's leading me somewhere else in ministry how else can i plug in so we have something called growth track that's just a vehicle we use for you to find your gifting and where you can fit in not just the first church but in the kingdom of God how can you impact somebody around you and so girls tract happens the first two weeks of every month the first two Sundays and it happens right after the third worship song so as soon as Pastor trailin is done leaning in worship and as pastor Hoffman is coming up you can exit right outside of these doors to my right your left there'll be a sign of growth track sign go right in there and Pastor John and Josh blasek and incredible team they're able to help you navigate through them through some things and and see what First Church is about and where you plug in so that is an incredible incredible time here for a search we have another core value that simply states we live modestly to give radically and I am thankful for everyone here in this building and online that is partnered with us financially because listen you have made a difference in this churches family you have made a difference in this community and you are making a difference globally so thank you so much for everything that you guys are doing many of you don't know but as of last couple weeks we were able to partner with our missionaries in Brazil the Coopers and they are incredible leaders they are over a orphanage that is in their part of Brazil by some Paulo as well as they have several church plates that they are overseeing and because of what you have done financially we as a church family have been able to travel over to Brazil financially and you're making a difference in thousands of children's lives and what is going on in those church plants so thank you again for his church for taking part of the vision that Pastor Hoffman has put in front of us and that is for us not to just be a local church but a global church and I am so incredible but before we return our tithes and offerings I just wanted to lay out the expectation what the service will look like for you just in a few more moments our worship pastor trailing young in this incredible team let's give it up for this team all my time they're gonna lead us in two more songs one of which is written by our very own worship pastor Jerry Leon and Kelsey young that's exciting and then we have another credible song after that and once we're done worshipping in song our senior pastor Harold Hoffman will be leading us it's just an incredible word that God has given them and I believe it's going to change us it'll encourage us and it will charge us and what we should be doing as a child of God so I am excited and once that is once pastor comes to a close we will have a time of Prayer and if you would like us our team to pray with you we will have our prayer staff come up to the front pastor will guide that and we'll have masks on we will disinfect our hands after every person we've prayed for and we will help anything that you need we will pray over that and if you're not comfortable pass Roly to prayer right there where you're sitting and he'll be able to touch God on your behalf right there at your seats so I am excited for that and so this is a portion of our service we talked about it just a few seconds ago where we return our tithes and offerings it looks a little different right it says climate I'm sure everybody wants to put their hand in the bag with everybody's money in there so what we're doing is we're gonna have our Usher's better coming up they're gonna put an offering box on either side of meat on this platform and we're gonna play a simple prayer over that and then we're gonna just return that as our team play something in the backgrounds and I believe God's going to take our efforts financially and he's going to keep extending those abroad and I believe God's gonna have something incredible for us and while we are returning we're gonna put a graphic behind me it simply states or it'll show you different ways that you can partner with us financially if you're not comfortable giving in person that's fine you can given the kiosk in our library in our lobby as well as you're able to do it online and so there'll be a graphic that will be displayed with the 2-minute counter and then at that time while you're returned your tithes and offerings go ahead and find somebody that you haven't seen maybe haven't seen it a long time and go ahead and wave it to him or you can air high-five we're asking that you don't contact anybody just refrain from that if you can but go ahead and just find someone you'll have two minutes to do that and out and I believe it's just going to be a great time of connection why don't we stand and pray right now and then we'll throw that graphic up in that two minute counter Lord I am so grateful for the privilege that we have this morning gathering together in this building and online I'm asking Lord that you would continue to touch us as we return these tithes and offerings that you'll continue to bless us financially and Lord I'm asking that you would pour a blessing over those that have made their way into this house more a blessing over those that are watching online right now God that in their living rooms that they can feel and transfer the faith that we feel in this room the energy that's in here God that way it would be able to transfer over the Internet and reach into their homes into their lives it's us as a team that are gathered here God and we believe that you're going to do that and the name of Jesus we pray amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] five four three two Wow oh and we're back we're back we're back we're bad hey so here's the thing is we kind of want to turn this into like a big choir rehearsal is that okay so yeah there we go I got like ten people so I want to teach you guys this song and I want you to sing with us whenever we get to the parts okay it goes like this [Music] see [Music] can you you're making [Music] okay I gotta say something really quickly okay just real fast all right so this is the 11:30 service right so that means that we had a 9:15 service and and I just want you guys know that like they were like way louder than you guys [Music] so here's thing and there's more people in here than it was for that service so what I said to them I'm gonna say the same thing to us because we're trying to that we're doing - we're doing one service two times okay and that one wasn't better than this one this wasn't it better than that one okay so that was really cool if like we like this was like our hundred and third service back after kovat 19 but this is our first service back and so this thing is bring up with the words up and we're gonna try that just like one more time and it's gonna it's gonna be a hard times better because we're really gonna try this time [Music] [Music] you're making me new [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I've been changed mine anybody been changed by him in the building I'm free and you're smearing yeah [Music] [Music] you call me away I walk on streets Oh God [Music] of every angel strain [Music] can we sing that just one more time I will leave me hot number six I am running to the real craze all know who needs that today with my cuz I'm chasing em change [Music] you're making oh Jesus it's you [Music] [Music] can we just drop off [Music] here we sing in church [Music] [Music] [Music] single [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] great praise Allah praise the Lord praise the Lord what a privilege to be in the house of the Lord today you know we take this thing for granted for a long time but I think that's one thing that'll come out of this whole episode I don't ever want to take coming to church for granted ever again boy what I'm so grateful to be here and to be with you you could be seated you've been standing for quite a while I don't know where to begin it's impossible to thank everybody I know I'll miss people but wow we wouldn't have really been able to do anything if it wouldn't have been for the media and the creative teams they have been absolutely exceptional and so and Tyrone and Colin and Matthew and on and all this J was Mike net on Steve net oh brother Jeremiah and all the different people that have come on Wednesdays and Saturdays Sundays all the we were able i-i've we've had wonderful comments on our efforts with our online services we we had repeated churches across the country call us and literally just duplicated and took our services and our messages and played that for their church they we did it there and so it was it was a great compliment and it was just done so well and I'm so thankful that the effort that was made to teach the children it was man kids parents calling us saying our kids can't wait for this to come on and so I think brother and sister Mize and all the people that have worked with them for the children Bianca and Kento that have done an exceptional job for our young people it's just on and on it's just really been special really really been special and we're dedicating this service today to the people that want to be here but can't and I want brother J born right now to know that I love you and standing by in prayer I know somewhere in this room is brother city it's Bible to have a doctor with you folks I'm just telling this that book of Acts wouldn't have even been written without a doctor so we are so blessed to have a physician in the house and I want to tell him on the behalf of Tracy and Jay you have done an amazing job and the attention and the kindness and I love you man and you you you've made me proud just made us all proud thank you thank you for everything good dedicate this to sister Sexton who wants to be here today but can't we especially dedicate this service to our Canadian Saints brother Leonard sister Aileen Perry Chris at Sasa their family Lois a man and we've got Nathan and Carissa and their family and you get and her daughter and on and on they can't diandra they can't get across the border but they'll be here soon so they've it's just so keep them in your prayer texting them calling them a man keep them encouraged that's a tough deal that's going on right now but we're we're getting through this and so many times in the Bible says it came to pass and that's what's gonna happen with this it'll it will pass we will get through this and so we're grateful I'm reading one verse of scripture to you it's found in Luke chapter 24 and verse 49 and also for my daddy who would love to be here today right now and so we're grateful these amazing faithful people yeah let's stand I just an honor to the word of the Lord to all of our guests that are here thank you had guests at the nine o'clock service we've got new guests here today we're so grateful that you're here this is a new venture for us and so we're doing our best to get it right but thank you this service gives me a little more latitude than the first one but we had a great service at 9:00 thank you for being here and coming at 11:00 for 24:49 of luke says and behold oh did I tell you that Sarah uncle Oh was the Victorian of her class I mean I'm not talking dead kids here this was a huge class and she was number one and so baby doll that that's a great accomplishment we're very proud of you she was and behold I send the promise of my father upon you but tarry he in the city of Jerusalem until you be endued with power from on high and I'm just gonna take three words tarry ye until all right if you have a good attitude you can sit down amen it's not the what that is so important in in the kingdom the difference is how we do what we do there are seven churches that are addressed in Revelation 2 and 3 I'm reading to you from Revelation chapter 2 and verse 2 this is what John said to one of those churches I know thy works and thy labour these are hardworking people and thy patience and how you cannot bear them which are evil so they won't tolerate things that aren't right how you have tried them which say they are apostles and are not and found them liars so they won't have been sensitive enough at the spirit and be able to figure out who's telling the truth and who isn't you have born which means they have carried not just things but people and has patience for my name's sake you have labored and you have not fainted this is a great compliment these people have worked hard patience wouldn't put up with things that were false carried lifted did burdens all this for the name of the Lord and they never gave up they haven't fainted but the next verse says nevertheless I have somewhat against thee because you have left your first love so it wasn't what they were doing it was how they were doing it their efforts and their actions were excellent but the spirit of the thing was all wrong they had left their first love of God I want you to understand that there is a difference between praying and praying I so many times in our Monday night prayer meeting and we will come again tomorrow night to pray and we invite you to come a lot of people have asked about that it'll be so good to pray together again but I've told you repeatedly in those prayer meetings the best way I know how to pray is pray and you just get down there and you start working it out and you hang out with people that have been praying for longer than you have and you know of a major league baseball pitcher he he's got usually three pitches if he's going to be in the big leagues what they call the show usually they have a fastball usually 94 miles an hour or faster they've got a curveball they've got another thing they call a slider sometimes a changeup they've used it got to have at least three really good pitches to be a major league baseball player pitcher rather Satan has three really good pitches the scripture talks about there there are three things the lust of the flesh the lust of the eye the pride of life those are Satan's three pitches when you go back to Genesis and you see the way he dealt with Eve what's the first thing it says she saw that it was good for food so it appealed to her flesh and then it says it was pleasant to the eyes so it appeals to her visually the third thing is that it was it would make you smarter and who wants to be dumb you know it's it appeals to the pride factor and of course she struck out and bought into the lie now people blame Eve but if you read the book of Romans it says for by one man sin entered into the world not by one woman because you've got a family unit here and Adam buys into the lie if you read the New Testament it said the woman was deceived but the man wasn't because Adam was given dominion over the earth and when he buys into the deception he's going into it with his eyes wide open and that's why when you have a family unit the responsibility to lead that family spiritually is on the man and a woman can do it and does when a man drops the ball and the Bible said he'd be a father to the fatherless but it's better if you can have a man leaving the home spiritually that's God's design that's the way it was supposed to be he swings at all three pitches and strikes out when you go to the Book of Luke chapter 4 when Satan tempted Jesus right after he was baptized by John the Baptist look at what he did with Jesus he mirrors the same thing he did with Eve because Jesus has been fasting for 40 days so what's the first thing that Satan does it's the lust of the flesh he said turn these stones into bread Jesus won't do that man not live by bread alone but every word and then it said he he showed him all the kingdoms of the world he showed it to him and he said you can have this if you'll fall down and worship Me and so it appeals to him visually the lust of the eyes and then he said jump off the top of this building here and you know and I know you're gonna float to the ground just like you got a hang glider in the back here Becca's you're not even gonna stub your toe and who wouldn't like to be around a crowd of fawning fans saying how did you do that but Jesus wouldn't wouldn't take the bait and basically hit all three pitches over deep centerfield and that's it's it's it's similar to a scripture in the book of Timothy where Paul said I would that prayers would be made for all men and supplications and intercessions and if you've been in our online prayer meetings and many of you have we've had people from all over the country and other places that have that have been and audited our prayer meetings I tried to show you that because the very next verse said that that ought to be made for kings and people in authority so that's why in our prayer meetings we've been praying for our secular leaders our government leaders and our spiritual leaders as well but it's important to me that said that there's prayers and there's supplication and there's intercession it's not the same it's different stuff the Bible talks about Thanksgiving praise and worship a lot of people think it's the same thing I don't think it is I I I think that the Bible said you enter into gates with Thanksgiving number one then you go into courts with praise but if you know your Old Testament it's not the outer court that the ultimate destination it's the Holy of Holies that's what we're trying to get to three different kinds of light in the tabernacle Moses you got man-made light on the outside or God's light you know the Sun is on the outside and then you've got the man-made stuff with the candlestick that's there the second level and then you get in the third level and you've got something called Shekinah which is a divine manifestation that was on the on the mercy seat this it's an amazing study when you get into this kind of stuff and what I'm trying to show you is that I think I think if if you're going to be serious about serving the Lord you've got to you've got to be better than just saying thanks you know thank you for this food that we're about to eat let it be nourishment to the strength of our body now I lay me down to sleep park my car in the street hope nobody rips it off while I'm you know just it's just it's just it's just etiquette when somebody does something for you that you thank them we ought to be very good and we are a thanking God thanking him for his word and when you think of it every everything everything is the Lord's it's his word it's his spirit it's his blood it's his name it's his church his body everything there's only one thing God can compliment us on you know what that is faithfulness well done thou good and faithful servant because everything else is his it's not my church I'm not preaching my word it's it's his and so I I think we ought to know how to thank God but there's a there the Bible talks about symbols and high sounding symbols not the same thing I think there's a higher level of Thanksgiving called praise when you're magnifying and exalting him for what he's done but then there's a higher level called worship worship is not based on what he's done for us it is based on who he is you see it was the identity of Jesus that got him in trouble one time he said which of my good work which of these miracles are you going to stone me for are you gonna snow me because I opened up the blind man's eyes or or or healed the leper which which of my and they said we're not stoning you for any of your good works we're stoning you because you're a man and you claim that you're God it was this identity that always gave them a problem and if we're going to be serious about serving the Lord you've got to give surely you you ought to be thankful for his air that's in your lungs and his sanity that's in your mind and his strength that's in your body that's just anacott to say thank you Lord to be alive but there are other things to be thankful for to thank him for his word thank you for a spirit thank him for the church the body of Christ on and on there are so many things to be thankful for but then there's a higher level than that where it's not based on what if you listen to a lot of our songs and you listen to our testimonies and a lot about what we talk about it's all about many times what Jesus has done for us there's got to be a higher level of serving God to where you understand I'm magnifying him because of who he is not because of what he's done for me it's the same way in prayer you got to be better at it because you see there's praying and then there's praying because the Bible said the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails or it matters and and and and we're not talking now I lay me down to sleep here we're talking about intensity we're talking about fervent to where you will we're making war on the floor this the board supplication means strong crying and tears there's a Ministry of Tears in the Bible Jesus was a man of tears all the Apostles they were men of tears I I read years ago about a study that the University of Michigan conducted and they gathered tears from people at various ventures in their life there were people that were angry and their eyes would tear up and they collected those tears of anger and rage there were tears of joy and happiness and people they collected those tears and then there were tears prayed at repentance and reconciliation and to their astonishment they found that the tears of the chemical makeup of tears of reconciliation and repentance were totally different than tears of joy and tears of anger there were toxins that were released out of your body when you repent it's it's biblical it's right to pray and to cry and to pour yourself out before the Lord you you we need to know how to offer supplications we need to know how to offer intercession to where you're not praying for what you want you're praying for what God wants that that's a whole different level of Prayer we if we're going to be big league ballplayers we got to have more than one pitch we've got to have more than one prayer we've got to have more than one praise because there's praying and then there's Fran and it's it's not it's not the same thing because he said Terry now I looked up Terry and brother Webster's book this week and I found out there were three definitions first definition Terry means wait second definition Terry means to delay or to be tardy in waiting it was the third definition that intrigued me he said it means to wait with expectation Jesus said I want you to go and tarry until you get the power I want you to go there and I want you stay I want you to be like a pit bull with a hambone I want you to grab on that thing and nobody's gonna get it out of your jaws the Bible says cleave under the Lord and the word cleave in a and and they and the original language means like the talents on a wild bird just to sink them claws like Jacob with that angel where he hung on he said I am not letting go until you bless me I'm gonna stay until this is what Jesus was talking about because there's Terry and there's Terry it doesn't mean you just go there and wait and just waiting for the Holy Spirit to come there that's not what went on here I found the story in the Book of Luke about the birth of Jesus Christ and how they went there to pay their taxes and then they had to go back to Jerusalem and offer an offering it's found in the Book of Leviticus it was Birds they were there there where he was either turtle doves or pigeons it was a peace offering because according to the scripture in the Old Testament everything that opened the matrix of the womb the firstborn that came out of the womb of a woman or an animal didn't matter it always belonged to the Lord and this of course was Mary's first birth first baby and she goes to the house of the Lord with her offering and there were two amazing people that are there the Bible talks about this this this amazing old man by the name of Simeon and and and let me read you what it says about him it said the same man was just and devout waiting for the consolation of Israel the Holy Ghost was upon him and it was revealed unto him that he should not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ and when this young mother and this little baby and her husband walk into the house of God with their offering a piece thanking God for this newborn this firstborn that's come out of her womb this old gentleman grabs that little boy away from that mother and he said I'm ready to be delivered because I have seen the consolation of Israel God promised me that I would not die until I saw a messiah and as soon as that old man got done there's an old lady by the name of anda a very I've never anybody preached about Ana but I'm reading to you from Luke chapter 2 and verse 36 and there was one Anna a prophetess the daughter of Phanuel the trial of a seer she was of great age had lived in husband lived with a husband seven years from her virginity she was a widow of about four score and four years which to watch she departed not from the temple but served God with fastings and prayers night and day and she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise under the Lord and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem so here's this young mother with a little baby in her arms and she's already had some divine experiences angels another but this is a whole different league that old man scoops up that little baby and said I'm ready to die now because God promised me promise me I wouldn't die until I saw this happen am i preaching to anybody here today that you and your heart believe God has promised you something that you're gonna see it before you die I have I'll just be honest with you I am and I'm not gonna die until I see that happen look at look at this woman this woman is amazing it says that she'd been married for seven years and then her husband died and then she's been a widow for eighty-four years so if you add 84 years after her husband died with the seven years she lived with him about that night not now you're at 91 I'm a hillbilly boy I had been in the hills of West Virginia girls got married at 16 usually in that culture it was 18 but you do the math and you add a 16 year old girl 2 2 2 2 to 91 and you you realize and this girl this one's got to be a hundred and five years old if she got married when she was 18 she's 107 years old it just says she was upgrade age but this is the thing once that husband died she went to the house of God and you talk about Carrie I'll tell how she tarried she fasted and she prayed fasted and prayed fasted and prayed and when that baby came in squirming in that mother's arms she knew exactly she knew exactly that is what will happen to you if you're full of the Holy Ghost it may look like nothing to anybody else but you'll know in a heartbeat that's exactly what I've been looking for right there nobody else may pick it up but you'll know right away there it is there it is there it is because it's one thing to carry it's it's a cheetah but there's a touch of the Bible and then there's a touch in the Book of Luke he's in a crowd the Bible said the press was heavy we're not talking about seeing in here and NBC nah no it's not about a crowd and all of a sudden this woman grabs the hem of His garment and instantly she's been bleeding and hemorrhaging for most of her life all of a said instantly hurr hurr hurr hurr hemorrhage is over it was an embarrassing thing for a woman she could never go the house of God with that type of discharge but instantly when she touches do you know there's a scripture in the book of Malachi that says the Sun of righteousness would rise with healing in his wings and the Hebrew word for wing is knopf which translated in the English means the edges or the borders of the garment which means that on 400 years before Jesus ever showed up a man by the name of Ballack I said this is one of the ways you're gonna know who the Messiah is there will be healing power in the border of His garment and when that woman touched the hem of His garment instantly she was healed and she slides her hand back into the crowd rejoicing in her heart and all of a sudden Jesus stopped and he said who touched me and the disciple said come on Jesus there's hundreds of people around here what do you mean who touched me and he said you don't understand these other people just casually glanced off of me and bounced off of me but no no no this is not just a touch this is a touch that woman syphon verse you out of me something just so here's my challenge to you what are you gonna be how you gonna pray is that now I lay me down to sleep are we gonna get better at supplication are we gonna get better at intercession how do whatever what about that touch it's one thing just to go Ali Helia it's another thing to reach up to reach up the Bible said his train would fill the temple and that's in Isaiah 60 you understand we're talking trains here we're not talking about Baltimore and Ohio the Union Pacific we're not talking about railroads we're talking about a woman the Train on a wedding dress you see if we magnify God the Bible says his train would fill the temple so that means anybody in the house of God ought to be able to lift up their hand and touch the border of the garment because it's it's available in the house of the Lord but that doesn't happen with casual lazy lifting of hands that happens with people that know how to touch him but not a touch do you know how to touch Jesus do you know how to touch God Jesus name Jesus thing it's not what we do it's how we do it because there's more evidence to the spirit than just talking in tongues I can read it to you in acts I could read it to you in Joel it said old men are gonna dream dreams and young men are gonna see visions there's a lady sitting right here in the front row wild woman by the name of Carrie VandeWater been dreaming ever since she got the Holy Ghost and could come to me again and again pester you never believe what just happened to me had there be seen to it she wouldn't ever say anything about said too much class to do that but there were people around me to say how long you gonna keep putting up with them stupid dreams that Carrie and I just look at them and say you poured them ignorant piece of boneheaded you don't get it don't you realize dreams is evidence of the Holy Ghost don't you realize that when you're full of the Holy Ghost God will give you dreams I want to ask you when's the last time you had a dream I'm not talking about that one you know I'm talking about that one where you wake up with tears running down on your face will you wake up and you can't wait to find out whose piece of paper and a pen to write that down that you don't wait set inspiration because you know the Holy Ghost we're just talkin to you this biotope for do more in speaking tongues hold it on a dream dreams young men on a sea visions I just had my 63rd birthday it's my job as an elderly minister to do it in my own life and to inspire other elderly ministers when your memories become more important than your dreams you're getting old and it's time to hang up your Spurs and let somebody else lead the thing but if you still have dreams that you want to see God see believe he's gonna make it happen that you're not gonna die until you see that they occur then then then fine stay in the saddle but I want you to understand something while I am trying in my own life and in other senior ministers to try and encourage them to keep on dreaming I do not ever want to squelch the vision of the young men and the young women that are praying and fasting and consecrating themselves in this church house because the Bible doesn't say without a dream people perish it says without a vision people perish what tells me if we ever quit having visionary young men and young women we're gonna die so I keep on dreaming Gelder but you better don't make fun of them kids don't make fun of them kids keep encouraging them young people keep encouraging their young people our young people are angels by this world standards you gotta be tickled to death they come to church you ought to be tickled at if they go to youth service you ought to be tickled to death they're on the creative team up on these worship team wanted to be a positive the house of God encourage them encourage encourage them amen are you depressed then stay on the floor till it's gone are you struggling with flesh is that thing got ahold of you then stay on the floor until you get a leash on that thing you make war on the floor tarry ye until stick with it stay with it don't stop and while you're waiting for it to happen when they read to you this verse this verse it's it's it's it's in Luke 24 and and verse 52 because I read to you 49 this is Jesus he takes them out as far as Bethany Corinthians 15 said there's five about 500 people here and he said go to Jerusalem and tarry until you be endued with power from on high and all of a sudden he's el he's gone he's gone and the angels are there say why are you keep staring into clouds this same Jesus listen very carefully this same Jesus who went away is coming again in like manner I can prove to you not just biblically but historically he's been here do you have a watch on do you have a cell phone do you have a laptop do you have an iPad look at it there's a date on it let me tell you about time it's broken in 2 BC and AD before Christ had though Domini the year of our Lord every date is a witness to the fact that Jesus was here because time itself is broken into the binaries of this all happened before he showed up and this happened after he showed up I can prove to you historically he has been here the prophecy is this he's been here he's coming back do you believe he's been here then it shouldn't be that hard for you to believe he's coming back but let me tell you what the Bible says it says there was about 120 which means 75% of those people who heard that Proclamation didn't show up in Jerusalem 1 out of 4 did and this is what he says go to Jerusalem and tarry until you be endued with power from on high now listen to verse 52 it says and they returned to Jerusalem with great joy that's how you're supposed to go to church I saw it at the 9 o'clock service I saw it today at the 11:30 service I've had people coming to me and saying I'm just so glad to be back at church I'm just so glad don't let that be a solitary event today every service needs to be that way they return to Jerusalem which they're going back to the temple with great joy you read read Deuteronomy 28 Deuteronomy 28 is called the blessing and the curse it's the last sermon of Moses the book of Deuteronomy it's got 28 chapters in it 28 is the blessing and the cursing chapter that's the one that says I'll bake you the head never never the tail you'll always be on top never on the bottom you'll be the lender never the borrower I'll bless your basket I'll bless the story that the basket came from when you sit down I'll bless wear it or as you sit when you stand up I'll bless wear it or as you're going whatever your hand touches are blessed wherever your footsteps I'll bless and 415 verses in that chapter there are all these blessings and then the rest of the chapter has twice as many cursings as it does blessings and this is what it says at the end of that chapter you're going to lose your kids you're gonna look down the road and you're gonna you're gonna wait for them to come back and they're never coming back it's gonna be so embarrassing to you that your enemies you will be a wonder it said to your enemies because they'll say look at that old fool waiting for that child to come back and he's never coming home and this is why it says because you didn't serve the Lord your God with gladness of heart don't you dare act like seven mother-in-law's moved in with you last week put a smile on your face serve the Lord with plenty come before his presence was seeing know ye that the Lord he is God it is he that has made us and not we ourselves we are as people the Sheep of his pasture go them gates with Thanksgiving get in the courts with praise but getting that holy of Holy's with a worship that's the parent of in the Bible listen to this verse this is the last verse of the Book of Luke verse 53 and they were continually in the temple praising and blessing God amen this verse won't mean much unless you understand these three verses in John 7:37 38 and 39 this is what it says in the last day the great day of the feast Jesus stood and cried saying if any man thirst let him come unto me and drink for he that believeth on me as the scripture has said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water watch but this spake he of the Spirit which they that believe on him should receive watch for the Holy Ghost was not yet given because Jesus wasn't glorified yet Matthew Mark Luke and John all end with the same story the death burial resurrection of Jesus he takes him the Bethany blesses him and leaves you won't hear of the glorified Christ until acts 9 when saul of tarsus saw him you won't hear of it again until John in Revelation said I saw someone that was like the Son of Man I knew it was Jesus but it was like know Jesus I ever saw his face he said it was similar to that thing on that on that mountain when he transfigured in front of us he said that's the best example I could give you he one time said Peter said we were eyewitnesses of his majesty I'm trying to show you something John seven and 39 says the holy spirit could not be given until Jesus was glorified and since Matthew Mark Luke and John all end with the insane story of him leaving in order to be glorified then there can't be an example in Matthew Mark Luke and John of somebody being filled with the Holy Spirit with the manifestation that God wants us to have us today what I'm trying to show you is and they were continually in the temple praising and blessing God before they were ever filled with all the ghosts they were just sitting in church they weren't just tearing they were just waiting they were waiting with anticipation praising and blessing God for 10 days and I'm telling ya I suppose there were 3,000 by that evening after that and I'm sure it was some of the others but how grateful that 25 percent was and said you should have been here this morning man you should have been here at 9 o'clock this morning whoa it was just like he said it was gonna happen a man and that wind came just like he said it was gonna happen listen to this verse and suddenly there's so a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and it said and they were all with one Accord in one place when's the last time you ever saw that happen when everybody was on the same page when everybody wanted the same when's the last time you've been in church and all the preachers all of them all the ministers all the nursery workers all the youth group all the older singles all the young married couples all the elders when's the last time no wonder says suddenly there came a sound as of arrests that happens when everybody gets together everybody I've only seen this happen one time in my life in 1987 in Greenfield Indiana I saw everybody over what I would call the age of accountability receive the Holy Ghost in a church service everybody in that service that night either was filled with the spirit for the first time or was renewed in the spirit there was one precious elder that left and and his name was Jean and he was the pastor's son-in-law and and and he was gone and I thought it was so strange that he would be gone and just as we were getting ready to some dismiss he came through the back door with a long-haired guy and he said I wasn't steppin out brother Huffman he said this is one of my friends that I invited to church and he came into the lobby while the presence of God was and he said défis filled with the Holy Ghost in the lobby he didn't even get in the sanctuary and there they were in the back so to my knowledge everybody in that church service that night was either filled with the spear for the first time or renewed in his spirit pentecost needs a Pentecost and of course Pisa Pentacles I've been flooded with questions how are you gonna ease back into this transition I'm trying to be respectful but I'm being honest with you I got no intention of easing back into anything a man we're going back to prayer meeting tomorrow night we're gonna believe God for a move of the Holy Ghost we are perfectly positioned in this city to minister there's riots all over this country to pit it wasn't George Floyd it's the pent-up frustration of 10 to 12 weeks but being sequestered many people have been in a house by but mandatory with people they didn't even like they're angry they're upset it's the prayer one everything that can be shaken is shaking then when you've got something that doesn't shake it looks very appealing a man a man he was here at the nine o'clock service but brother Pacheco is cancer-free cancer-free for free she's the same you should have heard the diagnosis months ago depressing bad news he doesn't have as much hair as he used to have but there he was lifted up his hands before this sweetheart magnifying God I believe that if we'll get this attitude Terry until Terry until hang on don't give up until you see a move of the Holy Ghost that God has promised you in your spirit that you're gonna see hey man hey man let's magnify them together Lord Jesus Lord Jesus we have people app wonderful prayer team that was up here and here's how we're going to do this if you're in the service and you want someone if you're sick in your body will anoint you the Bible said if they're sick call for elders they'll anoint him the prayer of faith will save the sick the law to raise them up I said it says this if they committed any sin it will be forgiven them so not only you get healed in your body but you get forgiven out as well that's like that's two for one that's a good deal I don't know about you but I'm a sinner saved by grace all right hey man my goal this week is the same it was last week I want a perfect week I want to be a perfect man the Bible said if you don't offend in word or deed the same as a perfect man we want a pretty you know in our world tomorrow's the first day of the week but not in the word there's a Sabbath day Sabbath is Saturday there's no dis Beit about that but the Bible talks about that the first day of the week the morrow after the Sabbath that's when Jesus resurrected the morrow after that's when the Holy Ghost was poured out because Pentecost was on the morrow after the Sabbath which means it happened on a Sunday this is not the end of the week this is the beginning of the week you have started your week in church and if you would like to be prayed for if you're struggling I don't know what it is but if you're struggling we have people here that are down here is we're going to put on trying to be before you freak out it says one person's gonna pray and then they're gonna disinfect their hands and the next person will pray for them they got masks on we're doing the best we can right now but I do believe the Holy Ghost you can get through a mask I believe that can happen right now but if you want somebody to pray for you we're prepared to do that right now if you don't want to do that if you're uncomfortable to do that they were all we're gonna pray corporately right now where you stand all right all right no now I lay me down to sleep now I'm talking about praying here we're not talking about terror we talk about expectation okay let's do it right where we are Lord Jesus this is my brother this is my sister in the name of party affair in the Word of God and the power in the name Jesus I'm asking you Lord your work so from my left to my right from the my man's gone from the crown of the characters of the Shire to the shoe every word me that's the best room right now they're sticking their body Meyer strike Lordships are struggling with [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you
Channel: First Church Sterling Heights
Views: 772
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: e11UQFcfy4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 20sec (5120 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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