Church at Home - Live at the Johnson's 3/22/20

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hey were running Jen Johnson and we want to welcome you to this show we sat down at their senior team and we did a panel just processing together about what's going on right now on around the world and we also just did a worship set with our teams and I think it was a real special time so we just want to welcome you to join us in the presence are my enemy I raise a hallelujah Oh louder than the unbelief ah [Music] Wow disability Oh [Music] it comes to fight for me [Music] you're gonna hear [Music] Oh [Music] the king is then our razor hi [Music] inside of me ah [Music] [Music] in the [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] or singing [Music] suffice for me [Music] in the presence of my enemy [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] in the middle of the storm [Music] [Music] Rick [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Foundation [Music] a firm foundation [Music] you are here moving in I was I was you you are here working in this place I worse I worship you are you moving in I was hours you are here working in this place I worship you I worship you are you are lame a miracle work promise keep lying in the darkness my god that is silly [Music] you blame a [Music] promised key line in the darkness my god that is you are here you are here touching air I worship you I worship you are here your healing and our hours you are here in your turn Eliezer [Music] I wish [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey Steve [Music] [Music] [Music] even when I can see it you're working even when I don't feel it you're can you never stop you'd never stop never stop [Music] even when I don't see it sure [Music] stop [Music] ooh [Applause] [Music] [Music] smart [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes you make miracle worker Promise Keepers let me talk now my god that is you you we believe you are you are we make miracle worker promise key the lighting and talk there is my god that is you we declared that is who you are that is you that is you but is soon you never change that is who you are that is super that is su [Music] faithful never change [Music] faithful God faithful God Oh faithful God [Music] you'll say you're the favor you're the face [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you you are faithful you are faithful God to lead us and guide us you are faithful God to make a way where there's no way you are faithful God you provided manna when there is no food you're the god of miracles and we love will the faithful God [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] having [Music] my I will see the good [Music] this all my life 11 [Music] and 11 [Applause] [Music] everybody I will see the goodness of God your voice [Music] [Applause] [Music] No [Music] I'm you in [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Music] my life you everything never [Music] [Music] oh I will see of the good yes [Music] hello everyone we're really glad that you've joined us today for time of worship and conversation as our nation and the nations are going through a time of you know difficulty some of our brothers and sisters are grieving the death of loved ones and wondering about what's the next step wondering about their job all sorts of things I mean we're experiencing our own level of like what's happening know what's going on so grounding ourselves in worship has been beautiful and then singing these songs of adoring the Lord and just trusting him as our future have been absolutely essential but we thought we'd spend some time talking about how we are processing this how we're thinking about it and we realize there's all sorts of people in the world and there's one Lord one spirit one church but there's a lot of different humans in that church and I know these people there's a lot of different personalities and even the way we walk with the Lord and learn from the Lord so hopefully as we share with each other there'll be something in it for you about how how we're walking through these things and so the first question I want to ask you is like how are you build you mind we start with you like how are you finding peace how are you you wrote a book strengthen yourself in the Lord not to do a plug that's a but like how you do you're really good but how are you strengthen yourself in the Lord what do you well worship worship is huge I always go to promises I always that's what I feed them and it's it's more intense in this season but it's not different than it was three weeks ago it's it's this I do the same thing with every part of my life as I is I immerse myself in the promises that describe what God intends to do in me through me around me in our city our nation etc so that's that's what I do I fight to protect the promise in my heart because that devour comes and wants to take the you know the the birds of the air take that seed and and I I want to protect it I want to let it go deep in my heart probably the only other thing that's out of the normal for me right now is the awareness of the need for for repentance which we've had conversation about my mind goes to niyama one where he is repenting confessing the sense of a nation even since he didn't commit but he's so identified with the people and whenever we have times like this there's a for me there's a very intense not inward focus in a in a self-centered sense not you know not soul searching in an unhealthy way but just God spotlight anything that needs to be dealt with and then I there's just kind of that lowness you know being lowly before the Lord in times like this that that is really emphasized a little bit more than others so you're not like purposely going through your own inner life on your Ellen like looking through your own cupboards you're saying Holy Spirit look through the cupboards or the cupboards of our nation or the world or exactly and following his lead in that repentance exactly in in my past when I've done the soul searching and I found stuff there was no grace to fix it what he points to it and then it's always liberating he's always leading me out of something into something but when I find it I'm stuck so I I really depend on his word on his presence the voice of brothers and sisters to help me so yeah that's what I'd like to speak into that I think that that's that difference between condemnation and conviction you know condemnation from the devil of course and condemnation says you lied you a liar and condemnation always connects your bad action your bad attitude your your whatever your sin with your identity and says this is who you are but conviction says you're way too Lawson to be acting like that yeah you're a child of the God you in fact you may be watching you don't even know the Lord but you really a child of God you were created in His image and in his likeness and you you maybe haven't acknowledged it yet but you actually a child of God and conviction comes in and says you're better than that that's you weren't you weren't created for that and I think that's that helps that difference thing where I feel come then how do I know if it's the Lord well when I'm when when the enemy comes in he's trying to connect my my sin my failing my failings with my my personhood yeah but the Lord is always like you know it's like the prodigal son story and Luke 15 where it actually says in the Greek about the prodigal who was at the pig farm and if you don't know that story he left his father's house with an inheritor but then he used it all on prostitutes and finally it says in the Greek it says and when he came to himself he went home and I think there's a there's a great move of God I think I think Brian or Jen someone was declaring or singing it it's a great time of restoration of family right now we were already seeing the value for for for the for the age for the elderly in that Dan actually this was your word to me the other day how you were seeing how the young the young folks are having to take care of how they behave because they're concerned about their their parents their grandparents and that's that Malachi 4 thing of the restoration of families already beginning to happen we're all just to two or three weeks into this at least in America so when we're thinking through a repentance then you're just saying make sure you don't fall into condemnation yes in Christ that doesn't exist it's not helpful but then if you're for those who put their faith and trust in Christ its conviction where you go through and you begin to go Papa what are you saying about this so how about how about you guys how are you encouraging yourself in the Lord and how you find in peace I think I mean for me obviously worship you know it's I I just go on walks or run run around the trail and just like pray and find myself Anna so I don't I'm not denying what's going on I'm not trying to just ignore it it's not happening cuz it is happening but it but you know basically stepping into the reality that there is a lot of pain right now around the world but we were made for this you know we've we we tend to try to shelter ourselves from these type of things you know with with them with what we do in culture and all these crutches and we try to like hide ourselves but we're right in the middle of it right now we were made for this from the beginning of time and I think for yeah I'm sit next to you babe I think for me the this song of praise does so many things it elevates our perspective it it uh sure's in his presence into our exact situation and there's a lot of situations around the world that people are feeling it and it is a powerful thing when we connect with God in that way and so for me it's praise and intercession in the word I'm specifically like there's something about when you read the word and the Holy Spirit highlights something and it leaps off the page and you're like oh my gosh that God just the God of the universe just spoke to me by His Holy Spirit through his word and I can grab onto that and go okay and sometimes you know you carry it for the day right then the next day you like is that rainbow it's like but I'm the word worship and intercession is I think what keeps me going and then for me I would just say as a mom of four kids you know we both at work it's not just me but just you know the atmosphere in our home of keeping it faith filled and not fearful but full of wisdom and just using wisdom and and just monitoring and being clean and using wisdom and fully having faith and joy and letting none of those things slip with the cracks as we navigate through this this is funny but I think there have been a few times where I'm like I'm gonna go for a run and she's like yeah yeah you you need to get out of here because I'm ruining your atmosphere we're all on a journey that's what we say but yeah just just encouraging and I think health is a big one in this time you know people are are in homes or having to work in this time which is really difficult outside of their homes but I think that just health in general taking care of our bodies eating healthy and exercising on a whole is a really big important thing I think that we all just need to be aware of even for our personal mental health so just being aware of that as we all navigate through this time yeah I'm gonna need more that because my coping mechanism is sugar and carbohydrates so the promises repentance the runs pastor TD jakes his daughter Sarah posted don't let the enemy come for your waste deer in Corona I don't know taste and see that the Lord is good is my motto right now Eric and Kenz I you know about I don't have a ton of fear just generally in my life just what are the however but about two or three nights ago I was reading stuff to be informed super scared myself like I just read something it's like I just got scared I don't even quite know how scared I was until I I kind of put something down try to distract myself and I'm like oh yeah yeah yeah you scared yourself you or watching the movie you shouldn't watch or something like that like so it's been an interesting deal to kind of like I'm I recognize you and you're trying to kill me how about you guys well it's interesting kid last night we were on Netflix and some of the top movies being watched right now are contagion I mean I mean all these like what in the world it's like this is not the time to watch that stuff you know and so I think for us was like just not feeding that thing that was once entertainment and it's now this this we'll just feed that monster but I think what's also important to is to be honest with how we're feeling I think sometimes it's Christian like I'm not scared I'm not scared of like no no if you're scared admit you're scared and then go before the Lord of that fear and I think sometimes we've just been really good professional at stuffing and we can't stuff in this season we need to bring all that before the Lord and so I found myself like oh my god I've already I've already prepared how I'm gonna survive Armageddon I'm like okay unstuff like I literally have found myself on the other half of me like wow what are you doing and I'm like that's just the human just trying to figure out in the face of this and so I think it's important that we don't be dishonest with ourselves but we can't live there yeah you know we can't like stay there and just feet deeper in that hole for us you know like okay god I'm freaked out and they're diverse that I'm going back to since second chronicles 20 where Josh apat finally says I don't know what to do so I look at you I'm like okay so I think we need to be honest with where we're at but then go before the Lord said I'm just looking at you now so that kind of how about been my process yeah and as leaders just for you jump in like we had to even in in reading our lives are quite a bit different than a Christian in Hong Kong or or in Tehran or in Paris right now and so in New York City where folks are much more inclusive as we're trying to encourage and live we know that some folks are living with drastically different situations and so we can joke about toilet paper or whatever else but other people like that's no laughing matter this is like a real shortage that we're that we're facing so how about you Candace what how are you encouraging yourself yeah well it's interesting that you mentioned watching the news cuz as leaders it's important for us to be aware and so I like to watch the news but it's so I would be so cautious well how fast it changes where I'm like this isn't for informing and now this is I'm not sure what this is and I just have to know when to turn it off so just listening to wisdom and like Lord just help me make decisions and right now I feel like there's so many decisions to be made and I'm really pulling on God in a different way and even going to bed at nighttime I feel like gosh I think I have this decision fatigue like I have made so many and we're all pivoting so fast and so really looking to God in so many different ways and so where I find peace is knowing who he is you know and the Bible says he's the way the truth and the life and I'm like Lord who are you as truth who are you oh do I have access to in Psalms 46 it says he is our refuge and our strength therefore I will not fear and now I feel like God's inviting me let love come to me and let me be your refuge that safe place a place from free of danger free of trouble and then be strength we know that he has strength but he also gives it to us so I'm having different conversations with God and just going on all the stuff that I don't know how to navigate because there's so many decisions I've never had to make before like what what does life look like tomorrow next week next month let me be your refuge let me be your strength and because of who you are I don't need to be fearful and see the thing about fear is of Monster we know that it always takes more than we want to give it's like here you can take that but now I want to go to sleep so go away and so we just can't entertain that at all so I feel like God's just telling me just be more mindful and be aware of where fear is entering because you need to stop that so we're not watching the Netflix movies that pantego 10 pandemic movies like No thank you Lord and probably taking a lot more walks as well because I for me it's not hard to find God when I just get outside and if I see trees or nature I don't have to work very hard yeah I think I was realizing my prayer life was big enough for what I used to do it's not big enough for this you know at this particular deal so I'm like wow this is a whole new level of leadership impact personal crisis and when we read scripture it's full the Old Testament especially even the New Testament is full of this existential crisis will the nation survive will it survive after it's been taken into exile what will it look like when it comes back so suddenly the Psalms and some of those Old Testament passages are looking like wow these folks were dealing with stuff that in my lifetime this is the weirdest thing is this the weirdest thing that you've ever I mean more than 9/11 more than it was you know Vietnam or some of us yeah different kind of weird yeah different kind of weird yeah kind of weird you know I was thinking about history how important history is and our grandparents lived through you know world wars and and the Korean on our soil but my brothers and sisters in Europe yeah and a Great Depression and and then you know in the agricultural age before there was an industrial age basically your crops where you know there wasn't there wasn't a global you didn't have a global economy so if your local crops failed you basically are out of luck for the year and so you know you had these great big swings back and forth when we see it in the Bible where the pestilence would come and wipe out their crops and and then you've got a whole another year before you can grow crops and you can't like hey I think I'll import that from you know China or Australia or whatever you know so and then the Industrial Age kind of took some of those those ups and downs out because you get you have a couple of different ways to to make a living and where people worked and and you know and the last I think the last 150 years you know we've seen those highs and lows come out as we've come you know they begin stabilizes as the last you know thirty years less less war and we have we have all different places where people work we have a global economy you can eat pineapple in the middle of the winter in California because you can get it from some other place and so I think that I think that also the the challenge is when something like this happens we're like oh this is never happened before it's like oh are actually argh grandfather's our great grandparents or great grandmothers they lived in this kind of this kind of economy where the uncertainty was was more often you know and I left that verse where it says God's a lamp to my feet and he's a light to my path and I often think that that is two different seasons sometimes he's a light to my path I love that like I know where I'm Cohen I know what tomorrow holds you know and and all most of us here are we're visionary so we're like we love that but sometimes he's just a lamp to my feet like I don't know where I'm going tomorrow and the goal and and and actually the lesson isn't where I'm going but who I'm with and I feel like right now this is this is a great lesson for all of us since it's one I've been trying to practice not where I'm going into I'm with it's who I'm with so so I'm I'm asking myself do I trust and by the way you know I'm glad for our presidents our leaders our governors all of that I'm thankful for those we're called to be thankful for them and pray for them but but and the horses prepare for the day the horse is prepared for the battle but the victory still belongs to Lord as Jen was sharing like important to prepare but do it do I trust the person I'm with do I really trust God because I think that these circumstances rattle us and there's been lots of them over the years in our own personal lives but this is more global and it brings you back to like Who am I with do I actually trust do I trust my the Lord who is guiding me and I think that when I think about the circumstances I think okay those those look uncertain I've been through hundreds of uncertain times in my life and personally much worse personally maybe not globally but it always brings me back to is the person you're with God is he trustworthy yes okay so what's the problem and I understand I'm like I'm like Brian like I get there for one day then I wake up the next day and I got I got to kind of do it again I'll kind of like remind myself of the Lord is and and when I want to root myself when I root myself in his nature I'm very peaceful beautiful so I'm gonna catch off-guard but Bill can you talk about partly we have a we're a movement of joy in the Lord you know focused on the goodness of the Lord and yet do we and some people said hey are you guys can still feel that way when things don't go your way you know and so it's a it's a powerful time for us to like stare that down and look at that you want to speak to what it's you know what's in your heart as far as the goodness of the Lord in times like this and how your what do you think about that you know you said rejoice always he also said to rejoice with those who rejoice weep for those who weep so that basically it's a command because you have to make an adjustment to accommodate the people you're with so in other words I'm going to live aware of what you're going through and if you're rejoicing and I'm weeping then I'm going to shift and let my faith be released to celebrate what you're celebrating and conversely when I'm just filled with joy because I just got the big breakthrough and this and that and I come and I meet you and you're in a moment of loss or mourning that I'm going to not shame you with my victory yeah but instead partner with you yeah with what you're going through but in our personalized nobody can control that nobody and it needs to be the rejoicing always and you're always giving things and that's that's the standard and it's it's not it's not negotiable you know we may battle to get there but it's still the only thing worth doing is to truly celebrate the kindness of the Lord knowing that he sees the end from the beginning and this didn't catch him by surprise and he's going to be glorified he's going to be glorified and through it and we're gonna be strengthened yeah so that's that's my approach beautiful I think the in the the teaching Jesus stood on the night he was betrayed and went to the cross and died for our sins he he talked about joy three or four times in there and these titles were like what I mean they're not sure if they're gonna die that night with him or be disbanded like are you going somewhere safe because they're trying to kill you so they're there in that dissonant moment he's like no I'm telling you all this so you have full joy right as he's heading to the cross so sometimes the Lord's the Lord's inner world is quite a bit different than my inner world consider it all joy and you counter various trials yeah oh it seems a little bit find that place anybody else just something about strengthening yourself in the Lord or just something that's in your head of your heart that you were wanting to be able to say yeah just in the rest of Psalms 44 it says be still and know that I am God there is a swirl going on in the thing about swirls you don't know which way is up and it just gets confusing so I think just us leaning in to have the wisdom to know when to take a break when to go outside when to turn stuff off and to know who he is because we know all the we can learn all the information see the social post see how people are doing and it might be helpful if we're trying to help one another but is it really that when at what point does it become not helpful and it just causes us to swirl so just I feel God just quickening me to go know when to stop and be quiet because I am Who I am like I am the great I am so just leaning into that yeah one of our the importance of abiding we've all been heading on that just abiding in the Lord and we're talking about leadership while back and every leadership principle pales in comparison at least for us to abiding in the Lord if we're abiding we'll kind of know the right thing to do the right thing to move forward in and then if we're if we're not a lot of panic and fear and so again you could tell been reading that that you know that when Jesus was teaching the night before he's betrayed because that's where that is I'm the vine you know you're the branches apart for me you got nothing so figure that one out before you do anything else I think it's important too you know I say it 54 says oppression will be far from you for you will not fear now I don't know about you but fear didn't seem like a choice when I'm afraid but there is an element of choice there where I say you know I'm not gonna be afraid now the motion of it may stay with me for 10 or 15 minutes why I make that decision Joshua chapter 1 is another great passage I go there often when I when I'm when I'm afraid and he tells Joshua don't be afraid God tells Joshua don't be afraid don't be dismayed and don't be discouraged I'm like I about you but I'm afraid when I'm afraid I'm like don't be afraid okay I'm not gonna be free like if your wife says that to you like what exactly and you know fear is really faith in the wrong is in the wrong Kingdom yeah because you can't be afraid without faith you know think about it little boy says I'm gonna beat you up you're like yeah you're not afraid of that because it doesn't feel real yeah but if some big gangster says I'm gonna beat you up you have a totally different response yeah because you believe yeah and what I'm getting at is that we need to take our faith that's causing the fear um and we need the same faith we just need to move it over like jesus said he's in a boat and and there's there's a big storm and they're afraid and he goes and where is your faith oh I have misplaced faith yeah I put it in the wrong Kingdom and so I think it's I think there is like we're not victims I don't mean things aren't going long for us I don't mean in that way of course there are people who are victims who are listening to us yes I'm saying when I'm saying it we we don't need to remain there because as Brian said we are more than conquerors so therefore we were born for this minute one of our favorite verses it's been our one of our favorite for more than 40 years is Isaiah 60 where it says arise and shine for your light has come and they hear and then it describes the situation behold deep darkness covers the earth but the Lord will rise on you and it's like okay I see the darkness but I'm looking for the Lord to rise upon me because we were created if I'm more than a conqueror then there are things to conquer yeah and so as a believer it we have to remember like as Brian's opening statement saying we were actually born for this moment we're actually born to rise in darkness and and we're actually born to help people who are afraid we're actually born to help people who are in trouble right now and we've been you know we've been wrist brainstorming every day and I think this is one thing that helps us to get get your mind off yourself and say you know what does your neighbor need yeah what day and we're just we sit around Justin sometimes in just a circle and say okay what how can we help our neighbor and and let's get creative and as the restrictions come I think it's good for us instance like we got to get more creative about how we help our neighbor yeah I think all those things that their acts of humility aren't they when we we just humble ourself and say okay I don't have a lot but whatever I do have I'm gonna go try to help my neighbor beautiful did you have some of the the phrasing that's really jumping out at me and the word right now is take courage not only don't have fear but take courage and and that just keeps all the songs that have that just wrapping our our hearts around those songs that are carrying on the messages that are carrying that and really like innocent guarding our minds and our hearts well what we're watching on TV period not even just not the scary stuff but just guarding our minds whatever is lovely that first of whatever is pure whatever and I think that's a big one but taking courage guarding our minds and our hearts and also really you know lots different with finances right now people are out of work or jobs and and but people are not hopeless and so I think just to encourage people ask the Holy Spirit okay everything's different now but you're here and so what do we do how do we make income what do we do in this time and really utilizing this time to even in our personal family and I was talking to Christine Caine you know they're using this time not idle stuck in their houses but to organize and to clean and to to make their home ready to make their house ready for the next season that God's gonna bring us after we're through this so I think just leaning into the voice of the Holy Spirit what are you saying how can we do this what are you doing in this there's always hope beautiful I think um you know sometimes we just skate through life but I think in this moment specific yeah yes but at least if you're opposed to this thing you're when you become who you are supposed to be in God you're not only the safest but the most effective and so there's like this focus there's like a refining right now to step into that and and there's I think that there's something for us as believers I think there's innovation and creative a solution and ideas right now that weren't before and if you look through history a lot of the inventions and all these creative ideas happened in the midst of the most like dire situation it's like when we're pressed down to our bare minimum it's it's like that God factor is just you know considered a gift when God becomes your only option that that or and and I feel like that's where the god factor the ideas come in you know the dream life where God gives you an idea cuz right now we need innovative ideas that we didn't have before so I feel like prophetically that's a season we're stepping and do for people stand back and watch God just like come on the scene and give these people ideas you're like oh my gosh thank God for zoom and FaceTime so I want to move to what you're hearing the Lord say or what you think he's doing and then bill if we could start with you you shared something with our staff on just about famine and you were looking at some of those things do you feel like jumping into that and yeah I'm actually gonna expanded on Sunday but yes it was oh sorry it's a preview yeah there's a lot of oddball famines pestilence plagues stuff throughout the scripture but I found three this stood out to me that were unique in how the people of God responded the first was Isaac he sowed in the land in a famine that reaped a hundredfold a hundred times a normal crop sowing in that particular case was not giving it was actually he was investing his future it was his business right because you're not eating that seed you're actually planting it yeah yeah if you eat it you know that's the sowing and reaping and sowing in tears reaping with joy yeah and then the second one was in Nehemiah's day in chapter 5 where there was a famine and because of the famine people sold their property and sold their children into slavery to other Jews and there was high interest and they were take advantage of the difficulty so what happened is they returned to covenant returned to family and you don't hear the famines spoken up again it's silenced it relationships order interrelationships brought brought divine order yeah and then the last one is in acts 11 where activists prophesized about a famine coming for the whole world first thing they did was and offering and you never hear spoken up again it happened but it lost its bite if you will through radical generosity so the point is is invest in your future do something if you have to stay home read books about what you could do difference in your business or whatever it might be make sure relationships are in top shape and that you value people the chill haven't served people and then the third is radical generosity move in the first thing they did it's crazy the first thing they did when they heard a famine was come in their direction was taking offering to give to the people that brought them the gospel stomach yeah absolutely stunning anyone else what are you hearing from the Lord I feel like the Lord is doing I had an encounter a few days ago I feel like the Lord given us a divine reset on our values our moral values our values around money our values around relationship all of those things I actually woke up and I heard divine I heard this word divine reset and I kind of thought of it like you know when your your computer gets all plugged up and doesn't work and you turn it off and you turn it back on and it takes a few minutes for a bit to load again I feel like the Lord is doing a divine reset on our hearts now there's probably multiple things that are happening but I feel like the Lord is is is testing not testing but changing I'm talking about globally like what's important and I think that these the season right now is we talked a little bit about it already humility family moral moral standards moral values honesty our love for money making sure that that thing hasn't got a hold of us you know the lust of the eyes all of these things they they seep in like that we're being frog boiled sometimes we don't make a necessarily a one decision and it's like oh there I was but but slowly we begin to be that frog boiled thing and we don't even realize it but pretty soon that's like the lust of the eyes the love of money all those things they can seep in really easily and moral values that they drop and and pretty soon where our standards around morality and how we how we manage our sexuality all those things you know we don't wake up one day and say I think I'm just gonna become a different person but just slowly we get we get that frog boil thing yeah and I feel like the Lord is just like okay let's turn it let's turn the system off and reboot yeah and I feel like we're having a divine reboot among all the other things we're having and I think we're gonna come out of this and it's such a such a better place mm-hmm and I think people are like how long is this gonna last I think the scary thing I think what makes people really afraid probably is the uncertainty of the length yeah if you told me this was 60 days I could do this absolutely but but the instructor we all were thinking right thirty days we're gonna be fat and who knows what's gonna happen but you're right not knowing the survey of the days right even the economy if we said this is gonna be 61 days people all right well we cannot fly for 61 days but and I think that the certainty is around how long is it gonna take for us to make to reboot that'll do for miracle what do you what are you thinking I you know the thing that moves me so I'm trying to answer Dan's question I think is if you just answer your own thing yeah but the thing that's interesting to me is I am so incredibly moved you know we all know that when Christ a tragedy come that either divides us or brings us together and I think it's safe to say globally people are coming together like never before and I am I'm just moved by that not just within the Christian community we're talking on a macro level it's it's unbelievable and I I don't want it I don't know what to say other than that's a really big deal could it could have divided us or it could have brought us together and I think as they church as a ministry people of a that often are you guys following all the CDC guidelines are you listening the government are you not and we're like hey we're part of a much bigger community than just our church and so I think it's important for people you know they're listening to this to realize no we're not doing we're not partnering with the guylines out of fear no this is like no this is what we can do to contribute to the whole because the world is coming together and what a great moment to find out Brian said find out who we really are yeah but also to be a part of a call elective hall with billions of people that are like hey we're all in this together what a moment good I think history of Tata it used to happen the other way you just division division division division and I think the more we can collectively come together I think the Lord doing something he's using this the beauty that's coming out of the ashes in the last few weeks and months is that right there and so I just think it's important for us to continue that and again I think it may get harder in the weeks to come because we just don't know no one note how long this is gonna go till we need a fight for community we need to fight for a connection and we need a fight to bring strength together and I think that's really crucial that's the key that I'm kind of leaning on right now yeah I'm sure some of the folks watching see the irony though that we're not 3 to 6 feet apart during this when you say we're keeping the guidelines of CDC but we'll know in a little bit yeah but the they keep evolving right so we're having to adapt which is an interesting thing so leaders bigger than us and make decisions and we go okay we're gonna adapt into here and then they make a new one but like all those plans are gone and so we had that little mini church we were doing and you know the just under a hundred next day like okay no more groups up more than 100 and you're like so it's gonna be I think it's you it's you with a tie on from up here on your living room couch isn't that what's gonna want to say this Sunday is that you bill the serious up here you die stayin at home down here over there but yeah we're trying to morph with them and keep the spirit of them as well Jen did you have some other thing that I really feel like the Lord is doing right now is you know we don't have much right now but we do have our phones and we have our computers and I think it's such an amazing time with the reconciliation of family for people to make some phone calls some broken relationships God's gonna play people on your heart and this time you're like you know what we're not doing well and and make those phone calls reach out and call people who the Lord lays on your heart and maybe it's not because you don't have a great relationship but maybe just for encouragement like I've just been sitting in my bed late even last night and I just started dialing a couple people and talking to him over FaceTime encouraging them and how are you and so we do have a lot of resources right now and time on our hands that reach out and talk to people strengthen relationships and family and and really reconcile with people that you have broken relationships with I think there's a real grace for that right now I had this I was outside you know and you're just kind of minding your own business and you started into a daydream and I have one of those kind of things the other day and I'm like oh I think this could be the Lord and you know it's the idea of the whole entire globe right now is experiencing this together that unifying factor in a negative way and the pain is experienced together and I felt like there the opposite is the joy when we come out of this is going to be experienced globally and the idea of the word thankfulness is going to be at an all-time high that we've never experienced before and there's an artist I'm not gonna say his name but I don't even know if he's a believer but I just I in my daydream he had written a song of praise and joy that was a global song of praise and joy and I was like you know like anyways I can't talk and cry at the same time and I in my mind you know minds I see like these African children singing the song and then you know it shoots to another but this because of the unifying factor in a negative and God always turns out it out for the good right it's a trick almost that same level of pain is gonna reverse new level thankfulness enjoy that the world's gonna experience and I just heard this song and I don't know if it's a literal song but it's just this thing that hits the globe and it's that awakening people that I don't even know God are gonna be turned to God yeah beautiful yep just God shows up opposite to his surroundings killer fire in the wilderness when it was dark cold cloud by day when it was hot and bright so he shows up opposite so how does he show up in a recession how does he show up in a play he shows up as the solution so we have to adjust our thinking and our prayer to accommodate his nature being manifest in the way we think in the way we live and the way we affect the world around us and I think we're gonna be surprised by what God does in all of this the power of kindness and the power of generosity and we all get the opportunity to partner with that every day and everything that we're doing and we experienced it just in our own little community we have the car fire and it fires devastating to our community and people's houses were lost but what you saw and it are seen take place in our community is so beautiful the opportunity in people's pain and disaster what we saw other people do and it wasn't just one church or one business or one leader it was all over the place and I think our city is in a better place and what is before us is way better than what we had and I think that God is turning around so I have so much faith for what God is gonna do in the midst of everything that we're facing right now so that's just we have just a few more minutes and maybe just think about that first during the car fire we were just so grateful for the firefighters and the police we have first responders right now in the medical community doing an amazing heroic job and we need to honor them folks who've committed their life to medicine to seeing people alleviate from suffering I see ambulance drivers you know picking up people and bringing them so there's a great hero's heroic work doing doctors not doing examinations without enough protection self protection and still so these folks are very much running towards the fire in this moment and we celebrate our medical community so appreciative of them as well and I and then as I'm praying about this I don't know maybe this has hit you guys but I'm asking for the Lord to arrest this virus that it would come to nothing that it would just be like a tidal wave that comes to the edge and then whoosh you know goes away but as I'm thinking through how how our humans gonna respond to that it's an interesting deal to go will we be mad like why did we do all these precautions you know see we told you it was nothing and so there's just gonna be an inch so I was talking to Lord like if I get my prayers my deepest prayers answered that very few from here on out very few were impacted or and again I'd love for Jesus's solution to be all over and I love medicine a medical solution but like Papa give glory to your name somehow as you bring rescue to this thing but the but it would be interesting in our attitudes like if we if we get our prayers answered that very little impacts us and we move quickly through it there's going to be a real interesting human response then we're gonna have to be watching out for and praying into a conspiracy theory create all sorts just gonna rise up I'm like Oh Papa do it such a beautiful multifaceted solution that that that thing in human's hearts gets addressed as well anything on your heads or hearts about that sort of deal but I'll take that problem that's a great problem to have no that's really that is a wonderful problem to have compared to some of the other problems I love it that's a great way of looking at it I think just a me and thankfulness regard regardless of how long are out short just just give him the glory in the middle that's that's for me that's the answer for my life beautiful beautiful hey let's just take just a moment to pray for the nation's if you would bill would you mind leading us and then we'll just pray for the end of this virus and all the things on your heart yeah first of all we turn our heart to you and we give you thanks we give you thanks you are Lord of all King on the throne never threatened in your position and we partner with your heart right now of mercy towards people I asked for a tidal wave of peace and a tidal wave of healing power the people would find themselves recovering whether through medicine or prayer just recovering covering two places of health and strength restore families as you do it Lord I pray that this issue of reaction negatively through a quick solution or a quick resolve that that wouldn't happen you'd help us as people to just use common sense and to recognize you are behind the solution you are buying the disease but you're buying the solution and we give you praise in advance I'm asking that through this broadcast there would be an impartation of Hope to every household and every family every individual in the name of Jesus let's strength and hope be our portion and we just trust you we just declare you our refuge your where we hide and you are the one we trust in thanks jesus name amen amen Chris 15 seconds pray for our leaders government or KRK our state officials and then around the world just really although we thank you for our president our governor's or mayor's our City Council and what we pray right now that you would give them all wisdom that they would not act out of fear but they would act out of wisdom they would respond that their efforts would be a active that the that the people would be would be submissive in and humble and Lord I pray that you would that you would wake them up in the night and encourage them that you would give them a dreams and visions that it would be as it was in the in the days of Joseph and Pharaoh when they had a solution that took care of their family Lord that there would be a solution that would end this thing in Jesus name and we pray especially for our doctors and nurses and those people who are on the front line there leave Lord we pray that this virus would stop right now that they would not be infected that you would give them energy and wisdom how to deal with each case in Jesus name and we bless everyone who's watching and we pray that they would prosper that they'd been good health that they'd be full of faith and full of joy amen thanks everybody we've had a great time together and then being with you it's been really meaningful for us middle Lord bless you so glad to have had a time with you guys with our senior leaders with that panel and now we're gonna go into a new time of worship [Music] the reign of darkness now is it in the kingdom of light in the kingdom of light forever on the or time you're the king of my you're the king of my life [Music] over every there is Jesus [Music] on the cross the word was finished God you brought out your life just to give us you lie now [Music] cuz Jesus oh yeah well [Music] see [Music] Jesus Oh [Music] see [Music] you said that [Music] now see [Music] [Music] now seated [Music] Jesus in song [Music] see [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] smirre you ain't above it all you ain't [Music] all over the universe seemed over every heart there is no higher name Jesus you're a put it all in later all the permanent here their arms and soul sing Holly to the Aral I see one there is no I Jesus you [Music] a little [Music] [Music] god I look to you and I won't be over give me fish to see things like you do god I love to you you wear my help comes from give me wisdom cuz you know just what to do and I will every Lord I will love you Lord my [Music] my forever all my days I will oh god I look to you and I won't be give you vision Oh to see things like UT God you sure my give you a song oh you know just what to do and I will [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and [Music] Oh God my feet I'll sing it out mother lift it high [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Oh forever and all my things I'll sing honey river and all my dears Holly [Music] god bless you you make his face shine upon and be crazy it's her he faced home [Music] make his face shine [Music] faced one [Music] [Applause] [Music] you make his face shine upon me great [Music] the floor [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me the upon a thousand generations and your family your children and their children and their children bass be a party and a thousand each in children [Music] general and you before heavy your car [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and Lord we come to you and we pray for this nation and the earth Xu right now the whole world for that perfect peace that passes all understanding to flood every heart every life and that worship and intercession will be our weapon it would be our warfare and when anxiety hits us like a flood that we would turn to you and turn it into worship every heartache we turned it into worship and we'd be known as a generation of praise this specific generation in time would be known as a generation of praise and I prophesy a song of praise to flood and fill the earth right now from the young to the old and every heart would be turned to you that this would be a moment in history of all the time where a revival of the heart would spring out across the world the greatest awakening we've ever seen that every soul will be drawn to you Lord right now in this moment in every family a pria prophesy renewing and a restoring of the family unit right now across the world just have a couple other you pray us father we just pray that just no fear in Jesus name and Lord that you would just cancel this virus we come against this in Jesus name we plead the blood of Jesus over this thing every life affected even the normal fluid cancels sickness in Jesus name right now Father we thank you for your healing that you are the healer and everyone that is has the sickness at this time God we come into healing over their bodies in Jesus name what every hospital every home father that your presence would flood it your healing presence God we thank you for what you're doing Lord we thank you for your healing and for your mercy we ask for mercy over the world God we ask for mercy just mercy God thank you Lord we pray for homes and families God that you would just give great peace of the children god I pray for the children it's a joy out of the mouths of babes or they would just start to sing even this time and there would be no fear but only the wisdom of heaven God knowing what to do in the moment father we're following you this is an unprecedent in time but you have not left us alone Lord you are leading us and guiding us and we trusts you Father and we follow you and we just are so thankful God for who you are and all that you're doing [Music] you
Channel: Bethel Music
Views: 579,224
Rating: 4.9347906 out of 5
Keywords: bethel music, bethel church, bethel worship, bethel music worship, Spontaneous Worship, music, worship, bethel worship live, church at home, church at, church, at, home, live at the johnsons, live, brian johnson, jenn johnson, brian, jenn, johnson, paul mcclure, hannah mcclure, mcclures, danielle butler, danielle, butler, 3/22/20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 53sec (4853 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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