Sunday Worship - September 29th, 2019

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and God souffle [Applause] [Applause] god Hey [Applause] [Applause] this is my home hi I am just passing through currently track [Music] [Music] every man Jesus me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to chew up [Applause] humor my treasure you are my treasure [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you're [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the only lasting thing [Music] you are the one cuz you are my treasure [Music] [Applause] the Bible says were immense permit says possess where his heart is awesome Jesus is my key [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are my treasure you are my treasure [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] do [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] but grateful for their name Jesus [Applause] [Music] nothing stays the same this way or The Legend of man [Music] giving a patron by the world.we bro [Music] [Applause] we'll mountains move too hot [Music] the name [Applause] [Music] she's a she very close the whole game kappa in love [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] chains will pull mountains move [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] the name the name the wind and waves away [Music] [Music] hallelujah all across this room let's invoke the name of Jesus all across this room let's say the name of Jesus together Jesus hallelujah hallelujah it's the precious name of Jesus that makes all things new it changes the landscape of your relationships there is power in the name of Jesus see scripture says where two or three are gathered in my name I am in the midst of him it's when they're gathered in my name it's in the name of Jesus so now take me back to 2nd Corinthians where he talks about where two or three are gathered there is not just in the name of Jesus but there is a Liberty in his spirits there is a freedom that comes when we are in the spirit when we are under the umbrella of his name and when there is a spirit of freedom there is a spirit of Liberty you can find the Hosea says that his train fills the temple when his train fills the temple there is no room for disease there is no room for fear there is no room for doubt there is no room for depression there is no room for bankruptcy there is no room for failed marriages there is no room for death I'm telling you it's in the power of the name of Jesus and if you are Andy this morning I want you to know that you are in the right place you are in a safe place you're in a place that speaks the name of Jesus and so all the trust is room why don't you lift whatever you need you have and lift it up to him the author and finisher of our faith and lift up your need and begin to speak the name of Jesus in faith we declare feet we're now speaking to every marriage that is troubling [Applause] please the everlasting father he is matchless in every way so all across this congregation why don't we just thank him for what he's doing right now why don't you thank him and believe it you might not see it it might not make sense yet but why don't we shred the air where the enemy tries to live and let us believe it Becky is already dispatching angels he's already making away he's already provided he's already on your behalf fighting for God is for you who can be against you hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Lord if you're a guest here I want you to know that what you just experienced it's one of our foundations here first church we have a core value that says prayer is our anchor and no matter how chaotic life will get no matter situations that you cannot control we go to a powerful God his name is Jesus and he can fix anything it transcends all cultures all races it doesn't matter so I am thankful that prayer is our anchor here and if you're a guest on behalf of First Church thank you so much for being here with us we're so excited that you are making today just extra special thank you so much it is an honor to have every guest here maybe this is your first second third time your your just knew you might have heard a sister just a term we use here brother sister it might sound foreign to you all that simply means is we really feel like we're family and that life was never meant to live alone that we're in this together that we're better together we're family and so for the next five minutes we have something called connect time where we like to just get out of our seats and find you find somebody who haven't seen in a long time and just thank you for being here with us so first church for the next five minutes please just find your way out of your seats and find somebody that you don't know and let them know how excited and honored that you have them with us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] why don't we all make it back to our seats has it felt great in here so far this morning oh that's sad I got a few has it felt great this morning so far I got anybody with me this year were energized excited listen I just came out of a conference so my voice is gone so either help me or I'll scream the rest of it out sama just needs some help they'd hate at first Church one of our other core values that we love to celebrate people and so I think it would be appropriate right now if we celebrate the newly weds Shawn and Dena they're back home why don't you stand up let's go don't be shy why don't we have some family welcome them home we're so excited to have just an awesome awesome couple with us and we're excited again if you're a guest here thank you so much for being here with us this morning it's just an incredible time when we can get with Jesus in with you so it's just been a great morning we just have a few things that'll be happening this week I am thankful to serve a church that is plugged into its community plugged into its church family so we have some exciting things coming up in October 19th we have something called fall fellowship yes we got one mom excited listen it's just not for kids and trunka tree it's for the whole family so please be their dads uncles aunts moms cut does it matter anybody everybody I can even say this confident cuz I did it last year you can bring your dog I think my dog dressed up as a reindeer one year we were praying for safety cuz it's hunting season he made it home folks so you could bring your pets we don't care just come out with us and celebrate fall fellowship that's October 19th and we are all excited for the church worship conference yes it is just in exciting we've already had the two-part series we've done the first and the second just uh within the last couple of months and I'm telling you it has been building up that worship night has just been amazing impacting and last night we had our first Arabic worship night and we're excited for just God's direction over what has gone on over the worship night and we are believing that is the key to sterling Ison to our city matter of fact we had some folks from Dearborn reached out to us pastor Nathan Hayes and he said hey we're excited about what's going on in Sterling Heights with the Arabic worship night we want to partner with you guys and bring both communities together so we are excited for what God is doing in our community through worship nights so please October 25th through 26 that is a registerable conference so please register you can go on our first church app and register through there but it is exciting we have several guests that will be here there'll be some clinics that will happen so we're so thankful so please cancel your plants and just be there is that okay just cancel them I promise you they won't be near as fun as being with us I promise you but it's exciting and and this this semester we are in full semester of life groups and I want to bring another celebration point this is why life groups if you're a guest let me tell you about life groups real fast life groups are a place where we connect outside of these four walls in our community we are where interest-based we have so many different variations of life groups but there's a couple things that happen number one we have a spiritual application we do a nice just just a place where we can connect spiritually and grow together and then we take that and we have an application I'll tell you this much I think Sajith and his wife can testify of this that my wife does a cake decorating Life Group and I am NOT this big for no reason folks it's her fault but she is teaching on a subject of just being creative and then they are learning how to bake cakes I think Sajith is ready to pull his wife Sharon out of it because she just baked three cakes last week probably unhealthy but they're learning and they're growing so there's a lot of places to plug into but here is the exciting part last week in life groups three people receive the Holy Ghost right in life through outside of these walls and that is exciting that is the purpose of the church is to take what we have here and take it outside of these walls and see what God is doing in life groups maybe you're wondering how do I plug into a life group how do i plug in a first church or become a leader I'm glad you asked we have something called growth track growth track is just a place where you could find out about first church find out what your gifting is because I promise you every single person in this room is valuable to the kingdom of God everyone in this room makes a difference you make a difference and there is a place for you here at First Church in the kingdom and so we just want to help you in that transition help growth may have you've been here for 20 years and you're just tired of changing nursery diapers and there's a place for that don't ask me to change okay diapers but I'll tell you what if you're looking for direction maybe somewhere else to plug in additionaly or somewhere else so just go ahead and plug into growth track that happens the first two Sundays of every month that goes on right during service so just just please plug into that it is just a great great place this next portion of our service is a place where we return our tithes and offerings if your guests we're not asking anything from you we're just excited that you're here but if you feel that - just partner with us financially just pray about it and whatever it is that God leads on your heart go ahead and do that but I want you to know that first church under the direction of our senior pastor harrell's Hoffman is a giving Church the finances that come in here we do not hold them we don't land our pockets but I promise you not only is it reaching church families it's reaching our community but it also reaches our local communities as well as globally there are so many things we have partnered up here and because of your faithfulness we have been able to impact around the world because of your giving so why don't you give yourselves a hand for your faithfulness and what should have done with the kingdom because you are making a difference so thank you so much for doing that and so we're just gonna pray over that Justin here in a couple of seconds that God will take what he has trusted us what we're returning what's rightfully his and we're gonna worship a little more so why don't we just go before him together now Lord I'm excited that you've trusted me with something I'm excited God that I reach the world with my own physical being but God when I partner with your kingdom and I'm and I'm just returning what you've trusted me with God I am making an impact all across this globe and so God I never take it lightly that you have given me the means to impact another soul somebody who has no idea what it's like to be able to go food shopping to buy new shoes or to even make it to of their house of worship because they they might not have a place to travel or to get there with but god you're going to take these finances if you've trusted us and you're just going to multiply and expand it and grow it and it's going to impact the kingdom so thank you Lord for using us just a humble body of believers of family to reach this world we are so thankful for that in the name of Jesus amen [Music] while they are doing that has anybody here enjoyed songs and Story series has it not been incredible we've heard some amazing stories from Jessie and Esmeralda brother Jesse Nez Ronald it's just what God has done with a broken family that the enemy would have loved to destroy but instead of being divorced here they are together sitting together plugging into the kingdom touch in our students lives sharing their story and helping to other marriages helping other couples to come to a place of repentance and restoration and just an amazing time and then we learned a little bit about Tracy and J story and how here's a man that was filled with cancer that has been raised in this thing that understands a relationship with God but was faced with the real fear was faced with something that's could have ended his relationship with God had he had not been just so convicted and had such a deep walk with him but he stands here today cancer-free because one day he decided to move from fear to faith and decided to trust God whether it was to take chemo or not whether he would heal him or not he was still going to be faithful he was still going to share his story he was still gonna talk to his community and see what else all because of a man that decided to operate out of faith and the miracle came in some of the darkest nights and then we have an amazing story Jack and Dolores Hill incredible couples they've served the kingdom almost virtually their whole eyes from being in student leadership to different offices in the church and in matter of fact it was through the hands of a brother Jack Hill that this building you see so much of it was coordinated it through this elder of ours and what should have took him through a massive heart attack God aligned the timing to be just perfect and the doctor's report came back to his heart is as healthy as it was before the heart attack happened listen he didn't just heal that heart he did just give him life he restored his heart to be just as strong as it was before before the heart attack ever happened I'm telling you I serve a God that just doesn't want to put things together but that he makes all things new if you're a broken heel he just won't restore it it'll be listening the Bible says that the latter will be greater than the former and that man's got a healthy heart and we're excited and so today is another special day sister Daisy she is somewhere behind me she's right here an incredible story about the power of the name of Jesus and I won't get into a story cuz it's amazing but if we'll just open our hearts if you're new here and maybe you're trying to figure this out understand your place I want you to hear this woman and see what the power of Jesus can do in your life praise a lot we serve the Living God in the land of living and I'm here to testify not impress anyone but testify magnify exalt and lift the name of Jesus the living Lord the resurrected Lord whose undeniable immutable immovable unshakeable I'm going to I have to watch the time I have a huge testimony can be possible in the minutes but whatsoever wherever I am howsoever I am whatever it takes I will take every opportunity to lift the name of my lord Savior Jesus Christ so my name is Daisy I come here with my three blessed blessings my darling mother she's a queen of her house my son Amulya and my daughter Arushi so my testimony is different because there's so many layers so I come from a Hindu family I am generational and generational Hindu families daisy is my birth name you know there is power in the name I know that there is power in the name period but they were coming to America I understood there is mystery in my name because when I was in India nobody asked me why my name was Daisy but when I came to America and I was you know in the church the early people would say so what is your real name because you come from a Hindu family and when I would witness with the Hindus they say oh you became Christian that's how you change your name so there is mystery in my name but that's just for joke but anyway so I come from India with generational and generational Hindu families for an Indian or for a Hindu creator and creation all its God so Jesus Christ according to them plus Allah or you taste the Sikh God or the Hindu gods five hundred five thousand or all the same gods that's what I used to do I was raised in a Catholic school I have lot of education big degrees I used to go to church I used to go to Temple with my parents that's how I was raised being an Indian when you're at twenty twenty-one your parents want to look out for a boy for you so Lord used that time for me I have this degrees and I wanted to go to work and I was a very in India they call a big man's daughter so for me Jesus Christ was one of the gods I didn't know the difference between Catholic and Christianity but I know Jesus Christ is God so I took a job for about two months I was given given two months to work from my papa and in that two time two months God used a slum dweller slum dweller from the biggest Southeast Asia slums to introduce me to the Lord Jesus Christ I didn't know anything about I thought he's a Messenger of God I didn't know anything else but law I cannot tell you everything but I will just give the important points so that's how I came to know Jesus I was supposed to get married my parents told me to do Indian worship I would back off so I was a you can say I was a hidden secret Christian when I was introduced to my children's parents father I told him I only believed in Jesus Christ he said that's fine but I didn't know I have to be equally yoked this is I'm talking of less than two months I came to America and I told him I want to go to church I an unsaved man led me to a Baptist fundamental Baptist Church the Lord used me in his life one year later he got surrendered he accepted the Lord he had five hundred God's like everything that was 96 my faith was still between the children of my father my mom my papa my brother joy and my best friend my in-laws didn't know about my faith in 97 my parents lived in India my dad my brother and my mom and in 97 hey my prince is to live in a 10 year old building and the whole building collapsed and if you see that that's my brother and my dad my brother was only 19 years old and that's my dad and my mother is it was a brand new 10-year building under concrete iron in cement I lost my mother my brother and my dad my mom if you see the different slides my mom was in the ICU for eight months my faith became public I this I knew that I'm going to be a God pleaser not a people pleaser so when the in-laws came to know about my faith they said I got westernized I got Americanized I said no I accepted Jesus Christ in India I was a Christian from Bombay not from America but they didn't believe I faced a lot of persecution in Indian culture if you don't have a dad in a brother so I did not have an earthly Papa or or a brother that's the time when I looked up to heaven Lee Abba daddy and I said Lord you are the helper you are the father to the fatherless you are the helper of the videos I my persecution and my tragedy took a turn for nine months I my mom was in ICU of all the books I picked the book of Job to read for my month after the ninth month she said how can I have that ending I have no answer I am no answer to capture that ending but I have to trust my Lord and reserve Lee losing two people and then betrayal by their father then when the big betrayal happened I said Lord you know it's my life is like when you're in the school bus you hang on to the bus the strap I literally hang on to the Word of God I say Lord this is what your word says this is what your word says you said that you are the husband the Lord my maker you are t Almighty is your name you are my husband I walk in that confidence people think from outside but I literally it's one thing to know God wanting to know about God one thing to know his promises and every second living on those promises saying Lord this is what you said this is between you and me I cannot wrestle with people anymore I wrestled with you and I'm just listening from God first eyes to tell God my promises my problems now I learnt I tell my problems my promises I want to live a life dependent on God independent of people I want to marinate myself in the Word of God and and not contaminate it I want my kids to be dead like that so--but real then I ve had a bankruptcy their father put 1.2 million I worked very hard I had a corporate job I homeschooled my children not only a 1.2 million dollar bankruptcy for which I did nothing but earned and not and I'm not even talking of the real money but it's the hand of the Lord that I'm standing here he's like the Bible says bring my case to me when I will acquit you I am the classic proof for that I am the living example for that my children don't have a father who can guide them and protect them and guide them but they have the heavenly daddy he said he will bless the fruit of my womb he said my children will be taught by him there will be great peace I live on that word he said even open doors that no man will open and no man can shut glad come proof we are so my testimony my testimony is by His grace through His grace because of His grace you know lastly I'll tell you I read this some long time back I read this story of a beautiful garden of flowers and there were three pea like there were three sets of people that came in the first set of people they looked at the flowers they saw it and they passed by there the second set of person he was a botanist so he looked at the flowery examinee took every note of that flower he took his time and he left and third came to be what the bee did is he went to the flower it went deep inside took all the pollen out I want to be that go empty and come out sweet like honey and be a blessing my children to have a legacy of faith of a generational anointing that will outlive my me my children my children and I will be a blessing to the kingdom of God kingdom of his and not only to ourselves in the name of Jesus I am literally telling Lord Lord I am natural your supernatural I'm weak you are my strength I am flawed you're flawless I am doubtful your doubt I'm your doubtless you are everything you are the three-letter word which I know that fits in a puzzle in my life three letters and two words that I am he is the I am possible in my impossibilities and all glory goes to the Lord that today we are like this is because of this hand over us and I can die praise the Lord no matter what but I know my testimonies in progress and soon I will give you more victories in Jesus mighty name I pray amen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's because I've seen the playfulness of God the inside the store the prize [Applause] [Music] to see you [Music] the promises you made [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] my Jesus name we declare voices of God [Music] [Applause] [Music] right now if there's somebody next to you it's appropriate I want you to get with them in mind and we're gonna pray right now against the spirit of fear we're going to bind the spirit of anxiety come on prayer where is where are you let's lift the sound [Applause] got our huh or if there's any spirit of fear that try to play a generation of God I come against it in the name of Jesus I minded to go back to where came from I pray right now that determined by you body God as long as it's been trying to torment us I pray right now God we've not given us a spirit of fear but of love and a power and I myself we submit to you we submit to your way we submit to your word - a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] together right now for this wonderful move of God for this move of God we thank you for meeting with the smoker ministering to us - a [Music] hallelujah [Music] such a special presence we're feeling but I don't think he's done yet I don't think God has done yeah I think he's setting something up I believe there's gonna be the miraculous that I'll happen here in just a few minutes you can make your way back to your seats just remain standing with me for a few more minutes again on behalf of First Church if you are a guest thank you so much for being here I want you to know that you're in a safe place our senior pastor Harold Hoffman is not here with us this morning he's he's actually traveling he was getting some rest he has been just a really heavy schedule for the last several weeks traveling and ministering and so on behalf of our senior pastor thank you so much for being here as an incredible man I asked you and I encourage you come back next week and he'll be with us and it's going to be incredible we give a lot of honors to our pastor and our first lady Renee often just an incredible leadership team just we're so thankful but today we have somebody very special and I believe God places people in our lives and seasons just what you need I believe it was July 28th 2017 first time I've ever heard our evangelist today Victor Jackson was that just a large gathering there was nearly 37,000 students there young adults adults you name it and it was a day session and typically at a day session you're just all right Lord it's gonna be great but I never anticipated that God would shift my life that day I began to write notes on my phone and I felt as if it was just for me 37,000 people in a room and God chose me to listen with an open ear and an open heart to our Evangelist it's a fact I dared not talk to anybody the rest of the afternoon and I went back to the home I want to no contact with anybody just wanted to process what God had given me only a few years a few months later to meet again and I was in a valley and again brother Victor Jackson smoke into my life again and then I realized something I think that's the miraculous power of the word I think it's amazing that you can have 40,000 people together and God can take a word and make it so personal to 40 thousand people and that it's just not to me and I think there are certain people that have come along and that God will use that gifting to touch everyone in a room with one message because that is the power of the word and we are so incredibly honored to have evangelist Victor Jackson and his wife with us just an incredible man but I promise you God will take the word that he has given him and will personalize it to every single person in this room if will allow it so why don't we just thank God for sending us a man with such an incredible gifting to touch every single person in this room and so brother Jackson as you make your way up our hearts are open our ears are open our spirits are open and we believe that what God gave you will be so personal to everybody in this room we thank you can you clap your hands to the Lord [Applause] tell you what the presence of God is in this place what an honor and privilege it is to be able to stand before you been looking forward to spending time with you guys and I was in this area last week it was a lot warmer last week you know some kind of bipolar around here and someone told me they're like man enjoy this week because next week it's gonna be a lot cooler I was like not in a week's time it's not going to do that well I'm from Florida I was about to bring out my coat today if I had snow boots I would a warm amen appreciate so much pastor Hoffman and his wife and family and their wonderful leadership appreciate the elders and my life and in this movement that it made such a impact on the body of Christ and thank you for sharing this family not just with this church but with the world that they go around ministering and blessing the body of Christ aren't you thankful for the leadership that God has placed over this wonderful assembly and and Benito and his family and that pronounced in Rome Oh Ned oh I'm sorry I'm sorry you know what when I came here last time people were calling him meadow for the meadow and so I had him in my phone as brother meadow and then he text me as hey this is brother brother Ned oh and I was like well I don't know who this is I mean Hutchins haha then I saw him at General Conference and I was like hey what's going on by the meadow he was like no is Ned oh I was like don't play with me and so I finally got it right and give honor to him and Berlin and got to see one of my Floridian friends brother Aaron Davey and his wife and appreciate his family in Tampa they his church and his home church and that mom makes an incredible impact on the body of Christ my beautiful wife Louisa give honor to her my son James Asher isn't here and we get to see him tomorrow but he's having a blast with the grandparents so a few months ago I was preaching and after I was done preaching there was a woman that came up to me and said by the Jackson I'm not gonna lie to you when you got up in the pulpit I really got nervous when you in during your introduction she said I got nervous I said why's that she said because you sounded like a librarian [Music] and she said they're thinking started preaching and she said I felt better so if you're looking at me getting nervous because I sound like a librarian just hold on for a second and ma'am getting to preacher mode in a moment amen Genesis chapter 26 verse 19 Thank You musicians and singers it's such a phenomenal job leading us into the presence of God Genesis chapter 25 and verse 19 I believe the Lord has spoken to me and and I tell you what it just can't even escape it word specifically for this church and been wrestling with it I was on the airplane and on the way here and just felt God speak to me and been carrying it in my spirit and then I came here this morning as I assure Lord are you sure he's like believe me I'm sure because Pentecostal sure know how to put some poker faces on we know how to act like nothing's wrong we could be going through the Battle of our life and here we are in church God said though don't look on now or the appearance he said I'm looking on their heart and I feel them the Holy Ghost to minister to some people's hearts here this morning and we'll see what the Lord does Genesis chapter 25 verse 19 and these are the generations of Isaac Abraham's son Abraham begat Isaac and Isaac was 40 years old when he took Rebekah the wife the daughter of Bethuel the Sirian of Penn Pandorum the sister to Laban the Syrian and Isaac entreated the Lord for his wife because she was barren and the Lord was entreated of him and Rebecca his wife conceived and the children struggled together within her and she said if it be so why am i thus as she went to inquire of the Lord last scripture verse 23 and the Lord said unto her two nations are in thy womb and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels and the one people shall be stronger than the other people and the elder shall serve the younger I withdraw my thought out of where she said if it be so why am i thus other translations translate that question as what is happening to me that's what I want to talk about this morning I want to preach on this subject what is happening to me a lot of y'all have that question and that's what I want to minister to you on what is happening to me I want you to lift up your hands right now and let's ask the Lord to do exactly what he wants to do Lord Jesus I thank you for your spirit I thank you for your presence I thank you for these wonderful people here god I ask you to minister you are the vine and we are the branches I'm nothing without you I hide behind the cross I hide behind your presence I thank you for this wonderful leadership team these wonderful musicians and singers and volunteers God I thank you for the testimony we've heard Lord do something in our mist here this morning that would transform this church forever and let them never be the same in Jesus name Amen can you clap your hands unto the Lord little bit louder just a little bit louder the Holy Ghost is here come on somebody open up your mouth right now hallelujah praise God [Applause] amen you may be seated in the presence of the lord help me Holy Ghost I might sound like a librarian at the beginning of this message hallelujah [Laughter] Isaac was the promised son of Abraham and everything would be entrusted to him everything that Abraham possessed would go down to Isaac Isaac was so important to continue that promise lineage and that promise heritage to the next generation the the problem is Isaac needed a wife and so Abraham sent his most trusted servant on a 550 mile journey to find his son the right wife that's a good marriage message right there it is better to wait and travel far to find the right one than to marry the wrong one because you're lonely and they're in a convenient location well I could preach right there because it's amazing how people start looking cuter when you get lonely what it never gave them the time of day two years ago boy I'm in trouble here well but you get lonely you're like well he's not too bad he's not but he's gods it's all over his face but it's beautiful it's like it's like Braille it's like it's like I'm reading his mind when I touch his face he loves me that nose is crooked but it's a pretty type of crooked nothing surgery can't fix it'll be fine people just start looking better when you get lonely said it's better to wait and travel far and so Abraham said he can't just marry anybody I need him to marry somebody that is going to continue the promise and the legacy and and so the servant finds Rebekah and Isaac and Rebekah they get married and Isaac is 40 years old when they get married and for 20 years Rebekah cannot produce a child 20 years she's barren she knows that they have destiny together and that the promised seed is supposed to continue through her but after 20 years nothing happened and finally Isaac went to the Lord and began to pray and say God what's what's going on here my my wife needs to have a child in and the Bible says that Rebekah conceived and when she conceived the children together within her and when those children struggle within her she said what is happening to me many times I I can say that Rebekah rather struggle with children in her womb than to struggle with Berenice I said the pain of barrenness is greater than the pain of travail and she asked the question what is happening to me and that question a question is the source of all points of Revelation the pain pushed her to ask a question the pain pushed her to ask a question in that question would be the foundation of the revelation that God was going to present to her pain provokes questions and God isn't intimidated by our questions God isn't afraid of questions he doesn't get mad as us for asking questions when you ask what's going on in my marriage what's going on in my family what's going on in my life why am i struggling with this and why am i struggling with that I've thought that it was supposed to be this way but God what is happening to me God doesn't get mad at us God understands questions and he's not afraid or intimidated by anybody's questions in this building you've come with that same question this morning what well what is happening to me something's been going on in your world something's been going on in your ministry something's been going on in your life and in your family that you have that question and you feel bad for having that question in your mind what is happening to me I thought that it was supposed to happen this way but it didn't happen I thought that it was supposed to go this way but it didn't go this way what is happening to me and I thank God that he's not intimidated by questions because questions are not a sign of unbelief really questions are a sign of maturity questions aren't a sign of doubt or despair it's a sign that you're growing boy I feel like preaching already he told the children of Israel he said that I'm giving you this law in Deuteronomy 6 he said but there's gonna come a day when your children are gonna ask you what do these things mean not as a sign of unbelief but as a sign of maturity where they will grow to the cognitive state where they're gonna want to know the reason for what they do when they we're gonna cross over Jordan and they put the stones in Jordan God said there's gonna come a time when your children are gonna ask what do these stones mean not as a sign of unbelief but they have grown to the place where they are ready for revelation I said well you have questions that means you are probing God for revelation and understanding is this making sense God hasn't intimidated by questions questions are are a sign of maturity he he uses questions Adam where are you I know where you are I'm just using the question to provoke a self-revelation huh so you can see how far you've drifted from my original purpose huh God uses questions to give us revelation who do men say that I the Son of Man am some say you're John the Baptist some say you're Elijah some say you're one of the prophets but who do you say that I am and the questions provoked revelation and Peter as Peter begin to consider the question all of a sudden they begin to come out of his heart thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God the question provoked revelation and understanding as a matter of fact researchers and scientists they say as they research the differences between animals and humans and they say you know there's a lot of similarities between animals and humans they adapt to environments they communicate with their own species they know how to survive but they say the major distinction between an animal and a human is the ability to ask a question questions are sign of humanity it's a sign of distinction as a matter of fact that's what made God speaking through the donkey so great because when God spoke through the donkey the first thing that donkey said was why are you hitting me God not only spoke through the donkey God reached into the donkey's mind gave it a human brand human intellect and if any animal could speak the first thing it would do is ask a question why you didn't feed me more some of y'all cat and dog would probably say that at home what where you go every Sunday why you don't take me with you questions or a sign of maturity it's a sign that you're ready to grow it's a sign of you growing in your walk with God I'm preaching to somebody right now questions are supposed to provoke revelation questions can either provoke revelation art can create a prison you decide that you decide if you become a prisoner of your question or you just get the freedom of Revelation job had a few questions for God what's going on God lost everything I'm serving you I'm faithful you you're the one that called me perfect that's what the Bible says about Jobe there was a perfect man God said hold on you said I'm perfect but I'm still struggling come on and some of y'all have those questions in here my whole and I'm paying my ties and I'm struggling I'm being faithful and I'm still struggling I'm doing the best that I can I volunteer I'm in the groups and I'm still battling with depression I'm still battling with anxiety huh I'm still battling with fear what is happening to me the jobs questions became a prison that God had to rebuke jobs questions with his sovereignty God asked job hey job can you make snow God sure know how to shut you up he said he said where did the earth begin with where did the earth began did you can't you create hailstones where well huh where did the Angels go Wow who do you know how to pull up Leviathan with the hook the end of Java God's has answered his question with the question and his questions became a prison because the Bible says after job repented that the Lord turned the captivity of Job hold on Jill wasn't behind is he physical bars job wasn't in a prison cell he was a prison to his own perception of his trial it was a prison to his own perception of what he was going through there's a lot of prisoners in this place I know I know I know you're free physically but mentally you're a prisoner to that perception of what has happened to you like nothing good is gonna come out of it like God's not gonna turn it around like God's not gonna bring you out faster than you win and like God is not gonna deliver you with power like God is not gonna put his love and mercy on you like God is not gonna wrap you up as a father like God is not gonna be a lil eNOS like God is not gonna be a lily in the valley like he's not gonna be the Rose of Sharon like he's not gonna be your bright and Morning Star like he's not gonna be Jehovah Jireh your provider and so let me see your victory over what is happening to me what is happening to me why do I feel this way I'm all surrounded by Liberty but I feel depressed sometimes I could be lifting up my hands but while I'm lifting up my hands I just like I can't get out of the questions out of my mind so it's tough for me to respond my everybody else is lifting up their hands crying you're like I don't even feel nothing they they all speaking in tongues I don't even feel nothing in here because you've become a prisoner to what is happening to you instead of becoming a prisoner of his presence will you become a prisoner of his presence my lord it begins to free from every doubt it begins to free from every fear I don't know how he's gonna work it out but I'm going after his presence huh I'm going after his glory not going after the annoyed higher higher higher that's why he says seek ye the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added what are some of the things that shall be added he'll start adding answers to your questions if you start going after his kingdom first don't let your questions hinder you and your pursuit for the kingdom you gotta learn how to walk in here blitz your questions down I just lift up your hands and say Lord you're worthy huh I don't know what's going on but blessed be the name of the law I wish someone would clap their hands for a moment and that was someone we lift up their voice for a moment and I wish somebody would shout unto God for a moment that's that's our that's how I know you're you're you're in prison because some of y'all couldn't respond to that it manifests on you what the prison here becomes physical look come on somebody I'm preaching to you right now but I don't want to lift up my hands because I think the answer first well you're not gonna get the answer first huh God uses questions to provoke you to the answer huh and he is the answer huh he is the answer to every question he is the answer to every problem you gotta learn to just go to him come on because here's the way the truth the life the light of the world hallelujah Alamo hashida Katya hallelujah become a person become become a person where you can't get out of it where we can offer hoping you like I don't want it I got it I need an answer first become become a prisoner to your own your own thoughts and your own problems in your own perspective that's what happened with Jobe and the Lord had to turn his captivity and give him a proper perception of what happened to him one of the most mistreated scriptures in the Bible is Romans 8:28 and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God and to them that are called according to his purpose we like to quote that our own wrong Romans 8:28 we like to say all things work together for our good you see how you slip that in there it's kind of all things work together for our good it's not what the Bible says it says for good now here's my question who's who's the finition of good is this because you and I have different definitions of what the word good really means based on our backgrounds if I was homeless my whole life and somebody decided to bless me with the shed about this big I would come into that shed and be like man God's good but if I've been living in a mansion my whole life and I lost everything and you come and bless me with that same I'm look at this shed light this is a curse see you and I have different definitions of what the word good means so this is not our definition of good this is God's definition of good huh the greek word for good here is a gaff those which literally means interesting good huh where is what happens on the inside that makes the trial good huh so the success of a trial is not the outcome but it's what you become in the trial that makes it successful so if it if I lose everything God used it to make me more like him I am becoming something in my herd I am becoming something in my pain I am becoming something in my struggle by becoming something with these questions and if he doesn't change the circumstances huh he's changing me and if he doesn't turn the situation around at least he's turning me bara you got to get the right perception of what's happening because what has happened to you what you don't realize is that God is doing things beneath the surface in this church that you haven't seen manifested yet see it is easy to get frustrated when you're only in the physical realm when you tap into the spirit you can start seeing that God is beginning to do some things because now you're more compassionate now now you have more sincerity since you went through that storm now now you love one another better huh he's the great about everything he used to complain to everybody my lord I'm preaching huh you used to have he used to mock he used to be mad all the time but after that trial happened to you all of a sudden he started softening up you know how can I help this church what can I do to be a blessing come on why because even though your circumstance hasn't changed there's something different about you there's a different compassion in you there's a difference sincerity in you and I come to priest-in-charge this church has drown in the spirit am i making sense is this helping wait wait a Hannah this is helping you alamo jose gives you a different perception about people because the first affliction that happened the job was from the Sabian's in the Chaldeans the sabians were descendants from sheba the Chaldeans or descendants the case said it doesn't matter where they came from it matters what they represent the first attack of their job was from people as though that was the first attack that was the first affliction that was the first thing that came to test his spirituality was how you handle when people hurt you some of y'all lose your whole egos real quick when you get hurt by people y'all spiritual super spiritual in church and ya missin mr. Christian so you get that phone call you don't like hello brother uh-huh all right god bless you yeah I'm doing good Jesus is great amen yeah who was that hold on now I wasn't always saved let me give you a flashback uh-huh then all of a sudden here comes and something comes out of you that you didn't know was there let tell a person pulled it out of you and gods looking at you like that is what was preventing you from a double blessing so I used an affliction from a person I used them to persecute you to reveal you to you and he's like you're not as saved as you think you are and while you take your time getting bitter at them and having grudges at them you just locking up your blessing in heaven and you know Church church folk you know how to I don't know how we do we know how to be bitter at people and still praise the Lord boy it's quiet in here we know how to hold grudges and still be in the altar but if you see them that person that hurt you you've seen him on that side of the altar look at you when you come down here and that's that altar look at you you see him on that site look at you church folk they don't fight they just ignore each other it's quiet in here there's no fistfights it's just I'm just gonna act like you're not there I know you sit on the left side so I never go to the left side I know you sit on the right side so I never go to the right side if you sit in the middle I'm just going all around you go ahead and shake shake your brother's hand you know as I did you know yeah y'all some Dodgers as I should some serious faces in here God says you don't understand the same people that are hurting you are the same people that are helping you the same people you feel like you can't live with are the same people you can't live without because I am using them to show you what's wrong with you you have an anger issue you're too edgy quick-tempered one thing you mess up your whole day yeah man God's good come on What did he say and remit and we can we can remember all the bad a person has done and if they even if they asked for forgiveness you know I forgive you I'm never gonna forget though so every time you come to church you like yeah I remember what happened five years ago he you heard how I felt - my hand he squeezed it a little tighter than he normally does you think he's trying to send me a message walk past each other's shoulders bump like oh so he still remembers what happened seven years ago okay let's do it come on somebody y'all laugh because this is real talk God wants to see how you handle it to see if he can trust you with the next level [Applause] he he allowed pnina to afflict Hannah because Hannah was content being barren you're not hearing me here but when that person afflicted Hannah punana had many children Hannah had no children and so pnina used to make fun of hannah and provoke her sore and when Hannah got afflicted by that person that affliction pushed her into the temple into the presence of God to make a vow to God and say God if you give me a man-child I'll give it back to you and the Bible says she had a son named Samuel who became a prophet Hannah you got to endure the affliction of people because there's a prophet in your womb there's a miracle in your womb Hannah it just takes affliction to get it out you're not hearing me right now if pnina would have never hurt her she'd have been content being Elkanah x' wife yes how can i said i'm not i better to me than ten sons and he was for a time until a person started poking her come on somebody and she said i gotta have a child and she didn't respond to that hurt from that person by getting bitter she responded by going to the Lord in prayer I'm going somewhere [Applause] I preached all that to preach this there's one point I got a word from the Lord for you this church a few years ago the Lord spoke this to me I don't know I have a talking about it I just got a I just showed up as weekend holiday I surprised some of y'all holiday but the Lord spoke this to me so I got to tell you this church a few years ago I would say anywhere from three to five years ago had a barren spell where this church was barren there weren't many souls coming in there weren't really a lot of people getting the Holy Ghost getting baptized it was it was a barren spell and then somehow ya'll began to intercede and God gave you a child where you began to be pregnant and the name of that child was harvest and during this time where you were pregnant with harvests you gave birth to harvest listen I'm I'm in the Holy Ghost you all think of this whatever you want you gave birth to harvest two years ago you bring give birth two harvests a year to two years ago listen and when you gave birth to harvest there was a pain in that travail that everybody felt and when you were in pain after producing harvest listen you were waiting on joy because joy is supposed to come after you have a child but the joy never came and people were talking my hole in there and harvest they're there they're planting churches they're being using their everything and so that everybody is expecting well that church has a lot of joy but all that was on you was sorrow and the joy never came and the Bible says that after a woman travails she travails in sorrow but then when she sees the man child as she produced there is a joy that makes her forget her anguish but you guys have produced something in the physical realm and the joy never came you've acted like there's been joy you tried to manufacture joy cuz cuz watch this cuz we're supposed to be happy right the Lord told me in the Holy Ghost he said here's why they didn't have joy he said because they didn't know that they were still pregnant there were twins in the womb I got a word from the Lord I got a word from the Lord for you he said they didn't know that they were still pregnant and they couldn't experience joy yet because the labor is it finished this is a prolonged laboring period that this church has been and look here me and the Holy Ghost this is a prolonged laboring period where you produced a child of harvest first but there is a child of joy that will not manifest alone in the physical huh it's not gonna be a physical harvest but it is something in the spirit that this church is getting ready to birth this church is getting ready to birth the second child the child of joy and the Bible says that the second child will be greater than the first child and the joy is gonna be greater than the harvest SOI that is coming and the stars [Music] I wish you a clap your hands and receive that I would somehow and lift up their voice and receive that I was a spirit enjoy it come on you right now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ [Applause] I don't know if you know this but there is a unique anointing on this church where God said I don't do with this church what I do with other churches he said stop comparing how you're supposed to feel to all the churches around you huh and put a distinction on this body where you will not produce like everybody else produces a that's gonna be difference acaba higher hella masseteric attire yeah you've been saying what's happening to me I'm supposed to be happy we're having a harvest we broke through the Baroness huh we broke through it it's harvest it's hard but still I feel this pain and my womb I still feel this struggle in my womb cos it's because there's a second Sun that's coming down and that is the Sun of joy and DIC have a Shia that there's a joy there's an oil of joy that's being released you say we're brother Jackson why why did what did that the harvest son why did it come early I thought they were supposed to be born at the same time yes normally that swings are born at the same time but in special cases why I got a word from the Lord in special cases sometimes a child that's twins comes out early where the Guinness Book of World Records a woman had twins that were 87 days apart a child was born early at 23 weeks but it was born it was a pound that she had to wait till full-term to produce the second one and they're both alive if you had that picture can you put it up there they might have it for me born 87 days apart twins you could put it down so God said I gave you the first son of harvest but you've been in a prolonged transition for the second son [Music] [Music] the Lord said the Lord said hear me and the Holy Ghost the Lord said I gave you a harvest hey Kabul ayah because I wanted to see how your spirit handled the harvest see Kabul shipped ayah because there is a son that I've held back for days and months he caught Abu Hotel huh he said you've been waiting on joy but I wanted to see how you handled the season huh when the harvest was there when the harvest was there and the joy didn't materialize huh I wanted to see how this church behaved itself and he said you've had a right spirit huh you've done things appropriately huh he said now you're ready for me to release the second Swing you're ready for me release the Sun of joy huh and the Holy Ghost said Victor I'm sinning you insist I'll hide because that son is about to be birthed and that service huh because they already are so walk and a foolish' of joy I want you to stand on your feet I want you to grab the hand of somebody near you that couple heel of a Shia I want you to grab the hand of somebody near you and I want you to begin to open up your mouth begin the worship God I want you to begin the praise on uh our jitterbug a have a Shia and the name the name of Jesus peebo [Music] hallelujah hallelujah Cobo Shahi hallelujah hallelujah that's it that's it that's it I'm off Italian hey la mejor Shia Harlem were what he had tell you he Cora his tire in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus hallelujah I'm a higher he called a horse a tire a llama hooyah he Cara Jose I'm a higher hallelujah how am i Shia caught over time hallelujah [Music] I want you to step out of your seat from the Front's of the back I want you to move in as close as you can from the Front's of the back come forward we're gonna have a time of prayer before we go the harvest and joy is being joined together the harvest and joy has been joined together the joy is gonna be greater than the harvest the first birth you had was physical but this birth this is gonna be a spiritual birth in the spirit in the spirit you were wondering you produced that you produce that harvest after that barren spell and you were in pain but she said but the pain of barrenness is greater than the pain of travail so you just dealt with the pain because he had to make some adjustments after the harvest because you were used to doing it traditionally I'm in the Holy Ghost right now I'm in the Holy Ghost you were used to doing it traditionally but then when it just kept being the same result Baroness he tried something different and you got pregnant with harvest and then harvest came but you were you you were so shocked you had temporary joy just like Jacob reached for Esau the Esau was the firstborn and Jacob reached and grabbed Esau's heel see this see this translation I want you to see Esau as the harvest coming forth and I want you to see joy reaching on harvest trying to pull it in so he could come out first but it couldn't so what happened is harvest came forth and you felt temporary joy but then joy lifted its hand off I'm in the Holy Ghost right now I'm telling you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I just I just want you to lift up your hands where you are right now the joy of the Lord is your strength I want you hey Cara boy horseshit - yeah hey Cara hasa - yeah olavo horik Italian hello Lenovo Hoshi time he la la la mejor Eric I said to you he la mejor okura he shia in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus if you have the Holy Ghost I want you to pray in the spirit louder right now we're giving birth to something we're giving birth to joy right now if you have the Holy Ghost begin to pray in the spirit loud in this place we are giving birth to a son of joy become a Shia [Applause] [Applause] Nakano saya my mama hiya come on grab the hand of somebody near you grab the hand to someone near you and just lift it up there's a unity of the spirit in here you lift up that hand Joy's coming right now [Music] Joy's coming right now and authentic shine [Music] Masaya [Music] [Music] a messiah huh now I want you with everything in you while you're grabbing that person's hand I want you to rejoice and what the Lord is doing I want you to rejoice and what God is bringing forth that chemists aiya you need to rejoice rejoice in the Lord and be glad come on that's it that's a real joy on you you need to thank him for bringing you out you need to thank him that you're not bearing anymore you need to thank him you need to sing you need to shout you need to rejoice and Allah [Music] it's alright it's okay it's alright it's okay be free it's alright it's okay cuz God will make way what sure has come I want you to pray with somebody near here right now I want you to close your eyes and pray that the joy of the Lord would become their strength right now close your eyes and begin to intercede and pray Comeau saya [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's alright it's okay my god my toy [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's alright it's okay [Music] it's hard it's okay don't be afraid it's alright it's okay [Music] [Music] right now everyone needs to be praying with somebody right now I don't want you to think about your problems I don't want you to think about what's happened in your life I'm telling you right now the joy that you're experiencing it's not just for you and your family it's that the person next to you can experience and reap what God is doing in your midst right now I want you to not focus on you I want you to put the focus on somebody near by you and let the joy of the Lord that's flowing through you be their strength I want you to link up with somebody near you don't focus on me don't focus on you but I want you to focus on the person beside you and pray that the joy will come and be their strength right now come on it's time for you to get lost in the joy come on it's time for you to get lost in the joint don't put a time limit don't put a season on this joy let it flow like a river let it flow like a river [Music] you
Channel: First Church Sterling Heights
Views: 1,136
Rating: 4.2380953 out of 5
Id: tQZmmMzmp3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 45sec (7305 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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