HARLEY QUINN WANTS THE... SHE WANTS BRUCE ALRIGHT | Batman: The Enemy Within (Episode 2)

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boy you got some guns on you what hey what hey get your girl we could carve out some alone time mama don't say that something what's going on quick Batman here AKA black man here and welcome back to my game episode 2 has arrived and I can only surmise that this is gonna be very bad almost as bad as when my parents were killed in front of me take your bill this game serious adapts to the choices you make story is tailored by how you play uh what is this Gotham can we get a last time kind of a Madman from Gotham's past return to terrorize my city he drew me into his Twisted game yeah I was striking at the things I hold most dear oh yeah I remember this but I survived his deadly traps I emerge the Victor oh my gosh but the cost was too great y'all remember what happened last time lucious Fox is dead Riddler is dead yet with him the only lead I had I had greatest danger Gotham has ever faced bro and the person best equipped to help me is a threat to my deepest secret y'all remember the Riddler was going to be my way in once we captured him alive but now I have you to lean on a man who lives on both sides of the line and knows exactly when to cross it yes you and I will be working together very closely Bruce Wayne no now I gotta kill you you know too much got a chloroform first thing you need to know I can keep you a secret and despite what you did going behind my back to Mori I will continue to keep it upwards nothing no one else needs to know to deal with the present threat though I need both of you the man inside and outside I have to understand I'm not the enemy it may seem that way right now but then reinstate Gordon's far too big for us to be bickering among ourselves uh-huh if that's true then reinstate Gordon as commissioner you really are loyal to that stubborn old music yeah what's good I'll tell you what play nice with me now and when this is all over I'll make things right with Gordon when Riddler's friends here he's dead they ain't gonna just carry on carrying on they might get sloppy they might want revenge or they might simply accelerate their plans bro bring them out man I need eyes everywhere in Gotham dang we're a man like Bruce Wayne with all his influence and resources and go places Batman can't you understand what I'm saying don't you wait what your public Persona could be a great help to us here maybe even as much as Batman in certain situations I'm not saying anything oh I don't know let the idea sink in I don't know what he's talking about she gets the highest form of blackmail oh shoot what's going on [Music] we've got a report of a raid on the Gotham PD Arsenal if those investors get their hands on our weapons no this is coordinated it's Riddler's gang it has to be we're gonna need Batman for this one agree I was going over there anyway Services is already pushed to the Limit then I will have to redeploy patrol officers to defend the Arsenal no I got this [Music] I can handle the Arsenal call thank you and this continues right after the first episode so Batman bro Batman literally just got done with a boss battle and he's going back in let's do this oh my gosh bloody my dude dude looking like they spill spaghetti sauce on them all right we're gonna do this black man always got a plan you know what I'm saying all right what more do you want with me hey shut it you got what you came for right you don't need me well you better hope that's not true bro chill usefulness I'm about to sleep or hold the freak out of this dude go to sleep go sleep you're welcome how many are there I don't know 10 or 12 maybe the really big one he he made me give him the keys to the Armored Transport Vehicles oh I didn't want to I swear it's okay get out of here now thank you Batman all right all right we got this so how are we gonna attack this guys oh you about done uh disarm drop from above no I'm going up always eat dirt oh wait this way uh huh it's a freak down uh yep you're done get that shot boy dang catch him dang you could have caught my man who are you a nightmare much like yourself wait is that you can call me please it ain't happening bro look at this man a man cannot win a war alone uh disarms sit down boy and go to sleep you know what time it is you fight well but you fight alone you will die alone hit him with a smoke bomb that freaking butt cheek punched uh disarm they cannot have guns how do you feel the freak down boy [Music] what's next I can see why Riddler wanted to be the one to kill you Riddler is dead he's dead Riddler oh yeah you should be worrying about yourself I promised my man a hell of a battle If Ever I faced you and I'd hate through this Point look at my cast on bro I haven't faced a true warrior since I left Pena Duro prison [Music] pick off these men oh no oh no [Music] this one is mine are you living oh he cheating he's using cheat codes foreign what are you doing bro you already oh my gosh oh my gosh there we go there we go we gotta get out of here oh my God I don't want you to die let's go never mind bro what kind of voice is this man taking oh my gosh I'm about to get my back bro this pain you're feeling Batman shock them there we go get up oh move that freaking ecstasy wearing off dude what the heck we got Bane to worry about did you get him there's nothing to fear my friend your eyes open don't let anyone they got all the weapons don't tell me he's dead okay get up Batman get up [Music] oh no guys I don't want to make decisions this early we just started I don't have allegiance to her man we call Gordon Gordon knows the city better than anyone should be able to quickly find the stolen weapons but Willow will feel disrespected most people are well trained and equipped to deal with Bane but Gordon is bound to feel betrayed Harley just as a Gordon we gotta call Gordon that man what's wrong it's on the way okay [Applause] Batman we gotta deal with her right off the Batman say something if you can hear me well y'all see this big old pile of bricks Gordon Christ Batman come on help me my goodness it won't move Batman we're gonna need you to help us push this thing all right I'm ready let's do this come on you can do it yeah come on my man hold up look at his freaking soup the mechanic where is he what he didn't make it are you serious he saved my life Batman it's okay Jim I just need a minute bro we need to go back to the bat cave oh you're feeling up to it I'd love to hear what the hell happened here who did this to you dude he called himself Bane his men loaded the weapons onto the apcs said they were taking them to a warehouse near the docks you need to find them don't worry we'll catch the bastards you better believe the entire force is motivated after what happened tonight things and his men to hide the weapons leave Bain to me yeah give us a second will you I want him rematch 1v1 this time thanks for sticking your neck out and calling me with this I need all the juice I can get now that we live in wallers Gotham oh Waller not weather we're going to have to stick together if we're going to weather her storm you and me we're nothing like her we're not a principal who still believe in the letter of the law I got your back bro I will always have your back Joe thanks Batman you don't know how good it is to hear that I got you fam you held me down since day one I'm returning a favor thanks again Roger died bad boy for life it means a lot let's get it right on time oh god let's get to the bat cave see if I can make some sense of what happened tonight dude I don't want to talk to this shut up what did I miss no I was at the scene of a heist at the Gotham brokerage house when Batman called me here were they after we're still getting a full account once the dust settles I'll send you everything we've got detective bullets writing up a full report I haven't sent you a copy offices are ready for your deployment orders I've got to get going all right I'll catch you later bear your partner avesta how is she oh still in the hospital and doctors say the hearing damage could be permanent that's who this guy is damn it it should have been me I failed her nah dude I failed her I put her in danger it's my fault no no the blame for what happened to avesta rests with Riddler not you that's nice of you to say that I owe you one for saving my life back there so I gotta warn you Waller flipped when she heard you called Gordon instead of her well he should stay on Waller's good side for as long as you can for everyone's sake what is he gonna do huh fire me televested you asked about her now if she reveals that I'm Bruce Wayne so what man Bruce Wayne could die I'll be I'll be Batman we're going to need it it's like you think about it like why do it have to be a secret lady look I'm Bruce Wayne I'm Batman what of it I'm I'm fine really you are not fine Bruce dang right look at me none of this is fine you were nearly killed tonight those minutes of silence waiting for you to respond the worst of my life I'm sorry man you know if you're alive or dead or if if I would ever see you again I'm sorry bro I'm so sorry to put you through that out I'm sorry you'll just do it again tomorrow not let's not deliberate at least you know we already lost Lucius they're losing you too and loose's daughter's still mad at me mad at us talk about all this later come on now let's get you patched up all right we need to go in that pod that Goku went in when he got tore up in the uh Ginyu Saga you know what I'm saying as if he wasn't bad enough now director Waller knows your identity that information in her hands Waller isn't the one we need to worry about Bane is still on the loose with enough guns to arm a small militia ah I I understand the man died for you tonight Bruce trying to save you from that monstrosity it's your day too many have died In Too Short a Time the cost of this war just continues to rise we can do it here I need your strength right now of course sorry for not being my Resolute self we've never gone up against anyone able to cause you so much look at this dude looking like a freaking followers right about one thing Mexican wrestler was just a small part of a larger threat let's begin with the dart I pulled from his neck [Music] got it still some toxin left in here what kind of toxin something new there's a whole series of powerful psychoactive meds in this cocktail drugs that are lethal and combined come up with such a concoction and did the same person pull the trigger Bane's attack was one of three tonight all at the same time what let's bring him up get an assessment of the damage all right uh review the events of the crime wave so let's look here Oak Ridge 10 million in diamonds stolen dang some safety deposit boxes emptied content's unknown over a dozen dead and even more wounded oh my mostly by gunshot though some victims had there been smashed oh that's Bob Barrick bro we need the Justice freaking lead got them getting bodied like this then killed over here Witnesses place harleen quinzel at the scene dressed up as a clown and wielding a mallet oh don't ask me he was freaking his friends are as insane and gruesome as he was even more those same Witnesses say that she acted alone impossible all that Carnage all by herself impossible I don't believe it goth Corp Labs genetic research facility where do we even start with this idea authorities can't determine what was even stolen until all of that melts at least 20 dead some completely encased in ice others were frozen solid some of their limbs shattered as they fled 20 dead here 10 days there's Intel shows that the thieves made off with numerous pieces of equipment used in the storage and transportation of biological material I don't even want to think what they want that for no IDs on any suspects though security cameras Frozen all Witnesses dead oh oh my goodness guns money biotech are they planning we won't know until we get to Bain I don't mean to cause a fence but you're in no shape to beat the information out of that monster just give me a sentence if it comes to it we've already seen how formidable Bane is on his own taking on all of them and be suicide in your current condition I can use some help of course I could use help but both the gcpd and the agency are stretched thin on things for sure can't just wait around for Bane to strike again right the death toll is already too high exactly 30 days right some problems might be better solved by Bruce Wayne Ridler said his friends abandoned him the lady of Dublin due to the fact that John Doe was one of them if that's the case then John can get you close to the others they already want you to meet them John Doe might be your best chance of getting inside yeah finding out what they're up to he's my ticket you're right John's my ticket in if I play my cards right John might tell me most of what I want to know well the less you have to mingle with his friends the better I'll feel about all this where you at coach it'll be dangerous approaching Bane and his people this way you'll be suspicious of anyone who isn't a proven Criminal you'll have to give the performance of a lifetime I pulled the wall over there I won't win as an ally Bruce Wayne has influence an endless bank account and as of last year questionable integrity everything a criminal Network looks for in a new I find John Doe and accept his offer as though I flee the invitation is still open always open just like my wound on my chest meat John I'd like to take you up on your offer dang man text it back immediately excellent news can we meet so ofc no just the place the stack deck the stack deck that's where he is I suppose you couldn't wait an hour or two while you rest a chance I mean I was about to be like yeah we could put on some you know Cory Kenshin videos a couple Hot Cheetos or something give me a Capri Sun that's how I like to relax stack that man what I'll tell you about Batman no hero where I see it this is a bunch of hired muscle for Rich guys like Bruce Wayne what I see tell Bruce Wayne now that makes you free okay it feels no really he's on your right it feels like crap Wayne reach you're just a huge colossal gigantic spoiled pieces oh I am yeah no it's cool I'm gonna ignore what I heard yeah it's all done you set me up nonsense Bruce uh Don't Mind Willie we're just messing with you you look like you could use a drink all right oh you see the purple button on his shirt what about my medicine medicine bottle let me let the clown lead you to Bane whatever it takes this I uh I run a therapy Circle here every second Sunday okay these people need the expertise that I learned in Arkham listen I'm looking for Bane let's get straight to the point with your freaking big old nose I actually don't drink food know it all really got what was coming to him authorities are refused oh The Riddler Who Am I who am I you're a rotting stinky horse that's who you are okay oh oh my gosh John look at him tea did you have anything to do with the Riddler's death cold-blooded murder uh yeah you really think I do that uh I don't know John the way you were talking about him at the funeral and the way you're laughing now yeah makes me wonder Riddler was a terrible person Bruce I don't think it's wrong to want him dead doesn't mean I pulled the trigger though okay okay anyway I wait little surprise that he got shot guessing this is about that favor I asked as I recall you had some reluctance I've been thinking and I changed my mind I'd like to meet them now yeah really you seem pretty against it at the church why the sudden change of heart uh it's odd I like your company it doesn't seem like you I wasn't ready the timing wasn't right but not reconsidered the way you described your friends sounded great special breed you said inspiring I like to be around people like me I didn't realize I was so convincing yeah you sure are before we get into that I need to come clean Riddler was more connected to my friends than I let on at the funeral Riddler really yeah he was kind of our leader but he was just so bad at it and so intolerably annoying yeah I thought he'd be out of the picture by the time you came around should have told you I just want you to think we were all like him [Music] ew no secrets between us ever again you have my word all right pinky swear uh I don't want to do this oh why do we have to do this why do we have to do this Europe I missed it bro oh my controller cut off I guess that's that's pretty dumb thing for a couple of grown men to do I've turned my controller off but but you know what I meant bro I'm sorry what's up guys it's so awkward now much Lily turned on I'm out of Medicine yo I don't like your face I think you're bothering my friend John Bro take a drink you got the wrong idea you've got the wrong idea we're just having a friend in the chat are you calling me a liar what the heck shouldn't have walked in here that was your first mistake uh man it's gonna be your last mistake here dude calm down Willie let me help you out huh there you go bro hey 200 I can't be bought off that easy Wayne told me I got standards I don't take cribes this cash can buy you a whole lot of medicine yeah sure could oh well when you put it that way next plane there we go I mean we just jacked his freaking out liver up a whole bunch with 200 but at least we didn't cause a scene let's get out of here [Music] all right nice [Music] dude I still feel bad about that pinky they're expecting you my controller literally turned off but Bruce um one one more thing all right you can't tell anyone this what's up this is big huge uh what I think I'm in love oh it's it's an odd feeling first and uh are you in love with me no but it was a joke you can still be friends dude why do you make it awkward oh it's a joke so mysterious you at least gotta tell me your name she'll want to introduce herself but uh you could please help me look good in front of her I'd appreciate it okay come on we shouldn't keep her waiting all right y'all ready to meet her I think some of you might know who she is not it bruh I thought this was your car I thought I had it here this is not your car give me a hand with this will you I'm truly sure this is how you get this thing started did you steal this John really you stole this car I know it's kind of falling apart but it was the only thing available you know besides the newer models they don't start so easy without a key there we go uh uh she's here don't turn around oh you got my attention give me one good reason why I don't redecorate the windshield with your noodle we had a smart guy like you has some real pretty brains real price no I'm more useful alive that makes sense sense is so boring though what about money power and influence they bore you too no those are fun all right well don't just joshing your Rich Boy oops Yeah there actually was well let's put some music on this is the lady I was telling you about Harley Quinn never do that again I'm laughing on the inside well trust me I'm laughing myself come on Boys Harley was just kidding I don't know it was really bad you probably don't like things that go bang too much sad sad way you lost your folks oh what puddin said you didn't want to meet now you want to bouncing around like a yo-yo don't exactly Inspire confidence what do you want with us [Music] well what do you get out of rubbing shoulders with the likes of us I'm looking for some excitement baby yeah when you have as much money as I do you get bored I'm just looking for a little excitement excitement the man who's got everything's looking for some new toys you should have seen the way took care of business the guy in the bar though Harley uh-huh he played him like a Stradivarius I don't know what that is skip over to that Bodega and give me a slushie [Music] right now I need a book I got it oh [Music] I guess we're having to talk poor John he just doesn't know who he is yet you know he's searching highly impressionable what do you want to talk about the world of you so I asked myself what's Bruce Wayne want with a lost soul like John it's kind of a mismatch uh raises all kinds of questions we're a good friend Jackson and I went through a lot in Arkham he's a friend oh ain't that cute you're sweet on little old pudding lover boy what's that guys like him don't have friends like you we shared a traumatic experience we're friends you got that look in your eye the kind that says you're trouble and I only like trouble when I'm the one causing it you got a good reason why I should trust you I don't really need you to trust me squeaky clean favorite son of Gotham how am I supposed to believe you won't run to the cops the first chance you get uh my father used to run crime in the city it's in my blood for we my mama was a grossa I don't give two craps about fruits you think that's the same don't matter you'll show me soon enough if you got what it takes I just panicked I didn't know what to get thanks wood we gotta go this man stole that slushie oh my gosh [Music] it's a slushie get back to your bar before they kill you I was just saying how much he likes you put got a little man crush on you all right cheers ain't that the gist of it do y'all make me really gonna do this yes that's the truth you just made my day Bruce I want you to know the feelings Mutual this dude really like me dude you shut up it's all gone oh my God that is the best thing I'm a slushie ever no no then cut big as my head uh I swear it'll make your whole body shiver oh John are you put your lips on it John I'm really done get your girl John no no no no no no no no thanks I'm good suit yourself you're gonna fight me cause I'm depends I ain't offended I'll try some okay here's what's going to happen now Mr Money freak was that scene you're gonna go get Mama a little present from inside there where are we at Wayne Enterprises a little bird told me that some pretty fancy hack and Tech up there something called a phalan's key get it for me I'll know you're on the level maybe I'll even bring you along on our next job you'll get all the Thrills you ever dreamed of what are they using that for with the Phalanx key yeah well I wouldn't I want it oh yeah this thing opens half the security systems in Gotham and it's just sitting there hidden in your lab waiting for someone to put it to use what's the matter you better not try nothing fishy I don't want to have to Splatter that pretty face it's okay Harley Bruce and I already talked he'll do whatever you want oh goodness is that right well you'll do whatever I want do it do I will you jump when I say jump will you bring me the shiny things I asked for uh it won't be easy well this is a complex task there might be some bumps along the way yeah nothing is guaranteed some things are what like how fast they'll make you disappear if any of those bumps turn into trouble okay yes ma'am uh-huh they not red card just cut us off you're on Brucey boy [Music] make yourself useful and get me that failing ski and hurry Mama really wants to get herself some tacos when you're done got this Bruce forgot how Savage Harley Quinn is we've been so used to good Harley Quinn Planet Justice too she is a straight murderer I'ma just take this sign to uh they'll see who the true samurai are y'all know the drill Samurai see that hour and a half video they like nah nah I ain't about to watch that I'll just go in for that first 10 seconds drop that like which you know yeah the true samurai do anyway but then they go bounce so if you watching this part I'm gonna need you to put I'm not a fraud down in a chat please you know what I'm saying Wayne Tower 1242. all right this is my place what's going on dude you wouldn't know every camera Mr Wayne in here if you could please sign in on account of the attack if I could please sign in I could fire you right now talking about if I could please sign in so um what brings you in dude don't ask me questions if you don't mind me asking is everything okay yeah well no risk for the weary yeah or for the wicked you're all set sir you're dang straight I'm all straight this is my freaking place explaining myself that it's peasant boy you want to keep working here sir really ought to rethink your lettering practices Bruce your man's lying down what did you do to him is he still alive don't worry a little bump on the head now look all that blood on that melon oh come on up Rosie wait we're gonna help him and then we're gonna see what happens [Music] this ain't just stop don't worry about you pal he's gonna make it as long as you be so Amy a hard time I know the same goes for anyone else [Music] go back to the car just go away in a car I can do this alone I don't think you're getting it you ain't the one in charge and you ain't the only one allowed to have fun didn't your mama ever teach you about Sharon now I bet you mentioned it serious right now I got some for both of y'all and no one else gets a ding into the Dome now buck up we're all smiles on This Crew got blood on my channel you're looking like your billion dollars again heartless uh go back to work go back to work lady oh Bruce I'm surprised to see her what the do you not see owned it these are to whom do I owe the pleasure business I don't believe we've met that's all uh prospective clients at this hour well they have to catch an early flight I want to buy Wayne Enterprises Bruce says he'll give me a generous deal oh well no one ran this by me that's because he's giving me your job oh my gosh they're just joking they're just some kind of joke yes yes can I look funny to you oh my gosh bro it's like I'm some kind of punchline or something was me oh my gosh you're gonna let your employees sass me like that is this the kind of operation you run here apologize apologize Regina will apologize won't you Regina Bruce I'll explain later I didn't mean to cause offense good more makeup bag please I'm so so very slowly oh my gosh boy do you got some guns on you hey what hey get your girl oh my God John I could carve out some alone time mama don't say that it's not a good idea though tempting but I'm pretty sure that would be a bad idea yeah yes that would be a terrible idea Bruce has a job to do such a pie hole will you Johnny you gotta learn to live in the moments she just told him to shut up he don't got the power yet but he will okay foreign are you good what is going on wait here I'll be right back right back forget it Brucey boy his secret lab ain't really a secret oh my gosh it's not quite a mouth on it I don't think he ever shut it the whole time I was working at black gate prison he told me all sorts of interesting stuff say do you like chess yeah you're Magic [Music] Tick Tock what's the hold up can I go do it [Music] this is horrible this is actually horrible tight squeeze you know I think you did you're the closest friends I've ever had he is friend zoning himself right now like I do girls are talking I present to you our secret lab Lucius you have seriously outdone yourself this time glad you like it like it I don't know this this changes everything I miss you it was getting a bit dodgy hiding all those batarangs in the Wayne Enterprise R and d-wing thank you Lucius how the heck can you build this himself how the real work starts this must have took years and now he's gone and I'm sharing my secret lab with Joker and Harley I know I was expecting more where's the Giant cook I thought this was where your friend went out with a bang that was his office upstairs that a question where's the failings key bro lock them in there well what you waiting for sweetie go get it you're such a freaking jerk but I feel like she got a crush on me bro I can walk around finally first time I could walk around was good oh they gonna make her face this way because they already know what I was about to look at you know what I'ma Beast faithful we're waiting on Selena Kyle all right she will be back and I will be attacking I like but you know that mock protocol Vault thumbprint required Lucius Fox oh that's not right why the lockout hey guys someone's been in here what's taking so long Bruce it's locked we gotta go back saying it won't open without lucius's thumbprint and and that got blown up with the rest of him didn't it of all the dumb luck yeah you're saying we can't get it open then yep oh really's not going to like that at all or you dude I could care less let me try to find latent Prince around here with my scanner always thinking all right so scan for thumbprints hold up you can look at that dinner to celebrate Tiffany's first aid win Enterprises sorry I didn't make it there delicious horrible scan this nothing all right that's a start oh we got partial brand all right anything getting there got it all baby bye so uh let's do this got the fingerprint technology pal even now still finding ways to help me stay there don't touch anything I touch what I want when I want Brucey boy you knew what's best for you you'd quit giving orders and find me that key bro I cannot wait to put hands on her as soon as I get that Batman suit on imma make her eat eat these hands looking for this what Tiffany I told you I'd find out what you got my dad mixed up in what this this is much worse than I thought you're not safe here why are you in here what the hell are you doing with the secret world full of weapons what's going on here Bruce what's all this for your father worked with Batman that's who olu's stuff is for Batman I know it [Music] dad's fingerprints are all over it okay I came looking for answers but didn't expect this [Music] I saw on the cameras what they did to that guard they'll do the same to you or Worse get out of sight Ruth what's taken so long in here huh oh gosh hey oh my you God we met at your father's funeral John okay Bruce you need to get physical I get it I'll be quiet as Lab Rats but [Music] know about your rough friend here this will be our secret teller you don't have to say anything to her John okay can be our secret in Arkham I was well known for my discretion all the guards confide in me I don't like lying to Harley but I'll do it for you Bruce why do you have to say anything it's a Felix key you give me that I can go out there and you know Carly happy you're gonna have the key just leave Tiffany out of it okay you mean this thing that's it Tiffany got to be kidding bro give me the freaking key psychos anything from this lab hey now no need to get personal we're all in the same side remember no come on Bruce you know how dangerous this Tech could be in the wrong hand I'm gonna get it back I've been honest with you every step of the way now I need you to trust me exactly I've not lied to you I better not see this on the evening news or what thank you so much better for everyone you're Tiffany you made the right call Harley will be over the moon when I show her this stay out of sight until we are long gone whatever Bruce what you better know what you're doing is it your bedtime took you long enough I was starting to think you got sucked into a portal to another dimension or something all right can we leave good you know main Mama Proud huh that don't look like nothing special you've got what you wanted now let's just get out of here [Music] bro they are really taking me off right now foreign stressful can I be Batman now please Bruce are you all right I'm fine Alfred I was keeping an eye on you over the security feed well breaking into my own company was unexpected things could have gone so much worse but you managed to keep both John and Tiffany quiet was a master stroke Bruce still that young woman is smarter than both of us Bruce it's only a matter of time before she puts the rest of the pieces together I heard you reveal that Lucius worked with Batman and but will that satisfy her you know what she's like she won't stop digging until she gets to the truth maybe we should just tell her I think so I've always regretted not being more honest with you about your father's life don't make the same mistake I did you're right I'll be as honest with Tiffany as I can very good he's freaking annoying though with regards to tonight's other catastrophes your night Watchman got a nasty lump on the head but don't worry he'll be fine I've already arranged for him to get a generous payout and an extended tonight's offending security camera feed with dummy footage yeah thank you as for Regina I'm afraid your business client's cover story is going to cause problems she seemed to be thoroughly unsettled after your encounter she should be after what went on it'll be a challenge to smooth things over with her I'll talk to her it's all coming so fast one thing after another you need to take it easy out it's it's only a momentary bit of exhaustioner dude I know we agreed there was no better way to get to Bane and believe me I want to see these monsters pay for what they've done for this whole Masquerade with John and Harley well frankly it's exhausting bro drink your prune juice and take a nap man oh yeah oh yeah well be careful and good luck it's time to suit up boys it's good it's been a long night those things will kill you those things will kill you consider quitting ah you sound like my daughter here you're welcome it's information on harleen quinzel from sealed records we dug up at the coroner's office let's get it did I need a qte for that geez Harley quinzel's father committed suicide after Decades of struggling with mental illness a tough story quinzel was a devoted successful doctor but she couldn't save her must have been hard on her the trauma of her father's death caused her breakdown turned her into the monster she is today I know what she's done but I can't help but feel a little sorry for her no no it's gonna be rough on a person a criminal people are traumatized every day Jim most find a way of dealing with it without having to bash people with a hammer I guess you're right I got no sympathy for she's tick oh gosh Gordon you're dismissed this is still my damn Station House he's forgetting I'm the one who can make or break his career right now you only remind me every other minute clearly I need a better method of getting them all right Jim live to fight another day but for now listen to her listening's the easy part the hard part's tuning her out all right catch you later bro she's got some kind of Leverage on you doesn't she oh yes you do if she's jammed you up somehow just say the word I'll appeal to the mayor the governor whatever it takes to get her off your back I'll do whatever I can to help you Jim listen to me I need you to let me handle this I've still got your back no matter what my man my man don't want to hear it That's my boy That's my boy just supposed to come to Gotham put the chains on Riddler and his gang and get the hell out I'm just saying the city gets under your skin fast know what I mean yeah this laid plans and all that even so it's good that you and your people are here thanks I guess you local see it differently agent of Esther she fought to get on this assignment you know wanted to see her old neighborhood wanted to see you her hometown she wanted to impress you well she did she admires what you do for the people of the city your respect is important to her she certainly succeeded on that front she's one of my best still wanting to impress you it's the same thing that made her move too fast on Riddler now there's a lesson learned hey nobody told her to do it so Wayne Enterprises heard you made some new friends yeah you're having me fall out thanks to you these very bad people have an EMP and a key that'll open every lock I would want to keep voltage shut they're clearly planning something mistakes are too high to leave anything to chance you know I actually consider consider treatment list gay before everything blew up I knew I could count on you to get me close to them close to bang you're good at this seems like what do you want Harley Quinn's Trust what you saw was just a test an operation like theirs requires someone with your resources as long as you don't blow it they're going to want to keep Bruce Wayne around until they take in for all they can get them away from their base of operations somewhere they'll be exposed they're all together out in the open contact me I'll be standing by ready to ambush we'll take them down when they're at their most vulnerable sound good they'll never know what hit him Luke Gordon in by the way you need to involve Gordon don't tell me how to run my operation he can't help this city better than anyone and they have their hands filled with other priorities right now Batman if it gets bad for you just remember we're out here when you're in deep like this you need friends let's say everything goes pear-shaped and you get stuck in there longer than you'd like then what's right what's wrong it all gets blurry and guess what that's okay because you're going to have to do some blurry things that you are not proud of no no you hear me that's just how these kinds of operations go down you'd be a lot happier if you weren't always expecting the worst Waller I'd be out of a job if I didn't when you're wrong and it'll happen you'll finally realize I'm just better at this than you are oh yeah then where's your suit at exactly foreign don't stay embedded any longer than necessary I'll be in and out Alfred just long enough to figure out their plans good luck Bruce stay safe all right here's the thing the dude just texted me where it's at then Batman gonna show up oh wait dang here we go dude Bruce looking snazzy guys I'm one of you guys what just happened hey now Welcome to our little Hideaway and home away from home the end of the line we're happy to have you well I got handcuffs on thanks John you said you'd kill him I haven't someone get me out of these handcuffs please little help John a little help here a real man would not need help you would help himself no no no no no no I'm not letting you get away with that line we're pausing the game A real man would not need help oh is that why when I was kicking your freaking butt that you had to inject yourself because you didn't need help or you needed that help little boy yeah yeah it's not like that he knows I'm his pal why wouldn't I help him these guys were Pals [Music] I bring us back the transport and the arms we require you you'll bring back a worthless Aristocrat we don't need his money we have what we need to finish this thanks to me he ain't worthless you overgrown bicep you already got us an EMP device and the failing scheme I'll bet you I can find the use for him I do not care how much these two Swoon over you Wayne we don't want you here and we don't need you here now can you do something about this what he's screaming what have you done oh my gosh you need to uncover don't screw this out you fool I can turn it off make it stop or I will seal you both in ice I swear if you don't get that electricity back on immediately uh I'll send you to a fruit all right hold up dude just calm down a second boom it's done uh oh wait what okay okay so then I do this I got this under control it's taking a long time dude I'm sorry just hold on and then I change the one at the top boom out of my handcuffs well at least we know that it works [Music] I must check on Nora see how she is you may have impressed these two but I haven't made up my mind about crossing your skull fair enough everyone back to work still a lot to get done who put you in charge somebody has to give the orders who is that that was a nice job thank you uh why are you about to try and make another move on me because John wouldn't like that I'd like that but John wouldn't listen Bruce I just want to clear the air a little you distanced yourself from us back at your office I don't blame you after all the trouble I caused you probably noticed I like to stir things up it's a bad habit well it's made me more enemies than friends I want to say I'm sorry for messing with your people employees I know they probably mean a lot to you I don't accept your raggedy all right thank you Harley your apology means a lot really you probably think I'm a terrible person but I want you to understand you've seen these animals they work with in my business you let your guard down for a second so you get torn to shreds I can only imagine if I'm always pushing buttons it's to keep people off balance you know keep them guessing my next move keep the real me in hope you ain't gonna judge me for it we're not getting honest I haven't had it so long I don't even notice I'm doing it it's just a part of who I am I'll be honest Harley I wasn't sure what to make of you I'm impressed take that as a compliment [Music] s Bane's a powder keg freeze while you saw freeze John's sweets and believe me he's got heaps of potential but he's still a growing boy you though you got your head screwed on right you're reasonable I can work with reasonable we're pulling a job tonight I want you to be a part of it you already showed you know how to use that EMP better than any of these other clowns want you to come with all right I'm in just tell me what to do that's what I wanted to hear all will be revealed eventually using that EMP though that's gonna make tonight's job a whole lot less messy he loves making a mess people getting killed just makes his day if you're gonna come with you gotta convince the others convince them what the real pain in the end sometimes but you need a majority opinion for anything big and bringing you along well you got some persuadance too let me know how I can help uh just freeze guys so what's the deal with freeze he's unique you mean why he's blue and wrapped up in machinery accident in the lab here's the thing about freeze only thing he gives two Hoots about is his wife he gave up everything to try and save but when she got sick I mean everything and job health soul the whole shebang she's dead Frozen's death keeps her on Ice in the next room while he searches for a QR [Music] kooky I mean that explains why he flipped when the EMP went off seriously who does that I don't know sounds pretty romantic to me bro see a big softy I suppose you could see it that way angry person you know that's tearing him up inside talking about his wife is the only way to get freeze to pay attention to you but watch yourself tension ain't always a good thing okay uh I don't think Bane likes me I get the feeling pain doesn't like me very much that knucklehead respects strength and loyalty show me got those and he'll come around he's a man's man I don't got much time for all that Burly machismo but sit him down for a beer or something he'll hear what you gotta say he may kill you when you're done but at least to listen All right so we know I talked to him uh why not listen right about your dad I know about your father about how you tried to help him he was the lost cause that made himself a shotgun Munch what's that got to do with the price of tea in China you trying to get in my head Brucey [Music] I thought you want to talk about it look I lost my parents too I know the story everyone in this damn Town knows the story it don't make you president of the dead parents Club if I wanted to talk about my pop I wouldn't have had those records hidden which brings me to thinking how the hell would you know a thing like that around my private life you got some inside track I don't know Put the gun down you're gonna shoot me that's what guns are for aren't they put that away before I what was that I I can't hear you oh my gosh when we suit up is Batman I am going to destroy her I have connections Harley good ones I dig up everything I can a potential business partners a background check I guess that's only fair still friends yeah still friends to be honest I'm impressed you found that out just don't bring it up again [Music] just wait till I'm Batman girl just wait oh imma tear you up do you see how she just shot him like that what was that I couldn't hear you that was the most Savage thing I've seen oh my gosh and you know what I'm really sad about the majority of this episode we have not been playing as freaking Batman I want to play as Batman they got me snooping and sliding and convoluting with these freaking criminals I don't want to do this I want to come in here and come on they're freaking free but this is the setup guys they're making us wait for it so it could be that much better yo freeze what's good I heard about your wife might be able to help what do you mean you'll answer me if you're smart and understand the concept of self-preservation foreign that kind of love is rare my wife followed your goings on and the society Collins Wayne you're more familiar with lust than love that's how I know how precious that kind of love is uh-huh what if you get caught sent to prison what happens to your wife then what do you propose [Music] you help me I help her I take care of my friends I own Tech own technology companies Victor big ones who could house and protect ing you your research to cure her why why would you do this it's what I do for my friends I don't have friends people then it's what I do for my people a very vague I almost fell for it you don't care about mine Nora you only care about yourself shoot sooner you're gone the better how did that backfire hey buddy it's always so good to see you like always good to see you John I've been wanting to say Bruce thanks for helping me out before and your office making me look good hey I'm just glad everything worked out did it ever handing that key over to Harley giving her what she wanted pure ecstasy [Music] this dude yeah that was a big moment for me a real pal even if you wouldn't pinky swear with me Carly wants me to try to get in good with Bane and freeze I think you're well on your way to doing just that help too catch it looked like Bane might kill you I set off that EMP to know as a distraction wow I thought it might give you a chance to show off your technical skills in front of freeze that was intentional John how did you manage to do that no Bane was going to kill you seemed like a safe bet no no Lucius would have put safeguards on the EMP to keep you from doing exactly what you did I guess we both got really lucky whoa it is and wouldn't you know it three steps ahead whoa you already know I like you Bruce you better get cracking on getting those other guys to like you too because I don't want to have to watch what happens if they don't whoa whoa this dude was three steps ahead prisca let me get a bottle of that Bane loves that beer I bought some for when I need to talk to him he's scarier than anybody in Arkham hey in order Justice too I make him look like freaking Yamcha [Music] think she really brightens up the room a thousand watt face how'd you two meet same way you and I met in Arkham she found me a dark time and gave me a reason to live out here and experience all this yeah I don't see how we aren't destined to be together it just wouldn't make any sense okay what about this ah all right no comment uh we got an empty one did you have one here oh that spot was for Batman you like Batman what's not to like I only saw him for a second in Arkham but oh man I'd love to see him again I feel like y'all two gonna have a lot to talk about in the future just thought you look thirsty [Music] the cat was on it what please come Crank That Riddler he bombed your building and killed your friend someone did that to me I bumped their building killed their friend as Riddler's friend I have to know are you here for Payback come for Revenge answer me or I will break you in half Riddler is dead any Revenge I wanted oh crap crap my camera deserves such an end but you have a point in this line of work what cannot be too careful our trust has been the hardest thing to find 500 pounds especially after a Riddler's death yeah man you can trust so hard to find whoa he was with my crew at the police Arsenal The Prisoner he was supposed to be guarding got away and yet he does a scratch on him this crazy nose is bleeding I suspect we have a traitor Among Us one begins to smell a rat if the Riddler's murder and that prisoner getting away loyalty is all that we have now I already see where this is going no trust unless I can believe that you are who you say you are and that you are really willing to do all that you claim oh no you got me messed up only one of you walks out of here you know me the sooner one of you picks up that Vibe and bashes the other's head sooner we get this over fine I'll prove it [Music] wait what I'll prove it okay so I press a b so I'm not supposed to kill him right [Music] oh no this is an easy decision [Music] taken somewhere the package is moving what's going on the job we've been getting ready for it's happening good I'm ready not so fast via money bags you're not in the past not yet not till everyone votes what do you say boys Bruce Wayne Ian yeah that's a no for for Maine Aristocrat likes the backbone to dirtiest hands out Wayne is as shallow as his reputation would lead you to believe he would only drag us down out Bruce is strong and smart handsome like super handsome and nuts you guys where was I going with this I voted well I vote for Brucie so we got a tie here without Bruce we can't use the EMP ress we made it make sure that EMP shielding is on those apcs I don't need any surprises time to get that package remember when we work together no one can stop us when we work together the world videos somebody grabbed that thing it's important let's go hit him with the high these guys are so evil it's like getting a behind the scenes of evil people want to be henchmen to them being I mean if you make one wrong move they just killing you like your own child just get a normal job we are close make your device ready will do EMP primed and ready to go almost reached the target vehicle you are providing our escape on the move with targets track the signal get your people here now we've got your Cavalry is on the way let's get it now we do this let's get it foreign I just feel bad for John because like wait it's weird but I kind of care about him I say Bruce now that we're actually here and it's really happening I'm feeling some butterflies in my stomach we have an obstruction ahead both lanes armored vehicles service weapons at the ready do not engage no way do it move carry the torch Mr suit and cure the people still this is insane punch him punch him there we go third place is on the perimeter yeah yeah freeze open the door everyone stay shared my keyboard can I suit up please [Music] let's strike it go on quickly you're wondering what's in there find out for yourself off or I'll shoot no no no no don't wreck it up we don't have time for this we're not done here Wayne [Music] I almost didn't say I'll leave this clean up to you but hurry man she's the cargo can you say Wayne too get out of here that dude knows who I am Pollard where are you you know oh my God what are you talking about the pat let them have it it's not worth my agents lives [Music] you can't be serious you were supposed to be here are you hearing it oh that was my ride break out the artillery and disable their vehicles foreign [Music] [Music] whack-a-mole with their heads bro somebody's sewered wait what head off what the frick does that mean head off head off what is going right here when they confuse me what are you talking about head off I I think that means like make an enemy so let's go foreign [Music] Harley need to leave now fine get you oh you have gotta be [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't know what we were doing but that was horrible [Music] I really would I really would have picked Bane by the way I mean picked Harley I didn't know what I was doing dude I'd rather hardly be here than Maine you did well tonight Wayne better than that yammering harpy [Music] how could we believe her [Music] you need to get Harley now impossible she's dead or in jail so we break her out and if she's dead Joker's waking up better hope she's not we we have to help her she'll be expecting us needs us get her back John I promise great let's go we have to go now right now we don't have time to waste on her but but that's enough save your breath we have the cargo let's get this over with [Music] you'll regret this Bane forget him we have a job to do this key is yours no [Music] open the box be quick [Music] okay you could have pressed this button it's just a button foreign the freak is he doing here it is sad to see a legend soul but there is no other way at least now we finally have everything we need Riddler will open the path to us once the thief brings the last piece I'll open anything [Music] for the right price [Music] oh she knows me right [Music] bro she's a part of this oh my gosh doing 50 left Harley angry you 100 Gordon worried 33 77 worried so episode two really focused on the bad guys I mean our entire episode 2 was played as Bruce Wayne dealing with the bad guys I mean on the one hand it was really cool seeing how they operate and just how evil they are like but on the other hand there was like no Batman fighting action like I'm thinking we're leading up to the fight episode 2 was for real filler right now like but it was important filler because Bruce Wayne made moves that can come back on us later but I mean I feel like we did the best that we could I I don't know what we could have done better I was confused at the end I kind of wish we went with Harley because I really really don't like Bane at all but all right you guys we're gonna end it here next episode is episode three fractured Mash seems like Catwoman is gonna be a pretty Paramount character but if you guys already uh make sure you let me know when it comes out and if you're hyped for episode three be sure to assist us to sit around slice that like button subscribe today to join the Samurai and until next time my brothers and sisters [Music] thank you
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 5,436,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: batman the enemy within, batman, the, enemy, within, episode, the pact, episode 2, gameplay, lets, play, decision, harley, quinn, bane, playthrough, walkthrough, end, ending, harley quinn, wants, bruce, wayne, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, ck, funny, hilarious, moments
Id: N4RkWseH4pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 1sec (5641 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2017
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