BLACKMAN PLAYS BATMAN.. THE RETURN | Batman: The Enemy Within (Episode 1: The Engima)

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as a boy I had my innocence stripped for me right in front of my eyes my parents were taken and vowed that day [Music] and I vowed that name to uphold the laws and the justice that Gotham deserves I am a black man help you too Batman here AJ a black man here and welcome what's the name of this game Batman enemy within no I already know what's about to happen Corey oh this is actually Batman season two you didn't finish Batman season 1 episode 5 I literally sat down in this chair and I was getting ready to do that I go on to play up a sulfide and all of my data was gone in order to get back into episode 5 I want to add the played through all four of the previous episodes not happening I'll reach out to telltale on Twitter let them know like a my file system is messed up so what we'll do is we'll start season 2 ok we can continue our story which means we can recreate our season 1 let L tell reach back out to us and then we'll come back later it will stream episode 5 season 1 the best I can do guys I'm sorry is there freaking cloud sync saved system it meant up all right so let's recreate our story what did you save when the children of Arkham attacked we save Selina because she was BAE and Harvey wasn't who did you spend the night with Selina yes the freak we did the prank you mean when Gotham was under attack what did you chase down to fate to intercept it Harvey's a tank Oh episode 1 the Enigma yeah this is about to be lit this is about to be lady I'm sorry bad Batman doesn't use words like black man is back baby boy game theory adaptive the choices you make story is tailored by how you play Lima fateful night my parents gave their lives for me they became my heroes their legacy untouchable until I learned the truth out the dad my father Thomas Wayne was a criminal he willed over Gotham from the shadows I remember dad and everything I thought I knew about myself changed forever and then I had to do it to him expose the truth about my father to Gotham their attack turned friends and enemies and threw the city into chaos yeah I was committed to Arkham Asylum where I escaped with the help of a mental patient named John Doe Joker a bloody battle I put it into it all in the catacombs beneath the city the penguin to face at lady Arkham for the first real challenge I faced as the Batman but they would not be the last minigun back oh my ring has arrived in Gotham and with it comes City Hall's quarterly crime report crime is way down since the fall of the children of Arkham marking another toll for newly minted Police Commissioner James Gordon in a statement this morning Gordon credited in recess to the public partnership between the police and the Batman he praised the mysterious vigilante who rises and rifice describing him as essential to the security of the city things are looking up citizens Oh Oh dark winter comes the law now Riddler again everyone would be happy oh no morado 11:42 yeah David Clarke Orion import/export back that one time pipe ex-ceo international arms dealer the world sees Morrie is a legitimate businessman a philanthropist who gives to charity not a criminal getting rich off the suffering of innocence the masterful performance I wonder if a man hides in plain sight yet long as you forget who you really okay so he has an eyepatch we're gonna know why later just accept it for now okay we good are we good yes what do you think cross the Bruce must be hard to stay true to yourself ah we all wear masks in public every day is a thousand little performances Frank sobs first summer more encompassing than others masks are hard to maintain if there are cracks in Maurice we'll find them Nene Nene already bugged his penthouse found nothing meaning that if he's doing arms deals in Gotham they have been on the casino floor I need to find a way to hear what Mori is saying that sort Marama something with a microphone so the bank computer can intercept his communications yeah hacked ow I'm hacking into Maurice Vaughn Evie inhale on your signal last thing we want is for him to know you're here where it you should be able to pick up audio from Corey's phone is everyone enjoying themselves don't worry I won't tell anyone with the berries on a roll it's only a matter of time before it gets too chatty it's time I step over there try to blend in about 11 o or not when I talk to this woman instead so I think sitting over there wondering what's Bruce Wayne doing in a place like this oh don't you here with fancy a casino um someplace we're only high rollers go leave me alone I'm undercover don't say anything hello you drunk yeah uh-oh what in the hell are you doing here oh stop me if you've heard this one before oh no I begin and have no end and I end all that begins Who am I I don't give a damn I called 10 times our arrangement is over there's more II I am dead roll right over it happened and it doesn't look like a deal over go the man in the hood I remember him from your father's time I think that's Riddler rule sooner oh yeah it's body Gilly are you only are you inferior Rick you think your gibberish intimidating I take care of let me out right how about we go back to my place wait what I'll call my driver meet me outside you're a PITA excuse me yeah get the freak out of here no one threatens me in my all right because you know work now security Zara started Lee for you and easy one oh no oh no question can you never not say yes till you want to die let's go long the correct answer is are you - oh no no dirt oh my god who are my men let's get started I gotta prove any that I made got bodied and I'm first get your [ __ ] so you need to be like 23rd I please look toward Noah team right away okay no one leaves try me running yeah uh-huh I'll take that no just be like Vash the Stampede and shoot people in the legs don't kill him you need a weapon right now my man somebody else weren't up Commissioner Gordon on the line scribe leaked audio down Gordon Batman what's the status I'm gonna wait Wow my cameras off sorry multiple gunmen hostages at the casino a madman in a mask [Music] real Erzberg a god of rhythm he hasn't been seen in years evac well he's putting on quite a show [Music] Europe maybe this one on the way don't be there shortly be ready for a fight after that how alone I met you know what is always a little egg it's already going down please please we can make the deal anything you want our issues can't be solved with handshakes Mari this is what happens when you back out of a deal with me oh no only one way you're getting out of this oh no he put him in a for a brittle and I choose my words carefully why were you listen closely no please don't do this in a thought trap without fingers I point without arms I strike without feet I run Who am I what of your visual that drone fully come have no idea I'll be dead or me too please to drop in without being noticed time for some recon all right all right let's get quinoa tonight so we got one right there rumor matera from the past I never thought I'd see him on our streets again he's not to be taken lightly all right what we got in here not from the drives oh we can moves in action you got hot it is there rivers taking hostages Casino patrons innocent bystanders they clearly not his main target must be an insurance policy okay okay we got a bunch over there she'll just your boobs that'll do I just need to take out the guard first probably couch all I got see I got somethin for you but don't you say that's fully functional I'm talking little stretch hey my man look up here bro yodel hood is allowed as freaked roll - what's up kitchen egg broke bro if you'll all right I'll do it you see that being I'm losing patience Maury are you expecting it in give me an answer but would you want me to do bad we can't get in the front covered by gunmen they've got the back barricade in the black jacket I got busy I deploy well we're inside are lying on your eyes and ears what's the best course of action hey Dom what the yeah I think I must fall is good it would distract them from the hostages but they might get killed till when the cross fire hidden what to tear you to destruction find a way to limit their line of sight sounds like a plan hey we think it's smart now you're completely insane no I don't believe that sad he's in the third round give them hell were counting on you and then you're done look cuter dude we bought this bastion we can awesome yep he's done we're about to slam in a card table no we got you're ahead of schedule I'm a little busy right now but I'll see if I can pitch you in oh yeah not kimchi is route the hostage no uh anchor the gun give me that gun give me the gun give it to me what oh wait what the Freak is going on no what okay I'm frigid I press this a time thank you no thank you breathe it's a trash Oh Riddler you ain't going nowhere Oh doesn't fool who fed hot caught that Batman clearly isn't using his halter break it open oh yes pleasure you actually think what a big fat rent you bout to do so ah no gets women and down nope brick back boys get that just me oh wait oh right there I'm pressing it for my controllers dying Johnny let's go uh shock them get shot Oh night-night Oh shoo I've heard stories in the streets about you Batman you're the biggest name in Gotham since Wow since I left town oh so everyone's very impressed we heal oh my I'm not impressed this Gotham's criminals have become zealots and thugs in cheap suits and you I come home to find a wanna be in my chair eating my damn porridge this is my city now I'm back and I'm taking what's mine or hear you scum are the same only thing that changes is the mask looking like a man who sees the world in black and white allow me to broaden your spectrum you're supposedly the world's greatest detective it here you are how keep always a villain monologue to be kidding me while I'm escaping oh don't do that I'm not smart enough roll it's not about that you return with that now show you soon a superstar so he's knocked out oh shoot you're warned chill you'll never go to fertilise no more Ronnie I can't comment straight hood it just doesn't do it for me oh how about what he gives me now follow the power lines that must be a weak point all right here right here right here right trigger bro my controller bro this man's dead what no it works well I'm having control all right let's all let's go you're not getting away the swagger broke you broke the cage that's cheating we don't care about your rules I said you're a man who followed a code why would you say that dirtbags life Maureen made his money running guns trading off the suffering of war why wouldn't you just let him die you got that stubborn Morrie would cover your escape I wanted to show you I could save him and still catch you I don't have to compromise you haven't caught me yet nothing I've seen so far suggests you will they're right you got to get this work my joy this married evening look at him like how much more abuse can this man buddy hey whole not as cheap how about we Wow Wow enough of this ain't no alert you know how to scrap our old battery good day got it up let's see how you do with something a little more cerebral but a hurry detective don't solve my puzzle soon or people are gonna get hurt we know you can't oh you literally could a cut bank roll Oh Oh No he give you gold yohoo warden moon no no you should have called us before going in Gordon Waller with a freaking at all that was a mess scanning circuitry inside but nothing obviously dangerous that that computer will be able to analyze further all right puzzle box something's in here if we go find out your days are numbered bat freak we'll see each other again yeah you have whatever keep one eye on the sky jerk-offs Evans are going to find your damn head tell me all about it down at the precinct man I'm going to drop my elbow Lily right hand in custody not a bad result all told Riddler used to leave clues and all his crime scenes you always thought he was smarter than our people trying to catch him thought we could use help dragging him down we got a sick pleasure out of taunting us arrogance like that will be as I'm doing it he keeps showing off he's bound to make a mistake and they walk but we can't underestimate him Riddler's heyday was a dark time in Gotham what we just saw he has a Miller made manager right away like baloney Commissioner Gordon brace yourselves just so you know this woman has a lot of juice with the governor rub her the wrong way I can end up on foot patrol till I retire my people are trained for situations like this going we have Riddler in custody if you'd only picked up the phone oh so you're the legendary Batman uh-huh I've heard a great deal about you so much though I don't know if I should believe the hype I've had a blizzard I haven't had the pleasure of an introduction missus pleasure most people don't usually call it that this is amanda waller director of the agency what are the feds doing here Riddler's their case gcpd has been asked to open our doors to them give them whatever they need we've been tracking that maniac for some time no one knows more about him than we do world-class criminals like Riddler they're kind of our special aah if you were tracking him why didn't you tell us he was coming exactly we get a lot of unverified reports I wanted to be sure nah now look because no either Riddler used to be a player in Gotham back when Thomas Wayne and Falcone ran the city he disappeared so suddenly and for so long everyone thought he was dead he bagged now after my man or disable Riddler's back and if these theatrics are anything to go by he wants the whole city to know my people tell me you did some good work among em Batman rough them up a bit yeah you and me I bet we'd make a damn fine team I heard how you dealt with lady Arkham not to mention the city's corrupt mayor damn oh we could do great things together if we joined forces our work with Gordon no one else exactly I appreciate loyalty but that there that's the issue what the only real problem of yourself is who you're working with local law enforcement clearly can I get a local crime rate says otherwise miss Waller please commissioner Oh tear gas in a hostage situation we got an ambulance full of civilians with their eyes swollen and there are live you mentioned you that Riddler slipped through your fingers you don't know if you might Cowboys clearly don't know what you're doing you're putting all this on me you're the commanding officer orange no I made or are those stars purely for shy did it you can't put this on Jim I call per distraction then maybe you're not as impressive as thought I'm here to prevent the competence in the future for evaluating purity detail on Maury while he's in the hospital agent Avesta will fill you in on what we know so far as a token interdepartmental cooperation brah we literally got a nerve on her one gradual these people have thing especially about that puzzle all right is this our town we're the ones that will catch Riddler hey I'm down with the call thought she was going to bite your head off for a second I'd like to see her try Special Agent in Mon Avesta field intelligence specialist on the Riddler case and my partner agent Blake how do you do I put together this psychological profile of Riddler you'll see when you read it he's changed for your eyes only if you catch my drift or I care to dread be a target of a casino attack roomie Morrie any idea what Riddler wanted with him we figure it has something to do with why he's back in Gotham oh yes uh you wonder he was asking about a riddle what kind of riddle something about a mind bender the drove into madness hmm interesting hair tiller I feel or anything thanks that's a help all right I told her a little bit but I'm Gotham born and raised you know my dad ran a store in the show hey we're about to keep talking about I'd like to say it's a real honor to meet you all right I do have something I want to ask though you want to go on a date pig yeah Betty cruelly insane you're drawn to them aren't you yes something in you that pulls you towards the danger a chaos the energy oh you can't keep away Kenny oh well I'm gonna give it a silent you know freaky talk about I'm sorry I didn't mean to pry you made my camera died matter of fact let's just take this time to UM season's still riding with you boy a lot of fake samurai out there watch the first three minutes you I just said Mel if you still here go down in the comments right I'm still here for my boy Cory autumn suckers gonna be like whoo I did all right in these comments they not gonna know why I think I know you a little better now cool I don't care about you out of my life please I'll be in touch agent Batman before you go Gotham's your city I respect that like if you should know Oh have to play nice I'm letting you hunt the Riddler now you better share everything you find or this courtesy called is going to become something you really won't like you know see somebody honey there's a lot of ways hi and [Music] and the sold wine the presentation is so bright Wayne Manor 4:40 a.m. roll that's like the time now almost bhau's what an eventful evening yeah I have taken the liberty of preparing some refreshments thanks out freaking man to focus may be musical now it that music one time all classical jazz ambient ah village adding something cool like you're through the computer is finished scanning the Riddler's puzzle box it's ready when you are let's get to work eh I think the Rose has detected the radioactivity nothing dangerous it a little so far computer run another scan I want to be absolutely sure this thing is safe also I took the liberty of digging up everything I could find on the agency yeah who are they there's plenty here know your enemy and all that Oh hand to give it it comes and goes ever since the kidnapping and all the other business with lady Arkham Oh Alfred naina don't you worry about me I should be fine it was worse at my first tour of duty there's family Alfred we worry about family thank you Bruce always little puss always working always helps let me know man if that looked at all right so we got Gotham feed agency files Riddler files coding the agency file the agency the public face of a shadow Committee of military leaders intelligence experts and government officials civil rights violations domestic black sites decentralized accountability this information it's all before Waller took over the Director position perhaps she's given them a new direction maybe but the agency's empowered to override local law enforcement with impunity hey that man's got some competition in town I wonder if we need be worried ah about losing our unpaid and thoroughly exhausting job I mean yeah things won't be easy with a bunch of spies nearby they're well-equipped spies too maybe it wouldn't hurt to talk to Lucius about upgrades oh yeah try and level the playing field well I mean it does sound like they're good guys but I don't know it's something about him oh we got codec we can learn about everybody looking Riddler files and Riddler terrorized the city long before you were Batman Gotham's original costumed criminal yes to have been returned it's unsettling yeah remember when he was the scourge of the underworld even carmine Falcone gave him a wide berth it was presumed dead for so long why come back to Gotham well they seem to have a prior relationship with Morrie some kind of axe to grind let me upload the rest of this of the codex the agency realized Riddler was still alive we orchestrated a prison break at pena door oh my men here say you said yourself concordance to Riddler just Riddler why willingly turn yourself in unless the one to get anyone else out of course tell them I get in that wasn't obvious wows deranged you asked me he needs help yes clearly sick the man is in urgent need of a doctor I know just the place for him yep plenty of room in Arkham Asylum next to the enemies near you made seem like a picture of health or that you should see your face it's confusion is delightful I think I'm paging like oh my god everything back and see what Riddler's little gift is all about solve my puzzle soon or people will get hurt yeah Riddler's MO hasn't changed in all these years let's open it so probably have like a freaking mat gone or some okay hold this is like a real puzzle box writing and crape along the rim I have an eye it cannot see Who am I sounds familiar what hood it's also Google bro happen to remember the answer do sadly no I've an eye but cannot be out by the Fiat or hurricane by our hurricane it fits the description in the riddle but I'm not sure how it helps us even if there were hurricanes in Gotham it's hard to imagine one helping us with the object in question here doesn't make them the eye of a needle but how does that relate to the object in question maybe it's telling us how to use it sounds very plausible I think I went through all of the options grooves a record needle I narrow it by halfway there Batman means your gun has a chance of stopping a whole lot of pain to be honest you're already doing better than I thought but don't sit around feeling pleased with yourself unless you want to see me tear this city apart our May I suppose you're going to look at there an open invitation from the Riddler of course huh looks like I'm manipulating radio bands waveforms something I'm not sure what I'm looking at or how any of it is actually displayed and that sound what oh I'm not sure about a news get Lucius on the language boy is this clown but the like mind control somebody very often good morning millionaire with this guy hope we're not interrupting your breakfast our youngest is probably stealing all the bacon but duty calls what's up this is the puzzle for the Riddler there's a strange waveform pattern I can manipulate inside that needs your expertise I uh yeah okay I can read you Dwayne towered a little bit variety or jet how bright you wouldn't ask if it wasn't important so don't worry about it touch they're going to be a big day for me Tiffany starts at Wayne Enterprises really the old daughter working alongside you wonderful certainly is Bruce I'll see you soon violence we all want to work with your dad hey you have no first trying to work out working your hair right there good hunting moose all right look at this single wipers Wayne tower 837 am these suckas so work in the morning man I didn't miss all to crime because I just slept in until 3:00 Oh excellent glad I caught you I have some good news to share good to hear it Regina it's what I've come to expect it's freakin lame you as Wayne Enterprises chairperson like her I just talked to the board and they couldn't be more pleased with the progress of the Arkham remodel seems like you made the right call when you decided to take that contract over the GCPD because that's running a piece about it look I would love to hear all the details but I've got a meeting with Lucius I've got a run yes leave me alone don't mean to pry but what's in that case very good me me hearing around the office something for Lucius oh this is just something for Lucius I see yeah well I've got a meeting I've got to run - we'll pick up this conversation this afternoon right I don't mean to pry but tell me information that isn't relative to me the exact meaning of Fri you're in my chair just updating the encryption on your bat tech but if you want me to stop on the seat is all yours this is the thing you were talking about one of Riddler's puzzles not some kind of test show me figure it out banana any idea what he's planning not yet that's why I need your help if his history is anything to go by he left us a clue a psychological profile of Riddler knowing how his mind works this should come in handy all right no sign of explosives or poison I already scanned for that in the cave let's figure it out or actually I couldn't just bring it to him right [Music] would you look at that Michael also inform sound it's giving off a signal maybe I couldn't decipher it was hoping you get up with that know what I can do shouldn't take long who is they no it's not one of mine broke what [Music] hi dad huh Tiffany flavors some active - oh my god Tiffany it's been a while sneaking out of orientation your first day I just wanted to say hi to my new boss I got you a present yo my croissant all right I developed in my spare time high-end AV stealth black shell programmable for autonomous observation Wow small quiet and super smart just like its designer not bad huh you always had a thing for toys so hard to know what to get a man who has everything is great I love it thanks Tiffany well I guess it's not bad yeah not bad see what I had to deal with growing up daughter studying on you feel good there's something different about you there is what I can't quite put my finger on it but you look hotter you look unbelievably I think the the word you're looking for is yeah yeah yeah no that is definitely not oh come on I'm the resident badass around here thank you very much you just said that out loud see Bruce it's a first day and already embarrassing James Oh interesting don't too late already touching just be careful what a strange thing to circuitry design its elaborate and unorthodox Virginia almost intentionally though like whoever put it together it's kind of showing off huh Michael both ways this is weird Bros is closed a word I've never seen anything like it it's like whoever made it ah something your dad has been working on lucious care to explain yeah oh it's nothing just an old piece of tech that found its way into my lab but what does it do that's what we're trying to work out you guys are lucky I'm here to help help with figure this freakish thing out Tiffany did graduate first in a class at Cornell and molecular engineering let me take a crack at it I can help preserve vitamins figure out what it does oh good if you think you can help be my guest oh I know I can help I've got to let him know that I won't be finishing up orientation no problem she won't like that I was planning on swinging by the manor after work to see Alfred I heard he wasn't doing solo but he's having issues with self you'll be better seeing you he would love that I hope he isn't so angered with me and lose about that incident with China well you know how no one messes with this dinnerware I like Tiffany she's cool I didn't like those later with the drone crap our Laura Anthony thanks boss yeah darling me bus yeah all right then time to crack this puzzle I never told her you know told her what I really do at Wayne Enterprises what we do if you're willing to pull her into this Riddler project why not consider bringing her into the fold yo into the mission I'm cool with it we're going to need help if we're going to be dealing with the likes of Riddler I'm quoting him trust you're her dad if you found I'm down Alice she's anything like you she's better than me what's all that okay then let's give her a shot great I'll start thinking about how we can broach the subject with her in the meantime Riddler's puzzle will be a fine start no shall we go down to the lab actually the equipment we need is down in my office ain't get this taken care of in no time there you go freak through your warriors I'm special agent Vesta this is my partner Special Agent Blake well I guess I'll see you in a bit I'll be down in my office I'll be your everything get done here I'll be done in a few no worries I'll start without you the 3dr water man sorry pretty unannounced visit we're with the agency's Behavioral Analysis Unit we just came by to ask a few questions alright please come in make yourselves at home can I get my assistant to get you anything Coffee water doughnuts don't worry this won't take long good thank you be cordial and get the freak out of here I don't got no night or I do actually hold on this office it really represents you I'd like to think so bro slide the folder slide it under there laptop is this you can we get to where y'all are here town I don't know seven eight there you go my boy that's not funny after everything you've been through I don't know how you still do it why is your wasting time it wasn't long ago when you're the most hated man in Gotham yet you still give so much back to the city are you continue to help Gotham answer the phone most people wouldn't be so charitable hold on a second how's it going down there I loved that file on your desk think you could bring it down sure I'll be down in just a second sorry about that what were you saying I was saying you're a bit of a mystery yeah what what is it you've won the agency recently brought me in to draft a psychological portrait of the Riddler I'm not lindlar tracking him for months that haven't been able to find him okay Riddler that psycho for the news I thought you'd be interested considering your history my my history a lot of things happened to you last year and all of them were good what you helped the GCPD capture Oswald Cobblepot better known as the penguin River he was a terrorist a member of the children of Arkham and your friend yo we're walking around mob think that you've been associated with quite a few Psychopaths over the years I wouldn't go that far I would the criminally insane they seem drawn to you either that or you're often in the wrong place at the wrong time evey target yes having money and fame makes you an easy target I've had my fair share of crazies knocking on my door this guy I think you'd know him is John Doe I did we understand that it was during your stay in Arkham were you and John met and became friends on the sound of it you two were close uh John Maybury will stay with you but not you a conversation in a mental hospital does not make us friends much less close I see according to hospital records you and John were involved in a riot they captured the whole incident on video row are gone cut another inmate a man named Victor Zsasz then you jumped into the fray the hell several people were hurt uh I was was trying to break up a fight I don't blame you you must have been scared John was discharged from Arkham months ago no one has seen or heard from him since I was thinking maybe you have why would you think that he listed you as his emergency contact of course yeah you two were pretty close to me I didn't agree to that I did not agree to that what why would you write down my name it's obvious you're important to him well I'm senior heard from him so oh you see how they grilling me right now did he do something wrong he's a person of interest you see you got a wall in the office with a bunch of photos tend to it two-faced penguin lady Arkham you know Gotham's most notorious they've got all these little strings connecting them to one another like a web Hey and you my friend are at the center you keep pretty strange company there's someone who wants everyone to think that such a stand-up guy every Association you've made so far has been investigated by the authorities or covered by the press okay I have nothing to have what good all you do is hide hide behind the press behind your money your pallor I think it's all in the labor at last you know more than you're letting on mr. Wayne maybe you're afraid maybe you don't trust us I don't maybe you're a criminal like your father oh maybe you're not the hero people think you are don't say no I could go off by working there for silence we [Music] that's an evacuation warning it's time for you to leave we'll pick this up another time oh they was grilling me if there's be gonna talk about my dad she's lucky I take that back of my head to do certain posts in my daughter out of the building get yourself off what are you talking what did you figure out I've solved the Riddler's puzzle Bruce Rilla really pulled a good one over on it what's wrong I might still be able to disable it but Lucy's please tell me what's wrong tell Tiffany that I love her and I'm sorry I wasn't around more Wow this is we really made a difference didn't we [Music] oh my god I [Music] what what ain't one killed and 14 injured after a tragic exchange a CPE is opening an investigation into what they are calling an industrial accident when emphasizes chief technology officer Lucia slaughter dollars last Tuesday in the violent black a small service is being held for the tech giant and father of three at divinity Church oh my gosh I was supposed to be down there with him you don't have to worry Lucas Tiffany I'm going to take care of your family as if they were my own oh just like lucious took care of you my goodness lucious helped raise you Bruce it was family richness attack on the casino was one thing but this this is personal we can't let him get away with it prettiest stack at the heart of our operations and tore a family apart in the process Riddler will pay for what he's done I swear you I won't make him suffer maybe it's what's called for given the circumstances of course it won't bring poor lucious back I can't imagine how devastated she cannot talk to her right lose her father in such a violent way she is going through some stuff I should go talk to her no yes she could use all the support she can get I always avoid these situations in real life like Tiffany I still can't believe he's gone none of this and this feels real I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I know how you feel though Tiffany I I know what you're going through both my remember what it was like when I lost my Kalyan in front of my face that sudden emptiness is no feeling right well that's you know with the up curve but don't think you'll never go away how are you going certainly doing for me he loved working for use you know agar-agar they hardly saw at home because of it mom used to complain my little brother was gone up without a dad now I guess it's true oh don't say that he was so busy I can remember the last time I got to hang out with him just father and daughter just don't think the more time there's so many things I wanted to talk to him about so much wisdom and that goofy head of his I asked a lot of him maybe too much and she gave it all didn't he a real company man well I hope it was worth it oh no Tiffany I'm sorry I knew I shouldn't blink just let it out just trying to wrap my head around all this remains person there was hardly anything when they showed her what were you guys working on that could have caused that almost area is it quite add up I'll tell you Tiffany I will tell you soon just not here what you mean why not because not the right time Egret trust me what are you mixed up in nothing but it's not bad I'm a hero I'm a superhero just tell me one thing anything that weird if he was that one children oh did you put my father's life at risk for that I didn't know tell me that one thing I need to know bigger bars oh Lord I thought it was safe Tiffani I really did I had no idea lucious could get hurt please forgive me forgive you I hope you can forgive yourself [Music] whatever you got my father into I will find out and shout it to the world [Music] that made my skin crawl bro so sorry really such a shame I think the green came up with a bang right yeah for that we can all be grateful you you knew my father well no how would you still be darken and have to eat you say your dad went out with that bang with him it's a freak out of here look back seriously Bruce this guy's with you so sorry I will handle this geez Bruce that's quite a grip don't leave a bruise Forsch what are you doing here I told you I'd see you again denied you and me we're two friends in the same stitch are you crazy I got you a little something the occasion I'll have to take this look at him look at his face I got it wrong didn't I dammit hey keep it down gotta be quiet as Church mice right bro it hasn't um it hasn't been easy for me out here you know look man go on the new guy now it's the freedom attached to you still can watch your heart those eyes he like a goatskin don't did it look like Atkins sometimes I miss those padded walls you do where the lines were drawn which ones not to cross what you can't possibly mean that at it Arkham is hell it was my home Bruce and home is where the heart is I'm almost sorry then I convinced dr. Leland to release me if everyone could please take their seats we will begin would you just sit down today we gather to honor the memory buddy can just walk in funerals he was a friend a father a husband a leader you're crushing my friend's funeral John you better have a good reason oh I do I need that favor you owe me oh you know favor you know you might have been a little reluctant at the time but if it wasn't for me you'd still be in Arkham leaving off your meds in the rec room with a good strong tree you're gonna do right by me rose I know all your old favorites word I never made that promise - I got into a lot of trouble for what we did Bruce what you did saw that place saw those doctors he's gone a vital link in our chain has left us good Matthews you see our you see it is measuring people out here made some new friends made a kind of pact Oh No synchros that special breed live by their own we just need to kill him if I give you of your father I'm sorry he has the guy you'll find out when you meet them they're looking to bring someone like you into the full we are a funeral we'll meet them for me Oh shoo please I've got a lot riding on this I already told them you would please don't let me down not a chance John I don't know what you're mixed up in but I am NOT getting involved pointing [Music] my god you know I spoke so highly of you I told them is you it right in you but this makes me want I don't know lash out Shh oh my gosh oh my gosh what's here two more please juice me again nobody mourning a loss of her faith whoa easy easy John - deep breath okay calm down [Music] you're right thank you hurry Oh Oh what about the coherence that outburst its antisocial I know dr. Leland says I have a hard time handling rejection I think any we all do rest you see I've got this enemy real piece of work calls himself the Riddler Oh common enemy prefer snow him I want to rip his eyeballs out he's a thief and a tiller and worst of all [Music] he's rude I tried to let the authorities know the kind of lowlife they're dealing with but wait on that you don't - yeah I did of course man that Bruce Wayne's caliber knows every one version beats a crime uh-oh it's not a news crowd just from the news I guess clearly a murderer sick in the head don't know the half of it I had my way that mean it all would never leave his hole oh you can where he is no no not exactly no maybe I said too much oh are you dressing I'm your friend John you can trust me I trust in the mainstay of any healthy relationship I want that for us Bruce I really do so we can't make any deals with this may really don't know much no maniac always made people go to him for meetings smiling East End we're in the East End honestly that's all I know and even that might be out of date all right you're so eager to find it why don't you let me help you no I know where he is and get back to you I can't find out where that jerk puts his head down oh my gosh I don't want the work with him I don't or don't say anything don't say anything don't you worry about a thing I'll take care of this he just thinks it is yes look I think I'm States that must compare up yeah thanks Ari good joke flat pancake boy it's been some nice catching up Bruce Oh a tracker on his neck bone I miss this this trust between us oh he's using that word uh trust him I trust them I know we'll see each other again soon be in touch bye Bruce until next time yeah he would have found yellow he would have found this ugly not one to decorum I don't think that outburst went unnoticed what have you say about John he gave me a lead on Riddler's location inform Gordon tell him to drag up GCPD records on Cobbins East End and tell him we're on Riddler's trail [Music] this episode is like it's very very amazingly written it's going down so some accent in the mix so I'm ready to get my hands dirty yeah enjoying the view hard to do these days there's one thing for the bad parts of town to get uglier that one places like Wayne tower start falling apart makes you wonder what's next but Bruce Wayne is wondering the same thing seems like a world's gutted out for that guy it's been some time in Arkham gets drunk through the dirt by the media dissemination an elite finally picks himself up what happens someone bombs his company Bruce Wayne pick himself up once you do it again enough certainly showed us that much didn't he you said you had a lead on Riddler hiding somewhere he stabbed why am I not surprised he stands but a no man's land since Harvey Dent blew it up I tried to get more patrols out there but City Hall's not given up the funds the area between 42nd 248 more or less lawless and host on the surgeon waist alright 47 and 48 43 44 45 46 24 the land of the unifor T Ford was recently purchased anonymously the only thing there is an old water tower so don't feel sufficient that a seawater gut tells me that's the place agreed nice work by that if this lead pans out Waller will have to eat her words whatever you said to her at the casino really good up her nose I bet it did I have to tell you I got a bad feeling about her how so the way she goes after criminals she's ruthless putting people at risk and believe me she doesn't let due process get in her way that's when I good some but nothing I mean nothing to get a man as far as law enforcement goes chill you were the best of it by the lumina cops with as much heart as you I appreciate your sing yeah that's my Waller she doesn't see that as a strength I was ordered to give her updates on breaks in the Riddler case out of this chance he's there we should probably let her know I want to give her ammunition with the governor already breathing down my neck about what went down because syrupy in a dirt I don't want Waller involved you and I can handle Riddler just like it's always been legislature on the same page ride to get whatever we daddy Gaby wonder my downtown priestly without so much as a pleaser thank you I tell you that alike alike she keeps on chipping away at my authority I'm going to crack then what's fine Riddler before it comes to that I'll grab a car and meet you at Riddler's hideout razor won't feel so clever after we come up well Gordon's going to die we all know it's coming is the too old to be doing all this stuff you need to be behind a desk call the shots man just do like he freakin I'm young and strong I'll do the brunt of the work man no one's home I kept Walter interagency people out of the loop on this just the two of us oh I mean if something had mad about her not exactly cozy is it what is it will become Catwoman or somebody kind of like you know let something go bad let's say if Gordon becomes hostage I'm gonna have to do anything that they tell me someone's keeping a scrub punk Thane is new all right what they have to see no evil hear no evil speak no evil okay down here it it stuck no way to open it from the inside then how do we get out this guy real we do in our free after you know that maybe in some scary situations made I'll be called an Alfred like y'all help this man is in a game bro he's in Riddler's game now give me a good honest crack house any day here I just crack help [Music] Oh God the pre-k third agent 47 special agent Mario Fernandez was an explaining crack he's one of Wallace [Music] I said when she was missing the soul the other ones almost completely melted through how so in a man he's missing parts of his fingers on oil and we saw this before the victim of the casino right happened to his eyes pupils is fully dilated the others contracted a clear sign of brain trauma all wearing five has no sign of a blow to the head from the inside there's some hemorrhaging from the ears his eardrums must've burst oh my god is due going through hand did his tongue come through missus suffered a shock or a sudden jolt it's more to expect on this man oh he was trying to call for help the phone isn't giving a signal damn it be enough clips for my boy kiss me is too old want to lead that's a hell of an augmentation Riddler's play games that he tried to play alone we have learned from his mistakes let's find out what he did wrong first of all we not getting inside at to look melted oz you to hang on to them those belong to a poor Cinderella over there I establish their okay we linked monitors scratches on the bunker the polarizing filter has been tampered with like in sunglasses monitors typically have a polarizing filter to reduce reflection I don't see anything impossible to see with the naked eye we're going to have to look at it through a polarized lens Oh let me get the aviators real quick masks each one missing a different facial feature senses the missing the senses like a monkey statues you're right that must be a connection Oh [Music] there's an open-face bleeds inside all lot of blood huh we know Riddler likes penalizing his victims for wrong answers another one of rivers sick contraptions some kind of murder box I guess he was always a wacko but this takes it to a new level or over last it's polarized oh now it is we can look at the TV through that won't arch it must be walked in place why that they turn me well but not the right way and you might live to see another day what does it mean pretty left it's still warm there must be some kind of heating element underneath yeah that's what it's very hands-on you could be cooked alive in there all right for whole and Amy this tool were closed the portal will be looking right at those partners yeah since the monitors have been tampered with it's like leaders of message eyes one that can only be seen with a polarized lens you will note here inside the box top yeah we not get inside that they eat it for with issue the floor of the box heated up all the agent was inside try standing on one what to save the other causing that shoot catch on fire yeah when he exited the box he tried to put the fire off but couldn't so we threw off his shoe missing finger what the same oddly for the answer in one of these safes it chose the wrong one goes to his fingers at sucks how did he die though you got a br in that cowl or something something like that I've got all the pieces of Riddler's puzzle now I need to know what order they haven't been stuck in a chair what he probably went in here the agent woke up here where his body can't fell off once he found he couldn't call for help he saw the passage on the monitors yeah willingly put himself inside the burger box yep and then he could see the message in it that it was in a safe or something or no in each feet caught on fire the agent shield caught fire inside the murder box so we opened it in a panic as soon as he was out of the box he ripped off the burning Sheeran throat siren the confusion he must have missed something crucial okay and they need try this from where he lost a shoe the agent being line for the wallet saves the open one but shows porter the blade sliced off his fingers how did he die that is a what wood stove ugh clear how eardrums can burst the agent made a number of mistakes mistakes we can avoid the heat inside the box forced him to run out before before you get Riddler's next clue for bastard could withstand the heat the batsuits armor is heat resistant ma'am going in maybe more time to find Riddler's next clue getting inside the boss and starting the game is the only way we're getting out of here yeah this is insane you know that right the last man who went in there is dead there's a good chance it'll kill you too I'll need your eldest it could be my last I won't be able to do this without you children Wow when you put it like that yeah let's win this game exactly my point oh that's scary bro it's rising Batman turn a wheel to review the any monitors okay let's go then turn it now mostly : message bro hurry it again start one will see trouble and one tells no lies as the third of he hides the prize the monkeys see no evil hear no evil speak no evil but be curious what is it referring to whichever one it is the correct save will have a face with those senses removed the mouth I'll check its dumb mouth now damn it the still lock shut they should unlock when I open the store Oh step towards outlook health watch out Oh congratulations Your Honor that is if you can withstand my short-range ultrasonic device you've got to protect him let's check it out thank you all right if the mouth big no evil big bill evil oh right nine good idea oh it's coming back if this one if this one not that good what here no evil hear no evil how long let's go oh just in case damn now I love a gun whatever's in that safe it'll be worth all this pain wait a minute it's awesome what is it home in on looking at its schematics now like a radio signal signal that's that's how he died how who died that's how they'll all die Riddler Morrie sold me missiles for all of my enemies everyone on my list gets one most won't even know what's coming for a brief second they're dull existences will line up why are you doing this Riddler why would you killed enough I have a lot of enemies man while they're still breathing I still have work to do I'm trying to get a handle on you Batman partnering with Gordon is one thing from what I remember the old days he's harmless enough you we'll see about that when your income at the agency they're a natural enemy to people like you and me you must be desperate if you're making friends with them you must be really up against the ropes toward that cover those kneel at your corner those ain't nothing I'm not giving you nothing you're the one killing innocents Riddler do you think any of these agents are innocent the agency uses people Batman corrupts them bricks their minds I wasn't always like this the agency made me only this is garbage Waller's a hard-ass sure but she had nothing to do with why he's so messed I didn't say Waller did I this was weighing before our time yeah I don't forget that's the thing about having a mind like mine you remember everything even the things you'd rather not what ever happened to you it doesn't let you off the hook you're still responsible for all the pain you've caused they're not in it difficult for the mercy I was running things in Gotham before you could walk I just wanted to see where the man who doesn't compromise actually draws his lines but then you already answered that for mate in jail when you offloaded my puzzle on your friend why don't you tell Gordon here what happened to Lucius Fox Oh Oh okay okay my bad I thought he knew who Bruce Wayne was but he did he gave the puzzle of Batman watch half Commissioner for all his preaching Batman knows when to sacrifice a pawn to win the game it was a smart move getting out of the way in the blast something only a pragmatist would do I would never give up an innocent life not even to save I own that's not what it looks like from here Gordon doesn't know what to make of any of it Trust is hard-earned it easily lost isn't it commissioner come on down don't get your tights in a twist I knew you weren't sharp enough to do it on purpose there's no room at the top for school boys who were too squeamish to fight in the gutter you don't have repeatedly layer in this while we're talking it up without giving up those values you hold so dear [Music] well I'll wait for Waller and pass on what we found she won't be happy when she finds out Riddler knows about every agency operative in Gotham and I don't blame her if there were my cops no one would be sleeping till we found this Riddler guy just keep your eyes open gentlemen in the meantime I'll stay on rulers tailed hey hey hold up a sec what Riddler said in there about the agency smoke and mirrors he asked me but the thing about Lucius Fox and the blast at Wayne Tower you got to level with me you've got some connection with that Wayne tech guy you didn't tell me about I'll work with Lucius Fox with an ally of mine that got him killed I got to say the fact I had to learn about it from Riddler and city you it doesn't sit right with me at all I thought we had some trust you and I what do you expect me to do with this bar just supposed to sit on my hands pretend I never heard any of it Jim what you're asking there's no easy way to talk about it yeah I gathered that much relations have changed I mean I wasn't born yesterday I know you probably have a network of civilians working for you you can't do the kinds of things you do without a gigantic support system and as much as I understand your reluctance to talk it doesn't make me feel any better about this Batman I'm sorry for your loss all right I thought he was breaking up with us or something but still you always got to be a hundred with the people you care about can't be lying to anybody I heard your discussion with Commissioner Gordon now he knows that Lucius Fox and the Batman are were allies Gordon was dangerously close to figuring out who you are if he does find out I have no idea how he reacted it's not a chance you can afford to take worrying about it won't help anything neither will be in Cavalier you were radio silent for so long tell me did you find out how Lucius died I did this is a missile I found in Riddler's workshop the explosion a twin tower they were thinking about it all wrong the puzzle wasn't an explosive it was an emitter when it was solved it admitted a signal you heard it earlier if allowed to play too long it becomes a large signal did God you did solve the box we just didn't know it the Batcave scrambler blocked the signal or Lucius Wayne tower offered no such protections our tight little family has gotten smaller because of it it was the three of us looking out for each other now it's - I still have you and we still have each other I won't always be here Bruce oh that I'm sorry losing Lucius in such gruesome fashion it puts me in rather a morbid mood well I got to put the Jag back on the list of agency operatives from Riddler's workshop he plans to do the same thing - then it's a hit last it's only useful that he has a way to target the agents though and I doubt he's sending them all puzzle boxes hold on let's just walk through it all right agent data Commission's grid connect those two he's hacked their cellphones he could pinpoint the location of any one of these operatives yeah that the missile launcher a cell phone he can broadcast his signal through their phone to make them a target of a missile strike can you block it I can get a clean copy of a signal yes or we could tell whether wall or whatever lose all your phones though all may know ocean it's the only way I can get a clean version of the signal it's pretty grandma offered you don't have to watch I can handle it I've never been one to shy away from duty however unpleasant it may be you are a rock Alfre always able to count on you for even the toughest times the last thing I want to do is let you down all right please get my daughter out of the building catch yourself off what are you tossing what did you figure out I've solved the reverse puzzle Bruce I knew he was going to die can you switch to audio Olli please don't ask to sit in this sort of making command tell Tiffany and her mother that I'm sorry I wasn't around more that's just we really made a difference didn't we Darkman uh I shouldn't watch this I'll go get that tea master Bruce I know I said I told your old boy to get out all right I'll just need to create a filter to get a clean version of the signal and then match of the points found in both sound files okay point so I got to match this hold up stop to fight fable realer boss marine growth waveforms match their a piggy bag on the river cellphone hack they'll recognize any incoming signal imagine shut down negating a launch makes sense for me to have a signal on me as well look for Riddler still has functioning missiles once he finds out I've blocked his targets you may decide to launch indiscriminately but with a signal I might be able to divert them ptarth existed a Lucius time-barred let's put it to good work theory I really want to test so we had better find Riddler first there is always Riddler's second in command online Mabel arrested after his attack on the casino none of the authorities have gotten anything out of him yet unknown contact what is it that John guy from the funeral from Arkham oh no hang on me no actually you sounds like he's keeping his water got another lead though Murray more er dealer great work done Morey huh be careful Wheeler's pomorie on a kill list John thinks that more you can get us Riddler's location deleted alright maybe I should go back to the beginning good luck buddy bring roommate Moria on the back computer they're going to ask if I want to go from Lori or the guy in prison either of them could potentially lead me to him the question is which is more likely to help you oh whatever real or he's a businessman given the right incentive he could be persuaded to talk yeah he sure can't have any lover Riddler after the tented murder of the casino I'd say he'd respond better to a more genteel approach peer to peer as Bruce Wayne however the agency is watching him Oh voila finds out that Bruce Wayne sort of Hollywood more II shall not be best pleased and we'd rather hand we got this guy with that me it was lieutenant Eli neighbor took a go at me in the casino put up quite a fight cracking it will be tougher for physical certainly a job for that man is currently at Wallace custody the GCPD holding so Waller Harrogate enable there would be a visible endorsement of Wallace Authority Gordon won't like it whoa ah Batman you could actually burn bridges with Gordon we're going with Bruce follow me with more I'm sure Bruce Wayne can find a way to reason with them [Music] and my lambo appreciate you Rousey alright please let this go smooth Lee [Music] Waller's people are here watching Maury Riddler's agency data should make them easy to tag I need you to keep an eye on them for me maybe cause a distraction if I need it hook it up agent agent agent creating suckers got to be careful here they're following is every move yeah am Bruce Wayne it like super famous all this attention must be annoying to a man like Maury I see them all these agents were on Riddler's list even without access to their phones he'll still try to kill them all somehow do whatever it takes to find him Bruce I never want to see another video like the one with lucious yeah no time to waste [Music] let's get mr. Wayne to what do we owe this honor good evening mr. morning I've come to talk bounce shake now if you could just help me is your la is unexpected mr. Wayne what can I do for you a private matter between friends we have a mutual enemy we have a mutual enemy Maury he can't go unchecked men like you and I have many enemies mr. Wayne I am sure we share more than one you know the one I mean yeah the authorities are watching my every move apparently I'm a person of interest there's really not much can offer you other than a drink and a seat at the roulette wheel not while I'm being shadowed bro the free curve we need privacy lose the agents dot now they just got an order to sweep the perimeter I'll give you a couple of minutes at least impressive mr. Wayne we haven't even scratched the surface what can I do for you information another word [Music] why would I do that look at your fingers you're on his hands you're on his list Mari he's going to hit you with the same weapons you sold them you and a lot of other people I dealt with that maniac it's true but I was done the diverse delivery Riddler wanted more everything he could get his hands on if I don't deal to hand over one of my biotech companies I said no that's why he attacked you you have no idea how crazy is I only wish I had known it sooner free I guess hey I have a pretty good idea I see that you do he's scared I was afraid he'd used my goods in the city after the explosion at Wayne Enterprises it turns out I was right exactly I want you to know one of my people had what idea the Riddler had marked you as a target I knew your father back when he was running Gotham our interests of an aligned I would never dishonor his memory he was a friend truly one of a kind and you owe me for my father's sake that was a long time ago and papers go below oh my god I can help you find the Riddler's the Wayne I sold him the missile array he's using to pick off his enemies he won't be very far from it everything you need to find him is on that drive let's go but I need a favor from you first a favor Waller has me detained here pending Riddler's trial he controls all my accounts I need to get out of the country and in all haste you can help with that otherwise I fear my fate is a short miserable life in a black prison grab the drive it's simple bro this give me charter plane wait for me at the airport the pilot will climb into a safe haven in the Caribbean for the right price all you have to do is authorize a transfer y'all want me as an enemy mr. Wayne I'm going to freaking you know our agency friends will be back any second let's handle this quickly and without disturbance give me that Mario taking oh it's going down this could have been a lot easier for Laurie you should kill me Wayne because I won't forget Bruce Wallace agents are converging hurry up and get out of there or it's not going to be good what's this I know this is a different I've seen you Maurice information finally what I need fast yeah they all thought would this happen we just made such a big mess but I let's worry about it later my gosh I was in a vodka freaking opted that on account information hey be careful who knows what the Riddler has up his sleeve [Music] tell you one thing this is the longest episode get your frickin sack uh-huh hope you can swim I'm on board I'll do you see Riddler you won't get away with this wake up scam noise again are we aging right I sure need to get a better angle oh you'll see what's good what are we about to do from our business they always did it my friends are attending today bro Ostuni join everybody a good spot for cover-up you and your boss Wallace let's go to regret her miscalculations all your viet colleagues to Dubai to get drop in it's hard to blame individuals for institutional insurance agencies way for what told one of raising the longer agency holding on for years okay well he's not looking to you you're relentless I'll admit it's going to feel safe word get my revenge on your predecessors alright even if you're really just a small part of my Utah you brought this on yourselves all of you he bothered our government clots really thought you were smart but it's clear you're in desperate need of some schooling teachers got all these cages my friends will be here soon I keep your mouths shut until then hostages first when they're safe I can find the missiles targeting online now ready first company says you have let's all be yx8 it's worth left record let the hostages go wheeler you can't possibly think clunking of you heads is enough to make me roll over all right if that works get their word how oversized vermin let's go sit down be humble sample sales floor heating up Oh soon got opening oh why can't you open it from the inside oh sure what is happen are you alright [Music] oh here it comes somebody's gonna have to climb in and something that utilizes the shock device I've memorized your playbook Batman I know all your shallow tricks I'm not getting in there Morrie was incapable of learning his lesson I knew he'd lead you to me eventually all part of the plan all the sauce right just like the hostages would mate I knew you couldn't bear to let these agents die you care too much about the little people and they go oh my are you saved Maury I saw how angry you got about what happened to Fox I heard a lot of people doing what I do my code is how I staged you it's why I'm out here and you're in they're about to meet your maker well the partners were supposed to be here to see this I guess I could just show them the bodies I'm going to ask you three questions get them wrong one of these agents gets torn apart oh you get right this happens what I designed this for you Batman the hero who doesn't have to compromise will die knowing he couldn't save everyone let's get started oh my not get through I'm curious to see how your handle it all no thinner though they know ah but I can't make you of course Alfred but people will die if you don't including the agent next to you you can handle the sonic blast I estimate three blasts at most before her insides ruptured well one should be easy Batman close to the heart I sold the puzzle box for the bat now I'm dead and I mean dismembered closed casket for sure kind of dead yeah Who am I if we fake losses varnishes what was that I couldn't hear you to say Lucius Fox very good Batman you saved a life but thank you but me so there's four anymore it is quite no Blake I won't let you die number as though completely self-evident I am black and blue and bleeding from the ears Who am I I think he means me won't it hopefully don't you dare answer that please don't let him die hey I need an answer we don't master the answer is agent of Vesta you got it Batman ha here's your prize ask you home come on what are you done or three I don't know you know Riddler you made your point so just one more Batman then it'll all be over we need a distraction to give the amorphous mind you'll ever meet the original genius with Gotham at my feet Who am I your River riddles the genie well done agent you answered so quickly you almost deserve not to get the blast on what what back bonnet okay so oh oh sorry missiles see what you thought that came to make it hard to gauge and then put her in there and usual burglars trap to protect Aman and Marcel from the explosion you had or die trying to think of that I like what you're saying agent of Vesta but you're not the one I need to hearing problems a lot ready to fire who's the genius Batman we can do it who's on top of gossip now I want to hear it from you oh yeah come on come on what are you doing do it do it don't please oh yeah you messed up my stuff [Music] she did no no no or taking a lot Oh [Music] let's compare them each gain you think you're clever don't you messed up you don't impress me sorrow what you ready to get down feel free oh [Music] you met them jump on top of him do not mess it up who's got no time left the Riddler thought you get such an easy one right oh he came from him right at the city the answer Batman [Music] okay Oh you want to get too hot are we good it just can't be happening wrap him ah gigabytes I don't know it's so glad I clicked eager putz oh gosh my man got clothesline bomb odds it come on come on I got I didn't think I didn't think we were going to make it rose she'd like to die I thought you saved your friend you put yourself on the line for your friends you saved them Asian are you okay I told you see Mike and I my ears I can't hear how is he still not not out Taylor I'm so tired as well nodded so well congratulations Batman you managed even in my twisted game to keep everyone alive but at what cost agent Festus suffered so no one had to die I can't sit well with you bro can it must be an uncomfortable feeling this entire twisted situation is you're doing Riddler all blame is on you and so are the consequences you came after me and now not the other way around I made you hurt an innocent woman to get to me oh my comrades would have been impressed your reverse ninjutsu isn't gonna help it's a lot to show them I thought they'd back me up even if they didn't agree it left me here to deal with you alone they betrayed me your comrades thought you went too far I saw their messages they were afraid your stunts would get my attention why are we doing this talking like they were right I'm here about babies all of them put them in jail roll the credits so one two all that white-faced tricks at me at never told them to meet me here I know they they protest compact they cure them [Music] [Music] lock the ship down and radio for more medics one that's cheap Riddler is he ah dammit this is a good Batman the investigation is a dead end without a breathing suspect we're in trouble a lot of trouble I'm no idea how we're getting out of it you don't have to worry Jim I don't think they eat with us I appreciate the thought but I didn't going to cut it what the Freak you want me to do Waller is going to come down on us I got Thunderbolt Thunderbolt I'm the Hulk damn hurricane your big ol aren't you agent Avesta is dead Riddler is dead and I don't know exactly how but I know you tampered with my suspect to see unless you expect me to believe that Morrie's new neck brace is a fashion statement Batman is clearly being misused as an asset to the GCPD I'm taking direct control of law enforcement in Gotham effective immediately what Gordon you're being relieved of your stars pumps down to deputy ops you can't demote me I just did don't like it go cry to the governor I generous Lee let this cowboy crap with the Batman go on out of respect with her but I can see now that that was a mistake Gordon's been fighting the good fight for years you're delusional if you think you can solve all our problems you're the ones we're deluded you're so busy gazing into each other's eyes you can't see the big picture take some vacation days Gordon I've got sensitive case details to discuss a Batman we're still in this together Batman this doesn't change a thing dang right proposal this city is about to find itself in a crisis the likes of which it's never known Riddler had a clue not just anything the worst criminal minds from all over the world here in Gotham you come across anything about them I'm assuming you've heard of them by now Riddler expected his friends to back him up tonight guess he wasn't as popular as he thought that's it's the theory we had evidence from his workshop suggests he was involved in a feud with another member of the group dr. Harleen Quinzel Oh like aya Tristen Artemis oh she's her head down we're over there than that show-off reader he was going to be my way in once we captured him alive but now I have you to lean on a man who lives on both sides of the line and knows exactly when to cross it oh yeah you and I will be working together very closely bro we won't bring your media away oh he knows I'm Bruce Wayne yo that's major no preview for Episode two the freakazoid bullcrap all right you guys that wraps up episode 1 our identity has been revealed Waller knows that we are in fact Bruce Wayne you guys already would like to see that episode 2 when it drops since this is an erotic slice that like button subscribe did it enjoin a samurai and until next time god like me taking too much of it because that is very kinky [Music]
Channel: CoryxKenshin
Views: 7,545,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: batman the enemy within gameplay, batman, the, enemy, within, episode, one, enigma, full, lets, play, ending, bruce, wayne, waller, blackman, plays, return, telltale, series, part 1, playthrough, walkthrough, coryxkenshin, cory, kenshin, ck, funny, hilarious, moments, cowl
Id: 3KQal-het-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 16sec (7216 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2017
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