Hannah Montana was pretty dumb...

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as i've mentioned a few times before i was a disney channel kid growing up having graduated from high school in 2006 i caught just the beginning of like the sort of new age of disney channel you got things like phil the future suite life of zach and cody and of course hannah montana yeah you could say i was a pretty well adjusted high school senior but anyway hannah montana was one of disney channel's most successful and still most well-known series ever mainly thanks to miley cyrus having no controversies whatsoever now as i've been doing for a while now especially recently i figured it was time to go back and see how some of my favorite shows from yesteryear have aged in the year of 2020 probably not that well but whatever let's check it out but before that really quick this video is sponsored by audible if you don't know what audible is by now audible is an online service that lets you download audiobooks audio newspapers and just like all kinds of spoken word entertainment right now if you sign up with my link audible.com alexmeyers or text my name alex myers to 500 500 you can get a 30 day free trial where you get one free audiobook and unlimited audible original downloads now audible originals are exactly what they sound like audiobooks are some kind of like audio entertainment thing that you can't find anywhere else or exclusive versions of books like the adventures of tom sawyer read by nick offerman for example and once you've signed up you continue to get one free audiobook regardless of price and unlimited audible original downloads for just 15 bucks now a lot of these audiobooks are between 15 and like 30 anyway so you're actually saving quite a bit of money by signing up and here's the thing whatever audiobooks you download even the free one you get with the 30 day free trial you get to keep forever even if you cancel the membership so like you literally have nothing to lose this week i like to recommend a book called quiet which is about being an introvert and kind of like what that means or what it doesn't mean and it goes pretty in depth about how to manage your introversion in like different situations or like if you're dating an extrovert for example how you can compromise on each other's needs that kind of thing it's pretty interesting stuff so once again sign up with my link audible.com alex myers or text my name alex myers to 500 500 start your 30 day free trial get your free audiobook i mean come on okay back to the show so right from the beginning we meet our main character miley stewart now miley is a 14 year old singer songwriting sensation thanks to her alter ego world class pop star hannah montana so you know i guess you could just think of her as like the jacob sartorius every day oh did you hear that sold out in los angeles now this guy over here is miley's dad robbie ray aka miley cyrus's real life dad billy ray who got famous for the song achy breaky heart back in the day as well as popularizing line dancing so thanks buddy for ruining every school dance i ever went to and finally we have miley's older brother jackson who's right in the middle of a very important phone call yeah that's right girl i know hannah montana and i got two incredible tickets for tomorrow night great we'll see you then i need two incredible seats for tomorrow night sorry i'm sold out dad hey think about it this way miley he goes out with the girl they fall in love they get married he moves out you've got the tickets huh now another character we meet right after this is miley's best friend lily and we know they're best friends because the show reminds us of this multiple times she's your best friend miley sooner or later you're gonna have to tailor your hand in montana three two one yes you just planted two tickets to the hottest concert in town you and i i being your best friend are going to see and here we have the main problem of the episode which is that lily doesn't know that miley is hannah montana and she just so happened to get two tickets to the concert so they can go together and golly g what's miley gonna do anyway so flashing forward to the next day i assume miley's trying to let lily down easy about the whole concert thing but of course lily's no dum-dum alright she knows something's going on okay if you don't want to tell me i guess there's nothing i can do except go through life wondering what i did to deserve being hurt so badly oh this is off i just can't go okay hey miley how's it going um pretty good just getting some ketchup for my veggie burger i see you like mayonnaise never tried that on a veggie burger ketchup you know i had almost the same exact thing happened to me back in high school when i got up to sharpen a pencil and then kelsey also got up and stood behind me so the whole time i was just like hey you ever wonder in pokemon like what does everybody eat right because all the plants and animals are supposed to be like everyone's best friends or whatever digimon season two is actually like really underrated anyway here you go you can use it now anyway so miley and lily sit down and have some lunch and talk about hannah montana and here we meet another main character of the show the obligatory guy friend and every disney channel friend trio for whatever reason oliver oliver oaken and may i say you two are smoking in your dreams i'm counting on that hey slick hey oh yeah she wants me [Music] oliver you're not gonna believe this miley says she doesn't like hannah montana hannah montana is a goddess i worship at her feet fact fyi someday i'm gonna be mr hannah montana protect her from any obsessed fans every night i'll shampoo and condition that beautiful blonde hair you know what this show took place today you know this guy would have like the most amazing twitter account anyway so lily ends up going to the concert with oliver because miley just can't bring herself to tell the truth so that night is the aforementioned hannah montana concert and everything goes pretty well until after it's all said and done and miley's cleaning up and getting ready to go home or whatever and right then lily of all people decides to break into hannah montana's dressing room and you know just do the whole crazy fan thing and montana's hot dogs hannah what's in a scarf now under normal circumstances this will be weird enough right but of course miley can't let her know who she really is so get ready for some good old disney channel shenanigans you know what i'm saying i just wish miley were here uh miley who's molly oh she's my best friend well then why don't you go get it oh great idea i'll call her stupid don't really work in here it has to do with the walls and the cement and are you gonna get that i'm talking to you that would be rude okay she's not home well that was weird you know i gotta say emily osman's acting in the show was always like so much better than everyone else's anyway so as you expect there's a lot of back and forth and miley keeps trying to get lily out of the room but of course she's all like hannah montana and just when it looks like everything's gonna end up okay guess what happens oh my gosh the actual scarf you are on the actual stage i can't believe it this is so hey i have a lucky bracelet just like that i loaned it to my best friend yesterday of course mine says lily on the back just like that oh sorry wrong button that's right now lily knows the truth about miley and of course the whole school's gonna find out because lily's gonna make a miley stewart slash hannah montana exposed video where she spills all the tea whatever the heck that means and then miley's gonna fire back with her own video called breaking my silence where she's gonna show all the dms that lily photoshop to make herself look better okay you know what i mean so yeah long story short i've probably been on youtube a little too long but of course this is disney channel after all so like friends are supposed to do they talk it out and share their feelings and all that kind of pointless garbage maybe once you knew you wouldn't want to be my friend anymore and you'd like hannah montana more than you like me that could never happen miley don't you know that yeah i do okay no more secrets and to prove it i'm going to show you something i've never shown to any other friend okay wait a second is this about your birthmark that kind of looks like harry styles if you got hit by a car because i've already seen that like way too many times for my own good now just to summarize the end of the episode here lily gets a little too excited about miley being hannah and wants to tell the whole school so she can be popular once people know i'm hannah they won't treat me the same that's the point i'm talking mega popularity here for both of us think about johnny collins he'd be yours if he knew no how could he be so selfish well if you're really my best friend you'd want this for me and so miley gets upset at lily because she's just using her which is what she was afraid of in the first place then they have a big fight and miley's all like haram farm but the next day lily comes back to apologize and when i was sitting in my room all upset you're the one i wanted to talk to not hannah montana well i guess i've said everything here i go [Music] headed for the door after making the best apology i could possibly think of halfway there you know after covering as many of these mid-2000s sitcoms as i have i gotta say this one's actually legitimately funny sometimes i say sometimes because you kind of have to overlook a few things that are very mid-2000s hey fermi why don't we uh step out on the patio and give these girls some privacy okay but i'm gonna need some sunscreen my skin's like a baby's bottom a little too much information cowboy oh look at me giddy up partner or like the fact that peak disney channel humor back then was just boy wears girl clothes but aside from all that it's actually pretty okay and then in the end they hug it out everybody sings kumbaya best friends so the show went on for 98 episodes until 2011 and like i said it's still to this day one of disney channel's biggest most popular shows of all time i'm also pretty sure it was one of the first disney shows to turn its main actress into like a singing modeling acting money printing robot which to the surprise of no one is pretty much how they still run things over there i touched on this a bit in the video but going back and watching hannah montana now almost like 15 years later whatever i was a bit surprised how much i enjoyed it like i thought it was genuinely funny at times i mean it was really cheesy most of the time which i mean it's a disney channel show it's also the pilot episode like you would expect but again i found myself laughing way more than i thought it would although like i said you know there's definitely relics of a bygone era shall we say where you're just kind of watching it nowadays you know 2020 you're just like huh boy that was an interesting choice wasn't it by and large i do think it actually kind of holds up better than some of the other shows i've done like you know i did zach and cody recently and zach and cody definitely had some good points as well but just like i don't know i guess zach and cody was like just such a simple show that it's kind of like you go back to it and there's like nothing that grabs you about it but yeah this is one of those shows i used to really watch as long as i could until i moved to japan when i was 18. but yeah as an 18 year old man there's nothing more interesting to me than tv made for seventh grade girls so and here i am still watching the same show so what does that say about me very well adjusted 32 year old man but anyway thanks for watching everybody i hope you enjoyed it i hope you liked the video uh if you did or if you didn't please subscribe ring that bell so don't miss any videos from me follow me on twitter let me know what was your favorite part of the video or just say hi or whatever i don't know there's no rules anymore and above all let's everybody have a great day and i'll see you all next time
Channel: Alex Meyers
Views: 2,823,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex meyers, alex myers, alex mayers, hannah montana, alex meyers disney
Id: 8NuKW_7P9lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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