Victorious was kinda dumb...

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you know if you think about it 2006 to 2012 or so really was like the Golden Age of teen shows High School Musical one came out in 2006 2007 had icarly and Gossip Girl 2008 with Secret Life 2009 gave us Glee which started out good and then quickly became just like whatever that was trying to be and 2010 gave us one of Nickelodeon's most popular teen shows in the singing and dancing kids genre victorious well since it just recently came to Netflix I thought now would be a good time to check out the show that finally gives us a look into the real struggles and hardships of being talented and attractive at the same time so let's take a walk but before that really quick this video is sponsored by audible if you don't know what audible is by now audible is an online service that lets you download audiobooks audio newspapers and just like all kinds of spoken word entertainment right now if you sign up with my link slash Alex Meyers or text my name Alex Meyers to 500 500 you can get a 30-day free trial where you get one free audiobook and two audible original programs now audible originals are exactly what they sound like audiobooks are some kind of like audio entertainment thing that you can't find anywhere else or exclusive versions of books like The Adventures of Tom Sawyer read by Nick Offerman for example and once you've signed up you continue to get one free audiobook regardless of price and two more audible originals every month for just 15 bucks now a lot of these audiobooks are between 15 and like thirty dollars anyways so you're actually saving quite a bit of money by signing up and here's the thing whatever audiobooks you download even the free one you get with a 30-day free trial you get to keep forever even if you cancel the membership so like you literally have nothing to lose as always I would recommend the power of habit because almost everything we do from sleeping to eating to studying to make it YouTube videos everything comes down to our habits and by understanding and changing those habits really you can do almost anything so once again sign up with my link slash Alex Meyers or text my name Alex Meyers to 500 500 starts a 30 day free trial get your free audiobook I mean come on okay back to the show we start off with our main character Tori Vega who's hanging out with this guy because they're working on a school project all about mold or at least I assume it's for school or maybe this is just what they do on the weekends I don't know I mean when he got a guy with this kind of haircut it's a 50/50 shot either way mushy mushy next the fish mold fish mold spongy spongy stinky I am so upset you know something I love about these kind of older sitcoms is how like they'll play the laugh track just at any random moment I mean this girl literally just walked in the room and the audience is like but anyway so this is Tori's older sister Trina now the setup of the show is that Tori is just like a regular kid wearing a hoodie and flats cuz you know she's just kind of like whatever and Trina goes to this fancy Performing Arts High School which honestly sounds like the worst thing I could imagine and let me tell you right now I was a theater kid okay I was in every musical I did show choir all through high school my senior year I had two choir classes yeah so like I was a hundred percent one of those people and I'll be the first in line to tell you that theater kids are the worst imagine a whole school full of just anyway so Trina's getting ready for this big showcase thing at her school which is apparently a pretty big deal what's the big showcase it's a performance they put on at our school every year with invite agents and directors and producers and other super powerful people in show business and it's extremely important to me which is why I am very upset - goodbye so Tori spends the next few days helping her sister get ready for everything along with this guy from Trina's school Andre now eventually at some point in time it's the night of the showcase and wouldn't you know something wacky happens at the last minute does anybody know how this happened no she found some website that shows you how to make this special Chinese herb girl that's supposed to help you sing better will she be okay well her tongue is obviously engorged in it oh it's throbbing erratically okay wow there's a lot of interesting word choices coming out of this show anyway so because of all this Trina can't sing in the showcase but because Tori worked with her and Andre this whole time she has the entire song routine thing whatever memorized and so she ends up performing it in her sister's place and wouldn't you be shocked to learn that she's actually like super talented and stuff and the only thing that was holding her back until now was confidence so after she performs the audience is like and long story short she gets recruited to attend the same performing arts school as and then we skip ahead to her first day at the new school anyway you're not alone I got your back okay Jarrod Polson got us here strange hey you're Tori right huh I mean I knew ariana grande was in this show but what happened there's a bad scene this I think I think somebody needs an intervention but yeah so Tori doesn't really know her way around school very well so she gets a little help from the weirdest kid she can find hey hello female can you tell me where mr. Sikowitz is classroom is Sikowitz down the hall swing left at the water fountain second door on your right thank you whatever it takes cupcake oh geez just halfway through the episode they're rolling out the old black voice huh like it's not even just the voice but like the fact that he's doing it and giving it this kind of personality whatever it takes cupcake you know you can really tell this was made almost ten years ago because I'm pretty sure this would not fly today you know I mean not even on Nickelodeon anyway so finally Tory gets to her first and only class apparently which happens to be of all things an improv class improv acting without a script which means the actors must make up their own actions and dialogue as they perform the scene understood excellent now as a recovering theater kid myself let me show you the theatre kid hierarchy for a second okay so first you got the stage crew right and they're generally pretty cool you know they just want to build like smoke machines and stuff there all right then you got those musical kids who just like all they ever want to do is sing their favorite like Hamilton dear Ivan Hanson wicked songs or whatever just like all friggin day and then at the very top you've got the acting slash improv kids who for whatever reason just refused to quote any movie that's not Monty Python now he's a little pro tip for you if you have a friend who invites you to their open mic improv show they're not your friend I mean the only thing worse than improv kids are improv teachers okay just wanted to get your blood pumping which I did yep anyway so this girl Jade gets up to do an improv scene and calls on a few other kids for help one of whom is Tori so the scene gets going and Jade makes Tori act like a dog because earlier Tori was talking to Jade's boyfriend BEC and as we all know the second worst thing you can do in high school is be a girl and talk to another girl's boyfriend you know I mean and of course the number one worst thing you can do in high school is just be me apparently but yeah so the improv scene keeps going and eventually things turn out like this looks like this dog has bugs in her fur wolf I read on the internet that coffee works great for getting rid of fur bugs maybe you shouldn't Jade and so as you might expect Tori storms out in the hallway and she wants to quit and go back to her old school but Andre follows her and gives her this big old speech about how she's really talented I've seen what you can do on stage you're special you're fantastic you belong to school now not letting herself get defeated by a girl with a blue streak in her hair Tori goes back to the improv class the next day and you know Jade's all like glue now shockingly they have to do another improv scene and so mister sicka wits picks Tori to be in charge and she calls up the usual suspects including Jade mm-hmm and they act out the scene now wise you might expect Tori and Jade keep taking these passive-aggressive jabs at each other like girls do you know hey why don't you go jump off that cliff over there I think you should just where did you come from kangaroos lousy animals kangaroos they're awkward and dirty maybe they learn from you okay okay Tori slam-dunk so after a bunch of back-and-forth in the end it's just Tori and BEC alone on stage I don't never guess what happens head feels dizzy I know it'll make you feel better jumping jacks kiss me little weird let's do it you know I get that Tori's the quirky relatable girl and Jade is like the rival girl who thinks piercings are a personality but this kind of messed up right I mean getting another girl's boyfriend to kiss you right in front of her and the entire class and also quick shout-out to BEC for just being like oh you all accuse me yeah okay but yeah so then the show goes on for like 57 episodes and like I said it was incredibly popular when it was on it even beat icarly twice in the favorite TV show category of the 2012 and 2013 Kids Choice Awards along with four Emmy nominations but despite all that the show got cancelled after the fourth season with no finale or wrap-up or anything and instead they just made like a spin-off show with sam from icarly and cat from Victorious with the very clever name Sam and cat which only had one season before that was canceled too and you know ever since Nickelodeon's just never been quite the same you know growing up in the 90s I watched a lot of Nickelodeon like like 90s Nickelodeon was like this huge thing Nicktoons you had Nickelodeon game shows like double dare and legends of the Hidden Temple and what would you do and all this stuff they had like all that like kind of like 90s to very early 2000s new collodion was like the place to be and then kind of as time went on I guess for whatever reason I just kind of migrated over to Disney Channel like everything I watched growing up was kind of related to Disney Channel or ABC or whatever in some way now early 2000s Nickelodeon until now it's kind of this just like black hole in my head I don't know what was on then like over the years you know doing YouTube and just kind of being a human that exists in the world I kind of learned about shows that were Nickelodeon like we're like a big deal you know he had like Drake and Josh right because Josh Peck is now a big youtuber but going back and watching victorious and then kind of the the spin-off sister shows so going back and watching those after spending my like teen years almost exclusively watching Disney Channel it's kind of interesting to me just how different Nickelodeon is from Disney Channel like like for example something that seems very benign but like you know in the very first episode of victorious there's like to makeout seas right there's J and her boyfriend are getting all like me before class and then Tori doing with the improv scene she like gets BEC to kiss her and it's like a full-on kiss right and that might not seem like a big deal I guess but like channel characters rarely kiss each other like that's something you just never see you know I guess you know Nickelodeon was always more edgy than Disney with like cartoons and stuff for sure but I didn't really realize that translate over to everything like everything on Nickelodeon was just kind of a little bit more over the top than Disney if that's even possible you know I'm saying thank you so much watching everybody don't forget to subscribe don't forget to ring that Bell so we don't miss any videos for me follow my doubts on Instagram telling me it's pumpkin follow me on Twitter let me know what's the favorite part of the video or what video I should do next if there's another Nickelodeon show got me a check out you know I mean should I do icarly should i do Drake and Josh like you know should we just do everything that's ever been made ever sure why not and above all let's everybody have a great day and I'll see you all next time [Music]
Channel: Alex Meyers
Views: 4,403,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex meyers, alex mayers, alex myers, victorious, victorious nickelodeon, alex meyers animation, ariana grande
Id: VQ0uVfvyuPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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