Austin and Ally was a weird show...

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hey you ever do that thing where like you sit on your foot and fart and then it like tickles a little bit anyway disney channel so i've covered quite a few of their shows up to this point you know i've done all the classics i'm moving on to the 2010s now with jesse a few months ago and so continuing right along we have the 2011 hit series austin ally now i don't know anything at all about this show so come along kids let's take a walk but before that really quick this video is brought to you by time princess now kelsey you've been playing this time princess game for a while now right yes i have so how would you describe this game to someone who's never heard of it before well time princess is kind of like a visual novel game where you can play a girl who goes back in time to live through the life of one of many historical women but there's so much more to it than what you might think oh is that so probably the biggest thing is how all the different choices you make actually can change the direction of the story drastically with certain people dying and being able to romance them not at the same time though yeah it's a different kind of game so mainly what you're doing is just reading a story no not really actually the main meat of the game is all the outfits you have to dress up in every plot point requires a certain outfit with certain attributes to get whatever desired outcome you want for that scene so acquiring the clothing or accessories you need and customizing them is what you'll be doing a lot of so by putting on different outfits you can like change the course of history yeah pretty much who knew changing the world was that easy yeah i should have tried it years ago but it's not just the clothes you can customize your entire character model to look however you want pretty much and if i haven't sold you yet okay you get a bunch of cats you play with and send on missions to get you more materials to make more clothes to help you through all the main quests the side story quests there's a lot to do here huh and you can do all this in a free to play game yeah i know it's pretty wild huh okay well if kelsey sold you on the game or if you just want to check it out for yourself and see how it is click my link down below or use the qr code to download the game for free and there's also a thousand dollar giveaway event going on right now it's only available to new players and the prize consists of a thousand dollars cash the top three players in the clothing collection rank will be awarded 200 cash each and tons of players are gonna be chosen at random to get a hundred dollars cash so if you're interested click my link down below and download the game today okay back to the show [Music] did you not see the please do not play the drum sign it's okay i'm an awesome drummer hold on a second anyway so this dude just walks in and picks up these corn dogs that was just sitting there apparently and one of them flies out of his hand here because he's playing the symbol and then it's just back again i think maybe he gots one of the magic corndog pockets what you just said has nothing to do with what i just said are those corn dogs ew uh do you know how dirty these drums are and how unhealthy corn dogs are and there's no food allowed in here i'll handle this austin ma'am we are making wait what was that voice just now i'll handle this austin ma'am this is like back when i was in algebra 2 and then like some girl will come up and be like hey did you get the assignment done last night and what i meant to say was why yes i just so happen to have it right here but all that ever came out was but anyway so this is austin your typical high school guy musician guy who between his case of malignant bedhead and the fact that he knows like five chords on the guitar well no doubt sail on through the dating world completely unscathed and then we have ally who also loves music but she's shy and then of course there's austin's friendez who just kind of does this well i can play a harmonica through a sousaphone [Music] anyway like i said ally's really talented and wants to be a singer-songwriter but she's worried about what people might think because obviously trying is for losers i mean how dare she care about stuff you know what i mean [Music] how long have you been standing there yeah i like that song but if you want to make it really catchy you gotta speed it up you don't know no no my name name name now what ends up happening here is austin steals this song that ally was just playing and turns it into his own song which goes mega viral turns him into a huge overnight internet sensation you know cause you could just like do that back in 2011 2012. i mean hey remember back when the whole world just went nuts for this cat that looked slightly perturbed and the memes were all like when you're on a date and they start explaining all the inside jokes they have with their friends you've never met but then nowadays memes are like 14 layers deep you know it's all like my mom my therapist and all my sleeper houses demons trying to explain to me why owning eight dishwashers might not be normal but anyway so given what austin has done and how much success he had doing it would you believe ally's not too thrilled hi i'm trish big fan sorry look i'm here too uh what are you doing i'm making my own cologne it's called austin austin austin secret ingredient is my sweat you know we all laughed at belle delphine for selling her bathwater but disney channel was all over that stuff like 10 years ago okay ross lynch walked so belle delvin could run that's all i'm saying but like more importantly okay so ally just goes over this dude's house like she just knows where it is somehow and walks right into his room and these guys are like hey that one girl we talked to that one time at the music store yeah so like she's in your house now huh although to be fair okay back when i was in high school if some cute brunette girl just out of nowhere walked right into my bedroom i'd just been like anime is real but all the same ally came all the way over here to tell austin what's what here's some stuff we've come up with austin lunchbox austin pillow austin peanut butter chunky or smooth look i'm not here to see your austin junk you stole my song you heard me playing it at the music store i guess that makes more sense since i've never actually written a song before i've tried but they're all terrible uh i wrote that song and you have to tell everybody the truth i can't do you know how embarrassing that would be for me consider my yeah feelings who do you think you are not prioritizing the feelings of this random man who just stole from you so now not only did austin steal ali's song but he's in too deep to come clean about it okay because now he's been invited to be on the helen shell to do an original song so we are out of time it's too bad because we would love to hear you do another original song darn i've written so many songs i wish she had more time how about you come back tomorrow tomorrow yeah another original song by tomorrow but as you probably already figured out by this point he doesn't really know how to write music all that well or do much of anything all that well really so it's kind of like patient zero for kids who become tick talkers i need a new song by tomorrow why don't you just write a song you know i can't i've tried listen i need a song it can't be too long song song song song song song song song song song song song i wrote that last part i mean to be fair it's not really that much different than what the kids bob version of whap sounds like so i don't know maybe you're onto something so austin needs ali's help to come up with a new song but obviously she doesn't really want to help him because he took all the credit for the first one that he stole anyway i know you're mad i didn't mean to steal your song then i acted like a weasel i'm sorry who am i kidding my dad always said music was a waste of time he said i had a bazillion chance of making it that's exactly what my dad said to me you know what my dad said to me he's always like open your eyes sheeple jet fuel can't melt steal beans and then the other person's like uh sir can you just pull ahead and grab your food please anyway so austin's like oh man i stole your song and got famous and now i have to write another one to get more famous and now he's like wow i feel so bad for you apparently for some reason okay fine i'll write you another song because i am a doormat self-esteem i don't know what that means so they go up to ali's special piano room place from before and then she's all like i like pickles and somehow they end up writing a new song break down the wall it only took all night but we did it this moment's awesome okay well you better hurry you only have one hour to get at the helen show you mean we better hurry i want you to be there with me really you mean it wait hold on what is the audience eying for right now the fact that he's giving ali proper credit for the work she just did golly gee what a swell girl anyway so then they go on the helen show and perform their new song with no mishaps whatsoever nothing goes wrong everything's perfectly fine [Applause] you know this is pretty much how it feels when i'm trying to salvage a first date you know when they're all like south tell me something about yourself and then you cut to like 45 minutes later i'm on part 4 of 7 of my ted talk on why legend of korra is actually better than the original avatar series but all the same despite everything that just happened austin and ali oh that's why the show's called that austin and alex team up to have her write the songs and him perform them so everybody wins pickles but look at that piano i used the money i got from being on the helen show to pay for all this i i can't believe you did this i want you to be my partner spend more time with you you're a songwriter with stage fright i'm a singer who loves being on stage we're perfect match what do you say we're partners and then the show goes down from 2011 to 2016 kicking off the careers of ross lynch and laura morano who have since gone on to do such classics as uh status update and the perfect date with noah centennial so you know i guess we all can't be bella thorne thank goodness so usually at the end of these videos i like to talk more about the show or the movie or whatever itself that i just talked about with something like austin alley or with most disney channel shows you know i mean like what could i possibly say you know i mean like it's it's it's one of the most formulaic disney channel shows ever a lot of people grew up with it and liked it you know it was contemporary with like jessie and all that one thing that spit on my mind and this would be interesting to maybe six of you in the audience so you know with my animation style if you some people argue that it's not animation it's animatic i'm trying to think of like where do i take it from here you know what i mean because like i'm just one dude who makes all these videos and and the way i draw everything is like i have a system or sort of a workflow i guess you could say where everything i draw i sort of make in a way that i could put it into theoretically any movie or tv show or whatever and you know there's the whole like lip syncing argument where it's like well it's not really animation unless it's in some way lip synced or something in a lot of like comedy anime in like the 90s early 2000s ish there's this technique that they used sometimes which i start i've been using a little bit more and more in this video i used it quite a bit where they don't really lip-sync they just take like three or four frames and they'll just kind of repeat them or kind of like mix and match them together so it kind of looks like the characters like talking and it kind of matches lip flaps sort of but it's really just to give the illusion of them talking but not really like in the way that you know english language cartoons uh lip sync and so i feel like that's something that i could maybe do to to give a little more animation to when the characters are talking but without having to like lip sync everything because again i'm just like one guy you know a lot of the other big animators like jaden and james yeah they have a whole team of people who work on videos um i put out videos every week and i'm just one dude so i don't really have time to like fully lip sync the whole thing you know i mean anyway i hope you enjoyed the video everybody if you did don't forget to subscribe don't forget ring that bell so you don't miss any videos from me i have a podcast with my girlfriend um there's the kelsey and alex show and do the devil's tango they're all on the same channel the devil's tango podcast channel um so check that out we talk about the shows and movies that i do videos about sometimes like we just did um after and squid game and i think uh you season three uh is coming soon i have a game on the app store i got a bunch of links down below check all those out check out the sponsor because you know without them a lot of these videos wouldn't be possible because of things like copyright claim and above all everybody have a great day and i'll see you all next time
Channel: Alex Meyers
Views: 1,714,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex meyers, alex myers, alex mayers, alex meyers disney, austin and ally, jessie disney
Id: 0zkrpTA3fV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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