Building A HOME DEPOT RAFT on 55 Gallon Drums!! (3 stories tall)

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imaginary start your engines three two one go go [Music] um over the last year we've been doing 1v1v1 Home Depot build your own boat challenges we've sunk boats we've built boats we've lost boats the number one comment on every one of these videos even though they're the best performers on my channel is well if you guys work together instead of against each other what if you had no time restraints and no budget think about it what we could build [Music] so the inspiration for today's build there's some York mates they call them overseas built this giant homemade wooden raft there's 28 Collective 55 gallon drums did a little bit of research ends up that these drums can float 400 pounds of each wow they can do 450 but at 450 pounds they're fully submerged so you're saying we got a chance we're gonna be born hopefully their bottom is about 12 foot wide which in my book pretty wide bottom ain't nothing to stop it all right so seven total barrels and length they have two rows per side that gives us 28 55 gallon drums which we've already collected pre-production we're gonna have a main room on the bottom there's a shifted over and it looks like they use tires as ballast so we're going to move ours to the middle we have a 16 by eight enclosed room on top of that we're gonna have an eight by eight enclosed room on top of that we're gonna go an additional story with a 4x8 jumping platform dude sounds like a pretty expensive coffin so we're going to be jumping from like 24 yeah wow so we have to have a ton of wood I want to use four by fours on our Corners we're going to ratchet strap these barrels to the actual build and then Splurge a little bit there's no budget house kind of you know we want to be out there thriving it's got a couch up there it's got a couch oh yeah all right I'm getting inspiration already they got a couch there ladder on the back ladder all the way to the top so we're gonna need almost 40 ratchet straps to do this Jolly we're never gonna need another ratchet strap in our lives up for this one we're gonna need enough wood to build two enclosed rooms and a jumping platform and a 22 by 12 foot platform to build off of I think we needed to go heavier plywood on the bottom lighter plywood as we go up smart we need hooks for the ratchet straps to connect to it's also going to be incredibly heavy so we have to build this at a public park and hope that nobody cares Norm I'm sending you with Mason y'all take one of these me and smallest are staying together we're doing Lumber they're going to do all of our ratchet straps hooks screws every little small miscellaneous thing hopefully we're gonna have all the supplies in like two hours that'll be a miracle all right so you're gonna start with ratchet straps yeah hey I know there's no budget but like keep it light respectful you know what I mean what I know there's no budget but like respectful it sounds like there's a budget yeah there's no budget but I mean like what can you even buy here that's expensive anyways pretty much everything really with inflation yeah no we're not going to get anything crazy we'll keep it under a lot we'll review everything we'll come back with it and we'll get your yes or no there's no there's no budget don't worry about it y'all go have fun love you miss you already oh I'm gonna miss that face we're gonna need we also have a little bit of scrap wood we're going to need 30 sheets of flour seven of those need to be an inch thick that's feet thick problem oh you're talking plywood like this or do we need four many we need because it would be ready 56. that doesn't sound right two straps per barrel is 28 barrels yeah I've never said 56. yeah but he said 40. assuming that his brain would be 20 and 20. oh it's not gonna be that bad no no First Step 32 ratchet straps ten dollars a piece 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 in rounds of straps but good news is out to this boat build I don't think Ayo will ever need a set of ratchet straps again we'll have us it all goes horribly wrong and we all lose it yeah none of this is an inch a lot of it's fifty dollars though tell you that much yeah dude we could get these for the walls for sure and then you ain't got to worry about the weight definitely have the wrong kind of buggy oh wow so uh how are we gonna put these on here we need a different buggy for sure I'll be bad that's gonna help out a lot I see what those things are for now so you're not a big I thought you worked with tools not really like I run a printing press dude I print labels like we just print these things I'm not really like a man's man you know what I mean that's kind of the whole point I hate to be the Debbie Downer and let you know but I'm I have no idea about anything working with wood or anything like that so if we have if we have 32 ratchet straps that means we'd probably need do we need 32 or we need 64. does there need how is it connecting is it wait 32 Ranger straps and there's 28 barrels per if it's two per barrel then we need four of these per barrel I'm so confused yeah so we need 60 of these because we need basically one for each oh yeah one for each side of the hook I think that was four I'm gonna double make sure today we're gonna get really good at counting accounting I think we've been put here for a reason we're definitely not fitting 20 dude I think that's a quitter's attitude I bet you we fit all 20 in here really these are narrow we definitely need to buy bolt work gloves for the day I'm really excited for this build because we've had so many things coming up our build times on these challenges before like weather and the time restraints in the budget but today everybody's Minds together I think we can make something legendary we need three more we'll do four for fun all right we got five pounds of screws four inches just like AOS so now we have everything logistical we got our ratchet straps we got our dry lag threads which is going to attach the rapid ratchet straps so everything that we need for the structural Integrity of this boat is done anyways now we got a little bit of definitely check so 20 sheets of half inch now we need seven thick boys real thick honestly three quarters would work yeah we need it thick enough to hold me you Norm Mason camera guy five dudes roughly a thousand pounds 1500 pounds okay okay you buy a 500 right now it feels so weird doing this without a timer straight I'm so used to running around just old lady to the ground that's uh that's three-fourths it's also Red Oak [Music] dude this is no budget so yeah it did you don't even need to look at the price 100 for a piece of plywood I can work two weeks and not get that we should put a toilet in oh dude if you see some nice twists like heat your butt cheeks yeah you ever seen them I feel like we should get one of them and just use it afterwards like you wouldn't think like a hot toilet seat would be nice I know I know whenever you go to like a public bathroom and somebody's warmed it up for you I love that that's why I always wait to use the bathroom until I get to Walmart never use at my own house that one's 99 bucks 89 bucks hold up oh wow oh buy four more you get for 89 bucks maybe so YouTube maybe fish yeah that's me yep what's your name again fishing with Norm fishing with Norms yeah what's up bro how you doing heck yeah what y'all doing in the grain we're just buying a toilet I think speaking of you guys sell water slides water slides yeah like a like the ones that they got I don't know like a backyard pool or like a kiddie pool or something like yay high Maybe yeah um I can see the thicker plywood is ridiculously expensive it's like 80 a sheet we might end up just having to go this is still 47 bucks for a sheet what's your price looking like down there 92.92 92 bucks that's offensive but also this is 47 bucks it's a lot less durable it's two-thirds it's double the thickness of our walls that sounds right right yeah I guess we're I didn't get a chance out in the parking lot there we go what do you think about toilet selection any favorites uh helpful advice everything writes a 10 as far as flush go from the cheapest one to the most expensive gotcha so it's just more it's more Cosmetics than anything gotcha Intel on the toilets if you're paying more you're just getting Cosmetics if we just get the toilet seat we could put two two by fours going off the side of the boat and just set that on top and then oh I see what you said yeah no I like that all right 13 when we're chilling come to the conclusion that the one inch thick I know there's not a budget here but there's a little bit of a budget let's be original you can't just come in here and get the whole thing yeah hey we just uh just spent 50 000 at uh Home Depot we're gonna go with the 23 over 32 which is about two-thirds thick it's over half an inch it's not quite three-fourths it's thicker and I think it'll support us dude if you think about being 20 foot in the air over this yeah it's definitely going to be kind of wobbly we're going to feel it every wind every wave everywhere oh wow good at that engine yeah I treated this stuff with like points and weights yeah oh my gosh bottom floor that's walls then we have scrap wood at home too should be all the plywood we need so now we just need studs I want to put four by fours at the corner of every room just to make sure we got enough support coming up right so if that's the case then literally all we got to do is get our two before us and four before and we're done let's get some Lumber gosh Mason gosh gosh we made it to the lights I think these are kind of sick so this is more like a cosmetic kind of like looking cool type beat should we get the LED so when we walk by okay it's more subtle yeah that way it doesn't look out of place or anything yeah get that actually for real that way we could hide some light so we need to get dirty Turf for the outside yeah have a rock light here we need 48 we need four sixteens and we need 12 12. all right all right yeah how are you pretty good yeah I ran into Norm over there oh yeah what's he doing Walmart we need that was nice bro this is a lot of lumber for sure dude this is what scares me that's why I want the bottom to be heavy because all this weight is moving I'm hoping whatever ideas that Norm Mason have are heavy should we get a welcome map um I think so what is the cheapest welcome map for this no budget challenge um nine dollars I kind of like that cat right there you like this one uh yeah I do like that it's not like your standard Square it's just like it feels like home yeah I like the shape ah look there you can look at me I get that hungry so we have done some shopping we have spent a lot over my no budget and I would like to see what did you guys select uh so we got everything you told us to get the only extras we added was a rock LED light um we have signs so we know where we are on the boat I love that what's a home without a home welcome mat okay and then we have a little lighting I figured if you got like a little power bank we could plug it up we have all the supplies we had everything we need got barrels scrap wood and everything Home Depot has to offer about to go see what some American men can do on a homemade raft [Music] [Music] we made it it's time to build a massive raft we have a lot more work to do than I anticipated and it took us over four hours to load all this gear up and get it here and then unload it I'm seeing stores after that I don't I can see your pupils are like very small like a needle points look at his pupils wow are they tiny yeah yeah I lived with head as a team collectively we tackle the first floor we get this thing floating and then we can break up and make separate walls and everything but first we got to make these drums into a solid floating floor sounds good let's go boys let's go let's go yep all right I'll just take it I'll take it oh my God oh God oh no dude no no no no no hey yeah I have my phone I move my phone oh dude my hand is right in your back sweat [Music] between every piece of wood is going to be four barrels between in every space that makes sense two on each side [Music] so we stole a little bit of thinking from our York friends they ratchet strapped every single barrel or drum to their build or thinking which screw in a bunch of these little bad boys we can ratchet strap straight into those then we can run a ratchet strap over two barrels drums two straps per two barrels I think that'll hold it all together [Music] you guys can't tell team morale is really high right now everybody's really enjoying it I think this could be a weekly activity thank you [Music] so the good thing about working right next to the lake is you got the light right next to you so you can go in whenever you want but that's one end is a rotten egg baby that feels so good y'all wanna have a chicken fight you'll put Mason on yours I'll put normal on my mind now me and missing our bottoms I'm fine with that all right all right okay Mason I'm sorry about what I'm about to do to you oh God no way come on baby oh my gosh Come Back to the century well we're gonna try to put all of our gear in a place where nobody steals it go home and get here tomorrow dang bro didn't know you were trying to get fit player forms a little weak but I do have something kind of cool to show you during the summer time every year whenever I'm trying to get real in shape I use these Factor Mills that have three bean vegan chili foreign dietitian approved ship them straight to your door every single month they have Gourmet chefs they're never Frozen my favorite part who minute prep time [Music] they also had the protein packs which have like 30 grams of protein per meal give my drink they also make really good smoothies and got like tropical fruit strawberry they got a mango one that'll make a mango crazy oh well let me know if you need that so make sure to head over to use code l50 to get 50 off your first box that was it day two we didn't get a lot done day one not gonna lie but we got a chicken fight so I hope you enjoyed that first thing to tackle today Norman Mason are going for the deck we got to get the floating deck out there and then I'm gonna start throwing together the walls for the first floor we already snapped a couple walls together for our Second Story all right I am on wall and floor Duty I'm just gonna be throwing studs together I'm hoping that we can make this second floor sturdy enough to support multiple men we also spoke with the groundskeeper and they were actually cool with us working out here as long as we clean our messes up Norm's a big fan of throwing screws on family beaches so that's going to be tough guys I drove three and a half hours in the passenger seat to LaGrange Georgia it was over here saying I'm throwing screws on the ground knowing darn well I don't even know how to use those things so I would never even touch them guys I'm just kidding Norman Mason do not put screws on family beaches if you guys thought I was serious oh golly oh yeah oh this one's a little bendy all right three two one [Music] this is floor number one it's the roof of the first room it's gonna be the floor of the second story I don't know how thick the plywood on this is gonna be it's the only fear that I have we might have to cut up some little blocks do some extra studs in there which is going to be even more weight higher which I don't like or we could come between everyone and just throw in six more two by fours which we do have extra so guys if you would have seen the screaming match yesterday that AO and Smalls had in small said I'm not coming back after that it was crazy because we really like Smalls especially in The Amazing Days it seemed like AO really had his problem with the guy and now tensions are all hot be missing or afraid that now we're gonna get fired hopefully Mason's a following today Earth shoot Smalls is a father and today is Father's day it's just all jokes it's Father's Day and Smalls has kids so happy Father's Day to Smalls and his chill room keep being a good father man you you're a great dude I kind of miss you to be honest just set it here yep on this side here's the actual kind of plan so this is the ground floor Ground Zero basically what we got to do is we cut them in half or didn't cut them in half we just didn't screw them together so we have two separate pieces so we could carry them down by the water our goal me and Mason is to finish this we're gonna put them together hopefully have the base done but we gotta add barrels ratchet strap and then also finish up all of the base floor and add some structural integrity first one on that feels pretty good means barrels are going to start going in in Barrel spots the cool thing is is if this doesn't end up being a boat you got a pretty sweet like dancing floor for weddings and stuff for weddings and stuff not wrong foreign so we finished ratchet strapping all of the barrels to this half of the boat so now we gotta do the same exact thing to this half but we also have to do what we did yesterday on this app we're moving along the base is 40 complete oh my gosh oh [Music] [Music] all right y'all oh no I'm in a predicament Mason walk down there's no way yeah all right there's been a suck three two one what's that thing when you fill your colon try to attack your belly button a hernia hernia cool yes yes yes yeah are we gonna be taller than we are wide or long yeah that's gonna be an interesting design he's gonna be Lord dude she's gonna be very Lord this might be the biggest boat I've ever been on before you're welcome thanks when you're building on a lake sometimes you got to use a little clay rock as your marker some real man stuff right there dude yeah so I know this might not be the smartest thing but I'm thinking we put four foot wide windows because I want to feel the breeze I also want there to be clear exit points this thing is to capsize [Music] dude Mason I just kind of said do what you want they're out there him and Norma having a bowel movement at the moment but they put together the floating dock [Music] it's heavy man it's heavy I'm hoping that this plywood and the lower level will give us enough ballast I doubt it will because we have a ton of floatation there I feel like we should have even gone a little wider with it to be honest with you because we have a lot of height that we're about to put on this it's 22 foot wide and it could be 24 foot tall we might just leave it at 16 I don't know depends how we feel as we go up most important thing floating docks together the rest of it is just framing which we're almost done about time to throw it all together wait for the guys to get back I think we could be done in an hour money isn't everything Mason yeah wow twist to his twist hey everybody rotate straight to the front all right be careful with the two Edge pieces in the middle all right down good word gentlemen say let's go get a sidewall yeah I pitched my skin oh my gosh this is heavy yep I made the siding out of four by fours oh that's what those are I remember those that's just leaner right here for now 36 and a quarter why not [Music] oh boy oh solid against this if you can got you yeah yeah boy group wow will y'all hold this and let me uh measure make sure we're oh my gosh this is large this is going up like it's going up and it was going down [Applause] Hercules Hercules give me all the weight of that wall baby all right about dying time oh my gosh you know oh yeah all right I don't like it oh wow put a roof on her oh God here oh it's about to be tough man we're about to go to a war yeah the only thing that's gonna be harder is going up two stories after this but we'll only have eight by eights okay just on oh Josh dude put a lot of pressure don't mess with me right now bro bro I'm not messing with you that just happened and I can't help it you guys could also take the plywood off and we could just set the frame up here oh this ticket level will be so much lighter because we're using lighter plywood but an extra 500 studs it looks pretty these all right so we got it to here Mason why don't you hop down real quick just a second I'm so serious what do you want me to do down there come on let's talk about it for a while take my spot I'm serious I'm serious I'm gonna get down there and show up on my legs ready yeah get right underneath it get to the right of it all right get all the way down oh yeah yeah go ahead don't do me dirty boys oh my God okay we're good we're good check yourself make sure nothing exploded how you doing good you do another one yeah three go ahead I am married [Laughter] oh oh yeah yeah boys Nathan's going on top let's get out of here I'm coming up too Mason oh dude you can like see where you're walking all right first oh oh no oh it stopped stopped it's not even funny okay stop stop stop stop ready like yeah okay you want to play that game so there's gonna be two more roofs to this oh my goodness that's what I've been saying I think we need to reevaluate our build right now as a group we take a vote I vote we go the highest gosh dang it all right like we're going to flip I also didn't think about it but technically if we were going to do all the stories it would be four that's what I've been saying the entire time and you're like so we if we do one more we still reach the three I've never understood stories that's the first story we're on the Second Story we had a building we stand on top of that that's the third we had another war in the fourth that's what I said the entire time in the entire time and you haven't been to listen to me [Music] I think I still see it up there yeah I know it's in there yeah it's up there well how much how much does that thing anyways like only two grand was it like I wanted that's probably like a hundred oh yeah old one yeah that's a good reason to get a new one you're gonna ask air before you did that but I I also feel like it didn't even matter anyways tomorrow [Music] first story is up we are moving on oh yeah there's a motor mount on the boat too if you guys missed that part it's really rusty too brother it's all good I got my shot when I was six about to help the guys but we're going up that's the second story if you didn't know so if we added another one we would have been four stores and I don't even know if this is gonna stay if you really think about it because we only have two feet of excess we put some cross bracing in hopefully that'll help but guys are having a good time which is what matters oh gosh I have none of that all right lay her down all right good work up there bro really holy smokes that's tall dude yeah yeah it's gonna be up there it's a good point two [Music] one we missed it we missed it there you go there you go now you mentioned now you know him after two days we've been working probably 24 hours in two days which is not two days straight but pretty dang close to it I've barely seen my wife she's been husbandless for this whole weekend one reason and one reason only ladies and gentlemen Lay Your Eyes on the biggest Home Depot raft I've ever seen on the internet is that a good thing or a bad thing we don't really know yet we have super high ceilings we have giant windows we thought that these rooms were going to be eight feet tall how tall would you say these things are 10 foot per room that's ridiculous this thing is drastically unproportional there's not nearly enough ballast on here and I'm terrified but the sun's going down Norm's becoming more and more important by the second pretty sure he gained three thousand Subs while I was doing that so I have to dip this in right now we're also racing to a million Subs so if you want to help me I wouldn't have to massage this for you and I have calluses out of the Wazoo either way I would love for Norm to rub them give me 200 million Subs please all right let's do this and not die three two one oh yeah we're moving oh yeah sit on that Mason oh we're close come on girl you float she's floating all right come on Captain oh boy she is flirtatious I don't know if there's a thing as being too buoyant but we're buoyant he's not touching bottom at like at all there's two-thirds of the barrels exposed what if you're missing on the same side of the boat it doesn't even lean you shut your mouth dude we're good on the third on the third floor yeah oh what have we done gentlemen what have we done I will say one potential failure is the motor mount yeah we could lose a six horse all right well I guess I'll be the first one on the top floor hey if you see anything from back there like it starts rolling just go ah or something you know you sir gosh oh my gosh dude we might have done it bro we might have done it right this time dude I could like see us camping in here like for sure sleeping I can't believe that it's working [Music] put this thing in store it [Music] oh God will you help me holding a six stroke on with everything I got it's not the best job I've ever done oh dude yeah oh yeah all right you got it well alrighty I'm all good dude we all make mistakes I said do you have a washer you said no I said all right let's see how deep it is right here it's deep dude I'm so glad this worked I mean yeah we're holding our boat around swimming the boat I've never done a two-day project where I feel like I could cry I'm not really emotional but I have been low testosterone lately are you gonna cry no only problem with this boat right now as soon as you put the motor in Fords it's like to do this thing like that and the motor says I don't want to hang out so we're about to do a little remodel if we can put together a little motor mount and rip around just for to get to the boat ramp s work on film episode too stay strapped and come back please happy [Music] crackers where
Channel: AYO Fishing
Views: 255,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7u8OSzy1gLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 58sec (2398 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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