Handling These Things

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well praise the lord it is time for the word of god and i know you like i we need a word from the lord right now and i'm so glad that god has provided such a word for us today i know it's going to be a blessing to you and your family and your situation and your community and so i want us to turn to second corinthians chapter 2 verse 16. second corinthians chapter 2 verse 16 and that's where we're going to preach from the scriptures from the mouth of god today let's go to god in prayer lord thank you for your blessing your favor your grace your mercy thank you for always watching over us and caring for us thank you for salvation in jesus and the power of your holy spirit thank you for the church and the body of believers to edify and encourage one another and build one another up and lord you know what's happening in this world and you know what's happening in our lives so father we pray that your word will go forth and accomplish your purpose i pray somebody's going to be saved delivered set free to god in the name of jesus somebody will repent get back to the church get reconnected their god and father i pray that victory is going to take place and i'm believing it done in jesus name that the words of my mouth are the meditation of our hearts let them be acceptable in thy sight lord you're our strength you're our redeemer in jesus name we pray amen amen in second corinthians chapter 2 in verse 16 listen to what god's word says in the new king james version it says at the end of the verse and who is sufficient for these things the niv at the end of that verse says and who is equal to such a task the amplified version says and who is adequate and sufficiently qualified for these things the good news translation says who then is capable for such a task and the message bible says is anyone competent to take it on who is sufficient for these things i want to preach about handling these things handling these things and in the times in which we live there are a lot of things that need to be handled and we're trying to figure out how do we handle all the who's competent enough to do that whether it's the economic situation whether it's the injustices or the racism or the sexism or the ageism or the classism whether it's mass incarceration of black and brown people and people with mental health situations and and those who are in poverty or the unemployment the job losses the the evictions the foreclosures there are so many things that are taking place the the food shortage in certain communities that that food desert and in the midst of all of that i know you're asking like me who can handle these every day is something else every day we hear some other issue that is a challenge to us in our lives and our families in our marriages in our community in our churches and sometimes we wonder like the apostle paul who can handle these things this is in chapter two of second corinthians that paul's asking this in chapter 1 he tells them that god is the god of all comfort hallelujah so whatever these things are in your life and these things in my life that are causing us to have difficulties it's a good the good news is god is the god of all comfort that we don't have to jump off a bridge we don't have to slit our wrists we don't have to put bullets through our head we don't have to turn to drugs and alcohol because we serve a god i've been trying to get this across us for the past few messages we serve a god who will show up the lord will show up that's because he's the god of all comfort comfort comes from two words come and fort it is to show up and to fortify that's what god does he comforts he shows up and strengthens us that's what jesus was speaking of when he told his disciples that if i don't go away then the comforter will not come the pericle the one who shows up and strengthens us and the same spirit that raised jesus from the dead is living in you and he's living in me and so i know whatever these things are we are going to be able to handle it because god is the god of all comfort but i do want to take some time and see when paul said who's sufficient for all of these things who can cope with all of these things i want to take time and see what things was he actually talking about this is second corinthians in chapter 2 verse 16. but we really have to back up to verse 12 to give us the context of what's going on here and in verse 12 he tells us that we ought not be ignorant or verse 11 we all not be ignorant of the advantages that satan is trying to get on us of the devilish devices of of this of satan he says we can't be ignorant of his devices ignorant the base word is ignored he does paul says don't ignore the devices of the devil he says do not ignore it don't and i know some of us feel like there is no devil we become so educated so sophisticated so elevated in life that we try to intellectualize the devil right out of existence but no jesus says there is a devil paul says there is a devil i know some people think that what we see in the world is just some evil presence among us evil presence in the world but jesus helps us to understand that it's not just some evil presence around us it is someone who's working on us there is a devil and paul said don't you ignore this don't you become ignorant of the devil's devices of the the immo of the of the devil the method of operation do not be ignorant of how he operate well what does he do well one of the things the enemy does and i want to show it to you here in second corinthians in chapter two in verse 12 it says furthermore when i came to troas to preach christ's gospel and a door was opened to me by the lord i had no rest in my spirit because i did not find titus my brother watch this god opened the door for the apostle paul to preach in troas when he opened that door for him to preach in troas paul became disturbed because he could not find titus his brother and and here he was blessed because god opened the door but here he was burdened because he couldn't find titus because that's how the enemy operates the enemy tries to put a burden every time god brings a blessing who can who can cope with who who can handle the struggle of balancing blessing and burden that every time god brings a blessing here comes the enemy trying to put a burden next to it paul was on a missionary journey he had titus with him and they had uh been ministering in macedonia and so they were going to leave macedonia and then go to troas and then meet up in corinth and so uh when things begin to happen paul moves from macedonia but he leaves titus in macedonia saying i need you to finish things up you wrap things up here for the lord and i'm going to go on the troas and i'm going to preach in troash and i'll meet you at corinth well the lord started blessing the doors started being open so paul had to stay a little longer uh in troas because god opened the door the lord opened the door he's preaching and teaching and souls are being saved their lives are being changed great things are happening for the kingdom of god and he looks up all this time has passed and he hasn't seen titus god blessed him he opened the door can't find titus that's the burden and the enemy does you and i like that paul says these are the kind of things that are hard to cope with when every time god brings a blessing the enemy tries to bring a burden with it that god blessed you with a marriage that is a blessing but then six months later y'all ain't speaking to each other that's the burden that god blessed you with a child with and the bible says that children are in heritage of the lord but now trying to figure out how to educate them how to feed them how to protect them even in the pandemic that's the burden that god blessed you with a business a company but now because of the pandemic you don't have any customers the blessing was the company the burden is not having the customers because every time god brings a blessing the enemy seeks to bring a bird and you got accepted to that college or university you've always wanted to go to you even framed a letter that's a blessing but now you can't find a tuition in order to pay for it so you can get your education and on and on it goes and all i'm trying to tell you is it's a it's a divise of the devil to try to stress us out so much that now we can't do god's will because who is sufficient for these things these things yes god opened the door for me to preach in true ass but i couldn't find my brother titus and so here he is serving god and looks up and discovers i'm serving with no support the strain of seeking to serve god without the adequate support you talking about uh that you're talking about who is sufficient who can cope with this when god opened the door for you to be somewhere you've given your life to jesus christ you've been baptized in his name you've connected with his church and the body of christ you you understand the anointing on your life and the gifts of the spirit god has given to you and you're operating in those gifts and you're building up the body of christ your blessing to your community and come to find out you've been serving without the adequate support to get it done that's what he said it's so hard to deal with here these are the things that uh he asked who's competent enough to be able to handle something like this serving with no support and matter of fact he says not only is he serving with no support but i look to find my brother my titus my brother there were other people that the apostle paul worked with in ministry and he called them co-laborers of the gospel or he called them co-workers he would call them other things but he called titus his brother which shows you the closeness of the relationship because you would think when you serve in the lord at least the folk you closest to will be supporting you but he said even it's one thing when others don't support it's another thing when your brothers and sisters don't support and that's what he found i'm serving without the necessary support that i need in this situation i mean you you're married and you serve in the lord are you doing his will at least your spouse ought to be supporting you are you doing god's will and you're operating under his anointing and you're seeking to do what god has called you to do as as a youngster at least your parents ought to be supportive or you are seeking to raise your child but the other parent won't help you so now you're serving but you're doing it without the necessary support and i can go on with those lists but i believe you understand what i'm talking about how hard it is to serve the lord without support uh barna christian research just recently came out with stats that suggested that one-third of practicing christians had a disconnect from the church since the pandemic one-third of we're not talking about people who are agnostic still trying to find their way and figure it out no these are people made a commitment to christ and the church and a third of them are no longer a part of the church during the time of the pandemic and now you have ministries that have to do more because there are more job losses there's more unemployment and now the injustices are so clear to see that are happening and and the hunger the food shortages or the food deserts that we're dealing with and because of the need being greater ministries and churches and leaders and christian leaders are seeking to do more and then turn around and discover that a third of the people are left because they're serving with no support i do let me just testify a moment i praise god at eastern star church we had to step up what we do but we've had thousands of people who were already a part of what we're doing and thousands more have connected with us since the pandemic started but every ministry is not like that and they're trying to figure out how can i handle this when i'm serving without the adequate support and we know how important support is even in the nfl when they had the super bowl uh when they had tom brady and and my boy pat mahoney uh uh my homie when he was what they were having the super bowl they had fake fans all up in the stands because they figured that the players needed the support and then in major league baseball they did the same thing had cutouts of people fake sitting in the stands because they felt like the players needed the support and then the nba same thing but they used virtual player fans they had the screens up in the stands because they felt like the nba players needed the support now they needed support to play a game for millions of dollars how much more do believers and those who are seeking to serve god that we need the support of the other believers in the body of christ we're united for the work of the ministry and we need that support we need that tithe we need that offering we need that teaching we need that preaching we need that mentoring we need that generosity we need that service of god but like paul some of us are serving with no support he asks who is sufficient for these things to deal with the strain of external situations and internal stress pastor what do you mean by that in second corinthians chapter two in verse 13 he said i had no rest in my spirit he said god opened the door for me to preach and teach in in troy as souls are being saved lives are being changed a difference is being made we're helping people matter of fact we're receiving offerings for the poor saints in jerusalem we're doing god's will we're helping with the marginalized and then he said but i had no rest in my spirit so there was a lot of external things that were going on that impacted him internally he had a wrestling from within no rest in my spirit one translation said no peace in my spirit and and sometimes y'all we can get faked out with people when it comes to external situations because some people look so successful and look like they got it made it look like they have it going on like paul paul had a phd in theology he said at the feet of dr gamalia he could speak seven different languages fluently he was a hebrew among hebrews he planted churches all throughout europe and and matter of fact he placed pastors and christian leaders in those ministries and developed disciples all this work he was doing i told you about the the generosity that he was receiving to help with the poor saints in jerusalem because of the economic downturn there all the things he was doing and he said all that was going on i had no rest in my spirit cause we would look at him and say man paul got it made a world traveler with an international ministry man he got it going on and he says i had no peace on the inside trying to address all of these situations on the outside and that's exactly what somebody's going through right now and like paul people have no idea what that internal struggle all that work you're doing on the outside and and you working uh to get your bills paid and working to take care of your family and working for the church and working for your community and working to help with these political craziness that we keep running into it and and working to be a blessing in other folks lives and serving god by you doing all that work there's a wrestling within i had no rest in my spirit let me give you another one and that is this this striving to synthesize conflicting concerns who is sufficient who is able who can cope with dealing with this constant conflicting concerns pastor where are you getting that from paul said i went to troas i was preaching god opened the door for me but i had no rest in my spirit because i could not find my brother titus so i left troas and i had to go and find my brother i took leave of them to go and find titus here they were ministering together in macedonia titus supposed to wrap that up meet paul later either at corinth or troas and paul gets there the doors open things are are doing great for the kingdom of god but he had to leave even where god opened the door because he couldn't he was trying to be in more than one place at the same time conflict and concern do i stay where god opened the door or do i go and find my young brother to make sure things are all right with him he's he's dealing with with with these conflicting concerns trying to be in more than one place at one time trying to do more than one thing at one time and he said who is sufficient for these like you trying to be a wife and a mother and having to go to work and having to be the take care of the home and having to help educate kids with all this technology now and and trying to do for your church and your community these are conflicting concerns trying to be a husband and a father and to raise your children and bring them up in the happening in the way of the lord trying to provide for your family and be the male role model not only in the home but in the community in church and all these things are going on it's conflict and concerns that you try to be that single parent and raise their child by yourself and still go to school and still go to work and still accomplish god's will conflict and concerns and it becomes so difficult because you wouldn't even be in the situation had not god opened the door that god made that way that god opened that door who is sufficient for thee let me tell you who's sufficient let me tell you how to handle these things these things that are happening in your life no matter how difficult no matter how hard here's how you handle it he says now this is in second corinthians uh in chapter 2 verse 14. now thanks be to god who always leads us in triumph in christ now thanks be to god who always gives us the victory in christ now thanks be to god who always causes us to have the victory in christ yo you know everything is going to be all right because god in a supernatural way will make a move to give us the success that god with his supernatural power will navigate the circumstances of life to bring us the success that we need that yes i'm going through yes it's tough yes it's hard but i know everything is going to be all right how do you know that because he always causes us to have the victory in christ jesus oh hallelujah to the to the lamb it's bad now it's difficult now it's hard now i got burdens and blessings i i'm trying to serve god but i don't have the adequate support i got conflicting concerns i'm trying to do juggle so many things at one time even for the kingdom of god but i'm so glad that the god i serve even with my internal struggles god always shows up and he always gives us the victory in christ jesus praise the lord because yo it's god that makes all these victories happen paul began to look back over his life he said i know everything going to be all right because god always gives me the victory god he's the one that opened the door we have to acknowledge that it's god that's been making things work in our life stop thinking that the doors that opened opened by accident no it was god's intent stop thinking that the doors that opened in your past and the victories you received that that stuff just happened by chance no it was god's choice cause he always causes us to have victory in christ i love that too because he said because god opened the door man and god is still in the door opening business hallelujah to the left he still opens door uh in the book of revelation it says that the lord can open doors that no man can close and my grandmama said and he can close doors there can't no man open god is still in control of the door i know you waiting on the hook up from your cousin and you've been waiting on your supervisor to give you that promotion i understand god uses people to do things but under you need to understand ultimately is god that opens the door he always causes us to get the victory man he gave me the victory for my soul when jesus died on the cross and god raised him from the dead and i confess the hope in him he gave me the victory by putting his holy spirit inside of me the same spirit that raised jesus from the dead is in me he always causes us to have the victory he gave me the victory to understand how to deal with life by providing the church in the body of christ and the gifts of the spirit to edify and to build up one another and encourage one another and unite for for ministry he gave me the victory i was born and raised in poverty but he raised me up to prosperity it's god that opened that door it's god that gave me that victory he gave me the victory in family i'm in out of a broken family a broken home but god has maintained my home that god has kept us it's god that opened that door it's god that caused us to have the victory and i can stand up here all day and testify of the victories i've received matter of fact as i look back over my life i'm with the apostle paul god is undefeated we serve an undefeated god he always causes us to have the victory in christ and i already know your argument preacher that sounds good that's it that's very encouraging and it's a great exhortation but preacher i can look back over my life and i can tell you right now that there are some things that went down in my life and i did not get the victory but the text says he always causes you to get the victory well pastor i'm telling you i look back over my life there were times i was defeated i did not get the victory well maybe god ain't through yet because he always calls you to get vic maybe god is still working on it you know sometimes god doesn't do it at one time he does it over time and if you just let god you that's it trust god over time you got to learn how to wait on the lord they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength matter with wings as eagles run and not be very walk and not faint god is working all things together for your good maybe god ain't through working on it yet i know we're trapped in the fraction now now right now we we are eternally trapped in the fracture now if we look back to yesterday that's recollection if we try to look forward to tomorrow that's speculation that's why we see everything in the now not so with god god can see the wind and the where god can see the then and the there god is everlasting to everlasting god is eternal that means god is not trapped in the now god can step into tomorrow next week god can step into next month and next year he's an eternal god and every now and then while i'm working on my issues in the now and these things in the now man god had already stepped into my not yet already dealt with the issue in the not yet and here i am trapped in the now but if i trust him over time by the time i get my right now to god's not yet ek bailey says that my problem is going to be in the no longer because god works all things together for good he causes us to have the victory every time he does that it's it's our victory it's already done it's ours and somebody said well pastor it's been a long time god would have worked it out by now and i still those were defeated times in my life wait wait wait wait you say that there were times you look back over your life that you experience defeat but the text says god always causes us to have the victory but it goes on to say in christ those times you did not get the victory those times you were defeated be honest with yourself were you in christ because it is the apostle paul that's telling us where the victories of god are located and the victories of god are located in christ and when he talks about in christ that is sanctification we'll preach i'm already saved i gave my life to jesus and and i know i'm saved i believe in the death to build the resurrection of the lord i confess that with my mouth i know i'm saved jesus saved me yeah you're in jesus in jesus in the tech in the bible y'all that's speaking of salvation when you're in jesus you say call his name jesus but he saved but when it's in christ it's not just salvation it's sanctification sanctification is when you become more and more like jesus every day you become less and less like the world more and more like jesus because the power of the holy spirit that is in you that's sanctification so it is possible to be to experience salvation without experiencing sanctification which is in christ so if you want to get the victories in your life then you got to be where the victories are located and paul says the victories are located in christ he always causes us to have victory in christ that's why he says in verse 14 now thanks be unto god oh i love that now thanks be under god i can thank god right now despite these things all these conflicting concerns all this wrestling from within all this stuff that i'm dealing with in life serving without adequate support even in the face of all of these things i can still give god prayer now thanks be unto god which means y'all you can you can praise god even in a pandemic you can praise god even through your pain you can shout even in your suffering you can sing even when you're struggling in life oh hallelujah to the last you can dance even in the face of difficulty how am i able to do that because i already know i looked at god's track record he's undefeated he always causes me to have the victory in christ so i don't have to wait till i get the victory i can shout right now it's already done it's already a matter of fact wait to get the victory you already got the victory jesus said in this world you're gonna have tribulation but be of good cheer i've overcome the world yo we don't serve god for victory we serve god from victory everything we're dealing with now we already got the victory that's why you can go on and shout king jehoshaphat king of judah in second chronicles and in second chronicles there were three countries three nations that allied together and brought their armies to attack judah and jehoshaphat well when jehoshaphat got the word that these three armies were coming against him he realized i don't have the number of soldiers to to address this so he took it to the lord in prayer matter of fact the nation of judah began to pray with him they fasted and they prayed oh hallelujah there's power in fasting and praying and when they got through fasting and praying asking god how do you want us to handle this battle how do you want us to handle this opposition coming against us here's what the lord told him that the battle is not yours it's the lord's and and they just trusted god to give them the victory and the way they ended up getting the victory when they went to face the the their opponents that opposition they had the praisers to go first the praisers led them and when the praises led them they began to sing and the praise and god gave them the victory because the battle is not yours it's the lord's and since you know he's going to give you the victory you don't have to wait till the battle's over you can shout right now now he begin he said now i thank god because i know with all these things i'm facing i'm still going to get the victory because i'm in christ let me close it like this i'm trying to tell you victory is already yours i'll close it like this uh march 13th 1999 evander holyfield was boxing he was fighting against lennox lewis and whoever wins this fight would be the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world and so you got evander holyfield going against linux lewis two great boxers two hall of famers and and so they begin to fight and when i tell you linux lewis gave evander holyfield a real beatdown and i hate that because i love evander holyfield i'm a big fan of evander but he was getting hit so hard i was feeling i was in pain for the licks he was taking from lennox lewis and the fight went 12 rounds and atlantic's lewis just beat him down evan holly fell down for 12 rounds and because he went 12 rounds now it's the judge's decision who will determine who the victor is every every announcer every sports caster everybody was saying linux lewis won that fight it that has to be his victory but the judges came to the conclusion that linux lewis didn't lose it was a draw and some people say that's the biggest robbery that's ever taken place in boxing it was a draw so i i am a boxing fan but i have a friend that know more about boxing than i do and i said man how in the world can that fight be a draw everybody saw linux lewis beat down evander holy how could that be a draw and everybody saw that here's what my friend told me that that was a don king production i said man what does that have to do with anything it's a don king production that means that don king produced it he said that's not what i'm talking about it's a don king production because don king has a history of determining who the victory is or at least to make sure that his box is not going to lose no matter what happens and so even before the fight started my friend suggests don king set it up so that no matter what happened in that room that ring that evander holyfield could not lose now i don't know enough about boxing to understand any of that and i don't know don king at all so i'm not going to try to slander his name i don't know but i do know another king that fixes fights he's the lord of lords he's the king of kings he's savior of the world and jesus has put us in a fixed fight no matter what happens in this world no matter who attacks us no matter what comes at us that jesus is already determined you cannot lose because he fixed the fight he always causes us to have victory in christ and you need to make sure you get to where the victories are you need to be saved you need to be in jesus but you also need to be sanctified you need to be in christ and when that happens i don't care what these things are you have the victory and for those of you who are not saying let me give you an opportunity right now to accept jesus christ as your personal savior you need to be born again you need to be a christian you need to be a child of god and because of our sin our sin has separated us from god but jesus paid the penalty for our sin that's when you hear about jesus down on the cross that's what that was the way to sin is death we deserve to die jesus paid the penalty for the sin god raised him from the dead and now when we put our faith in god's word that's when we become christians if you can confess with your mouth the lord jesus and believe in your heart that god has raised jesus from the dead you shall be saved i'm going to have you do that right now i'm going to pray out loud and i want you to pray out loud after me confessing with your mouth believing in your heart and at that moment that's when you become a christian follow me in prayer father i come right now i ask you to forgive me of my sins i believe jesus died on the cross i believe you raised jesus from the dead i receive jesus by faith please fill me with your holy spirit in jesus name amen hallelujah well if you prayed that prayer believing it in your heart let me be the first one to welcome you to the family of god you are a child of god you are saved you are and god is working all things together for your good now go ahead and email us here at eastern star church and let us know you made that decision email us at membership at eastern easternstartchurch.org so that we can help you get that sanctification to be added to your salvation to help you to grow in the things of the lord if you're already a christian you're already a child of god but for whatever reason you're part of that third uh that had this disconnect with the church during the pandemic you can always get reconnected so go ahead and email us at membership easternstarchurch.org so we can get you reconnected to the house of god reconnected to the church so you can serve and support the way god has designed for us to do that maybe email us at membership eastern star church.org hallelujah all right uh it is time for the offering it is time for us to make up this investment in the kingdom of god do what god has called on us to do so that we can offer that support uh even in these difficult times the bible says to bring the tithe and the offering into the storehouse god said that there may be beat in my house and prove me herewith god says that i will open the windows of heaven pour you out a blessing you won't have room enough to receive a matter of fact it's all tither's month at our church and we take this time to say thank you to our tithers thank you for the support that thank you that we did not have to serve without adequate support you have supported at a very high level with your generosity all the things we've been able to do in ministry is because of you and we praise god for you and i already know god's going to do everything he said all all the the promises of god are yesterday man thank you for what you've done and i guarantee you god will cause you to have the victory every time and now those of you who are not tithers this is the month that we encourage you to start tithing for whatever reason you haven't been tithing every month is all time of the month you're supposed to be obeying god every month but we want to give you a place to start so this is a good place to start with god right now i'm whatever's going on in the past god forgive me on my sins but now i'm getting ready to start tithing i'm getting ready to trust you and put my faith in you and obey you because i know that blessings are always attached to obedience now even as we do this all time this month we always uh during this month have our stewardship affirmation that we say out loud so we're gonna do the same thing we're gonna even though we're not uh on site we're still online and we're still committed to christ in this church and we're gonna say our stewardship affirmation out loud so let's go ahead and be receptive to the stewardship affirmation [Music] as we give today's offering we're believing god for spiritual blessings favor jobs or better jobs benefits sales and commissions interest and income houses and automobiles scholarships and fellowships [Music] seed for the sower finding money bills paid off that's demolished we don't just give money we give money with a passion money with a purpose money with a vision [Music] well hallelujah i pray that you take that stewardship affirmation get it in your spirit get it in your heart get it in your mind and then stand back and watch god work as we continue to give him our faith and our obedience and our trust especially in the area of our times our talents and our treasures so if you're going to participate in the offering uh we have three options for you to be able to do that here at eastern star church you can text to give text 457 then esc in the message field with your amount or you can mail it to us at eastern star church 5750 east 30th street indianapolis indiana 46218 or you can go to our website to give easternstarchurch.org there's a little spot there for give click on that go ahead and make your generous offering and trust god all right let's go to god and ask his blessings upon our gifts today father thank you so much for how you always cause us to get the victory in christ thank you dear god that you're undefeated and we trust that the battles we're facing right now that you're still going to give us the victory so we trust you even in hard times we praise you even in a pandemic lord receive these gifts as we give them i pray that you will bless these gifts and stretch stretch them and use them to accomplish your purpose here on this earth and lord those who are trusting you with their tithe and their offering with their generosity i pray you'll give back to them good measures press down shaken together i pray you're running over in their life in jesus name amen praise the lord praise god again thank you for your generosity for supporting the work of god here through eastern star church well this is the sunday that we recognize the death the burial and the resurrection this is the sun that we receive communion so i want to give you a chance to go and uh make sure that you have that wafer or cracker or piece of bread and some juice or some water uh so that you can participate in this communion even as we do this the word of god teaches us that this is how god wants us to remember jesus christ and the sacrifice that he made for us the bread represents the broken body of our lord and the cup represents the shed blood of jesus there is without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin and jesus died on the cross shed his blood for us that we might be saved and god raised him from the dead and now this is the way that we remember that so make sure that your heart your mind and your soul are on that sacrifice that jesus made for us let's pray father thank you for your faithfulness to us the god of all comfort your compassion and your love and you demonstrated that love towards us and that while we were yet sinners you didn't wait for us to get better christ died and we praise you for that thank you for raising jesus from the dead and thank you for accepting his work as payment for the sins that we committed and lord we pray you'll continue to forgive us of our sins for anything that's going on in our life right now that doesn't allow us to bring honor to this communion we pray for forgiveness and you'll just wash it away in jesus name and bless this bread and this cup sanctified and make it holy to god that even as we eat and drink it represents internalizing the body and the blood of our savior in jesus name amen the bread represents the broken body of our lord and savior jesus christ let us commune together the cup represents the shed blood of our savior where there is no shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin let us internalize together in jesus name amen amen hallelujah all right it's it's time for the benediction i want to again say thank you for streaming with us make sure that you're that you're honoring the sabbath day go ahead and go on easternstartchurch.org and look at that comprehensive guide and make sure you're participating in the sabbath this year we're going to honor that sabbath day for the rest of our lives and of course all tithers month y'all don't let the enemy use his methods on you to keep you from doing what the will of god is and our fast starts wednesday ash wednesday it goes all the way up uh until palm sunday 40 days and so we got all kind of information on the website but i want to make sure that you're doing it this is not something you can opt out of the lord told us to give he told us to pray and he told us to fast those are disciplines of the christian of the christian church and you need to be a part of that so we start on wednesday and i know through the power of the holy spirit we're going to make it all the way to palm sunday praying and believing god and i believe that god is going to make supernatural moves to give us the victories that we so desire and need in our lives let me go ahead and offer this benediction to you may god bless you and keep you may god have his space to smile upon you and be gracious unto you may god turn his countenance towards you and grant you peace and i pray that god will always cause you to have victory and i pray that happens today and forevermore in jesus name amen
Channel: Eastern Star Church
Views: 1,923
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Keywords: ESC, Bible Study, Noonday, Indianapolis Church
Id: FjLuN9ux4f0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 7sec (2587 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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