The Bible Is Black History I Guest Pastor Dr. Theron Williams

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run for that testimony yo please be receptive to what god is speaking in your life i don't want you to miss out on the blessings that god has for you through your faith and your obedience well we have a guest that is coming for us today this is dr tharon williams one of my good friends and and god is using him in such a miraculous way i've been able to see god take him from faith to faith and glory to glory what a a wonderful unique way god uses him to preach and teach the gospel with that great anointed insight that he has he passes the mount carmel church right here in indianapolis and the wonderful things that they're doing not only in the church but in the community and we praise god for that he's a graduate of uh virginia union uh where he got his both his bachelor's and his master's and then went on and got his doctorate from the university of chicago so he's coming to help us to deal with what he calls the bible is black history so we don't just wait to february to celebrate black his we celebrate black history every day and so we're going to hear uh this wonderful message about the bible's black history um dr williams has written several books about this and uh and not only did he write the bible's black history but he wrote a workbook with it he wrote a a woman's book the great women of the bible contemporary conversations about the black women in the bible and so in a children's book matter of fact the children's book is the first book i ever bought for jeffrey allen johnson iii the bible is black history uh the children's edition so that's the one of the first books that my grandson ever got because i don't want him to wait till he's in his 20s like i did to find out the black presence the black people and the contributions from those of us of african descent that we see in scripture so i know you're going to be blessed by this so receive god's word the bible is black history from dr tharon williams god bless you thank you pastor jeffrey johnson for uh extending to me this invitation to come and to share with the wonderful people of the eastern star church your guests and your friends and we're just honored to be here and we thank you for the leadership that you have provided throughout the years throughout the decades here in the indianapolis area you have done tremendous work and you cast a vision 30 years ago or more and that vision is now coming to flourishing when people thought that it was impossible to do here in indianapolis you have gone exceededly abundantly above uh what anybody ever thought was possible and so i i honor what you've done your work and uh i thank god that you consider me a friend and you are definitely a friend of mine so thank you again my brother for this invitation to come and to share the bible is black history i wanted to um to look at this and we are in black history month you know and as we talk about inclusion and integration and all of that type of thing um in our culture it's ironic that as we talk about inclusion inclusivity we exclude accomplishments of people of african descent here in america and relegated to 28 days in the month of february if we're going to deal with inclusion we have to include the african-american story into the broader narrative of the american experience because in a real sense we don't have america as we know and enjoy it today without the contributions of african americans african-americans have been coming to america's rescue ever since its founding at every pivotal point in american history when america was teetering on the brink of collapse when existentially america was threatened the very nature of america was threatened it has always been african-americans who have come alongside and helped to bail uh america out for example the the revolutionary war fought back in the day when america was fighting for its independence from britain uh when britain came over and colonized the americas there was a war because america wanted its independence from britain one of the first people to die in that war was crispus attucks a black man and it was black people's involvement in that war that tilted the scales and caused america to win this independence from britain and so in that regards black people came alongside and helped the american uh the united states of america win this independence from great britain and then as you move on in history um after they defeated the brits america was independent and just so happened britain and other european nations were the biggest exporters of the biggest crop black people that white people had in the south which was a tobacco crop after the war uh europe said we're not importing any more of your tobacco that sent the southern economy into a tailspin it teetered on the brink of collapse this country almost went out of business because of the cash crop and this inability to export it to other parts of the world that's when another cash crop emerged called cotton and they went to africa stole our people brought them back in mass to till the ground to plant the seeds to manage the ground and to harvest the cotton crop our people did that our people harvested because they were their owners were too lazy and really just didn't know what they were doing so it is our people who planted the seeds soiled managed and harvested the cash cotton crop by the mid-1800s the united states of america was supplying two-thirds of the world with cotton two-thirds of the world with cotton and that lifted the south and the united states to a higher level to become a global superpower economically we did that on the backs of black people working for free so that was another example of black people coming alongside bailing this country out and when this country was facing existential threats of literal extinction it is black people that came and then you have the civil war and it is black soldiers who sided with the union army uh to fight against uh the south who were trying to succeed from the union that's what the civil war was about it was about keeping the southern states a part of the union and so the southern state said because slavery is abolished we're going to succeed from the union so that we can keep our slaves lincoln said no you're not you're going to be a part of this union so a war ensued it is because black soldiers on the side of the union army tilted the scales we won the civil war so we held it together so the united states is a is a union that includes the southern states because of the involvement of black soldiers in the uh in the in the civil war and then this past election 2020 this election was about what type of country would this be would it be an autocracy or will it remain a democracy because donald trump is an autocrat and if he had won again in november no telling what this country would have been he had already started dismantling the institutions that were that are necessary to hold a democracy together so if he had won again in november no telling what this country would be i'm afraid it would have fallen into an autocracy and trump would have been a dictator here in america for the rest of his days but that was not the case and you know why democracy was saved because black people showed up at the polls and we voted joe biden and kamala harris into leadership so again it is because of the contributions that people of african descent made in america is what caused america to be the great nation it is today and so to segregate our history and relegate it to 28 days in november rather than integrating the history and the contribution of black people into the mainstream of historical narrative in this country is to do the whole country harm this country wouldn't be what it is without the contributions of black people and so here we are in black history month and i thank god that we do have a model we can focus in on the contributions that we have made to make this country into the great country it is today but today i want to switch my attention i just had to throw that out but i want to switch our attention now to the bible is black history um there have been many authors and many scholars who have written about this subject and most of the scholars the ones that i have read whether it's the white uh mckissick or uh walter uh mcrae or if it's cain hope felder they all start their argument is they argue that the people of the bible were not white that's where they start and then they build their argument to prove that the people of the bible were not white because that is the default position of america that people in the bible are white you know i mean that's what i thought growing up i thought everybody in the bible were white people because those images have been bombarded on us since forever you know those images i mean we we have seen film of the ten commandments with charleston heston and all of the hebrews were white people even pharaoh the african king in the in the movie ten commandment was played by your brenner who was a white russian so they even got a african king being portrayed by a white russian and then you look at all of the movies that we have seen whether it's king of kings where jesus was portrayed by jeffrey hunter uh or if you look at the images that were uh that were invented by leonardo da vinci we see jesus as a white man or if you look at the ceiling of the sistine chapel in rome we see that wonderful painting by uh by the great artist michelangelo and we see moses moses and adam as a muscular built white man everybody is white even today i was just in the supermarket just a few days ago and on as i was checking out you know they got the magazine racks they had a big magazine rack with a picture of white jesus on it so everywhere we look turn on the tv we hear megyn kelly uh declaring everybody knows jesus was a white man so everywhere we look we are bombarded with these white images and so whether it's dwight mckissick or walter mcrae or cain hopefully or others they approach this subject matter arguing that people in the bible were not white you know so they are assuming the position they are arguing against the default position that we have here in the west that the people of the bible were white people well when i approached the subject i did it differently i approached the subject with the supposition that the people of the bible were northern africans and therefore black people and that's why the book is called the bible is black history and so we we start with the assumption that the people of the bible were were northern africans and therefore black people so now here is a map that we are viewing and we have to be careful about the people who draw the maps because most map drawers draw it with a political agenda so this is the best we can do and we have to try to find the truth uh in what they have suggested so my argument is is that israel the biblical israel is located on the far northeast corner of the continent of africa so if you're looking at this map if you check out the map we see israel here and israel is depicted on this map as being far northeast of egypt northeast of egypt so the suggestion is is that israel has little or nothing to do with egypt and the continent of africa so they have israel way up here we see that i hope you can see it on the screen because i'm pointing at it with an electronic pointer so we see israel way up here and it's given the suggestion that israel has little or nothing to do with egypt therefore has nothing to do with the continent of africa so now as we look at israel here we see the name israel but then going back south we see a lot of space land mass and that's not labeled when you look at most maps and you see this land mass you see israel up here but you see this landmass here and it is never labeled what is this land mass that share a natural border with egypt biblical israel this part right here that i'm pointing at would be palestine this map labels israel but it doesn't label palestine palestine in the bible would have been the southern kingdom of israel and in the southern kingdom of israel we have several biblical names that are familiar with all of us you have bethlehem in the southern kingdom you have hebron you have shiloh you have jericho you have uh judah all of that is in the southern kingdom which we know today as palestine now what happened was that after the world war when [Music] uh great britain had colonized much of the mediterranean world which included israel after the world war british said we don't want to have anything to do with colonizing this anymore and they turned it over to the united nation the united nation brokered a deal with the european jews who had started to migrate to israel because of the anti-semitism that existed in europe which is where they are from they started then to migrate among other places to israel the united nations said we were broker a deal because this land was occupied by arab muslims who were carry-overs from the ottoman dynasty from the ottoman empire and the ottoman empire is made up of islam it is influenced by islam so all of this prior was made up of arab muslim in fact the census said that arab muslims made up 750 000 people in that population and only 175 000 uh european jews had occupied israel at that time so they made a deal they gave the north to the european jews and they gave the south to the arab muslims which is called today palestine but in the biblical times this would have been the southern kingdom and it would have comprised all of those uh cities that i just named so and it did share a natural border with egypt but at the end of 1815 in 1859 the suez canal was invented and the suez canal removed all of this land mass so that ships can access the red sea area this was a bustling area for commerce but when the ships came in from the north when they came in from europe and they wanted to access this area they were unable to access it because of this land mass therefore the ships had to come in through the mediterranean go all the way around the atlantic all the way down to the indian ocean and then all the way back up and then come up this canal which is the red sea to access it that caused them to go 450 uh 4 500 miles out of the way so if i'm carrying cargo and i have to go 4 500 miles out of the way to access the red sea canal which was a bustling seaport what is that going to do to the to the cargo that i'm carrying it's going to increase the price because i have to pay for extra fuel i have to pay for extra manpower i have to pay for extra money for maintenance and repair to my ships so that's going to increase the cost so rather than continuing to pay inflated prices for cargo they got smart they said we'll just remove this land mass and create the suez canal now the ships coming in from europe crossing the mediterranean can easily access this canal but when they move that land mass creating the suez canal it separated israel from egypt and so now people are suggesting that israel is on the continent of asia and not on the continent of africa but in the biblical times it shared a physical border with egypt a physical land border with egypt now if it's a part of egypt that makes it a part of africa so if you call each of people who live in egypt egyptians if you call egyptians africans because they are residents of egypt if you call libyans africa because libya is on a continent of africa if you call tunisians africans because tunisia is on the continent of africa if you call algerians africans because algeria is on the continent of africa what what would you call israelites because israel is located on the continent of northeast africa thus that's why i talk about the bible is black history because the bible is the history of a north east african people so i start with that premise and i try to argue in my book uh to support that premise so now having said that let's move to the next slide as we look at genesis chapter 2 and we talk about the garden of eden um there was a passage in in in the book of genesis chapter 2 that gives a description of the location of the land of eden it provides for us the boundaries of the land of eden and i want to read that to you right now a river watering the garden flowed from eden from there it was separated into four headwaters the name of the first is the pyshin it wise through the entire land of havilah where there is gold the gold of that land is good aromatic resin onyx are also there the name of the second river is the jihan it winds throughout the entire land of cush the name of the third river is the tigris it runs along the east side of asher and the fourth river is the euphrates now the text says that there is a river watering the garden understand that the garden does not take up the entire land of eden the garden is in a particular spot located in the land of eden and so the author says that there is a river watering the garden the author does not identify which river watered the actual garden but he does say that they were separated into four head waters the name of these headwaters are paishan jihan euphrates and the tigris obviously the rivers are the focus of this text but in this text three land masses are also identified in the text it says havila is a land mass a cush is a land mass and asher is a land mass let's examine each of these land masses as they appear in the order in which the texts provide the first land mass is javila where is havila located first of all we can get a hint of the location of havilah based upon who havilah was this is the first time the word heavily appears in scripture in genesis 2 it appears again in genesis chapter 7 where havilah is identified as a son of cush we know cush is ethiopia the second time heavily is mentioned in the scripture is in first chronicles 1 and 9 where again he is listed as a son of cush there is archaeological evidence that javila is located the location of havilla is southern africa because it talks about how good the goal is and the onyx and the aromatic resin all of those are plenteous in southern africa many archaeologists have identified southern africa as the land of javila and that's significant because when we look at the land of havilah havilah is is not that that's southern africa which is the land of havilah but then it mentions the paisan river that winds through the land of javila now look at this orange this red line that you see on your screen that's the the orange line rather that's the orange river located in southern africa and it winds through the land of southern africa meeting the description that we find in genesis 2 that the paisan river read it winds through the land of havilah look at this river winding through the land of javila which has been identified as southern africa the next river that we find in the in the in the passage or the next land mass that we see in the passage is cush now we know cush is ethiopia and we see ethiopia located at the bottom of your map during the writing of genesis ethiopia borders were not as broad as we see on this map the borders were much smaller so we see this blue line coming down that's a river that's the nile river and we see the nile river winding through the land of cush or the land of ethiopia so by identification we see the paisan river let's go back the paisan river winds through the land of havilah and we see that as the orange river today as we know it then we see the jihon river winding through cush which is ethiopia but then the third mass is mentioned is um asher and we see asher here asher actually is today's syria in the bible this land of syria had many different names it was named syria at one point it was assyria at one point it was chaldea at one point it was babylon at one point when persia took it over it was a part of the persian empire it's known by several different names throughout scripture but during the time of the writing of the book of genesis it is known as asher that's the third landmass that's mentioned now when we look at the waters the rivers it talks about it talks about the tigris river and we see that east of asher as described in the bible we see the tigris river and then the fourth river that's mentioned is the euphrates and we see that a little bit south so we have in the bible the borders or the outline of the land of eat now let's go back in review all right we see havilah and we see the paisan river running through havilah next we see the jihon river running through um the land of cush which is ethiopia and and finally we see the we see asher which is today syria and we see the tigris river here and the euphrates river so we get a border a boundary of the land of of eden now i understand that the bible is not a book about science i get that i understand that the bible is a book of faith the bible is the book of religion the bible is the book of theology the bible is the faith history of a northern african people who we know as israelites or hebrews we get that but every now and then faith and science intersect and when we see that for me it's just amazing it's mind-blowing let's look at how faith and science intersect in this example back in 1987 dr rebecca cann was the lead scientist on what they called the mitochondrial eve project dr rebecca can was looking for the mother of modern humans now women all people have mitochondrial in their dna everybody has it but only women can pass it from one generation to the next it's passed by women so dr rebecca can was looking for the mother of modern humans so it makes sense for her to trace the mitochondrial dna she took dna samples from 147 people worldwide indigenous people and she traced that mitochondrial dna back to south east africa between 100 and 200 000 years ago was the origin of this mitochondrial dna and she concluded that the mother of modern humans is a black woman from from south east africa whom they call mitochondrial eve whom the bible identifies as eve dr rebecca cannon and her team unearthed skulls dating back 100 to 200 000 years and they made a bus of what they believe the mother of modern humans look like she got her team together she got archaeologists she got forensic scientists and she got others who were trained in this in this field and she put together a bus to replicate the mother of modern human or mitochondrial eve or eve as the bible identifies and this is what dr rebecca can came up with there you have it the mother of modern humans based on science mitochondrial eve pastor johnson um said that you know he pointed out that i have written several books and one of the books that i've written is great women of the bible contemporary conversations and i look at seven black women of the bible and one of the women that i look at is eve and i write extensively about if this is a close proximity of what eve looked like the final entity of creation that god made with god's hand was eve and when god finished he said it is very good when he finished with other entities of creation it says it is good but when he finished with eve he said it is very good eve is the only woman that god created with god's own hands every other woman came into this world through procreation when god made eve he made her to look if this is a close proximity of what eve looked like this is what god created eve to look like and when he created them he said i'm going to create her in my image and after my own likeness and then that goes into a conversation about the imago d and all of that type of stuff that's not what i'm dealing with what i'm dealing with is what eve could have looked like according to science that god could have made her look any kind of way he wanted her to look he could have made her with fair skin and stringy hair he could have made her with yellow skin and jet black short hair but the bible said he chose to make eve in his image and after his likeness and so i raised the question in my book great women of the bible when i talk about eve hers is you are so beautiful to me so if god said this is very good should this be the standard of beauty you know because god breathed into her his ruja his breath his essence and so when we begin to evaluate what beauty is we have to take into consideration the internal qualities the internal godly essence in our estimation and evaluation of beauty but that's not what we do today because beauty has now become a social construct which varies from community to community depending upon where you are in the world that's where that community will define what beauty is and beauty if it's defined without taking into consideration the divine essence then beauty is reduced to an illusion it is not real let me give this one example then we'll move on to the next slide cecily tyson we just lost her a couple of days ago she was 96 years old one of my favorite actresses and she was a beautiful woman physically and but she was a beautiful woman inwardly because of that divine essence that she allowed to shine through so even at 96 years old even though her physical externals begin to diminish she was still a beautiful woman i saw her at the black expo when she was last here and she projected an inward radiance that did something to her that made her still attractive when she was in her eighties on the other hand um there was another what was her name betty davis who was supposed to be a hollywood starlet she wasn't that hot to me but anyway she was hot to everybody else i guess she met the white standard of beauty she didn't have that inner quality to allow it to shine through so when she got old and her physical form began to fade she became a recluse wouldn't come out her inner spirit was devoid and made her a very unattractive person both of these women are old both of their physical external cells begin to dissolve the disillusion but one internal essence begin to burst forward the other ones was held backwards so beauty in a real sense cannot be calculated honestly without taking into consideration the internal divine essence and so that's eve and god says she's beautiful but the brothers were not to be outdone because in 2005 dr spencer wells completed what he called the genographic project dr wells was looking for the father of modern humans and when he was looking for the father of modern human he traced the y chromosome because women have two x chromosomes and men have an x and a y chromosome so if dr wells was going to find the father of modern humans it makes sense for him to trace the y chromosome well he traced it all the way back to east africa between one and two hundred thousand years ago and he concluded that the father of modern humans or scientific adam or biblical adam was a black man from africa and dr wells like his counterpart rebecca cann unearthed skulls identified them between a hundred and two hundred thousand years and made a bust of what they believe that the father of modern humans look like whom god whom the bible rather identifies as adam and here is what it looked like so you have adam and you have eve both of them are black people from africa and here is the thrilling part the dna traced them back locating them in a place within the boundaries of the biblical description of the land of eden man that just blew me all away when science and faith intersects to me it is a phenomenal phenomenal experience that this brother and the sister that i showed you mitochondrial eve and scientific adam as the scientific community called them but after faith community called them we just call them adam and eve the way the bible calls them adam and eve they were traced to be located within the boundaries of the land of eden as described in the bible so now the israelites when they do their genealogy check the bible when they do their genealogy they trace themselves all the way back to this brother on the screen and to the other sister that i just showed you on the screen adam and eve they trace it all the way back to them so if they are saying that this is our mother and father if these two people are the beginning of our lineage then it makes sense that the offsprings would look like the progenitors it just makes sense to me but now today when we think of hebrew people or jewish people the first thing that pops in mind are people who look like that those are jewish people in our minds you know we look at jewish people that's what we think about we think about white people as jewish people now even though they may have dna in them that traces back to israel does not mean that this is the way the biblical israelites looked let me give you an example now these brothers here these brothers carry in their gene the cohen dna that traces back to israel linking them to aaron this is in their blood these are israelites they have dna that lead them back to the land of israel this sister is a beta israelite a beta israelite is an israelite from ethiopia she has in her genes dna that leads her back her origin back to israel but when we think of israelites this is what we think of what does this say to us it says to us and i'm done after this what does it say to us it says to us that this white guy along with a white woman cannot give birth to a black child because white jeans are recessive black jeans are dominant so the further away you move from the original the lighter the skin becomes so if you want to know who's closer to the original if you want to find out who's closer to the original it is they would be closer to the original hebrews than they because their skins are lighter and she would be closer to the original israelites because her skin is darker if you want to know who's closest to the original israelite you can judge it by the shade of their skin because the darker the skin the closer you are to the original the lighter your skin the further away you are from the original so that even if they argue so that even if people want to argue that these are israelites because they have the gene you can argue that but i argue that since their skin is lighter than theirs that means that they are further away from the original israelite community just based upon skin color because you can't get this from this but you can get this from this it just makes sense logically okay i'm done thank you so much i appreciate sharing time because i can go on and on and on and on talking about this and so i thank you so much for tuning in and for staying and watching the bible this black history you can go to our website bible is and there are a lot of things on there that i continue to share um this concept and this study uh with us on the bible this black history website thank you so much and may the lord continue to bless you and may the lord continue to keep you hallelujah i told you you were going to be blessed by that we need we need to continue to grow in that make sure you get those resources the bible is black history and begin to read that share it with your children your family your friends so that we can walk in the truth you should know the truth and the truth shall set you free now listen those of you who never invited christ into your life for forgiveness of sin we want to give you a chance to do that right now we want you to become a christian and you can do that by putting your faith in the depth of burial and the resurrection of our lord and savior jesus christ i'm gonna lead you in prayer and as you pray out loud just follow me in prayer the moment you believe it that's when you become a christian let's go to god in prayer father i come right now i ask you to forgive me of my sins i believe jesus died on the cross for my sins i believe you raised jesus from the dead i receive him by faith please fill me with your holy spirit in jesus name amen hallelujah hallelujah welcome to the family of god i'm so grateful that you chose christ as your lord and your savior now email us here at eastern star church email us at membership eastern so that we can make sure uh that you get connected to the church and continue your walk with the lord and those you already christian you already saved but you had a disconnect with the church for whatever reason we want you now to get reconnected so email us at membership at so we can help you to grow as a disciple of our lord and savior all right it is time for the offering praise the lord for that that god has been so kind to us god has blessed us and now we get a chance to invest in the kingdom of god it's all tithers month here at eastern star church that's the month that we celebrate and thank god and appreciate all of our tithers to help make eastern star church such a great ministry to perpetuate this 100 year history of that we have and your generosity helps us to get the gospel across the world to help of the hurting and the hungry to bless those who are the least the lonely and the left out all the wonderful things we do in ministry so the the all time this month is a chance for us to celebrate and appreciate you i love you and i thank god for your trust and obedience in him and also all time this month gives those who have not been tithing a chance to start every month is all to have as much actually but we give you a chance to start this is the month to do that you've been putting god off and putting god off and now you get a chance i'm going to trust god i'm going to be obedient to god and we've learned in the testimony whenever you put your faith in obedience in god there's always a blessing attached to that and so we want uh you to certainly participate and and and receive the blessings that god has for you every month every year during all time this month we have our stewardship affirmation uh we do it on site everybody says it together even though we're not on site we're going to do it online and we want you to certainly participate in the stewardship affirmation get it in your spirit so that you can live it out in your life come on let's get it done right now i want you to be receptive to the stewardship affirmation [Music] as we give today's offering we're believing god for spiritual blessings favor jobs or better jobs benefits sales and commissions [Music] interest and income houses and automobiles scholarships and fellowships [Music] seed for the sewer [Music] finding money bills paid off [Music] that's demolished [Music] we don't just give money we give money with a passion money with a purpose money with a vision [Music] [Music] all right hallelujah to the lamp now listen god will do all of those things i'll sit up there listening to that and i was just reflecting upon my life god has done a whole lot of that and it's because of faith and obedience in the way god said things are supposed to be done now if you're going to participate uh in in giving today through the eastern star church you have several options uh in order to be able to do that one is you can just text again text 4577 with esc in the message field with your amount or you can mail it in to eastern star church 5750 east 30th street indianapolis indiana 46218 or you can go to our website to give that's eastern and there's a little place there for give click on give and then give that tithe and an offering and stand back and watch god work and god's going to do everything he said he's going to do let's ask god's blessing upon our gifts today father thank you for your generosity towards us thank you for how you've given us everything we have made us everything we are taught us everything we know and helped us to accomplish everything we've done now receive these gifts as we give them back your tithe and offering in faith and obedience and trust and love to you dear god and i pray that as we give that you'll open the windows to have a part of blessing that we won't have room enough to receive i believe in victory in the life of your people in jesus name we pray amen amen praise the lord thank you for your support of ministry and the work of god and again we got a lot going on uh so make sure that you get in where you fit in uh honor the sabbath day keep it holy continue to bring those tithes and offerings to god go on and start it's all time this month go this is a good time to get started with that and of course the fast the fasting and the praying our fast 40 day fast starts on february the 17th that's ash wednesday all the way up to palm sunday we want you to participate and remember at least one day we don't eat anything as we honor god and trust him to to make a supernatural move in so many different areas of our life and and community so we want all of us to participate in that oh and remember too we're expanding our streaming thank you for streaming with us and we know some people don't have the internet and uh but we've come up now with uh this the phone live stream so people just doubt his number and any service that we had they can get in on the server you'll have to wait till wednesday or sunday every day at any time and be able to participate with the phone live stream that number is eight five five seven three zero sevens tell your family and friends any and everybody can use it and we want to continue to be a blessing i love you guys so much let me go ahead and offer god's been addiction to us may god bless you and keep you may god have his face to smile upon you and be gracious unto you may god turn his countenance towards you and grant you peace i pray you'll do that today and forevermore in jesus name amen you
Channel: Eastern Star Church
Views: 2,444
Rating: 4.9466667 out of 5
Keywords: ESC, Bible Study, Noonday, Indianapolis Church
Id: 4JWmQa7bvqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 42sec (3162 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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