High Charity | Most Detailed Breakdown

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foreign city was not always as it is nor was the Covenant [Music] [Music] shall we let the flood consume our Holy City [Music] [Music] turn High charity into another of their wretched Heights foreign [Music] there are those who said this day would never come [Music] thank you what are they just saying now [Music] [Laughter] hey everyone welcome back to installation zero zero this video has been a long time in coming and I know that there are tons of you out there who've been waiting on this for quite a while today we give the Covenant holy city of high charity a most detailed breakdown Now by definition High charity is a ship and as such the breakdown has been performed in line with previous templates of ship-based breakdowns my reasoning is that while some would argue she's a space station the very nomenclature of that title fails to accurately describe it the term station as far as I'm concerned is taken from the word stationary a fixed Point yet High charity can not only jump through slip space but could actually move under its own propulsion systems in normal space this means as a space station she wouldn't be very stationary so with this in mind we'll analyze High charity as a ship looking at her Hull and superstructure internal systems armaments defenses crew and compliment and finally round out with a stem to stern analysis for this video I've called upon in-game sources including gameplay and terminals the 2022 edition of the Halo encyclopedia Halo Mythos Halo warfleet Halo Waypoint several Halo novels including but not limited to hello First Strike contact Harvest and ghosts of Onyx where directly relating to high charity and where systems or features that are contained within our reverse engineered foreign systems I've looked at the fauna Saga and a half a dozen other sources to add context to these areas in certain and specific places I have extrapolated additional information based on known principles of science technology engineering and Mathematics to expand our understanding but this information remains speculative and where speculation takes place I will endeavor to make it clear now with all that said and done may I welcome you to the Covenant Holy City of high charity [Music] the holy city of high charity an enormous mobile Space Station completed in the early years of the Covenant as a centralized Capital the heart of their religious and political life over the centuries the city expanded and grew becoming home to billions and the focal point of Sacred pilgrimages by those who had never been graced with its countenance as the Throne of the high prophets and the High Council it was from high charity that the rulers of the Covenant directed all activities within its dominion and well beyond built on the spine of the Gods and crowned by the mighty and ineffable dreadnought High Charities Grand factories and treasure vaults devoured the wealth of countless worlds to understand High Charity's origin we must go back to before the formation of the Covenant all the way back to the fall of the foreigners and the closing of the fauna flood War soon we will face the enemy you have faced foreign nearly 100 000 years before the formation of the Covenant foreigners were in the last days of their war against the parasitic life forms known as the flood the flood infected and consumed entire systems of life mutating and corrupting them to serve the flood's ultimate goals of ridding the Galaxy of biodiversity and consuming all until there is nothing left the foreigners took it upon themselves to fight the flood and try to preserve life hundreds even thousands of strategic options were exhausted before the reality dawned on the foreigners the only way to kill the flood was to starve them to death they created the Halos an array of super weapons capable of wiping the Galaxy clean of all sentient life and rid it of its flood infestation at the same time efforts were made to catalog and index species from across the Galaxy as a conservation measure to reseed life after the Halos were fired the final battle came to a head when mendicant bias a rampant and corrupt fauna AI led the flood Army to the ark the source of the Halos to prevent the firing of the array and to kill its makers the foreigners with the help of offensive bias a counter and equal to mendicant managed to fire the array destroying all life and killing the flood in moments offensive bias took control of the battle and destroyed mendicant bias splitting him into fragments and moving him to the ark for further study centuries after this battle as the few survivors of the firing set about initiating the conservation measure and receding life a fragment of mendicant bias found its way into a key ship and left for the Milky Way in a remorseful desire to make amends for his crimes against his makers in his weakened state he couldn't control the vessel sufficiently and was forced to change course for the Homeworld of Humanity's ancient allies the sunshine keyship crashed upon the surface of janjur.com where it would remain for millennia nearly a hundred thousand years later the sanchayam now a receded species and unaware of the truth of the events that preceded them looks to the form of ruins and Relics on their planet with religious Seal two prominent groups emerged from our culture the stoics who believed that the artifact should be worshiped from a distance and the reformists who desired to explore activate and dismantle the artifacts if it helped them advance this broke out into a civil war that culminated in the reformists activating the key ship and leaving the world pulling a chunk of its surface out into space the reformists would return to their Homeworld now a joint founding species of the Covenant alongside the sanghilli mysteriously their home system would fall just 200 years later when its star unexpectedly collapsed upon itself chunk broken from the planet in the launch of the key ship some 500 years before would become the foundations of high charity the writ of Union between the two founding species of the Covenant was not a simple Coalition but rather a contract of requirements and responsibilities for both the sunshine and the sanghui in addition to both species laying down their arms they commissioned the construction of a shared Homeworld the holy city of high charity from this massive Fortress the Covenant subdued and integrated new species into their Alliance together they moved ever forward in their quest for Foreigner technology and ultimately the activation of the Sacred Rings The Holy City's vast scale and complexity would ultimately play host to tens of millions of individual elements machines and sacred sites most of these dominated by the Sunshine's Majestic and ornate aesthetic rich with colors and shapes designed to invoke awe and worship many parts of high charity played critical roles in its service utility and protection While others existed simply to display the covenant's might despite its extraordinary size and hub architecture High charity was more cityship than Space Station employing powerful foreign artifacts to maneuver and access slipspace as well as boasting extraordinary Shield systems and unparalleled Arsenal there was nothing in the Covenant Fleet that could compare to its raw Firepower and resilience at 348 kilometers or 216.2 miles in diameter and 505 kilometers or 313.8 miles in height with a mass of an estimated 100 trillion metric tons High charity immediately communicated the glory and Majesty of the Covenant a magnificent Citadel World teeming with hundreds of thousands of Warriors millions of devoted thralls and a complement of Warships Beyond numbering High charity began Construction in orbit above the world to look catho the foundation Rock of high charity the chunk that was forcibly removed from the sunshine Homeworld was moved to this new system to combine it with another of the city's key structural features in orbit above the planet was the enormous husk of a foreigner Starship that was ultimately to be used as the core structure and spine of high charity this Derek Fortress class vessel was amongst some of the largest and most powerful ships in the fauna ecumin Fortress class vessels varied in size and destructive power with the smaller Fortress classes being 50 kilometers in length and 10 kilometers across with larger format vessels used towards the end of the fauna flood wall measuring a hundred kilometers in length with immensely more destructive power although not specifically stated what version of the ship this particular vessel in orbit about the planet can be assumed it was the larger profile due to the immense size of high charity measuring over 500 kilometers in height the night unbreakable superstructure of the Fortress class vessel was integrated with the foundation material of high charity to create the core the very heart of the holy city onto the stalk of high charity over 8 000 docking tethers were created to allow the many ships of the Canon Fleet to dock directly with the holy city a honeycomb of structural supports Hangar bays and weapons platforms were built throughout the city's foundations with the massive multi-leveled City being built throughout crowned by the Golden City while the Golden City the part of high charity most frequently seen is considered the capital city of the Covenant deep below the Golden City Suburban areas and lower districts laced layers deep into the Bedrock of the city deep within the foundations massive pinch Fusion reactors were built and brought online to provide power to the city and construction began on creating the shell of high charity to protect the Golden City known as the skin of the first worlds during construction the city's atmosphere was held in by Massive energy barriers as the skin was slowly formed built from the dirt of the homeworlds of every member race of the Covenant the dart was refined and forged into the materials required to clad the city in the very ideological origins of their beliefs as a symbolic statement to the shared beliefs common ideals and steadfast Unity of those within the Covenant the very Pinnacle of the skin of the first worlds remains open known as the fount of light the high seat of the prophets and is also the location of an artificial star which simulates natural sunlight within the city increasing and decreasing in luminosity in cyclical patterns to simulate day night cycles with the length of 265 hours and maintaining a temperature of between 10 and 24 degrees Centigrade the city makes use of immense artificial gravity generators generating a constant G-Force equal to 0.95 of a g and maintains a nitrogen oxygen argon atmosphere with a pressure of 1.03 atmospheres massive external airlocks were installed to allow ships to cycle in and out of the city's foundations as well as specifically to the assembly forges deep within High charity where weapons Vehicles equipment and starships were built the construction of high charity was finished during the first age of reconciliation in approximately 791 BCE a visible manifestation of the fledging alliance between the sanchayam and the sanghilli serving as a spiritual and cultural Hub of unification designed by the minister of Hearth Leica moai of the first assembled choir of Builders High charity was manufactured through the elegant array of mobile foundries called the supernal chorus a long and elaborate process that had been initiated by the sunshine well before the Covenant was even formed at the Heart of the City was the forna key ship one of the Gods foremost chariots and the Very Dreadnought which the sanchayam had used to cause Untold destruction on many sanghili worlds during the war of beginnings with its weapon systems taken offline the vassal was decommissioned a decisive show of the sanchayam's good faith at the very birth of the Covenant High charity being the mobile capital city of the Covenant needed a means of locomotion to enable it to be moved and relocated at the will of the prophets this was achieved due to key structural components of the city being attributed to the direct fauna fortress-class vessel the city reappropriated the engines of the Fortress to enable the massive City to move known as the wings of malagus these massive fauna thrusters could move the impossibly large city with next to no effort it is possible that the name of the fauna Fortress class vessel was malagus or perhaps a covenant mistranslation of its true name making the name of the thrusters a slightly more poetic reference to the vessel's means of transport forner vessels of all sizes made use of torsion plates for their thrust capacity and the wings of malagas are no exception torsion plates were employed almost ubiquitously aboard foreign Starships the plates convert harvested energy into a form of inertialist thrust by the generation of immensely powerful torsion fields while little is known about the specifics of how these thrusters operate a dissection of the terminology used may give us a glimpse into the mode of operation torsion is the action of twisting or the state of being Twisted especially of one end of an object relative to the other since these are used as thrusters it could be quite strongly argued that the way in which motion could be derived from torsion is if the object undergoing torsion is space itself similar to a form of Repulsor or gravitic drive technology foreign torsion plates would generate intense fields of energy negative or dark energy to physically twist the fabric of space-time compressing space ahead of the ship and expanding it behind the ship thereby moving the ship through space at extremely high speeds many of you will be familiar to the properties of an alcubiere drive otherwise known as a warp drive and while the application of this particular principle of thrust at least in application to sci-fi is for moving up faster than light speeds it is worth noting there is no reason that this drive couldn't be operated to move a ship at less than the speed of light it is worth noting however that it is widely accepted that most of the laws of physics still apply in regards to speed and movement in space in the Halo Universe as with our real universe and most other sci-fi universes meaning that if the engine compressed and expanded space-time enough the ship could theoretically achieve faster than light velocities the issue hearing is that the ship could still collide with particles and matter in space and if traveling at relativistic velocities this impact energy would be enough to rip the ship apart at the atomic level the foreigners likely knew this and thus kept the degree to which the torsion plates distorted space-time to a point of being able to move at extremely high speeds without crossing over to relativistic speeds resulting in destruction and allowing their immensely powerful energy Shields to help protect the ship from Impact during motion instead relying upon the Hyperdimension of slip space for faster than light travel where issues impacting particles and or matter during Transit are non-existent so in summary the torsion plates twisted or compressed space ahead of the ship and expanded behind the ship enough to move at very high speeds utilizing their energy Shields to deal with colliding with debris in space but never pushed the drives to bend space to the extent to achieve relativistic velocities where their energy Shields would then fail in protecting them from collisions with space debris and destroy the ship instead relying upon the hyperdimensions of slip space to achieve FTL speeds despite these thrusters being immensely powerful High charity is several orders of magnitude larger than the ship they were designed to move so it is entirely likely that a high charity has a much lower top speed and maneuverability than the fortress-class vessel they were originally harvested from in addition to being able to move through space on its own high charity was also capable of slip space transitions again likely making use of the Foreigner slip space drive from within the direct fortress-class vessel since for an understanding of the mechanics of slipspace exceeded that of the Covenant the use of the slip space drive for high charity likely resulted in significantly faster translate velocities for high charity versus other Covenant vessels Forney used a slip space flake also known as a slipstream Crystal at the core of their slip space drives that are quantum engineered crystalline devices used to smooth and modulate a ship's transition through the high dimensions of slipstream space the crystals used in these engines were all taken from a single Source known as the source Crystal or mother Crystal which itself was a large Quantum engineered Crystal created by the precursors and whose location was known only to the master build of Faber of the fauna ecumin again due to the immense size difference between the original vessel and high charity it stands to reason that the slip space velocity of high charity is much slower than that of the original ship but likely still outpaces all other Covenant ships by a very large margin being able to travel from the location of installation zero four to installation zero five in just 13 days the distance between the two installations isn't known precisely however it is known that zero four is in the soil system in relative proximity to Epsilon iridney in the Orion arm of the Galaxy while zero five is in the coalesced system in the normal arm of the Galaxy meaning at the low end they could be around 8 000 light years apart and at the high end 30 000 light years apart giving an average of 19 000 light years thereby meaning High charity may have the slip space velocity of approximately 1461.5 light years per day third faster than any other known Covenant Ship however it's accompanying Fleet would also be able to travel with it through slip space at these high velocities due to being caught in her slip space wake before the city was even fully completed the massive and Majestic fauna Dreadnought known as the Anodyne Spirit was mounted at the center apex of the Golden City measuring 10 774 meters or 35 300 feet in length twelve thousand four hundred and forty one meters or forty thousand eight hundred feet in width and 13 120 meters or 43 000 feet in height the ship glowed with an awe and Holiness lit from above by the fount of light its powerful engines at a fraction of their potential output were Tethered to the city itself via a conduit which was located between the Dreadnought and the city's Edge via an anti-gravity energy conduit and support rings the anti-gravity conduit was generated by high charity as a means of energy confinement where the immense power of the Dreadnought engines would be siphoned from the ship via this conduit back into the city's systems the support Rings held the anti-gravity conduit in place and kept the beam coherent similar to Signal Boosters along power lines the final ring was larger and had eight petal-like energy confinement arms mounted radially around the ring this kept the immense energy being drawn from the ship focused and erected to where it was needed during the Anodyne spirit's disengagement from high charity during its fall the energy from her engines was shut off but the anti-gravity confinement beam assisted until the moment of her launch as those responsible for managing this connection were likely dealing with flood infestation or indeed evacuating either with the profits or elsewhere across the city the fans were found deep within High Charities core and was the primary source of power for the city before the Dreadnought was mounted at the center of the city powered by clusters of massive pinch Fusion reactor power plants these great furnaces were networked together via massive City spanning energy distribution grids while originally intended to supplement the energy siphoned from the dreadnoy became abundantly clear that the Dreadnought had more than enough power even at a fraction of its output to fully power the city this meant that after centuries of continued expansion and complacency when the Dreadnought left nearing the fall of high charity the city's reactors simply didn't have enough power to keep the city running a pinch Fusion reactor generates energy by using artificial gravity generators these gravity generators create highly focused and Powerful gravitic fields and as a causative effect give a close approximation to forces at work within the core of a main sequence star the physical shape of the Reactor with its two cone-shaped gravity focusing generators positioned one above the other their tips in close proximity allow the gravity field to be focused down from a large macro area to an extraordinarily small micro area facilitating the continued fusion reaction by literally pinching matter inside a very very tiny reinforced area this means that when the reactor injects a steady stream of deuterium and tritium the particles immediately encounter this intense environment and act as though they were actually within the core of a star they are suddenly and powerfully pinched together forcing them to fuse into helium-4 nucleus and a free Neutron almost instantly generating huge amounts of energy in the form of light and heat the energy that is released is then used as the primary source of energetic excitation to energize the plasma medium that all Covenant technology seems to use as the basis of their energy source the plasma within this reaction error is kept compressed by high strength magnetic fields ensuring reaction can be sustained continuously High charity being the covenant's holy city and the most holy and protected of objects within the Covenant Empire literally bursting at the seams with holy relics from the gods needed to be sufficiently protected and her defenses work greatly impressive the city made use of powerful energy shielding technology known as playon's gaze play on was a moon of the sunshine Homeworld minerals were used from PlayOn to develop the strident Shield of high charity all Covenant ship-based energy Shields are extremely powerful and can tolerate an immense level of Firepower without failing and also recharge very quickly the shields of high charity likely take this to the nth degree when considering the shielding of ships the amount of energy that can be dedicated to the shielding system massively inflates The Shield's resistance to damage adding more energy to the Abduction of an electromagnetic field result in an exponentially increasing field strength the energy Shield emitters positioned across various points on the skin of high charity amid a high energy oscillating electromagnetic field tuned to specific frequencies to enable the field to completely envelope the outer Hull it is likely due to the powers involved and helped by the vacuum of space that the emitters themselves are superconducting in nature and more than likely The Shield is assisted in its propagation across High Charities Hull by superconducting conduits within the hull itself that effectively act as roots for the energy Shield to project along and Bridge the otherwise immense Gap between Shield emitters it is widely known that very powerful electromagnetic fields can levitate even non-magnetic objects the energy Shields reduce the velocity of incoming projectiles to a near standstill this sudden change in velocity as well as the Eddy currents induced by the field itself induces extreme heat in the projectile mainly due to its own internal friction caused by the sudden change in inertia thereby causing whatever projectile is coming in to thermally expand and destroy itself or Flash vaporize this enables the shielding to completely repulse ballistic projectiles debris in space until the immense back feeding thermal energy leads to a shield failure but it's worth noting at least on paper this hasn't happened for high charity not once and in the case of energy-based weapons this process is sped up due to the higher innate heat of energy-based projectiles with overlapping effects from the projectile's own electromagnetism causing the shielding to fail more rapidly under plasma fire in conventional systems but again with high charity it is never known to have happened meaning that quite literally High charity Shields are second only to the foreigners Exquisite engineering of energy shield and hard light technology the shielding on high charity are several orders of magnitude more powerful than anything we have ever seen on any Covenant Ship it is directly quoted that high charity also has another shielding system known as the pavise of Earth it has been referenced in several of the books including Mythos warfleet and the encyclopedia many have suggested that it is yet another energy Shield system but when reading the direct source material isn't actually said at any particular instant that it is an energy Shield just that high charity has a shielding system known as the provides of Earth this alongside the illustrations of high charity and in-game footage of her outer and inner hull leads me to believe that it's not actually relating to an energy Shield but a physical Shield a pavise is after all an oblong Shield often large enough to cover the entire body and Earth is simply a legendary sang Heavy Warrior when looking at the outer Hull of high charity it becomes obvious that there is a hexagonal structure under the skin of the first world and indeed in warfully there appears to be a physical metallic Hull beneath the skin this leads me to The Logical conclusion that the pavise of ours is actually a physical hard Shield built underneath the skin of the first worlds to add rigidity and structure to the Shell of the Golden City while also giving High charity what is effectively Artisan sanghili battle armor this would also mirror the ideologies of both founding member species with the sunshine providing the more advanced fauna derived energy shielding systems and the sanghilli providing the more powerful self-engineered armor plating while this isn't strictly confirmed as of yet it seems the most logical explanation thus far as the implementation of two overlapping energy Shields doesn't seem to quite fit what we observe but again I'm willing to revise this at a later date should new law become available in addition to its impressive shielding systems both energy and perhaps physical High charity was surrounded at all times by its own defense Fleet which consisted of hundreds of battleships carriers and cruisers some of the biggest fleets in the entire Covenant Armada defended the city such as the second Fleet of homogeneous Clarity it was also capable of refitting and housing thousands of vessels ranging in size from personal Flyers to cruisers on its umbilical docks and within its internal Hangar Bays not to mention the city's ability to add to this Fleet at all times by producing new battleships within its assembly forges in spite of these powerful defenses and the largest Covenant defense Fleet in existence High charity was not completely unable to defend herself and had her own complement of arms and armaments to bring to bear if the situation called for it plasma lances were also known as cleansing beams or energy projectors when fitted to ships battle Cruisers and assault carriers alike had this immensely powerful weapon fitted to them for the sakes of space engagements as well as glassing worlds from orbital bombardment these powerful weapons could cut unshielded ships in half or gut them stem to stern in moments and could overload a ship's energy Shield systems in seconds depending on the size the largest and most powerful of these beams known as super heavy excavation beams were found on Cas class assault carriers and CSO class super carriers they could fire ultra thin beams of plasma fired from magnetic lensing and gravitic impellers to keep the beam focused and directed and was fed directly by the ship's pinch Fusion reactor they could strip Shields destroy ships and turn rock molten in a single continuous beam of Destruction hi charity had 32. heavy plasma lances mounted in concealed firing positions with overlapping arcs of Fire in addition to this she had 1 900 plasma beam emitters similar in size and destructive power to the Primary Weapons supported by CCS class battle Cruisers altogether High charity alone held the destructive power roughly equivalent to a fleet of close to 2 000 Covenant Capital ships foreign Ty unsurprisingly had a crew and compliment of ridiculous proportions as both a military stronghold and the religious capital city of the Covenant she played host to a civilian population Beyond numbering as high charity was frequently a target of pilgrimage for many across the Covenant Empire with hundreds of thousands of civilians and military personnel arriving and departing on a near daily basis which is not to mention the 23.8 million permanent residents of the Golden City however the constant military and maintenance crew presence breaks down as follows three profit hierarchs at the head of the Covenant the High Council made up of dozens of members of high-ranking sanghilli and sanction 15 000 or BD entries being senior Personnel employed by the Covenant military 290 000 Warriors 2 million thralls being the servants and slaves of the Covenant holy city and 7.7 billion menials being individuals employed doing menial tasks and unskilled labor [Music] the golden city was the centerpiece of the Covenant Empire being the center of law culture and Manufacturing as well as an everlasting symbol of the vanished Foreigner gods billions were born lived and died in its embrace without ever setting foot on other worlds constructed as a hub City centered around the foreign adrenal the grand Dome of high charity encases the Golden City on all sides and is brightly illuminated at its apex by the fount of light and the artificial star that gives the city its day night cycles matching that of the sanction Homeworld jandra com the walls are lined with the tower districts and key Municipal cultural and religious buildings Grand structures that Overlook the entirety of the city from its periphery below these are the lower districts encircling the entirety of the core of the city the expansive residents of quite literally billions of Covenant members each district divided and self-contained providing that which is essential for each of the species to live work perform their duties in a still from this is the inner city where massive towers and skyscrapers rise the workplace and residence of the higher ranking members of the Covenant all facing inwards towards the very center of the city where a clearance gives way to the heavily guarded Foreigner dreadnought standing proudly and glistening from the fount of light as the center crownstone the Golden City the Grand Estates and high vaults included the resplendent Golden City for those whose dwellings were graced with a direct view of the Dreadnought but also the Myriad of towers citadels and sanctuaries dozens of these floating city stations housed Millions within the covenant's rigid caste system [Music] High charity had two types of districts the tower districts and the lower districts Tower districts lined the edges of the city where the city's Edge met the walls of the Dome they served as the main government buildings and Resident areas for the sanction they included the Hanging Gardens Terrace of Illumination and Valley of Tears as well as prominent political and societal areas such as the high council chambers and the mausoleum of the Arbiter the sanctum of the hierarchs could be found far above the mausoleum decorated with the shards of glass hanging delicately above from the world's glassed by the Covenant the lower districts were sprawling self-contained habitats capable of housing tens of millions in conditions befitting their station all employed in explicit regions that allow them to service vital facilities they sat below the tower districts and housed a number of massive factories including the assembly forges and the sacred promissory they are also housed High Charities ungoy population where the atmosphere was maintained as methane Rich so the grunts could breathe without needing their methane tanks populations of lesser sanction and kigia were also residents to the lower districts the assembly forges are the central manufacturing facilities of the Covenant although this name is used to describe collectively what is in fact a number of separate manufacturing facilities which are individually referred to as an assembly Forge these facilities produced items piece by piece using clouds of programmable Nano machines these Nano machines were fed instructions via a design pattern maintained by artisan armorers the assembly 40s produced numerous materiel ranging from weapons Vehicles shuttles and Starships all for the Covenant War Machine due to being an extremely Advanced method of manufacturing harness by the assembly forges the Covenant deliberately avoided rigid standardization of mass production of their Starships As Natural variants in design was hard written into the very nature of the construction process and originally being not of Covenant design made it difficult to work out these discrepancies in the process without entirely re-engineering the assembly forges the assembly Forge is an imperfect reverse engineered replica of the assembler Vats once used by the foreigners that the sunshine painstakingly recreated due to their imperfect nature assembly forges are susceptible to mutations in design patterns and accounted variants in feedstock material and transcription errors any material that is found to be a mutation of the original design pattern is often though not always broken back down into its raw materials and the forge that was responsible then needing to be reset a long and costly process or considered a separate entity from the assembly forges the ministry of preparations sacred promissory operated assembly forges for their own reasons forges were categorized in line with their size and Manufacturing capabilities primary assembly forges were a series of expansive manufacturing forges and refineries notably the assembly Forge is located in the current holy city of high charity considered to be the greatest and most capable assembly forges within the Empire High Charities vast Forge labored to meet the demands of the capital and Supply the armies of the Covenant secondary assembly forges manufactured light warships and attack ships such as the zanar pattern-like cruiser while tertiary assembly forges are primarily used for manufacturing of space Fighters drop ships Small Arms vehicles and other essential equipment and indeed some of these forges were built aboard the agricultural support ships producing weapons maintenance kits Food Packs and clothing for the fleet that the support ship was attached to elongated tale of high charity is at its core the nigh unbreakable skeleton of a direct Fortress class warship found in orbit above to look cathode the original site of high Charities creation as previously stated it makes up a part of the very foundational structure of the holy city and thus serves quite literally as the spine of high charity but this isn't the only feature of this structure the spiers of gifting is the collective name for hundreds of docking platforms and spiers that received merchants Thai fleets and emissaries from a thousand Covenant worlds Essentials for the city's stations such as food water and workers were imported from outside sources from here while manufactured goods warships and bureaucrats flowed away from the construct there were at least two distinct ports that make up the spiers the first is the bustling and ornately decorated window of Valen which serviced ships that had come from sang Helios the second are the dreaded Shadow Port umbilicals that were used by infusion Smugglers and heretical cultists it was here that the covenant's real business of empire was conducted High charity the high seat of the prophets the center of governance culture and religious conduct for the entirety of the Covenant a city of unparalleled Beauty and Power or measure the remained a steadfast pillar of the Covenant for over 3 000 years up until the final weeks of its life when the most highly guarded and impenetrable megastructure of the Covenant was finally breached by the gods ancient enemy [Music] the cunning flood finally gained the tools they needed to breach the city walls and flowed into the city with the pent-up Rage of a hundred thousand years of imprisonment under the Dominion of the Grave mind High charity was converted into a fetid Hive for the flood and transported across the Great span of extra Galactic space to the ark the parasites ancient and diabolical design was to permanently offline Halo at last ushering in the end of all biodiversity in the galaxy by eliminating its greatest threat upon impact the once great city was reduced to a debris field a shattered collection of wreckage sealed off and buried on the ark's surface without fully active defense protocols the ark could only contain the impact site leaving it susceptible to compromise and the Peril of outbreak [Music] thanks for watching stick your comments down below and I look forward to what you have to say and quick shout outs and thank yous to my patrons spartan10148 my devastatingly effective metac class and Cilla silver Spartan Leon Ram profit Bearer and irrefutable Justice my ever Vigilant monitors careful tending of Alvin Andrew Brian Cameron Darion Devon Phantom flaming Halo cabal Legions lost Michael spartan0137 the cave potato and Warford Clips my sub-monitors my growing Fleet of strato Sentinels and my most loyal of enforcers and all my awesome Sentinels and sentries and Constructors who have jumped aboard on patreon to help support the channel you have my debt of gratitude and as ever Todd Morrison my tier zero Transcendent YouTube member thanks for keeping my installation running on that glorious vacuum energy remember to like comment and subscribe as it all helps the channel grow and helps me to continue to deliver this kind of content for you guys and if you're ready for your next steps in evolution head over to patreon and become a patron there or become a YouTube member to attain a higher state of being much love to all of you take it easy everyone and find peace in the domain [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Installation00
Views: 398,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halo, Lore, Theory, Spartan, MJOLNIR, Most, Detailed, Most Detailed Breakdown, Installation00, Installation 00, Installation, 00, Covenant Holy City, Holy City, High Charity, Golden City, A brief history, Overview, Hull and Superstructure, Propulsion, Slipspace, Powerplant, The Founts, Defences, Energy Shield, Armor Plating, Fleet, Armament, Crew and Complement, The Golden City, Grand Estates, Districts, Assembly Forges, Spine of the Gods, Spires of Gifting, Covenant, Space Station, Space City
Id: DS1l9mZ3020
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 27sec (3087 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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