Halo Infinite - Part 1 - The Beginning

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what's up guys welcome to one of the biggest releases of this year welcome to one of the biggest releases of this console generation welcome to halo infinite that's right baby master chief is back i can't wait to see what happens here can't wait to experience this so excited you guys are here with me and uh this is gonna be a crazy journey so hope you're excited if you are be sure to drop a like in the video i appreciate all the support that you guys can give this first episode and uh yeah we're just gonna hop right into it huge thank you to microsoft and xbox for the early access they hooked me up with an early code this first episode is gonna be live today we'll probably have to wait a couple days till release to post episode two but um we're gonna be cranking this thing out we're gonna have a lot of fun and here we go [Music] and 33 pressure building in lines four sent protocol accepted detected uh okay daddy's listening can you say hi show daddy how big you are big good and can you sing good singing how about i miss you i miss you and i love you every day good thank you i can't wait to see you again be glad to see you again okay now say bye-bye he grew a beard that's how long he's been stranded tag designation friendly single intended tag designation friendly signal detection i wonder if there's someone out there floating in space this is unsc pelican echo 216. can you hear me [Music] dude i've got chills master chief [Music] looks like the main power cells are fried auto shut down triggering survival mode i'm going to try to override okay if you can hear me in there i hope you're ready please don't die please don't die welcome back chief [Music] yes yes yes we're going home oh welcome back chief i rerouted what little power i had into your suit i'm seeing a fault on the calibration matrix at least i think it's a calibration matrix okay follow the light look up beautiful now let's look down i feel like i'm at the doctor's office you're gonna test my kneecaps too let's try right looks good to me and now left your visor feed and motor function seem to be operational but it looks like there's a problem with the servos in your hands try moving it stay calm you've been out there a while i know i saw something in here to check the diagnostics on your armor ai not detected cortana's not there oh we see their big guy you're not status report status report what there's something you need to see chief we lost lost everything there's nothing left for us here [Music] i don't even know what here is [Music] this is all i've got it's enough that's all we need what are you gonna do improvise close the door new mission worship gibraltan ah the main batteries are shut down we're stuck out here [Music] it's enough so i see dude he's such a badass we can't escape the old assault rifle you work on the batteries i'll buy us some time don't you worry pilot you're in good hands grappling hook's so sick and welcome back baby you made it now what i mean we gotta we can't go anywhere while that stasis beam is active then we shut it down stasis beam weapons all of it gotta go save the world how will you get back i'll figure something out um grapple shot of course launchable hook that attaches to objects used to pull yourself towards enemies place your pickup items at a distance oh shoot they got a squad coming to hangar one i'm we can't do our scan here it looks like looks like we're gonna want to go up top here chief whatever you're planning to do do it fast what's up little buddies it's been a while since i saw any of you gonna be able to go through here the chief is back i missed y'all kind of not really looks like we might be able to pick up some other weapons some mangler i mean i'm not like super sold on it but i guess why not i'm actually gonna keep our pistol here it's gonna be a problem what's up buddy oh my goodness let me just uh give you a little one of these okay just keep on going remember we're gonna meet again one day very soon don't you worry ooh look at this we've got some ammo crates refill our kinetic ammo refill our plasma weapon kidding we don't have any what's up buddies a little spray and pray never hurt anybody [Music] love them i mean i will take a needler it's been a minute since i used one of you these gonna take him down if these guys don't have any grenades or anything yet we need to pick up some some grenades would be nice gonna keep on making our way baby put a grapple shot around here looks like we've got some distance enemies these guys are so annoying dude we're starting to run out of ammo a little bit [Music] hello we got something over here be able to refill don't have any plasma weapons but we might be able to go upstairs drop ships an invasion force how do we stand the chance against all this the banished one already we could be the only two humans left alive out here then there's still hope long as you got the cheap there's always when i see audio log here [Laughter] we're heading to the surface acknowledged [Applause] hardware is everywhere sounds like our friends had not the uh the best moment out here we will avenge them don't you worry shoot dude we keep running out of ammo like crazy take these two down got him he's down as well having a hard time keeping our our ammo count looking decent [Music] could potentially pick up something around here not really though we're getting grenades nothing else perfect when in doubt punch it out baby looks like we get another ammo thing here beautiful going this way [Music] just taking pop shots from a distance are you i want to appreciate that we got more ammo over here i guess we really need to focus on on fulfilling our ammo huh maybe it'll get a little bit better with time a couple of guys over here one behind us i believe i heard him yeah he's down i feel like these guys can sometimes come from some weird angles coming upstairs and they're coming from behind us and stuff [Music] taking a lot of damage here but we're gonna be fine just run at them just run out of yo okay we going this way we could use our grapple a little bit more i feel like like that might be in our best interest grapple our way towards enemies [Music] soon the banished will stand victorious [Music] patriarchs hear these words even from beyond this life your will is served your forces occupy the rain within ours it will be under our control humanology will cower before your legacy they will burn their praise and defiance will be all but a memory amazes never heard of a dentist before [Music] i got a nice recommendation for you [Music] all hell atriox i'm working on it work faster these pelicans nearly on board and the power's still out i was hoping there was gonna be some sort of a sniper rifle or something up here come on baby that is a lot of a lot of enemies here we got to be careful we try to oh we got a pulse rifle here little bit longer range not perfect but better beautiful try to stick these guys from a distance if we get a chance nice yes he has we're gonna be close to follow here chief let's go okay guys underneath i hear somebody's shooting what's up buddy all right we're good to go try to get us back up top is this where we're going this guy by chance disable the stasis beam and we are good to go it's locked down requires a hack or not okay and you can do that no new plan scuttle the ship you are going to destroy this ship with us in it [Music] i'm going to die here oh we'll be fine so we're going to go destroy the cooling manifold so i'm gonna warm things up here we go just love that dude gotta be careful here is this what we're shooting looks like it might be just trying to get out of here did he work nothing seemed to happen i'm not done yet well hurry i can see them that wasn't the most uh the most smooth move we've ever had come on we need that nade to hit let's go blow it up there it okay is fire up those engines chief maybe we'll survive dude we are [Music] absolutely hurting when it comes to to ammo and stuff here this is this is rough where we going now where's our current objective up here yep we're going to hit this don't mind if [Music] just kidding we need to uh take everyone down first come at me bro beautiful more guys down here not too shabby got a checkpoint but i need to finish these guys before we be able to finish this this ship huh i mean i i love where are y'all at right here y'all hiding down here dude i love the the new movement to be able to move around with the uh the what's it called him down but jim and i love i love the grapple this is amazing all right i think i think we might be good i'll go to this guy we're good to go overload the engines [Music] yes sir know something better the master chief returns here you stand humans call you their savior covenant destroy this craft if you must it matters not a fight i'm looking forward to taking who is that do you know him no he knows you he knows all about you you need to hurry get back here i don't know how long this ship will hold together i'm trying bro looks okay it appears my grapple work may benefit from a little practice here we're good time to run let's just run fill this up let's go [Music] not sure where we're running to but we're just running just keep running baby just keep running shoot i'm gonna get underneath this thing can slide while sprinting [Music] obviously gonna have to fight our way out of here but at the same time gotta be quick gonna be fast probably don't want to touch that i would imagine come on let's go get me out of here maybe that works too okay i see what we're working with here we're good oh god they're trying to get in on my way we're gonna be fine here don't you worry pilot bring me in just keep running chief [Music] i don't know it's going to be close too close this way i'm going i'm going for it ah we missed it it would have been so sick you good got a bunch more enemies over here have to deal with them no they're dealt with okay so 90 seconds i hope this place holds together that long charge faster beautiful he's down take him down we're not too too much to worry about on their lonesome but two grunts together are never a good thing [Music] what an epic scene this is insane into the pelican we go oh come on [Music] not stuck in space again anything but that [Music] chief you still with me i'm here [Music] okay give me a second i'm going to get you welcome back okay let's get out of here my man welcome to halo infinite what a start dude what a start [Music] locate unsc infinity unsc infinity class super carrier 7150 not found near field perimeter scan 1986 unsc tags detected status deceased the master chief lives patriots assured us of his death are you not angered you know i feel invigorated you promised us revenge superiority regard he threatens everything you question my leadership atriox is dead it is his fault that we are stuck here the finest will never bow to anyone again not the covenant the products this ring will be operational please i want to know everything about him it's us against the world pilot accept encrypted message [Music] locate message source progress we're done my chief if we stay out here any longer they're gonna come back they'll find us and they'll kill us what is it you're searching for there's nothing there you're looking in the wrong direction we need to go home plot the waypoint requesting annual flight control override do it autopilot wait what are you kidding me why would we go down there the banished plan to wipe us out all of us and what you think we can stop them on our own i told you we lost we need help not heroics we do our duty protect humanity whatever the cost what a line dude i can't be the only atmosphere we have a new mission soldier what is it what's down there a weapon a weapon how many guns do you need what is wrong with you remind me to never pick up this person this is a terrible idea they're coming for us all of them good that's what we're looking for oh dude you know all directions it's so safe pull back okay okay beautiful again it's just me down here very little uh very little ammo not not a lot to to you know be happy and excited about but i'm just gonna try to do our best gotta try to conserve him a winning doubt punch it out the amp the ammo and health situation honestly seems i mean we're we're only on normal this seems harder than any other halo maybe i just don't remember it pick up a needle here oh do we have any nope we didn't pick any up okay more reinforcements this weapon of yours must be worth it this whole place looks like it's dying like it's clinging to life somehow how is that possible that's the plan you can't rush perfection though big guys up here can reach new length new heights new levels with the chief in his grappling hook was there something up here looks like there could be a spot for something special be careful they're still coming you really pissed them off back there everywhere just get real tired of y'all y'all are so annoying the shield guy i don't even remember what they're called they're by far the most how do i how do i use these let me just yeah i might have to start employing some other opportunities here out of ammo again it's gonna have to constantly be mixing things up i'll pick up a mangler why not this guy yes sir beautiful i actually kind of like this pulse rifle it's working out pretty well for us [Applause] homie just doesn't want to go down get some more ammo let's just keep it moving got one more behind us beautiful [Music] it's usually not a good thing when you're you're hearing voices inside your head got a whole bunch of friendlies out here let's go less than friendly's that is absolutely i hate these dudes got elites over on the other side we've got an elite right here [Music] okay you got to be careful here trap gonna try to take down all the little guys first and then we can focus the big dudes i just feel like multiple little guys gang up on you it's not a good thing try to get a grenade he's down oh dude that grappling hook is op baby there it is there's got to be something big at the end of this more voices [Music] what are those things this is four on the right i've heard the stories but man this is crazier than i imagined [Music] something much bigger than us going on here how do you know this isn't a trap i don't great i hope this weapon of yours is worth the risk i'm reading multiple enemy ships heading this way too many the weapon it's been six months where have you been what happened where is cortana the rogue ai known as cortana is gone she's been deleted how by you of course not did you hit your head or something don't you remember my instructions were to enter this installation imitate cortana and lock her down for retrieval yours were to take her back to the infinity for deletion so if it wasn't you okay then there's something else on successful deployment my deletion routine was supposed to complete still here and so is cortana good good my programming failed i'm not supposed to be here you need to delete me no no i was created for one purpose and that purpose is no longer needed my mission is over we have a new one the banished are planning to fire this ring we need to make sure they don't first of all what's a banished second you may have noticed that a significant piece of this installation has been damaged making that impossible and third to fire this ring they would need an activation index cortana had the index i had parts of it as well something stopped your deletion we need to find out why but this wasn't the mission the missions changed they always do are you sure [Music] hop on in girl [Music] it's time to insert that chip and that my friends is where we need to stop this first episode i'm sorry man huge cliffhanger here there's nothing i can do so like i said xbox and microsoft hooked it up with early access thank you so much them seriously so excited about it so um i've got certain you know parts i can show you certain lengths i can show you stuff like that before the release and i want to make sure i abide by those guidelines obviously the release is only a couple of days away so we're not gonna have to wait long for episode two i will see you guys there and man i can't wait so guys enjoyed drop a like thank you guys so much for watching until i see you guys next time take it easy
Channel: TmarTn2
Views: 261,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halo, infinite, halo infinite, gameplay, game play, campaign, singleplayer, lets play, walkthrough, playthrough, guide, halo infinite gameplay, halo infinite campaign, halo infinite singleplayer, halo infinite campaign gameplay, halo infinite singleplayer gameplay, xbox series x, halo xbox series x
Id: H8X4mgGXzbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 23sec (2423 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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