Halo The Series | Epic Battles Scenes from Season 1 | Paramount+

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Spartans. Spartan. Silver Team, engage. Taking over watch. [Soldier In Battle] Go back. They're helping. The Spartans are helping! I never thought I'd see the day. They're on our side now. - [Professor] So they are. So let's fight! Clear in north quadrant. Elite cluster, west quadrant. Silver Team, clear the perimeter. Team, I need covering fire. South quadrant. [HUD alarm beeps] [beeping continues] Kai, hold your position. Any time now. [indistinct PA announcement] [computer voice] Docking complete. Step out. Get on the ground. Search. Clean. Did they hurt you? No. I'm okay. Stand, please. Welcome. Thank you. [Yates] Christ! It's a trap. Seal the doors. They're in the walls! [creature growls] [Yates] Fall back! No. No! [computer voice] Warning. Breaking up. [PA announcement] Combat team, respond. [computer voice] Commencing door protocol. Where did the Demon take my keystone? I don't know what you're talking about. [creature hissing] Where is your home base? I will tell you nothing, and you won't find anything on our ship to lead you there-- Humans. Just as ugly as I remember. My dad fought and died so you could all be free. And now you stand and pray, and you claim to honor him, but you're all cowards. [Man in crowd] Security forces! [crowd screams] Let's go. [Kwan] What the hell are you-- No, don't! Get your hands off me. [Soojin] Enough! Aunt Soojin! [blood spatters] [Soren] Hey! Aunt Soojin. Shit. Never should have left the Rubble. Cost me my ship too. Come on. We're about to have Vinsher's entire army on our ass. Let's go. Lay down. Go, go, go. Go. Behind you. Go. Sergeant. Air cover. Go. Yes, sir! No, no, no! Riz, Vannak, up front with me. Chief. Kai, stay back with the Marines. Keep us covered. Yes, Chief. On me. [Kai] More Banshees inbound. [John] Acknowledged. [Cortana] Pod doors opening. infantry incoming. [Cortana] Two-- no, three Covenant Lances in our escape path. Jackal at two o'clock. Two more flanking right. Switch to secondary. I know how the game is played, Cortana. Riz, Vannak, break their lines. [Riz] Copy. Mind if I drive? Marines, follow behind me. Riz. [Riz] On it. [HUD alarm beeps] [alert intensifies] Hang on, Kai. Chief. Chief, stop. Stop. [Cortana] Covenant spirit incoming. [HUD alarm beeps] Cortana. I'm gonna need a weapon. [Cortana] Not sure it'll help. [Soldier] Hold your fire. Move up. Pirate. He's over here! [neck breaks] Hey. [Soldier] I got him. Just save a bullet for the Sky Pipe. This better work. [Soldier 1] Keep looking. [Soldier 2] Flock him out. [Soldier] I got her. [grenade pin clicks] [grenade beeps] What the hell is this? Get this thing off me. Where are you going? [Soldier] Hold your fire. [Vinsher] Let us end this contretemps with some degree of dignity. All right, let's talk. Vannak, don't do this. Whatever she told you, it's not true. [Vannak] You're not well, Chief. Don't make this harder on yourself. We're on the same side. [Cortana] The left leg servo's out of spec. Take out his knee. Riz, six o'clock. [Vannak] Get up. You're coming with us. [Cortana] Accessing Warthog. Slide right. [Cortana] Chief, the cable. [Cortana] Two more shots to disable Vannak's shields. Doesn't have to end this way, Chief. [Kai] Chief. [Vannak] Take the shot, Riz. [artifact pulsates] [Kai] They're coming over the ledge on three sides. [Riz] I got the leader. [Vannak] There's too many! [John] Just a few hundred. You gotta be shitting me. [John] Riz, with me. Kai, Vannak, on the six. [Cortana] Chief? - What? [Cortana] Remember him? Well, shit. I've got this. Riz, no. [Riz] Chief, no. Chief's down. [HUD alarm beeps] Riz, I got you. [HUD alarm beeps] Kai, we need Chief back in the fight. He's unresponsive. What do you want me to do about it? Wake him up. Chief. Chief! Get up. Chief! Vannak, get down. Oh, no. [Riz] Vannak. Oh, shit. Riz! Stay away, Kai. [Cortana] Silver Team is down. We don't have much time before we're completely overwhelmed. I've calculated three possible routes out of here. We're not leaving without the artifacts. [Cortana] That's not possible. The second you touch them, you'll freeze up. Chief, are you listening to me? There's no way you can save the artifacts and the team. Then you do it. [Cortana] Do what? Take over my body. [Cortana] I told you, I no longer want to control you. It's the only way to get the artifacts and save the others. [Cortana] Chief, stop. [HUD alarm beeps] I can't let you die. Find the halo. Win the war. [Cortana] I may not be able to bring you back. I trust you. [HUD alarm beeps] [Vannak] Come on, Riz. Get up.
Channel: Paramount Plus
Views: 386,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halo
Id: UuBg92A0Yyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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