How Long Can I Survive Halo 3 ODST's Legendary Firefight?

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man I can't wait to just chill out and play a game of firefight a few moments later one of the hardest achievements in all of Halo is the vidmaster challenge endure for getting past the fourth set in an online four-player firefight game on heroic difficulty unfortunately I don't have three other people to play with so this video is not about that achievement instead I decided to play a game of solo firefight on my favorite map Alpha side and see how long I could make it and if I could make it past the force set by myself oh yeah I also decided to do this on legendary instead of heroic because that's how we roll here with the game loaded up it was time to get to work if you're watching this and I'm assuming you know that firefight is a wave defense game type or Horde mode and halo first introduced in ODST it works completely differently than any other horde mode I have ever played enemies spawn in waves there are 5 Waves per round and three rounds per set plus a bonus round as you progress difficulty skulls are added then make things a lot harder to start you just have the tough Lux go on which makes enemies a lot better at dodging stuff like grenades or vehicle splatters as you play your scores added up and shown in the top right corner the multiplier is determined by your difficulty in the skulls that are currently active finally in firefight you have more than one life but they're still limited you start with 7 extra lives and gain more three completing rounds in a co-op game these are shared between all players so if you're playing with your friend and your friend is an idiot if he dies you'll also lose a life the first wave is always jackals or Grunts and I was unlucky enough to get jackals waves two three and four in each round are always random in my second wave seemingly every brutal new Mombasa was after me my strategy was pretty simple get a plasma weapon take down their armor and then get headshots at first I was using the Plasma Pistol but the brute plasma rifle is actually better for this at least early on in the game we'll come back to that later on every map there are four extra Health packs SMGs and pistols for ammo these reset at the end of each round stop after a brief moment where I forgot how to aim I Advanced to the fifth and final wave of round one the fifth wave is the Boss Wave normally there are always three brute Chieftains that spawn in the Boss Wave but in this round Strangely I just had one spawn I have two methods for taking out Hammer Chieftains the first is to drop their Shields unload into their helmet until it comes off and finish them off with a headshot the second is to just move slightly out of the way of their swing and back smack them the rest of the enemies were easy to clean up and I made it through the first round without losing any lives you get one extra life for completing each main round so I was up to eight lives round two adds a second skull catch catch makes it so enemies throw and drop more grenades and when I say more I mean they do nothing but spam grenades the benefit is that they also drop more grenades and when brutes are stuck in a grenade throwing animation they're a lot easier to stick reinforcements in Wave 3 of round two I had for the first time of the game a hunter wave now around this area where I was camping there is a shotgun so they aren't that hard to take out the problem is managing them while also having other enemies around and you could say hey frog you idiot take out the other enemies first the problem is if you kill too many enemies then a whole nother wave will spawn I panicked and missed a couple six on our brood so I had my first death of the game here I was able to get him pretty easily after respawning though in Wave 4 I had my least favorite wave of all drones I hate drones they are the absolute worst they wouldn't be that bad if they were normal but for whatever reason Bongo decided to add shielded drones with plasma rifles to firefight this time early on it wasn't that bad but on higher sets with more skulls they become a big problem on the Boss Wave I got another Hammer Chieftain which again is not a big deal but I also got a gold Chieftain they can spawn either with detached plasma turrets or fuel Rod cannons and unlike Hammer Chieftains they won't just charge you and let you easily back smack them and you can't shoot their helmets off at the pistol my strategy for them is to take out their Shields with the plasma weapon shoot their helmets off with a sniper and then get an easy headshot later on in the way of I watched a brute kill himself that was something and bada bing bada boom I made it through round two with only one death but this brings us to round three in a big difficulty jump round three adds the black ice skull which means your stamina doesn't recharge unless you melee an enemy stamina and ODST works like shields in the other games when you have stamina you won't take Health damage but once your stamina is down then your health will start going down so if you were a Spartan a lot of this round would be like playing without Shields this was also the round for Sniper jackals with beam rifles instead of carbine started to spawn fortunately they aren't nearly as bad as they are in Halo 2 their reaction times are slower and they don't insta kill you if you have full stamina but with a black ice skull on I pretty much never had full stamina this round so they were a huge threat in Wave 3 I got invisible brutes which are Super annoying they throw fire grenades which kill you if you get stuck but even if they miss they keep burning on the ground and if you step on them they damage you a lot Hunters spawned in Wave 4. by the time I started shooting them wave 5 had already started and I didn't want to fight them and Chieftains at the same time which caused me to rush and die again I did clean them up pretty quick I to respawn foreign ly I don't know if it's because the hunters were still alive or not but the Boss Wave didn't have any Chieftains in it so I had a pretty easy clear and just like that I was through the first set well almost after round three you have a bonus round where you just fight Grunts and every skull is on dying here doesn't count against you this round is just for racking up as many points as possible and getting bonus lives based on your points what I read on the Halo Wiki doesn't match how my bonus lives were awarded in the actual game so I don't know how they work but regardless I was given two extra lives which brought me to 10 total I started at seven lives and just like that I was up to 10. unfortunately things only get harder from here I was now on set too because I was back to round one of us said I reset to just having the tough Lux go on catching black guy they come back every round two and three respectively however as you complete sets other skulls are added that never go away so for completing set one I now have the Tilt skull active permanently the skull amplifies enemy's resistances as well as weaknesses so for example enemy Shields are even stronger now against human weapons but they're also weaker against plasma weapons so whereas before where I could give away with stuff like using human weapons against shielded enemies starting at set two I have to rely even more on plasma weapons but hey I don't need plasma weapons against grunts or jackals at this point so wave one now that catch and black guy are turned off is what we call a free wave meaning if I somehow manage to die here I should probably just delete my account in Wave 2 I got drones which I mowed down without Mercy Wave 3 I just got generic brood and grunt squads and wave 4 I got jetpack Roots there honestly isn't that much to talk about this was a pretty easy round I did almost die in wave 5 by pushing up too far and letting a Chieftain get a bunch of shots on me I recovered though I finished the round got an extra life to bring me to 11 and it was on to round two of the set which again means I now have the catch skull turned on too so now things get kind of serious once again first wave though still just jackals and grunts but this time not exactly free because grunts throw plasma needs like fastballs with catch on Wave two I got invisible brutes again but thankfully didn't get caught on fire and at the start of Wave 3 I got an invincible medal oh look is that a hunter like nothing at this point I was feeling Unstoppable then a second Hunter showed up and I got wrecked obviously I'd rather save the life but the Silver Lining is that I could start getting all the Killing Spree medals again for more points dying there isn't that big of a deal unless I was unable to get the hunter with my next life then it would really suck and with catch turned on I came really close to blowing it but I did get him down speaking of catch in wave four I got stuck so just like that I go from Invincible to two deaths in one wave same way this was really scary I ran out of plasma rifle ammo and needed to grab more from the center and I almost died a third time then cut to the Boss Wave I actually had three a Chieftains this time two of which had fuel Rod guns two of them rushed me from the start and I couldn't snipe them one of them I got with the Fire Grenade the other one had a fuel Rod Gun so I knew if I could get close he'd try to melee me and I could just back smack him the third Chieftain I gave not to be cliche a taste of his own medicine I ended up beating round two of the set with only two deaths so while not clean it could have been a lot worse round three the black guy round I actually didn't have anything that event will happen until wave four I completely forgot how to aim for a second and it cost me a life cut to the Boss Wave and again I got stuck by a brute for another death I did get him back though I completed the round got an extra life got two more lives for the bonus round so as rough as I played in set two I still finished with 11 lives going into set three from set three onward you get a skull that's annoying but doesn't matter too much it's the famine skull which makes it so weapons drop by enemies have half the ammo they would normally so for example if it dropped carbine would normally have 20 shots left it would now only have 10. wave one was free wave two had drones but I made it through and Wave 3 I let myself get cornered and I had another death this one I was nervous about because it happened close to spawn a night after run past the brute to get to my stuff and I almost died again but I managed to pull it out get ready this won't be easy oh rest of the round no issue I started round two back at 11 lives and funny enough round two even with catch on I had even fewer issues and completed a deathless round three I had some trouble I got tag teamed first I had a death to Hunters no big deal it happens then a bunch of dumb stupid awful drone spawn and I survived but they took my health all the way down I started running towards a health pack the wave had changed so I thought I was safe and suddenly another group of drones started shooting me in the back and I died that was it though after the last wave in the bonus round I got to start set four with 12 lives and hey if I was on a four player co-op game on heroic this is the set you have to complete to get the endure achievement and I still have 12 lives left in the bag right wrong this is where firefight has a huge difficulty Spike because of one skull Mythic this makes it so all enemies have twice as much health and twice as much shielding the wave one of round one no longer free because jackals no longer flinched enough to show their head when you shoot their hand you pretty much just have to wait for them to run at you before you can kill them the plasma rifle which to this point in the game was the best for Shields now takes twice as long to take down Shields so set for onward the Plasma Pistol became my preferred weapon for Shields because it's still just one overcharge thankfully with a famine skull on though you have to trade out your Plasma Pistol for a new one a lot I did have this pretty cool Nate on a few drones so that was something I had my first death of the set on Wave 4 because Hunter spawned and I am not good at dealing with Hunters I had a second death on the Boss Wave because I was rushed by a Chieftain and two brute captains and I ran out of plasma pistol ammo luckily they didn't Camp my spot so I was able to regroup a bit but I still didn't have a plasma weapon and I had to take out a Chieftain he had a fuel Rod Gun but thankfully he was stupid and ran at me and made it easy and now I want y'all to count with me there are four brutes here I throw a grenade but I get no point so I didn't kill anyone and yet the announcer says two enemies remaining these Broods keep killing themselves I don't know what's going on round two I now the catch skull earlier I mentioned that one of the benefits is more grenades being dropped and Bruce being easier to stick with the Mythic skull that goes out the window because not only do sticks not kill brutes they don't even take out their armor and brutu gets stuck while still charging you as if he did take out their armor so unless you've already taken out half their Shields it's probably a bad thing to stick them Wave 3 I had hunters and Bs y'all can probably guess I died Hunters take a lot of shots with the Mythic skull turned on in wave 5 I ran out of plasma pistol ammo and had to use a plasma rifle and I had a death where I still am not sure what happened yeah I had another death later on because I ran out of all of my ammo that dropped me down to eight lives I was at the lowest I had been since the first set and now I had to make it through a step with every skull on besides iron wave one not free but I did make it through without dying wave two I got wrecked by a brute with a Mauler but hey it happens Wave 3 I had a really scary death because enemies were camping my spawn and this had a chance to snowball [Music] oh afterward Wave 4 I made it through deathless and then it was time for the Boss Wave I got obliterated by a Chieftain after respawning I had the craziest sequence in the whole game I'm not gonna say anything just watch it oh you're right enemies remaining the rest of the way was just Jackal so even though I had no health I should be good never change Jackal snipers never change and there we go I made it through the bonus round and that's four sets of firefight completed had I been playing on an easier difficulty with three other people to help that would have been an achievement but hey this video isn't called frog should have gotten the endure achievement but didn't it's called how long can I survive legendary firefight or something like that I haven't decided yet so how long can I survive in firefight wave one of step five no issues at all Wave 2 of set 5 Hunter spawned whatever I've had lots of practice with Hunters no biggie surely I'll get them my second life [Music] foreign [Music] I went from eight lives to zero lives just like that to keep my game alive I had to take out a hunter with no shotgun and a fully shielded Brew with no plasma weapons here's how that went come on I got to the Boss Wave I can get through and get another life added and we could be back in business well spoiler alert instead me and achieved and did something you'd see in the movies and kill each other at the same time and that was that I survived four entire sets plus four more waves which was almost two hours and my final score was about 790 000. so I consider that game to be a success I don't know if y'all will watch this and think wow frog is amazing or wow frog is mediocre and could have done better but give this video a like if you enjoyed it and if you do want to be impressed click the video on screen where I beat Halo C on legendary without firing a single shot I'll catch you next time
Channel: Frogarchist
Views: 298,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halo 3 odst, halo 3 odst firefight, halo 3 odst firefight legendary, odst firefight, halo 3 odst firefight alpha site
Id: VcxsgXvr8CE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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