Hallmark Movies 2024 - New Hallmark Movies 2024 - Best Hallmark Romance 2024 - Romantic Holiday 2024

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[Music] so that table is a rental actually though it'll probably be repossessed there is nothing wrong with the demo code I have gone over it half a dozen times in the last few days I just spoke to our Baggers they put the next draw down on hold so we figure out what went wrong not to harsh the vibe but we could have been hacked hacked also most of our Engineers have given their two we notice if we were hacked then the underlying Tech is good so we just need to beef up the security and then prove it to them so is that like a 5 minute thing a 5day thing is there anything we can be doing to help besides sitting on our asses waiting they can't do anything until we can update our servers that costs and we need a team for that you mean the one that's quitting there's there's got to be a [Music] way you know I can see you guys what's going on here I'm not calling them them who's them it's a long story mea has an inheritance in India guess it's not that long of a story great go call them it's not that simple she can't get unless she's married to an Indian guy yeah she was going to get married years ago but then she ran away from it on her wedding day could have left that bed out you know I knew a Runa away bride I am not a Runaway Bride we're running out of time I've got to go talk to the accountants come on MAA it's worth a shot okay there's nothing to lose except what Pride [Music] right fine I don't know what I'm going to tell them go come along Mira is calling what what's she calling for she barely talks to us I don't know but I'm answering it come hi Uncle Auntie how are you both you still alive stop it hello bet so good to see you you too um nison the reason that I'm calling is because I have uh I've missed you and I'm hopeful that we can have a fresh start I have been thinking about uh how much I want us to be closer that's it why is that I need a little tiny bit of cash a a little cash ah so you are calling us because you want us to bail you out after barely talking to us for years after leaving your room stranded at the altar after I I was wrong and you you were right I'm sorry I didn't hear that can you run that by me again you were right and it would be great if I could get my inheritance if you can't loan me anything well I didn't write the will you know my sister only entrusted us with it you can override it right no you know there are many things I didn't agree with my sister on but she was extremely explicit about this part also better your mom didn't want you to be alone you must be married to s by the terms of the trust maybe you can do something I can't um okay he Uncle okay if I may just advocate for mea here you need to advocate for yourself first for the last 4 months I've been sending you good morning messages every single morning and not a peep out of you I expect a little bit better from my nephew Mira can advocate for herself well the reason that I'm actually calling is is because I um married yeah yeah I am married um to to an Indian guy and you are going to love him wa that's Splendid news MAA MH why weren't we invited for the wedding I wanted it to be a surprise surprise when did this happen oh a few months ago mhm lovely we are so thrilled for you what lovely we haven't met them yet what's this boy's name oh Auntie don't get bogged down in the detail I will I will tell you later question um do you just want me to send you a picture or uh can you take my word for [Laughter] it no beta it's not so simple uh we are talking about a lot of money here so you need to come home with the husband show us a mared certificate sign paperwork with the lawyers and then and only then will you have your money don't worry we'll arrange everything you just get here within a week because we're going on holiday soon H call me tomorrow we'll discuss this bye bet love you how the hell am I going to find a fake husband in a week hello how are you all good yeah that's great love Auntie I love your daughter this is probably how your aunt and uncle felt looking at proposals rakes poai raakesh P okay do not worry your fake future husband is out there maybe hi little more okay okay uh just give me a moment uh to internalize oh oh oh oh m m you messed with the wrong woman Auntie next on the beat huh the mean state of Mumbai I ran building makes money but it's not fun I had me some roomies but they got shot with a gun yeah bro uh are you okay peace namk bab Todd hey you're a white guy I just have one small request yeah actually I'm married and I have six children no [Music] sorry that's it we can try again do another casting I think the polyamorous father of six is your best bet given your near spinsterhood so shall I block his dates I'm more I think about the back end of the code something is wrong Mera Focus fake husband oh honey don't touch your face like that it's only going to make you break out and you don't want that for tonight what's tonight the 30 under 30 cocktail reception no what no no no no no I can't go to that that they're going to know I'm a fraud the whole industry is full of frauds okay so how about you go full Elizabeth homes on them and get that money mhm [Music] I feel like everyone can see right through me you better shove that imposter syndrome right up here I mean you're a genius coder and you care about the people you help You' created a deeply impactful company one that's about to be sued by the most important investor in the city details I see some fecy hunks by the shrimp let's go get that bread can I get a Manhattan please and could you move those peanut [Music] allergy is there a cherry shortage you already have three on there I won't wow rookie can't even hold your cherries so funny except I could have died well you know honestly that probably would have been salvation from all these investor types silus you okay so so good um do you mind saying right there and blocking me from that angle I'm Rama by the way meor so meor what are we uh what are we hiding from that bringer of Darkness leader of Worlds Comm the soul Crusher he's on near 6:00 wow 10 ense so what brings you here wow pulling out all the classics uh I am on the list oh what a coincident so am I one are the odds what do you do I run a company called dinner time the celebrity chef thing I've used it oh you're the one how'd you get all the chefs on board let me guess threaten them with hours of banter you know what close but no my parents wanted me to do that stereotypical Indian thing you know become a lawyer or a doctor or take over the family business but um I wanted do something else I know the feeling I love to cook and I was a chef for a while made a lot of great friends celebrity ones and I guess I just realized that I would never be as good as them so I did the next best thing din time might have been easier just to do the in you know what honestly it probably would have but um I guess life has a funny way of making other plans what about you what's your 30 under 30 claim to fame oh mine is an app that erases your past wow you know I could honestly use that I had this awful hairstyle back in college shaggy hair with blonde highlights yeah there's there's photos on Facebook it's it's pretty bad he's gone by the way who is s saverly I'm assuming that was your Eater of Worlds you know it yeah he's one of my investors of course he is here uh excuse me a moment thank you who's that oh the creator of dinner time oh he's cute what about him what about him what fake husband no he has a job did you ask him of course not I'll ask no don't do that okay hello Mera syus what a wonderful surprise um what are you doing here well obviously I'm 30 under 30 alumni but now I'm a mentor of course you are I'm glad you're here really saves me the trouble of having to serve you at home serve you at home the papers this is your que to give her the papers consider yourself served have a wonderful night I hear you're looking for a fake husband he said yes are are you serious we can't pay you much or oh no you don't you don't have to pay me anything I go to India every couple years maybe this will just spice it up a little bit you have no idea how much you'd be helping me out and if you met my family you have no spice for a couple of trips sounds like a deal honestly this is how I imagine my wedding would always be fake Wedding Marriage of course yes straight on the UPA except for the lying and the fakery except for the lying in the fakery of course oh my God I have a lot to do I have to tell my boyfriend that I have a fake husband okay I will see you all later Bless please oh boy this is the weirdest breakup ever this isn't a breakup it's you said that you would support me right like ABS or whatever what so what are we supposed to hang out with you and your fake husband is it like a threesome what no I'm confused I'll be back in like a week oh yo the cir group chat is going off jeah the tightrope guy needs a sub for tonight don't injure your junk unless it's in the bunk that's what I always say right Mira uh don hey what's up syus offered to drop the charges if we sell our Tech to him no no no no no we can't do that we can't that is definitely off the table we're running out of options Mera okay [Music] bye [Music] okay what was me state champion of in high school debate so annoying to argue with de sure correct yeah no brainer uh T are you there can you hear me Don wants to give the company to silus what it's the only way he'll drop the law here well I prob to do with down you have the Fig Mar certificate right uh no I think that's in your bag oh all right right thanks again for doing this hey is gray really your favorite color or you just being contrarian ha just remember the plan oh and Shar enough so that you know they know that you know me are you are you here with the boundaries cuz you knowy oh yeah no we're just friends it's okay I don't want anything serious anyway gra me neither here goes nothing oh yeah how much 300 wait I have something I want to give you what's this it's a ring you know to add authenticity to your elaborate and well thought out plan who but I I I didn't get you that's okay when I realized I just grabbed a band of the duty free I'm simple he's simple there's nothing simple about that ring bit I missed you I missed you too this is sish Kaka he's work with my aunt and uncle since I can remember Kaka he's basically family I'll take it back okay now listen I know I told you that my aunt can be very cold so don't expect like a warm welcome honestly I'd be surprised if she even acknowledged you here you are Auntie welcome welcome hi Hi here's Rama Namaste I'm Rama welcome to the family oh what a lovely boy he knows how to respect his Elders puru you are looking rather American oh you're liking what you see Auntie G huh you come than good you must be Mira's friend the lovely Leslie well yes that is me I am the lovely Leslie welcome our home is your home please come on in everyone okay perfect they're fantastic welcome home come come sit we'll get the luggage in wow you didn't tell me you left the mansion that was really dumb really oh wow now I want to know everything about drama and why you didn't invite us to the wedding or didn't even tell us please forgive us Auntie right please forgive us it's actually entirely my fault mea is completely innocent here we got married in a hurry because of what Pichi told us oh what did he say well he told us it's a very auspicious time to get married mahash Mur Saturn Jupiter Mars Venus sun and moon and the stars were all aligned of course I refused and said that I will not get married without the blessing of mir's family but he insisted and said that mahasu Murat is for that day only and and that if we don't get married on this day our our marriage would only last one lifetime instead of seven well I thought that was a pretty good deal so I agreed wow I had no idea that's beautiful anyway I assured mea that once you knew the truth you would understand and you'd forgive us do you think I made the right choice [Music] Auntie of course mahash Murat doesn't happen every day does it truly is a miracle oh yeah there's no other word for it this is my marriage certificate um no need to you know check it on it lawers or anything it's it's all in the up and UPS always in a hurry for the most important things in life we have plenty of time for that after the party H party what party you know she's always had this independent streak about her come on mea you don't think after getting married and coming all the way from America to India we wouldn't want to celebrate with our relatives [Music] yeah of course silly anyway um you must be so tired after the long trip so freshen up take a nap and we will meet right back here for dinner yeah yes well I hope you like what I've done to your room love birs go on uh pururu you can take her to the second guest room yes okay hey your family's really nice nice you thought that that was nice oh yeah no you're you're right they're they're awful really really terrible people congrats you're not caught in her web you watch now she's going to try to control every aspect of your life is this about the party yes 2 minutes here and she's already planning our itinerary then she has the go to call me to Independent classic Who lights candles during the day uh millions of people actually you know for prayers for wishes for love look I'll admit what you did out there and impressive but this is a business deal and you're like my employee okay boss the reason that we are here is so that I can sign some paper so that Don doesn't have to settle with silus and then I can save my company okay so could you just not fall into her web okay sure next time I see her I'll watch out for those fangs when she offers me Leto see this this is my nightmare This Is Your Night roses are your nightmare yes it's it's also presumptuous what that were Newly Weds in love instead of employee employer I mean I wonder who could have given her that idea you know what whatever uh I'm going to get changed cuz I have been in these clothes forever and uh I got to get in touch with the office so I'm sorry my aunt just knows how to get under my skin I appreciate you appreciate you too also I'm taking the bed and I just spilled the whole thing and that's how I made Gordon Ramsey cry in his own kitchen you know I I I realize like most people who hide behind bra know there's just a scared little child who fears rejection wow another great story and how true you you have such Amazing Stories unlike Mera who's always sulking at the table like she's doing now okay I am I'm not sulking um it's just this is so spicy I love it yeah it's not spicy at all yeah you know I I find that Indian food has an evoled in heat whereas American heat just kind of bashes you in the face with cayenne lacks the sultry sophistication of Kashmir red chili exactly me must be so nice to have a man who has taste how did the two of you meet to tell um at a party um actually I saw her photo online uh you know she's in New York's 30 under 30 really Amir oh yes she's very modest about her accomplishments much like you Auntie yes I have been known to be very humble um anyway uh I was at a party one evening and she was there and I swear it was as if the air in the room shifted the moment that she walked in you know how in our Bollywood movies there's that moment where a love song plays and all our hero sees as his heroine and the tide of his life suddenly veers well it was exactly like that I approached her and when I looked into her eyes they were like warm pools of Sunshine that I could lose myself in and when she touched my hand it well it felt as if a thousand arrows from kava's bow had just gone straight into my heart oh kamadeva is is the OG Cupid but instead of being a a chubby baby he's a a handsome young man and his arrows are made of flowers I love flowers well needless to say I was spitten and when I saw the roses that she left on our bed I was reminded of that ancient tale and how I felt in love with your niece so thank you Auntie that was very thoughtful of you and Mir loved them too didn't you yeah roses nice touch nothing I like more than a Thorny Rose Bush I knew you'd like the petals didn't I say so oh oh um yes yes darling can I see you for a private moment or just having a nice sleep I Need You Now o not like that oh you please be silly cute cute cute cute cheers guys the food is amazing thank you what was that what was what look if you have ulterior motives alterior motives my aunt and uncle will not be investing in dinner time I have investors what do you what are you after with this charm offensive you've got going on telling wild tales about Hindu gods okay those are not wild Tales that's our culture that everyone's bored from you know there would be no Cupid if it wasn't for us like maybe I'm this way because I don't know that's who I am and I want to help you look Mera my father owns hotels okay it's the family business but I was cut off when I decided to go on my own way too all right it was a struggle so I get that about you more than you might know I also get that you want to show the world who you are so you try to work harder than anyone and sometimes so hard that you Lose Yourself to who you want to be and in the end you're none of those people okay and sometimes that's the lonliest place on Earth I'm not lonely I have a boyfriend I think and you don't know me you're rigid and you're weird and by weird I mean the best possible kind okay but you're cold and distant to even your closest friends all right You' probably been through a lot of meaningless relationships because you've had your heartbroken by Friends by Family by men that you put your trust in so I mean you don't seem to trust anyone or anything except for that kny gut feeling inside you that tells you I can be great and I can do great things and you can and you will you think I'm weird and you think I'm Charming I guess we both hear what we want to don't we I hope I'm not disturbing anything yeah no yeah yeah no no nothing okay great so U your auntie wants to back she wants to talk party details we'll be on in a minute take your time this is just business see cold and distant you forgot weird coming oh now you want my charm okay what's really going on pururu huhy nothing I'm just uh thirsty you've been avoiding me me no I'm not yes okay I've been avoiding you yes but you've been so busy with party plans and everything else I was like okay you stop this pururu you know there's no excuse for you to not go and see your mother she doesn't even know you're in India and she's even found a lovely girl from jort to meet you yeah um I will call her it's just I've also been so busy with Mira's company and uh just tiny little bumps here and there and nothing nothing really I think I'm gassy you're a strange boy puru you could learn a thing or two from Rama although there's something about him that no he's a great guy he's amazing he's loving he's loyal he's caring he's uh married to mea um listen you scared me when you jumped out I have to go and peei [Music] so should I care what's going on between s averly and your company everything went haywire when I did our presentation this is what happens when you Google him oh wow he's a Serial Streaker now no we created these fake sites and our app was supposed to delete them it was going to be very very impressive yeah I know some people that paid a lot of money to delete stuff about themselves from the internet exactly and not everyone especially younger people can afford that and it should be accessible right well sounds like your app would be important to a lot of people well it didn't delete them instead it published the fake sites so now Salis is suing us and the only way he will settle is if we give him the tech so my company's doomed unless we can beef up servers enhance encryption and figure out what went wrong with your code exactly let me see we're going on the theory that whoever hacked it doesn't want a low pay app like ours available interesting UI Workshop that UI to death your start button shouldn't I say restart I mean that's what you're helping people do right huh actually a good idea you got cut from your family business that must have been hard are you and your parents not close um my dad and I we were close but uh things got tense over me not marrying and then well the family business was a last straw but you visit them every couple of years right yeah mostly to see my mom you know spend the week with her you should see him yeah and you should make up with your aunt at least you guys are in the same house together what happened with you two anyway well good news your core code is great it's difficult to get around it would uh take big money to launch a Cyber attack like that what like how big Google big could be hello Dy huru I left my door unlocked last night remember Auntie here come on TR gaka is waiting okay let's go oh I can't wait to see Mumbai the city of I don't know what the city of but I cannot wait to see it uh you guys go on ahead I'll catch [Music] up [Music] what is it an [Music] opportunity I me to Destiny [Music] I used to walk down here with my family all the time and we used to come during the volley oh I love the fireworks that is kalagura meaning black horse kagoda kagoda I think we should take a picture next to kagoda yeah sure I think I picture that would be great yeah yeah let's go why is he being so weird I just want to take a picture you did say you don't want a real relationship well yeah but I don't want this [Music] though some [Music] [Music] it's beautiful it's just like my mom's oh she must have had good taste yeah she did I miss her we did a thing in high school hi Mimi Karina and I heard you were back we were at the gym just thought of checking out the nicest stores across the street and you must be the prince charming that we've heard so much about oh no I'm just some guy that she paid to play her husband he's hilarious Rama um this is gianti and Karina I can't believe you got married after yeah yeah yeah me that's me married of course with this guy this H guy okay we need a major catchup oh yes seriously you thinking what I'm thinking yeah no no no I I wait what Karina catchup Club Euphoria they've got the hottest start playing tonight ah I know we we'd love to go perfect yes it'll be just like old times mea I'll text you the Deeds don't make me come get you I know where you live and now you too okay then see you in the evening hi that was fun what was that I am trying to forget my past not relive it oh I'm sorry you screamed in unison I thought that's what you wanted what I want is for everyone to please just stick to the plan so we can get the inheritance and go back to our lives in New York I asked for a Swann while why are there ducks in my house CH Krishna get rid of those now I like ducks what's all this who are these people party planners decorators aune we really need to talk about this party I don't want to Ah that's cancelled oh great fantastic I figured after seeing your marriage certificate the best thing to do was to cancel your party oh wait wait why is there something wrong with the certificate because it super real printed sign uh she's crossed eyes dotted yeah Witness by us Leslie and I oh there's nothing wrong with the certificate great yeah I mean why wouldn't it be could I actually get the inheritance then of course amazing after the wedding the what why throw a party when you can throw a wedding I already had one yes in the eyes of the court but not in the eyes of God you know I was under the illusion that the Pandit actually married you guys oh Auntie um he just told us about the day he he was busy he was um fishing he was busy fishing he's an aid Fisher um it was also an auspicious time to go out fishing and what did he say Mah Mah just off fishing but we were all there myself mea Rama a very unfunny puru be that as it may God has decided to tell me that this is our chance to how did you say a start again we can't do it oh we have to go back we can't plan a wedding MH what's to here for I will handle everything not to worry oh we've got to discuss that I have to tell her wait wait wait um we're we're going to go out tonight to celebrate I I thought we were GNA need a car but we're gonna take a cow it it's the best it's the best idea take a c see you you can you please get these ducks out of the house I need a drink they got nothing on you babe oh I don't care we're not together he can have fun tonight if I cannot start again I'm going to drink the pway what about Auntie she can have fun tonight too and then tomorrow I will tell her the truth and Crush her frame okay you are definitely [Music] Buzz that was amazing that was just wow n why didn't you tell us Rama was such a great dancer I'm so cute you okay yeah perfect never better I'm surprised you caught this one she is a runner I mean uh she was quite a wild child back in school yeah but my baby has tamed the BCC why haven't you baby hey we all have a past you as long as you don't let it affect your future and that's exactly why Mira came up with the best app ever honestly she's the smartest woman I know a oh that's so sweet so puru remember when you put the moves on me back in school I'm all grown now and I'd like to show you some moves of my own didn't you get married to a leave out of your pray book no ring on this fingers trying to convince Karina to do the same but she's a romantic just like Rama what I just love my husband that's Waring losing up a little but things change you know you've grown into such a sexy man hey party people the moment you all have been waiting for NRA you're going to love this I'm so sorry give a loud Welcome to our headliner back in his hometown for one night only DJ it's your boy DJs in the house he used to DJ my basement parties and now he TS the hot right what's wrong uh he's also mea's ex-boyfriend she used to be crazy about him [Music] I thought you said this djx was a door no more she's still doing the same stupid she did when R team we can [Music] split no it is time to [Music] D [Music] is there only one bathroom seriously I to contact you hey x what is up well when JY told me that you coming for my show could not believe it you were the one dejing I barely noticed so uh can we go to some place quiet Mara oh it's okay I'm I'm not even trou sure let's go yeah let's go to the DJ righty bye bye so did you like my show I don't get DJs like you're not like real musicians a lot of like Boo Bo Boop push buts but whatever people people like or whatever I was pretty good at pushing your buttons remember M all I remember is you pushing the angry button and the sad button bailed on me when they try to get me married off I mean it's okay I'm married now I got proof proof M we were kids really and bab trust me it took me a long time to realize that you were the one that got away yeah why you come and find me during your so-called realization not like w they're pretty easy to find um it's all fake it's all fake anyway me me me Mir I could just hit start restart yeah start again oh if I could get that out to work I swear what what are you doing wa uh you just said you wanted to restart not not on us you wanted to miror you okay hey look at me d penis penis okay okay let's go we what happened are you okay yeah you forgot being an allergy oh no see I'm so sorry I didn't even think of that yeah well I'm thinking was never one of your strong suits this guy give you peanuts or something well it wasn't accident r hi ex yeah I'm Rama her husband oh so you are the dude who locked it down Cong that's wor and I'm so sorry for the pet lips you kiss her yeah she's fine it's fine bro she could have di where do you get off kissing my wife bro relax it is harmless okay and look she's still breathing she's okay hey bro relax it's harmless you're still breathing idiot you just said the same line never never uh uh wow just like I got all of it out of me great you did okay let's get you up here my feel was funny okay that's cuz that's my face it's all right Rama it's just so hard doing this by myself I overwhelmed people say I am a water on Duck you know I'm pretty sure people don't say that that inside I I I I feel like I'm a cocoon before it becomes a duck yeah that's how the saying goes but that's okay I ran away did you know that left a guy at the altar and I left my family become a fail heyy you're not a failure okay you're just trying to figure it out like everyone else why all want me please for a second I'm not I'm not going to throw up right [Music] now you're going to make a really great life to a really great husband just going to be really great yeah well that was the plan sort [Music] of hey Mir I need to to tell you something I haven't been completely honest with you um I'm not who you think I am I am I [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] oh that very [Laughter] good that was quite to rest you had it's almost noon stay up late oh God uh yeah I guess I guess we just sleep really well together honey can I see you a sec you out of here please [Applause] I just can't take it you should just let me tell her the truth yeah but then your company would be ruined I left so that I could live my truth why am I having to lie to live it I don't know maybe we could live it a little longer until you what get married for week why I don't know I think what your company is doing is important you know and we've already come so far we can get an olded you can tell people that I was too good for you they would definitely believe that why are you so nice to me actually you know when I first met you I thought you were way too into yourself oh thank you you're welcome but then I realized you're just passionate and even though that passion can be infuriating it's what makes you who you are and if I can be a part of keeping that fire then hey that's the win for me and if it's any comfort it'll still be a sham marriage is that what you want a sham what is it uh it's my mom take it shouldn't ignore a c from her mom hey Emma how are you how's Dad yeah yeah I'd love to see you you going to cook okay I'll be there yeah no good so they still not back yet no I think they ran away and eloped you know this whole pretending thing might work for Mera but I miss you Kavita aunti you will never know are you sure cuz I thought you wanted this to be casual I did it was a defense mechanism but being out here you've really grown on me I'm a grower the only [Music] say but if you want to keep it on the DL I get it Auntie scares me you know and I've got these oldfashioned parents and she's got them on speed diet it's crazy well you got a man up oh I can man a baby oh can you do you want me to mhm Chris hey guys what what are you doing here man Grand gesture bro I read about it online chicks dig it and I dig Meera that's love plus I've not had sex in like a week that is is love for sure um listen she's not here yeah she's not here look this is ridiculous this is India come on bro let's go um she just left for a flight you know what go get to the airport door what yeah she read the same article as you grand gestures grand gestures man go surprise a midf flight sing her a song from an item Sandler film that's solid advice yeah but I got a crap voice I could pette for sure man I'm sure Airlines love it when people like jump around on their planes yeah go I'm not running a petting zoo here I am trying to hold a wedding yes thank you Auntie aren't we a pair what are you doing here I live here what's going on outside someone here all right brother see you man okay a good oh that guy you funny story he is an acrobat and I thought he might be nice for the reception it's different yeah he could swing from the Arches wow tourist uh that guy was looking for an asham I said dude does this look like an asham to you I sent him right on his way I thought he was an acrobat an acrobat yeah an acrobat at the asham of course yeah um anyway lot to do got to go see you bye oh do you think pururu should tell some jokes at the reception no I don't think I'd pay to see that yeah finally where have you guys been we have to ask you something when's the [Music] [Music] wedding beautiful oh she's got his name in there you know they say that if the color doesn't catch it's a bad omen H so make sure you don't use your hands until it's dry okay CH I'm I can't believe you're doing this I mean I can it's obvious what is I've seen the way you look at Rama when you think he can't see you that's not what it's business is he giving you the business shut up go go and get me a drink okay how okay oh hi Rama you look nice thank you what is this this is lemon and sugar keep the Mendy moist so it catches darker darker catches better your luck you know I actually just heard that mhm although you said it in a more glass half full kind of way how do you know this well I have two sisters so they used to practice on me mostly Hing stupid things on my face but trust me this is the secret to my CLEAR complexion lemon and [Music] sugar your parents coming to the wedding I just said that out loud wedding um no I don't I don't think so I think it's my dad's well though yeah you should go see them I made a lot of bad choices cuz I didn't have them around to guide me well you have your aunt and uncle kind of my aunt got thrust from this friend R to this parent R and I didn't really want a new mom they tried their best but I guess we just never really got through it can't change the best hey it's okay we figuring it out now thanks to you honestly you kind of like me don't you shut [Music] him hey there's something I've been wanting to tell you wait change in the past I'm so stupid that's it I I don't have time [Music] work sorry about that what are you doing need help I'm just checking all the code merges from the days before the presentation it's going to take a while but should be able to connect the time STS from seever computers to the user profile that made all the changes okay hey look at that M Tu guess I'm not doomed after [Music] all [Music] [Music] you how are you fabulous enjoy yourself second back you would not believe where I've been bro I love India yeah man the Rick Shaw driver and I stopped from pond and that's when things got crazy I guess it was laced with some psychedelics we had this great chat pure mental communication through our third eyes and then we ended up at this local asham right and they bring out a tiger and they want me to fight the tiger and I was scared but I looked at the Tiger's eyes and he was scared too and that's when I knew we were one so I went over to him and I said and impressed all the locals and they said you are our new monk took me a couple hours but I achieved Enlightenment which isn't as much as everyone makes it out to me don't worry about it if you never get there and then when I came back to the city I met this beautiful woman um there she is she brought me here to mea's wedding do you see so now when they ask if anybody objects I'm going to jump up and make my move yeah I don't think that happens in Indian weddings man okay bro I think she's moved on and you should go back home he's my plus one Buu yeah it's sad you know he could use some more ohms definitely you can't run away this time I've bolted all the windows oh let her be M we are here for you she's just happy that I'm finally having an Indian wedding tell her just tell me youo you know when you came to us you were already so independent smart free spirited I didn't know how to be a good mother to you that's all I really wanted to be so I did the next best thing to honor my sister's final wishes that when you got married you would get your inheritance and you could go away to live a new life with a new family the best thing he could do to support you was to let you go mea though all I really wanted was for you to stay but you know I'm so proud of you you're finding somebody's below hold on your home you're so glad you're finally home and letting us do this for [Music] you I know that back then I was difficult I guess I was blinded in my own grief but I I could of appreciate the kinds of sacrifices you BL made to just try to keep me happy and how hard it must have been for you I'm sorry I really I really am oh you got no idea what I just saw there he is a lovely puru you know if you and Leslie want to live in sin out of wedlock we're okay with that what what do you mean it's so obvious you're very funny but you're a terrible liar I'm game if you are not here oh sorry sorry I think we should give me a minute you too thanks you gave me some good advice before I do not know if it was all that good they brought me to this moment well something is missing from this moment my mother's necklace put it on you know I also lost my parents when I was very young like you did and that is why I think we got along so well together your aunt always loved you unconditionally and tonight she was being honest that took a lot from her isn't it time you do the same e e e [Music] ay Uncle I can't do this I can't deceive you this is a sham we're not married Rama was just doing me a favor so I could get my inheritance my company was in trouble and and I just blurted out what I thought you wanted to hear but what's the point in success if I can't share it with my family Mama helped me realize that what was missing from from everything that I achieved was you two three I'm so sorry I've put you through way more than I asked for but you I've had the greatest done with you these last few days I hope someday you can forgive me dear groom I know that I picked the worst time but it' be unfair to you and myself if I let us go through with this how do you know that letter yeah I read it so many times it's burnt on my mind you were that girl but his name was augustia Americans can't pronounce augustia so I went with my middle name Rama yeah you did all of this just to get back at me what now damn here [Music] wa I'm so sorry I can't imagine what I put you in I've go through no not as much as that boy MEA you know I can't believe I didn't recognize him I can and considering how many boys we looked at I may be face blind now yeah she she's better off rid of him I feel bad for him though poor boy what he lied to her home you know I agree with Uncle I mean come on the dude likes you he probably loves you he's been ping away so long yeah he's not doing this for money he only wants you even the parts about you that s you owe a conversation this is terrible advice you both are giving her I Won't Let You influence her like this wait a minute a you the one who said that he was a good boy and then when you met him again yes but that was before I knew him no ah you know I'm sure he wants to go viral with some Revenge trick against the girl who left him stred at the altar or something like that it's like that show that puru keeps watching he wasn't doing a punk ah that punk did your auntie ever tell you about uh our introduction no she wouldn't meet with me either what yeah your grandparents had to drag her Kicking and Screaming to her house that sound familiar sweetheart is that true my memory is foggy and even after she came she refused to wear any makeup or get dressed up she came with a t-shirt jeans and a whole lot of attitude she ins that she would be wearing plain clothes most of her lives so why present herself as anyone else wait so what made you say yes to her she was different and although I knew I would have to put up with a lot of uh what is it you kids call it nowadays extra yeah extra I also knew whatever that extra was I would never be bored also her ass looked amazing at those jeans [Music] [Music] h [Music] Amma s count the number of pieces yeah yeah okay I'm going to miss you guys so much yeah thanks for calling Mom and Dad better go and see them next next time I will thank okay I'll see you sooner rather than later this time perhaps sooner if my company tanks We are family we'll cover you as much as we can until you finally eventually get married till then your inheritance is gaining interest oh who's that uh excuse me a [Music] minute hi Chris I I'm I'm glad you're here look this thing between I don't want you to embarrass yourself with big speech in front of your family but our journey has come to an end they've asked me to play the villain in a Bollywood movie he's a British general who joins the circus anyway I just wanted to tell you in person and give you a chance to say goodbye this is a lot to take in but um I am proud of you bye Chris [Music] jobia your favorite prodigal son returns still single though I here oh mom told you didn't have to I could smell it on you idiot goip travels I knew before you got into your car I still can't believe she made a fool out of you again she didn't make a fool out of me the first time Dad she actually showed me what I was supposed to be what a cook little more than a cook now but where is your restur in America sold it built a successful app you never gave up on your dream so why are you giving up on love uh I tricked her dad love is just a trick of the heart isn't it who cares what Jadu or KMI let to P but if she feels it too you owe it to yourself to try uh she's she's pretty mad if you love her the best you could do is is ask for her forgiveness [Music] eat holy crap I knew it what did a certain groomy keep leaving at the altar just text you I just got back the results from the analysis I sent in on the code and we were definitely hacked I knew where and it originated from a overly servers holy crap syus is trying to steal our code that's crazy call the FCC or the FBI or whoever handles this I have enough proof we can fix this and I will definitely not be settling the lawsuit by giving him our [Music] t listen we like you but we love her understood got can we talk look Mir do you know what I saw on that day we were supposed to meet for the first time I watched you fight to forward your own path on my driveway sorry about the Potter plant we replaced it look after you left I was pushed even harder to marry and then I heard that you went to America all by yourself like you had the courage to fight for what you wanted how how could I not do the same you inspired me oh and when I saw you at that party I recognized you instantly and I wanted to say thank you for what you did so why didn't you instead of lying about literally everything I intended to and then I remembered that you were so opposed to the mere idea of me that you ran 10,000 miles away and I went and I talked to you and you were amazing you were funny sweet totally frantic and obsessed with your job and then when lesie pitched me the idea well I thought maybe this was my chance to show you who I really am stupid charm offensive you might think that I never thought about what I did to you but of course I did Young stupid sometimes I even regretted it we would have hated each other you says we don't [Music] know if I never left I would have never found my own way but if you hadn't come into my life would have never found my way back so where does it leave us now now I think I think if you're still willing three attempts later maybe we can hit restart restart huh that's pretty catchy that'd be good on a button somewhere you had one good idea don't let it go to your [Music] head speee spee spee fore spee [Music] speeech spee foree speech spee fore for Fore spe speech foreign speech spee fore for spee spech spee spech spee spech foreign fore speech spee spee foree fore spee fore spee speech [Music] fore spee
Channel: The Fishing Lady
Views: 7,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mj8P85U9Pj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 18sec (4878 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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