OWNER ABANDONS Storage Unit After Paying for YEARS! Locker loaded with $1,000's in EBAY ITEMS!

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military photos who knows definitely worth money oh look at this that's a bayonet [Music] wow [Music] oh yeah then we got a pokeman set here pokeman trivia oh my gosh look at this no way all right everybody i bought this unit at the auction two days 850 850 and i can't wait to see what's in it we're allowed to walk in the units which is crazy just so crazy once again if you haven't subscribed what are you waiting for subscribe hit the bell never know what you're going to see never know what you're going to find once again take a look we ship everywhere in the world at www.secondsense.com and i can't wait to see what we got in here i hope you guys can't wait because i don't want to work i want to bang on my drums all day there you go buy that for your kids [Music] bang on my drums all day don't broke up for one and a half 6.75 700 and a quarter and a half 75 775 800 eight and a quarter eight and a half 8.75 850 all right everybody i paid the money for this unit one of the first things i saw was right here this is original power glove from nintendo in the original box right here and who knows what else is in there we've got games in here already look at that the super glove ball so it has everything in here it is complete in the box easily 100 bill probably more nintendo stuff just getting hotter and hotter another tasty weird here's a giant spoon hey who knows and we got rob fest records and my name is rob so let's go ahead and wear that possible hands then the drum set it's a sweet drum but i didn't buy it for the drum set i'm not going to take the drum set i'm giving the drum set what's your name again ralph ralph ralph gets a drum set if you want the drum set i'm assuming you could sell this right she wants the drum set well guess what instead of paying you the 20 bucks the drums that's yours okay is that good what's your name gabby gabby i appreciate it gabby so gabby this is your drum set for filming me i hope that's a good deal yeah i think that's a good deal perfect all right all right let's see what we've got here guys oh oh yes yes no what warcraft cards i think there's you google cards i thought i saw on here too pokemon oh come on oh right here we got a game boy advance and look at all these cards i there's gotta be pokemon cards in here guys i see another pokemon i don't want to ruin them right now but i'm so excited these are warcraft we got nintendo stuff in here but i'm thinking this guy might have been a mega omega collector and that's what we're hoping for so we're gonna see oh right here look at this is that legos lego chess my kids love legos look at that that is so awesome so we're not even in a foot in the unit and we're already finding money and what i always say if you find money in the front you're gonna find money in the back and that's why we do try to make money but you can't buy everything gotta buy what you've seen and ralph the unit he bought guys was the 400 some dollar unit 10 by 30 maybe 40 packed full he's going to make a lot more so let's see what else we're gonna hear oh what's this what is this oh we got some kind of toys and then we got all beanie babies the whole thing is filled with beanie babies oh my gosh my brother's been asking me he has a comic book story and sells beanie babies oh yes oh it's humpty so my real question is what i don't want to ruin your drums out there oh no so that's actually a pretty nice little picture we got unicorns that's a nice one personality of the month walter kirkbite interesting i have to look that one up see who he is uh it used to be a no parking sign i don't know all kinds of stuff in here definitely worth it north american tour death grips i don't know is that a band or something nice today never heard of them either well let's go in here let's see if we're taking these dressers guys come on in nothing this is a ken cave dresser solid wood awesome condition and it's called a chest on chest a tall boy dresser there's lots of names for it solid wood brand new it's probably two thousand dollar dresser on the used market probably a hundred to three hundred dollars depends on where you're at what the hell's in wooster would probably sell for around 500 but he gets better furniture prices than i do in cleveland a horse of course of course less a horse of course is mister ed do you know who mister that is probably not is that a leslie coat yeah yeah cool she's famous uh luckily yeah so we got leslie cope 1980s 89 so we might have some money here we do have the headboard that goes with the set once again i'm giving this stuff to ralph he's going to make the money on it there's this flat screen tv once again it's going to go to ralph i might have to take this i'm not sure is that a gaming computer monitor or not i might have to take it unless you have to look it up if it's just the tv he can have it if it's a gaming thing i'll probably have to take it and these dresses are all empty all right so everyone's seen the halo helmet okay and oh you can't really square it now i put it on but this is right there halo 3 so you got the games inside great display piece and that's why i'm like this guy might be a video game collector nothing we got one lego playstation 2 game and alice madness returns 360 is it in there it is so just weird he's got every kind of genre of video games i think right here's one of the main reasons i bought it you guys know about n64 big money right now let's see if it looks oh yeah it is loaded with games guys lego race car so we got one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen easily i'll average twenty bucks a piece that's three hundred dollars in games but there might be ones in there that are really rare they could be a hundred two hundred dollar game so you don't know oh this is so heavy whatever's in here i just feel it's gonna be good i feel it's gonna be awesome it's old look at the writing on the side and i see a military picture right here so that is cool we got some personal pictures what's going to be down here might just all be photos it will say but these are not your average day photos ladies gentlemen hey now working out on the beach this might be like old photos of miami or somewhere military photos who knows definitely worth money oh look at this that's a big so this is an old military bayonet it's marked right here pretty cool piece you want to take a look at ralph you like that pizzeria you can have it what i'm giving that piece to ralph guys because he's going to help me out with the unit so you can have the bait in that i have a whole i actually have that one or i keep it for myself but i already have it and my dad had like 10 of those so at my dad's house he passed away years ago but i have like 10 more there so i already have it so and you like it you can have it so i can't wait to see what else we got in here guys running yeah that says we've got nine minutes after all right so we were allowed to walk in the unit so i could see some of the game stuff over here we saw games stacked up so one of the first things we got the super nintendo oh right here it's the pokeman or oh it's digimon oh but there's pokemon in here i think i don't even know there's all kind of different cards lego cards what is this yu-gi-oh so we got a little bit of everything here yo lego pokemon zelda oh i see something down there like i know i don't got one of these little stag knife right there it's got the nice ornate handle on it it's old i would say probably 50 60 the tip is broken off but still has some value the tip wasn't broken off right 30 dollar bill we got controllers down here there's tons of i mean there's all these gains down here guys so we got for different systems and there's more down here too the whole bottom has a bunch of games so that's a good sign i just can't wait to see what's inside these totes that's a nice curing plates household stuff legs oh right there we got the nintendo gamecube let's see if they left the game inside hopefully nope hello hello i hear the ocean column oh yeah we got super mario toys some hot wheel that's autographed that's signed i don't know oh john glenn signed it yeah look at this no way oh it came off the package to tyler john glenn it's a nasa one autograph john glenn pokey man well this ain't nothing wait till you see what's in your unit you're going to be like oh my gosh what's in here it's just a glass that says oh look at that old pocket watch you're kidding me i love old pocket watches so we had a nice old old pocket watch right there there's something else down here too well and these guys they've watched some of the episodes before and they might say hey this stuff i don't know if it's real or not firsthand they're seeing it right here you guys are seeing it you want to believe it but look nice we got all puzzles and some posters actually good money but these are still sealed ladies gentlemen sealed sealed sealed that one's sealed these might be sealed too yeah so all brand new puzzles never used once again more money and then look right back behind the puzzles we got game systems ps2 xbox and another xbox or that 360 right here boom 360. now is this full of games let's hope so oh come on i see stuff in there but these games it's definitely a game for sega dreamcast oh it's easy a 50 game right there could be more hopefully a more sega dreamcast playstation original playstation games guys this whole thing is spilled psp games right here in this case you're asking are they in there they're in there are they in there they're in there are they in there yeah they're in there and all down here is all games psp psp [Applause] oh look at that that's all gamecube games right there there's nintendo ds games down there this is what i was hoping for guys it's how i'm going to make my money back we got wii games down there playstation 2 games so my real question where is the regular nintendo maybe not all right we got more to go through i'm excited bro are you excited i'm excited he's excited i like it he wants to see what else i got gabby's excited too he also half the stuff most of the stuff he sees he's gonna get so that's the brand new clothes and stuff in here what's down here what's down here more game stuff all game stuff another nice hat i'm looking stylish now and the money's starting to pile up and then we got this case right here the simpsons do you like the simpsons do you like the simpsons no it's like senseless now hopefully someone you know likes them because i have all these so you're gonna keep and sell them what's your case it's locked oh we got a lock box guys we'll have to open this later we'll have to see what it is gabby let us help us pop it open they're all playstation 2 games the whole box look at that so even at five bucks a game guys remember i paid like 800 something for this unit i'm gonna make my money questions just how much money am i gonna make you got records here the money is added up another playstation holy smoke the one other thing i saw in here was this legos that's a brand new sealed lego harry potter just took my daughter universal because she loves harry potter i'm excited because more harry potter legos and then look at this i'm feeling something good it's gonna be in here it's a box 1776. oh look at this i don't know if they are but they're cool looking and we got games playstation games good thing i brought the kia today guys wow there's more games in here we have our trivia zombie land there's chest in there feels empty empty wow oh wow wow wow looks like it's all games in here i see warcraft on top look at this guys xbox 360 all xbox 360 unions awesome this is unbelievable what else we got did digimon toy all gamecube games in here xbox 360 games guys just loaded games games games games there's a power pack or something [Applause] xbox 360 maybe oh got some money in there a couple change and aqua turtle i'm gonna have to give this to hails he's an awkward turtle yes oh not in there first game that wasn't in there this one might be empty too no that's in there oh my gosh no way look at this raggedy andow and i was a twin i have a twin sister so when i was a kid people always used to buy us raggedy and andy stuff so i have to find this for it oh it just says it's a harley davidson frame more magazines another hot wheel man my son should have came he's going to be mad mad max i promised them well we'll clean out the locker if i buy one but i'm not driving all the way back all collectible stuff this whole unit we got all these totes we'll see what else is in here i gotta dry off my salvation you don't understand it's like 20 degrees hotter in there which one's mine any one they're all the same iced tea they're sweet it's from mcdonald's i appreciate it speechless unit's been unbelievable i met some new friends they're helping out with the unit got a nice bike right here oh speedy nice bike this is a cannondale you're kidding me no it's a cannondale mountain bike what yeah that is a good bike right there if you guys don't know about mountain bikes if i can't take it it's going to be ralph's so if i can take it oh look at this with the boxes that's what we want game boy advance games we got xbox 360 games more games guys we got the game boy color box this looks like mainly all the empty boxes but that's good because we've seen all the games and we match up the boxes with the games you know it's going to be more money so that's closed we'll take a quick look in the pile back here sounds like tapes and it is cassette tapes look at this for the cleveland browns i found some cleveland stuff all the way down here i like it some money oh this is kind of cool oh it's over here it's tape wow wow wow so we're going across coolers the final countdown got a lobster holy smoke is that more games down there no cell phones household stuff so we got a few tokens santa claus is coming to town and a starfire yo-yo i don't know yo-yo we need some more video games we got a stereo system here some kind of weird uh candle light lots of nice totes in here and we all know totes ain't cheap but i didn't buy it because of toast i bought it because of the video games looks like paperwork we'll have to go through a little bit better but it looks just like all paperwork it's all winter stuff huh all right jimmy puppet shirt i have to go give that to guapo he loves his jimmy buffett so let's see here and this is a single stitch shirt right here you just look for the one stitching down then that's how you know it's vintage so we have one tour oh another shirt two jimmy buffett shirts his and hers and sweaters cosby sweaters everyone likes cosby no not anymore that's right i don't like coffee anymore all right guys we got some big toes left i think we got clothes we'll see what's in the other one once again if you haven't subscribed subscribe i don't know what you're waiting for if we find more treasures we will show you i see one right back here clear grounds drive and a box it's just more closed baby stuff well you've got a helmet back here more clothes and these are kind of cool it's a native american bust so i'm gonna take the motorcycle home who knows what else i'll find have a good day i'll see you again bye i forgot about these swords guys take a look at these holy smoke we got one two three i think that's gonna be my thumbnail me holding these swords put my helmet on what is that oh wow it's a double it's a double it's this slide this part hold it here and slide the other one off oh my bro where and then oh my gosh so these swords guys i probably get about 100 bucks a piece for at least 50 all day long so actually about at least close to half my money back on these swords right here one two three four five and whatever like that half sword half staff thing is there very cool very cool it's going all right we got another tote we didn't look in oh that train of course i want to find a train guys i always find trains we got another train two trains but what else is in here oh it's an eight track look at all the a-tracks the best of the mom and dad's josh allen story johnny cash being crosby crossing and then we got this bad boy zenith eight-track player so unbelievable finding more stuff this unit keeps paying and pain and pain i'm glad i bought it i was out on the fences because i'm so far away but gotta buy when you see the stuff that you like everything else will work out this unit just keeps giving look at this another unexpected find a harley davidson truck unbelievable very cool we'll see what else we can find in here sure we missed something else we'll keep going through oh right here oh this has got to go with me oh look at that witch so cindy emerson and ralph girls my name is gabby my name is jimmy all right and everyone these guys are at the auction they're going to start their own youtube channel so look forward in the future you guys have a name you thinking yet ah not really not yet not yet that's a pretty good name for a youtube channel okay yeah not yet adventures oh not yet you haven't found it yet yeah there you go so they bought this you know how much did you spend on it four and a quarter 425 dollars guys let's take a quick look at this unit it's okay it's huge it's all the way back and if i was closer i would have been on this unit guys but the thing you gotta love about this unit they have everything's wrapped they bought u-haul boxes just in boxes they probably spent 200 okay just in the boxes they've wrapped stuff so they had to have money what happened to them who knows they might have passed away maybe they got divorced something obviously happened for them to lose all this and i think you guys are going to do unbelievable on this unit so let's take a quick peek in the drawer nothing empty drawers oh but i did find something i like what'd you find right here mushrooms she's got light up mushrooms there's a two of them i love them she's got six mushrooms nice and some here here's some artwork that's wrapped up look at that yeah artwork i'm not gonna unwrap it right i believe it's original oil painting another piece of artwork wrapped up and look at the furniture in here it's all quality furniture that's nice oh yeah there's a nice bike right here there's there's a total yeah i think we should do this on a cloudy day yeah yeah supposed to be good and cooler but yeah they got five fans in here they got tons of furniture you guys are gonna make a lot of money for 400 some bucks yeah easy i just was saying we want to thank this gentleman he has been so fun to be with and we've had a great time so subscribe to second cents you can subscribe like and subscribe that's right and we appreciate you guys and the emersons make some money yep thank you all right we're starting to get everything out of here i got my son here he wanted to go through some of these awesome awesome treasures that we found here's the box here we didn't get to go through too much son let's take a look in here oh wow i didn't even notice that harley davidson watch definitely worth a few bucks and some kind of game shark thing i'm not sure but i know these things can go from like five to twenty dollars a piece high school advantage okay here's another one of these things there's an oh that was another one here it is game shark for game boy color and game boy pocket look there's another one of them holy smokes all these cords these are magnifying screens you put on there and you can you know light up you can play at night time the sims apartment life oh right here mario tennis pokeman internet browser this might be worth something very interesting this guy was a big time gamer collector these are all what's this oh look at this joe dirt this is a mini disc they had these for a while joe dirt's a movie son it's hilarious oh look at this pokemon whoa pikachu oh yeah then we got a pokeman set here pokeman trivia oh my gosh look at this no way dude that that's cold i guarantee you watch this son i'm going to show you how you can tell if this is gold first of all just how this clasp is you could tell it's real because i mean if it was fake no one's going to spend that much money making that good of a clasp for fake gold okay number two you're going to push this in like this it's going to be marked right there it says 14k 14 karat ladies and gentlemen and i mean that's probably worth i would say at least 200 bucks maybe 300 in gold so some people you know spend their whole life out there mining i find gold silver treasures and storage units all the time plus all kind of other stuff and harley davidson watch video games pokeman cars look at this so we got i mean who knows these sets might be worth 20 to 50 dollars a piece joe dirk priceless dirt and we'll see if we find any other charges that we missed when we were going through the unit we had to go through it fast i had those people helping me but little things like this all going to add up definitely going to make money i spent 800 bucks on a union fine and gold all right here's that case we never got open so i don't know if the code is we're going to try to pop it open oh if it works there it goes this ain't the first time all right my son said there might be something good in there because it's black let's see what it's a journal a journal a dollar a journal screen journal really and some headphones interesting new headphones oh yeah we get excited but nothing that's the way of business you just never know what you're going to find the gold chain wasn't in there
Channel: 2nd Cents, Inc Cleveland Auction House
Views: 5,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OWNER ABANDONS Storage Unit After Paying for YEARS! Locker loaded with $1, 000's in EBAY ITEMS! 2nd Cents Auctions Cleveland Ohio mystery Unboxing video nes Nintendo super nes
Id: RPfSm9guLg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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