Halcyon Dreams: The Legacy of Dragon's Lair

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Dude this video was so well done. Getting philosophical about the very act of plumbing for the mundane, guess what: Dragon's Lair was not mundane. Dragon's Lair was the shit.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/9ersaur 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2017 🗫︎ replies
in the middle of wilcher lies a ring of large standing stones each weighing around 25 tons it is believed the monument was assembled between 4 or 5,000 years ago archaeological evidence suggests it may have been a burial site or perhaps a place of healing where the injured were taken some also theorized it may have had a religious or astronomical importance we call this place Stonehenge we also call it a monument but we don't even know if its creators would think such a thing the culture that produced it left no written records and even how it was built is still up for debate in 11:36 in his book the history of the kings of Britain Geoffrey of Monmouth and early British historiography claimed the wizard Merlin built Stonehenge here's an illustration from the mid 14th century based on that theory for roughly 500 years building something like Stonehenge seemed so difficult that it was commonly accepted that a wizard did it apparently he did it with his bare hands - thanks Geoffrey it's a mysterious place because it provides us with questions and no real answers what was the intent of its creators what did they think of it and what became of them what would a Briton built by these people look like the so called monument points away to a version of the world that never came to be instead it's one of the soul creations of a culture whose ideas and intent of simply vanished will we ever really know who built Stonehenge or what it was for probably not besides just hunter rocks anyway today we're going to talk about dragon's lair [Music] [Music] March 1983 the arcade game entitled mappy has just been released you play as a police mouse who has to take back stolen goods from a gang of cats by bouncing around in a weird voice with random objects in it you can't really tell those pinky purpley things are cats and also one would question the ability of a police captain who sent a mouse with no backup to confiscate stolen goods from an army of cats but it's fine enough On June 14th mario brothers hit arcades this was the first appearance of Mario's brother Luigi oh boy I'm so happy to meet Mario but with different colours together up to two players can jump around in a hellish void knocking pixelated facts similes of turtles around I mean both of these games are fun to play but visually speaking they're pretty poor appropriations of the thing that players told they're doing I'm telling you all this so you can maybe imagine the impact when on June 19th that year just five days after Mario Brothers told you this massive colors was a man called Luigi this happened dragon's lair you controlled the actions of a daring adventurer finding his way through the castle of a dog wizard hey look it's an actual person who is trying to not die in an actual dungeon looking place and look how much animation there look at the actual capital a animation and if we look closely enough we can even maybe see a game in here somewhere the mechanics of the game are very simplistic you watch the pretty impressively animated character make his way through a room and then press one of four directions or the attack button when it's appropriate to do one of those things and if you do the wrong thing you lose a life and get to watch a death animation and to store all the data for those animations the arcade game used a revolutionary content distribution system for the time called a laser disc ow pleaser discs have been in use since the late 70s but the idea of using one of these as a way of storing more picture and sound information than a normal arcade game could use hadn't been implemented in many games at this point this game was designed by Don Bluth former Disney animator and Rick Dyer forget about this guy you'll never hear from him again let's just talk about Don Bluth some more he just made the secret of NIMH one of the best looking animated films ever and was about to go on to make rock-a-doodle thumbelina at in Central Park the pebble and the penguin Titan AE and also some good films I never saw any of the good ones growing up so Bluth and his small team used their animation chops to create an actually nice-looking game with dynamism and charm the game looked amazing and everyone knew it even though it was more expensive to play than other games they had huge lines at arcades and the Machine sold amazingly with arcade producers partially thanking it for getting them through a financially difficult time in history and I do mean difficult outside of arcades what would later be called the great video game crash of 1983 was happening the revenues of home game sales dropped almost 97% but dragon's lair and its appealing gimmick had somewhat insulated arcades from these troubles this article from 1984 says laserdisc games may be the wave of the future and drums up hype for Bluths next game Space Ace [Music] Space Ace was similarly great looking though it was effectively the same game as its predecessor only with a different theme and new animations it's just as fun to watch but by the time of its release later in 1984 however that wasn't really enough the lack of gameplay in these games had come back to haunt them in the market there wasn't much replay value once you knew how to beat it that was it this puttin up a ceiling on how much a person could go back and enjoy something when other games have many levels and increasing difficulty players had grown tired of the style and arcade owners weren't into buying expensive game units with temperamental discs inside them the players could memorize and never play again what they want is variety we constantly get paired at one type of food or one type of movie or one type of game and so as you progress if you want to go on to a new thing laserdisc games had proven to be more the splash of the future than the wave and the tide had gone out I think I might have gone a little bit overboard with the water metaphors so what if you wanted more of this type of game or wanted to see what directions the genre explored as time went on there have been a couple of revivals over the years like brain-dead 13 which is probably straight up with the best example of this weird sub-genre of playable animation and there's also more weird Cashion's from the original boom to go back and find like a time ghoul or ninja Hayate or super Don Quixote or ashes our run Miller if your timing is off poor Don will die a hideous death Oh cliffhanger which was actually made out of recut footage from loop on the third films including castle of Cagliostro so we technically got an arcade game featuring animation by Hayao Miyazaki that's kind of mind-blowing [Music] it was clearly rushed incredibly quickly to make it to market so the dub is so atrocious that you can actually make out the original Japanese voices from the film's underneath dragons lairs namesake earned it a good deal of notoriety and nostalgia even as its format and imitators failed the game had several sequels and has been repackaged many times onto almost every imaginable console there was an IndieGoGo campaign to fund a piece designed to help fund a Dragon's Lair movie in other words to take even what game there was out of their game there's also a couple of different ports that are actually new games including a famously ridiculously difficult NES version of which I've never even been in the first screen there's a rubbish snares version of Space Ace but neither actually captures the thing that made these games cool and unique at the time so there wouldn't be all that interesting even if they were fun so if you're interested in tracking this genre of fully animated adventure game there isn't that much to track but what if I told you there was an even more true successor to Dragon's Lair than the hasty sequels or the Cashion's what if I told you there was a secret forgotten third game in the saga of dragon's lair and Space Ace ooh saga and makes it sound important but first a question everyone seems to take for granted who made dragon's lair when people think of dragon's lair they think of Don Bluth it's easy to see why let's look at one of the posters magic on presents of Don Bluth Studios production design and animation Don Bluth produced by Don Bluth directed by Don Bluth copyright Don Bluth posters don't have to be arranged this way this is a purposeful choice it creates the impression that like a modern-day Merlin Don Bluth assembled Dragon's Lair with his own two hands Geoffrey of Monmouth never left us he just became a marketing consultant the Creator is Don Bluth who once directed several Disney features in the mid-1970s last year Bluth found his own audience with animated feature the secret of NIMH you see people tend to remember history in terms of winners secret of NIMH had been wildly successful the previous year Don Bluth was swiftly becoming a household name and his legend about leaving Disney and piling everything he had into NIMH even mortgaging his house to complete it and making it all back and more was compelling history likes people who gamble and win and history tends to only remember whose name was on the poster history has a knack of not remembering the hundreds of talented people who worked on secret of NIMH or the other animators behind Dragon's Lair or the programmers who made the system work at all or the man who actually made the game the idea of turning cartoons into video games was developed at brick tire industry we're in the entertainment business remember Rick Dyer despite the game actually being conceived and programmed by RDI video systems and RDR being short for Rick Dyer industry's history appears to have conspired to make sure people forget Dyer and that the game was his idea and that he'd had this idea for a long time it's the forerunner of Dragon's Lair it was developed way back in 1979 this was dyers first computerized interactive game Dyer had spent his youth making fantasy games using text and pictures drawn onto cash-register paper programmed to scroll to the right point as he made choices when attempts to sell a digitized game along these lines failed he decided that more animation would create a better connection with the viewer and started work on dragon's lair later he hired Don Bluth studio to do the animation itself but despite his success Dyer was aware of the flaws with dragon's lair and Space Ace firstly he'd wanted people to be able to play them at home but arcades had become a necessity given the expense of the technology required to play them secondly they were short and had limited scope in terms of story or genuine decision-making Dyer had gotten into making games as a kid because he liked to make big adventures with grand stories he wasn't happy with dragon's lair or Space Ace he wanted to make something bigger I think right now the arcade industry is playing catch-up to us I know what what's coming after our the introduction of our home system what I'm going to do is to create a world that is so real and that you will will have a hard time telling what's real and what isn't in late 1984 dyers company began work on what he hoped would blow the lid off of home gaming again after its collapse he was about to announce a new games console [Music] the halcyon was an incredibly ambitious system the name designed to deliberately invoke the name of Hal 9000 from 2001 a Space Odyssey and no that's not me being weird and reading too much into it this time they really meant to invite that comparison if you remember the movie 2001 a Space Odyssey there was a computer in that movie called Hal why you would make your console invoke the name of an AI that goes mad and kills most of its crew I don't know I think he might have fallen asleep halfway through the film for the time it was ambitious the same way dragon's lair had been you could speak to Hal the name of the AI in the halcyon and it could talk back to you and even remember your name what do you want sounds so mad at him 8 just go [Music] maybe he's what a computer should have been all along something that that anybody can use because anybody can talk clearly Rick die has never been to Liverpool ha ha ha obviously this is basic hey I by modern standards but the idea of a home media device you could talk to in 1984 before the 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System was even out in America or Europe was kind of amazing [Music] he is dire demonstrating how on a 1985 edition of the show computer chronicles Stewart nice again Stewart cafe and I probably ought to do work yes and to launch with it daya and his team were working on a new game it was called tears quest the game that comes with this is Thayer's quest this is a story about greed about unbridled ambition and power lust and the disaster resulting from those faults taya's Quest was gonna be more than just a video file with button prompts taya's Quest was going to be an adventure what we're creating is going to allow you to be anything that you ever wanted to be and experience it you're gonna you're gonna be there you will live and die by your decisions a game way you choose why your character goes on a journey across a world of five kingdoms interacting with an all-new fantasy story unlike standard video games that demand quick reflexes the new project places a premium on thinking you talk to the computer and it will talk back an adventure featuring animation instead of just text or the days primitive graphics utilizing laserdisc technology once more but on a scale even more grand than the game spiritual predecessors and doing it all in the players own home we're estimating that you'll be able to play the game 20 hours a week for 6 months before you will have explored the entire world the price tag of this home laserdisc player slash games console slash talking AI computer twenty five hundred US dollars that's nearly six thousand dollars in 2017 money which means that in the UK it would cost at least four hundred pounds laserdisc players were crazy expensive at the time but even that was pretty steep but hey you could play an animated adventure quest by talking to a computer there has never been speech recognition of the high caliber that this has well no really let's go to the forest clearing one what one speak don't say steadily still work one two yeah okay I mean you see this was the 80s people had an idea of what the future was going to look like without really knowing it or thinking about its practicalities the future is always different from how people of the present think the future will be the halcyon was ultimately a poor facsimile of one man's best guess as to what the future would look like and it turned out not to be a very good guess still I really wanted to know what this device was actually like to use and what taya's quest played like so I decided to take a look on eBay and see if one popped up that was a year and a half ago so far I've seen one go up for $600 plus some hefty import fees based on rumblings on other forums one tends to appear on eBay perhaps even the same one every year or so while flyers advertising the halcyon were circulated in some stores even took pre-orders and some salesmen were given copies to demonstrate to potential customers it's actually up for debate whether the halcyon was ever officially released it's possible that this shot contains every existing Halcyon as far as I can tell no museums have a halcyon in their corridors except possibly the video game History Museum in Frisco Texas if I ever end up in Texas for some reason like I don't know my plane crashes I'll head there and see if they've got it so the halcyon was a failure it didn't sell very well in fact it arguably didn't actually make it to the stores in a way people could buy and the company went bankrupt pretty soon after but that's not the end of tears quest when the company started to go under they started selling conversion kits for Dragon's Lair arcade cabinets it's hard to tell how well those sold either but laser disks Marquis instruction manuals and EEPROM chips from the game are floating around on eBay so there's probably at least a few I've heard tell of the arcade version appearing at conventions and some other gaming events still pretty rare though and the laser discs alone cost hundreds nevermind if you'd be able to get together the technology to actually play them wait what this taya's quest on cd-rom from Canada for only nineteen point nine four Canadian US dollars I mean I had to didn't I I had to I needed to know and here we are is in the shot okay great yeah decades and entire consoles later on a disc far smaller than it was ever designed for this disc was printed in 2005 over twenty years after it was originally made and that means it's another 12 years old on top of that the latest system requirements that it recommends what operating system you can use is Windows XP can't remember those days when that was the fastest operating system this just got even smells of Windows XP like a very old new car smell and just the beginning of dust it's beautiful it's like a time capsule thanks Canada hey going to this digital leisure put this out you might remember them as the people who did at some PlayStation Home like casino games that are pretty popular and then when PlayStation Home clothes I think they're moving them to steam and then before wait before that they did the releases of Dragon's Lair and the sequel to that and SpaceX didn't they so it makes sense that they would do this did they also do Mad Dog McCree and space pirates space pirates is like a game only I seem to remember whenever I bring it up I hope I'm not imagining that game anyway let's close the loop on all this and actually give this game a look shall we [Music] in a traditional Fantasyland the bad wizard man-thing saucer ball has killed almost all of the elder kings and is going to take over the world the last in the elder kings line is the player character taya Alcon read his wizard mentor Druce wants him to gather the five artifacts that form an amulet called the hand made by another wizard named quote in order to beat source of all but the one who will come remains I am ready but before Druce will send him on his quest he gives him a final test that rhymed that was weird [Music] [Applause] their shoes and exit quickly or fail this test of magic you have to choose the left door or the right door if you pick the right door you're dead you're just dead your mentors test kills you immediately if you choose the wrong door and he's supposed to be the good guy anyway if you get it right he gives you a pouch with your first three items single-use spells which are the solution to three puzzles in the game and then you get to go out into the world I have tried 22 apprentices over the years and they have all died I bet right now tears thinking yeah and how many of those did you kill by sending to the ticking clock flying cymbal fantasy zone the game does divergent gameplay from its predecessors in a kind of significant way you actually choose places to go and what items to use and take your time to make decisions you're no longer hitting buttons to not die while traversing a linear path it's incredibly simplistic though a lot of choices amount to picking one and hoping it's not the one that kills you like with the two doors but it's a fairly significant difference it's basically a really rudimentary point-and-click adventure or perhaps to be a bit more accurate a choose your own adventure book like Warlock of Firetop Mountain or creature of havoc or the goosebumps once you choose where to go from a list with a mouse in this version instead of saying a number out loud sadly and sometimes you use an item it's very trial and error for example at this point a lady gives you this advice when you learn that the coal fire which burns under marsh waste can destroy the land well what's a land where how is this advice useful to a player it's a made-up word absolute then at one point later on these ghosts attack you and then you get one chance to use an item and you die if it's the wrong item well guess what these are the land wares and you need to have gone to a place that's covered in fire and click on it to then realize it's cold fire so that you take some and then put it in your bag first and then you use it here to kill the land wares and progress and yeah the game lets you use the scrolls in places where they don't solve the puzzle they're made for and they're just gone you can waste a scroll on the land where's if you think that's what you're supposed to use and they even have so they don't kill you for trying even though you can't progress at this point because you can no longer pick up this crystal without exploding because you needed the scroll of release the art and animation isn't nearly as good as in Dragon's Lair or Space Ace it looks okay but it was quite clearly rushed the game keeps finding excuses to not have to lip-sync anyone's mouths there I remember when you were but a child I can only give you this pouch choose where in the kingdom of why god you wish to begin friend can you help me I said you did be dryads can destroy the land where should help go someplace else someplace far away are you the people of the dunes I mean no harm to you hmm words deceive show us proof that you mean well there are different voice lines for coming back to some areas more than once which means the animation with a no clear mouth movement can be easily reused I think this is why they did it but it just means the whole game looks less good at the expense of being reusable overall it's a lot less dynamic or fantastical than the other games but since it relies more on decision making than quick reflexes I can understand the visual change some of the deaths are still pretty funny [Music] this might just be the only game in history where you can be killed by wheat also the voice acting is pretty good isn't it apart from after you kill the false King Turlock remember that name by the way one of his guards has this to say I'm sorry nothing says welcome to a realm of fantasy and adventure quite like Kermit the Frog this version is basically just a bunch of video files playing in a custom video player if you check the disks files even the inventory screens it just don't mpegs on a loop it's almost clever how they managed to get the old game to fit together on a new system but it's also a reminder that the game you're playing is literally just a collection of interlocking menus like the weird bonus games they used to put on early DVD releases of films anyway after a bit over 30 minutes of trial and error somewhat less than the month's Dyer predicted I had three artifacts and reached the bridge to the fourth Kingdom the far reaches person be warned that the southern barbarians roam the far reaches it is a lawless Kingdom now what wait what you have beaten taya's quest more challenges await you in shadow and the sequel to task what the game ends with a trailer for a game called Kingdom shadowing why does the main character look so different how is there a sequel to a game no one played on a console that no one bought how did playing this game only give me more questions what okay it turns out there's one more twist in the tale of tales quest there's also the twist that it's pronounced Faiers quest but it's too late to record all the voiceover so the game was either left unfinished or intended to be the first part in the series released hastily to try to recoup costs for it in the halcyon with plans to make a sequel before the company went bankrupt in the hole and devil was scrapped while this 2005 CD is a close two faithful version of the original audio and video of the arcade version and also there's a DVD version released at the same time just for DVD players and there's some more behind-the-scenes footage on it a decade prior in 1995 ten years before this version and ten years after the original release the game was ported to the 3do the CDI and DA species under the name kingdom the far reaches the CDI and 3d are basically considered critical and commercial failures but this is perhaps the one context where I can't make fun of them because even they're a step up from the games previous release on the console that never even officially came out god I feel kind of sorry for Rick Dyer the poor guy kept trying and it kept just not quite working out this version of the game is the one that got the sequel Kingdom Shadow and released a year later for the same consoles some versions of Kingdom part 2 shadow one and it's called shadow and for some reason I also picked up a copy of Kingdom book 1 the far reaches just to see what changes they made apart from the title let's check that out real quick you're coming with me boy this version uses more compressed graphics but also makes a bunch of weird changes along with the title a bunch of character names have changed to the Elder Kings are now the argent kings tear Alcon red is now Lathan canned or truce is now daily quote is now mobis and saucer ball is now tore lock tore lock has become Drake's blood the wicked obviously this means the voice-acting had to be redone by new actors and by actors I mean whoever Rick tyre got to program this new version got into a vocal booth for like five minutes Wallace is gone what the one who will come remains I am ready I can't verify the quote but apparently daya thought the original names were too 70s so he changed them I don't think the names were the problem with the originals release it was probably everything else I can almost see Dyer in my head trying his very best to step as far as possible away from the game's previous incarnation given its frankly traumatic history the opening sequence is now an optional cutscene triggered at the beginning which ends before Druce sorry daelin makes you do the stupid bit with the doors when you start the game you get a piece of all new animation which looks kind of bad in which tip sorry Lathan gets told by day learn about drake's blood seizing the throne and how you need three artifacts to stop him this is an interesting change the original game ended suddenly partway through and this cutscene basically rewrites the entire plot to be about doing the thing you actually end up doing towards the end of the actual amount of game they made too much of the game's dialogue references the evil wizard at the beginning and he still appears in the game to attack you so they couldn't take him out entirely it's so weird to have one opening talk about the evil wizard who's now called tor Locke and then the actual opening tells you your quest is to stop a different bad guy who isn't called tor Locke anymore like everything else about the legacy of this game it's weird and esoteric for seemingly no reason even the name is weird the far reaches is one of the two kingdoms from the original you don't end up going to because the game ends on the bridge to visit them why is this version called Kingdom the far reaches when there's no far reaches in it and there's technically five kingdoms that's a plural amount of kingdoms I wish I hadn't noticed this it's just frustrating the gameplay is a bit different to you now click around a map screen to decide where to go the first place you go is daylan's mansion where the cutscene from going through the correct door and the original just sort of plays as if you just walked in and he gives you the scrolls they also added more complex puzzles for example this guy who just talks to you in the first game is now blind and you get a scroll of seeing from daelin to use to get his advice daelin also asks you which scrolls you wanted him to work on next so you actually get to make a couple more choices and then the original and the use of a main map screen actually makes it feel like you're travelling a world kind of slightly a little bit my son who is your age when he learned that the cold fire which burned on the marsh waste can destroy the nice monster they call the land where's the mist monsters in this version it's like dire actually got my memo now the puzzle is decipherable by humans once you save the princess you get the second new cutscene that's clearly new animation where the princess says thanks and invites you to stay i accept your gracious offer of princess then together they invent fireworks also there's this really rockin track that plays when it's trying to load the credits I think helpful this is my new ringtone and the credits roll in the game ends with the trailer for shadow 1 so now after covering this new version of the game we can actually talk about its sequel its animation style has been altered significantly and the character looks completely different either feeling dire and Co wanted to further differentiate kingdom from taya's quest and did so by changing how everything looked when the time came to make a new animation for this sequel or maybe he just had different animators at this point at this point they probably either moved on to bigger projects or quit and become a baker working as an animators are really hard at the best of times and working on taya's quest seemed like it was a nightmare the sequel is basically just more of the sort of gameplay from the previous game you get the other two relics and finally after over a decade of waiting you get to kill tor Locke [Music] yeah oh come on that was it and then Lathan kisses the princess from the first game and fireworks go off again but there's more this time and credits [Music] why did I make this well maybe because it's an interesting story an immensely popular game that went away so quickly that its successor was all but forgotten a recklessly optimistic console in a period when home gaming was hemorrhaging money that never even made it out the door and a relentless barrage of unpronounceable names in June this warehouse will come to life a new home video system that Rick and Jan Dyer have banked everything on will be shipped from here my wife and I as you probably can guess or gambling everything we own on this it's kind of scary but that's the sort of thing that makes you want to succeed you Rick and his wife threw everything they had into halcyon and halcion took it all took everything and then it was gone leaving them as barely a footnote in the history of video games maybe it's because I think Don Bluth is overrated and I find his continued attempts to revive dragon's lair to be a little bit crass and wanted to talk about the game's actual creator instead of the man who keeps getting the credit if you type Rick Dyer into Wikipedia you get a disambiguation page linking to two possible notable Rick dyers one of them is ours the video game designer his page is three short paragraphs in length the second is titled Rick Dyer and then in brackets Big Foot some guy who spread Bigfoot hoaxes is remembered in more detail than the inventor of Dragon's Lair or maybe it's because the way modern gaming is going right now I'm a little bit worried the marketplace is only getting bigger and the tools of game creation are more available than ever before and that means there's a lot more games competing for people's attention there may not be another crash but it's still a very big pool for a small fish in any creative medium it's scary to work knowing that what you create may only exist in permanent obscurity the people who make it might be talented but increasingly they're also very lucky undertale got recognized because toby fox was in the right place at the right time with an already existing following around his home stuck music dragon's lair did well partially on the back of that name they put all over it the next designer with the talent Toby Fox had might not be so lucky the ancient Romans used to tell the story of a man Romulus a fantastical figure descended from royalty raised by wolves who took part in all the most important foundational events in Roman history and named de Rome after himself the Romans looked at their society and liked to imagine that it had all been the plan of some great genius the Romans believed in dozens of mythical engines of creation what was one more hundreds of incredible works of art have been known of epic historical events huge important moments in history the actions of gods or supposed men like Romulus one of my favorite paintings is the lacemaker Johann Vermeer painted a loving accurate and detailed rendition of a girl making lace Vermeer celebrated real people doing ordinary things he offered the radical idea that you didn't have to be special or important or magical or legendary to be worth being painted or thought about or remembered so it turns out there are two ways of explaining history we can be like Geoffrey of Monmouth or the early Romans and invent these magical wondrous brilliant people who gave everything to us a wizard made Stonehenge all by himself a man called Romulus invented Rome out of whole cloth and took part in every major historical event required to fulfill his amazing design Don Bluth made dragon's lair or we can be like Vermeer a bunch of ordinary everyday people built Stonehenge just by working together and putting time and effort into it a bunch of ordinary people make video games by working together very hard for hours and hours and hours and days and years to make it a bunch of regular ordinary people built Rome over the span of a very long time contributing to what would later be remembered as the exploits of one man this way is nowhere near as magical as the ones we like to imagine put our world together the truth is often very mundane but maybe that's okay [Music] we're pioneers we're doing something that's never been done we have artists we have writers we have engineers we have technicians they're all working together and that has never existed before there's never really been a reason for those three groups to all coexist simultaneously they what we're really doing is combining art with science I think there's something sad but beautiful about Rick Dyer and his dreams of Halcyon he calls himself at his team pioneers in this news broadcast and the truth is he's right pioneer isn't an inherently positive term it just means you were among the first to explore something and that doesn't mean you were successful or right a lot of early pioneers didn't make it back and a lot of people a lot of us are going to end up more like Rick Dyer than we'd hope to be so if we can't learn to love and remember people like Rick were condemning ourselves and turn to be forgotten your work might not reach the audience that deserved or you might not make something anyone likes and it can be soul-crushing to embark on a journey knowing you might not succeed but if we can learn to accept that it's okay to try and fail the people who fail are worth being remembered and appreciated then maybe we can all at least learn to enjoy the humanizing experience of failure together thank you for watching [Music] this video was quite a lot of time in the making and I can only do things like this with the support I received through patreon so I'd like to thank my supporters very much in addition to the name scrolling past the screen right now I'd especially like to thank James our dare Nathan and Bronwyn X X underscore aunt [ __ ] 69 underscore 4 xx xx and you have to pronounce the four X's yon andhe's polymer parker anderson Jenny angel Sheena our trip brennan arts Cal Ashton Heba Assad Amy B Jordan Barrett Sam Bayliss max barbecue King Finlay boa Copley graph and black poor big boy Jacuzzi Boris a bowl of creamy tomato soup Eric Branagh ship Bush H bomber guy but with breaded mac and cheese hands h-bomb look I put with Yowie hands Eugene Butler and Samuel Butler I hope they're related that we call curtsy Yost John Cantwell zachary Clark Steven cone Phillip coffee Krista Colin Justin conquer beard David Craig's I'm daddy's little [ __ ] seriously though I'm trapped inside of her Cormac Delaney short dog I don't know like a butter something Jason Durso an egg painted to look like a man avi Finkel a fish named Nabi kit Foley the Frankfurt Show Koren Gardena Andrew Gilly the godforsaken strongest rat alive 8 in gold strim Zoe go in Rachel gray Scott gettin Willow H Michael H pray Mark Harmon Rebekah Harold Jack Harvey Nathan [ __ ] IH bomber guy I'm deeply in love with Jim sterling and want to kiss hit World Heavyweight Champion Patrick the breezy P Finnegan Ricca Davos MA Tyler Howard Eric hunter James ed Eden Yankovic Summa ace Jenni basalt and jenni general ginger of the odds all-girl Revolutionary Army qui-gon jinn good night sweet prince Ben Kaplan Dave Kemp Shawn Kemp Adrian Kingsley Hughes Thomas Kistner Florian NOx Lucas Koken Renee lash out Paul Lasswell Alex Len kovitch Gracie Lipscomb Kelly Mariela kay Benedict Marco Gary Marshall Tom Martel Christopher McDonald spunky McGraw Jacqueline Merritt Katie Murr sex is a cutie John McNown Garrett Mitchell three-fifths of a brain hero of time 88 Alicia Parker Martell just in partridge richard person s Peter Davis John Patterson Robert Phillips Z Creed slayer of the immortal dragon k played dota Alister please play life is strange Silas pumpkins Alexander our covert totally radical politics several rats participating in an elaborate and daring casino heist Davis Remmy Evan Richie Lisi Roberts David rose Vendela rid BEC Anna s Super Saiyan Rosa kami can say Elijah Scanlon Marco shard Justin schwendemann Andrew Shima naoto shirogane a Mons silver Platts tune strim George Sirach the spectre of communism Mike Stanley Milty axe stealer of souls ash striker Daniel Sullivan Lord sir mister supercalilistic expialidocious of house Han more Luke Swanson al Swigert adults or donor coach - Jeana Carlos Mad Dog sick strats RP walk 2 Chainz kabhi toh David the benevolent malevolence gar the Internet dog Maria the maiden of blue fire Jeffrey Theobald I think Brandon is an awesome guy and I want to be his friend Kevin Thurber piyo kadhi taken avetis Ian Jordan Tillis it turns out I was wrong about everything handsome unlimited tape Ianto Oscar Rita Ronan ryan van shark riley Van Dyke Daniel Vincent Chilton heretic void Greek von ghoul Christopher Wade Jason Walter fatwa Zalewski Peter West Katherine wild Ryan William Cox Lewis Woodrow don't worry buddy don't worry buddy don't worry buddy don't worry but Sheamus Yossarian recovering zombie acelin a Monta Dillo Kieran close ooh cabeza commissar taco - of week Devin's hands melt feminine juh geeky APAR get dunked on you gnostic dude hey it's grace hero a war James Jeremy Jerry Terri Jo capsule Kathryn Lauren MacArthur minty freakin fresh mo me mr. clone 'im NIF let procore brew Samael shadow bag Sigma Vega Sigma synth aronia soul SOI swamp selkie sigh lien array whack man what garble smurf weber xxx underscore swag master 420 underscore XXX and zodac and now it's time for a new segment I'm putting at the end of this video called what things did I get wrong in the first draft of this video that my patrons who get an early version of the video pointed out and reminded me to change firstly I'd like to say a big thanks to Kenny green who pointed out that I somehow managed to misspell Goosebumps book cover as Ghostbusters book cover in the credits and an extra special thanks to Garrett Lacey who pointed out that I forgot to put his name in the credits thank you for pointing that out and I'm so sorry
Channel: hbomberguy
Views: 656,671
Rating: 4.9551911 out of 5
Keywords: hbomb, hbomberguy, rick dyer, RDI Halycon, Halycon, don bluth, thayer's quest, dragon's lair, space ace
Id: CnPOQr1pxY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 16sec (2596 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2017
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