Hacking Wands at Harry Potter World

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it's meet Harry Potter today with special guest Hermione Granger hi I'm Hermione Granger today we're gonna try and hack the Harry Potter ones actually this is the second time we've been here the first time thank you for asking Alan and interactive on is a plastic one you can buy it Universal that interacts with displays so when you move them on in the right pattern an animation will happen here I'll show you I need any that it work you move the wand in the right pattern and the magic happens you move the wand in the right pattern slower it's fine you want to do it I feel incompetent I need that back thanks kid but will how did the interactive wands work Wow Alan that's a great segue are you reading a script no I am NOT reading a script the interactive ones work by having an infrared camera that has a lot of lights around it and the magic wands have retroreflectors on the tips when you move the wand the light from the LEDs shines off the end of the wand and back into the camera and if you move it in the correct pattern the stuff happens this one's pretty boring it just turns lights up Wow well that's a great explanation that's the end of the script I don't know what we're supposed to do we're able to shoot this infrared footage due to a freaking version of a Canon Rebel t2i by Life pixel check them out in the description if you want to shoot infrared is a near-infrared not like thermal infrared thanks live pixel we have three types of retroreflectors to try it today little silver hemispheres that Alan found at a craft store and I put double sticky tape on the back this really expensive 3m reflective tape and then we have these hemispherical facial tracking markers using the the movie and video game industry someone zero okay that worked we have to prove it or do they believe us they believe this is a real one I'm a prick yeah so let's try it again with Alan's little balls doing sure hey I'll show you how [Music] [Music] Silencio yeah does that actually work [Music] slightly curved 3m retroreflector Silencio Silencio oh that was pretty good as if I know the voice doesn't matter but the fact that I've set it twice and it's worked both times it's kind of freaking me out [Music] you say like three bucks a pop what's it like ten dollars or shipping expensive facial tracking marker silenzio oh it's not the voice not your voice and now I'm really second-guessing it yeah that works pretty well let's go find better wands Allen I think I think we can do what are you doing mr. bones I think we can find something better than plastic yeah let's dig in the trash I am shoulder deep in this Oh check it out who throws away a whole cucumber your turn will I got something it's [Laughter] [Music] I move the reflector from the cocktail we need to this plastic knife because we looked at everything in IR to see what the contrast between the background and the reflector looks like because the reflector is really bright yeah like it looks as bright as the one so I don't know if it's contrast or what the dealio is all right so we got plastic knife one plastic knife one plastic knife one let's see if you try cocktail weenies in a cute cover I want to kill myself all right so I think the general consensus is these ones work 110 times do you actually pay a tenth the price but it works a tenth the time he was inviting the other fifty but I don't need your loss should I try the cucumber you try the cucumber I feel weird because this isn't working like if I were to step you have to keep going yeah it's a cucumber thank you very much it could be a pickle if we did pickling a pickle - cucumber I just want to shake your hand very nice so Alan how do you think that went well the flat retroreflectors kind of work but yet to curve the edges up and the curved retroreflectors worked pretty well facial tracking markers little that it was it off he turned it off no oh that's the microphone Oh so Alan how do you think that went I think that went okay the flat retroreflectors sort of could work if you bent the sides up the curved one works pretty well the hemispherical facial tracking marker but the big thing it's time of day yeah night you get like a way better percent success rate then during the daytime I think the cameras are exposed or like compensating for the sky and so that when it's dark you don't get the background all lit up so the little reflective marker looks way better long story short you pay about tenth of the cost 50% of the performance it confirms what no I didn't I didn't say anything you're getting you they're gonna fire you anyway they already fired you you want to try I was gonna say you should keep that in your [Music]
Channel: William Osman
Views: 3,909,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laser cutter, william osman, crappy science, harry potter, magic, wand, universal studios, interactive wand, diy interactive wand, diy wand, how to make a harry potter world wand, harry potter world, make a wand, wand hack, hacking wands
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2017
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