Brandi Jackson Speaks Out Against Leaving Neverland & Oprah on Hollywood Unlocked [UNCENSORED]

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unlock what up everybody this is Jason Lane this is Hollywood I'm not gonna censor and what up is she girl April Jones and yeah let's do damage let's get this show started okay so before we get started make sure you're subscribed on all platforms Idahoans I heart Google Play Spotify and of course YouTube yeah share it with everybody and we are back in the building so listen I'm gonna tell you I was in New York and I was laying in bed on my way to the airport and the leaving Neverland popped up yeah and it was already halfway through I had to flipping through the channels and I will have to say I mean I watched it as much as I could and it just I was so enraged I just have because I just feel like at this point besides I've talked about me too and all that other [ __ ] just for like things have gotten so out of control now that there are there's the money grabs the civil suits the killing of characters that are happening all over them [ __ ] Internet and Michael Jackson now may he rest in peace has now found himself all in the middle of it again yeah and so never leaving it and leaving Neverland has now become a forgot or forgetting Neverland post on The Oprah Winfrey column or Oprah Magazine whatever the [ __ ] Oprah site and it's just like I don't know I don't know what to think it's just been really depressing for me it's been interesting seeing these media outlets like HBO who really nobody ever talks about now they come with a bang when you have something like leaving Neverland or whatever what does it call surviving whatever the [ __ ] exactly so I was like you don't even think about HBO until you have a big moment like this and I feel like they're capitalizing off of that now whether he did it or not I don't know yeah we won't know but I mean you know watching the doctor in a documentary on my own man how did you feel when you seen it you know it it feel genuine I mean yes coming weekend yes just like an outsider watching a documentary yes I would say it did it did feel like it could be believable I'm not saying that I believe that Michael did it but it could you could like these people were being honest and telling the truth you know because how they spun it it was like you know wait and this other guy Jimmy we're really speaking about Michael in such a compassionate way speaking about him not slandering or accusing like you would normally see documentaries but more so like he wasn't an amazing person and you know we were when he got another boy I was I was the jealous boy that wanted to be back in that position in it so it made you feel more comforted in like wow like you feel really bad for these young kids and you really feel you could really feel like Michael Jackson really did it but at the same time it's like you got to remember who Michael Jackson was and it's like it's it's one of those so I felt really weird I kind of still feel weird oh no you can sprinkle a little truth in a bowl full of [ __ ] yeah make it taste normal right and I just like at the problem that I'm having with all of it is first of all I it's so crazy with the surviving our Kelly doc with the leaving Neverland right with the me to movement with the this the time is that moment I can't even listen to rape him or less like I did before now I'm listening to it like a forensic psychologist it is the person's body language right is the person is the person's motivations right I mean like at the end of the day I feel like all of this is just making real victims of abuse um haven't even harder time of telling their story because you don't really know what to accept anymore and it's really crazy because on one hand we're now two you know with our Kelly first of all they're now putting Chris Brown's picture in it to why I saw a meme online where they put our Kelly Michael Jackson Chris Brown I seen that Mouse and I'm like Chris Brown into it now yeah but this is this goes back to I think I think a Bill Cosby was in there too so was Bill Cosby Chris Brody left out Harvey Weinstein and he put in crisper and that's the other conversation going on we know why is Oprah Winfrey talking to these people about Michael Jackson but she's not talking to these people her homeboy at Harvey Weinstein all these photos of them and pop them I'm disgusted by at all but I'm glad today we have Michaels Michael Jackson's needs Randy Jackson coming in to talk about it and I think we're gonna just have to ask her every question that people want to know yeah hooting uh what she feels about over yeah I'm interested hear what she has to say yeah I see because she's pretty much the key to the puzzle for me it's just this is sad because like you said surviving are Kelly lifetime said they want to do seven more seasons of shows like that right so it's kind of like the Jessie Smollet situations like your China that season to look you trying to capitalize off people's fears and what people trauma basically you're making money off of people's trauma and trying to create these events on your network so people are tuned in and try to have this connection with it but it doesn't come from a genuine place and you think people didn't you think people in HBO wasn't sitting up and looking at the lifetime ratings when they are cuz when that are Kelly surviving are Kelly came out we were in Vegas watching every [ __ ] hour on repeat a [ __ ] that was the only thing playing on lifetime I'm golden girls plays on repeat on lifetime they may play like seven or ten episodes but this thing was playing all day every day for the week and then they put daily a movie before it this is what I'm saying so crazy people people need to like take a step back a little bit from TV and social media and they literally come become at peace with themselves and then wait and then re-enter back into it because the spin that people put on it was social media for us we you know we do take a hard line on certain things so like if you know for example in the Jordan woods and Chloe thing I took a hard line that I didn't like betrayal regardless of the Kardashians past regardless of whether or not Jordan was a young girl regardless of Will and Jada Smith I took a hard line on betrayal and I rode that thing to the point to where the narrative was very anti Jordan and I own it because that was the position that I want to take so I know how the media works how social media works if they continually put an image or an idea in your face and in your ear and on your social media and you're now consumed with it you start to walk away and go I can see how that would happen yeah you really believe that you've arrived at your own thoughts which is crazy oh no I was just gonna say that I'm just really happy that Instagram kind of broke down yesterday we had that like surge of like you couldn't social media just was down and I was like on my phone you know I was like this is your phone doing the same thing I wanted to stay to panic yeah but I was happy that it did that just because it's like sometimes you just need to just have a fresh breath of air outside of the [ __ ] and it's been a lot of [ __ ] happening so but we went from being down on Instagram and Facebook to trying to get back onto Instagram and Facebook I spent 7 now I try to get back on Instagram and Facebook okay see that's ridiculous are you there is anybody there they just nobody just shut your [ __ ] down for a week bleep yeah but we gotta Tory shut down for a week okay so with everything in the news regarding this whole Michael Jackson documentary we have his knees brandy Jackson whoa hey good morning thank you so much for having me thank you for being here thank you so you're 37 I am yeah you look young good 37 I'll take that as a compliment that is a compliment good ol shea butter so it's so funny um I met Janet years ago and I said to her I really want to meet Kathryn I don't know what my only moment with Janet Jackson was telling her I wanna be Kathryn because she's like this she's like this hero you know she created the most famous family and the most famous entertainer in the world so that's your grandmother yeah and she's a sweetheart so I mean you wanting to meet her makes sense she's such a genuine person and they said she's because she's uh job was witnessed they said I don't know recently but I'm not too long ago she was still going door-to-door yeah yes are you not gonna door it's Saturday more you open Katherine Jackson there you gonna convert hello yes she she never dropped it and the other funny thing is is she's so modest she didn't want to go door to door and I'm not gonna lie she drives a big buddy Benz you know I didn't mean but she would scale it down to a Corolla because she wanted to she didn't want to be driving around knocking door-to-door and her big body bends so it's just interesting the way that she you know gets around it just tries to be part of the community I don't think I can handle seen Katherine Jackson at Toyota come on girl you know you got coin all right so your father's Jackie Jackson he is yeah so Jackie Jackson is that the one that Oprah used to say she was in love with yes and that was like her thing but she could she had interviewed Michael back in the day right and she'd revealed that and we'll talk about Oprah for sure okay um but she but so Jackie was the one that Oprah was in love with how was it growing up as Jackie's daughter uh well you know I don't know any different though that's just my dad um and you know when you see other fathers and other families you kind of get to understand the difference but like any other dad he's just a good father so I feel blessed to have been raised by him mm-hmm so how was it growing up around because your aunts and uncles are Janet Jackson Tito Randy I mean in Michael how was it growing up around that family that it's your family around those people I mean in a similar answer I don't know any different when you know you see them on TV as these big entertainers but at home they're just family members they're all very normal very sweet and kind and caring so they're not moonwalking through the kids no I mean they do walk around singing and you know you'll see them dancing but whose family members don't do that right you know what I mean that's the normal thing did you see them often cuz you know a lot of those people are busy yeah you know so there are a lot of us and we have these mandatory family days I don't care what you're doing where you are in the world you need to stop and come to family time so yeah and we had to implement that because like you said everybody is very busy and might be out of the country for years at a time but there are a lot of us so we kind of rotate you might see this group of this side of the family for a while then you'll see that side of the family for a while so where's the meeting place Katherine's house yeah grandma's house yeah absolutely but then we would switch and for family days it would be at every like a different uncle or a different aunts house every time who's the best cook in the family my grandmother absolutely but my dad can throw down but but are you your I don't see your family cooking I see caters okay tours I see staff with white gloves and tuxedos no no no we have our barbecues we have our cookouts yes so occasionally for you know certain things like Thanksgiving if it's a little last-minute and we don't have time to do that then yeah they'll have somebody coming cater we do do that but our family throws down so now when they had messaged me and my team had messaged me that we're gonna interview a Jax and I was like okay well we have to do some type of report the Jackson family is typically very private and don't come out and speak you don't see them you don't hear them unless they're entertaining so how did you have a family meeting where you were like I'm about to go out and start talking or how did this one this situation I'm probably one of the most private and quiet people in the family but this situation struck a chord with me and I couldn't sit quiet I have a personal relationship with wade in his family I've known them for approximately ten years and to see what they're trying to do and the things that they're trying to say I couldn't sit back and be silent so for those listening wondering what we're talking about you dated we all know Wade Robson because of you oh okay I mean you dated him yeah he then was brought in and around Michael Jackson right and now he's a part of this documentary that is it's very unlike any of the other documentaries that have dropped where people have taken a really hard line against the person that they're talking about this is not just because he's an icon but because he was found innocent of all the charges back in the day right talk about Michael in the sex abuse charges and because this person actually testified Wade Robson and your ex-boyfriend testified in support of Michael and defended him when he was acquitted back in the 90s so there's a whole bunch to get into side I am thankful that you came today so we can kind of unpack it all yeah and I appreciate you for having me I really do of course so now the documentary leaving is it leaving Neverland confused so did he because you said that Wade was introduced to Michael through you know it wasn't through it wasn't okay cuz when I watch the documentary okay so he basically met him being a dancer in Australia correct okay that's okay thank you but then was when he was bright around who never it was he already in there with Michael like was yeah connected to Michael exactly yes so my uncle introduced us my uncle had already known Wade in his family okay and Wade had developed a crush on me so let me I'll briefly explain yes he and I met in 1991 approximately we had done excuse me an LA Gear photo shoot right as well as the black or white video we had done those together and he started to develop a little crush so he asked my uncle if he could maybe set up a situation where we could get to know each other better and our you then approximately nine or ten okay he and I were both born in 82 I'm just a little older than him so this was approximately 91 when we met and so he was like what 7 when we met he was about 9 or 10 as well that's a serious question me well you know how it is like schoolyard types thing we didn't go to the same school but this is we met on the same set mm-hmm um so it's you like a puppy love situation it was just a very normal thing so my uncle introduced or it brought us both to the ranch and we spent about a week there getting to know each other at the end of this trip is when Wade asked me very sweetly if I would be his girlfriend so from that point on is when we started dating but again let me stress that it was a very age-appropriate relationship it wasn't like we were having this sexual relationship at you know 11 12 years old that you know progressed later to our relationship so how long were you guys together you know it approximately nine years or so we broke up around 2000 or 2001 so while you were teenagers do your teen years yeah it's time for another Hollywood hookup ladies do you want to try on the most comfortable shoes you have ever worn in your entire life soft so soft and get this these shoes are made from recycled plastic okay and they're so comfortable and stylish oh my god I have a pair all right I'm going to get me another pair because they are the most comfortable shoes that I have in my closet right now that's two per their stylish they're classic and they're so comfortable like I said they have the sneaker they have the flat they have the point shoe and the loafer which is the one that I have yes all staff thank you and these Rock these shoes are machine washable what shoes can you wash in your washing machine guys so you could just throw it in to wash it in there wash them and they come out clean and still comfortable I love my Rafi's and I 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was always supporting Michael Michael passed away in 2009 then Wade starts to talk about a breakdown that he had and it was a financial breakdown he mentions that previously when he did the Today Show I think in 2013 and 2015 he had also gone after the Cirque du Soleil show he had claimed that that was his he had done interviews talking about it and then the estate the Cirque du Soleil the Michael show exactly in Las Vegas and then he didn't get it he wasn't he was up for it he didn't get it and that you know how it is in the entertainment industry you announced something that you're doing and then it's not happening that's that's not a good look you know and I think that those things kind of spiraled him out of control in addition to the fact that he had burned a lot of bridges in the in the industry he was having a hard time finding work and you know Michael was his lifeline that was his friend his his mentor his everything so when Michael passed he didn't know what to do anymore as far as how do I make money how do I operate in life all of my jobs are being shut down was he making money with Michael or through Michael up to the time Michael died I not necessarily with him but my uncle was kind of assisting him if he needed help with something if he needed new equipment if he needed he wanted to be a director so my uncle bottomed camera equipment oh you know what I mean like it's almost like a parent and when your parent dies you kind of feel a little lost mhm and I think they even mentioned something like that in the documentary or an interview that his mother said Wade didn't cry like this when his own father died they tried to put a spin on it and make it like it Michael was his lover it this was just a very important person in his life you know my uncle is he's a he's not like anybody you've ever met before well I've told the story I don't know if I've told the story on this show but I've told his story I've had a conversation with Michael one time when I was 15 and I had said that basically when I was going through foster care and stuff I was in a group home and Michael had actually there'd been a school shooting my neighborhood it killed all these kids shot these kids shot the teachers at the school this guy blew up his car and then shot them all with a machine gun it was one of the first school shootings ever and we didn't have social media babies had the news I remember coming home and then the counselors Sina's down and talking this through it I remember a few days later we hear on the radio Michael Jackson is on the freeway coming to Stockton we like Cummings talking he actually came and he visited all the kids in the school and encouraged them to find courage that could keep coming to school tell them that God was with him and that's why they were alive I paid for all the medical bills of all the kids in the hospital went to the hospitals to visit all that gunshot victims paid for all the funerals didn't get any recognition but in money and actually try to sneak in and out and so for me that was just like this was compassion on a level I had never seen like totally selfless had no reason to come Michael Jackson the biggest star in the world had no reason to stop everything and come to Stockton to do this for these kids and it was a grieving community where we were all trying to figure out what the hell just happened right because this person had targeted a school with all Asian most predominantly Asian kids in it he was in the war so he had little little war figures in his hotel blew up the car the kids all run out to see what happened he was on the playground with an ak-47 so I say that that was my example so years later when I get out to group home I'm like trying to find Michael Jackson because I'm like this has come not even because it was just the biggest star in the world but because I had never witnessed that level of compassion right and didn't understand it and I think I was intrigued so I I called his assistant every day and then finally one day you call me that's amazing yeah and so when he called I will never forget two things one that Michael talked like a [ __ ] people don't know that I'm happy you got to experience that and the other thing is he was very in tuned with the conversation and just the gratitude of somebody that actually wanted to reach out to him for just being himself right and see what you've just described is exactly who he is and a lot of people don't know that and that's what I wanted to ask you because a lot of what we see about Michael Jackson is from the outside looking in from TV from media you being in the family what is Michael like what is his characteristic what is this person out of the person like yeah you know I have I'm gonna start with saying what I said before he's not like anybody you've ever met I've never met another person that I could say he reminds me of my uncle Michael this this man is honestly he's he's a special special guy and just how he was saying that he's very compassionate and he's never seen that level of compassion that's who he is regularly and he will surprise you with that every time you see him it's something that's hard to digest because it's not common in this in this world it he's really just from a different planet I have to be honest with you and that's kind of why when people look at him they view him as the psyche cartoon character that's Mickey Mouse or something because it's not something you can relate to well I think it's because he is so iconic I mean there isn't another there hasn't been another human being that has been that Magnus yeah and that huge I mean to the point to where even when you're on the phone with him and it sounds like him and you know it's him it you're having like this weird experience because you are so taken aback by how as big as he is on to you in your head yeah so normal on the one thing I remember he said because I was living with my mom at the time and I had come out the group home and I was just like I didn't really I didn't really know myself because I hadn't been I didn't had the freedom of interacting with the community because I was in a group home you get on the bus you go to the school you come back here with counselors and people and then you go it's just that was there every day and he said to me he said when were you born and I told him he said I can feel your aura through the phone I mean this is how in tune Michael Jackson was on the phone I never talked to me again after that but it was interesting because I had asked to go to Neverland I was like yo Rock come up in Neverland he was like what you know we don't know we'll try to make it happen but clearly heating so now Neverland that had this iconic fun place and where kids and and their families must be clears not just you drop your kids off at the door and leave exactly go has now been become tarnished with this whole documentary so when you heard about it when you heard about the documentary what were your immediate thoughts I was infuriated initially that was my first emotion I was so mad and then I became so sad because I knew the motive of what was happening and to try to tarnish him and try to tear him down in such a way somebody that only wanted to do good and do right by people it was so sad to me it was devastating just how you said there is plenty of kids and plenty of people who would go to the ranch even the schools in Santa Barbara would take the kids to the ranch I want to say something like once a month just to have a field trip just to let the kids get out and do something and plenty of kids are doing this they were sick kids they were inner-city schools constantly coming to the ranch this was a place of peace and joy this wasn't a place of molestation and abuse and that's how it's being labeled now so besides uh Wade obviously saying you know an accusing Michael of certain things there were a lot of other kids that obviously you know said certain things about Michael Jackson what do you think the motive was behind that red for them outside of out of white oh yeah yeah so and I don't mean to um I don't mean to correct you but I have to say it wasn't a lot of kids okay who said that there's a handful okay yeah r.kelly there's a lot of girls yeah yeah I mean they're still I mean right never open the door there's one else i yeah it was like four or five from from what I saw on the yeah yes yeah so and I'm happy you brought that up yeah one of the kids that I'd like to start with is one of the first kids who this was centered around Jory Chandler in 1993 was one of the things that people don't know what that suit is in 93 you could have a civil suit before a criminal suit you can't do that today today you have to be criminally charged with something and then you can be civilly charged with something for your financial reason right um so at that time what happened was they had come to him asked him for this large amount of money he said no and we see they the families family the Chandler cause it was it was always the parents exactly okay good this was the kid that um was this the kid that the the case eventually went to court right this one didn't and that's why this one is to me very significant okay um and it's the first one it's it's kind of the one that set the precedent and set the tone so you know they came to him he said no then they said well we'll file a suit he said file a suit go ahead he was ready to fight but they came at him with a civil suit of twenty million or something to that effect something like 20 million well the insurance company paid that my didn't pay that the insurance company said we're just gonna go ahead and pay this so they paid it which automatically made my only pay the 20 million 20 million is 20 million for it to go away yes well no no not for it to go away they paid 20 million to cancel this civil the civil suit that was arising and they were preparing for a criminal suit so that's what my uncle was gearing up for after the kids got the 20 million or the family got the 20 million Jordie refused to testify he said all my dad wanted was money I remember that he warned and said that right yeah yeah and that Michael never did anything so he refused to press charges that's why there was never a criminal suit in 93 and just this is interesting to know this is after they received the money exact so there was no reason for him to lie and retry and that wasn't in the documentary exactly okay they don't talk about that and a lot of people either weren't born at this time weren't old enough at this time or don't remember you know this is something from 93 25 years ago mm-hmm so I think that it's very important that people understand that because that's what sets the precedent that was Michael after that experience he would personally use exactly the same he was still kind of it was he damaged like wuzzy was yet was he hurt was he he was hurt absolutely but it didn't stop him from being who he was he wasn't going to let them damage him or have any ill-will towards children or to stop doing good for people so he didn't stop being carrying or having people around no not at all it hurt him but he wasn't going to stop looking at how everything is transpiring now do you wish he kind of did change up a few of his methods or how he went about things no I feel bad for him that the people who are doing what they're doing to him have come out and changed and that they're doing this but I am thankful because he's set an example for me no matter what happens in your life don't change always be genuine and just keep fighting and I think that that's an important lesson and so so where was Wade when all this was happening was Wade away was around he was he was around and so that's one of the things that I and let me say I don't I think Wade's a [ __ ] liar personally I think Wade's a liar this is me speaking it I haven't spoke to you before today no I caught it I haven't seen the whole documentary because part of me as a whatever you want to journalist whatever I want to know it all so I can be well-informed before I have an opinion but like I just first of all did theirs they seem so way just seem so disingenuous having seen him over the years whether it working with Brittany working with whoever we're working with whoever he's working in the industry and I just feel like number two Michael was dead exactly like Michael is dead so I understand if if something happened to you and you wanted to work through it there's what I think of therapeutic process there's a with your family process but what is the purpose I didn't understand the purpose of a documentary well there our purpose is to try to get their lawsuit back that you know they filed a lawsuit in 2013 or 2015 for the number that is reported is something like 1.5 billion and this is these two guys yeah so they yeah they did that initially and that was thrown out mm-hmm so now they need to convince the world that this needs them this that the courts need to be on about it is like you said you know wait and for people like me who've never encountered him and you're watching this documentary yeah you could really feel compelled that they are really being honest yeah because you know it's not like a normal type of documentary where it's like you're watching our Kelly and these women are slandering and it's hacking an accusing it's almost like they still are finding this way to say well you know this man was so kind and he was compassionate and but but I was in love with him I was the jealous kid so it's all it almost makes you feel like oh like right are you really with your something and you know so it's oh no I understand and that's part of my frustration is I can't get mad at individuals right watch this and believe what they're saying right this is what's thrown in your face and then you have the media who's keeping everything very one-sided and not not giving any light to the other side um Oprah I'm just gonna touch it really quick wait before you go there cuz we gotta unpack all of that okay let me clarify something one I don't know wait personally he's he's not the type of trash I would associate myself okay saying is heavy I can watch how people move I've been molested I don't want to keep being around my molester I don't give a [ __ ] what Ferris will we're on or what ride we're going to or how much popcorn or monkeys we're playing with what the problem is is that when you're around famous or rich people you do live a life that is very different than what Leroy on the corner is living your access is different the people you're around are different if you're an aspiring choreographer you're around the best dancer in the [ __ ] world all day long you feed off of that and if for whatever reason they die or they don't want you around anymore or certain bound you start to pop up you start to feel a certain way I still want to have access to my friend I also think there are people who are different too because I know people who have been molested and they have been stuck around molesters so I don't think it's just it's just a touchy subject to touch on because not everybody handle situations the same I don't think Wade was stuck around Michael Jackson I'm not saying I wouldn't say no I'm saying like say if you have a person who lives in a house and their stepfathers molesting them okay they're stuck around their stepfather because there are stepfathers with their mother so you're in the house right person was not forced to live with Michael was not forced to travel with Michael was not forced to profit off of Michael it to me is very different I just don't I mean you look at the body language to me I don't know him personally but I look at it like bro come on really and he's dead that part over went free I don't know what I'm saying wait and I was just gonna I was just gonna touch on on Oprah you know saying back to what you were saying as far as yeah people believing this yes when Oprah comes on and she's supporting this immediately you you don't have anything else to think except for this must be true yeah if Oprah's reporting it and that's part of what made me so upset is that the media wasn't they weren't looking at this as a whole picture they're looking at this as a as though it's a factual documentary this is a one-sided film right and that's what made me so mad and then they're talking about him as though he had been known to be guilty he was found not guilty on ten counts in 2005 WikiLeaks just released the FBI documents that people don't even know WikiLeaks is doing this it's WikiLeaks that put that stuff out a 10-year investigation on Michael from the FBI reveals absolutely nothing to the point where they had to drop it that's started in 1993 Wade was around him at that time if inappropriate behavior had occurred this would have come up and that's true because the FBI has a 99 percent conviction rate so if you don't a 10 year investigation that stands out to me you know an investigation for 10 years and you find nothing where you have to drop it by the FBI there's something there exactly and so so let's talk about Oprah I mean Oprah to the black community into the world is this iconic figure that she's done she's the auntie that we trust she's our mom she's raised a lot of people and when Oprah says it it's true what does the family think about Oprah having been the one person to secure a one-on-one interview with Michael that I've never really seen anybody else do after a certain period in this career and then to come back full circle and do this interview you know I I can't speak for every person in my family and say what they think but I know as a whole we're disgusted and we're very disappointed especially in journalism if you want to give both sides a chance if you want to give them a voice do it but be fair that's that's all that we could ask for we're not asking for her to take our side over theirs we're asking you to be fair and so for that reason we're very disappointed what methods did you wish she would have done you know to make it more fair how would you see the other side and and look into Wade and James their story has changed so many times it's very one-sided and biased even their mother has put out interviews that contradict which they're saying today that they moved here when he was eight turning nine but he was molested from 7 to 14 everything is just constantly changing to fit this narrative that they're trying to tell and it's sad to me because people don't know the facts no she did say like even you know she was saying that over was saying like I don't know you know what it is or if this happened but I know that this would be great you know for people who have been I think it's a good documentary for people who have been molested to see I know how to stack the room and Oprah's really okay so when all the rumors were out there about Tyler Perry being gay she did an interview with Tyler Perry and filled the room with a bunch of men and their perpetrator our pictures of them as little boys who had been molested then Tyler took the stage to share our he'd been molested it really became a lean time I Tyler being gay no more not that he is I don't know what he is but it became about Tyler being a victim of child molest and that became a conversation this room that she interviewed them instead of it being investigative journalism where you're trying to piece together a story that may in the end show out to not be true because you've heard from everybody in fact she said a room with a bunch of people were molested and it stays with guys who had alleged that they were being molested by Michael and had this conversation but what I found to be an opera like was when she went on Oprah Magazine and they posted saying goodbye to Michael one more time or one last time what did you think about that I honestly felt like this is it the public is going to play judge and jury on Michael and a lot of it is going to be based off of this documentary and Oprah's mouth and it just made me sick it's time for another Hollywood hookup so I don't know about you damage but you know when I'm traveling a lot and you know we trying to keep these bodies looking fit that's right the only way that I can do so is by using open fit no you meet which is bringing something new that allows you to sweat in the comfort of your own home Hotel or wherever you are sweat it out in privacy that's it it's a brand new super simple streaming service that allows you to workout in the comfort of your home okay right now your living room wherever you are they offer amazing trainers and amazing classes those classes that allow you to sculpt your body classes for you to lose weight if you want to if you want to gain muscle whatever it is that you want to do great all the options for you you have access anywhere anytime on your computer on your TV smart 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embarrassed and humiliated but he did what he had to do and he was found not guilty and I think that that needs to be respected and I was pissed off that she would post such a thing I was I was I can't even describe to you I don't get very upset but this one floored me I want to say maybe more upset than the actual documentary well I'll say that and just so for people that don't really remember the whole trial process there was a kid who had described Michael's genitalia to the extent as far as to the extent that they photographed and went and look at Jenna Talia Barris so on just on the surface of just trying to humanize the conversation we're talking about being indicted on charges that you can't even understand cuz you love and help kids generally like I said genuinely like I said even in my own hometown and this is a real this isn't a contrived story you can go back and look at the stock your record and see that this happened where he came and he did all this for these kids that he had no reason to do that for this is somebody who I mean there was Ryan White wasn't that the kid they had eight yes and how close he was to Michael macaulay culkin who was close to my goal and there were there were other kids that we all knew about that were close to Michael who have not come out and said anything negative or in support of but why do you do you think the motivator for these two guys is just playing out money absolutely 100% and one that there is a another child named Brett Barnes that I think I feel bad mentioning his name because all he wants to do is just live his life quietly and just do him and I respect that but I do need to bring him up because of the fact that they bring him up in the documentary as listing him as one of the boys who replaces them they say that they were placed by Brett Barnes and Macaulay Culkin as Michaels new lovers Brett Barnes is adamant that nothing has ever happened to him and he's upset that they're using his name in this context he wants his name taken out of the film but HBO is still continuing to air it and that's disrespectful you're disrespecting people's personal wishes and what they are personally saying nothing has ever happened in your personal experience ever did you ever think the interactions between Mike and some children was ever unusual no never a little weird no but I understand that from the public's point of view mm-hmm that it's a weird situation have this grown man interacting with children I get that but when you're actually around it and you see him mm-hmm it's it's something you can you immediately understand once you meet him he's a child himself okay um one of the stories that I tell is we would have these family days I can mentioned and the adults would sit together at one table and the kids would sit together at another table he would always sneak away from the adult table and come sit at the kids table just because he wanted to be engaged in what we were talking about he could relate to us and he wants to play hide-and-go-seek and tag and all of those sort of things and my grandmother would always be like Michael come get back over here we have to finish this conversation so he's very childlike in that sense but never did that come off like unusual strange traveling with different kids and having them know ones who are with him and being okay no and again I understand that from an outsider it sounds weird yeah but I have to tell you when you're around it it's not weird at all he's he's not this weird person it's just not something that society is used to and I have to say there's another thing that this reminds me of and I don't know what y'all special opinion is on it but I'm gonna touch on it sometimes you see things on social media where a father is being criticized for kissing his son bugging his son or being loving to his son I think that's wrong how dare you condemn a father for being loving to his son at we contradict ourselves in five seconds by saying that father doesn't love his son he doesn't do anything for him but this man who's hugging and being emotional is wrong and inappropriate and I think that that's the same sort of mentality that Michael is getting there's nothing wrong with hanging around children people think that because they automatically assume that something inappropriate is happening mm-hmm and I think that that's where problem lies where were the parent and this is my thing if the parents are because I saw a little bit of document you saw more of it yeah I did yeah what were the parents saying where were they if they were so concerned or so they were around they said they were around and they the parents were starstruck yeah they were saying they were starstruck and you know one woman who which was Wade's mom was saying you know she left her husband I mean he pretty much hung himself because she left with her kids and moved from Australia over here and he the husband was like you are you crazy and she at the time said no she thought she was doing what was best for her family but when she looks back on it she realizes that she was starstruck you know she I believe these parents were obviously more in love with Michael than the kids and the kids just happens to fall in love with him because of the parents so the parents are partially explained if they want to sit here saying say this so people so people so they understand this we're saying that it's about money and they're saying well Michael's day now they're gonna get money Michael has an estate exactly and the estate Michael at the time he died on the Beatles catalog this they've since I think liquidated that or somehow so they say is worth a tremendous amount of money right and so even though Michael's dead they would still be able to try to pursue money against the estate that's what they're trying to do okay and so for people that are not understanding how this could work in saleable Michael's dad why would they come up now cuz they're not gonna give you money do you foresee coming soon in a civil lawsuit yes I don't foresee it I I mean I don't I'm not speaking on anything that I've been told it's just I do foresee it that's what their goal is they tried it before it got thrown out and now they need to convince the world that this is something that's a possibility so that is and my understanding is a few nights ago Dan Reid did an interview I'm trying to attack some of the things that I had said and in that interview he ended it by saying Wade and James are going to be suing the estate and everybody needs to back off and leave them alone it's basically what he was saying so he kind of confirmed it himself the director in the state's filed one hundred million dollar lawsuit against HBO correct and for them it's is it it's not about money or what it what is it about is it about just shutting down this documentary is it about protecting Michael's image or is it all of that you know I can't speak for the estate but I imagine that it's it's got mostly to do with the biasness of the Documentary it's not fair and nobody's gonna sit by and watch them do this it's not okay so you know sometimes you just have to there has to be repercussions for actions and that's the repercussion that you do to a business you have to file a lawsuit so Katherine why's she been silent you know my grandmother is she's an older older woman and she's fought a lot of battles this she shouldn't be fighting any battles and I'm sorry that this is even happening where she has to even consider fighting this battle and I hope that she stays out of it just because of her age she doesn't need it for her health we want her to stay around and live as long as she can I don't want my grandmother having any further complications or anything of that nature due to something like but she's aware of it and she hasn't seen it done I don't know if she's seen it to be honest with you I didn't when I see her I don't bring it up I just try to keep it family and keep it light I don't even want to bring this up to her does she ever vocalize how like what is her understanding of how the world could be so crude to somebody who's been so nice you know with my grandmother she's been around for a long time and she's seen the times she understands what it is yeah she knows what it is this is nothing new for us we've been fighting battles since they've been fighting battles since before I was born and like you said I'm 37 this is nothing new I know this to be a fact since I was five years old so for me this is a newer situation but not for her yeah and and you also have to remember that when the Jacksons were on tour they couldn't walk through the front door when they were kids they couldn't walk through the front door of a lot of the places they were performing they had to go in the back use different bathrooms you drink out of different fountains this this wasn't you know this wasn't in the height of segregation or anything but this was still happening and still occurring so she knows how her sons have been treated and the battles that they've been fighting their whole life I cut you off I want to talk more about wait when's the last time you talked away so actually the last time I spoke to him was after my uncle passed in 2009 but previous to that I hadn't spoken to him since we broke up around 2000 or 2001 when y'all were together did you ever see characteristics of him maybe being a liar or somebody to do something that just benefits him or did you see any of those that's how he is he's very narcissistic and I'm gonna touch back on something you said in just a moment or are you asked but he is he's a very narcissistic person okay he's never apologized or been so for anything even when he knows he's wrong he'll never apologize he doesn't care who he hurts that's just who he is one of the things I'd like to mention is in 2009 a few days after my uncle passed his mother called me Wade's mother okay she said to me you know it's been a long time since we've spoken we haven't seen each other for years we miss you we should have lunch and I was just kind of turned off by this because we didn't end on a good note you know he had cheated on me very badly with multiple people and so I didn't these weren't people that I wanted to be associating with I was polite to her but I told her you know no thank you we don't need to get together just for one last request could I please hook her back up with Paris Prince and blanket because she felt like they should the kids should be with her and the Robson's she said that she was their godmother and that Michael didn't want the kids with my grandmother I think Michael would want the kids to be with them so he may hurt their God mom that's what she's trying that she what she knew she was trying to claim that to me and that's I can't tell you how far from the truth that is all she wanted to do was figure out how to get back then their lifeline had been taken and she needed to figure out how to stay attached let that seemed like how that kind of seemed like what Wade was trying to do too was why he was so upset was that he was trying to find it sighs it's hard for people who are in Tacoma Washington or North Dakota or the flyover States that see nothing but polar bears and [ __ ] deers running across the street to understand that when you're next to somebody who's rich powerful and has access and influence and you may I mean look at some of the people that we're around right I mean I yeah I'm friends with somebody that the world Revere's but I don't see it I see it just says that you may see your uncle is just of my friend is a regular person when you're in it though you're profiting you're benefiting everything like you you're living a certain lifestyle you lose that you want that back whether it's somebody dying or them pushing you out or the family say hey yo stop fall back they want to figure out how to get back in and especially and if a person has affection for you it's not that hard you just got to get in front of them and have that whole moment again you know but when you can't guess what you become the biggest enemy well if you see time and time again well if he's cheated on you clearly he's just a dishonest and not a trustworthy person I mean this is an hour to bash this guy I mean I think public opinion is gonna have what it is it's interesting to see how much online detest people have for the documentary and for him and I just did a radio interview with power 106 and they were like what do you think and I said I saw John Legend up here and I was a I was taken aback to John Legend was [ __ ] on Michael - did you see that no but I heard about it yeah so what is your reaction to the people who are quick to take develop public opinion against Michael without having one scene all the facts and to acknowledge the fact that he's already been acquitted you know it reminds me back of the same thing I said was Oprah it's it's disappointing because people are not being fair I I can't understand what's happening like all of a sudden everybody's jumping on this bandwagon that Michael is this pedophile in this horrible man it's not who he is and he's not here to defend himself he's been gone for ten years and this is how his memory is going to to fade and it said do you think though do you think that I don't see Michael Jackson's legacy not being strong enough to weather this storm yes just the same damn storm with for so long that it's just like but it's not even just it's the same storm it's the same storm with the people who were in the life raft within the in the in the little boat with you going to safety saying oh we gonna make it because right the storms not ours or more bigger than the storm these are the people who testified in support of him when there were real allegations there would have been nothing for that little kid to raise his hand and say he did it to me too well and that's yeah I don't know I don't know part but I don't think yeah then he tried to break that down about why he didn't you know so it's just like you're honest and okay - how old was he would literally try to claim like I wasn't strong like hell was way more nice when he testified though well I don't know exactly specifically but I I can calculate it if you give me a moment but I'll tell you that he tests oh he didn't testify but he spoke on his behalf because there wasn't an actual court case in 93 he spoke on his behalf in 93 saying that nothing ever happened to him he was like 8 when he did that one he would have been like 11 11 oh yeah 10 or 11 yeah and then he did it again in 2005 so in 2005 more TV like 20 was grown he was like 21 at like 23 yeah he could have said 21 but he's born in 82 and we're talking 2005 he's about 23 years old so let's say 21 or 23 21 island a home 23 our own two homes I had great careers I was raising my little brother I was a grown-ass man 23 you couldn't say look I needed to come clean right now well he said he was so too afraid to have Michael being taken away from his children and that he would have forgiven himself because he was so compassionate and all these things and you know that's what old is he right now he's 7 months younger 24 25 27 all right 32 I mean none of it makes already 4 36 37 come on now no it just doesn't add up to me but you know what they say the best lie has a little truth in it so if he is lying for him to talk about the compassion and all the good things about Michael make you believe it even more because you're speaking to the qualities of this man that everyone sees and then you're like but that's saying early before the interview there's no way they could have came out and said Michael was the evil man any of that that's what that's the thing they can't say that because there's too many Testaments of Wade coming out vocally and saying Michael was amazing he was this he wasn't even fair and he still had he can't change his - right you clearly you'd be contradicting every interview he's ever done what is the choreographer someone that teaches how to dance they put this move they put an entire experience together to entertain you that's what a choreographer does script I'm saying that he could have he could not have come out and said Michael is the boogey man and he's been the boogey man all these years I just woke up and realized because he know there's too many receipts out there him saying otherwise so you have to be able to balance at any age is all [ __ ] I can't even watch it because and you know people say oh well there are people just married to Michael Jackson because of his music or married to Michael Jackson because this image are trying to hold on to this is a person if you go back and you do your homework YouTube is there google's there this is a person whose whole life was dedicated to bettering the world bridging the gap between races bridging the gap between the LGBT community bridging the gap for kids with needs like Brian White and other people his compassion was unparalleled so I just the craziest part and take away that I take from it is as much as I've been a kid who's been in foster care and group homes and [ __ ] and wanting to really help kids mm-hmm I don't want to [ __ ] with him now right I don't even want to help because you don't even want to get if Michael Jackson could be drug into it anybody can you anybody can yeah that's what I was saying you know looking back at it but you know your answer dad would you wish he would have moved differently after the first civil case came but you say no no like you say you are who you are yeah and especially when you know that he's not done anything wrong and that's just not who he is why should he have to change why should he not do good for other people because he's afraid to that's just not he's not going to stop what's up y'all sound for another Hollywood hookup and I want to tell you about the Robin Hood app so 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documentary at the time she may have but I didn't so she and I haven't spoken about this specific I had heard that she didn't speak out because well I had just heard from rumors people saying she ends spoken out because she didn't want to shed any more light on it so she didn't even want to acknowledge it that was the sentiment with my father and uncles initially as well when I told my father that I was going to start speaking out he said you know Britney this thing is just gonna die down this is this isn't some more BS that's coming our way and you know I don't want you to feel like you have to fight every battle we just have to live our life this people know that this isn't true but I had this feeling that this was not going to die down and especially once Oprah did what she did you know like this just turned a whole nother corner do you think Oprah betrayed Michael absolutely mm-hmm absolutely 100% and I feel like she betrayed not just him but but my family after he passed she asked to do an interview with my cousin's Paris Prince and blanket so my grandmother invited Oprah over to Havenhurst mother's house and they had a sit-down my grandmother otherwise would not have allowed Paris Prince and blanket to do an interview but because Oprah was being so sincere she allowed it and so I feel like we've let her in so many times and this is how she repays and Bill Trust I mean cuz again the Jackson family doesn't just let anybody in off the street right what would you think Oprah has to gain from supporting a documentary like that honestly I think this is way more political than people realize hmm I can't speak for us specifically what she's got to gain I mean I have my my suspicions and my theories but I think that this whole thing is I moved to tear Michael down and she she took the necessary steps to do it and immediate steps as soon as that we knew that documentary is coming out that interview was lined up with Wade and James why would you follow us why would she personally want to take me well I was thinking well I mean we don't know relationships at the top right yeah you don't know if somebody from HBO made a phone call that's really how the industry works but I what I found interesting is it when they you know the documentary is coming then 100 million dollar lawsuit comes and then you bring Oprah out to normalize everything I mean I don't know it just strategically it just looks weird yeah and then the the the post that they put on Oprah Magazine it's time to say goodbye like you're setting the precedent of what you want people to think you know it's crazy I've never seen them post nothing like that me I just thought that that was really that was really like he was out of context it was very out of context for Oprah and we posted that and we posted like her comments where people were like you're a snake I can't believe you Michaels rolling over in his grave you betrayed him he trusted you and it was it was interesting because I would not have thought and this is like during the week where Oprah's talking Weight Watchers has dropped significantly too so she had a really bad week but it just is weird to see it's weird to see all of these people come after a dead man yeah absolutely I agree so what do you think what do you think one of the biggest misperceptions is of Michael the biggest one of all that he's a pedophile that he's an abuser that's what's being told today and that's the the perception that people have I think that's the biggest one so what is it what is kids saying have they said anything I'm a no Paris had said something about feeling like her acting career would be compromised by this or something like that we reported but I have these spoke out yet publicly no they haven't really spoken out I can't speak for them directly but I can tell you from my my perspective on it they this is the first time they've had to deal with something of this magnitude about their father the last time this happened in 2005 they were very young so I don't know that they really experienced the way that people will will talk about him and the way that what can be so I think this is hitting them very hard it's it's hitting them like a brick wall and it's hard to digest you know it may new wait in his family so you know that it that makes it even more difficult when you know somebody and you know what their motives are in the way that they behave it makes you even more sick it's not some random person off the street that's saying these things someone who was very close to all of you guys exactly yeah I'm sorry your family's going through that man thank you yeah we'll make it through a very strong sure and we're gonna keep fighting yeah well I'm glad that he has somebody like you who's willing to get out there and because I've been waiting here for more the family I know the brothers have come out and done an interview and I hope Katherine doesn't have to be subjected to this conversation you know I mean to have the conversation defend your son but I would love to yeah I would love to hear from Janet I mean now that it's out she does have a really big voice in the Jackson family and in the world so would love to hear from her yeah yeah absolutely I wouldn't be surprised though if she feels like weight isn't worth their time but and you know again when you know the truth and you know that Michael is innocent you feel like I keep beating this dead horse like I'm fighting this battle this is this should be known you know what I mean like it's just upsetting again with WikiLeaks putting out all this documentary there's pages and pages and pages of how Michael is innocent and we're just ignoring that and so okay one last question recently I saw something pop up online where they're saying that Michael has another kid no my nose but do you know what I'm up I haven't seen that but I have seen some guy on social media claiming to be his son no that's probably Brandon Howard Knight yeah do I know Brandon is that Michael Jackson not at all 100% not at all he's he's a friend of the family we've known him for a long time I'm not sure what where this narrative came from he has no relation to the Jackson family with you they need to just let you be the Jackson family representative just go out and just dispel all the rooms okay now yeah but there's this other kid now who's a dancer or whatever he says he's Michael's son and there's a picture of him at the funeral sitting next to the family on the road out of his Photoshop I don't know what's going on with us I don't know his name I go let me find out isn't it yeah no well thank you for coming on here and thank you for uh thank you for telling your uncle's truth thank you yeah okay well we're out of here peace peace
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Keywords: brandi jackson
Id: sBIRrIZ4n2k
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Length: 59min 56sec (3596 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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