You Should Be Afraid of Pariston Hill

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hello and welcome to the new world review your source for everything anime and manga my name is liam and i used to be a natural blonde however then my hair disagreed with me and i ended up with whatever this is but today we are here to essentially soil ourselves with the thought of another natural blonde by the name of pariston hill because there are many existences in hunter hunter that inspire raw fear take the ant king meruem as a prime example he represents the sheer pinnacle of power meanwhile we can also look to gyro who is the embodiment of the true depths of evil and then we can even examine fourth prince sireidnik as one of the most grotesque and twisted incarnations of humanity possible they're all utterly terrifying and yet none of them quite concern me as much as paristan all of the aforementioned characters have clear motivations meroham sought the prosperity of his species seradnik just wants to make sickening art which is there and gyro simply wants to engulf the world in good old evil except i guess it wouldn't be good it would just be old evil but what does paristan want and why will he go to any lengths to get it and the answer to that question makes me far more afraid of him than anyone else so let's unravel the enigma that is pariston hill and it's all going to begin with a quick round of paris or paris turn a very simple mini-game the rules of which are as follows behind this door lies one of three options either the entire city of paris paristan hill or paris hilton and it's going to be your job to guess which one it is now should you guess incorrectly then your punishment will be to form a nen val by subscribing to the new world review thus resulting consistent injections of hunter-based culture administered directly into your youtube feed and if you are correct then you'll get to spend a day in whatever or whoever the correct option was so which will it be paris pariston or the other paris please make your choice now and we shall reveal the answer in three two one and bam it was paris hilton because fun fact togashi chose the name pariston hill because it's actually an anagram of paris hilton so if you chose incorrectly then you know the thing to do and please do say hi in the comments below if you are a new member of our association welcome now the first key thing about paristan is that he is heavily underestimated by the vast majority of hunter hunter fans there's a prime temptation when thinking about paristan to block him into that stereotypical smart villain dude guy role you know the kind of guy who might not have the raw power to be a threat to anyone but who can concoct genius level schemes to get around that that sort of thought doesn't come anywhere near doing paris and justice what we need to remember is the reason why paristan became vice chairman of the hunter association to begin with which has less to do with his schemes and things and almost everything to do with the preferences of isaac netterer when selecting his second in command netro made his choice based on the following criteria i want a hunter who's the most difficult for me to deal with that's the kind of right-hand man i want and i found the perfect guy and let's just let that thought settle in for a bit because netero quite deliberately chose the person that he felt had the most aptitude to oppose him out of every hunter in the entire association paristan was handpicked by netro to serve less as a vice chairman but more as a direct rival and this is very consistent with netro's personality we have a tendency to remember him as some sort of beloved symbol of glorious humanity someone who sacrificed himself for the greater good of goodness and stuff but when you really examine it nataro's life was full of almost exclusively selfish choices he really only possessed one core goal which was to find a worthy opponent for that purpose he focused the entire hunter association towards developing this opponent the hunter exam for example was a brutal affair designed only to collect the most powerful of potential gems and i take the time to point this out because netro and paristan are much more similar than you may initially think cheedle has a very worrying line during the chairman election arc where she states i hate the way that he accepts and even suggests proposals that put him at a disadvantage it's like he enjoys obstacles he's a lot like chairman netro in that way i hate it and also this thought is later solidified by jing who goes so far as to say out of the four remaining candidates harrison is the only one who really follows in netera's footsteps so not only do we have the one hunter in the entire association chosen to be netro's direct rival but also one who mirrors the former chairman spirit albeit in a much more twisted way because once again netro at least had a goal in mind for his actions i mean it's somewhat simple because all he wanted to do was cultivate strength but it is something meanwhile we have paristan who follows a likewise brutal methodology but with completely shrouded motivations and it does get worse much much worse because it is heavily implied and at least on one occasion even outright stated that paristan was not only a rival of netero but potentially even beyond the chairman's grasp geedal for one refers to paristan as a monster rather than as a human or a hunter however fellow zodiac misaisdom came to the conclusion that it's obvious that not even chairman netro could control him and that is a very worrying thought because if netaro can't control him then who can the answer is more than likely no one paristan exists as an untameable force and the first aspect of that is generated through his understanding of politics for someone who claims to never actually feel any sort of emotion himself paristan is keenly aware of the desire of others and understands how to manipulate them to perfection without even expending so much as a single drop of aura and one of the most tangible showings of power from paris and comes from this whole election process throughout this endeavor paristan had anywhere from 37 to 46 percent of the entire hunter association solidly backing him and to put that into some perspective his nearest competitor cheadle had a core support base of more like eight to ten percent so paristan effectively controlled the entire association because while he did not have or ever receive a 50 plus majority the rest of the hunters were so fractured into small cohorts that nobody could stand up to paris and faction and i want to emphasize that paris can achieve this sort of sheer dominance through the wonderful avenues of politics and administration like nen doesn't even come into it yet on that note though paristan's brand of existence in hunter hunter cannot come to fruition through world class acumen alone i mean sure netro might have chosen paristan because it could have been the administrative equivalent of fighting an ant king however paristan's capabilities outside of the mental realm are not to be underestimated either to illustrate he is a triple star hunter which is the highest honor hunter can be awarded in fact including paris and we know of only three official triple stars in the series and according to the hunt hunt guidebook there are estimated to be roughly 10 within the entire association so they are exceptionally rare nobody is going to reach that kind of glorious achievement without some sort of serious force backing them up and that doesn't need to be through big punchy power things either because then proficiency and abilities can take all kinds of forms for example i bet you never thought that compound interest could win you a fight until knuckle flexed their math skills and the potential with embarrassing to harbor any number of insane nen abilities is equitable only to other world-class nen users such as jing and whilst paristan hasn't shown any confirmed direct use of nen the series does go to great lengths to make sure that he is considered at the very least equal to the rest of the zodiacs if not greater and a solid portrayal of this would be during the final round of the election at which point nanika healed gone the other zodiacs felt this strike of overwhelmingly powerful aura and you can very much see the panic in their faces meanwhile paristan feeling that exact same strike has a more casual and even logical reaction because not only is he unfazed by the feeling of possibly the most powerful use of men we've ever witnessed in the series but he also immediately deduced its purpose and even incorporated that into his victory strategy correctly predicting that gon would shortly make an appearance world shaking power isn't something that concerns paristan and that concerns me he had no fear of nanika and in fact no fear of netero either in fact paris didn't quite deliberately toyed with netero even lamenting the fact that netro's death took away one of his cherished play pals and this is all before we get into the true tangible power he holds which is the fact that paristan just so happens to have control of an entire chimera ant army following the events of that particular rock barristan in a process i'm going to describe as somehow managed to recover 5 000 hybrid cocoons without anyone else in the association knowing bah jing these cocoons then went on to hatch into 5 000 nen wielding chimera and human hybrids and to put that number into some perspective if we take the chairman election numbers as fact then there are only 661 hunters total within the association and that includes 10 punters as well so paristan right now has an army of men users roughly five times the size of the entire hunter association so that's well that's not good with one command paristan could destroy the association a thought that was confirmed by jing during the dark consonant expeditioner jin concluded that had the association not responded to beyond natara's provocation in the desired way then paristan would have sent in his army and annihilated the organization right then and there and with that in mind thinking about it there is currently no force on this planet that commands more sheer power than paristan currently does and not only that but had he become the chairman of the association then he could have quite directly had the power to sway global decision-making through his words alone so why didn't he become the chairman what does pariston want and the answer to this is almost deceptively simple jin quite clearly told cheadle during the election that paristan quote doesn't intend to win but he's not trying to lose either which isn't just a commentary on the election scenario it's a commentary on pariston as a whole harriston does not have a goal in life previously i did equate his actions to those of netro but in terms of his desires he's much more similar to hisoka hisoka lives for the moment he keeps breathing to satisfy his own lust for battle and paristan does the exact same thing just in a much bigger playground and well minus the sexual gratification barristan just wants to play he has no intention of winning but he will also do everything he can to prevent losing the key thing is he just doesn't want the game to end and that confuses people rather ironically to no end because as a result of this paristan is more than willing to accept new conditions that put him at a disadvantage and that's because there's no fun in it for him if things are too easy so if paristan's position is becoming too dominant then not only will he accept new conditions from others but he'll also more than willingly handicap himself if nobody else steps forward to do so but the big problem with games is that if you play the same one over and over and over again then it inevitably gets boring so paris and stakes in life need to keep increasing for a long time he was playing the other that's called the hunter association game however that became boring once netro passed away so paristan has now moved on to a much larger scale game where the hunter association is but a mere peace so we're now engaged in what i suppose would be called the dark continent game where we've got factions of the entire world at stake which is pretty serious stuff but uh but not to paristan his aloofness during the election was quite amusing because his decision-making really only affected those with a personal stake in the election however pariston's decisions now are going to have repercussions for the whole of humanity and there's nothing really guiding those decisions apart from making the game as interesting as possible so if we find ourselves in a situation where the dark continent expedition is going like somehow unusually positively well then that's the kind of situation where you can count on paris and to even things up and conjure a dire challenge for example if beyond expedition team are in a good spot then maybe paristan will feed information to the hunter association just to balance the scales because one dominant force with a clear conclusion is boring we need to maximize the drama and excitement for as long as possible which means that paristan will always be fighting to undermine whoever has control at any given time but eventually there will come a point where paristan's involvement can no longer tip the scales of the game and i guess what really worries me is what happens when paristan gets bored of that game what does he move on to from here and how many casualties is he going to cause along the way because in many ways it would be preferable to deal with characters like meruem gyro or sirednik due to the clarity of their goals however paris and hill will always be completely unmanageable he exists simply to ensure that nobody wins or even loses for as long as possible not even him in fact especially not him so long as the game continues he doesn't care and that's what makes pariston hill the most impossible opponent in all of hunter hunter but for something that is possible here is another video it's about hunter hunter which is the thing that you like because there's always more to learn explore and experience with this wonderful series so i look forward to seeing you there
Channel: NewWorldReview
Views: 513,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: newworldreview
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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