Gw Movie- Security Breach (The Pizza Plex)

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thank you [Music] [Music] uh bonnie what never mind all right you know what bunny how about you go check the mail for us please oh okay thank you thank you thank you no freddie thank you it's cold it's cold what's that hey freddy uh this thing came in the mail it has your face on it but uh uglier ouch oh well open it up and read it all right let's see what this is you know it's it's kind of weird that they had your face on it but whatever yeah that looks like a letter well yeah no duh read it all right from fazbear entertainment what okay congratulations you have been chosen to visit the new freddy fazbear's mega pizza place okay this is just a scam did it just say mega pizza plex freddy i don't think this is a scam it says that the mega pizza plex has a go-cart place a monty's gator golf okay what the heck is that and a laser tag place an elk chips right freddy this is real congratulations you've been accepted to visit the new grand opening so this is a new place isn't it i guess so and i guess so look it says that we get to go behind the scenes and meet the band starring freddy fazbear hey that's you roxanne wolf montgomery gator and chica the chicken okay what you guys sure this isn't a scam freddy there's something else in the envelope ah my gosh freddy this place is real they have their own tickets and everything yo no way how many tickets are there one two um looks like there's six of them so all four of us can go in two more people no great so i heard you need two more people huh sorry guys it looks like there's only uh four so all of us are going except for you two hey i may be stupid but i can count and i can clearly tell that's five six tickets six tickets fine you guys can come yeah on one condition you guys are not annoying yeah that's a hard promise to make but we'll keep it this place seems really cool it looks like they got a go-cart place a mini golf enough with the chit chat and let's get there already all right let's do this hahaha [Music] i think this is the place oh my gosh how would it this place is huge bonnie you okay yeah it's just so beautiful i think i'm gonna cry [Music] wow how how does one build something this beautiful friday can we please go explore please please please please goldie calm down we will we will just admire this place for a second freddy come on i heard they had like a bowling alley dude come on let's go all right all right we'll go we'll go hmm hey freddy uh it says right here that we have to go to this place called rockstar row and we have to go to an elevator to get to it and we can meet the gang over that rockstar row there's an elevator it says there's about three floors at this whole mega pizza plex wow that's a lot to explore so we better get moving did you hear that bonnie hey guys i found the elevator it's right down this hallway well then let's go [Music] wait they have a daycare as well that's right that's where they keep the babies like you two not cool bro not cool at all yeah this elevator is so tight calm down bonnie we'll be out of here in a second press the button chica if i can foxy move your big face i'm trying [Music] who did that my bad [Applause] oh hi you're you're freddy fazbear excuse me no he's not i'm pretty fast bear that's this is i don't know who you are what's with the makeup dude it's not makeup it's it's face paint but whatever uh i'm glam rock freddy whoa that's kind of like a ripoff of freddie's name can we just go play faster blast treasure blast hey that's my attraction you have your own attraction of course we all have our own attractions mine's a laser tag place monty has a golf course roxy so does that mean there's like a version of bonnie me and chica that is correct except well for bonnie but but there is a montgomery gator i'm sorry what yeah he's right next door if you want to go meet him it was nice meeting you freddy but you know i'll be right next door yeah you're really cool and all with your uh makeup and face paint but i'm gonna go meet the gator all right you guys go and do that at least you guys like me right no okay where's the gator [Music] oh this is amazing so this is montgomery's green room and this is also his green room since it's literally green this is cool and all but where is he [Laughter] he's right there i got you good let me help you up little fella oh he's already my least favorite character ah you're just mad that i got you good huh ah yes yes i am right so what's your name he touched me yes i did i did touch you my name is [Music] yeah monty oh what's up mike i love you uh okay this dude is really weird so uh do you guys want to move on please not me i'm gonna stay in the room with i'm gonna stay in the room with monty ah that's my boy sorry about your door as well don't don't worry about it right next to monty's room is roxanne wolf's green room oh it's supposed to be my counterpart except uh she's she's a girl and uh uh i'm a boy and what exactly is wrong with being a girl oh nothing it's just what you're beautiful oh sugar i already know that yep that's roxanna she's kind of in love yeah what she's in love with herself oh that makes sense yes i am in love with myself because well i'm me and i'm awesome um you won't be the only one that you fall in love with ever say that again sugar oh are you a vendi machine cause you look like a snack do you come up with that on your own i did yeah okay i think your friend has a little crush on my friend yeah you think i mean i don't really blame foxy she's hot like real hot hotter than the sun yep it's true me and roxy are soul mates don't touch me unless you're a winner like me yeah guys we better get out of here i can't stand another second in this room she only talks about herself glam rock freddy i agree we should get out of here before it gets any hotter [Music] bonnie get your eyes off of my girl don't call me your girl because i'm not nobody's girl it's official foxy is a simp and here's the final room glam rock chica ah that's a lot of pink please tell me that's not her yep that that's her huh oh hey uh i can see you like pizza and pink what no pizza's gross so i know everybody has like their own attraction but what's yours is it like a cooking area what no mine's like a gym like a fitness place a gym there's a go-cart place a mini golf and a phaser blast and yours is a fitness place yeah yikes they did you dirty yeah yeah they they kinda did can we please get out of this room this is too pink for my eyes oh yes can you please leave because i just want to get back to eating my pizza well that came out of nowhere attention fazbear band it is now nine o'clock and now time for your final show of the night please make your way to the stage well chica looks like it's show time why don't you guys head over to the atrium for the show though i'll do anything to get out of this room alright sounds like a plan are we just gonna meet you guys at the atrium well we got a show to perform but we'll meet you there all right sounds like a plan not a very good one [Music] so [Music] this is insane i love you roxy [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] he he definitely ruined the show might get up what what the heck just happened did you guys see roxy weak at me yes foxy we saw her wink at you i don't even know what happened [Applause] hey freddy hey mr fastbearer hey what happened out there i i don't want to be rude or anything but you you kind of ruined the show do you even know what happened i i i don't but it might have been a malfunction or something i think my system's crashing was the reason why i fell down and ruined the show but i don't know how that happened now parts and service has me on reduced power they said it was a safety precaution oh well i'm i'm sorry to hear that it's fine i'll get over it it's just one more thing to deal with well what's all the other things you have to deal with i'd rather not say freddie you don't do that just tell me what's going on fine the heck was that whoa freddy you are you okay that was wrong what uh do you need help what's going on outside i'm okay yeah i'm okay you sure you're okay because you seem up not yes bonnie i'm fine he's definitely not okay your performance was perfect tonight look at you you're so beautiful your eyes are beautiful your hair is beautiful everyone wants to be you you are the best you can come out of hiding now i can see you oh well i don't really need to try because i'm perfect just like you buddy i'm the only perfect one whoa roxy i didn't know you felt this way [Music] i should probably run [Music] we need to get you and your friends out of here but why what's going on frank you need to answer me where are your friends i think they're all doing their own thing in the atrium why can't we still have enough time but we need to get you and your friends out here before 12 a.m but okay why if not you're gonna be stuck here the whole night now let's go [Music] careful cody watch out for the ghosts they could get you at any moment bonnie i know cody they're getting out to you watch out dang it buddy you made me lose oh sorry goldie i just wanted to help hey what time is it we've been here for a while i think it's 11 58. cody did you hear that yeah i did it was like a scream or something run run from what i think he wants us to run from that good idea cody get to the tank to take care of the tank here hurry the excess right over there get you thank you come on come on come on no [Music] please no no one's getting through [Music] no it's too late i smell pizza i am just trying to help [Music] freddy they locked the doors and now we're trapped in here what do we do youtube listen to me you guys to miss your only chance to get out of here we need to keep you safe and find your friends before the others do okay do you know where they are well i saw two of your friends going to daycare earlier for protection and i assume that fox friend of yours is in roxy raceway you can hide but you can't hide if there is another way out i will help you find it i promise [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Gabe's World
Views: 4,357,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: a80C-j35RRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 29 2022
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