Gw Movie- Fortnite Chapter 2 solo 13+

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh whoa oh man bro oh gosh whoa better kill Landon all right one Apple ah whoa man okay I got a pickaxe uh what now well this guy has no idea what he's doing hey there little noob huh oh shoot it's an enemy huh huh you have no skin and no pickaxe oh man that's funny well look I'm line I got like five thousand v bucks you probably have none stop flexing bro I don't care about that pickaxe well it's certainly more powerful than your ax bad bro just literally bent anyway I'm gonna get this dub not you default yeah ah take that stupid Oh dog that hurts like a mug you want more no thanks doc I'm good ah get back here stupid default this guy was weird huh I may not be good at the game but I'm certainly more lucky than these dweebs ah geez brah everyone so mean to me so toxic and everything brah hmm word that default go he was a free kill I'm not letting him off the hook that easy bro come on where are you Wow saying I'm a noob I'll show him just need fun gonna well what's this looks like a shotgun haha I'll show him who's a noob come on out noob you're a free kill it'll be over there you are get ready to get bopped kid aw crap man hey I got my first kill dog let's go alright let's get some Matt heart bro alright I got about 30 Matt's what now you die huh oh shoot dog you're going back to the lobby kid oh gosh oh oh get red kid whoa what's this huh looks like this guy had some good loot well except for this stupid gun this is the gun that got him killed haha what else is here oh and they are God would this gun looks pretty good yeah what are these they don't look healthy that's for sure but for some reason I feel like I should drink these hmm you know what you got to take chances ah alright got the lid off let's try this yeah oh man I feel I feel better that's because I got some shield there's one more let's see if I can get up to 75 shield I can't drink it bro I can't try one more time bro I can't drink it anymore whatever I think I'll just save it for later when I need it ha she done come on spring-trap yeah we gotta reload you know what forget it I'm gonna go rush this newb surprise wait you had shield and you hid from me yep that's how you win oh you had shooting you didn't even use it get out here stupid pump oh ho move out of the way kids this is gonna be my win let's bandage up and drink the shield potion hmm nope this is gonna be my win huh oh oh nice nice loot whoa is that a gold shotgun oh yeah I call dibs on this bro Oh Dan look at this huh oh man this is gonna look nasty on me all right Oh what's this more shield potion [Music] Oh God Oh was oh crap I'm out 1 hp I got to pick this stuff up and go I gotta go I gotta go what hitmarker this game is actually stupid see I can snipe another person [Music] what a noob drinking a chug chug out in the open well I got a present for him whoa that's good [Music] no he's talking nice you don't have a gun oh man I can't believe how long I survived oh my gosh is that open 90 oh my gosh this is literally like the best gun in the game oh my gosh now everyone is dead you should already give me the victory royale because I have a p90 Anna yeah I'm gonna destroy everyone with this thing oh well long does battle royale gonna last for oh no people know how to building this server crap home yeah in just my last a week or maybe even months Oh what if it lasts for a year I want that to happen I'm already tired oh I think I'm just gonna go to bed right here and I'm low on health so tamp in and getting some good rest will help me survive him and probably increase my health hardhome [Applause] [Music] Oh oh good more way saying it was just five minutes ago it was not time and then both five minutes later de Lappe bro what's going on with this game I told you this game's weird where's my gun oh here it is yeah I got a legendary have a shotgun bro yeah about to Bob some kids with this but I do need to find band-aids make kids and uh some other stuff I guess what was it cold shield potions yeah she'll potions by the way who built this is actually pretty good all right MA my for it looks pretty good looks like no one's gonna get through here and I just got to wait for kids to come out and I can RPG then boy get ready to get Bob kids I'm just gonna explode you the dance haha what you're so dead full oh oh oh no I'm gonna want to be bruh oh this is not good haha I'm about to get my 20th kill oh oh don't run off buddy it's okay just suck it's okay to suck no one isn't know huh alright what this kid have Oh what is that's a big shield potion damn bro this is huge that's it what is it called a chug chug damn bro it's it's golden so I think I should drink it whoa whoa what was that Dean oh whoa oh my god fool shoot in full health oh I need five more of those alright what else did he have alright what did he huh what is this ah doesn't look that powerful yeah I don't want it let's give [Music] this oh we got a dancer ha ha how am I supposed to get across this oh my god it is I need to get in it going keep going keep going oh all right I think I'm good oh man that was actually kind of fun man that boat ride was fun so uh you look for some more enemies what's that ah storms doing a lot of damage okay oh man oh oh man I checked my map oh man the circles getting smaller I need to need a farm better weapons only got a good weapon I need to find other weapons what was that supposed to mean whoa I've heard of these things he like turns out to add our burger or something like that and then expose and turns it to a llama and I've heard these llamas give you like good loot so uh you know what this is taking too long oh I got an idea Wow look at all this wood ah and a pet oh that's cute I think I'm gonna keep this as a backpack you and oh another shield potion imma pick this up he's no I have full shield this might be in handy in like later game I ran all the way over here just to get this chest all right yeah please be something good dan holy cow I got a jug jug and a buggy bum man bro I'm gonna win this come on come on man oh thank god I'm just thinking I was done there for a second whoo man there's a lot of sweats in this game freaking foggy you storm you just make the game so more not fun there's already sweats and twitch TVs why do you have to be here haha what a potato [Applause] [Music] whoa jeez what a sweat good thing I got this gold star haha oh crap I dropped it alright there's two guys left just got to kill one more actually two more maybe the other guy will kill the other guy and then I'll finish him off what what the heck is this whoa it's a golden AR whoa this thing is looking nasty man it's called a scar it's a golden scar oh dang it looks so sexy you think you found the gold scar sorry buddy this is my scar I found it first haha get a laminated kid and this guy had no stuff oh there's one more person and the storm is closing in well he's not that far from me gotta find him all right versus last guy Oh Sun free chauffeured he's the last guy oh no he's a good player it's good I call the duty but he's not probably good at 4-byte huh oh this should be an easy kill off of my scar doesn't shoot that for I need a sniper huh I got a golden ball action sniper only golden Freddy gets the golden guns Oh see what I did there oh all right sorry shadow Freddy oh I'm at 20 HP oh no I got a build is it this button whoa no it's not that one that's the shooting button oh this one all right I'm done all right time to bring out my gold scar Oh the storms gonna get him gotta still shoot at him stop huh eat my butt you chicken front [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now Oh victory royale I finally get the up [Music]
Channel: Gabe's World
Views: 8,900,016
Rating: 4.7748833 out of 5
Id: rwO2BZjU4og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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