Freddy Fazbear and Friends "Bonnie Runs Away"

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[Music] oh hey Bonnie sup chica what what do you what are you doing huh not much of just lying down I just got done cleaning the dishes oh it's nice it's not fun to do you should start doing the dishes like that Oliver happened no no you should totally do it and what it means what are you doing right now I'm trying to think about why I should do the internet so it's too cold to go outside and there's nothing good on TV watches play games on the PlayStation for you I can't play call of duty awful without the internet jiggle you don't have to be online to play video games you could just you could just play GTA 5 its story mode yeah but that's boring how is it boring GTA online and GTA East or even are basically the same the only difference is there are no missions and you get to talk to people from around the world yeah but that's the fun factor why don't you then watch just watch a movie on DVD oh because all those we have our crap what no there now we have a lot of good movies yeah I wonder do we have that's good we have Jurassic Park we have The Mummy trilogy we have Madagascar we have Shrek those are all bad movies no they're not they're good that's what you that's what you think huh whatever your size DVD what watch movies our DVD is so early mm yeah I could kind of see that what's the point of on a DVD when you could buy it off Amazon exactly yeah and that's also waste of money because eventually the disc is going to get all scratched up and worn out they don't have to buy a new one but what Amazon Instant Video you could watch the movie literally whenever you want can we just change the subject please well what do you want to do I don't know like maybe tell me a story till telling you a story I don't have any stories to tell right now well you just think of something love you think hmm wait a minute I know what I can tell you what remember when I framed you for destroying the kitchen you ran away and Freddie was worried sick about you oh yeah that was not a good time for me you pretty much almost got me killed yeah I know but did you notice that during the donut that week I was at the pizzeria really how did you not notice that oh no I was too busy celebrating that you weren't at the pizzeria I had a feeling you wouldn't care about me but actually I ran away that day what you ran away yeah and I'll tell you the whole story you will okay so I don't remember all this happening it was two years ago so you probably don't remember all right it all started off whip right after Freddie confronted me Oh before we start the story all events were originally supposed to take place at the old house but now that we've been worried in Arizona we're just gonna have to deal with it with the new setup Barney said you made you to run away and frame her first or in the kitchen you're forbidden to play your guitar for a week do I make myself clear yes Freddy I'm so embarrassed right now actually thinks so too Barney you really made us what you may ask worried sick and may have took like jerks and from that video well I didn't do a lot I was just trying to help except when you threw a keyboard at me Freddie yeah but I was just mad and my circuits were whacked were acting funny that day whatever anyway as I was saying for your wide background you're going to be doing chores around the house what's my first chore you'll see well since you're the one who destroyed the kitchen you're gonna clean the kitchen up from top to bottom no I don't wanna clean the kitchen she got chicken was the one who forced me to make her pizza she should be the one doing this no you made the mess so it's your responsibility and this kitchen very spotless by the time I get back you better respect anybody here Uggams I'll make I'll make a spouse for them all right no chica how many times do I have to tell you put your dirty dishes in the freaking dishwasher I have to do everything she got please put the dishes and normally - it's a coffee state and please is that we make coffee don't make a mess this year you should be the one doing this crap [Music] okay this better be spotless for him because this is literally the best I could do oh here we Cubs okay boarding the kitchen very clean I'm home all right Oh mmm so far so good Oh with it that's always been endure 30 [Music] mm that's it maybe oh that's full I gotta say Barney this is pretty clean glad you like it Freddy this is literally the best I could do you did pretty good but look the next time you please make the dishwasher more neat it's very messy tell that to chica she's the one who can't make her own meals and she's the one who loves the dishwasher Oh I'll go talk to her about that huh well that was good no yes I can just relax Oh Barney what now Freddy can't you see I'm watching TV or I could sue that but I need to have a word with you you're my trouble again no I needed I need to remind you of something nope stand up and talk to me all right I'm here what is it 12:00 tomorrow we're gonna happen it's tomorrow is a big day for a faster speed sir we're gonna have a lot of guests over we're gonna be saying I'm gonna quite quite a few songs so I'm gonna need you to get everything set well I can't she could do that she's the one who made a mess in the kitchen chica can give you a hand but this is not her job this is your job why's it always me Barty no we're not gonna argue you'll do you will do as you are told okay understood understood no no no no listen Barney you'll get some you'll be able you'll be able to participate all right you know many crackers Riis crackers I heard they go well with cheese so I'll take them okay I guess this will do hey you guy can't get me a knife there you go all better I can barely see a thing how is this better will calm down Barney this isn't permanent this is only temporary until your eye gets better this bit this bandage will help will help what will heal your eye I guess you're right well I gotta get going I get the party started thanks for or helping my hi every time [Music] look ridiculous like this no I'm gonna no I was gonna think I'm Fox he's brother he better keep your mouth shut I'm tired before in time this party I better get my strength have I rest my strength for tomorrow [Music] [Music] don't do that sorry I'm striking you excited scaring someone doesn't get them excited well it works what when people come in and dark living rooms and then and there people show surprise I would think you excited that's different it's their birthday but it's not my birthday well sorry they're not no get off yeah I'm gonna run some air I got phrases a guy run some errands before the party starts of course it's gonna be on a rainy day where are we going we're gonna go to Safeway to get some groceries I'm going to stop at the thrift store with you know that's of all you can use your coupons up to five times in one transaction I'm so windy out well Dwight Roy look like I can control the weather no now listen we're in a public store so be civilized don't be rude to others and do not I repeat do not throw a temper tantrum or I'm gonna tell Freddie that I don't know what I'm gonna do but it's not gonna be pretty all right robots answer the door just be civilized ketchup the weenie a ketchup I think ah chips perfect let's see spicy no no no none of us can handle spicy chips well boy Barney can so easily worked out and ruffles you sour cream at all right we got chips butt cheek are you going on cereal look at Travis boss is writing though then that means you need cereal follow me Oh chica inside voices were in a public store don't choose what you want but not not but only one okay yeah there's so many different kinds of cereal Barney mm-hmm cocoa puffs pops yeah I don't not a big fan of pops Lucky Charms frosted flakes feels like ants are merging with other companies cinnamon frosted flakes just pick up just pick a stereo already but only one what about Trix Trix are for kids oh all right [Music] choose Coco Puffs of course all right we're almost done we just have to get a couple more thatës chika were you looking at she would get back here chika don't even think about it was point of having a party without any cake chika that knows our surprise birthday parties this is not a birthday party I wanna get a cake chika we're not here to get any cakes I only came here to get a couple of items that we're going to the thrift store classic white Devils cake flavors if it was a birthday party that I would have bought bought cake mix this cake mixes lemon supreme look I don't care about any look I don't care about lemon supreme I don't like that guy that kind we're not getting cake at that is that they'll put it back no son I planned it to get a cake thanks I get nothing [Music] don't you dare stops for me no Chico I can't believe he just did that it's not always about Jill we're going to a thrift store and don't even think about coming in because if you don't ever catch on there oh I'm gonna send you the KFC it you're gonna like it never again never again so sorry so sorry you threw a temper tantrum in the freaking store snacks I wanted that this party is not about you chica it's about our friends and it was hard it was bad not that you staffed me my eye yes yeah an accent we threw out my freaking eye with excessive force and they said they made a mess out my nose you freaking Dane back you made them you don't make that mess not me you're the one who start that fight oh whatever let's get this party started I'm gonna say far away Freddie I have a question which is if if we're performing songs on the stage could I still use my guitar no Barney because you're still you're still forbidden to play a guitar wait then who's gonna play my guitar I don't want you to get mad by this but I signed cheek gonna play a guitar what are you out of your mind Gina can you play guitar all she's all you know she's the backup singer right yeah but she's fully capable of playing guitar I've seen her use your guitar when you're not looking what why did you do anything to stop her she was doing well oh my god she could if she got screws up the party it's your fault she's not no she's not no she's not and I want you guys to behave on the party if you if you guys mess at the party it's gonna be two weeks for a foot of being away from your guitar yes Freddie I want you to get ready because the guests are gonna be here pretty soon hello everybody to fish off the awesome party we had we're gonna sing you a couple of songs like we would do to the kids you already know my name rody fazbear's chicken let's eat yeah you already know me a whole daddy's foxy the pirate Fox here normally I wouldn't be here normally I would be on stage but since it's the party I thought why not join me friends and the over here is I said over here is Bonnie steek this is by the bunny I would know why we're saying already chose you guys already know this well we have to remember that we're teaching we're teaching our own friends not kids so they already known know us this is and this is Bonnie and he just has a stomachache in his eyes bothering so he's not gonna be very talky today now as many of you know why did something not so good but he eat soap for his so today real I switch it around why is good to be boys gonna be the extra stain earth and cheetahs gonna play the guitar awesome are you okay with that party party stop it thank you his stomach still hurts you got to bear with us all right Chico what song is saying first I want to sing sleepy Jeanne oh is that from the monkeys yeah watch me see Kirk Gretchen she got it staged a believer by the by the monkeys whatever okay all nervous hurt oh I could I need the wings of the Bluebird she sees the six o clock alarm would never ring but six frames hi grace what the she thought of my eyes Oh what's the problem Bonnie why'd you scream because chica city voice is the worst that was the worst singer felt gave my guitar like whoa chica give me back my guitar you have no clue what you're doing Scott Jake what that was horrible your kids were so on and you know you were so off with the lyrics too so I heard the song before I was just looking for the lyrics how do you messed up how could you not listen to a song the first rule of a guitarist is look at listen to the song a couple times before rehearsing and after we're hurt seen you glide before don't you know the basics of a guitarist know whenever I play a guitar I just mess with the strings do you got a breaker don't bring my guitar guys knock it off we have friends in front of us no no you start off with your crazy singing your singing is ten times worse than me okay you can call me you can call me names yo get ready for a show in the kitchen but [Music] [Music] why is it always me that gets hurt you better but you are though in the room unbelievable that was heads down the worst party I've ever sick you two are careless reckless and very destructive what'd you say what's crazy don't just say so you don't know about listen I don't care who's started or whose fault it is you two are still in a heap of trouble Freddy Freddy Freddy Freddy just calm down please try to keep your cool but look guys we're supposed to show our friends and family that were a true and loving family plus our pizza Aria is supposed to is supposed to be a place where kids can have fun not place where arrests for animatronics can wrestle foxy I was I was trying to show our friends that were mature but this that's because you were touching me was to what what's to what okay since Yuki since YouTube keep one want to keep acting like babies Arif used to grow up I'm gonna have to take some drastic actions like what guys until you two can get a lot and act like adults you will not be a part of the show for quite some time whatever right I'm afraid not [Music] Freddy isn't this a little rough it's tough love foxy I have to do it until they learn so no States performing for me chica and no pizza for her does me I could just relax it's so good oh no buddy you're now the woods either then what's my punishment I don't have my guitar I don't have to cook pizza well that's why I've left left to lose nothing so I don't have to do anything the first punishment is that your grounding time on your guitar has been extended and you'll be clean the kitchen and bathrooms every day my decision is final now go I'm not gonna go excuse me you do not talk to your boss like that you can't move the mouse right here I'm so sick of a push drop by you guys and do it every single turn for you I have to cook pizza for her scrub the floors clean the kitchen it does the office and you got it and I also have to clean your dirty car and as for you you're no better you know I'd never get a thank-you from you or anything Bodhi stop yes I think you need to understand that it's my decision of how things go around here and if you think your life is hard I have to pay the bills make sure everyone's getting ready for this for this show say salsa kids five times a week and deal with your disrespectful behavior my this is my behavior I have to put with her but obnoxious demands and not get a single thank-you from her your your job is so easy around here well if you think my job is so easy baby a baby next week I could beat you and you could be me and then you'll understand how hard it is to be big about that Freddie there won't be a next week because I've had it with this place one of the Whitewater you can't leave get off with you beer lover no stake don't worry you can't leave us get your filthy hands off me I know exactly what to do I blame in this horrible place no I'm not that person I'm out of here no more annoying chickens no more bossy bears no more red alcoholics up free I guess I go where the wind takes me now [Music] you freedom [Music] [Applause] I can't think anything I'll read this perfect moment no Dora says I just had to all my big fat now fun like I got you out here gosh stop running Oh screw you locomotives always halt always halting up to cars and trucks as the people who have to get to their destinations you've every go back time against the railroad crossing yes the trains gone playing about the zip storage right along those trail rebel tracks I sure hope they won't mind having an animatronic sleep of the front porch I got your fat sister storm suits be getting worse windy rainy cold day why did I just do it during its daylight it's sunny out got these cards the restaurant I party tomorrow's another day of freedom and relaxation so captain where we go do now since Barney is God we need to find a guitarist as soon as possible we don't well considering that Barney could attracted more kids than any of us if we don't find a new guitarist the kids will start leaving our pizzeria and the less customers come to our pizzeria then we'll have to then it'll cause financial issues and if we get financial issues we'll have to file for bankruptcy and if we get if we file for bankruptcy our pizza will close and of our pizzeria closes where it's off to the scrap yard we got fired new Qatar's as soon as possible the desert well there could be a tower on the thrift store like a 10-cent budget to thrift store will house an actual animatronic well it's what's a try mmm all right let's go to the fifth store yeah well screw you I really wouldn't allow anyone to sleep on their porch I need to find a new home I can't stay out here I can't live out in the open that's dangerous coyotes could attract me I just want this to end if I wonder what she could they wish she ran away she told me that she flew on an umbrella if I steal building that way my dog found her that's it the 20min choice kid house me at home I'm sure he won't mind me staying there for a couple of days oh [Music] this sucks you can say that again I thought jeans rare options and finds will have some animatronics they're not even a happy frog who the heck is happy frog I have no clue you know what are we gonna do oh no what to do now I don't know if spring-trap camp to play the guitar no no absolutely not he would terrify the kids rather entertaining them then what should we do oh I every idea what well maybe it's a guitar we have so I'll play a piano instead a piano say I think we used to play a piano back in the 90s I wouldn't if we still have it okay you do that stupid withered Bonnie trying to steal my parts where the funny in his food it's a pig what was with that person chicas she looks like a recorded version the t-rex from Jurassic Park net foxy was very kind but he was very Alan bigmouth but at least he wasn't an alcoholic ooh am I gonna get a job what's this surgeries babies pizza world help-wanted I've never heard this place let's go look at let's take a look at the pictures whoa whoa whoa she's a hottie hmm 120 bucks a week I guess I'll try apply for this place is it still windy I hope I hope they'll let me inside I think this is the place here ago he tell me who the heck you are hello I'm Barney the bunny and I'm here because of the help-wanted ad from a newspaper oh you're just in time we were about to take that down now we don't have a lot of options open we'd like to come inside to see what you would like to do sure anything that would get me out this cold weather thank you so much I was freezing all day well what were you doing out in the cold fall out with some of my friends and I left the house I'm looking for our new place to live I tried living at my other friend's house but their friends weren't being nice towards me rough well just follow me I'll find a good job for you this is a very dark pizzeria what's your name by the way oh my name is Belle Ora I'm the best animatronic ballerina there is and I love to dance you see that through your design so what is this place oh this is where I sleep this is but Laura gallery where it's obviously my place and I teach kids the dance and eat pizza that doesn't make any sense so wait wait wait so kids are trying to learn to stay fed but you let them eat pizza that's going against the rule of being fed that's the company slogan I just have to go with it now I'll show you more are as we go through here we are entering the very dark space of the pizzeria this is funtime auditorium more like dark time auditorium there's barely any lighting here well I have a friend here who likes the dark okay well what's his name first of all I want to bring up that it's not a he or a she it's it what are you talking about does it does it have a gender well the thing is he has a voice changer mean that he has a voice that's either a boy or a girl so sometimes it does she sometimes it's a he okay well what's her name performance was demanded of me oh oh oh you definitely delivered a performance all right are you fart i foxy why yes I am but I'm foxy oh why see now see what who are you by the way nothing I'm Barney Barney that's a nice name it's nice to meet you alright look are you the aren't you the one looking for our job here why yes I am it's nice to meet you fun time foxy all right boo Laura can we continue the tour I want to get out of this creepy place sure follow me now you're about to meet a very crazy character okay where is he hey I see someone over there give them a surprise wow you're so I'm gonna have to get used to what are you [ __ ] let me guess you're [ __ ] I'm Freddie how did you guess I met some fun time version of foxy so I assumed yet you were a fun time version of Freddy it is that fun time me oh no no this is my friend blonde blonde hello that is a very weird combination I'll tell you that no it's not we're both unique and a lot of fun okay could we move on please Melora bye bye content Freddy bye why does he sound like he's on crack that's the voice he was given okay so what is this place now Oh when circus baby auditorium circus baby she's were now for her unique features unique features like what things dance scene inflate balloons right her fingertips she can even dispense ice cream from her stomach okay say what is this door for a Bonnie please do not go in there that is a restricted area okay I won't go in there this looks like a nice place to be in hmm I think I found a good job for you what is it you could be a backup singer with baby I'm sure she won't mind hmm all right I guess I'll go introduce myself where is she she said she's on her stage sleeping she's not fully asleep though so you can go talk to her I'm not gonna really wake her up but I'm not wait till she wakes up hello whoa whoa whoa calm down so are you a circus baby baby baby relax he's looking he's that he's the one looking for a job here oh you creep - can't you wait on the day it was windy out there so I couldn't wait I need some shelter he's looking for you he was wondering if you can work if you can work with you well I guess so okay I'll be all I'll be on my way okay I guess I'll be on here listen mister don't ever scare me like that again okay okay I'm sorry also I don't know if the kids are gonna like you you don't look you look so outdated excuse me I'll have you know that I've been around longer than you how long 1992 where were you were when where were you built all around me late to that early mid-2000s well listen girl if we're gonna work together you're gonna have to do with things my or my way we'll see about that all right so do you have a name the name is Bonnie body it's not a girl's name I would date I was dating after my builder well you pull your builders mom may have been stupid by giving him a girl's name well I know what everybody gets girls names like this one guy with a big beard who make who makes videos on video games and his dad's a freaking psychopath he's his name is Jesse while his brothers a name's JT or Jeffrey I guess you're right well good night good night wakey-wakey you scared me oh no come on guys get ready for my show you mean our show hey you you maybe I'll beat you maybe part of the show now but so my show okay I'm gonna go brush my teeth you got stop doing that dude Oh morning stranger how are you good until you stalled me just get ready don't scream my kids either you're gonna get them a heart attack don't listen to him he's just judging your voice that's just how I am hello kitty's Sanders baby here and today we got special guests today which is buying the bunny hey kid you might remember me from professor's pizza well I ditched that place because of personal problems but now I work here and you're gonna have a blast with me here yes I will all right darlings but now we're gonna see how well we bounce ourselves when we do a twirl peekaboo hello children walk up the circus face Pizza world I'm your host funtime Freddy with my best friend Bart board yeah no chica are you sure you remember how to play this thing yes I can I can do it by myself so it's been a while since I last played this so hopefully I'll do I'll be good I have a bad feeling about this hello kids welcome to Freddy fazbear's pizza I'm chica let's eat and I'm your host ready fazbear Hey where's Bonnie um Barney won't be here with us today he's on vacation but not to worry kids we have a we have someone to fill in his job we have chica the chicken a lot of you might not know this but before she her cupcake was came into the picture she used to play a piano hey I'm a man that yeah see you want them remembers this know what sorry I'm gonna play for us chica I'm gonna play a Fur Elise really Oh kids she's referring to that piano song created by Beethoven and she's gonna play it just how paid till they would have liked it Chico why did you do that he called me brain dead g-got we are never letting you play instruments ever again I miss party no I don't know Fox what was our in taken today $10 in two cents Dutch Finch no no no no this can't keep going on if this goes on what we'll have to file for bankruptcy yeah everything was so good until Barney left that's what was gonna say chica foxy we got to get Barney back do you want to go bankrupt then and eat food out of a garbage yeah well then let's go help Barney and you're going to apologize for the way you treated him and I'm going to apologize too he's not gonna say yes this is a big waste of time that felt great and glad you liked it Bonnie fit well this new establishment yeah same to you hey where you going I'm going for a walk around the pizzeria care to join me oh sure so hey I have a question about your ice cream system have you had any malfunctions over the years one time I gobbled up a whole child then I think I'm her now I don't know why it cities when I was serving chocolate ice cream the with cream guide to the mechanism and a malfunction it caused it it caused a whole lot of problems you gobble up a small girl that's horrible - what happened - what happened after that I don't know I guess they took the body out after the day ended I don't know very much when I D all I remember is gobbling up that child then everything went black and I can't describe it though I just my viewpoint my height changed I felt cold and stiff geez it sounded like the kid possessed you after that what I think it did but I almost having a weird urge to find somebody who I don't know I guess we'll never find out yeah all right hey Bonnie what I have an idea what's your idea let's don't do you know that door that's nearby room yeah yeah what about it Blore told me to not go in there let's go see it what if the Lord catches us how would she's not gonna catch us and looking there all the time I never get caught I have a bad feeling something is okay this is the Dora here I have a bad feeling about this baby we shouldn't be doing this come on let's just say this what is it watch I could I could bust out I could make I can make doors open when they don't want too many strong Oh Bonnie Bonnie that's windy I think this is the place we'll go knock that's why I'm doing yes who is it Oh ammonium atronics sorry fellas someone always saw the Help Wanted sign first no we're not here for a job we're here to see if our friend Bonnie is here Vaughan bonny easy the big purple rabbit with a bread bowtie how did you know because he works here we gotta go get him come on whoa whoa whoa don't force him to go back with you guys if you want him to come back you have to be sincere with him Bonnie you should scare people like that you look like you just saw a monster what this is the Roomba Laura talked about it's just a larger room what's the scary of all laundry room this is why I'm not gonna come in here because what's so scary about laundry room nothing there's gotta be a catch there's another door which it's locked it doesn't listen to lead to anything eat anyway there's gotta be something in here wait what we mean I think the readers come aah oh it's just a jumble of wires huh what what who the heck what I thought I heard something knocking here must be my imagination playing with me what I heard it again oh nice try baby knocking on the glass oh really the how come every time I turn my back on it it knocks I thought that was you but baby I think we're not the only ones in this laundry room this I'm afraid to look I think I've seen a mouth a mouth but wires don't have mouths I wonder this is an is this another animatronic baby yeah did you turn out the lights no baby I think this is the reasonable or didn't want us in here well let me try the truck same way around the heck you are [Applause] I'm free yes let her go oh quit squirming then I'll then to introduce myself the name is entered I was created by William Afton as a peasant as another animatronic however I was never completed due to a failure that made me kill another employee so I was put in the back here I was covered in plastic bags and left to rot but just now you've released me and now I'm going to get my revenge on you on William William Rd talk about my Creator ah so you're the part of the faster bands yeah that's me what do you want well I'm gonna get revenge on in but you don't know what you're even if you wait wait what Willie mapped and died a long time ago what no I'm too late yeah so just go back to your hole and never come out actually I have a better idea I'll destroy you [Applause] joy baby baby you got Fred's Cup Oh No Oh No what's the problem is hmm so this oh come on guys we got safe body he might be in there [Music] stop right there guys Oh it's the fuzz bear guy can I have your autograph sure just sign my babe g-good now's not the time oh sorry can't my autograph I'm not here for an autograph I'm here to take revenge on you guys what revenge what are you talking about why do you have Barney in the first place I love Barney because he went into my home without permission so what sold it at pathetic ugly clown shut up these guys he's let me out of my torturous chamber and I'm doing them a favor by destroying them I was originally going to destroy your career though William Afton but I decided to take my anger out on you guys since you are technically part of him it's in here lad it's gonna take more than a couple of wires to defeat the mighty foxy the pirate foxy now's not the time introduce ourselves let me out I'll let you out I try to destroy Freddy and that giant duck first of all why what do I have a such a grudge against our Creator he built me but left me too rough week after I attacked an employee in the first place using me and calling me names and throwing stuff at me and kicking me so I left so I finally got fed up and bit his frontal lobe out and no that was not in 1987 that was little late 90s so bullying corrupting your mind but I give you no reason to attack him you could have reported his behavior to the manager well it's too late now it's time for me it's time for you guys to be destroyed all right fine you're just you're just a jumble of wires how far is it gonna be Freddie run okay attack him now okay it's gonna take more than that to destroy me what do you plan on doing a entered observe I present to you the scooper what do you plan on using it for scoop your insides out but don't worry it only hurts for a little bit oh my god yeah this is another reason why I didn't want you guys in here the scooper is highly dangerous so with a press of a button you'll scoop your in size faster that you could say sonic oh no you go off me [Music] no you you want stuff jump give up Freddie there's no way to defeat me I'm a nerd I may be a mash up of wires rub still the most powerful animatronic thank you again how dare you injure my friends like that you horrible creation it's time I put you out of your misery William is that you here's a hint [Music] worried message with mrs. whitmark creations now let's get you down for tea party wake up wake up these guys we got to take a boat now easy wait wait wait what about his job he's Miami tronic he stays with me [Music] so what's the damage his chest is badly he scooped up baby this is why I didn't want you to go in that room because of hit that entered and the scuba but in the first place it was created by a nerd he was gonna use it to rebuild himself completely why did we decide to bring his body over here Rossi if I could make him good okay uh what about Barney did you check him over I checked him over his torso needs some tweaking that's all that's that is very impressive with most ahem atronics they would have they would have died instantly but his suit somehow handled the impact very well oh I'm so glad you're awake baby what's the what's going on here why is my head hurt so much and what I going back my own home you've just you you were recovering from your wounds and your friends want to talk to you Oh what do you guys want Barney we want to apologize for how we've been treating you chikka mostly is that right chica yeah Bonnie I'm sorry I flushed your guitar down toilets waking you up at 9:00 got you in trouble ruined your noodles beat you up in front of our friends and you know all the other things I've done I don't know Barney I'm here to apologize - I shouldn't have ground you from playing your guitar the I should made the performance an exception you really should have yeah I know in chica you're not one you will you won't be playing bass guitar anymore you're not made for it you're a backup singer not a guitarist okay you know what you guys I think you guys do care about me and if thanks for taking me home if you have I was left at that place I would have died starve to death and most likely being turned evil like him we first wanted to kitchen I'm sorry for yelling at you I'm sorry for calling you a red alcoholic I'm sorry for the actions I've done over the years thanks for apologizing Bonnie from now on I'm gonna start cutting back on my beer Oh Oh guys stay back he if he goes evil again I've got my wrench huh [Music] who are you where am I and who are you Oh a nerd my name is circus baby and this is your Creator hi what's your name my name is William Afton aka spring-trap William Hampton that was my father's name wait what what's your other name Elizabeth daddy sweetheart I kissed it but it's been so long I'm just so glad you're safe I thought I've lost you forever Sam so if you see with you daddy oh what a lovely reunion so well where do I originally from now sweetheart I would recommend you get back you you friends you your friends get back to the P to your pizzeria it's mine it's gonna open soon oh you're right come on Laura I'm coming I guess we'll be taking you a nerd okay [Music] um are you are you coming second so Bonnie do you want to start hanging out with me sure um what's your phone number I'll give you I'll give it to you there you go give me a call so long bugs she is something I guess things are back to normal now we had a couple of sick in the muds over the course of the of the year but for the most part you weren't as bad as before and that's where the story ends the end oh I completely forgot about that how'd you forget it I don't know I don't ever think that much though ask Freddy if he remembers it he's kept that story to himself mostly okay [Music] [Music]
Channel: AndrewJohn100
Views: 3,065,593
Rating: 4.8012781 out of 5
Id: t_n0YJ-LaCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 9sec (3609 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2019
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