Gw Movie- Squid Game

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[Music] okay after working three jobs constantly and barely getting any sleep i finally have enough to pay all my rent whoo thank god it was due today if it was due yesterday i'd be dead [Laughter] that's actually not really funny oh springbok oh my gosh what do you want i smell money can i have some money why because i want to buy like a bucket full of candy because i'm i have a sugar tooth and first off it's called a sweet tooth and second off no you cannot have any money because this right here is my rent and i worked really hard to get it so no but please spring but i i can't survive without candy yeah well you can't really survive without a house so yeah i think we're even yeah fine finally he listens to me speak of the devil oh come on i just it's just me nope no i can't i can't spend it all spring but said no so i'll accept that as an answer you know maybe just a couple dollars won't hurt him the sweet smell of ghoula yeah see this is only just a couple dollars i mean it won't hurt him oh gotta make sure there's no evidence ah sir how are you oh yes i'm very fine thank you hey do you mind if i come in oh well absolutely sir that's such a stupid question of course i can come in this is my house after all right this way sir oh yes this is a very nice place you have here well for poor people at least yeah hey that's kind of rude you know oh oh boohoo whatever i'm assuming you have my rent what how is everyone able to smell money what what um uh yes uh the the money here you go sir oh yes thank you very much thank you thank you okay you know this is some good money right here for you spring but but unfortunately this is only fifteen dollars what oh you heard me this is only fifteen dollars where's the rest of it what maybe you just miscounted okay one two five ten what but but i swear i had the rest of the spring but i'm afraid i'm going to have to evict you from this house but of course i'm keeping your money what you can't just take my money i i swear i swear i'm so sorry spring but but that's just my job to take your money you have one hour to get out of my house or else you're dead all right let's see what i have in here one two three [Music] thank you ma'am okay hey spring butt how's this ta-da you spelled please wrong and you have it it's good it's really good you're so creative bonnie ah thank you spring but i already know that oh yes living out on the streets my favorite you could you can't ask for a better life than this bonnie right spring but i have a feeling that living on the streets is a bad thing what are you talking about bonnie it's not it's not a bad thing at all oh sorry spring but you know me i really just can't contain myself okay you obviously don't want the money uh here your turn please i really don't have anything [Music] [Music] what's going on where are we [Music] could you not take all the covers oh my gosh i don't think i went to sleep in this place anyone mind explaining what the heck is going on oh come on man sorry i have morning breath what the heck i would like to welcome you all to the games you will play a total of six games those who pass will get a handsome amount of cash those who don't will be eliminated and why would we trust you there is no need for trust you all signed up and now you will all play the games i didn't sign up for anything senor i simply went to sleep and woke up in this place you boys obviously kidnapped me you all have debts that you cannot pay off that is why we are here to give you this opportunity now will you seize this opportunity or will you go back to your miserable lives always being chased by [Music] bank any questions yeah question over here i'm just a kid why am i here i don't own anything yeah he doesn't even own a brain good question this series would be extremely boring without the main character any other questions um if we win how much do we get unfortunately to make the games more fun and to be fair i cannot answer that question now are you going to seize this opportunity if not please speak up now no takers all right let the first game begin whoa [Music] oh my gosh what what is this place boy foxy look at that thing over there what the heck is that i don't know but it looks pretty creepy excuse me pardon me excuse me freddy pardon freddy what's going on man ugh don't say that anyway bro what are you doing here you can't be in debt the freddy fazbear in debt come on man this must be a prank or something right spring trap don't talk to me yeah man you don't know what happened well dude tell me what happened brain trap stop ladies and gentlemen may i have your attention please i would like to welcome you to the first game red light green light red light green light not for pete's sake hey that's a kids game we are aware that this is a child's game now on with the rules you are allowed to move when it shouts green light but when it says red light you have to stop those who do not stop your movement will be detected and you will be eliminated what the heck does he mean by eliminated i guess you lose the game hey how about you want to bet i'm the first one there you must really not care about that money oh come on watch me [Music] what are they doing oh come on dummy i told you it was a bad idea dad got it so whatever this game sucks anyway [Applause] what was that noise freddie hey bro you can stop playing now bro oh [Music] perhaps i haven't made myself clear you are allowed to move when it says green light when it says red light you stop with that let the game resume i don't want to become bacon today green light red light springtrap get this dead body off me get this dead body off me you're gonna get eliminated if you don't move the timer [Music] green light red [Music] hey springbok what it's easier to stand behind someone if you move just an inch they won't see you if you're behind someone green light you like green lights [Music] okay i'm almost there i'm almost there i'm gonna go for it green light come on red light come on [Applause] [Music] oh thank god i'm only blind for this one you're going the wrong way ballora huh what'd you say [Music] oh my gosh i did it i did it oh yeah i did it i'm almost there i'm almost there come on green light no please just five more seconds [Music] oh you thinking about what happened today well of course i am what else do you think i could be thinking of just who would do this to people i don't know how do we get out of here not dying i guess i seriously don't get why the heck we are both here yeah it's ridiculous we're just kids we don't need to be here we're not in debt you know i really have to thank you for what happened today what why well you gave me that advice and it saved my life oh and you you also saved me out there i would not be standing here if it wasn't for you guys yeah anytime senor i'm sorry but what was your name again well a single table uh it'll chip little chips in yard rise and shine sleepyheads let us go is this how you treat people that can't pay their debts by killing us what is wrong with you please mister i have a child at home and i haven't even named him please let me go i swear i'll pay it i'll pay it all wait a minute you have a kid then who is the father it seems there's been a misunderstanding we are not trying to hurt you or collect your debt those people simply broke the rules of the game for that they must suffer the consequences if you just follow the rules of the six games then you can get out of here with the prize money we promised please just keep your money i don't care anymore just let us all go i bet the cops are on their way right now let us go please you all are insane you're killing people because they can't collect their debt come on what kind of sick games are these anyone who does not want to participate in the games after agreeing to play them will be eliminated well then why don't we vote on this hmm alright we'll take a vote on this but first the prize money we promised [Music] are you kidding 200 that's literally nothing i changed my mind let's keep playing the games right [Applause] no no all right it looks like everyone wants to keep playing now that we introduce the prize money with that let the second game begin [Music] you
Channel: Gabe's World
Views: 710,523
Rating: 4.8637328 out of 5
Id: 9PeYCIh2Qkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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