Gw Movie- The Chocolate Factory

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foreign [Music] this chocolate bar is so good golden Freddy you ride this chocolate is amazing ah yeah I'm always right Mr choco chocolate bars are legit the best kind of chocolate to ever exist hey guys what you doing oh just eating the best kind of chocolate bars to ever exist Mr choco chocolate bars uh Mr choco bars ugh he's disgusting I'd prefer Hershey's I think all Candy's bad probably because I don't really feel anything anymore oh my God can you go one episode without complaining about your phone please somebody say candy go to Freddy who is this Mr choco man if he's a candy man then I'm gonna marry him all right listen here never Bonnie Mr choco AKA chocolate Bonnie what and he was just your ordinary Candyman who only just made chocolate bars and random candy and he was so popular at that time that he decided to open up his very own Chocolate Factory but then of course something bad had to happen everybody in the world started to get jealous of his Fame and Fortune so they decided to do what he was doing and steal his secret recipe so to protect his Fame and Fortune and his chocolate he decided to close his Factory for good [Music] and since that day he's never opened it back up it's pretty sad to be honest I mean the man had a fortune going wait God look at the news [Music] [Music] hello and welcome to channel 15 news where we are full of useless information breaking news Mr choco himself has released a golden ticket into his chocolate bars whoever finds the golden ticket gets to meet Mr charcoal oh can I get paid in chocolate bars this week no just oh my God oh my gosh I saw a good luck to everyone finding that special Gordon ticket I'm gonna need the rest of the day off oh my gosh we're still alive okay that's just a coincidence that's cool but that'll never happen to us here number Bonnie try one of his chocolate bars yeah chocolate do you guys think we'll have a chance at winning the golden ticket golden Freddy the chances of us winning the golden ticket is like one in a million so I doubt this candy sucks I mean like I found garbage in my candy bar I mean like what the heck this is what I call a cheap candy bar who puts garbage in their candy bars garlic this is unbelievable no way oh my gosh this is real no no way this is fake this is no way greetings my lucky one who has found this golden ticket I invite you to come meet me Mr choco at my factory for a little tour and a very special prize at the end meet me at the factory March 22nd congratulations I hope to see you there no way oh my Lord this is actually happening I cannot believe this is actually happening guys this is tomorrow we're going to meet the Mr choco man tomorrow everybody get ready okay get ready I'm gonna [Applause] oh how long have we been walking for um about two minutes dude oh my gosh I really need to take a break from those Mr choco bars holy cow dude I'm out of shape oh my God why am I even here I just want to go home I don't want to be on my phone oh my God wow that's one big Factory golden Freddy do you really think this is the place yep I'm pretty sure this is the place oh I didn't really need this then [Laughter] I gotta eat some candy what you're you're really weird you're you're Mr choco aren't you I I why why yes I am that person I am the TR Mr Chaco that's my name hello everybody I'm Mr choco and I will be um you guys must be the lucky um you're you're big you're you're um sorry I don't really do this your the lucky ones aren't you um you mean the golden ticket winners yeah those guys um I'll take that for you oh okay okay let's see if this is official yes it's official all right guys you guys can come with me um okay Mr Chacos kind of hot already real everybody now listen up we must send Dilly or dally because we have a lot to get through and if we um I love dark chocolate oh I can't hear anymore I can't hear you sorry everybody I over exaggerated a lot and I'm socially awkward all right let's go dude hi young lady my name's toy chica just so you know ha I don't care hey Mr choco I love your chocolate oh I can see that you're pretty fat all right everybody prepare to have your minds blown [Music] prepare to have your mind listen I don't think you need any more sugar so uh this is a calm down buddy all right everybody Welcome to my one and only foreign ladies and gentlemen welcome to my one and only Chocolate Factory now now my dear children I just asked that you do me a favor don't lose your heads and don't get over excited I hate this place oh holy of chocolate how did he do this now my golden Fred it's not how I made it it's about how much love was put into this place hey fun fact did you know that chocolate can make people fall in love you don't say huh who cares candy here there's candy there's candy everywhere and I don't care oh my gosh lollipops for trees ground purple licorice [Music] I love my life oh Mr choco if you don't mind me asking but how the heck did you do all of this well my poopy Bear Care Bear fellow friend whatever your name is I actually have no idea it's not funny you could be a chocolate monster where have I heard that before Oh my fellow friends come over here now my dear children you're about to meet one of my workers my Oompa Loompas Oompa Loompas is that even a word they're important direct from Lupa van oh you're ready I think this dude might be psychopathic [Music] huh [Music] what the heck is that huh um guys the chocolate monster is really ugly um girl you need to go on a diet look at your body remember they can't understand English now everybody this is one of my cute little rascals my Oompa Loompas she's made out of chocolate what there's no way she's made out of chocolate is everything in here eatable why my dear fellow yes it is the lollipops are eatable the the the the stuff more stuff is eatable the chocolate's eatable even the good houses eatable my dearest children even I need a bull because I'm made out of chocolate but that is called cannibalism my dear children and is completely illegal and gross in most societies oh my gosh it's a chocolate Lake ah Bonnie I would get out of there oh this is so cool I'm floating in a chocolate River yo got my chocolate hey yeah Mr Easter Bunny rip off um I I kind of need you to get out of there because my chocolate is supposed to be Untouched by human hands Mr choco is there a hot tub for chocolate no there's not a guy look I found a little jacuzzi right in the middle of the chocolate Lake it's very comfortable [Music] oh no this is not good oh no forgot it's pipe D oh Mr Taco uh if you don't mind me asking but the what the heck is pipe day well basically pipe day is basically when that pipe goes around the whole Factory sucks up the chocolate from that Lake and uh if you get in that Lake you could possibly die oh no oh no no no no no this is not good that's not good that's not good let's not go oh my God I should probably do something about this why I just found a little jacuzzi and this is so relaxed whoa where are we going hey guys I'm kind of getting concerned because I'm going right next to this pie [Music] yeah oh no well I'm getting sued um Mr choco what just happened to my friend Bonnie well you see my fellow Care Bear your friend there he got sucked up into that pipe and uh yeah he's being transferred all the way across the factory in that pipe yeah yeah thanks for the information uh where does the pipe leave to where the chocolate will be made so you're telling me body will be made into chocolate um no I would not allow it The Taste yeah it would be terrible could you imagine a Bonnie flavored chocolate bar ew nobody would buy it you gotta be kidding me but there's no reason to get all worked up my fellow care bear I mean we only make chocolate on Sundays today is Sunday what a coincidence yeah uh so you're just gonna go ahead and follow the pipe and when they start making him just uh just grab him out of the chocolate making factory and uh you'll be escorted out of here okay thank God there's still a chance we can save body body am I getting sued all right everybody let's move on with the toy [Music] now my fellow Care Bears and fox men's here is the inventing room one of my favorite rooms now guess what my fellow Care Bears this is the only room where we don't create chocolate huh whoa this is cool what are you even making here candy and more candy yummy candy more candy all right all right we get it hey Mr choco what's this thingamajig oh wait let me show you demon Easter Bunny now this little guy is called a Malta candy oh wow what does it do well my little friends guess what it multiplies you see the more times you suck on this the more times you'll multiply you foreign why would anybody want that why not let me try this thingamajig out oh God no please don't do that nightmare Bonnie I already have to deal with one of you I don't want to deal with two more I'm gonna eat it anyway I'd rather you not do that because well uh there's still a couple things that I haven't really figured out yet and if you keep doing that that yeah whoa Springbok there's two of Me no no I must have more of me I must have more please stop that oh oh God no never Bonnie I think you want to stop before this gets out of control I think it already has oh my God like do you guys know who's the real nightmare Bonnie please okay we obviously can't figure out who's the real nightmare Bonnie so uh hey all the nightmare bombies listen to me Spring booty over there is gonna escort you out of here and make sure we get the real one what okay all of the nightmare Bonnies go over to that green poop looking bunny over there boom I don't think I want to be here anymore I do um is Nightmare Bonnie and springbot I mean springtrap gonna be all right of course they are Maybe I don't know possibly not you want to go on to the next room no I kind of just want to go home come on let's Boogie [Music] oh the shrinking room is up next huh if you don't mind me asking but what's the shrinking room for I mean why would you never need a shrink candy oh my gosh shut up going Freddy I mean like hot people don't need an explanation to be hot do they please seriously I am not attracted to you so please shut up sorry I lost my temper there almost turned myself into melted chocolate well you see my golden Care Bear watch this now you see if I take this delicious Mr choco bar that I created and you should totally go buy in eat 24 7. we take this bar and just place it on the platform there we go yeah and turn on the machine it should turn small yeah whoa that's kind of useless you know it uh it kind of is but if you think about it all living creatures including animals need at least some sugar in their life so if we take um a mouse for example we go ahead and shrink the chocolate bar and boom you got a mouse-sized chocolate bar like Foxy said pretty useless but doesn't work on humans no no it does not but I would really like for toy chica to try this out oh me you've been thinking about me haven't you anything for you Mr Chaco please just get on the thing all righty toy chica let's do this where'd she go I think she's right there hi Mr Chaco you're looking kinda how would you look at that oh where's the nearest restroom oh see you're just gonna go right over there and uh oh never mind you're already puke oh okay I'm gonna be really good they'll be fine let's go on wait Mr choco I'm I'm the only one left you you are what happened to the others they literally died oh well my dear boy congratulations oh my dear boy I'm so happy for you I knew you were the one I knew you would win okay so there's not a moment to lose come with me we have so much planned for you it's not a moment to lose my dear boy I am so happy for you oh congratulations Dear Boy all right you ready for your special prize it's very big and it's very special I can't believe I won I can't believe okay I'm ready I'm ready for my prize alrighty my dear boy you yes win yes one free chocolate bar what that's right you heard me not two chocolate bars not three chocolate bars but one chocolate bar just which is one chocolate bar just one chocolate bar yeah I mean what did you expect to to give you the whole Chocolate Factory no silly ow I am never eating your chocolate ever again nope I tried anyway thank you guys so much for 700 000 subscribers we love you guys so much and we couldn't have done it without you hope you guys liked the video now on with the fan art bye [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Gabe's World
Views: 4,615,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CmTtXRLfkvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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