Gutfeld: Mainstream media's goal is not unification, it's conflict

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when you meet joe biden bring three masks one for your face and two for his hands [Music] [Applause] [Music] keep clapping clap till you die all right knock it off her name's nicole and she's quite a troll i think if someone were to parachute down here um and wonder what the most sort of destructive force on our planet is and they landed in this country they might look at the republicans her voice is like butter so you got that yeah the worst thing on the planet ain't terrorists cancer not even global warming for once it's republicans and all this time the dems told us it was russia keep going nicole when is someone in the republican party going to rise up against those in the republican party whose speech and language and their selection of debates are still killing people yes once again it's those evil republicans killing people those damn pro-lifers but it's always the same isn't it the republicans want you to die except isn't she a republican nicole is so two-faced she better be double masking and i seem to remember a lot of people dying in wars under her watch she should turn herself into the u.n for crimes against humanity and human eardrums but don't be foolish enough to think wallace is being original she just stole her screed from a very old playbook we are handing over our kurdish allies to slaughter and that blood is going to be on donald trump's hands these republicans in the senate seem to have an endless tolerance for other people's sadness the republicans are responsible they all will have blood on their hands i believe they have blood on their hands and no one should forget that so here's the divisive narrative the media is currently pounding out that it's republicans who hate vaccines but in order to believe this lie you must pretend that operation warp speed which happened under a republican never existed yes it disappeared just like a conservative social media page and you also have to deny that states governed by republicans did way better in vaccine rollout preventing covert death and reducing unemployment and you'd have to forget it was kamala harris who said she wouldn't trust any vaccine put forth by donald trump as if as if he were mixing up doses at a port-a-potty in a landfill fact states with republican governors have lower death rates beating the blue states who stricter lockdowns led to their higher unemployment according to the las vegas review journal if blue states had the same jobless rate as red states 900 000 more people would be employed but as much as i can easily uh dismantle nicole's what's the point if you the viewer would just step outside of the left versus right dem versus republican rich versus poor crap you can see how much of this unsettling reality is manufactured by social media companies media giants and politicians as long as we fight amongst ourselves they keep their power and get rich off our warring factions by now jeff zucker should have a yacht called the divide and conquer so where's the president wasn't joe's whole soul into healing this nation my whole soul is in it today on this january day my whole soul is in this bringing america together uniting our people united in our nation and i ask every american to join me in this cause so what happened nothing because he lied remember this is the same guy who used the find people hoax to win an election he also pushed the drinking bleach lie to bran trump and his supporters as deadly neanderthals you know those crazy cavemen who want to earn a living and drive around bedrock without a vaccine passport so what did our healer say yesterday the best way to deal with this is for georgia and other states to smarten up stop it stop it was that healing and referring to voter id laws as jim crow is he aware that over 70 of blacks favor photo ids for voting biden is to healing what a surgeon's dirty scalpel is to a patient which is the point unification isn't the goal conflict is and once you see this framework it shows up everywhere i mean take a look at what's on cnn right now grandma's maybe the bear does have a point there the bear is a racist he is a racist all right so the point of this show is to pull you and i out of these destructive us versus them narratives by trying to show you how the media creates false stories to keep us engaged and angry i don't hate dems i don't hate liberals i hate the media for wanting us to hate each other that's their game it's a terrible one and the way you win is by being the first and loudest without facts or context it's not good or healthy but you know what is watching this show and leaving this prison of two ideas behind the left right thing is deader than a bill submitted to congress by aoc it's now you versus the manipulating monolith called the media the good news now that you can see their game you can't unsee it and that means you and i can kick their asses together let's welcome tonight's death he can't be tamed and neither can't his hair washington times opinion editor fox news contributor charlie hurt [Applause] she has a camera in one hand and the truth in the other director producer of the documentary the plot against the president filmmaker amanda milius she's like a syringe sharp skinny and full of medication hosted sincerely counter fox nation cat tip and he's cooler than a penguin spot comedian joe mackey all right amanda i have i every time i have this hope that the left right thing is collapsing right before our eyes do you feel that way why do you have that hope it's so much worse than it's ever been before well maybe it could be that i'm delusional i mean maybe but uh i mean with people like wallace it's uh it's just getting worse it's really awful i love that she's um basically like the whitest of white ladies who's like digging up this uh you know controversy like throwing everything uh and the kitchen sink at republicans i mean it's just unbelievable i mean this is why that this is this is why the country is so divided it's unbelievable see i don't i i still disagree charlie because she's now part of the media and the media cannot make money off agreement yeah right and and i'm i'm saying that i am guilty of i'm trying to change that uh of choosing sides i try to hate everybody including you charlie you're pretty good at that yes and i'm kind of mad that you cut your hair but that's a different story where do you feel uh how do you feel about the republicans being the most destructive force on the planet literally you have an administration that has single-handedly created a crisis at the border yes where you have women are being raped uh children are being smuggled across the border you have people being sold into literal slavery in 2021 and then that's just at the border uh you know you have these people that have launched a war on cops people have died right because of the democrats war on the police you have mayhem you have people that have been murdered and you have all of these things and you have and the only way that the democrats um you know haven't been run out of town on a rail is because they have the media behind them peddling all of these lies and telling these ridiculous claims about evil republicans and evil trump the one thing i i might add about uh i love the clip from biden it may be possible i didn't think that it was possible any president could be funnier than donald trump yeah i'm now starting to think maybe joe biden is actually funnier than donald trump even if he doesn't mean to be yeah he's kind of like but the fact that he's transformed into like a vessel for wokeness yeah it's like finding out mr magoo is into body modification no he he is he is the white privileged presidency the only reason he's there is because he was a non-threatening old white guy back in 2008 who could never get anywhere near the white house and obama needed him yes it's like cat i've said this before it's like the left treats joe the way they they treat a befuddled grandfather they just put him in the backseat of the car take him to the atm and just take all of his money they do that they get they do it to the limits you want to go get ice cream yeah but you're going to go to the atm first and we're going to take out the maximum which is 500 yeah and look i just get sick of the people say republicans are the worst i'd say the same thing if anyone say democrats are the most harmful force right because all you're doing when you ostracize and demonize half the country is you're just propping yourself up on this like moral superiority fluffy pillow so that you get to be above everyone else without having to you know get up off your ass and do anything at all and it's harmful because that's can at worst lead to people getting radicalized and it certainly doesn't make people who might disagree with you want to open up their minds to new ideas and nothing gets done yes i like the fact that nothing gets done except that you know what i this whole atlanta story joe it's completely generated by a false narrative created by the media that somehow this voter id law was racist meanwhile they still have the masters right yeah it's called the masters [Laughter] if master bedrooms are racist the masters are racist masturbation is racist master chef is racist what is masturbation no i don't know is your dad watching oh your dad's in the audience very good joe i am dying to find out what's in your brain i was very inspired by your monologue that's why i'm not going to use any ridiculous hyperbole to criticize nicole wallace's scenario because if if if aliens landed on the planet republicans couldn't be the most destructive force on the planet it would be the aliens according to every movie i've ever watched good luck selling that screenplay where aliens come to the to earth and nicole haley is the person everyone's running for but this could be a movie because if the aliens come and you we're all republicans are anti-immigration they come the only savior for the planet will be the republicans they have to face off and they like have arguments about ideas yes i think this is actually a great idea for a movie the aliens come and they want to raise taxes oh all right that's enough
Channel: Fox News
Views: 197,482
Rating: 4.863236 out of 5
Keywords: Joe biden mainstream media, mainstream media, media nicole wallace, msnbc, nicole wallace, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news gutfeld show, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, greg gutfeld, greg gutfeld reacts, greg gutfled monologue, gutfeld, gutfeld monologue, gutfeld monologue tonight, gutfeld panel, gutfeld!, gutfeld! tonight, kat timpf, kat timpf gutfeld, tyrus, tyrus gutfeld, tyrus murdoch, msnbc nicole wallace
Id: qm3gaFmwIak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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