Gutfeld: Biden is a unifier, we all think he's nuts

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[Applause] [Music] happy tuesday everyone so this is crazy on monday attorney general merrick garland announced the fbi would investigate a disturbing spike in harassment intimidation and threats of violence against school administrators board members teachers and staff a disturbing spike are we talking about legitimate charges or trey gowdy's hair in the memo they decry threats of violence but is it actual terroristic activities or parents trying to get to the bottom of a lousy education which in the long run is more of a national threat than china russia and iran combined but the school board and the law want you to think that parental concern is now a domestic terror threat that's right a mom yelling at school board members at a public meeting is the same as her donning an explosive vest and blowing up a school demanding quality schools is now like crashing a plane into the pentagon they've taken the most necessary debate one could have how to teach your kids and recast it as the perfect left-wing fantasy heroic educators battling a mob of pitchfork wielding heathens all wearing mom jeans and fanny packs and those are just the dads garland published the memo right after the national school board letter demanded help from the white house because our public schools and its education leaders are under immediate threat first can you imagine asking joe biden for help on anything other than how to use metamucil did you not see the kabul airport evacuation asking joe for help is like asking ted bundy for a ride home it was either that or ted kennedy i couldn't make up my mind that's not a good choice thank you now there may be unsavory incidents but when it comes to getting between a dad and his kid who you've labeled racist because of his race that can happen teachers and parents will get into shouting matches which isn't good but it's understandable given the insane teachers unions the brainwash they call education the utter disregard for difference of opinion they don't care if our schools are dead last they only care about preventing you from having a choice of schools or a say in the matter which could be why the nsba suggested that these acts of malice could be the equivalent to domestic terrorism domestic terror is now more watered down than cat's court-ordered urine sample but the school board actually learned something that if you claim something is domestic terror it's in the eye of the beholder and no one can tell you that you weren't terrorized so you can use it on anyone except of course rioters or looters just angry parents and jess and just you wait that harmless co-worker of yours will be next are you wearing body spray yeah dog it's mountain glacier blast ladies love it hello department of homeland security yes thank you look it's three dollars in macy's and cvs [Applause] all you have to do is weaponize the potential for a threat and you can silence anything through fear maybe i can accuse my wife of being an immediate threat when i'm trying to watch the game and by game i mean the masked singer think about it i don't watch games parents parents were upset with mass mandates being imposed on their kids not to mention critical race theory in a normal world that would be considered both physical and mental abuse but this is a joe biden world and it's considered good instruction so rather than engage the other side smeared the left hates open debate almost as much as they love open borders they hate legitimate protests as much as they love riots and now they have the law to intimidate you into silence i wonder what the angry white male has to say [Music] i was tired of being ignored by teachers and school administrators that's why i started homeschooling don't forget to indent at the beginning of a paragraph i know i know now i can be ignored in the privacy of my own home i hope that's his kid or someone should call the cops i wonder what the angry black male has to say [Music] all right back after this thanks for listening to tyrus and tim what gut failed can't you see i'm working here fine ask your question what the teachers union is referring to parents as domestic terrorists because they have a difference of opinion yeah that works that's a lot like me trying to interview hi um there's this man who asking me a lot of questions i'm very concerned can you make sure my kids are okay i'm really concerned that they're not in school right now please so now the fbi will split their time between tracking down men in viking hats and irate parents who were rude to teachers as for the legitimate daily threats we all get from al-qaeda we'll get to them right after we raid the home of this mouthy soccer mom had dawn and arrest her in front of her kids because she had her own thoughts about how her kids should be educated so while they target parents you can still follow a woman into a bathroom and film her and the president will defend it not only will he defend it he'll probably ask what kind of shampoo she uses you can brutalize anyone or steal anything in new york and be back on the streets in hours you could torch businesses and permanently ruin cities like minneapolis and never see jail time but the fbi needs to cuff a mom because she raised her voice to a transitioning social studies teacher with a rainbow tattoo on her neck yes antifa is just an idea but mom and dad are deadly that's the world we live in where your speech is redefined as violence and their violence is redefined as justice well done joe you really are a unifier because we all think you're nuts [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he's so patriotic independence day celebrates him veteran in florida gop congressional candidate cory bell acknowledges power her brain could blow a fuse fox business correspondences and lead she's more demanding than a ransom note fox news contributor cat tim that sound you hear means he's doing jumping jacks or there's a thunderstorm approaching my massive sidekick in the nwa world television champion tyrus susan how are you i'm good how are you i'm great i love the khakis for halloween i'm going as tucker carlson i thought this is the tucker carlson look that was good yeah yeah yeah i'm not you're gonna give me so much trouble you know nobody sees me from the waist down so i could get away with wearing the khakis my wife wouldn't know now she knows really we see you from the waist down every day uh we have that cropped out speaking of cropped out i don't even know where that means um i don't know where this is going i could actually say okay i could actually paralyze this whole conversation by saying you making uh making a comment about my clothes kind of threatens me right it's kind of a threat to me because you're making me prism i might be terrorism i think you might have terrorized me susan okay yeah you file a complaint with hr if you like look i think it's it's crazy no no great write him a scathing email yeah it's too late you're done all right but i just think it's great you're gonna be on cnbc before you know it i have no idea what that would be like but i think it's crazy the school boards have turned into an episode of squid game which you should watch have you watched you know what i'm talking about yeah but you're you were saying it correctly that there is a lot more time to be spent say on fighting violent crime for instance did you know that murders went up 30 last year yeah 30 that is the most that we've seen since 1960. how about you know protecting women that are being shoved in subways exactly except for a cat [Laughter] no i'm kidding thank you that's the sweetest thing you've ever said corey you know what kills me is that all the stuff that the media and democrats were accusing trump of potentially doing they're actually doing this is something they're not even trying to hide it no they're not hiding it it's amazing they're paralyzed they're actually going after law abiding citizens so they get they're no longer part of the dialogue 100 and look he actually said this in the very beginning he says look they're not after me they're after you i'm just in the way yeah and what is actually proving to be true is is that now if you disagree with anything that the us government says they can just label you as a domestic terror and utilize this blanket cover and therefore the fbi just rushes in you know here's what i would like to see you know if they would have taken half of that consideration into the taliban haqqani network and everyone else who was building themselves up in afghanistan and focus their attention there as a poster on our own american citizens we'd probably in a lot better position overall but instead they just want to basically utilize the cancel culture to extend itself out into investigations and then arrest people who just disagree with anything that they have to say yeah and they uh they completely like they could have gone after maybe a olympic gym coach who like you know raped and molested all of these athletes all right tyrus um is it i mean parents should have some modicum is that he said monica of politeness when talking to uh teachers but what i don't know i don't have kids no you're supposed to cut me off when i make no sense oh i mean [Laughter] yellow socks and khakis you nailed it bro you know what as what cracks me up is i was looking online today try to find how many buildings the parents burned down or stores they robbed you know or people they punched out or left dead bleeding in the street and i can't really seem to find a whole lot on these domestic terrorists other than they all uniformly go in a building wait their turn to get in front of a microphone and then complain until their time is up so yes where are we living that that's a dem that word is used to mean something and it was it was the last administration literally anyone who said oh hey that's president trump he was a domestic terrorist so now they've because he's not on twitter anymore they have turned it on the people but they're leaving out who's instigating this yeah who's instigating who's the one making comments like oh they're just mad they're guy lost oh they're who said that that was some of the doj that was supposed to be someone who was supposed to be helping so the parents know that they're going into a room with closed ears and closed minds to begin with so forgive them if they get upset over them fighting and arguing over their most precious commodity their children which used to be our most precious commodity in this country right and now it is if you don't see the way we are there's something wrong with you when this happened in the 60s it was the clan when this happened you know before that it was jim crow and before that it was the timber it always seems to end up being the democrats they think they know what's best for you without ever bothering to talk to you and that's and that's a crime it's terrible that we're going through that right now yeah it is amazing it's also amazing that like they need to coerce you into believing their ideas you can't do anything without us especially you minorities but they mean you you can't do nothing unless we want try they're hijacking education i mean the whole point is that they don't like the fact that inundation of crt in our education is being challenged yeah and it's the whole point it's critical race theory which means it's a critical idea open for discussion not critical race facts yeah you know uh cat i think you know theoretically with this definite this uh i don't know categorization of terror this show yes this show is an act of domestic terrorism absolutely against don lemon and brian williams because we were just crushing them in the raid [Applause] well i was going to say like i don't have kids but if i did i would be yelling all the time i mean like i am already kind of on the edge as it is yes and the good news is like i i get to be on a talk show where i say how i feel right exactly they don't and also it's just it's mind-blowing to think about how truly truly insane it is that you know these parents want to have a say in their child's education they want to have a say and where their kids spend you know you know a third of their day for you know five days a week for nine months out of the year for years of their life at a location that their tax dollars also pay for like that is not only not terrorism that's about as a good of an example of a basic fundamental right as you can get yeah well said thank you yes okay hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 121,102
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Keywords: fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news gutfeld show, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, greg gutfeld, greg gutfeld reacts, greg gutfled monologue, gutfeld, gutfeld monologue, gutfeld monologue tonight, gutfeld panel, gutfeld!, gutfeld! tonight, kat timpf, kat timpf gutfeld, tyrus, tyrus gutfeld, tyrus murdoch
Id: NMJRd8iL9Is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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