Ingraham: God help any Republican who assists the left with this

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the zuckerberg trap that's the focus of tonight's angle facebook's internal research is aware that there are a variety of problems facing children on instagram they know that severe harm is happening to children kids kids who are bullied on instagram the bullying follows them home it follows them into their bedrooms facebook's own research is aware that children express feelings of loneliness and struggling with these things i don't understand how facebook can know all these things and not escalate it to someone like congress for help and support in navigating these problems appearing on appearing on 60 minutes and in the hearings on the hill well former facebook employee francis haugen claimed that the social media giant was knowingly hurting kids through its algorithms and posted content now what's worse she alleged the company knew about it and chose to do nothing to stop it now all of a sudden the beast first conceived at harvard by boy wonder mark zuckerberg was getting hit by a bipartisan onslaught of outrage we know from what we have learned from her that this is helping us build bipartisan support facebook has put profits ahead of people my message for mark zuckerberg your time of invading our privacy promoting toxic content and preying on children and teens is over hmm does no one else think the timing of this is just a little too convenient biden's on the ropes and the democrats are barreling toward a brutal beatdown in the midterms could this just be a clever way to rev up the speech police against alternative points of view ahead of the election all under the guise of protecting the children the reconciliation bill was a culmination of my service in congress because it was about the children the children the children the children they love citing the children well let's begin with one basic fact the left doesn't care if the culture or big business spreads content that's not appropriate for children they never have they literally do not care in fact for decades liberals have defended even celebrated cultural and political forces that harm children porn drugs gambling gender bending school shutdowns mask mandates and of course their holy grail of abortion democrats support all of it now some on the left would prefer if we didn't even have children a new york magazine columnist named emily holloman recently called the decision to have children an essentially selfish one done for fulfillment or self-betterment or boredom or peer pressure we should pray for her because she knows not what she says but the point is after all they've done to damage our children and steal their innocence we're supposed to trust them on the facebook and instagram issue color me skeptical we've known for many years that parents should keep their kids off smartphones for as long as possible we need to put our own phones down myself included and do the hard job of parenting in this very messed up world conservative parents have led the charge on these issues for as long as i can remember but now suddenly people like far left senator ed markey agrees with staunch republican marsha blackburn and we're supposed to think that he's trustworthy not so fast the fact is republicans may be walking straight into a trap the left's real beef with facebook has nothing to do with the children the kids are on tick tock aren't they the left doesn't like facebook because facebook has refused to suppress all conservative speech that's it the left has decided to drive conservatives off of the internet and they're afraid facebook won't be sufficiently loyal to their plans they actually got away with banning the former president of the united states and that's not enough power for the democrats they're that afraid of voters in free speech think about that for a minute now this is why globalists don't mind china being in charge frankly because if they could some of these really hard-line democrats would ban all dissenting opinions on social media and just like china they'd probably call it something like a threat to the social order or a threat to security or a threat to overall community or harmony now this all makes sense if your goal is to maintain power by any means necessary and let's face it that's all they care about facebook could promote live sex acts and how to hunt a cr on a christian instructionals and the left would take their side but because there's still some conservatives on facebook some conservatives the left wants to shut it down democrats have seized upon the current facebook scandal as an opportunity to silence conservatives for good you know that the insurrection occurred january 6 do you think that facebook turned off the safeguards because they were costing the company money facebook changed those safety defaults in the run-up to the election because they knew they were dangerous and because they wanted that growth back they wanted the acceleration of the platform back after the election they they returned to their original defaults and the fact that they had to break the glass on january 6th and turn them back on i think that's deeply problematic agree if democrats had a super majority they wouldn't work with republicans at all on these issues they just passed maybe legislation that has the effect of silencing all dissenting speech it would be directed broadly across all media and online platforms but cloaked in terms again of protecting national security or their new favorite preventing domestic terrorism they would pack the courts to approve that legislation and your freedom of speech and freedom that generations of americans have fought to preserve would be gone that's their real goal a land where we're silenced and theirs are the only voices heard but they're willing to get there they take a little bit of time to get there so they'll use the bipartisan dust kicked up by one whistleblower as another nudge toward government control of political speech although they dispute the whistleblower's claims facebook responded by inviting government regulation saying we need to create standard rules for the internet it's time for congress to act well kind of makes perfect sense remember zuckerberg himself was heavily and personally coordinating with liberal activists and poured hundreds of millions of dollars into local election offices in places like pennsylvania and after zuckerberg was mercilessly scorned by the left for not silencing trump in 2016 he kind of tried to make it up to his political comrades rads by keeping trump's reach limited prediction this is not going to end well for conservatives who want to challenge the left how do i know this look who's licking their chops at the prospect of facebook regulation facebook ought to be seriously regulated it is a news source for a vast part of our country today if it continues the way it continues we're going to have january 6 multiple multiple times it allows lies to be spread unchecked just like the big lie was spread around the world in large part because of social media and none of it is true we should not allow those things in our society i do like the sweater though and what about the whistleblower herself who is she what's her motivation for coming forward she says she agreed to take the job only if she could work against misinformation but after this past election there was a turning point they told us we're dissolving civic integrity like they basically said oh good we made it through the election there wasn't riots fast forward a couple months we got the insurrection and when they got rid of civic integrity it was the moment where i was like i don't trust that they're willing to actually invest what needs to be invested to keep facebook from being dangerous the woman's a total ideologue sorry those comments made my spidey senses activated republicans ought to be very very careful about how to proceed here the left can't be trusted on this issue and the gop may end up building a trap that will block conservative speech for years to come just look what the biden justice department is already doing to intimidate parents we talked about this last night from attending school board meetings and expressing their outrage at the propaganda being taught in public schools remember when biden told us that the justice department would be independent what a joke that is these days the doj is just another branch of the dnc because the liberal weaklings at the national school board association don't want to face criticism for their horrible policies they're calling on the doj to criminalize their political opposition the only speech they really want to protect is when you nod in agreement with every school decision these petty bureaucrats make you're using the fbi to intervene in school board meetings tell me where the line is with parents expressing their concerns waiting for hours when and if a situation turns to violence it's the job of the justice department and local law enforcement to address that the attorney general's memorandum simply asks the fbi and their counterparts to ensure that state and local law enforcement has an open line of communication to report threats there's so much nonsense in her statement i don't know where to begin the fbi exists to investigate whether parents getting mad at a school board meeting rises to the level of intimidation or harassment that's now a federal matter think about all the threats facing america from transnational criminal syndicates ccp cyber crimes and open borders and the fbi has time to zero in on what like a 45 year old mom complaining about her son's sophomore english reading list the only ones guilty of intimidation here are sitting behind the big desks at the doj just thank god that mitch mcconnell and thank god for him that merrick garland isn't sitting on the supreme court today and by the way we just learned tonight that the defense department is about to turn the screws on its own ranks subjecting them to continuous vetting supposedly to stop extremists within the military and other insider threats and this will include surveillance of social media postings for starters we warned you last year that the left has changed since the days of clinton and obama as the pain of their policy sinks in they've just given up altogether trying to win rhetorically uh the voters over they're not going to do that anymore it's impossible so in their desperation they now believe force compliance is the only way to go and the silencing of conservatives the only way forward god help any republican who would assist them and that's the angle hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 452,201
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Keywords: fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news ingraham angle, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, ingraham, ingraham angle, ingraham angle monologue, ingraham angle tonight, ingraham tonight, laura ingraham, laura ingraham angle, laura ingraham monologue, laura ingraham tonight, thats the angle, the angle, the ingraham angle, Facebook, mark zuckerberg, Zuckerberg, facebook down, facebook whistleblower 2021, facebook whistleblower 60 minutes, facebook hearing
Id: J_7EzSF88_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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