Kennedy warns of ‘another devastating global conflict’

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welcome back china once again igniting fears of world war 3 by flexing its kami military muscle on the democratic island of taiwan the red bullies see what i did there have reportedly flown 149 sorties inside taiwan's air defense zone in the past four days 56 today alone the u.s state department urged china to knock it off but china's foreign ministry spokesperson just turned around and blamed america and started laughing for their provocative actions and promised to quote take necessary countermeasures talk about gaslighting sheesh are we on the brink of war between china and taiwan and could it cause another devastating global conflict that nobody wants or needs here with me to discuss cato institute's director of defense policy studies eric gomez eric how are you and what do you think about this entire situation i'm doing well kennedy and you know i often say that it's a very mixed bag when my interests or areas of interest are in the news because i don't usually study very happy things but it means that people are paying attention to stuff like this um so i'm not very worried about immediate conflict um partly because these incursions have been happening uh for a while uh my friend gerald brown uh if you go to his twitter account he's been tracking the activities of these ada's incursions since last september and what's that started yeah so what's most what's most interesting is that they were studying staying steady at a relatively low level and then in the last few weeks or last few days it's really gone up suddenly so i think that's a big cause of concern right now is why are they going up so quickly uh so recently does it have anything to do with china's real estate problems roiling global markets is that a reaction to that like you know facebook has a whistleblower on 60 minutes and then the next day all of a sudden facebook isn't working and that's all we talk about i i mean i i think that might be a part of the explanation here so i my own theory on this is that there's a few potential explanations number one is operational and training that china is doing military training exercises and these exercises are starting to go into the aid is it's not necessarily an indication of immediate chinese intent to start a conflict but rather a uh you know them just doing drills and sort of probing and seeing how the taiwanese react to gain some intelligence and data the other aspect here is like you mentioned the economic problems that are in china right now with the evergrande company but also right now is a period of uh sort of intense national sentiment both in china and in taiwan china celebrates the anniversary of the founding of the people's republic of china on uh october 1st and taiwan celebrates the founding of the republic of china on october 10th and in that time you know if you have these national days so close to one another i think that's part of the signaling too of saying look we're china we're big we're strong and then we're going to do something canada day is on july 1st and in america independence day is july 4th so if you have someone in uh bellingham washington uh screwing around it's going to be it's going to be then so how does this end is china going to invade taiwan because the u.s can't just jump into a hot war with china that's bad for everybody but if china invades taiwan taiwan's gonna fold like the afghanistan security forces on day three right well and i hope that my hope is that the united states can provide some assistance to help taiwan where taiwan can get to the point where it doesn't fold like the afghan national security forces so what does that mean i agree with you that i personally i am not on board with the idea of the united states and china fighting a war for taiwan but in washington right now this is sort of the is the big question in security when it comes to china of how do you handle the taiwan issue because it's a long-standing problem for the u.s taiwan or the u.s china u.s china taiwan relationship and it's also geographically and operationally one of the hardest things for the united states to try and defend and i think that taiwan could have a good chance of having a very strong self-defense capability uh but part of that is them getting motivated to do that and to their credit they have been increasing investments in their self-defense forces which is i think a very welcoming sign um but yeah this is going to be like the big question of the us china competition i wonder if aoc will vote present on a taiwanese iron dome and then cry about it that could happen in the very near future eric gomez thank you so much
Channel: Fox Business
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Keywords: china, taiwan, business news, fbn, fox biz, fox business, fox business channel, fox business kennedy, fox business network, fox business news, kennedy, kennedy lisa montgomery, kennedy monologue, kennedy monologue tonight, kennedy tonight, china conflict, foreign policy china, china FOX Business, global conflict, china taiwan news, china taiwan latest news, china taiwan tension, eric gomez, eric gomez cato, eric gomez fox business, eric gomez kennedy, eric gomez china
Id: KgnT1nwE9PA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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