Gun Gripes #306: "Biden's Russian Ammo Ban"

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welcome back everybody this is eric and chad here with iraq veteran 888 today we have another gun gripe episode for you and we are going to be getting into this russian ammo ban that has come out of biden's uh department of state now we're going to get in the weeds on this and i'm sure a lot of you are pretty angry because we're talking like 40 to 45 of the ammunition that americans use on a regular basis you know constitutes a lot of that russian imported steel ammunition so this is a really big deal for a lot of people and we should really be angry about it before we get started though i'd like to thank our friends at rma body armor they are a great group of guys and i really appreciate them supporting gun gripes they make some great nij certified body armor start to finish right here in the us great prices a really great product they have a variety of different armor we've done a lot of testing on their stuff and it's held up really really good if you want to support the channel and support us and support gun gripes definitely go check out some rma body armor and tell them we sent you a really good group of guys and we appreciate their support let's get into this uh now there there is some information that is kind of floating around about this uh this ammo ban and there's right now unfortunately is a lot of speculation because there's not really anything officially in the federal registry just yet um they're going to publish some documents i think around september 7th or 8th so it's like a few weeks that they've got to prepare the official verbiage of it this was just a letter that got basically sent out on the state department's website uh you know kind of entailing some vague wording as to what this is going to entail and there's still a lot of question in the air as to what exactly it's going to mean for the firearms industry here in the united states we've talked to a few friends of ours that are in importing and i haven't really been able to get too many straight answers yet as to what it's exactly going to mean some pretty scary stuff i mean you know when you say that you you have a death by a thousand paper cuts right when we look at all of these infringements on the second amendment you know this is just one way that they can you know wield a political sword to essentially cut the head off of a much greater issue that they hate and they know that they don't have congressional support to go after right so anytime you know the president uh signs an executive order or or tells the state department or the doj to act in a certain way from the executive end it really does bypass the the balance of power and the uh the you know the way that we pass laws in this country right you know we we have to go through the congress we have to you know we have a checks and balances for how we uh have a separation of powers and how we pass certain laws right so this hasn't gone through any form of congressional approval or any type of law making process this is an action an executive order that has come from that end of things and those are scary because they tend to just kind of be take it as you wish and with no comment period uh you're kind of just subject to what's going on with it and there's not a heck of a lot can be done about it really not really so these new sanctions came around uh from the poisoning of russian opposition figure eleski navalny all right and it says right here while that may be a viable reason for the united states government to sanction the russian federation the ammunition import restriction seems more aimed at punishing american gun owners and businesses than as a foreign policy tool to influence the russian federation which absolutely it does why are you punishing why is buying state department punishing gun owners here in the united states because of something that happened in russia is it is it going to prevent russian ammunition manufacturers from getting ammunition over here to the united states by you know going outside of russia and setting up new factories no absolutely not and we discussed this earlier but one of the big things is the fact that it's causing such a massive panic right now um i have some some folks that follow me on instagram and they message me occasionally and one fellow works at a gun shop in ohio and he said they didn't really know anything about the import ban announcement early on in the morning earlier in the week and they were selling ammunition like crazy okay people were coming in buying steel cased ammo like hotcakes wolf and tula and everything else and about half an hour into opening they realized what was going on and the owner jack the price is up like double or even triple you know and that's just a common supply and demand thing when supply is stagnant or is going to be stagnant for a while and demand increases exponentially like that then obviously there are going to be some price changes uh that are in line with the common rules of supply and demand so you are going to be paying higher prices for steel case ammo that is on the market currently um some of the some of the vague you know wording here which is just kind of one of these things where we're we're taking this kind of with a grain of salt ourselves and we're just trying to put out the best information for you guys but the actual wording right now on the state department's website okay pursuant to the chemical and biological weapons control and warfare elimination act of 1991 the united states will impose a second round of sanctions on the russian federation over its use of a choke nerve agent in the august 2020 poisonous version opposition figure aleski navalny all right so new sanctions imposed today include all right number one restrictions on the permanent imports of certain russian firearms new impending permit applications for the permanent information of firearms and ammunition manufacturer located in russia will be subject to a policy of denial all right so this is a little bit vague so when you're filing a form six okay is the form that you file with the atf to import firearms or ammunition all right on that form you have to include serial numbers of the given items that are going to be imported so this can be individual serial numbers it can be a serial number range uh if you're importing say 100 or 200 say like uh say you know sega type rifles or whatever the case is you know ak ak pattern rifles um obviously because we can't get segas anymore so you would you would call up the person that's gonna be exporting the guns and say hey i'll take this serial number range and then they go all right we're going to earmark the serial number range for you and then you put in the paperwork that sort of thing so the paperwork normally takes several weeks right so there are manufacturers and importers here in the states that have approved form sixes right now sitting on their desk and are just waiting on shipment of these firearms so are those uh forms going to be amended by the atf in regards to oversight by the state department okay into this new run of sanctions are they going to say okay you can only import half of these guns or you can only import half of this ammunition or are they going to say yeah none you know none is going to be able to be imported or you know we'll leave these current processed and approved form sixes in the queue and you'll be able to import this but they will not be approving new or pending permit applications they will be denied so if you have a pending form 6 in the in the queue right now with the atf come september 7th if it's not approved then it will likely be 100 denied but as i mentioned under this word in here but as we mentioned earlier is it really going to stop the ammunition from getting over here no but will it take some time oh absolutely well um there might be a slight bit of light at the end of the tunnel i've done a little bit of research and also i mean to be fair chad and i've been buying steel case ammo a long time and a lot of you guys have been buying steel case ammo and it does represent a considerable cost savings to run steel case um you know i was actually just making the comment to chad the other day that it's almost cheaper to buy five four five by 39 steel case rifle ammo than it is to buy uh nine millimeter ammo which is crazy right to think that to to find nine mil for 26 or 25 cents a shot is almost impossible but you can find 545 all day long for 26 cents a shot so that represents a great value for training purposes and for plinking for shooting and recreation and personal defense right so steelcase ammo has a place in that it it actually represents 40 to 45 of all the ammunition that is consumed are used by american consumers uh here in the u.s so you can't help but think it's a stab at the second amendment more than it's a stab at the commerce uh of of whether or not russia has the the the liberty to send those uh those firearms and ammunition over here now the other thing to consider with this whole thing is there are many other countries that we can import steel case ammo from um there's actually a line of wolf ammunition that's made in ukraine and if i'm not mistaken a lot of the wolf ammo is made in the ukraine currently okay i'm sure there's plenty of other comb block countries you've got the bellom ammunition you've got i'm sure poland bulgaria um maybe czechoslovakia i mean there's plenty of those comb block countries that we do import ammo from you know maybe not on at the in the numbers that we imported from russia from because russia still uh out produces those people by a huge margin so just by virtue of them making so much of the ammo i mean the more of a commodity you make the cheaper it can be right and the more you buy the cheaper it can be so there's an economical reason to order this stuff from russia it's not because we love the russians it's necessarily because we like the cheap prices of the ammo so to keep the ammo as cheap as possible we buy it from whoever we can get it the cheapest from that's just simple economics right if widget a costs less from supplier number one than supplier numbers uh two through ten well then you're going to go with supplier number one that's just simple economics so in the short term is there a way that people can still get the ammunition they need despite the russian sanctions um the answer is probably yes right i mean you see that hornady and winchester both produce steel case ammunition now i don't know if the cases themselves the steel case component is produced here i believe they're buying that stuff overseas i don't know where but now is that to say that some american manufacturer is going to step in and fill the void for steel case ammo i have to say chad likely not the reason the reason i say that is because okay if you're set up to produce brass case ammunition right and you're selling you're back like think about federal for instance federal is backlogged right now for like nine to ten months or more so is like winchester and other ammunition so is every manufacturer so why would you invest in all this tooling to produce a piece of ammunition that you're gonna that people are gonna expect you to sell for less right why sell it for less when you could produce a commodity that you can sell for a higher profit margin and you know you're already backlogged on that commodity as it is and you know you can sell that commodity for more money a more premium product right with premium components no matter what we think about steel case ammunition it's always going to be viewed as a subpar commodity compared to brass case ammunition that's just the reality it is not as good of a quality product as a good brass case piece of ammunition so the point being is it doesn't mean that we're never going to see the steel case ammo ever again of course not there's going to always be a way to work around now does that mean that russian companies will invest in ammo companies and other countries in order to help uh still realize some profit potential off of what that company is doing to import ammunition in the united states that's neither here nor there that really is irrelevant because says right here all right new impending permit applications for the permanent importation of firearms and ammunition manufactured or located in russia manufactured or located in russia so if they set up a factory in the ukraine or whatever whoever right wolf already is producing ammunition in ukraine you've seen wolf ammo some of it says made in russia some of it says made in ukraine so where there's a will there's a way i'm sure the market will heal from it and one way or the other i think the biggest takeaway from this is while there may not necessarily be anything we can directly do about this because i think from everybody i've talked to it's an executive order from biden that has caused this to happen while we may not be able to do anything about it it doesn't mean that in the long term the market won't heal from that particular um you know it's it's terrible i mean i remember when they put the brakes on the chinese stuff right we were bringing in chinese firearms chinese ammunition tons of stuff right remember all the narenkos you could get norinco sks for 80 bucks because they were just dirt cheap you could get narinko 1911s narenko m14s all of that stuff can still be had in in canada and they were bringing in really good quality military spec chinese 762 by 39 ammunition actually have a box of it laying around somewhere it's kind of collectible nowadays but they were bringing by 18 makarov ammo they were bringing in probably i don't recall seeing any norinco 545 but i do recall seeing a lot of 9x18 and 762x39 but the point being you could get it and it was very very affordable and inexpensive and of course they put the brakes on the chinese stuff now they're putting the brakes on the russian stuff we already see that certain firearms already had the brakes put on them right like the sega ban they stopped bringing in a russian american army imports on the segas they stop bringing in vepers right which sucks because they're great aks and now they're they're basically saying an all-encompassing if it's from russia period we don't want it which sucks it's crazy um now like when eric you know was talking about some of the us manufacturers that produce steel cased ammunition now as we mentioned we're not import experts or anything like that okay of course but we know just enough to get in trouble most of the time but usually travel so i'm not sure uh you know how cases are imported uh i would assume that they're imported primed but they may not be primed uh previously so it may not stop the importation of cases if they're not considered you know ammunition in some court some kind of you know for importation purposes but um a lot of times the the u.s produced steel case ammo is certainly higher cost than its russian-made counterpart um now companies like barnall brown bear silver bear you know those the bear brands and whatnot those are all russian produced correct so you won't be seeing any of that for a while and these sanctions there is a timetable on these sanctions just so you know um the sanctions can only be lifted after 12-month period if the executive branch determines and certifies to congress that russia has met several conditions described in the chemical and biological warfare act see including providing reliable assurances that will not use chemical weapons in violation of international law is not making preparations to use chemical weapons in the future is willing to allow international inspectors to verify those assurances and making a restitution to mr navalny all right so if if russia meets these criteria then the importation of russian ammo will be potentially reinstated um now one of the all right potentially all right but you know this is the government that we're talking about here so how many times have you ever known for the government to take something away and try and give it back not very often but anyways no just in theory it's it's here so but anyways all right look one of the other things and this is what really sucks all right early in the video eric mentioned that steel case ammunition all right for just normal everyday joe to go out and shoot and plink with and stuff train with accounts for 40 to 45 of the entire market for ammunition in the united states all right so what happens when you take away that 40 percent of ammunition all right all the current problems that we are seeing right now with not only ammunition supply availability and price are going to be exacerbated so you're going to see longer wait times for ammunition to come in you're going to see higher prices on brass case ammunition so brass case prices were coming down right so now you're going to probably start seeing brass case ammunition prices trickle back up again all right and supply and demand we talk about this is common economics all right you're taking away 40 of the supply overnight like that because the people are already out there panic buying okay and god i i hate panic buying so much it happens in so many different facets of the economy and i especially hate it when it happens in the gun industry because it's just ridiculous you know it's like oh oh they're banning it so i need to go get it well why didn't you have a small stockpile to begin with like we've been telling you for years all right you know so here's another way to think what if overnight okay just hear me out all right here we go what if overnight you realize that there were 40 more gun owners than there was yesterday all right think about what that would do to the ammo supply guns magazines just general gun world that we currently exist in it'd be pretty crazy right so this this current run on ammo and guns and supplies that we're seeing that's at the current rate that's at the current amount of gun owners they basically just artificially increase the amount of gun owners by 40 percent overnight by reducing the quantity of ammo ammo that's available in a way because now yeah there may not physically be more gun owners but you're going to have the the economical effect as if there were though because now you've drastically decreased the supply of available ammunition in some cases steel case no pun intended is the only type of ammunition some people can even afford to begin with at all right so now you're disenfranchising an entire group of people who might not be able to afford to pay 90 cents for a round of ball ammunition or or pay a dollar 65 or 1.75 for a defensive carry round for their glock or something so that's pretty scary so i have to certainly question uh the overall motives if not the overall thought process of biden and the state department when they come up with decisions like this i mean have they put in the proper time to actually properly engage the economical impact uh the impact on american jobs the impact on american industry the impact on the rights and liberties of american civilians uh the ability of us to properly exercise our second amendment rights train uh protect ourselves i mean all of these are factors that must be properly weighed and considered before you know all right they're trying to you know essentially slap russia on the wrist but what cost does that slap on the wrist have to americans i mean you have to wonder have they properly considered the costs and you have to pretty much assume that they have not completely considered every single economical and impact and the impact on people's liberties that this is going to have they simply do not care about those impacts they in fact dare i say know exactly what they're doing with this and they know that this is a gun control push more than it is a slap on the wrist to russia and that's what's so frightening about it right we just sent we we just allow billions of dollars worth of equipment to fall into the hands of the taliban okay ammunition bombs guns vehicles drones technology equipment you name it night vision uniforms helicopters you name it tons of equipment that your tax dollars paid for and right now all of this scrutiny that he is under and that the state department's under the department of justice is under the military's under you know they're all under a microscope right now there's folks on all sides of the political spectrum that are really pissed at them about this about the way this was handled no one is denying that we needed to leave afghanistan right people on the left and right are going yeah let's get the heck out what they're mad about is how it happened and the lack of leadership that caused the situation to digress in such a way that it did so you're going to tell me you're bringing all these people over here you're letting you know you let all this equipment fall in the hands of these people all right and i see that neither here nor there that's water in the bridge there's nothing that can be done about that now but then your answer your answer to to life's questions is we should ban russian guns and ammunition and not consider the economic impact that it's going to have on american companies american importers american sovereignty and freedom and our ability to ex you know exercise our second amendment rights i mean that's what's frightening about this you know that's the best you can do like that's what's crazy about it that's the best they can do you know well you ever seen the meme of rick in the pawn shop there for pawn stars i know y'all seen that that meme you know where that where the person brings in the thing to pawn it and rick says best the best i can do is this that's what this is all right an american came into pawn stars and asked rick hey you think we could buy back some of those taliban guns or you know hey could maybe we you know remove all these items from the nfa that you just gave to all these people so americans can own the same thing like that's all we really want is to be armed as good at least toe-to-toe is our enemies right like that's fair and then rick say well the best we can do is ban russian firearms and ammunition like that's their answer that's really the best they can do or or the meme where it says nobody and yeah there's a ban on russian ammunition it's like who in a million years when the the masses are out with pitchforks and torches right and demanding scalps like all right how is that your answer like you did they not see the crazy run that is being made on firearms and ammunition right now and your best answer is we're going to put the brakes on 40 of the us usama supply that's their answer that's literally their answer hmm well never let a good crisis go to waste well i'm a manual that seems to be their not only their mantra but their their their general their first general order i really feel like you know these sanctions like like eric mentioned they're not really intended to punish russia as much as they're you know just a way to punish u.s gun owners uh from an administration that obviously has a complete distaste for guns and gun owners as a whole um well here you know here not over there oh no not here here um but it almost seems like just a stab sometimes just because okay well uh legislation gets stalled in congress because congress can't get their act together okay that's what's been said in the past by this administration um so we're going to take matters from our own hands right and we're going to get what we want one way or the other so they're just taking tiny little stabs at gun ownership and the second amendment as a whole so it's just one of those things we'll just have to kind of wait and see um what happens with this but hopefully some more details will come out as some of the manufacturers and the importers and such will you know release maybe a little bit more detail on how this is going to affect the market as a whole uh in the coming months but initially i mean it's just it's crazy out there i mean just you you've seen like i i can't tell you how many emails i've gotten in the past 48 hours from all these different websites that i don't remember ever having any affiliation with somehow i got put on their list and it's just steel case ammo going fast and you go and you look at it and a thousand round case of steel case uh like tula 556 uh has gone up five six hundred yeah it's gone up from 300 bucks to 499 or 569 right nine mil has gone up to 60 cents a shot to match a lot of the brass case stuff you know and it's just sanity and like i said before all the latecomers who are woefully unprepared and do not listen they listen about as good as my children do like a bag of rocks to advice it's like go out and buy some ammunition i don't tell my kids to go buy ammo but i wish they could um but you know go buy ammunition stock up while it's cheap buy it cheap stack it deep as the old you know adage goes right but or you can just get it for free like to tell oh yeah dude that's nice i mean do i need to put on an address will they drop a truck with a disco on top and create an ammo on my doorstep look i did see a funny jeez man that's all funny what's a guy got to do with thor right from the marvel movies and all he's like uh well it's like well the administration's not going to give you any ammunition and firearms it's like well if i dress like this yeah yeah if i dress like this they will he pulls his like you know his cover over his face like a taliban soldier it's like if i dress like this maybe they will yeah it's just insane i mean it's just we think we think that we're getting a little bit ahead in this craziness that is the gun market right now and then we get thrown a brick right through the window prices were trying to come back down on a variety of different ammunition and um i think you will see a run on steel case as chad said but i also think that there's a little bit of a reverse psychology uh aspect that comes into play here you know when you see a website posting oh well we've got steel case ammo a thousand round case for 600 bucks and you think oh my gosh because this person is telling me i won't be able to get still case ammo buy it now if you wouldn't buy it for four hundred dollars a case or 350 a case why don't you buy it for five or six hundred dollars a case because people wanted like that for one right so it's like you're being conditioned to think that oh i should buy it just for whatever reason for any cost just because it's not going to be available anymore at least that's what you're being told but when reality you know if you are savvy and you keep your um your eyes peeled you know there's ammunition that you can buy good brass case you know um m855 if you're looking for five five six for you know 70 cents a shot maybe 80 cents for the good stuff and yeah it's more than than that that 600 case of steel case but it's also way better with a better projectile more consistent velocities way better overall quality control i mean guys remember steel case ammo is cheap for a reason not only because it can be purchased so cheaply from by the importers and brought in by the well previously brought in by the ship loads and everything raw material cost and bought in such you know large quantities you can get the price down but that low price comes at a cost right i mean has anybody ever said oh i can't wait to go into a miniature dirt war with my steel case ammo well other than like quality seven and six or you know some of the really good uh imported steel case military ammo like you know the real deal russian 762 by 25 or 54 or seven and six uh i know for a while i don't want to get off in the weeds on this because i know this video is getting kind of long but um i remember when you could buy the russian surplus 762 by 54r svd match grade ammo is a 200 grain ball uh hollow point boat tail round and it was like the best match grade ammo that you could possibly get for your svd or pso right it's like a heavy uh match grade round and you you pull this stuff out you open up the can and it's just really nicely packaged and it's packaged in the same way that like the russian ammunition or the standard light ball ammo is and the little paper cartridges but you open it up and man it's just pretty brass case and nice annealing good quality projectile nice sealed primer i mean you know really good powders i mean so it's not everyone associates all this cheap ammo with poor quality because of the the lower cost but they don't realize that these companies in russia china they can produce really good stuff as well like they can make ammo just as good as any anybody else it just comes down to what the importer wants to buy and if they say hey send me the cheapest crap you got then they're obviously going to send the lowest common denominator around that they possibly can whether they can make for the cheapest so guys don't worry too much over this right do not go out and overpay for still case ammo it's completely absurd don't do it don't do it wait a little while let things calm back down and look if you just really must have ammo and instead of paying those crazy prices for steel case ignore that noise and buy brass case good quality brass case save up a little money and pay a little more and get the good brass case stuff don't over pay for that steel case crap because the more you overpay for it the more they're going to charge and it's going to make the the process even worse right look if you're real savvy what you do savvy savvy if you're real savvy what you do is you go and shoot at a range where you can actually pick up your own brass make sure they don't have one of them asinine rules where the brass hits the floor and it becomes theirs nah so run a brass catcher or something but shoot all that ammo up if you don't reload and you have no interest in it look the reloading market right now is pure insanity keep your brass tumble it if you got a buddy with a tumbler sell it and recoup some of your initial cost and by the time you recoup that brass cost you might be back down there where steel ammo or steel cased ammo used to be all right so if you're real savvy and you got a little time on your hands and a little bit of you know just initiative that's right you can find ways to save money on ammo costs also look um i know this may not benefit as many people in the most direct way that you might think but just think about like this as well you know we've done videos on like the cmmg conversion kits that you can drop in for 22 long rifle you could totally get you a 22 conversion kit for your ar and get a few conversion mags from cmmg we've done videos on it it uses your existing barrel you can buy 22 still at a very very fair price although sure the price is more expensive on 22 but if you want to use a 22 trainer or pick you up a 22 pistol to train with you can still get some trigger time and get some training in without going broke and that ammo is available so might be something to consider although i mean the price is higher it's still considerably lower than steel case ammo was originally some of the 22 i've seen recently 17 18 cents a shot the cheapest stuff it was like 11 cents a shot i'm like oh god man it's just i remember when the cmp right now this is this has been this has been a long time ago guys i'm sure giving my age away but i remember when the cmp had these big old mylar wrapped like cases of 22 ammo it was 40 grain solid uh lead nose match ammo and i think i did the calculation when i bought it it was like 1.9 cents a shot but you know you have to buy it in this big container or whatever but it was like mylar seal you know military grade training uh slash competition ammo for like two cents a shot i mean it was just so ridiculously cheap they're practically giving this ammunition away aguila ammo when i when i bought some a while back it was literally like 189 for 5 000 rounds wow i mean we're talking like just we're talking like less than a penny a shot yeah and those days are gone i mean and you won't ever find those deals again even moving forward in the future once the dust settles with everything and say say that the ammunition market just kind of gets back to a regular steady pace right and there's plenty of ammo out there the prices will never be what they used to be just because of things like inflation you know i want to leave you with this thought just make your shots count you know what i mean if you're going to train if you're gonna go out and shoot if you're gonna whatever you're gonna do hunting anything make your shots count you know let every trigger pull have a purpose right you know if you're gonna go out and train train with a purpose right you know make that time that you spend behind your gun count right ammo prices are not getting any cheaper anytime soon so we have to navigate these waters in the most responsible way possible and that means fully realizing your training potential and making every round work for you in every way possible and you know that's different for every person in every situation but we hope that you enjoyed today's video and we hope that you'll understand that this is a very screwed up thing and we hate it and we strongly disagree with it and it seems that we are being subject to death by a thousand paper cuts and i wish that there was some way um that this could go away but unfortunately there's it's it's very very nerve-wracking to see this situation you know evolve the way it has to where you know they can bypass the checks and balances that this country is founded under and make these arbitrary decisions that are clearly not based in any form of logic that they've used to determine the impact on american citizens and american commerce and that's very terrible i mean what happened to putting america first right i mean this is our country like why should we make decisions that hurt our countrymen and hurt our economy and don't allow our you know citizens to exercise their rights in the most affordable way possible at a time right now when tons of people are out of work you know there's just all this craziness going on and people need to pinch their pennies more than ever and you're gonna take away one of the most useful and inexpensive commodities in that particular vein of the second amendment and disenfranchise a huge group of people that rely on the ammunition for training and even self-defense right it's just seems highly illogical and i hope that if you came into this video maybe not understanding uh where this kind of stuff comes from you know maybe you can see the light and see the the you know both sides of the fence and how this type of stuff ends up panning out it's just it's highly unfair it's very draconian and it's highly suspect that they've even given this the slightest bit of thought so have a good one guys thank you for watching today's gun gripe uh we have many more on the way and look there's going to be a bunch of them down the pipeline all right lots of gun gripes coming out this week there's a ton of crap going on that we have to discuss i hope you understand we're not trying to fill your feet up with all kind of random stuff but it's very important to us uh i i can speak for chad when i say that this is something that we are very passionate about and we feel that we all need to be very very involved in things that are going on and we need to be ambassadors to our rights and we need to keep our ear to the ground on everything that's going on because if you know it will go away if we don't you know keep our keep our eyes peeled right so um just bear in mind there's going to be a lot of videos coming i hope you understand that we're just trying to put information out there for anybody that'll listen so thank you very much a big thank you to all of our patreon supporters you guys rock thank you for supporting us monthly also we've got some great man cans for sale on the site i don't know which one's up for sale right this very moment but we've got some great man cans for sale if you want to support the channel also go to ballistic inc pick yourself up some snazzy t-shirts like the one chad's wearing here and those are ways that you can support us directly if you wish to do so have a great day many more videos on the way and we'll see you soon see you guys [Music] you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 145,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, ar15, ar, ar-15, ar 15, 2a, freedom, liberty, gun rights, gun control, top 5 guns, top 5, meltdown, guns, gunsmithing, gun gripes, life liberty and the pursuit, russian ammo ban, russian sanctions, wolf, tula, russian ban, gun gripes russia
Id: pe5eX6x0gWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 46sec (2206 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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